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Unbreakable Patches | Dark Souls 3 Wiki
Unbreakable Patches is a NPC in Dark Souls 3.
Unbreakable Patches Information
Unbreakable Patches can be found within the
disguised as . His spawn trigger is to open the main doors, on the left of the boss room, reload the area and then return. You MUST do this before lighting the bonfire at Rosaria's Bed Chamber. He will trick you into entering the bridge which he will then lower down to the giants. If you meet him again on the other side of that bridge infront of Rosaria's chamber, he will apologize for tricking you, and if you refuse to forgive him you'll earn the
and a rusted coin. He will then become a vendor in that spot until he moves to Firelink Shrine.
If you climb up onto the rafters at the very top of the Cathedral before he tricks you to cross the bridge, he will not show by the bridge.&Only cross the rafters&after you have been tricked. After dropping down, he will reappear in his normal attire by the lever that raises the bridge (across from where you first met him in the Catarina armor).
If Patches lowers you down to the giants in the Cathedral of the Deep, he will not show up to lock you into the Firelink Shrine tower until you talk to him again on the other side of the bridge in the Cathedral.
An alternative method of meeting him (if you first lighted rosaria bonfire, before opening the main gate) is to buy the
and access the lift above the Firelink Shrine. He will trap you here (after you open the main gate). After escaping his trap he becomes a merchant in the upper floor of&Firelink Shrine. Chose to not forgive him for a
and to learn the . After reloading the area he will be squatting down. Talk to him to learn the .
Patches Questline
Patches can have an important effect on the questlines of NPCs
He has Siegward's Armor after trapping , which is needed to save Siegward in the well outside the Cathedral of the Deep. Opening the Cathedral doors is not the trigger for Patches to have the armour, you need to actually reload the Cathedral area. You do not need to talk to Siegward in the well first.You can buy the armor from Patches or just kill him for it.
When& leaves on his second scavenger mission Patches will refuse to sell you any items until you tell him where Greirat has gone. If you have not yet bought the Catarina armor off of him and tell him where Greirat has gone he will save&him. After killing Pontiff Sulyvahn,&Patches ceases to pester you for Greirat's location. If you have bought the armour off of him and given it to Siegward in the well, Siegward will instead rescue him.
After Greirat has left to scavenge in Lothric Castle, Patches will ask where he has gone. If you tell him, he will stop selling you items and will leave Firelink Shrine until you defeat a boss.&He returns with a
which he sells for 16,000 souls.
If Siegward dies before or during the fire demon fight, Patches will not show up for the rest of the game cycle.
If you kill the Giant before being tricked by Patches, you will get additional dialog. Patches is irritated that you killed the Giant, shames you and curses a lot.
Patches has a number of triggers than cause him to appear in a given area.
He will appear in the Cathedral of the Deep after its front door is opened and you travel&away and return to the area.
If the Deacons of the Deep are killed or you take the shortcut to Rosaria, Patches will disappear from the cathedral. He will next appear if you go up the bell tower in Firelink Shrine and locks you in.
Opening&the front door of the Cathedral of the Deep and then going up the bell tower in Firelink Shrine will trigger Patches' event early.
If you meet him at neither the cathedral or the bell tower, he will appear as a merchant after you defeat the&.
If you give Siegward his armor before you meet Patches if you kept it from a previous playthrough he will not spawn in the Cathedral and will spawn in the tower in Firelink Shrine.
If you can't find Patches at all, save Siegward and then talk to Siegward inside the well outside the Cleansing Chapel bonfire. This triggers Patches story to continue.&
If you have missed Patches triggers by going to far and can't get him to show up in Cathedral of the Deep, you can go back to Firelink and trigger him there...When he shows up as a merchant in Firelink you can buy the Catarina Armor from him there to continue&Siegward's quest line in the Chapel.
His dialogue at Cathedral of the Deep and the bell tower at Firelink Shrine varies based on your character's gender.
If you talk to Patches in the Cathedral and then proceed to the ceiling rafters to the drop off point near Rosaria, the event will no longer occur upon crossing the narrow pathway,and he will not be present till the Firelink event.
Attacking Greirat will aggro Patches.
If you tell Patches where Greirat has gone after you send him to Lothric Castle, after defeating every boss in the game, you will have no way of getting Patches to return to Firelink. However, if you have &DLC installed, you can reinstate
to reset&&boss fight.
Souls: NG (2000), NG+ (3000), NG++ (3301), NG+3 (??), NG+6 (??), NG+9 (??)
Weapons: ,
Armor: , , ,
Other: &&&
Items Sold
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Send Patches to Lothric Castle to look for Greirat on his third outing
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
If met while posing as Siegward, he will have the shield in his inventory on next meeting, otherwise speak to Siegward in well outside Cleansing Chapel.
If met while posing as Siegward, he will have the helm in his inventory on next meeting, otherwise speak to Siegward in well outside Cleansing Chapel.
If met while posing as Siegward, he will have the armor in his inventory on next meeting, otherwise speak to Siegward in well outside Cleansing Chapel.
If met while posing as Siegward, he will have the gauntlets in his inventory on next meeting, otherwise speak to Siegward in well outside Cleansing Chapel.
If met while posing as Siegward, he will have the leggings in his inventory on next meeting, otherwise speak to Siegward in well outside Cleansing Chapel.
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
Recruit him at Firelink Shrine's tower
First encounter (Cathedral of the Deep)
"Well, you look reasonably sane.I am a knight of Catarina.I've managed to track down this cathedral's store of treasure.It's right over there, across that narrow part.Treasure...hmm. Always so close, yet so far...I'm in quite a pickle (laughs), indeed...Hmm... Hmm..."
"Just hold your horses a moment.I know, I know, treasure is so sorely tempting...Hmm... Hmm..."
Walking the bridge
"Shame on you, you greedy guts."(Female: "Shame on you, you insatiable wench." - he still says greedy guts, but subtitle is different) (Cleric Male: "Shame on you, you rotten cleric.")(Cleric Female: "Shame on you, you rotten nun.")"Thought you could outwit an onion?Well, say hello to the nice giant! He adores visitors." (laughs hysterically)
(If giant is already dead)&"Huh? Where's the old giant?What! Where's the bloody giant?Just what have you done?!How dare you! Have you no shame!*****! *****! *****!"
Second encounter (Cathedral of the Deep)
"Oh, yes, oh, hello, I don't believe we've met?I'm Patches. Unbreakable Patches.You seem to be Unkindled.Do you have business with me?"
(You know who I am) "Ahh, oh, yes, of course...It's coming back to me, now.Oh, I am sorry. That was my hand, as you know, but the deed, well, that was the armour's doing.Regrettable, truly. But behold, I'm stripped clean of that unruly attire.And look at you, not a scratch!All's well that end well, right?Yes, we'll be fine, I can tell, it's that rotten curse, it is, the untidy mess." (laughs)
"Oh, ahh, yes, now, it wasn't me, but you still deserve an apology.Just a little trinket. Go ahead, it's yours now. (laughs)You should know, I'm a kind of traveling merchant.If you're as Unkindled as you look, you'll find plenty of good stuff."
(No) "Of course not, we have just met, after all.Sorry, I've been a bit on edge. Forget I even asked. (laughs)Ahh, but this is your lucky day.I happen to be a world-renowned travelling merchant.If you're as Unkindled as you look, you'll find many a useful thing here."
Third Encounter (Firelink Shrine Tower)
(laughs) "Sorry, friend.Be more careful! By the gods, curiosity is going to kill you kittens.Some places are better left alone, you know.Oh, sorry, am I a tad too late? (laughs)
"Have no fear, there's beauty in death.Besides, you're surrounded by ladies. Every man's dream, right?" (laughs)(Female: "Besides, you're amongst your own. Plenty of company, right?")(Cleric Male: "Besides, you're surrounded by ladies.&Every rotten cleric's dream, right?")(Cleric Female: "Besides, you're amongst your own. Plenty of company, right?")
"Oh, no matter, I'll look after things.By stripping every last trinket off your corpse.You're going to make some lucky customer very happy." (laughs)
Fourth Encounter (Firelink Shrine)
"Ah, oh, you, you're alive...Now, hold your horses, let's have a nice talk about this.I'll come clean, I did you wrong. I didn't mean it, though, not one bit.You get these...urges...running the business and all...Oh, and I hate myself for it, I do.You know what I mean? Terrible, really. But I can see you'll forgive me.You're alive, after all, and that's what counts, right?"
(Forgive him) "Oh fantastic! A wily second chance!I knew you'd understand, I just knew it.The heart of a lion. A model for the rest of us. A true friend, forever."
(Do not forgive him) "Oh, for heaven's sake, no need to jest with a face like that.You're still alive, and I'm here grovelling in the dirt, so to speak.Oh, I know! Here, a token of my sincerity. Right and proper, eh?We're just a couple of outcasts, let's make the best of it!" (laughs)
After meeting Greirat
"Ahh, I see you've met Greirat.The slinking rodent. But he did me a good turn back in Lothric dungeon.Doubtless I should do something about that little debt, or[well]...maybe not.Well, I can hardly believe he's still standing." (laughs)
After sending Greirat to pillage
"Hey, what happened to Greirat, anyhow?I haven't seen him at all lately.If you know where he's scurried off to, be sure and tell me.I need to stock up, and if he's gone and croaked, he'll have left a goldmine."
[Don't tell him] "Right, yes, I see how it is.Some things can't be divulged. Even between friends.It comes with the territory, I know.But if you happen to recall any details, do be a saint.Do it for old Patch's botique of wonders, at least." (chuckles)
[Talk] "Well? Happen to recall anything important?About where that old rat scurried off to." (chuckles)
[Tell him he went to Irithyll] "What? Gone all the way to Irithyll, has he?Well, there can't be much left of that frozen sprawl.The old rat, he's gone off the deep end this time..."
[Tell him he went to Lothric] "Hmph. Off to Lothric, the castle of no return...That old thief's lost it if he thinks he has a chance in there.It's not like he's new to this game, what's gotten into him?"
[Talk] "That old thief, he's really lost it this time..."
Returning from Lothric
"Well, look at you. The luckiest ???/lass in the world.I just got hold of some truly fine treasure. And for you, I'll practically give it away."
[Leave] "What do you say? Brilliant stuff, eh?I won't ask for thanks, but I certainly deserve it."
Attacking him
"What's happened, friend?""Stop this! Stop this at once!"
"Oi, calm down, please!""*****, you heartless, good-for-nothing oaf!"
"Gods' spit, I knew something was wrong! Well, now it's my turn. I'm Unbreakable Patches, nobody can crack me!Rot in Hell!"
(You die) "Close call, blimey..."(You die) "Caugh 'em up, every last one of 'em." "Confess your sins."
(He dies) "Why me? Why me?!" "What did I ever do anyway!?"
The name "Unbreakable Patches" references his reoccuring appearance in every Miyazaki directed Souls game (Bloodborne included.) In every instance Patches tricks the player into an unfortunate situation only to beg for forgiveness when you outsmart him. Previous names included "Patches the Hyena," "Trusty Patches," and "Patches the Spider."
When Patches takes residence in the Firelink Shrine he mentions that Greirat did him a good turn in Lothric Dungeon.
Patches will not sell the 'Horsehoof Ring' unless you have met the requirements&and spoken to him at least once
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Hey everyone! So the build is at the
site for the full install.
There is an automatic updater but it won't trigger for at least a week until Bitcoin bull run is decided on ETF (March 11th).
So we can go ahead and test this one and report back your experience.
If you already have BlackHalo and its a very old version, you might want to do a full reinstall.
If you are running recent versions (like 1.24 or 1.25) you can simply run the updater here: /blackhalo/blackhaloupdatewin.zip
If you like to build from source there is the OBF package here: /bithalo/haloOBF.zip
The OBF package has bat and sh files for setting up the python packages and a few other things.
And of course the source code which has always been open for audit.
One quick thing is I broke my &runasadmin& trick so if you can't load it on Windows, just run it as admin.
Normally the software elevates itself but i need to update that code again.
This build among the obvious decentralized markets and 4 years tested and user friendly unbreakable contracts as well as dual coin BitHalo/BlackHalo can also &Cold Stake& via two computers
. The long awaited mythical staking is here. Sorry for the wait. I spent the past year improving the software's performance among other things.
Its a tall order considering I'm coding this alone(although special thanks to rat4 for the API staking commands such as checkkernel, submitblock and multisig/p2sh stake protocol etc).
Its really a work of art. Any questions you guys can always email me or ask me on reddit or slack.
这个在明显的分散市场和4年测试和用户友好的不可破坏的合同以及双硬币BitHalo / BlackHalo之间建立也可以通过两个计算机“冷桩”
它是一个高顺序考虑我编码这个单独(虽然特别感谢rat4的API桩命令,如checkkernel,submitblock和multisig / p2sh股权协议等)。
& &黑币一直半死不活&&最近算是比较强一点了


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