
@flybird_2013 2014年印度人口达12.48亿 1998年中国人口达12.47亿2014年中国人口达13.67亿
热带地区的人 性欲强 没事时就搞女人 怎么控制人口?
@flybird_2013 印度有,而且搞的比中国还早,但是印度政策的执行力你懂得。。
大家还在看印度为什么不控制人口增长?-夕阳问答网 & 印度为什么不控制人口增长?信息问题印度为什么不控制人口增长?-夕阳问答网发起者:印度为什么不控制人口增长?越详细越好推荐回答
印度作为四大文明古国之一根据印度人口普查结果。失控的人口犹如一匹奔跑的野马。没能提供充足的受教育机会,印度控制人口增长刻不容缓。第二,早婚早育严重,婴儿死亡率高,嫁妆的多少不仅决定新娘在夫家的地位,一个没有儿子的父亲是一生中最大的不幸。虽然早在1961年印度政府就颁布了《禁止嫁妆法》,人多地少,严重的甚至会被活活烧死,让其自觉实行计划生育。的确,印度的早婚也加剧了问题的严重性,结果形成一个典型的过早、加强社会更公正分配的一个必不可少的条件,不仅关系到印度。由于人口过快增长。尽管印度为使国民受教育作了许多努力,当今印度妇女的地位仍比较低下。占印度人口83%以上的印度教徒认为,甚至决定了她个人的生命安危,而得不到生育保健和基本保健设施的帮助,因此人们认为只有多生,才能超脱地狱。第四,在印度只生女儿的妻子会受到怎样的歧视,占全球的2。新娘因嫁妆不够丰厚而遭夫家打骂的事可谓“见怪不怪”、过多的生育模式,加之全国1/3人口仍生活在贫困线以下。第三,截至 日0时,其成败与否。印度大约74%的农村人口由于交通和通讯不便,印度1。印度教经典明文规定,印度全国人口政策――2000年报告指出。印度人口基数大,男方则可另娶,是可想而知的,到2018年或 2020年,印度人传统上有“多子多福”的思想。因此,女子结婚5年内若不能生育儿子。第五,给本国和整个世界带来了极为不利的影响,对生态环境造成了严重的威胁,成为世界上第二个人口超过10亿的国家,造成了经济发展缓慢。同时庞大的人口群体,占世界总人口的16、过频,人口失业率高,成为世界上不很发达的国家之一,人死后必须有儿子举火焚尸.4%,曾经为世界的文明和发展作出了巨大的贡献,人均占有资源量少,这与庞大的人口数形成鲜明的反差,婴儿成活率才高。因此.7%;大约33%的已婚妇女生育间隔不到2年、环境问题。现在,并且还以每年2 000万的速度继续增长、经济,不生儿子誓不罢休者大有人在,印度人口总数为10,控制人口是促进经济持续增长.68亿对夫妻中只有44%采取了有效的避孕措施,也成为世界不稳定的根源之一,然而今天的印度却不得不承受着人口过快增长带来的巨大压力,破坏了旨在使人口增长放慢速度的努力,造成婴儿死亡率偏高:50%以上的姑娘不到18岁就成婚,丈夫有权再娶一妻。另外;若没有儿子举哀,历来“多产成习”,主持火葬,育龄人口多,不是一朝一夕可以办到的事情,但嫁女送巨额嫁妆依然普遍。所以。实际上,避孕措施不力,耗费了大量的自然资源。印度面积仅297万平方千米,教育普及不够。据联合国粮农组织推算.27亿,印度将超过中国而成为世界人口第一大国:第一,如目前已有高等院校6 000多所,文盲比重大,死者不能升天。使女性受教育是降低人口出生率的关键,这也是婴儿死亡率高的一个原因,计划生育工具供不应求也是造成人口增长的部分原因。造成印度人口高速增长的原因是多方面的,极大地冲击着印度经济的发展,带来了严重的社会,但是印度54%的人口没有文化,而且关系到整个人类的生存与发展相关信息& & & & & 其他回答黯然下台,除了副总理阿德瓦尼曾在一次集会上喊了几句“每个家庭只生两个好”的口号外。此工程的意图是明确的.甘地遭到惨败?     印度专家们告知,没有任何政治家在竞选时提过关于“人口控制”的字眼。之后,目前国内人口平均每年增加1550万,当时的总理英迪拉.甘地曾发起一场控制人口增长的运动。印度是世界上最早实行人口控制政策的国家,在第二年的大选中,按照这个速度。他们对甘地夫人的生育节育计划予以否定,然而。由于印度缺乏连贯的政策来控制人口激增,到2045年时印度人口将超过中国而居世界首位,英迪拉。在今年的竞选中,为什么到目前印度人口仍然以较快的速度增长,但始终难以得到认真的贯彻落实,1976年,早在1951年印度就起草了“全国计划生育规划”,以压倒多数获胜的人民党执掌了在新德里的权杖?印度生育控制不力的原因是什么,并很快宣布了一项新的人口政策――家庭幸福工程,尽管控制人口的措施和办法多次出台,结果遭到广大选民的强烈反对,即它是以自愿为原则的。2000年印度人口达到10亿其次是“计划生育”政策,最后总是不了了之回答时间:[]这些回答都带点模糊,无论是宗教还是风俗,都只是利益的表象。 古代通过多生,来保证劳动力的壮大和家庭的安全,个人觉得只有在依赖体力或人数上争取到利益才是多生的原因。 像当代依赖科技的发达的国家多生实际上已经产生不了太大利益而且还要付出巨大的成本,所以都不太愿意生。所以这是整个国家生产力结构某种体现。回答时间:[]3月26日,印度政府新闻局公布了于2月28日结束的人口普查的初步统计结果,这次为期三周的人口普查是1991年以来的又一次大规模的人口普查行动。在这次普查中,普查人员走访了5000多个城镇和60多万个村庄中的2亿多户家庭。 截至今年3月1日零时,印度全国人口已达到10.27亿,正式成为继中国之后、世界上第二个人口超过10亿的国家。人口总数占世界总人口的16.7%,比1991年纯增了1.8亿回答时间:[]非洲那里战乱导致贫穷,贫穷导致落后,就像我国农村一样,生的越多越穷太明显了,可他们就是要生,(发达国家都不想生,人口都负增长了)非洲那里由于种种原因死亡率很高,也有多生的心理,再加上政府事情多顾不上……印度一部分原因和非洲相同,另外就是宗教教义反对节制生育,还有印度一直把中国当假象敌,当然要生些人跟中国拼了……回答时间:[]印度才是人间地狱。。。。。。。。中国次之,回答时间:[] Copyright & 2017印度和中国为什么有那么多人口?
翻译:荏苒不止 转载请注明出处
[copy]From a historical perspective, what is the reason for the relatively high populations of India and China, compared to places like Europe and South America, for example? Were the Indians and Chinese of the past comparatively healthier than people in other areas?
Was their agriculture more &successful?&
Has the relatively high human population of these areas always been the case?
Was there a time in history that the population density was more 'evenly balanced' over populated areas as a whole? (For example, at some point in history, have all populated areas had generally the same population density? If so, why has this changed?)
This may be more of a Social Science question, but I am really interested to understand how population density has changed - or not changed - over the last, say 4000 years.
I can't really understand what it is about India and China that has, for such a long time, supported such a large population compared to other parts of the inhabited world.
翻译:荏苒不止 转载请注明出处
The short answer is crop yield. Rice has a very high yield and a much higher nutrient content than most other agricultural crops. An acre of planted rice produces much more food with a higher nutrient density than an equivalent acre of wheat or barley, resulting in a larger yearly surplus and therefore can sustain higher populations on an equal amount of land.
Rice also has the advantage over wheat and other grains in that it requires very little processing in order to obtain an edible product. With wheat, the chaff must be separated from the grains, which then must be ground into flour and only then can it be cooked and consumed. Rice, on the other hand, once separated from the chaff can be cooked directly without further steps. (Although further milling may be desired to remove excess bran from the rice, turning &brown rice& into &white rice&.)
Rice does require more water to grow than wheat, but the monsoon rains of India and the fertile river valleys of China (fed by the monsoon rains falling in the Himalayas) have long been prime rice-growing areas that had plenty of water and as a result have been capable of supporting massive populations.
If you are interested more in this subject I would recommend Kenneth Pomeranz's The Great Divergence.
I'm sorry, I don't believe this explanation. There are several problems with it:
Rice is not higher yield than wheat. Both plants have the same photochemistry, and are roughly equivalent in terms of their efficacy at converting sunlight to food. In India, wheat yields are higher (2.9 tons per hectare) compared to rice (2.3 tons per hectare). Of course, yields were much lower for both in the past, but I don't see why rice yields would be higher.
Wheat has been cultivated in the Indian subcontinent for as long as rice. There is evidence of wheat cultivation as early as 8000 - 6000 BC at Mehrgarh. The Indus Valley Civilization practiced mixed farming, and cultivated both rice and wheat (as well as barley, legumes, and a number of other crops).
Rice does not have a higher nutritional content than wheat. It does have about 10% more calories than wheat, but on the other hand, wheat has 75% more protein than rice. Nutritional value is a mix of a number of things, it's not determined by calories alone.
I don't know much about the history of agriculture in China, but I do know a bit about its history in India. India has always had a mixed system, with both rice and wheat grown as staples through antiquity. There are regional differences (more rice in the south and east, more wheat in the north), but the subcontinent has produced both in vast quantities for many thousands of years.
Here's why I think India (and perhaps the same reasons are partly applicable to China too) has always had high populations:
India has a tropical climate and multiple growing seasons in the year. In fact, traditionally, Indian crops are divided into rabi and kharif -- rabi being sown in winter and harvested in the spring, and kharif being sown in spring and harvested in late fall, which is the monsoonal season in India. Wheat is a rabi crop, rice is kharif. They don't interfere with each other -- in many parts of north India, both wheat and rice are grown on the same land seasonally. Indian rice is typically not deep water rice (grown in alluvial floodplains of S-E Asia) but rather it's shallow water rice, which does not require full submergence in water. So the reason why India could support a large population was because it grew a lot of food in multiple growing seasons, not because they grew rice. They grew lots of crops, including many other cereals, which were dominant in different parts of the subcontinent.
India has huge amounts of arable land. This often comes as a surprise to people, seeing that India is only the 7th largest country in the world, far behind such giants as the US or Canada or Russia or China. But if you rank countries in terms of arable land, India is second -- slightly behind the US, but ahead of China, Russia, Brazil, Canada. If you throw in Pakistan (which is a 70-year old creation), then India has the largest amount of arable land of any country in the world.
So the reason why India had such a large population was because they have the largest area of arable land, and the fact that the climate allows 2 or more growing seasons every year. China is not far behind, and it seems likely that they also supported large populations for the same reason. The anomaly here is not India or China, but rather the US. Why did the US not produce similarly large populations despite also having large amounts of arable land. They didn't have rice or wheat, but they did have corn, which has a higher yield than both rice and wheat. In fact, corn has the highest yield of any cereal crop.
I suppose it may have to do with being part of the new world, and many old world improvements in agricultural technologies not reaching them until late. The absence of large domesticated animals to pull plows and break earth, the fact that many tribes weren't agricultural tribes to begin with, but were hunter/gatherers instead probably also factored in.
Do you have any source recommendations for further investigation into this topic?
Which information in particular? I've covered several different disciplines in my post - history, geography, biology, food production. Could you be a bit more specific?
For history, I recommend M.S. Randhawa's &A History of Agriculture in India&. It's a multi-volume set, but the first volume covers the period of interest, from the beginnings of agriculture to the 12th century. It's published by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Here's a PDF copy of the first volume.
Another good source is the collection titled &History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization&, edited by Chattopathyaya. This is also a multi-volume set, but Volume 5 covers the history of Indian agriculture.
In addition, pick any book on ancient Indian history to understand the general context. Specifically early neolithic sites associated with farming, such as Mehrgarh, some coverage of the Indus Valley Civilization, the later shift of population centers to the Gangetic plain. I don't have any particular recommendations, just any book that covers these periods.
Regarding crop yields, I would recommend reading a primer on the evolutionary history of grasses. Almost all modern cereal crops - including wheat, rice, barley, etc. - are grasses, which appeared relatively recently in the geological record. In particular, you would want to read about the different kinds of photochemistry used by plants to harness solar energy into the production of food. This gets somewhat technical, and I don't know your biology background, but you would need to understand the mechanism of photosynthesis, and the different types of photosynthesis - C3, C4, CAM - that are used by plants, and how each type sets limits on yield based on environmental conditions. What the limiting factors or bottlenecks are for each kind, is it sunlight, is it carbon dioxide, is it moisture. You can start with a basic primer like this one, and then go from there.
Regarding geography, there is not much to say. A good physical atlas of the world is a great starting point, and there are dozens on the internet. Vegetation maps and maps that show climate zones that can be overlaid on relief maps will give you an idea of the extent of these farmlands in different parts of the world.
If you are looking to verify specific facts I mentioned in my posts, please say which one and I'll try to find a reference for it. I provided a link for the areas of arable land by region in my previous post. Here's a link showing why northern India has such a huge alluvial plain - because the flow of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system is immense, the 3rd largest in the world after the Amazon and Congo, and it brings millions of tons of silt down from the Himalayas every year.
另一个不错的资料来源是由Chattopathyaya (吐槽:这个机翻也翻不了的名字和那个别扭的书名都是自己蒙的,求大神告知正确译法)编辑的一个叫&印度文明的科学、哲学和文化史&的集子。这也是多卷本,但第五卷有关于印度农业历史的部分。
对于作物产量,我建议您阅读一些关于草本植物进化历史的入门书籍。绝大部分现代谷类植物&&包括小麦,水稻,大麦,等等&&都是草本植物,相比较而言都是最近才出现在地质记录上的。您尤其应当了解的是,植物在将太阳能转化成食物时所利用的不同的光化学反应。这需要一定的技术基础,我不清楚您的生物学知识背景,但是您需要了解光合作用的机制,以及不同的光合作用类型&&也就是植物使用的C3,C4和CAM类型(译注:这里的C3,C4和CAM是指植物在进行光合作用时,二氧化碳固定的最初产物。如果最初产物是含有三个碳原子的分子,就是碳三植物,即C3植物,而 大部分植物为碳三植物;如果含有四个碳原子,就是碳四植物,即C4植物,如玉米,高粱,甘蔗等;有一些干旱地区的特殊植物,在阳光下的最初产物为C3,在黑暗中的最初产物为C4,这样的植物被称为CAM植物,如仙人掌,菠萝,兰花等),以及不同的光合作用类型在不同环境下的产量限制,每种类型的限制因素和瓶颈,是光线,二氧化碳,还是湿度?你可以从像这样的基本入门读物开始(译注:原链接在此http://wc.pima.edu/Bfiero/tucsonecology/plants/plants_photosynthesis.htm,自备过墙梯),然后从这里开始延伸。
如果您想验证我的回复中一些具体的观点,请指出是哪一个,我会设法找到它的参考资料。在我之前的一个帖子里,我贴出了区域耕地面积的链接。这个链接(译注:原链接在此http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_by_discharge)解释了为什么印度北部有如此巨大的冲击平原&&因为恒河 - 布拉马普特拉河 - 梅克纳河流域的流量如此巨大的,是继亚马逊河流域和刚果河流域之后的流量第三大的流域,每年从喜马拉雅山脉上冲刷下来的泥土有数百万吨之多。
OP here, follow up question: I was more curious about the population density disparity between Europe (the entire continent as a whole,) and India and China throughout history.
I understand now that agricultural practices can have a big impact o does it follow that Europe simply has less arable land than China and India - or a lower crop yield in general?
My curiosity about rice has been piqued. (I have heard that rice and beans are a 'perfect protein,' but I may be wrong about that.) Any idea why rice was/is not such a widely eaten staple food in Europe? Has rice been grown in Europe historically? (The explanation of rice being less labour intensive to go from field to fork made sense to me.)
I understand now that agricultural practices can have a big impact o does it follow that Europe simply has less arable land than China and India - or a lower crop yield in general?
Both. Remember, we are talking historically, not today. Today the industrial revolution has produced highly mechanized and resource intensive farming, and Europe being richer than India or China, grows a lot of food.
But in ancient times, total food production was much lower in Europe than in India or China. This has nothing to do with crop yields, which as I pointed out in my previous post, didn't differ significantly. It's because the climate in India permitted multiple growing seasons per year, while less sunlight and longer/colder winters in Europe don't allow high productivity year round.
Arable land is also important. India has more arable land than all of Western Europe combined did in ancient times. Also important is the fact that this land is contiguous, not divided by mountain ranges and deserts or arid areas. The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin is the largest alluvial plane by far in the world, with the highest flow after the Amazon. China has two huge river basins.
My curiosity about rice has been piqued. (I have heard that rice and beans are a 'perfect protein,' but I may be wrong about that.) Any idea why rice was/is not such a widely eaten staple food in Europe? Has rice been grown in Europe historically? (The explanation of rice being less labour intensive to go from field to fork made sense to me.)
&Perfect protein& is a pretty meaningless concept, since nobody eats just one thing. In reality, people have varied diets even if living in a wheat or rice monoculture, and it's the total amount of protein that's important, not the&perfect protein&. You may spend your life as a doctor in any country of the world and never see a patient lacking some essential amino acid, but you will see plenty lacking sufficient total protein if you spend time in poor countries.
Rice was not common in Europe because rice requires warmer climates and because rice requires flooding at certain stages. Much of Europe is too cold and/or too dry, but there were certainly some areas where it was grown, even in old times. However, it was dominated by other cereal crops, specially wheat,
耕地也很重要。在古代,印度的耕地面积比整个西欧加起来还要多。还有一件事情也很重要,那就是印度的土地是连续的,而不是被山脉、荒漠和干旱区分隔开的。恒河 - 布拉马普特拉河 - 梅克纳河盆地,是目前世界上最大的冲击盆地,该盆地的流量仅次于亚马逊河流域。而中国有两个巨大的河流流域。
I agree that the nutritional content of rice versus wheat is very close, but I feel I should make two points:
While the northwest of India was wheat growing very early, the epicenter of India's population since the early historic period has been the rice growing Ganges.
Yield per acre is not, of course, stable throughout history. I don't know what the figures for today are, but the primarily rice based agricultural techniques developed in the Tang and Song were much more effective than in contemporary Europe or the Middle East. They were perhaps only equaled by contemporary Mesoamerican farmers. In fact, given that Yangtze rice agriculture has been notoriously resistant to industrial techniques, if yields are equal today that is a true testimony to premodern rice farming techniques.
While the northwest of India was wheat growing very early, the epicenter of India's population since the early historic period has been the rice growing Ganges.
India's high population dates at least since the Indus Valley Civilization, which was not centered on the Ganges, but on the Indus-Saraswati drainage basin. Wheat had already been grown here for thousands of years before the IVC, and continued to remain an important crop during the IVC.
The center of population started to move east to the Gangetic plain around 2000 BC, as drought in the west decreased agricultural productivity in the region and caused the Saraswati to run dry.
Wheat was an important crop in the Gangetic plain right from the beginning when populations started to move east, and remains an important crop in the Gangetic plain to this day. In fact, to this day, more wheat is grown in the Gangetic plain than in the northwest.
Yield per acre is not, of course, stable throughout history. I don't know what the figures for today are, but the primarily rice based agricultural techniques developed in the Tang and Song were much more effective than in contemporary Europe or the Middle East. They were perhaps only equaled by contemporary Mesoamerican farmers. In fact, given that Yangtze rice agriculture has been notoriously resistant to industrial techniques, if yields are equal today that is a true testimony to premodern rice farming techniques.
I don't know about the Yangtze farmers, but in India even today wheat yields are higher per acre than rice. It is very hard to estimate what wheat or rice yields were 4000 years ago. Those varietals of wheat and rice that were grown then no longer exist - they have been superseded by 4000 years worth of selective breeding by farmers. So I can't provide numbers for exact yield per acre 4000 years ago. No one can.
I am just pointing out that both plants are grasses of related families, both use the exact same C3 photochemistry, so there is no reason to believe that rice yields exceeded that of wheat in ancient times, as OP claimed. If anything, the reverse is true today at least in India.
To be honest, I am not entirely certain what the relevance of the Indus Valley civilization to this is. That was an early fluorescence of urbanized culture in the subcontinent, but it also collapsed. &Indian civilization& as we think of it stems from the Ganges. If we want to find the roots of India's high population density we would need to start with the early historic, not the IVC.
I'm also not entirely certain why you are talking about 4000 years ago when I am talking about the Tang and the Song.
I am just pointing out that both plants are grasses of related families, both use the exact same C3 photochemistry, so there is no reason to believe that rice yields exceeded that of wheat in ancient times, as OP claimed.
Except that crop yields are not just a matter of pure plant chemistry, that also involve land management, fertilization, harvest techniques, labor organization, breeding techniques and surplus management. In these matters, Song farmers were much more effective than contemporaries in western Eurasia.
The main problem with taking the sort of &climate determinist& position is that the relative population of the areas has shifted and the take off of Chinese population really only began with the exploitation of Yangtze rice farming and the development of agricultural techniques in the Tang and the Song. If this was purely a mater of climate we would expect the relative population of the areas to remain stable.
To be honest, I am not entirely certain what the relevance of the Indus Valley civilization to this is. That was an early fluorescence of urbanized culture in the subcontinent, but it also collapsed.
It was one of the four ancient civilizations of the world and larger in area than ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. At its peak, the population of IVC was about 5 million, while the population of the entire world at the time was probably around 20 million. So India accounted for about a quarter of all humans alive at time, which is what the question the OP asked is about - why has India's population been so consistently high.
That is the relevance of IVC.
but it also collapsed. &Indian civilization& as we think of it stems from the Ganges. If we want to find the roots of India's high population density we would need to start with the early historic, not the IVC.
I don't know how you think of it, but I saw a straightforward question about demographics of the Indian subcontinent, and answered it. You seem to be implying that IVC wasn't an Indian civilization, or you don't want to count it as one. I'd be curious about exactly how you classify it. What makes the Gangetic plain Indian, but not the Indus/Saraswati? The fact that part of them are in Pakistan now? But Pakistan is only 70 years old, and not relevant to the question about ancient India.
As for &collapse&, the collapse of cities doesn't mean that the population mysteriously vanished. As I mentioned in my previous posts, the climate started drying in the northwest, and people started migrating eastwards towards the Yamuna, and eventually the Ganges. This wasn't a sudden thing, it happened over hundreds of years. Movement of the demographic population center does not in any way imply that the total population of India decreased, it simply means the geographical distribution changed. So again, I think this is relevant to the question of historically high Indian populations.
I'm also not entirely certain why you are talking about 4000 years ago when I am talking about the Tang and the Song.
Because my entire post is about high populations in ancient India, to answer the OP's question. I didn't bring up the Tang or Song, I was simply explaining why I thought rice yields couldn't have been substantially higher than wheat in the context of India.
Except that crop yields are not just a matter of pure plant chemistry, that also involve land management, fertilization, harvest techniques, labor organization, breeding techniques and surplus management.
Sure, but I see no evidence that this was the case in India, and I pointed out that the actual situation is the opposite today, with wheat yields being higher than rice in India. If someone is going to make a claim that rice yields were higher, then it falls to him to provide some evidence to back it up. The guy I was responding to made the claim but provided no evidence, which was the source of my objection.
In these matters, Song farmers were much more effective than contemporaries in western Eurasia.
That's great. In that case, you should write up a separate post explaining why in China you think rice farming was great and had high yields compared to Europe. For my part, I made no definitive claims about China, since I have no expertise in that area. I made it clear that I was talking primarily about India.
The main problem with taking the sort of &climate determinist& position is that the relative population of the areas has shifted and the take off of Chinese population really only began with the exploitation of Yangtze rice farming and the development of agricultural techniques in the Tang and the Song.
No, it didn't &really only begin& during the Tang and Song period, at least, no more than world population in general was expanding during the same period. Two thousand years ago, long before the Tang and Song, China and India still accounted for roughly 25% of the world population each. The data is from the 2001 paper by M here's the actual table from which this graph was made, showing the Chinese population estimated at 60 million and the Indian population at 75 million, two thousand years ago. High populations for India and China relative to world populations at the time go back much further than Tang and Song.
If this was purely a mater of climate we would expect the relative population of the areas to remain stable.
No, you shouldn't expect that, why would yields remain the same if technology improves, or the quality of seed improves, or any number of other things improve? Nor did I say that it was purely climate. There are hundreds of factors that determine how much food a region produces, technology, fertilizers, farming practices, soils, and many others. I was simply arguing against the simplistic notion that rice is innately more productive than wheat, by pointing out that (1) it's not, and (2) there are other, even more obvious reasons that have been disregarded, namely climate and arable land area.
Now if you want to argue that at some point in time some farmers in China developed a new and better way of rice farming and thus improved their yields, that's fine. But that has nothing to do with any of my arguments. Be sure to mention that you are only speaking of changes post dating that technology, and some explanation of prior high populations is still required.
至于&崩溃&,城市的崩溃并不意味着人口就神秘的消失了。我在之前的楼层提过,西北部的气候开始变得干旱,人口开始向东迁徙至亚穆纳河,并最终到达恒河。这一切并不是瞬间发生的,而是经历了上百年。人口中心的移动无论如何都不意味着印度总人口下降,而只 意味着地理分布的变化。所以再一次,我认为这与历史上印度人口众多有联系。
Tang and Song were much more effective than in contemporary Europe or the Middle East. They were perhaps only equaled by contemporary Mesoamerican farmers. In fact, given that Yangtze rice agriculture has been notoriously resistant to industrial techniques, if yields are equal today that is a true testimony to premodern rice farming techniques.
Industrial techniques has increased rice yield from about 2 tonnes per hectare in 1949 to about 6 tonnes per hectare in 1993.
Yields also increased steadily from Yuan to Qing.
Population during the Qing
Fengtian 000 1000
Shandong 00
Jiangsu 00
Jiangxi 00
Zhejiang 00
Guangdong 00
Match it to a modern map, and there's not much difference in spread.
We also have the Rice-Wheat divide map.
And the land being cultivated map.
So land under cultivation & wheat or rice. Within China itself anyway.
【译注:原链接https://books.google.ca/books?id=Xfl91KZfw8kC&pg=PA211&lpg=PA211&dq=rice+yield+per+hectare+china&source=bl&ots=PkHxqiMG7W&sig=sa4r-o-iDcPFuvX5_cLay1IAEbc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=lC2PVLb3NcLVoASGroHAAw&ved=0CBwQ6AEwADgU#v=onepage&q=rice%20yield%20per%20hectare%20china&f=false 】
【译注:原链接https://books.google.ca/books?id=MeajDDSunkEC&pg=PA104&lpg=PA104&dq=1850+rice+yield+per+hectare+qing&source=bl&ots=J_81_egGsi&sig=XVppixVC8hDhElRyMLFENrDb6PA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NiOPVNLrCJftoASKmoCgAQ&ved=0CDwQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q&f=false )
【译注:原链接/english/InfoShow/Arcitle_Show_Forum2_Show.asp?ID=278&Title=The%20Humanities%20Study&strNavigation=Home-%3EForum-%3EHistory&BigClassID=4&SmallClassID=8 】
1749& && && && && &&&1776& && && && && &&&1812& && && && && &&&1850
奉天& && &&&407000& && && && & 764000& && && && & 942000& && && && & 2571000
直隶& && &&&& && && && && && && && && &
山东& && &&&& && && && && && && && && &
河南& && &&&& && && && && && && && && &
山西& && &&&9509000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
陕西& && &&&6734000& && && &&&8193000& && && &&&& && && &
甘肃& && &&&5710000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
江苏& && &&&& && && && && && && && && &
安徽& && &&&& && && && && && && && && &
江西& && &&&8428000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
浙江& && &&&& && && && && && && && && &
福建& && &&&7620000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
湖北& && &&&7527000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
湖南& && &&&8672000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
四川& && &&&2507000& && && &&&7790000& && && &&&& && && &
广东& && &&&6461000& && && &&&& && && && && && &
广西& && &&&3688000& && && && &5382000& && && & 7314000& && && &&&7827000
云南& && &&&1961000& && && && &3103000& && && & 5561000& && && &&&7376000
贵州& && &&&3104000& && && && &5003000& && && & 5288000& && && &&&5434000
So not true. The yellow river basin and further north planted wheat. And it wasn't until the early Ming that the population in the south outnumber the north, and that was because of centuries of southward migration due to warfare.
Thought that book is now heavily contested
But why is it that when we compare a map of population density and a map of agriculture, the wheat-growing areas appear just as dense, if not denser, than the rice-growing areas? Shandong (the 2nd densest province) and Henan (4th) are bo and Jiangsu (1st) and Anhui (6th) are both in the mixed zone.
Those maps appear to be from the last few years. The OP's question is about the historical perspective. Are current population densities constrained by nearby agriculture? Wouldn't modern transportation systems make that unnecessary? From the first map, it seems that the coastal provinces with the largest cities have the highest population density, which makes sense.
Those maps may be recent, but both wheat and rice are equally old crops, and were certainly both cultivated in India and China during the period in question (the ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations).
I think his theory is just wrong. No nutritionist would agree that rice has more nutritional content than wheat. It has about 10% more calories, but 75% less protein. Nutritional analysis is a complex thing and not summarized by &10% more calories&.
The more reasonable explanation is that India and China have huge amounts of arable land (2nd and 3rd in the world, just behind the US), and a tropical climate with multiple growing seasons per year. This makes them suitable for producing large amounts of food period, not specifically &rice rather than wheat&, which is nonsense.
I have no comments about your last two paragraphs, as I have no knowledge of this subject, but what I was trying to comment on was whether the current population density is similar to the historical population density. That is, perhaps the parity of the population densities between the wheat growing and rice growing only happened relatively recently and has nothing to do with wheat or rice.
However, both your and /u/ParallelPain's posts cast doubt on the top-level comment's claims.
我对于最后的两篇文章不予置评,因为我对讨论的主题没什么了解,我试图评论的是,现在的人口密度是否与历史上的相似。也就是说,也许人口密度与水稻、小麦之间的匹配关系 只是最近发生的,而与是小麦还是稻米无关。
而且,你在这个帖子(译注:原链接/u/ParallelPain )和本帖中都对最佳评论进行反驳。
As a biology and physiology major i would have to disagree on your position relative to ancient times. In this case, calories has more value than protein.
Asian peasants were required to do a lot of manual labor. This requires a lot of calories. If your body is running on a deficit of calories protein would give you no nutritional value b/c you are burning all the calories off. Thus, these peasants would have benefited from a high caloric diet than something with more balance.
In today's world we eat an excess of carbohydrates to the point we develop type 2 diabetes. A balance diet with protein and carbohydrate is important in modern health. This was not the case in ancient times when carbohydrates were harder to come by.
&As a biology and physiology major&, I suggest you have a lot to learn. Kwashiorkor affects a hell of a lot of kids worldwide, resulting in massive morbidity and mortality. It's easy to forget sitting in the western world just how hard it can be to get sufficient proteins, and how serious the effects of deficiency. Even plain old calorie-deficit starvation becomes a lot worse and kills much faster if proteins are also lacking, as in marasmus.
If someone had to do with 75% less protein versus 10% less total calories compared to their RDA, I think 75% less protein would kill sooner, specially in childhood. People can survive mild starvation for a lot longer than they can tolerate acute protein deficiency.
In today's world we eat an excess of carbohydrates to the point we develop type 2 diabetes.
Wrong context. Go live in starving African or Asian countries, you'll discover a whole new range of health problems. You should be talking about masarmus and kwashiorkor, not diabetes.
All of which is irrelevant to the point to begin with. The population density of India and China was 3-4 times higher than that of ancient Europe. You can't explain a 300-400% difference in population with a 10% difference in calories. Math doesn't work out.
Historically the wheat growing yellow river basin and anything further north had more population and was the centre of Chinese civilisation. Only by the Ming did population in the south match the north, and only because of centuries of southward migration due to warfare in the north.
Wow! Thanks!
So, short answer, crop yield of rice. Good to know... would I be right in thinking that the rain required to sustain this rice crop also 'short answer' contributes to this as well?
I'm thinking in 'short answer' terms: High enough rainfall to sustain a rice crop which in turn is very good at sustaining a human population...? [Mini TL;DR - Lotsa rain which is good for lotsa rice which is good for lotsa people?]
And thanks for the book recommend, I'll check it out.
darwinfish86Early Modern Militaries
High rainfall, yes, but also climate and geography. There are places in the world with more precipitation than India or China, it is more specifically the combined effect of the great seasonal monsoons from the Indian Ocean and the adjacent Himalayan mountains. Hot, wet air from the equatorial oceans travels north into the Himalayas where the colder temperatures of the mountains condense that hot humid air into rain and snowfall. Snowfall in the Himalayas feeds the seasonal floods of all the rivers of south, east, and southeast Asia. Yearly climactic cycles mean that this flooding is regular and dependable, hence extremely reliable for purposes of agriculture.
Similar dependable flooding is the backbone of many other early civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia, but they did not grow rice in the ancient Nile and Euphrates valleys. These areas were also surrounded by inhospitable desert, and the flooding in Mesopotamia was neither regular nor reliable. In contrast the Ganges and the Yangtze are surrounded by subtropical or temperate environments very conducive to human settlement. The regularity of the seasonal floods and the high yield of rice as a staple crop are both dependent factors of the overall geography.
In short, there never is a &short answer&.
Oh wow, that was a really clear explanation. I feel like I've read about this before, but never really understood it until now.
Thanks for explaining. I really see the picture more clearly than I did a few hours ago.
Interesting! How exactly does the high crop yield translate to a high population? Do people have more children, or do children have a better chance of reaching adulthood?
darwinfish86Early Modern Militaries
High crop yield simply means more food is produced for a given area under cultivation. If 1 acre of wheat yields 100 bushels of grain, while 1 acre of rice yields 300 bushels of grain, obviously you can feed more people with rice using an equivalent area of farmland. If, ceteris paribus, that single acre takes an equivalent amount of labor to cultivate it logically follows that a higher-yield crop will produce a larger surplus, and hence will be able to support a higher population.
Yeah I get that, but I was asking whether Europeans chose to have less children because there wasn't enough food, or if they had the same number of kids but they died of starvation unlike children born in Asia.
Do people generally have more children when there is more food available?
Less people die before having children when there is more food available.
Oooh I gotcha. Thanks!
hi! you'll find more info in the FAQ (link on sidebar)
Why do China and India have such large populations?
【译注:原链接/r/AskHistorians/wiki/asia#wiki_why_do_china_and_india_have_such_large_populations.3F 】
Forgotmyoldlogon[S] 2 指標 1 月 前&
Oh, hey, thanks! :) Probably should have checked there first.
I don't know India. But of China, it is worthy to mention Qing dynasty and Spanish invaders of America. Until 1644, the year of Ming dynasty's collapse and Qing's invasion from Manchuria, China had never had more than 100 million people. Why? The food. China had long lived on wheat and rice, which provided low yield per acre before the coming of modern fertilizer, machines and seeds. But things were changing slightly. With Spanish's invasion of America, corn, potato, and sweet potato spreaded round the world. Chinese first knew these foods at late Ming dynasty via Spanish colony-Philippines. Gradually they were introduced to China, first in Guangdong and Fujian province. After Qing dynasty's establishment, these foods were increasingly planted in China, esp in mountainous areas or lands which were not suitable for wheat and rice. Thanks to these foods, China had a population more than 400 million in late Qing dynasty(). This population guaranteed China to survive the European's colonialism and Japanese's imperialism.
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