
译者:unknown&&&&&发布时间:&&&&&超过 0 位网友阅读
I have been to some countries like Turkey Argentina Poland etc. In these countries they seem to be surprised when seeing a Chinese with stylish dressing or even a smartphone. I admit that China is still poor but come on if you go to an ordinary city or village in China it is just very common for a young person to be well-dressed and carry a smartphone.
Why people in manydeveloping countries(not developed countries)still think Chinese people are so poor to such a level considering the salaries in these countries are similar to China?
Let's check some statistics:
smartphone penetration:List of countries by smartphone penetration
20th China 46.9%
30th Poland 35%
37th Agentina 30.7%
38th Turkey 29.6%
第二十名:中国 46.9%
第三十名:波兰 35%
第三十七名:阿根廷 30.7%
第三十八名:土耳其 29.6%
Number of Fixed Wired Internet subscribers/population:
List of countries by number of broadband Internet subscxtions
Poland: 16.6%
Argentina 10.9%
Turkey 10.5%
Peter Yang Major in EE Senior student in stu
upxed May 31 R26; Upvoted by Charles Horne lives in China
The answer is quite simple. It is because the western media didn't tell the truth: that's their stereotypes views.
I'm from Western China and my hometown was defined to be the poor rural district by our government. Here it is...
As you can see in the map in my hometown there are many mountains out there and yes! Back to 10 years ago we were very poor and all the China's rural region were very poor. At that time we lived in this house...
As you can see at that time our living condition was not good. I remember when I was a child our food had very little meat because we couldn't afford it. But now it has changed and we moved into a new house. It looks like this...
We are not rich but we are not that poor. Every family has at least 2 some of t TV and Inte smartphone is very cheap in China (do you know about Xiaomi?); all my family mem and now I'm in university and about 1000 miles far away from my hometown but every weekend I can make a video talk with my parents because I know they miss me.
我们不富裕,但也不穷。每家都至少有两辆摩托车,有些家庭甚至买了小轿车。电视、宽带稀松平常。智能手机在中国非常便宜(你们知道小米手机吗?) ,我们家人手一部智能手机,如今,我在离家千里之外上大学,但是每个周末,我都会(能) 和爸妈视频聊天,因为我知道他们很想我。
My parents didn't have too much education: my dad can't even write his name correctly! So my dad can't get a stable job and he is a farmer-worker (农民工) in China. He builds houses for other families and earns some money but he has no insurance and no welfare security. Every penny is made by his hand and he feeds the whole family. But I think our life is OK and we don't have to worry about food shortage&the time of starvation has passed.
我的父母受教育程度不高,我爸甚至连他的名字都不会写。所以我爸找不到稳定的工作,他在中国被叫做农民工。他在建筑工地打工,但是没有保险也没有社保。他靠双手吃饭,并挣钱养活了我们一家人。(有些辣眼睛,为坚韧的中国人喝彩) 但是我觉得我们生活得很好,我们不必担心下一顿吃什么,饥荒一词,已成为历史的印记。
Urbanization in China has totally changed the view in the rural regions. In my hometown more and more people move to the cities and use their abilities to make money. When they have enough money they buy an apartment in the city and settle down and they won't do the farm work anymore. But some of them like my parents they don't want to leave their land so they plant crops just like this..
We don't rely on the crops to survive. In fact many people in my hometown didn't plant crops because they can buy their food. But my parents do that because they love their lands&they spent all their life to take care of it&and they can't live without their land!
Today more and more people live in the big cities with big houses. They are rich and they can buy anything they want but can we say they are happy enough? I don't think so. I think everyone needs something to support them in the world&not just money. While of course money can solve material problems it can't solve the spiritual problems. Some of them need religion a God and some of them need science and philosophy. But for my parents they don't know what communis they don't know what democracy is and what the Great Firewall of C they don't care who is take charge of the country&what they care about is their land their crops the land is their dependable &God.& When they can eat the food they plant by their own hands they are happy enough.
And the young people in the rural areas they know how to dress up to catch others' attention and they like fashion and trends. For example as a college student I'm not rich and I'm from a &poor& countryside but I have iPhone iPad and computers. This is very common in China. If you use iPhone no one but if you can buy a big house in Beijing Shanghai or Shenzhen then they may think you are rich.
Urbanization in China has changed many people's life. On one hand it makes us rich and we don't have to worry about our next meal like 15 years ago. But on the other hand many people in China especially the young generation they leave their hometown and their land to struggle in the big cities. They work for money and endure a lot of pressure. For some of those people they have no roots! They forget who they are they forget where they belong&all they want is money and they ended up lost in their life.
In a famous Chinese movie called Happy Together (春光乍泄) directed by Karwai Wong (王家卫) there was a memorable line.
&Finally I understood the reason why he could be happy when he wanders outside. It's because he knows there's always a home for him to return to.&
As a young generation in China whether my country is poor or rich I whether my hometown is poor or rich I still love it. Maybe one day when I became very rich and bought a big house in a big city I would still remember that there's always a place for me to return to&it's home!
In summary: &N no right to judgement.& And so I welcome anyone to visit China :)
upxe in April 30:
Thanks for the many upvotes. Some friends in the comment section talked about the farmer-worker problem in China and so I want to show you more.
China has rapidly developed in the last decades because of the expenditures on infrastructure and industrial so China has millions of construction workers. My father is also one of them because he didn't have a well-educated background. He only went to primary school so even as a Chinese he can't say Putonghua (Standard C our official language though my hometown has its own language) and write his name correctly. So the only jobs he can do are construction work. Construction work is of course very harsh and I can guess many of you have no idea how it is like to be working under the hellish heat of the sun! But I know.
Two years ago when I finished my high school and went to university I had a three-months-long holiday. So at that time I followed my father to do construction work&we built a primary school for the local people in the rural area.
The school looks like this...
And this...
And back then was around July in China the hottest month in a year. In the midday the temperature could surge to 40+ ℃ and working with that heat is very tough...
I had to drink lots of water or else I'd be down with a heatstroke. When we worked for a while we would rest for a bit. And nowhere was as cooling as this place...
Here my father and uncles are working together...
And this is my job in the very hot weather. At the time I was just got 18...
After three days my skin was almost fried to black by the hot sun and my father persuaded me to go home. He said I was not the man who could do this kind of work&I was almost crying at that time too tired to work anymore and all I wanted was to run away and go home to have a shower and sleep&so the boss gave me ¥500 for my three days of work. When I got the money I quit and left my father there. It was then when I came to know how hard it is for my father to earn money to feed my family and I told myself that I'd study harder and get a better job.
My father can earn about ¥250 a day but my uncles can earn about ¥400+ a day. For some proficient worker they can earn more and it can go up to ¥500+ a day which is almost $100 in one day. I think no matter what kind of jobs you are doing the more job skills you master the higher pay you will get. Because this work is quite hard my father won't do it everyday. He usually does this work for just 15 days in a month and for the rest of his time he stays home and takes care of his crops. My mother didn't get a job because her physical health is not really well.
I know that some people may judge people like my father and think he's a lower class and are ashamed of them but here I want to tell you that they are the most respectable people in China&it's those people like my father who build the country and improve our living not the politicians and bankers. Look around where you are living and working right now: the apartments the city buildings the roads... Many construction workers have given their utmost effort to build it.
我知道,有些人会将我父亲这类人视为下等人, 并以他们为耻。但是我要在这里告诉你们,他们才是中国最值得尊重的人。是这些人建造了国家,改善了我们的居住条件,而不是政客和银行家。回头看看你住的地方,你工作的地方,公寓、城市建筑、道路&大量的建筑工人投入了他们最大的精力去建造它们。
Many construction workers like my father have only a little education so they have no choice but to do the heavy work. Those people will persuade their children to have a better education. And now in China people like myself from the rural area can
the university fee is not too expensive (about ¥5000 a year); every year we can borrow ¥6000 from the bank and we don't need to pay the interest since our government paid for us and that was the fee. Our government also has some special policies for students from rural places. For me I can receive about ¥3000 from our government. Also if your grades are good enough you can earn scholarships.
很多像我父亲一样的建筑工人没什么文化,他们别无选择,只能做重体力活。这些人会说服他们的孩子接受更好的教育。如今的中国,像我这样来自农村的孩子也能轻易的进入大学学习。学费也不太贵(大概5千人民币一年) ,我们每年可以向银行贷6千元的款,无需付利息,政府会帮我们支付利息。政府还有一些针对农村地区学子的特殊政策,比如我,就可以收到3千元的政府补助。还有,如果你够牛,还能挣到奖学金。
The young generation is the country's hope. After we have been well educated we can expect a good future for ourselves and for our country.
All the picture in my answer were shot by myself. If you want to post them in other places please ask me for the permission. Thanks for reading.
Mattias Petter Johansson 126 upvotes
Thank you very much this answer reminds be of what Quora once was to me and I wish would become again - the discovery of things that you don't know much about from first-hand-accounts by people.
十分感谢,这个回答让我再次想起了 Quora 曾经对我意味着什么,以及我对她的期望&&从人们的第一手报告中对你所知不多的事情进行的探索。
Elisabeth Winkler 17 upvotes
This is a wonderful account. It reinforces how important it is to value the land - our lives depend on it.&
Here in the UK family farmers are not valued and they are often paid below the cost of production. Land is expensive - it is seen as a financial investment rather than a place to grow food nurture the soil and feel spiritually connected.&
I will treasure this quote: &the land is their dependable God.& Yes!
Matthew Healy 21 upvotes
Great personal story it sounds like the story of my own father who is now an old man. &My father grew up poor in a small rural town during the Great Depression then was on a ship bringing cargo to various Pacific Islands during World War Two (and of course hoping his ship would not be hit by a torpedo). &After the war he was a Merchant Seaman for a while (on the docks of South America he learned some Spanish words that they do not teach in school). &Then he went to college and when I was born he was about to start his first faculty job as an Assistant Professor. &So my early life was quite different from what his had been.
Matthew Miller 20 upvotes
I am an American who now lives in China. I can tell you that China is a wonderful amazing country with the best of people. The Western idea that China is &a poor third world nation& is just wrong wrong wrong. Most Westerners who believe that have never traveled and probably could not even find China on a map. Do not worry friend: those of us who have actually been in China know how great it is.
Robert Free 19 upvotes
A charming story. Thanks. I often meet people like you in China and they are always friendly and hard working. I try to spend more in rural areas than the cities to support the economy there since nobody wants or needs charity but they want a successful business. It's great that the farms are still running because you can't eat money.
Nick Pan 18 upvotes
Proud to see there's Chinese think like you and sharing this in a foreign forum I'm a Chinese currently stay in Singapore. I'm stucking in &job haunting here sick of working extremely long hours and see no hopes out of it. Maybe I need a job to realize myself or maybe I should just go back home. You've give me more power to me Thank you!
Siddharth Pathak 7 upvotes
As a fellow citizen from another developing country with a billion more people up top to you!&
I know exactly some of the things people who haven't lived or grown up in China or India or a similar place think about our lands - poor low productivity no internet BAD healthcare (why Americans then come to India for surgeries?) bad transportation (clearly the high speed rail in China is very ancient and so are all the Asian airports never mind the fact that they have been consistently ranked the best for some 20 years) and whatnot. The mental images are so out of place and imbalanced. Sure we have poverty and our own share of problems but this doesn't mean that there is nothing but problems and poverty in the lands between the Arabian Sea and East China Sea.&
But the thing that makes me angry the most is blindly making stupid ridiculous and false assumptions that unfortunately have massive repercussions. Like pushing for solutions that leave people far worse than they already are just so that Western people can sleep peacefully at night. In India we are building three nuclear reactors which as usual have made some NGOs mad. They don't even consider once that hundreds of millions of Indians just get a few hours of power. These NGOs sit in their AC cooled offices while making sure that rural people don't get to improve their lives. If its one thing I had to pick that I am most envious about China it is the total and absolute control the Party maintains over foreign influences on China. I don't give two bits about meaningless freedoms when the actual freedom of poor people to climb up to become wealthy and improve their lives is at stake.
I am really surprised that construction workers are able to earn 500 yuan per day! Is the industry heavily regulated and organized? Because in India we have a very loosely organized labor sector and also the wages are VERY low.
Jason Coston 2 upvotes
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for his answer. Ever since Quora has become infested with insincere people (mostly from my country) writing troll answers India specific answers I almost felt leaving it. But I think there is still hope now. This is a great read. India and China are natural clones in terms of how they can reach the top. This story further confirms that.
感谢他的回答。自从 Quora 被那些不够真诚的人(大部分来自我的国家)侵染,写下随随便便的回答、印度片面观点的回答,我几乎想离开它。但现在我想还有希望。这是一篇好文。印度和中国在他们如何才能进入顶级国家行列这方面是天然相似的,文中的故事进一步证实了这个观点。
David Vandenberg 31 upvotes
That's a nice story but the fact is that most western people will still think this is living poorly. I don't mean any offense but even in the poorest parts of Australia most people still have cars advanced infrastructure excellent healthcare and services.
The comments about the western media having some agenda to demonize china are bizarre. We have a free media and for the most part there is no hidden agenda behind stories on china beyond what stories people want to read.&
Unlike china western media isn't controlled by the governments and they aren't trying to demonize other nations.
BTW I have spent time in China and I can agree that the tier one cities like Beijing Shanghai Shenzhen Guangzhou etc are very modern. But there is still a lot of poverty in those cities by western standards.
There's a huge gap between rich and poor in china and the vast majority aren't living in beautiful apartments in the cities still.
Many apartments in the chinese cities are high density living similar to what they refer to in USA as housing projects. Most westerners would even consider this as living relatively poorly.
在中国,很多公寓的居住密度很高,就如同美国的住房建造计划一样(housing project:住房建造计划,是指由国家出资营造供低收入家庭居住的住宅区&&译者注)。大多数西方人都会认为这是一种相当贫困的生活。
Nicholas MacDonald 7 upvotes
To me one of the most fascinating things about living in China was living in a place where it seemed that everyone and everything was absolutely bent on progress and improvement much like the kind of can-do technocratic optimism that used to pervade the US. The standard of living your family had a few years ago wasn't all that different from that of my grandparents and great-grandparents in the early 20th century and their work and optimism built the country we have today. Thanks for posting this!
对我来说生活在中国最迷人的事情之一就是住在一个所有人和所有事都绝对趋于进步和改善的地方,这很像曾经弥漫于美国的&一切皆有可能& 的技术乐观主义。你家前些年的生活水平和20世纪早期我爷爷辈和太爷爷辈的生活没有太大不同,而正是他们那辈的工作和乐观主义才造就了我们现在的国家。感谢你的发言。
Simon Ho Wang 1 upvote
& but here i want to tell you they are the most respected people in China it's those people like my father build the country and make us living better not the politicians and bankers.&&
Let's not romanticize manual labor work. &Sooner or later a lot of manual workers will be replaced by robots. And China has to catch up with the west in more sophisticated technologies.
Louis Cohen 4 upvotes
Why do you blame western media for the news in developing countries? & What we read in the USA is that 1) there are many very wealthy Chinese buying real estate in the USA and luxury goods in Europe (fewer luxury goods since the crackdown on corruption) and 2) that Chinese manufacturing wages have risen to the point where Chinese factories are not competitive with other Asian countries for low skill low value manufacturing (eg textiles). &
Do you think the western media tell one story here and another on the wire services picked up by developing countries? &
If people in developing countries think China is still very poor it's probably because their political leaders have ordered the local
otherwise people might get angry at their leaders because China has grown richer and they haven't.
Carl Holzwarth 14 upvotes
I think here in California we're starting to stereotype Chinese as billionaires with loads of cash and definitely not poor. But seriously in my opinion within China if I could advise a Chinese on a lifestyle direction... I would say if you are out of the city and live in the country... STAY THERE!.....it's already happening that you are seeing benefits from technology and infrastructure and you can live a life much healthier than your urban counterparts. Someday you may even be renting out rooms to euro and american tourists (with some upgrades required).
David Feng 3 upvotes
&Use what's real to tell the truth.& Also: &Look at what's happening on the ground first before making your point.&
Jo&o Baptista 3 upvotes
&It is because the western media didn't tell the truth: that's their stereotypes views.&. In fact you're wrong. &Western media& doesn't portray Chinese as &very poor& and I don't know if the people in &developing countries& read &western media& that often... I'm westerner I read western media in fact I'm a western journalist so I write for the &western media& a strange concept since there are thousands of different corporate public or independent media out there in the west.&
What we really learn in the &western media& is that the Chinese are fast-forwarding out of poverty that a robust urban middle class is growing that industrialization infrastructure and urbanization are marching at light speed that the working wages are getting at level with the average in developed countries that the Chinese are buying companies and land all over the world and that Chinese millionaires and billionaires are booming. That's the general view that we get in Europe from &western media&. Your article is very interesting anyhow thanks for the insight.
I loved reading your story especially the part where you said that your parents love your land and find peace there. I could relate to many things that you said as I too come from a small town and I have seen my parents work hard for our livelihood. I am really glad that Chinese people are prospering. Your story gives me hope that may be soon people from all over the world can share such wonderful stories.
Waqar Rasool
I wonder if western media ever speaks truth about anything! Even for their own issues! They always keep ranting about the Chinese for communist propaganda but if you think about it they themselves are the masters of propaganda.
Thank you! Your story is about an ordinary life while your writings tell an inordinate human being. It really moved me to tears seeing such an idealistic and naive student in today&s materialistic China. You are a young man with love of your roots and you are surely the pride of your parents. Keep up you will have a happy and bright future! TST Young
谢谢, 你的故事很普通,但是你的心态很感人. 看到中国有这样纯真又傻气的年轻人,太让我感动了. 你虽然还只是个学生,但是,你的话充满了朝气和哲理,你是你父母的骄傲. 杨同学,保持你的理念,你会有一个光明的未来. 老杨
Jan Kulisek
An I am very glad you helped us to understand more about China. For me is your answer very interesting and I am wondering if this change - Your father is not educated and you are studying university - Does it happen all over the China?
Connie Arnold 13 upvotes
Thanks for sharing - great to read about you and your family's life. HOWEVER let me correct one inaccuracy: Western news is full of stories about RICH CHINESE. (And they're over here buying our houses throughout North America! &The joke is that Vancouver Canada should be re-named HAN-couver. Trust me - a lot of Westerners realize that China has come a long way.)
The reasons the stereotype of 'poor Chinese' persists is because all stereotypes persist long after the reality changes. What is your stereotype of Americans? A lot of Asians think we're mostly blond and constantly eat at MacDonald's. And often that we're mostly rich people. Not one of those ideas is true - and never was.
Paul Johnson 19 upvotes
I think it's because China has grown so quickly it takes time for the rest of the world to catch up. &Change in China is happening at a speeded up rate.
Michael D Williams 1 upvote
Your detail is wonderful but I have to take exception to your premise at the beginning: &&The answer is quite simple because the western media didn't tell the truth. that's their stereotypes views.
I'm from the west part of China my hometown was defined to be the poor rural district by our government&
So you fault western media for believing and repeating a lie perpetuated by your government? &Why would you expect western media to spend a great deal of time investigating something like this? &They have enough trouble investigating lies directly affecting people in their own back yard.
Dennis Huxley 2 upvotes
I am a sixty year old American in good health. I would love to come and stay in China for an extended period in order to learn Mandarin. I would like to stay with a rural family. In exchange I can work. I have been a builder in America and would love to learn Chinese way of building. I'm also interested in Chinese traditional medicine and Taoism.
James Barela 5 upvotes
Ok man. I'm ready for you to hate me but I backpacked mainland China for two months traveling the cities and countryside. First let me say I loved the people beyond measure. I know you have a lot of pride in your country but y'all poor.
In short if you haven't lived the western standard of living you might not realize how much better certain things could be. But our food is pretty terrible so you still win.
Josh Clemons
It&s pretty awesome that you shared that about yourself and your family your countryside and homeland are beautiful. Though I would like to mention something while the western media definitely is biased against the Chinese and Russian cultures&what you showed IS poor by American standards. Standards that the western media would be comparing them to. I would be highly concerned to live in the town you showed pictures of and I would never let any children I might have attend that school
For comparison&s sake I am not from a major city in the United States. I am from a tiny town (less than 5000 people)&and it is considered very poor for the United States&but it still doesn&t look like that. If a house like some of the ones in the foreground of the picture of your new home&were around where I grew up they would be condemned and knocked down for being unsafe or unsightly.
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