有人拿到a global offer 中文banking summer internship的offer吗

发信人: sprano (珍爱生命), ▎ Yinj sheng .com▎_Intern
题: HSBC Global Banking Advisory - Summer Internship
发信站: 日月光华 (日14:28:46 星期四)
针对2011年毕业的学生。请注意简历投递截止日期为“18 September 2009 (Friday) ”
Are you looking for a challenging but rewarding summer opportunity? There’s n
o better place to be than HSBC!
As the world’s local bank, approximately 128 million individuals and business
es around the world count on HSBC to help them achieve their financial goals.
They are served by our 295,000 employees in 9,500 offices in 86 countries and
territories across Asia-Pacific, the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
We are recognized for combining our global reach with local knowledge, a wide
range of products and services, and the expertise of o
ur people.
Global Banking & Markets is an emerging markets-led and financing focused busi
ness that provides tailored financial solutions to major government, corporate
and institutional clients worldwide. With offices in more than 60 countries a
nd territories, we are managed as a global business offering our clients geogr
aphic reach and deep local knowledge. Our clients are served by teams that bri
ng together relationship managers and product speciali
sts to develop financial solutions that meet their individual needs.
With offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Jakarta, Mumba
i and Ho Chih Minh City, Global Banking Advisory (also known as Strategic Tran
sactions Group) Asia-Pacific represents a professional team of bankers offerin
g deep market and product knowledge and first-class execution to clients in th
Leveraging on our global platform and the extensive client network of the HSBC
Group, our investment bankers focus on the origination and execution of cross
-border and domestic corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions assignment
s, divestitures and financial restructurings, and the provision of a range of
strategic financing solutions to our clients involving international and domes
tic debt and equity capital markets, and leveraged fin
A summer internship at HSBC is an enriching programme which will give you hand
s-on experience working in a global financial institution and will help you de
cide whether a career in investment banking and at HSBC is right for you. The
2010 Global Banking Advisory Summer Analyst Programme offers penultimate year
undergraduates (graduating in 2011) an 8-to-10 week placement either in the Ho
ng Kong and/or one of our regional offices between Jun
e and August 2010. You will have the opportunity to gain vital experience in y
our chosen team and test yourself in a world-class workplace. The summer analy
st programme will also provide us with an opportunity to assess your skills, t
alents and future potential, with a view to offering you a full-time analyst p
osition in 2011.
As a summer analyst with us, you will experience what it will be like to be a
part of a 100 plus elite team of investment banking professionals in the most
exciting and dynamic part of the world. During the 8-to-10 week programme, you
will complete a comprehensive induction programme, be fully integrated into a
core business area and make a valuable contribution to real transactions. You
will enjoy a busy calendar of business briefings, tec
hnical and soft skills training, workshops and social events. From the day you
join, you will be assuming responsibilities similar to those of our full-time
analysts. You will be encouraged to become an active team member and you will
work alongside, and learn from experienced bankers covering our different geo
graphic and sectoral businesses. You will also have the opportunity to be invo
lved in various aspects of our profession from business
origination to live deal execution. There will be regular performance feedbac
k and discussions with your managers on your strengths and development areas.
You will also have advice and encouragement from your mentor and buddy.
This is a very demanding and challenging role. Academically, you will need a 2
.1 honours degree or Second Class Upper Division or minimum GPA of 3.2/4.0 or
75-85% in percentage-based system or equivalent, preferably in finance or an a
ccounting related field. Fluency in written and spoken English and Chinese (Ca
ntonese or Mandarin) or a key Asian language is extremely desirable. However,
personal qualities are just as important as qualificat
ions. You will need to demonstrate that you strive for excellence. You will ne
ed to have immense determination and commitment, coupled with strong business
acumen and commercial sense. You must generate ideas and solutions quickly, mu
st be resilient and be able to perform well under pressure. You also need to b
e a good communicator and team player with a strong interest in the global fin
ance market.
All applicants are required to submit their cover letter and resume in a singl
e file (Word/ PDF format) to
by 18 September 2009 (Friday). L
ate applications will not be accepted. Please put a remark “Application for H
SBC Global Banking Advisory Summer Analyst Programme” as a subject in an emai
l for the purpose of differentiation. Should you have further inquiries about
our programme, please contact your career office.
※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.·HTTP [FROM: 10.51.221.*]
 www.jiesheng.com  An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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职员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
刚刚接到的电话,说是给我offer了,算是终于找到实习了。在找实习期间,应届生给了我很大帮助呀,所以把自己的经历写出来,希望能帮到大家。首先介绍我面的职位,不是前台,而是IB Operation 的summer internship. 在我准备的时候搜了一下,发现介绍美林面试的帖子比较少…其实,现在回想起来,整个过程像是注定的一样,尤其是我网申test和phone interview通过的比较诡异。1.
网申:早早就做了onlineapplication,然后傻乎乎的,在没有搜索任何网申test的情况下,我竟然就把online test给做了。更为悲剧的时,在我做的时候,可能是用的不同的浏览器,右上角竟然没有时间提示。结果,我还有6道题,整整6道题都没有做得情况下,网页自动关闭了。我当时就懵了,然后就完全放弃了美林。因为我同学说错一道就没得面了。所以想自己肯定是没有希望了。更为打击我的是,我做完了之后才发现,应届生上竟然有牛人已经为大家post出来题和答案了。所以,提示大家,在做test之前,一定要上应届生搜一下呀。2.
电面:过了很久了,我也早已为没希望了。有一天在图书馆准备中期考,结果一个电话过来,我一接,就是美林的HR,为我可不可以现在做一个简短的interview。又是一个巨大的错误,我当时脑子一热,就答应了。在没有任何准备,也没准备过的前提下,就答应了。在此提示大家:若是没有准备好,一定要说 in class,然后再约个时间,不然很悲剧。我就傻傻的接了。然后HR问Why Merrill Lynch, why this department. 我竟然失败到要问HR,which department? 我真是完全不记得了。结果后续很多问题,我都是很真诚的 I don’t know, Sorry. 很是失败,当时真想挂电话不说了。结果在结尾,HR竟然邀我去参观公司了。3.
Company Tour: 就是参观,然后听介绍。然后分小组,每个小组轮流和当时在场的7,8位经理等聊天…又是没有准备,所以也没提出什么好问题来,旁边的印度人一个劲地说呀。4.
Assessment Center:参观完,发邀请去AC,准备了一下,看了很多面经,然后准备了一些问题。这里要说一句,这中间我被一个大公司给拒了,那家的phone interview 竟然都要45分钟,然后狂轰乱炸完,竟然还给拒了。不过那个电面虽然失败了,却给了我很好的一个基础去提高,以至于我再去面美林,就自信多了,面对没经历过的问题反映也快乐很多。ML的AC就是一个小组面试( case study)+2个manager轮流单独面。整个过程大概4个小时。Case study 很不一样,出题的角度有点怪,给的信息量很少,不过重要还是看个人表现。我们组又有一个印度人,不停说,而且还在 Credit Suisse实习过,算是很牛了,就看他表演了,time control的工作也被他抢走了。不过,我趁大家刚看完case准备开始讨论时,提了几点建议,顺理成章的当了leader。我觉得只要不是太aggressive, 懂得尊重别人,当leader其实挺好的,最起码注意会多点。然后大家讨论,最后present. Group discussion 之后就是大家轮流进小房,面manager。都是比较基本的问题,没有technical questions. 所以只要自信,be yourself就可以了。 基本就是这些了,过了1个礼拜,心惊胆跳了一个礼拜,终于等来了好消息。呵呵,在这也祝大家好运了~~
项目经理, 积分 196, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
职员, 积分 50, 距离下一级还需 70 积分
汗,back office竟然offer比front office发得还早
职员, 积分 72, 距离下一级还需 48 积分
可以具体说一下face to face interview的细节么?我明天要面了好紧张啊!
项目经理, 积分 183, 距离下一级还需 67 积分
项目经理, 积分 240, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
lol. u serious? i dont think merrill lynch is so easy to get in though. a single mistake is disastrous. let alone the many mistakes u made..
职员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
职员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
现在跟你说,会不会晚了,就是问 leadership, conflict, achievement, what do you know about this department, what can you bring to the company...其他实在是不记得了,都是挺常见的问题
职员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
I am very serious. I know that ML is not easy to get in. However, I do have a very good background and I did a good job for the final interview. More importantly, this is an internship for back office. Therefore, it may not be that tough.
地区经理, 积分 905, 距离下一级还需 295 积分
求职中, 积分 13, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
求职中, 积分 13, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
项目经理, 积分 137, 距离下一级还需 113 积分
LZ好。很高兴认识你。我也是拿到ML global markets operations summer internship Singapore.不知道跟你的是不是一样的。但是我拒绝了他们的offer。
我有点不同意前面的留言。我觉得ML其实很好进的。当时跟我一起AC的人都很平平,没什么竞争力。我估计应该是因为我们面的是back office。
职员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
项目经理, 积分 137, 距离下一级还需 113 积分
地区经理, 积分 769, 距离下一级还需 431 积分
can u tell me hw many phones interview do u have?
they said they will call me again =.=
职员, 积分 39, 距离下一级还需 81 积分
这个很有用啊! 谢谢楼主(^^) 希望intern之后也可以分享经验~
职员, 积分 64, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
seclo 发表于
这个很有用啊! 谢谢楼主(^^) 希望intern之后也可以分享经验~
呵呵,intern结束了。今年的program真的很好,很多活动,很多networking。 认识了很多很优秀的朋友。在实习中,部门同事和经理也都很好,是一家文化很好的公司,推介一下,哈哈
项目经理, 积分 125, 距离下一级还需 125 积分
项目经理, 积分 153, 距离下一级还需 97 积分
well,LZ luky, RP...the application process is really tough,especially it is a internship,not a full-time.
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