
澎湃新闻记者 陈栩
10:37 来源:澎湃新闻
5月9日,莫斯科,中国国家主席习近平在夫人彭丽媛的陪同下与俄罗斯总统普京一起观看了红场胜利日阅兵。       在阅兵式雄壮的军乐声下,是中俄关系的又一次向前一大步。       在中国国家主席习近平访问俄罗斯期间,中俄一口气签署了两个联合声明:《中俄关于丝绸之路经济带建设和欧亚经济联盟建设对接合作的联合声明》和《中俄关于深化全面战略协作伙伴关系、倡导合作共赢的联合声明》,确定了双方将积极推动“一带一路”和欧亚经济联盟的对接,并提出了在经贸、投资、货币、能源、航天、交通等多个领域的合作方向。其中,中共中央纪委监察部与俄罗斯总统办公厅分别建立了交往合作机制,这是双方高度互信的又一新体现。       华东师范大学俄罗斯研究中心副主任杨成告诉澎湃新闻(),政热经冷长期被认为是中俄关系的主要问题之一。中俄关系的中长期前景的主要挑战不在于政治关系和经济关系的不对称,而在于双方能否适应彼此关系的重新定位,能否建立起真正意义上的全方位的相互信任。中俄关系已经进入一个非常好的节点       “乌克兰危机促成了中俄在后冷战时期的最亲密接触。”杨成说,“在欧亚大陆‘新冷战’的寒意肃杀的氛围中,中国绝对是俄罗斯所期待的那个暖男。”       分析认为,当下,硬汉普京领导下的俄罗斯与中国的关系已进入了一个非常好的发展节点。习普时代的中俄关系已经顺利开局并渐入佳境,致力于发展全方位、均衡化战略协作已经成为中俄关系的基本议程,且两国元首建立的良好工作关系和亲密个人友谊更为这组制度安排最完备的大国关系提供更强劲的组合式发展动力。       中俄关系已然具备了成熟大国关系的一切要素,杨成认为,双方在一切利益契合的领域展开了卓有成效的合作,在利益相异的方面也做到了相互尊重彼此关切并寻求最优的共处之道,这与西方学术界倾向于贬低中俄关系常用的“同床异梦”或“权宜联盟”有了本质区别。       他说,中俄关系本质上是一种以超级实用主义为导向的全面战略合作伙伴关系,它反映的是欧亚地区在后冷战时期的地缘政治和地缘经济新现实,具有高度的弹性和灵活性。       华东师范大学国际关系和地区发展研究院院长,俄罗斯研究中心主任冯绍雷在给澎湃新闻的撰稿中指出,最近的二三十年来,中俄两国对于改革进程中的种种艰难困苦的相互体察,远远超过了西方同行对此的认知。这是中俄两国能够不断深化相互间关系的一个重要认知和心理背景。       这一点瑞士日内瓦高等国际问题研究院教授相蓝欣的观点相似。相蓝欣在给澎湃新闻的撰文中指出,两国都有厚重的历史传统,又都处于转型阶段,在治国思路上颇有相通和共鸣——中俄都试图回归历史。这不是简单的“复古”,而是从传统文化中汲取精华,为当下乃至未来的转型提供方向和启示。此外,作为毗邻的大国,中俄之间的实力从未像今天这样接近,而这为双方交往提供了一个相对平等的基础,使一种健康平稳的关系成为可能。       日前,中国国际问题研究基金会名誉理事长、前驻俄罗斯大使张德广在接受澎湃新闻采访时则指出,中俄关系,作为一个新型的大国关系,已经积累了丰富的成功经验,也可以说在大国关系的发展当中先走了一步。中国国际问题研究基金会副理事长、前驻白俄罗斯大使于振起认为,中俄现在的关系,就是新型大国关系的典范。中俄在亚太互为战略支撑不针对美国       在今年早些时候与拉夫罗夫的会谈中,中国外交部长王毅表示,俄罗斯“东向”政策和中国加快向西开放为两国发展战略对接创造历史性机遇。       在遭受欧洲多方制裁后,俄罗斯向东的趋势显得非常明确。由于乌克兰问题受到美国和西方国家孤立,使俄为摆脱这一对抗状态寻求新的伙伴。西面受挫之后,俄罗斯向东的需求增加。       杨成说,俄方认定欧洲危机在可预见的未来无法得到根本解决。同时,俄美关系的新议程很难进入实质化;亚太地区正在取代欧洲成为世界文明的“发动机”。因此,“文化欧洲化”的俄罗斯未来必然“经济亚洲化”,发挥自己独特的地缘优势在新的“欧洲太平洋国家”身份框架内获得可持续发展。       这也是俄罗斯近年来积极走向太平洋的方略基础之一。彭博社撰稿人费尔德曼(Noah Feldman)曾撰文指出,在“新冷战”的格局下,其游戏规则是战略竞争和经济合作的共存。       中国国防部发言人耿雁生4月30日宣布,根据中俄两军年度交往计划,两国海军将于5月中旬在地中海海域举行代号为“海上联合-2015(1)”的联合军事演习。       费尔德曼分析称,中国的军事和安全目标主要集中在太平洋,而中国不可能指望和美国以及欧洲势力在他们的后院竞争。“中国在中东产生了非常初级的使命转变——而地中海海上军演也体现了中国使命转变进程的方向”,但中国并没有“接替美国维护在中东霸权的兴趣”。       俄罗斯瓦尔代国际辩论俱乐部一份报告曾指出,中美及其代表的发展模式间的竞争是国际政治竞争的标准表现之一,即便中国不愿意卷入竞争或冲突,西方也会让中国卷进来。在这样的背景下,俄罗斯在亚太地区可以充当“平衡手”的角色。       “可以肯定的一点是,在国际权力结构和亚太等地区权力结构正在同步重建,新的区域秩序开始逐渐形成的背景下,中俄互为战略支撑的格局可能将日益清晰。”杨成说。       那么,中国和俄罗斯是否会通过“一带一路”和欧亚经济的对接,分别加强各自在地中海甚至中东和亚太地区的短板?杨成认为,这与“一带一路”的精神是不相符的。       “中国与俄罗斯在亚太地区发挥更大的作用有着自身的逻辑,我们的合作是基于‘负责任的大国’前提,对未来地区局势不确定性的一种预防性安排。”杨成说,       “一路一带”体现出的经济合作为主导的全球本土化(glocalization)精神。所谓中俄在”一带一路“框架内的更紧密合作不能被视为是对彼此短板的一种修正,这还是传统的地缘政治思维。       而中国外长王毅早在几个月前已强调,“一带一路”并不是一个地缘政治工具。应清晰认识亲密关系下所存现实问题       中俄的合作伙伴关系,从上合组织,到金砖银行,再到“亚投行”和丝路基金,不断在加深。在”一带一路“与欧亚经济联盟对接的同时,也应当清晰认识到中俄两国存在的现实问题。       冯绍雷曾在撰文中指出,目前态势下在欧亚大陆推进“一带一路”,一个关键的问题,是要在俄罗斯所依然主导的欧亚地区和“一带一路”行动路线之间确立对接的方面,真正找到能够维护地区稳定、实现经济互补、使得当地能够获得可持续发展的合作切入点。       杨成认为,尽管不是主流思想,俄罗斯的“中国威胁论”和中国部分力量中存在的“俄罗斯不可靠论”同样对两国关系有一定的影响。所以,既要肯定中俄战略协作伙伴关系中的战略合作,同时也必须承认这一关系的超级实用主义性质在赋予了两国各自外交最大灵活性的同时,也限制了其深入发展的潜在空间。       但同时,他指出,中俄在专家层面已开始积极尝试探讨两国关系的问题和弱点,这恰恰意味着两国互信程度的提高——因为这种讨论有利于中俄关系通过解决存在的现实问题而获得更好的发展,因此,这些建设性的批评声音更健康。       “两国应在务实进取的基础上,在更新观念、排除干扰、与时俱进的原则指导下,就‘联手促成新型国际关系的生成、与周边邻国一道共同致力于形成新型地区关系以及不断发展中俄间的新型大国关系’下功夫,促成中俄‘三个新型关系’。双边的内向性合作越扎实,中俄关系的未来越有保障。”       中俄两个《联合声明》亮点:       *双方将共同协商,努力将丝绸之路经济带建设和欧亚经济联盟建设相对接,确保地区经济持续稳定增长,加强区域经济一体化,维护地区和平与发展。双方将秉持透明、相互尊重、平等、各种一体化机制相互补充、向亚洲和欧洲各有关方开放等原则,通过双边和多边机制,特别是上海合作组织平台开展合作。       *双方支持启动中国与欧亚经济联盟对接丝绸之路经济带建设与欧亚经济一体化的对话机制,并将推动在双方专家学者参与下就开辟共同经济空间开展协作进行讨论。       双方将成立由两国外交部牵头、相关部门代表组成的工作组,协调上述领域的合作。双方将通过中俄总理定期会晤机制及其他双边合作机制,监督上述共识的落实进程。       *中共中央办公厅、中共中央纪委监察部与俄罗斯总统办公厅分别建立了交往合作机制,这是双方高度互信的又一新体现。双方高度重视通过上述渠道进一步加强全面合作。       *双方强调,中俄作为二战主要战胜国、联合国创始会员国和安理会常任理事国,将坚定捍卫二战胜利成果,反对否认、歪曲和篡改二战历史图谋,维护联合国权威,坚决谴责美化法西斯主义和军国主义及其帮凶、抹黑解放者的行径,将尽一切努力阻止世界大战的悲剧重演。       *双方将采取协调一致、有针对性的举措,在以下领域发掘两国务实合作潜力:       ——进一步扩大投资合作规模,加快推进高铁等交通基础设施建设、能源、矿产、林业、加工制造业和服务业等领域的重大投资合作项目。       ——巩固中俄全面能源合作伙伴关系。进一步深化石油领域全面合作,按计划推进中俄东线天然气管道建设,确保按时建成投产。积极推进并争取尽快完成中俄西线天然气项目谈判,加强燃料-能源资源勘探开发等合作,务实推进煤炭、电力、可再生能源等领域合作项目,推动能源装备研发生产的技术交流与生产合作,加强在和平利用核能领域的战略合作。       ——推进远程宽体客机、重型直升机等民用航空制造领域重点项目合作。加强通信与信息技术领域的交流与合作。       ——推动中国东北地区与俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区合作。俄方欢迎中方参与俄罗斯远东跨越式开发区项目。       ——加快同江-下列宁斯阔耶口岸铁路桥、黑河-布拉戈维申斯克口岸公路桥等跨境交通基础设施建设,在使用俄远东港口等交通基础设施发展中俄陆海联运方面加强合作。       *双方认为,金砖国家应当秉承开放、包容、合作、共赢的精神,开展全方位合作,建设更紧密伙伴关系,尽快完成金砖国家新开发银行和应急储备安排筹建工作。中方将积极支持俄方担任金砖国家主席。              
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关键词 >> 中俄,阅兵,二战
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Is China better than Russia?
Kavi Mazumdar, is learning Mandarin and knows a bit about China.Updated Nov 12, 2015
You must provide details. This is a very vague question. However, I'll provide some statistics and hopefully it'll help provide a clear picture.&
1) Life expectancy :
China : 75.20 years
Russia : 70.46 years
China wins
China : 0.719
Russia : 0.778
Russia wins
3) Population growth rate :&
China : 0.5 %
Russia : 0.2%
China wins
4) GDP(US Dollars) :
China : 10 Trillion Approx
Russia : 2 Trillion approx&
China wins
5) GDP Per Capita&
China : 6,800 dollars
Russia : 14,600 dollars
Russia wins
6)Gini coefficient :&
China : 0.47&
Russia : 0.41
Russia wins
7)Lastly, just for fun :&
Big Mac Index :&
China 2.77
Russia : 1.36
I hope this helps. It's the best I can do since you haven't asked which parameter the countries should be judged by. Hope it helps!
Leonardo Lee (Леонардо Ли), I was born in China and lived there for four years. Been back a few times.
Written Jun 23, 2016
Neither country is 'better' than the other. &Russia and China are both unique in their own ways.
Let's live in peace and harmony, instead of having to make a separation between who is better and who is worse. :)
Mike CountsWritten May 19, 2015
China is trending in a more upward direction than Russia is at this time. China also has more potential to build on how good it is- for all its vast size, Russia lacked some key resources which is a major reason why it got so aggressively expansionist during the Soviet era. China has some expansionist tendencies too, but nowhere near the same extent and not for the same sort of lack in resources. The USSR found that it had to focus on military (or &hard&) strength but it wasn't able to do well with its economy, with the private sector (&soft& strength). China has the capacity to do extremely well with both at the same time, although it's still in a bit of a development phase. But it's already shown consistent growth and balance on both sides to an extent that the Soviets never did. And one thing that neither the Soviets or Russia ever did accomplish was to be a creditor to the US to the tune of a trillion dollars.
Corruption is probably worse in Russia on an everyday basis, as is racism and xenophobia. China's coming up on a time when they need to be very very good at attracting the right kinds of immigrants in large numbers, and I think they'll be better positioned for that than Russia could ever allow itself to be.
With all that being said, these two countries have a long history of alignment, it doesn't necessarily mean they have that much in common but they are linked and they have some things in common. Russia has spent much of that shared history in the big brother role, but it seems to me like China has taken over that role for the time being.
Vyacheslav Shengur, lives in RussiaWritten Jan 27, 2016
Vague! Very vague question.
Let's start analisys. China:
The centuries-old history
Deep Culture
The wisdom of generations
The mysterious soul of the people
Loyalty and commitment to traditions
Stereotypes about people
Large territory
Most of the Army and Navy
The centuries-old history
Deep Culture
The wisdom of generations
The mysterious soul of the people
Loyalty and commitment to traditions
Stereotypes about people
Large territory
Most of the Army and Navy
So I think that is not to say that China is better than Russia or Russian better than China. I think every country has its own peculiarity, each in its own very interesting and multifaceted.
& 历史悠久
& 文化深厚
& 世代睿智
& 人民神秘
& 衷于传统、秉袭传统
& 对人的刻板印象
& 领土广袤
& 军队庞大
& 共产主义
& 历史悠久
& 文化深厚
& 世代睿智
& 人民神秘
& 衷于传统、秉袭传统
& 对人的刻板印象
& 领土广袤
& 军队庞大
& 民主国家
Zhang Kangle, Chinese,Engneer, Wish world peace for allUpdated Jan 22
I have lived in Moscow in Moscow 4 years. I don&t know which country is better as either has his own plus and minus. And I won&t talk about the hardware as infrastucture can change a lot in a short time if u will& I give my own observation on two issues which show the mentality of the people.
1.In these 2 countries corruption is a problem. But in China the policemen will never blackmail u for a bribe. In Russia, they did it on the steet& So I think corruption is much more rampant than China. In recent years, China did a great job to diminish corruption. I have seen no progress here. If they can&t estabish a clean social environment, your economy will never accomplish much development. And your talent people will be forced to choose to live in other country.
2. Maybe most Russians are kind. But there are more racist in Russia. When u rent a apartment. As a person here has said &If you want to rent a place in China, you will not see such explicitly racist advertisements as: no Asian, no Turks, no Negros &- Yes, sir, you saw it right.& &Only for Sclav&. Sadly, It&s true. Fist time see these sentences I&m rather shocked. How can u openly list these words on the ad. /internet as Russia itself also has many minorities? In China, Chinese are always kind to foreigners, if u want to live in China, they welcome u. So in recent years more and more foreigners come to China. Study , do business, even choose to live here. If u descrimate people based on their race but not talent, you will never attract talents aboad&.
Overall, if your talents go away from their motherland at an astonishing temp and you can&t attract talents from other countries, your future will be screwed up. Look aroud . Are there anything from Russia? Food, electronics, cars&.Hardly find.
Russia is a great country. Russian people are proud people. In history, Russia like phoenix, always rise from the fire. But before solving the fundamental problems of the sociaty, they still have a long way to go. The same is true to China. Wish best luck to them.
That&s my observation.
Alfred W Croucher, MA Qual Political Science & International Relations, Australian National University (1978)
I regret to say I have never been to Russia. Of course I talk about it a lot and have &an informed opinion from extensive reading.
Mao was right. If China just imported some advanced Western technology it would leap ahead of Russia as an economic power just on the demographics. Chinese intelligence and work ethic would ensure that. Chinese income per capita is approaching that of Russia on a PPP basis. Now China is the Big Brother, building the Moscow-Khazakistan railway, opening motor car factories, and dominating border trade. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&
But to be honest, not having lived there, Icouldn't judge。
Aleksandr Petrov, Software Developer (GoLang , C++)
Written Dec 23
I not lived in China, but heard that they have ecological probmels. In Russia also there are regions with bad ecology (industrial cities), but many cities have no manufacture and these cities has good ecology.
From economic point of view I think that China wins, because Russia have few manufactures and small bussiness has no support.
I think that in Russia much smart people (math, programming, engineers), but they sometimes cannot find application because of weak economic.
But the root of all problems in Russia is very very big corruption in all spheres: official, policeman and just regular person - all they steal, take bribes and so on.
I really don&t know why! Maybe it&s our mental, Maybe we had many shocks: World War II, 1991 year, 1998 year.
If you really want to know more about Russia, or understand soul of russian people you should live at least 5 years in one of the region in Russia (not Moscow, because it&s really separate from rest country).
如果真想了解俄罗斯,或者了解俄罗斯人,你至少要在俄罗斯居住五年以上(除了莫斯科,因为莫斯科与这个国家的其余部分是分离的) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about Russia. They have been very badly treated since 1991.Written May 7, 2015
China has been doing better than Russia since the mid-1950s. &Russia or rather the Soviet union & made a botched effort at reform and went into a spiral of decline that was only made worse by the sudden conversion to capitalism under Yeltsin.
China managed a coherent reform, mostly by trusting to individual profit-motivated efforts rather than creating a pseudo-market, as Russia did. &But it had also been doing well under Mao, see How Mao Greatly Strengthened China.
In the long run Russia will recover, and still had a much stronger scientific and technical base. &China is currently being sensible about this and keeping good relations with Russia.
中国成功的进行了连续式的改革,通过信任个体利益的积极性,而不是像俄罗斯一样创造一个假的市场(应该是指计划经济),但是在毛的领导下(假市场)也做的很好,看看毛的成就:How Mao Greatly Strengthened China
Daniel Cohort, Computer professional in China
Written Sep 6, 2015
Chinese GDP per capita is lower than Russian GDP per capita, so economically speaking, no. But Russian economy is military and natural resources-based, so its structure is not healthy. In 2025, if you ask the same question, the answer would probably be a Yes.
Francis Landivar, world traveller, volunterism, entrepeneurWritten May 17, 2015
For he Chinese, China is better, for the Russian, Russia is better, for the rest of the world, it depends!
Qin GuoWritten May 18, 2015
I can tell from personal experience why I think China is doing so much better than Russia.&
1. Chinese policemen wil
2. Chinese policemen will not detain you just because you seem to
3. If you want to rent a place in China, you will not see such explicitly racist advertisements as: no Asian, no Turks, no Negros &- Yes, sir, you saw it right.
Russia's problem is, that Russian government never really cares about its country, nor does its people.&
Almost every Russian will tell you that Russia will become so much better if they kill some of the corrupted чинивников, but at the same time they seek for chances to give bribes, too, because it just makes things much easier than almost &mission impossible&.
Sikandar Azam Khan Alizai, Interest in international affairs and historyWritten Dec 25
China is doing better than russia. The things where china is 2nd to russia, soon china will be standing at 1st. The only thing where china can never beat russia is the natural resources.
ENS Becca, International Kindergarten teacherWritten Jan 17
Having lived in both countries now as an expat I can tell you that each country has their good and bad traits
China Pros:
Good expat community- very easy to make friends and find people who have a similar situation to yourself.
You can buy anything- It sometimes takes a little searching but if you want something in China you can get it.
Cheap cost of living- You can live on next to nothing if you shop at the local markets.
Russia Pros:
Central Heating- All the apartments and businesses run on central heating so you are only cold when you are outside (China was freezing in the winter inside and out)
Ability to earn good money- Russia is an emerging economy with many opportunities for expats to make a good salary and live well.
China Cons:
Too many people- taking the metro during rush hour is impossible
Cleanliness- this is abig one for me. It wasn&t dirty inside apartments but outside it was dusty and dirty.
Public toilets/toilets in general- No doors no toilet paper just no no no
Spitting- Everyone does it.
Russia Cons:
Stubborn people- Remember Russians are always right even when they are wrong
No expat community- There are expats here but the community is not as welcoming as in Asia
Prices can be high- 10&20$ for a beer at a club/restaurant is normal
Bland food - Too much dairy not enough chilis
Final conclusion (in my opinion) As an expat, living in Russia has been slightly easier.
Eric Knudstrup, Bicycled around the world.Written Dec 24
I was married to a Chinese woman for more than 10 years. I have studied both Chinese and Russian.
I have ridden a bicycle across both countries, spending about three months in both. The whole way. Through cities, villages, and the countryside. Both countries are disasters. However, China is visibly more disastrous. It&s very overpopulated in the urban areas. Pollution in some areas is horrifying. The Chinese, having been too poor to own cars for most of the twentieth century, are just starting to learn how to drive. While both countries are known for not being free, China is the less free of the two.
However, while I might prefer to be in Russia versus China at this point in time, China is on a march to modernization, which I don&t see happening in Russia. I see Russia as being more corrupt. Twenty years from now my answer is likely to be very different.
I have also ridden across the USA once and Europe twice - once east to west and once south to north. My favorite countries are Germany and Holland. Both are prosperous and clean.
Joseph Boyle
Written May 7, 2015
China & Russia
Whether that means better, you can judge...
Lisa Looney, University Teacher, Certified Medical Assistant / International BusinessWritten Nov 18, 2015
I would only imagine the food is very or maybe even more diverse in China than in Russia and maybe more tasty. &The problem is Iv'e tried several types of Chinese in China by many cooks. &However, havent tried much Russian food. &After doing some digging, I dont see Russia on any international food lists comparing 10-50 countries.
Baiyan Zhao, lived in ChinaWritten May 15, 2015
I am being subjective here but I am confident that in one particular area China dwarfs Russia: culinary art.
Gangrou Nie, Best or nothingWritten May 7, 2015
Just like humanbeing every country has it's advantages and disadvantages so I don't know what's your &better&mean.Your question just make no sense.However, anyway I will tell you China is better, at least it will be better very soon.
Sagar Shetty, ResearcherWritten May 7, 2015
Your question is very vague, as you need to say better in which field or in what terms. Please be more specific next time.
Marcus Grant, follow russia in mediaWritten Dec 6
Is China better than Russia?
not yet, but it has chances to become better one day
Zhou Wen, learner
Written Nov 19, 2015
Russia is so cold,I think Russia only have winter,but if live in China,you can feel four distinctive seasons,and Russians have bad credit and aggressiveness,such as invade Crimea
AnonymousWritten Nov 27
Absurd question as India is always better.
Nana Kobina Esslifie-AddoWritten Nov 29
Russia is better.
AnonymousWritten Dec 22
No, GDP per capita is about half of Russia&s and China has to equip its military with important Russian technology.
Babya VithhalWritten May 17, 2015
It depends on the country.For India China is an enemy and competitor.Russia has plenty of natural resources so it has never used tactics to destabilize a country which has natural resources.
Da CaoWritten Jun 8, 2015
I hate to be disrespect but this is a silly question. &
Anyways I'll share my subjective opinion.&
Food: china dwarfs russia
Music: russia dwarfs china
Wilson Le, works at B&nh DươngWritten Jan 24
I only know one point that China is better than Russia, Chinese is better at driving but Russians are crazy drivers. Search youtube : &car crash compilation& and you will see how crazy the Russians drive their car.
Nama Iazi, B.A. Computer Science, Shenzhen UniversityWritten Nov 5, 2015
48.4 K && 50 K follower
438.4 K & 0.4 M follower
Well, i guess no more to say. =)
Or there are just too many chinese in quora. XD
But i think, yes, China is better than russian, in many ways.
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