
(C)2017 列表网&琼ICP备号-12&增值电信业务经营许可证B2-&对你而言,工作的意义是什么?
〈转〉此文章转载自网络如何让自己的工作变得有意义?我们要有正确信念,一个好的信念,会让我们觉得工作也是一种享受,而不是受罪。如果你觉得工作是一种负担,也许我们可以改变一下信念,生活也许会有另一番景象。&对你而言,工作的意义是什么?译者:wwjun原文作者:JayArthur&What Does Work Mean to You?对你而言,工作意味着什么?&I had lunch with a friend of mine theother day and she said something that I found startling: \'Work is paidslavery.\' My friend wanted more control over her work hours, income,etc., but you can imagine that if \'work is serving someone,\' shewon\'t have much luck until that belief changes. When I asked her where thatbelief came from, she said her father.&前几天,我跟我一个朋友共进午餐,她说了一句话让我非常的震惊:“工作就是有酬的奴役。”我的朋友希望能更加自主的控制她的工作时间,收入等等。你可以想象一下,如果“工作就是为他人服务”,她就不会觉得很开心,除非她的信念发生改变。然后我就问她她的这种信念是从何而来,她回答说来自于她的父亲。&Most of us spend many of our wakinghours at work. How we think about those hours will determine how good or bad wefeel about our lives.&我们中的大部分人把清醒时的大量时间花在工作上,但我们是如何看待这些决定我们生活质量好坏的时间呢。&How would you complete the sentence:\'Work is....\'? How many of us say that work is fullfilling? Howmany say work is fun?&你会用怎样一个句子来说明:“工作是......”?有多少人会说工作让人觉得充实?有多少人会说工作是因为兴趣?&Changing Limiting Beliefs改变限制性的信念&Almost everyone I talk to has limitingbeliefs about money and/or work. I worked with my friend using the walking beliefchange described in Debug Your Mental Software. When it came time to come upwith a new belief, she struggled. She even asked me: \'What\'s theopposite of slavery?\' So strong was the old belief that she couldn\'tthink of the opposite.&几乎每个跟我交谈过的人对金钱和工作都有限制性的信念。我曾将调试你的思维软件中描述的一种引导信念改变的方法运用到我的一个朋友身上。当一个新的信念即将产生时,她却开始挣扎反抗。她甚至还问我:“奴隶制的反面是什么?”古老的信念如此强大,以至于她都不能想到其反面。&I said: \'Oh, you mean work isfreedom.\' She was stunned. I continued: freedom to set your own hours,your level of income, your free time.. We talked about it some more and then Iwalked her through installing the new belief.&我就说:“嗯,你就想着工作是自由的。”她愣住了。我继续说:自由地安排你自己的时间,你的收入水平,你的空余时间...我们谈了更多类似的想法,终于引导她产生了一个新的信念。&Your Family Can Be Your Biggest Critic你的家人可能成为你最大的敌人&She went home that evening and putsticky notes everywhere with the message \'work is freedom.\' Herhusband saw the notes and laughed out loud. He said: \'That\'s what theNazi\'s wrote over the entry to Auschwitz.\'&那天晚上她回到家,在各处贴着写有“工作是自由的”便签。她丈夫看见后,大笑道:“这是纳粹党写在奥斯维辛集中营的标号。”&In a matter of seconds, he\'d reframed\'work is freedom\' into Nazi logic. She was crushed. Thephrase\'Arbeit Macht Frei\' actually means work will set you free orwork is liberation, not work is freedom.&在短短的几秒之内,他就把“工作是自由的”认定为是纳粹的逻辑。她崩溃了。习语“劳动创造自由”的确是说工作可以让你自由,或者工作是解放自己,但不是说工作是自由的。&When I saw her the next week, I had todo some reframing of my own to help her embrace the fledgling belief. Wetweaked it to \'purposeful work is freedom.\'&第二个星期,当我看到她时,我不得不重塑自己的一些方法,让她坚信这个新生的信念。我们将信念调整为“有目标的工作是自由的。”&Many of us remember a parent fearingwe wouldn\'t get a job after high school or college. Sometimes this fear leadsto fear of work or fear of not finding a job. How our parents, significantothers, and peers talk about work influences how quickly or slowly we jump intothe work force. Add that fact to current market conditions, and many youngpeople do not have the luxury of deciding what kind of job they want.&我们很多人都记得来自父母的担忧,害怕我们高中或者大学毕业后找不到工作。这种担忧会导致害怕工作或者担心找不到工作。我们的父母,身边重要人物和同事如何谈论工作,影响着我们加入工作大军这个队伍的快慢。考虑到目前的市场情况,其实很多年轻人都没有权力决定他们想要什么类型的工作。&What\'s Your Work Belief?你工作的信念是什么?&If you think work is bad, you\'ll endup working in an unfulfilling job regardless of how much it pays. If you thinkwork is freedom, you\'ll enjoy your work because it fulfills you. I call it\'soul work.\' If you\'re doing the work you love, it will beenergizing, freeing.&如果你觉得工作不好,那无论你多么努力工作,你都不会有一种成就感。如果你认为工作是自由的,你就会享受你的工作,因为它让你觉得充实。我把它叫做“灵魂的工作。”如果你正在做一份你喜欢的工作,那么工作就会让你感觉很有激情,很自由。&Much of our work ethic starts inchildhood by watching our parents. How did they talk about work? Did they hateit, or did they love it? The truth is probably somewhere in between. Many of ussay we don\'t want a job \'like my parent had\' or a job wherethey\'re stuck inside a cubicle. But many of us end up with jobs like that.Sometimes it\'s how we approach the tasks of our jobs that make the difference.&我们职业道德的形成很大程度上是从小时候观察我们的父母开始的。他们是如何谈论工作的?他们是讨厌工作还是喜欢工作呢?事实上往往是介于两者之间。我们很多人常说我们不想要一份像父母所做的那种工作,或者是拘于一个小房间里的工作。但大多数人最后找到就是那样的工作。有时候只是我们完成工作任务的方法不同而已。&It\'s possible to make even the mostmundane job meaningful and fullfilling. If it isn\'t possible for you to dothat, then it is time to think about \'evolving\' out of the job.Sometimes just quitting a job because it\'s boring is the wrong thing to do, butthinking about where you want to be and if you need more education is goodplanning.&让最平凡的工作变得有意义和有成就感是有可能的。如果你做不到这一点,那就是时候考虑“转变”工作了。有时候,仅仅因为工作枯燥无味而辞掉一份工作,并不是明智之举。而是应该想清楚你到底想要什么,或者继续深造是否是一个好的计划。很多年轻人好像觉得开始工作或者结束大学生活很难。难道是经济问题让他们失去勇气吗?我最近看了一部电影,讲的是一个成年人(30岁以上)告诉他的朋友们他是一个宅男。有时候生活就像《奇幻人生》里演的一样。在2000年时,工作的机会特别充足,于是很多人为了得到更好的待遇就频繁跳槽,有时几乎不得不在当前的职位上工作。美国人关于工作的信念一直在发展,理应如此。&I had breakfast at my local Perkinsyesterday. Kristin took my order. She was bubbly and full of energy compared tothe other waitresses. I watched as she remembered everything a family of fourstaying at a neighboring hotel had ordered the day before. Kristin loved peopleand loved her job. She has the kind of attitude and work ethic that employerscrave.&昨天我在当地的Perkins吃早餐,一名叫克莉丝汀的服务员为我服务。与其他的服务生相比,她有着灿烂的笑容,并充满活力。我注意到,她能清楚的记得住在附近宾馆的一个四口之家在前一天下的订单。克莉丝汀热爱人们,也喜欢她的工作。她有雇主们渴望的工作态度和职业道德。&What\'s your work belief? Does itlimit you? Could you tune it up to live a better life right now? If most of usare going to spend 30 years working, shouldn\'t we try to make it enjoyable?Could it be that work is freedom or right work is energizing or something evenbetter?&那么你的工作信念是什么呢?这个信念是否限制你?你能调整信念让你更上过好的生活吗?如果我们大多数人需要工作30年,难道我们不应该努力让工作变成一件值得享受的事情吗?那么是否该有类似工作是自由的或者正确的工作是有激情的或者其他更好的信念呢?&&版权声明:本译文仅用于学习和交流目的。非商业转载请注明译者、出处,并保留文章在译言的完整链接。商业合作请联系 原文来源:<.cn原文标题:What Does Work Mean to You?原文地址.cn/Article/Others/Employment/65943.html&


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