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外国网民评论:如果发生战争,哪些现代国家的军队绝对不能低估? 【美国知乎】
美国知乎链接:/What-modern-nations-army-should-definitely-not-be-underestimated-if-they-went-to-warWhat modern nation's army should definitely not be underestimated if they went to war?如果发生战争,哪些现代国家的军队绝对不能低估?&Andy Su Game of Thrones fan and a history buffupxed Nov 15 R26; Upvoted by JL Curtis 22 years active duty Navy 11 years enlisted 11 years commissioned all aviationI would definitely say the Big 3: Russia China and Murica. However this is pretty obvious so Ill include another country.首先我肯定要提一下三巨头:中国、美国和俄罗斯。然而,这三国的军力强大是无需赘言的,因此我要再说说另一个国家。United Kingdom英国The UK’s one of the few non-American countries that actually have aircraft carriers which is a pretty big deal. Plus they have an active military presence in several countries. The UK’s also one of the 5 recognized nuclear powers having around 160 nukes and 4 nuke submarines.英国是除美国之外的少数几个真正拥有航空母舰的国家之一,这可是很了不起的。此外,英国在几个国家有驻军。英国还是世界公认的五个核大国之一,拥有大约160枚核弹头和4艘弹道导弹核潜艇。The United Kingdom currently has around 150000 active personnel and 80000 in reserve. Their military spending is around 50 billion or 2% of the GDP.目前,英国大约有15万现役军人以及8万预备役人员,每年的国防开支大约是500亿美元,占其国内生产总值的2%。Even the United Kingdom has a small country and area anybody trying to attack it will likely suffer heavy losses while doing so. And as they say in the United Kingdom:尽管英国是个小国,但如果有任何人试图进攻英国,都将会为此而蒙受惨重损失。Keep Calm And Carry On! ;)PS: DONT forget about the SAS and the Royal Marines.正如英国流传的一句话:保持冷静,继续前行。还有,别忘了英国特种空勤团和皇家海军陆战队。&================外国网民评论:================转载自【五毛网】Pranay Bhardwaj13 votes ShowTrust me mate nobody underestimates the British Armed forces. The history is very well know plus their training and NCO culture is rated the best in the world. Tha is the reason why armies from the world over send their officers to Sandhurst.相信我,伙计,没人会轻视英国的军事力量。这在历史上是广为人知的并且他们的训练和军士文化被认为是世界上最好的。这就是为什么世界上的军队把他们的军官送到桑德赫斯特(译者注:桑德赫斯特是英国皇家陆军官校所在地)I would think why have you placed Russia in the top 3? No demonstrated battle experience since WW2 and in Afghanistan they got their butts handed to them.The British are the ONLY credible fighting force in Europe. Other European forces are glorified marching bands.我在想为什么你把俄罗斯放在前三名,自二战以来他们并没有值得一提的作战行动,并且在阿富汗他们打得一团糟。(原意是:他们(俄罗斯)向他们(阿富汗)交出了他们的屁股)英国军队是欧洲唯一可靠的作战部队。其他欧洲国家的军队简直就是摆设-------------------------------------------David Chapman8 votes ShowThe photo of the fleet review is confusing the heck out of meIt’s not recent… Some of the ships on there have since been decommissioned/scrappedWhilst some of those ships are definitely RN - I’m pretty sure some are foreign这张舰队照片让我感到困惑。这并不是最近的.......其中的某些军舰好久前就已经废弃或者退役了。并且有些军舰确实是英国皇家舰队的-我非常确定这其中有些是外国军舰。-------------------------------------------Jonathan Seow20 votes ShowEngland by itself is not a country. UK is. I'd like to add that other than the UK there is another large military that is always forgotten and almost always underestimated. That is the Indian Armed Forces. With a total spending of 51.3 Billion USD in 2016 on its military and an Active Standing Army of 1.25 Million Soldiers (and almost another 1 Million Reserve) an AirForce with a mix of fairly advanced Russian and Western 4th Generation including Su-30MKI Mig-29UPG HAL Tejas (local variant based of the Gripen) F-16 Block 70 and a possible future expansion including the Sukhoi T-50 (Russia's latest Stealth Fighter) and a Navy with 2 Aircraft carriers 75 Surface Ships 15 Submarines and a Standing Nuclear Arsenal. Might I suggest that it may present a challenge even for the British Military?英格兰不是一个 国家,大不列颠才是。 我想说除了大不列颠之外还有一个国家的军事力量经常被忽略甚至经常被低估。那就是印度军队。印度2016年军费达到513亿美元,其2016年的常备军人数有125万(还有100万预备役)。印度空军综合装备了比较先进的俄罗斯和西方战机,包括Su-30MKI、米格29UPG、光辉战机(基于瑞典鹰狮)、F-16 Block 70,将来还可能拥有苏霍伊t-50(俄罗斯最新隐身战机);印度海军拥有两艘航母,75艘战舰和15艘潜艇;除此之外印度还有常备核武库。我可以说印度军队甚至可以成为大不列颠军队的一个挑战么?转载自【五毛网】-------------------------------------------Michael Jecks7 votes ShowMuch though I’d love to agree Britain is not in the condition you imply. First there are no aircraft carriers. The last was sold off some years ago. There are two being built but even when they are commissioned the Navy has only 19 ships. That’s not enough to protect a carrier. Oh and the aircraft intended for these two white elephants are not yet functioning. So it’ll be about 2020 before a ship can be operational. In terms of the army there are now some 80000 effectives. The RAF has some great pilots but not many of them. Basically the UK has some fabulous quality … but that would soon be expended in a serious conflict.尽管我很乐意赞同你的观点,但大不列颠军队不像你暗示的那样。首先没有航母。最后一艘在好多年前就卖掉了。现在有两艘航母在建但即使它们造好了海军也只有19艘船,根本不足以保护一艘航母。噢对了这两艘大白象也没有飞机用。所以大概2020年前都没有船可用。陆军现在大约有八万现役军人。皇家空军有一些王牌飞行员,但总数很少。基本上,大不列颠军队有些方面的质量还很不错……但是在剧烈的战争中会很快损耗掉。-------------------------------------------Henrik Oldcorn8 votes ShowAs a (half) Briton I’m flattered but you seem to be slightly overestimating our military. They’re indeed very good but there’s only one very new aircraft carrier (and another on the way) and it hasn’t actually got any planes on it (on when they finally arrive there’ll only be about 30); the Army has been shrinking over the years to around 80k personnel.Perhaps a better choice would have been France though it pains me to say it.作为一名(半)不列颠国民我受宠若惊,但你似乎有点过誉我们的军队了。我们的军队确实不错,但是只有一艘非常新的航母(另一个在建)然后现在没有飞机(等它们最后服役时也只会有30架);军队缩水了很多年,现在只有大概八万人。或许应该说法国军队更强才对,尽管这么说让我很心痛。-------------------------------------------Michael Gerner9 votes ShowIt's UK not England. (As in &the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland&. Great Britain comprises England Scotland and Wales.)I can quite understand the confusion from a foreign point of view but I am guessing the Scottish Welsh and Northern Irish members of the UK armed forces would obxt to just being called English. A little bit like my Canadian friends who get a tad upset when they are called Americans by us Brits.首先是大不列颠而不是英格兰(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。大不列颠包括英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士)。我十分能够理解外国人搞不清楚这个事,但是我猜苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰军人不会高兴被称为英国人。有点像我们英国人管加拿大人叫美国人时他们有点小小的不爽。-------------------------------------------Mike Rigley2 votes ShowWhile I agree the UK’s armed forces should be up there Just look at any period in history for proof……we don’t currently have any aircraft carriers! HMS Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales are not built yet! and when they do get into service it’ll be with no fixed-wing assets only helicopters. As the F35 Lightning II won’t be ready until 2020!(So please don’t invade just yet!)我同意大不列颠 的军力应该位列其中,历史上任何时期的记录都能作证……现在我们没有航母!伊丽莎白女王号和威尔士亲王号还没造出来呢!等它们入役时也没有能用的固定翼战斗机,只有直升机。F35雷电不到2020年都没有!(所以现在请不要发动侵略!)-------------------------------------------Jack Manaley19 votes ShowEngland isn’t a nation state and doesn’t have a military. The United Kingdom on the other hand…英格兰不是一个国家,也没有军队。大不列颠才是……Pinaki DasWell if UK wins in the future or not that’s a pure speculation but when I look at this country for a period of last 400 years it has only gone downhill. For example today UK can’t dream of defeating or conquering large parts of the planet which they did in 1600s neither if second world war happens today and a hostile France + Germany tries to cross over the English channel will face a formidable and invincible opposition which they faced in second world war. Even if Falkland war happens today I doubt UK will win as nuclear weapons have become too widely available - thanks to uncle Sam. UK’s most of strength today comes from being in NATO and with big brother US at sides otherwise those numbers and the spending (which is mainly quoted in raw dollars rather than adjusting to PPP) mean too much a punch at the battlefield in a conventional war and in a nuclear one there will nobody left to celebrate a victory (possibly).英国在未来究竟能不能赢得一场战争只是纯推测,不过当我看这个国家最近400年的历史时我发现大英帝国一直在走下坡路。比如今天英国做梦都不敢想征服这个世界在1600年代时被它征服的大片土地。另外如果二战发生在今天,法德联军在度过英吉利海峡时不会遭受在真正二战时来自英国的可怕且无法抵抗的打击。如果马岛战争发生在今天,我也不确定英国能不能赢,因为现在核武器已经大范围扩散了——多谢山姆大叔。现在英国最大的力量来自于北约成员国身份并且有山姆大叔站台,否则军队数量和军费(是美元计算的而不是人均购买力)在传统战场上给不出多强的一击,在核战争中我觉得没人能活下来庆祝胜利(可能吧)。-------------------------------------------Stan Brin3 votes ShowUsing a scenario of a confrontation between Britain and Israel over the island’s neutrality I compared the strength weapons and training of the two militaries and discovered that Britain wouldn’t stand a chance. It would be out gunned out trained and out fought and the Royal Navy would be chased out of the Med entirely.It wouldn’t even be close. The RAF is no match for the Israel Air Force.Let’s just hope that it never comes to that.如果假想英国和以色列发生岛屿争端,我比较这两个国家的军队的武器和训练之后发现英国根本没机会赢。以色列军队的武器和训练都胜过英国,皇家海军会被彻底赶出地中海。双方实力甚至谈不上相近,皇家空军根本打不过以色列空军。咱们只能希望战争永远不要发生。-------------------------------------------Jody Buxton7 votes ShowValid comments but I think France is the one to really watch they have the on non American Fleet carrier and it can operate all American carrier borne aircraft or its own wing of Naval Raphale’s.很有力的评论,但是我认为法国才有实力。他们有现役的非美国航母编队,可以起飞美国战机或者自己的阵风海军型号战斗机。-------------------------------------------John P. Muldoon3 votes Show“England” may have aircraft carriers. There are just no aircraft on them. Plus “England” got beaten to a draw by 500 IRA men kicked out of Helmand Province and southern Iraq. Totally overrated.“英格兰”可以有航母,但是没有战斗机。另外“英格兰”被500名爱尔兰共和军打出赫尔曼德省和南部伊拉克。完全是过分吹捧了。-------------------------------------------Gregory F. S. Peake4 votes ShowTwo aircraft carriers under construction none in active service.两艘航空母舰正在建设还没有开始服役呢。-------------------------------------------Huw JenkinsThe question was specifically about armies not air forces or navies.这个问题是针对陆军的,不是针对空军或者海军。-------------------------------------------The British Army is good and it is now very well equipped but it is modest in size. However there is a move towards increasing the size of the reserves which traditionally have been only a small part of the British Army compared to (for example) the US army.英国军队还不错,它现在的装备很好,但它的规模不大。然而,英国现在打算增加预备役的规模,传统上只构成英国陆军的一小部分,而美国的预备役数量就很多了。-------------------------------------------Clive E. SheffieldThe British have always had a small (compared to other countries) but elite fighting force. The RAF is one of the best air forces in the world. It’s special operations units are unsurpassed SBS SAS Royal Marine Commandos and Special Para Forces in addition to highly trained everyday soldiers sailors and airmen. The British intelligence services are legendary and their record speaks for itself. Great Britain is no doubt the strongest and most reliable ally to the US.英军虽然总是很小(与其他国家相比),但它都是精英。英国皇家空军是世界上最好的空中力量。它的特种作战部队也是无与伦比的。SBS(英国皇家海军陆战队特别舟艇部队) SAS(英国特种空勤团)除了这些还有日常训练有素的士兵,水手和飞行员。英国的中央情报局也是一个传奇,他们以前的记录本身就说明了这一事实。大不列颠无疑是美国最强大、最可靠的盟友。-------------------------------------------Michael Czapla2 votes ShowHow could you not include Israel?They have the most practiced army in the world. A better question would be ‘Which nations’ ARMED FORCES should not be underestimated?’ The ‘army’ is a vital but small percent of a nation’s armed forces. A well targeted cyber attack would incapacitate any modern country.你怎么能不把以色列包括在内?他们拥有世界上最训练有素的陆军。更好的问题应该是:“哪个国家的武装力量不该被低估?”。陆军虽然很重要,但只是一个国家武装力量的一小部分。一次有着很强针对性的网络攻击就能令任何现代国家瘫痪。转载自【五毛网】-------------------------------------------Duane WirdelDef the United Kingdom. The AVERAGE British soldier gets the trainng of a US Marine. The RAF is top notch and the navy will be rebuilt after Cameron disemboweled it. ALSO you forgot INDIA.绝对是英国。一个普通的英国士兵就能受到美国海军陆战队级别的训练。英国皇家空军也是顶尖的,而海军在被卡梅伦掏空之后,也终于要重建了。还有,你把印度给忘了。-------------------------------------------Richard TuttleIn reference to your statement of ‘5 recognized nuclear powers’ there are 8 states that are known to have nukes-USA Russia UK France China India Pakistan and North Korea. 9 if you add Israe though they've never admitted to it.5 is correct though as far as the designated nuclear weapon states under the 1970 Non Proliferation Treaty.关于你所说的“5个公认的核大国”,实际上大家知道有8个国家拥有核武器,分别是美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国、中国、印度、巴基斯坦和朝鲜。你还可以加上以色列,虽然他们从未承认拥有核武器。不过,如果你要说的是1970年的核不扩散条约所认定的有核国家,那么你说“5个”是没错的。-------------------------------------------Keith Bate1 vote by John St DominicThe UK at present does not have any Aircraft carriers (Sharing one with the French !) but there are a couple on the way.The overall quality of the British Armed forces is still second to non (SAS etc). But sadly it is the quantity that has been repeatedly eroded.We recaptured the Falklands in 1982 when military logic said we should have failed. But we could not do that today. But fortunately Stanley now has an airfield so any invasion could be repelled.大不列颠现在没有航母(跟法国合用一艘!),但是有几艘在建。大不列颠军队的整体质量仍然是一流的(SAS等等)。但令人悲哀的事,它的数量不断减少。1982年我们重新占领了马岛,尽管根据军事逻辑显示我们应该会输。但是今天我们做不到了。幸运的是在斯坦利我们还有一个机场,可以打退任何入侵。-------------------------------------------Karan Phougat1 vote by Rajath ShettyIndia is more powerful than UK I believe.我相信印度比大不列颠更强大。-------------------------------------------Buddy FrankWhy does everyone think American soldiers are so tough? America has a lot of fire-power yes fighter planes remote controlled drones naval ships missiles… but American individual soldiers? No!! We killed and destroyed by fire-power from fighter planes remote-controlled drones missiles… We sent American advisers and specialists to train our allies to fight. And our allies soldiers always lose. We are forever asking “Why their Vietnamese are better than our Vietnamese” “Why their Afghans are better than our Afghans” “Why their Iraqis are better than our Iraqis” “Why their Syrians are better than our Syrians” “Why… why… why” Have we ever asked ourselves why we lost the war in Vietnam? After over 15 years we are still fighting in Afghanistan? in Iraq? in Syria? in the Middle East? It’s time we should examine our own fighting techniques/methods.为什么大家都觉得美国士兵很强?美国火力非常强大——没错,战斗机,远程操控无人机,海军导弹……但是美国单兵?不!!我们依赖战斗机、远程操控无人机导弹去杀戮和毁灭……我们派遣美国顾问和专家去训练盟友的军队,然后我们盟友的军队经常打败仗。我们永远在问“为什么他们的越南人比我们的越南人强?”“为什么他们的阿富汗人比我们的阿富汗人强?”“为什么他们的伊拉克人比我们的伊拉克人强?”“为什么他们的叙利亚人比我们的叙利亚人强?”“为什么为什么为什么?”我们有没有问过自己为什么我们输掉了越南战争?15年之后我们还在阿富汗打仗?在伊拉克打仗?在叙利亚打仗?在中东打仗?我们应该检查一下我们自己的战斗技能/战术。-------------------------------------------Michael Lawson2 votes ShowThe short answer is all of them. Underestimating any enemy has deadly consequences.简单点说,他们都是,低估任何敌人都是致命的。-------------------------------------------Christophe Cangou1 vote by Arthur RavierI think France can deploy itself alone abroad more easily than the UK.我认为法国在海外部署军队比英国更容易-------------------------------------------David Evans3 votes ShowThere’s also the Gurkha Regiment stationed in the UK too lest you forgot about it. ;p避免让你忘记, Gurkha(英军中的尼泊尔族士兵) 驻扎在英国-------------------------------------------Alan Moore2 votes ShowAlso France and surprisingly to some Italy法国,让人惊讶的是还有意大利-------------------------------------------Siddhesh MudeUK still has a great army combined with it’s allies. Pretty sure all it’s former colonies will rush to it’s aid if it were threatened including our country.英国仍然和它的盟友一起拥有一支强大的军队。我确信如果英国遭受了威胁,它的前殖民地国家军队会去驰援的,包括我们国家的军队也会去。-------------------------------------------Gord ManelliI upxed your response. One thing however - Russia China and ….Murica?我来回答你,有件事,俄罗斯,中国 和 美国?-------------------------------------------Robert CariotoDon’t forget anyone attacking the UK also has to face the United States and NATO.While they are more than capable of defending themselvesthey don’t have to.We would go to their aide just as they would come to ours.别忘记任何人想攻击英国就不得不正视美国和北约的存在。虽然他们有能力保护自己,但是依然可以获得盟友的帮助。大家相互帮助。-------------------------------------------Alex Patrick1 vote by Calum WilsonYeah same as the other comment. Assuming by England you mean Britain. There's technically no ‘English army’.和其他评论一样,我也说一句,如果你说的英格兰指的是英国的话,技术上讲没有‘English’军队啊转载自【五毛网】-------------------------------------------


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