
Markdown 基本语法参考网址Markdown 基本语法 Markdown 指南中文版https://www.markdown.xyz/basic-syntax/Markdown 基本语法 Markdown 官方教程https://markdown.com.cn/basic-syntax更多精彩文章,欢迎微信搜索公众号:闵栋 Markdown 基本语法Markdown是一种轻量级标记语言,排版语法简洁,让人们更多地关注内容本身而非排版。它使用易读易写的纯文本格式编写文档,可与HTML混编,可导出 HTML、PDF 以及本身的 .md 格式的文件。因简洁、高效、易读、易写,Markdown被大量使用,如Github、Wikipedia、简书等。千万不要被「标记」、「语言」吓到,Markdown的语法十分简单,常用的标记符号不超过十个,用于日常写作记录绰绰有余,不到半小时就能完全掌握。就是这十个不到的标记符号,却能让人优雅地沉浸式记录,专注内容而不是纠结排版,达到「心中无尘,码字入神」的境界 Markdown 基本语法心中无尘,码字入神Markdown 标题语法要创建标题,请在单词或短语前面添加#号#的数量代表了标题的级别例如,添加三个# 标识创建一个三级标题(

)### My HeaderMarkdown语法:# Heading level 1HTML语法:

Heading level 1

预览效果:Heading level 1标题示例:一级标题示例:Markdown语法:# 一级标题示例一级标题示例二级标题示例Markdown语法:## 二级标题示例二级标题示例 三级标题示例Markdown语法:### 三级标题示例三级标题示例 四级标题示例Markdown语法:#### 四级标题示例四级标题示例 五级标题示例Markdown语法:##### 五级标题示例五级标题示例 六级标题示例Markdown语法:###### 六级标题示例六级标题示例标题语法-最佳实践 不同的Markdown 应用程序处理 # 和标题之间的空格方式并不一致。为了兼容考虑,请用一个空格在# 和标题之间进行分割Markdown 段落语法要创建段落,请使用空白行将一行活多行文本进行分隔Markdown语法:I really like using Markdown. I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on .HTML语法:

I really like using Markdown.

I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on .

预览效果:I really like using Markdown.I think I'll use it to format all of my documents from now on .段落语法-最佳实践 不要用空格(spaces)或制表符(tabs)缩进段落Markdown 换行语法在一行的末尾添加两个或多个空格,然后按回车键,即可创建一个换行(
)Markdown语法:This is the first line. And this is the second line .HTML语法:

This is the first line.
And this is the second line.

预览效果:This is the first line.And this is the second line.换行语法-最佳实践 几乎每个Markdown应用程序都支持两个或多个空格进行换行称为结尾空格(trailing whitespace)的方式,,但这是有争议的,因为很难在编辑器中直接看到空格,并且很多人在每个句子后面都会有意或无意地添加两个空格。由于这个原因,你可能要使用除结尾空格以外的其它方式来换行。幸运的是,几乎每个 Markdown 应用程序都支持另一种换行方式:HTML 的
标签来实现换行First line with two spaces after. And the next line. First line with the HTML tab after .
And the next line.First line with two spaces after.And the next line.First line with the HTML tab after .And the next line.Markdown 强调语法粗体(Bold)要加粗文本,请在单词或短语的前后各添加两个星号(asterisks)或下划线(underscores)。如需加粗一个单词或短语的中间部分用以表示强调的话,请在要加粗部分的两侧各添加两个星号(asterisks)。Markdown语法:I just love **bold text** I just love __bold text__ Love **is** boldHTML语法:I just love bold text. Love isbold预览效果:I just love bold textI just love bold textLove is bold粗体-最佳实践 Markdown 应用程序在如何处理单词或短语中间的下划线上并不一致。为兼容考虑,在单词或短语中间部分加粗的话,请使用星号(asterisks)。斜体(Italic)要用斜体显示文本,请在单词或短语前后添加一个星号(asterisk)或下划线(underscore)。要斜体突出单词的中间部分,请在字母前后各添加一个星号,中间不要带空格。Markdown语法:Italicized text is the *cat's meow*. Italicized text is the _cat's meow_. A *cat* meow.HTML语法:Italicized text is the cat's meow. Italicized text is the cat's meow. A cat meow.预览效果:Italicized text is the cat's meow. Italicized text is the cat's meow. A cat meow.斜体-最佳实践 当需要中间文字斜体推荐前后使用*Acatmeow.粗体(Bold)和斜体(Italic)要同时用粗体和斜体突出显示文本,请在单词或短语的前后各添加三个星号或下划线。要加粗并用斜体显示单词或短语的中间部分,请在要突出显示的部分前后各添加三个星号,中间不要带空格。Markdown语法:This text is ***really important***. This text is ___really important___. This text is __*really important*__. This text is **_really important_**. This is really***very***importanttext.HTML语法:This text is really important. This is reallyveryimportanttext.预览效果:This text is really important. This text is really important. This text is really important. This text is really important. This is really***very***importanttext.粗体和斜体用法的最佳实践 Markdown 应用程序在处理单词或短语中间添加的下划线上并不一致。为了实现兼容性,请使用星号将单词或短语的中间部分加粗并以斜体显示,以示重要。Markdown 引用语法要创建块引用,请在段落前添加一个 > 符号。Markdown语法:> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.渲染效果如下所示: Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.多个段落的块引用块引用可以包含多个段落。为段落之间的空白行添加一个 > 符号。Markdown语法:> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle. > > The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.渲染效果如下所示: Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.嵌套块引用块引用可以嵌套。在要嵌套的段落前添加一个 >> 符号。> Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle. > >> The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.渲染效果如下: Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.The Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.带有其他元素的块引用块引用可以包含其他 Markdown 格式的元素。并非所有元素都可以使用,你需要进行实验以查看哪些元素有效。> #### The quarterly results look great! > > - Revenue was off the chart. > - Profits were higher than ever. > > *Everything* is going according to **plan**.渲染效果如下: The quarterly results look great!Revenue was off the chart.Profits were higher than ever.Everything is going according to plan.Markdown 列表语法有序列表要创建有序列表,请在每个列表项前添加数字并紧跟一个英文句点。数字不必按数学顺序排列,但是列表应当以数字 1 起始。Markdown语法-1:1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item 4. Fourth itemMarkdown语法-2:1. First item 1. Second item 1. Third item 1. Fourth itemMarkdown语法-3:1. First item 8. Second item 3. Third item 5. Fourth itemMarkdown语法-4:1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item 3.1. Indented item 3.2. Indented item 4. Fourth itemHTML语法:
  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  4. Fourth item
渲染效果如下:First itemSecond itemThird itemFourth item有序列表-最佳实践 为了兼容起见,请只使用英文句点作为分隔符。无序列表要创建无序列表,请在每个列表项前面添加破折号 (-)、星号 (*) 或加号 (+) 。缩进一个或多个列表项可创建嵌套列表。Markdown语法-1:- First item - Second item - Third item - Fourth itemMarkdown语法-1渲染效果:First itemSecond itemThird itemFourth itemMarkdown语法-2:* First item * Second item * Third item * Fourth itemMarkdown语法-2渲染效果:First itemSecond itemThird itemFourth itemMarkdown语法-3:+ First item + Second item + Third item + Fourth itemMarkdown语法-3渲染:First itemSecond itemThird itemFourth itemMarkdown语法-4:- First item - Second item - Third item - Indented item - Indented item - Fourth itemMarkdown语法-4渲染效果:First itemSecond itemThird itemIndented itemIndented itemFourth itemHTML语法-1:
  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item
  • Fourth item
  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item
    • Indented item
    • Indented item
  • Fourth item
以数字开头的无序列表项如果你需要以数字开头并且紧跟一个英文句号(也就是 .)的无序列表项,则可以使使用反斜线(\)来 转义 这个英文句号。Markdown语法:- 1968\. A great year! - I think 1969 was second best .Markdown语法渲染效果:1968. A great year!I think 1969 was second best .无序列表用法的最佳实践 Markdown 应用程序在如何处理同一列表中混用不同分隔符上并不一致。为了兼容起见,请不要在同一个列表中混用不同的分隔符,最好选定一种分隔符并一直用下去。在列表中嵌套其他元素 要在保留列表连续性的同时在列表中添加另一种元素,请将该元素缩进四个空格或一个制表符,如下例所示:段落* This is the first item. * Here's the second list item. I need to add another paragraph below the second list item. * And here's the third list item.渲染效果如下:This is the first item.Here's the second list item.I need to add another paragraph below the second list item.And here's the third list item.代码块:代码块通常采用四个空格或一个制表符缩进。当它们被放在列表中时,请将它们缩进八个空格或两个制表符。Markdown语法:1. Open the file. 2. Find the following code block on line 21: Test 3. Update the title to match the name of your website.渲染效果如下:Open the file.Find the following code block on line 21:Update the title to match the name of your website.图片Markdown语法如下:1. Open the file containing the Linux mascot. 2. Marvel at its beauty. ![Tux, the Linux mascot](C:\Users\22922\Pictures\今天搬砖不狠明天地位不稳.jpg) 3. Close the file.渲染效果如下:Open the file containing the Linux mascot.Marvel at its beauty. lose the file.列表 可以将无序列表嵌套在有序列表中,反之亦然。Markdown代码:1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item - Indented item - Indented item 4. Fourth item渲染效果如下:First itemSecond itemThird itemIndented itemIndented item 4.Fourth item}


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