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原文标题:China must teach Japan a lesson, says Chinese daily
BEIJING: A lesson is necessary to dispel Japan's contempt toward China, said a state-run Chinese daily on Wednesday, a day after the Japanese government inked a deal to buy the disputed Diaoyu Islands.A strongly worded editorial - &Discard illusion of friendly ties with Japan& - in Global Times said that Sino-Japanese relations suffered a serious blow on Tuesday when the Japanese government signed a deal to purchase the Diaoyu Islands with the self-proclaimed &owner&.&The friendly ties between the two countries established in the 1970s collapsed completely,& it said.The daily added: &Chinese anger of over a century toward Japan was awakened Tuesday, and will in turn affect Japanese feelings toward China. It appears inevitable the two sides will be overwhelmed by hatred again now that more conflicts can be expected. China needs to be prepared for further deterioration of bilateral ties. For Beijing, the future priority isn't to maintain stable ties, but to protect its core interests as Sino-Japanese relations sour.&北京:周三,一份国营的中国日报称,有必要给日本一个教训,以消除其对中国的蔑视。前一天,日本政府签署了一项购买存在争议的钓鱼岛的协议。“抛弃中日友好的幻想。”环球时报在一篇措辞强硬的社论指出,随着日本政府签署一项从自封的“拥有人”那里购买钓鱼岛的协议,中日关系周二遭受严重打击。1970年代建立的中日友好关系彻底奔溃。环球时报又称:“中国人百年以来对日本的愤怒在周二被唤醒,会转而影响日本人对中国的感情。似乎不可避免的是双边关系会再次被仇恨压垮,预计会出现更多冲突。中国需要对双边关系进一步恶化做准备。对于北京来说,未来首要任务不是保持稳定关系,而是保护核心利益。”The editorial said that though China was committed to building friendly ties with neighbours, the Diaoyu issue has turned China and Japan into opponents.&China isn't used to having an adversary close by.&...Japan inflicted painful atrocities against China in the past. It is now more developed than China, but is in decline. The balance of national power is shifting between the two. With such a close opponent, China can be spurred to action,& it said.The daily noted that Japan depends on the Chinese market more than China does on the Japanese market.&A political confrontation will bring insignificant economic damage to China,& it said. &...with China's nuclear deterrence, Japan is less likely to launch a military attack on China.&社论称,虽然中国致力于和领国建立友好关系,但钓鱼岛问题让中日成为对手。“日本过去对中国施加过痛苦的暴行,如今比中国更发达,但处于衰退中。两国的权利平衡出现转移。就这样一个实力接近的对手来说,中国可能会采取行动。”这份日报指出,日本对中国市场的依赖大于中国对日本市场的依赖。“政治对抗不会给中国带来明显经济伤害。由于中国有核威慑,日本不大可能对中国发起军事攻击。”It said that China has been advocating friendly ties with its neighbour, but &Japan has created enough troubles for China over the years&.&But its behaviour toward the US and Russia demonstrates its inferiority toward strong countries. China cannot repeat what the US and Russia did to Japan. But a lesson is necessary to dispel its contempt toward China...&Increasing its shrill pitch, the editorial went on to say that China is accumulating strength with its fast development.&It can fully show this strength to Japan in a future conflict to reverse Japan's attitude toward China,& it warned.&Keeping friendly neighbouring ties is a good policy. But it cannot be achieved through one-sided begging and compromising.&中国主张领国之间关系友好,但日本这几年给中国制造了过多麻烦。“日本对美国和俄罗斯的行为显示了其在强国面前的自卑。中国无法复制美国和俄罗斯对日本的做法,但有必要给其一个教训,以消除其对中国的蔑视...”这篇社论提高音调继续说到,随着经济快速发展,中国积累了力量。社论警告:“在未来冲突中,完全可以向日本展示力量,以扭转日本对中国的态度。保持友好领国关系是好的政策,但不能通过单方乞讨和妥协来获得。”The disputed islands in the East China Sea, which are also claimed by Taiwan, lie on a vital shipping route and are surrounded by large hydrocarbon deposits beneath them.Japan says it has controlled the islands since 1895 until its surrender at the end of World War II. The islands were controlled by the US from 1945 to 1972 and subsequently returned to Japan's control. China claims the islands' discovery and control since the 14th century.China and Taiwan started to lay claims on the islands in the 1970s when surveys showed the area was rich in hydrocarbons.Tensions flared between Tokyo and Beijing, after Japan last month arrested 14 Chinese nationals, including activists from Hong Kong, and deported them over a protest landing on Uotsuri, the largest of a group of disputed isles.这个存争议的岛屿位于东海,处于重要的航运路线中,周围有大量的碳氢矿物。台湾也对该岛宣称主权。日本称,从1895年至二战投降,一直控制这些岛屿。从1945年到1972年,这些岛屿由美国控制,随后被归还给日本控制。中国宣称发现了这些岛屿,并从14世纪开始一直控制着。1970年代,当调查发现这个地区富含碳氢矿物时,中国和台湾开始对这些岛屿宣称拥有主权。上月,日本逮捕并驱逐了14名登上鱼钓岛的中国公民,包括来自香港的活动分子。随后,东京和北京的矛盾变得激烈起来。[size=1em]以下是印度网民的评论:Syed Abdulmuqtadir (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Such arguments ony escalate the tensions further, better sit and talk and solve the issue. China is militarily mightier than Japan but Japan's security is in the hands of US since WWII, any enthusiastic step or over acting by China will result in only destruction nothing else. The best solution is talk and reach to a logical conclusion.
Agree (17)Disagree (2)Recommend (1)争论只会让紧张形势进一步升级,最好坐下来谈如何解决问题。中国军事比日本更强大,但自从二战后,日本安全归美国管,中国的任何过激举措只会带来毁灭。最好的办法是谈判,并达成一个符合逻辑的结论。munna (maddur) 4 hrs ago
Get these chinkees off map, they make too much of noise!!
Agree (23)Disagree (4)Recommend (6)把这些中国佬从地图上抹去,他们制造太多噪音了!原创翻译:三泰虎 BAHAR ROY (Assam)
What if Japan teaches you one.....
Agree (28)Disagree (1)Recommend (14)假如日本给你一个教训会怎么样...rkuppal5 (Hisar) replies to BAHAR ROY
Always remember the saying-The Man behind the machine is more important than the machine-The Japanese have got a great tradition of warriors-Like the SAMURAI & the Kamikhaze [suicide ]tradition..Once Japan starts Militarising,Many countries in Asia may start trembling.永远记住这句话:机器后面的人比机器更重要。日本人有武士道精神。一旦日本开始军事化,亚洲许多国家会开始颤抖。Trp (India ) replies to rkuppal5 4 hrs ago
A cat teaching a lion a lesson? Don't think so.一只猫给一只狮子一个教训?我不这么认为。Raj (KL) replies to Trp 2 hrs ago
that CAT overcame Nuclear disaster in a couple of decade..核灾难后,那只猫几十年就恢复了。Mahesh Ved (Mumbai)
China DARE not Act against Japan.China can only Issue y Threats,Warnings and Statements.
Agree (5)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)中国不敢对日本采取行动。中国只能发布威胁、警告和声明。Commom Man (Everywhere) 4 hrs ago
China has problem with most of neighboring countries. It swallowed Tibet, Aksai Chin (part of India). It is trying to swallow Taiwan, Arunachal Predesh. It has problem with Japan, India, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei. It just tries to bully the neighbors. At the same time it does not give freedom of speech to it's own national. It's time for world to get united against China's behaviors.
Agree (36)Disagree (1)Recommend (18)中国和大多数领国之间都存在领土问题,它吞并了xz、阿克塞钦(印度的一部分),试图吞并台湾、阿鲁纳恰尔邦,与日本、印度、菲律宾、越南、马来西亚和文莱之间存在问题。与此同时,没有给自己国民言论自游。世界该联合起来反对中国的行为。santabanta (Delhi) 4 hrs ago
Who will teach China a lesson?
Agree (12)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)谁来给中国一个教训?Ram din (India ) replies to santabanta 4 hrs ago
No one. China is the next super power start getting used to it's bullying. They can afford to throw their weight around. No one can touch them.
Agree (2)Disagree (6)Recommend (0)没有人,中国是下一个超级大国,开始习惯其欺凌行为吧。他们可以到处蛮横,没人敢碰他们。Ravi (Singapore) replies to Ram din 3 hrs ago
Wait for couple of years, There is a country who can teach lession to China very soon, Yes guess is right &Pakistan&
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)等几年吧,有一个国家很快会教训中国,是的,猜对了,是“巴基斯坦”。Tam (Delhi) 4 hrs ago
China don't have good relations with any of its neighbors....China claims every neighboring country is part of China....Vietnam,Mongolia,Hongkong,Taiwan to name few....only exception in Pakistan....and that too just to counter India....China don't have any interest in India....
Agree (15)Disagree (3)Recommend (3)中国没有和任何领国保持友好关系。中国宣称每个领国是中国的一部分,比如越南、蒙古、香港、台湾,唯一的例外是巴基斯坦,这还是为了反制印度。中国在印度没有任何利益...Mir Akbar (Delhi) 4 hrs ago
Japan has been abandoned by its all time ally US.
Agree (5)Disagree (14)Recommend (1)日本被全天候盟友美国抛弃了。Amused (MP) replies to Mir Akbar 3 hrs ago
Tell that to the 40,000 US personnel in Japan. US government does not bark in newspapers unless it is prepared to actually make war. China whines and complains and makes false threats on weekly basis.去同驻日4万美军说去吧。除非准备好真正开战,美国政府不会在报纸上叫嚣。每周,中国都会发牢骚啊,抱怨啊,还有发布虚假威胁。colranbir lamba (PTA)
Agree (36)Disagree (2)Recommend (14)中国必须给日本一个教训。vivosho (Bangalore)
China's ambition would make its tie to be broken with each neighbour. CHINA = Criminals Hiding in Immense Nation with Arrogance..This dragon must be boycotted by all sovereign states.
Agree (19)Disagree (4)Recommend (5)中国的雄心会让其和所有领国的关系破裂。中国等于隐藏在傲慢大国里的罪犯。所有主权国家必须抵制中国龙。George Chungath (India)
That is not possible at the current situations of the world
Agree (2)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)在当前世界形势里,这是不可能的。Sovereign (India)
China has got problems with each & everything . . it could one day put a claim on the entire earth saying the Chinese had discovered it & have occupied it for the last million years . . . . absolutely &Made In China& Jai Hind!
Agree (20)Disagree (3)Recommend (0)中国和每个领国都存在领土问题。总有一天,中国会宣称对整个地球拥有主权,他们会说中国人发现了地球,已经占领了一百万年....绝对的“中国制造”,胜利属于印度!Patriot (pune) replies to kuldeep_chauhan80 2 hrs ago
Same like india.. India having problems with pakistan, bangladesh, china and sri lanka. when we point a finger to somebody else, it makes 4 fingers point self.印度也一样,印度与巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、中国和斯里兰卡之间存在领土问题。当我们一只手指指着别人时,其他四只手指是在指着自己。Sovereign replies to Patriot
Rightly said, four fingers point to us . . . but need to understand that we have problem with them or they have a problem with us, , , , , need to think again说得对,四只手指是指着自己...但需要理解一点,即问题是我们引起的,还是他们引起的,再想想吧。Energise Yourself (gurgaon)
china recently hates all neighbours
Agree (16)Disagree (2)Recommend (5)中国最近讨厌所有领国。Common Man (Bhubaneswar, India)
Yeah!!! they can organize wushu and judo competition.
Agree (4)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)耶!他们可以组织武术和柔道比赛。原创翻译:三泰虎 Nitesh (Bangalore) 4 hrs ago
China in no time has made a rapid growth in the number of enemies with its growth beware china the sun might set before it rises. If china thinks it can alone handle all these rival country it has gone insane and japan will always be way ahead of china
Agree (12)Disagree (3)Recommend (5)中国很快就制造了许多敌人。小心,太阳还没升起可能就落下了。如果中国认为可以独自对付所有敌国,那么就是疯了。日本会一直遥遥领先中国。Tumme Amo (Itanagar, India)
I hv my feelings for China here but China cannot cite 14th century discovery to claim ant rights over the islands... &.......Japan says it has controlled the islands since 1895 until its surrender at the end of World War II. The islands were controlled by the US from 1945 to 1972 and subsequently returned to Japan's control. China claims the islands' discovery and control since the 14th century....&
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)我在感情上支持中国,但中国不能以14世纪的发现来宣称对岛屿拥有主权。日本称,从1895年至二战投降,一直控制这些岛屿。从1945年到1972年,这些岛屿由美国控制,随后被归还给日本控制。中国宣称发现了这些岛屿,并从14世纪开始一直控制着...Ali (India) 4 hrs ago
OMG, all Japenes are so scared.China always bark thru newspapaers
Agree (4)Disagree (3)Recommend (1)哦,上帝,所有印度人都非常害怕,中国一直通过报纸来咆哮。U K Gupta (Bhopal) 4 hrs ago
China just wants land to accommodate its ever increasing population be it India, Vietnam, Hongkong, Taiwan, Mongolia and now Japan
Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)中国只是需要土地来容纳不断增长的人口,不管是对印度、越南、香港、台湾还是蒙古都是如此,如今轮到了日本。Anil (Dubai)
This probably means that Japanese brands will not manufacture their products in China any more. That's good news for us.
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)这可能意味着日本品牌不再会在中国生产产品,对于我们可是好消息。RAJESH (LAGOS) (LAGOS)
I always thought that the chinese media were state controlled. Does this mean that this is the official thinking of China. If so, they are venturing in dangerous waters and will soon find out that the world would stand behind Japan.
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)我一直以为中国媒体受国家控制。是否意味着这就是中国的官方想法。如果是,那么他们是在冒险涉水,很快会发现全世界会支持日本。Sanjay (Pune)
China would not do that. They know US is behind Japan.
Agree (4)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)中国不会那样做,他们知道美国在背后支持日本。vbsravi (Bangalore)
Time has come to all the China neighbours(except PAK and Mayanmar) to come together and teach a lesson to China.
Agree (13)Disagree (2)Recommend (4)现在已经到了所有中国领国联合起来给中国一个教训的时候了。raeto (Goa,Siolim.) 3 hrs ago
While teaching a lesson Japan will win......coz their weapons r not duplicate....where China's equipment's will not work during teaching Lession..
Agree (7)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)中国给日本一个教训,不过日本反而会获胜,因为日本武器不是山寨的,而中国装备战时会失灵。TKD (US) 3 hrs ago
China thinks they own every land in Asia. If there is natural resources or strategic interests its their they don't care who owns it. I'm happy Japan did this and countries around China should all do this.
Agree (18)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)中国认为亚洲每块土地都是他们的。如果有自然资源或者战略利益,那么就是他们的,他们可不管谁在拥有。我乐见日本这样做,中国周边国家都应该效仿。John From Goa (Goa)
Chinese lessons dont last long...after all its made in China.
Agree (22)Disagree (1)Recommend (5)中国人的教训不会持久,毕竟是“中国制造”。djagan1949 (Puducherry)
What lesson? How can lower std class teach to higher class student. They are bragging too much.
Agree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)什么教训?低年级学生如何教训高年级学生,吹牛过头了。MP Abraham (Chennai) 3 hrs ago
The world knows what happened when the arrogant Chinese set out to 'teach a lesson' to Viet Nam!
Agree (6)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)全世界都知道,傲慢中国人着手教训越南时发生了什么!Chai (Mumbai) 3 hrs ago
Vist Japan before China attacks it...After Chinese invasion,One would get to see Japanese in Museums only.
Agree (3)Disagree (19)Recommend (1)在中国发起攻击前,先到日本走走看看吧。中国人入侵后,人们就只能在博物馆看到日本人了。bik (delhi) replies to Chai 3 hrs ago
d u know what happened to the superpower US when it attacked Vietnam??and China is nowhere as strong as US nither Japan is militarily inferior to Vietnam,and with US's military presence in Japan alongwith japan's own army which is technologically very advanced which strengthened further after they bought 5th gen fighter like F-35 the chinese will be in for a rude shock if they attempt any misadventure...come out of ur dream
Agree (1)Disagree (1)Recommend (1)你知道超级大国美国攻击越南后的下场吗?中国远没有美国强大,日本军事上也不逊于越南,还有美国在日本的军事存在,再加上日本技术非常先进的军队,新购置的五代战机F35进一步加强了其军事。如果中国人胆敢冒险,那么会遭到突如其来的打击,别做梦了。原创翻译:三泰虎 Amit Sudan (Delhi)
China will not be bale to take any action against Japan because they knew that will there biggest mistake. China has land disputes with 11 Countries and if they use any power then these countries can also support Japan in their fight. Only the time will tell.
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (3)中国不会对日本采取任何行动,因为他们知道这会是最大错误。中国和11个国家存在领土争端。如果使用武力,那么这些国家也会支持日本。只有时间才会证明。bob (india) 3 hrs ago
right now japan is teaching china a lesson.
Agree (13)Disagree (2)Recommend (6)日本正在给中国一个教训。major-minor2011 (delhi)
China is all hype and no substance. China, even though very powerful, knows it cannot take an aggressive stance against any country because they have no friends. They may have a good economic policy, but definitely a very poor foreign policy. If China were to attack some country, the whole world will stand against it, Pakistan etc. are not brave enough. Their policy is becoming the same as that of Germany before the 2nd WW, what with taking panga with the whole world at the same time. China must learn the German lesson before its too late.
Agree (20)Disagree (3)Recommend (4)全是炒作,没有实质内容。即使非常强大, 但是没有朋友,所以对其他国家采取咄咄逼人的姿态。他们可能有不错的经济政策,但外交政策无疑非常糟糕。如果中国攻击某些国家,全世界会起来反对。巴基斯坦之流不够勇敢。中国的政策变得和德国二战前一样,也就是同时对全世界舞刀弄枪。在为时已晚前,中国必须吸取德国教训。Anil Dharurkar (Delhi)
Chinese media is true patriotic, what ever the issue they stand with nation. Indian media never stand with nation n its ppl.
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)中国媒体真是爱国啊,不管是什么问题,总是站在国家那边。印度媒体从来不会站在国家和人民这边。s.jayate (Singapore)
So China will attack with its &Made in China& missiles and weapons? Huh... God save Chikies.
Agree (9)Disagree (1)Recommend (5)所以中国会用“中国造”的导弹和武器来发起攻击?哈...上帝拯救中国佬吧。manoj krishnamachar (bangalore)
china's symbol should have been OCTOPUS instead of DRAGON! They want to extend their tentacle everywhere!
Agree (16)Disagree (1)Recommend (7)中国的标志应该是章鱼,而不是龙!他们想把触须伸向各处!Chetan (Mumbai) 3 hrs ago
Indian govt. should learn something from Japan..
Agree (6)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)印度政府应该从日本吸取一些教训。Shyamsunder Haobam (Imphal)
China hates every bordering country except for Pakistan.
Agree (17)Disagree (2)Recommend (5)中国讨厌每一个领国,巴基斯坦是个例外。Derrick Dias (Goa)
All world powers want to throw their weight around. At the moment China is having an internal power struggle
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (0)所有世界大国都会想蛮横一番。此刻,中国正在上演内部权力争斗。myalmightygod (India)
Go ahead, let's see which side is strong.
Agree (3)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)开始吧,看看哪一方更强大。Harsh Bardhan (New Delhi)
Don't mess with Daddy.... China. Its not only Japan, Its U.S Japan.
Agree (17)Disagree (1)Recommend (7)中国,别惹老爹,不只是日本,那可是美日哦。Krishnaprasad (Thrissur)
Does the chinese seems to be over confident?? surely china will be taught a lesson by U.S-Japan...& hope this will put an end to its boundary affairs with other neighbour..
Agree (14)Disagree (1)Recommend (6)中国人似乎自信过头了?中国肯定会被美日教训,希望能就此结束其和领国的边界争端。Indian Only (YATRA-TATRA-SARVATRA) replies to bln89 2 hrs ago
So you wish and expect US & Japan to solve our problems with China as well. What a day dreaming !!! Typically medieval era Indian mentality !!!
Agree (3)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)所以,你期望美日来解决我们和中国之间的问题。真是白日做梦!典型的中世纪印度思维!makshushita (Japan) 2 hrs ago
China is no match to us. We are more capable than Chinese with US backing. China never fought a war with a decent opponent in the history. They back-stabbed only against weaker nation. They never succeed. They talk too much but little action. We Japanese already taught more lesson to Chinese but it seems they forgot over the time.
Agree (36)Disagree (3)Recommend (14)中国不是我们的对手。在美国的支持下,我们比中国人更强大。历史上,中国从来没有和像样的对手打过仗。他们在背后中伤弱国,从来没有成功过。说得多,做得少。我们日本人已经给中国人够多教训了,但他们似乎忘记了。Ringa (BLR)
India is strong enough to handle CHINESE in ASIA. Time to show JAPA-INDIA friendship now
Agree (8)Disagree (4)Recommend (6)印度之强大足以在亚洲对付中国人。现在是时候表现印日友谊了。kamal (Bangalore)
Shame on china planning to attack small country like japan. if they have so much to fight then challange US
Agree (5)Disagree (1)Recommend (2)中国太无耻了,计划攻击日本那样的小国。如果他们真的那么想打,那就挑战美国吧。Anil (DXB) replies to Morgan 1 hr ago
Dear Kamal, Pls keep your A** shut. China has the capability to crush india in no time. Pls go to your call centre and attend the american abusive calls with smile. You know nothing about military might of china. Regards, Anil.
Agree (2)Disagree (5)Recommend (0)亲爱的Kamal,中国有能力立刻粉碎印度。请回到你的呼叫中心微笑着接听美国人的谩骂电话吧。你一点都不了解中国的军事实力。致敬,Anil原创翻译:三泰虎 Roshan Patil (Mumbai) replies to Anil 1 hr ago
What Crush India in No time? And you call yourself an Indian? Every Indian will fight with any Foreign Nation till the Last drop of Blood remains in their Body.Its not easy crushing India anymore.
Agree (2)Disagree (0)Recommend (1)立刻粉碎印度?你说自己是印度人?每个印度人会和外国战斗到最后一滴血。不再那么容易粉碎印度了。Mukesh (India) replies to kamal 2 hrs ago
Japan is a small country but it has got very powerful military in addition to US backing.
Agree (5)Disagree (0)Recommend (3)日本是小国,但除了有美国支持外,还有非常强大的军队。Samajhdar (Canada) 4 hrs ago
&Teach the lesson& - I think it is time this paper tiger must be taught the lesson. As a puffed up skunk, friend of none, this animal instead of learning the lesson is always ready to teach the lesson to others. Why anyone should be scared of China? Trade? China needs the world more than the world needs the China. Let Japan, Vietnam, Philippines U.S. and India unite and beat the sh** out of this stinky undesirable moronic nation. It has achieved some economic progress by screwing its own citizens under its worst form of dictatorship which has gone to its head. China is good only when under the influence of opium.
Agree (21)Disagree (2)Recommend (8)“给(日本)一个教训”——我认为该教训这只纸老虎了。作为一个自高自大的讨厌鬼和没有一个朋友的国家,这头畜生不是吸取教训,而是老想着教训别人。为什么人们要害怕中国?贸易?中国对世界的需求大于世界对中国的需求。让日本、越南、菲律宾、美国和印度联合起来把这个发着恶臭的低能国家爆出屎来。在已经走到尽头的专制体制里,它通过牺牲自己公民取得了一些经济进步。只有在鸦片的影响之下,中国才表现出好的一面。
弎锅 向来以羡慕嫉妒恨 出名&
本帖最后由 xumuzi 于
09:10 编辑
三哥自认为自己是绝世情种,脑下垂体24小时分泌荷尔蒙,精虫上脑的三哥于是像发了情的小狗,不分男女老少,时间地点,拼命地造人!因为三哥想要造出一只板球队,这样他们就可以把自己的蛋蛋摘下来,用 搓衣板打比赛了!
崩溃,我抗议,这也要扣分,我说的这么含蓄,委婉!用词之绝妙,即使杜甫复生,李白转世,亦要望尘莫及,北面称臣!尔等为何总是要与我过不去,如此繁文缛节,诸多要求,我堂堂华夏,文字绝妙深邃,且洒家乃性情中人,为人豪爽奔放,用词断句,自然狂放不安 ,洒脱不羁,我扪心自问,并无脏词秽字,尔等怎能从表意断定我用词不堪,断字不雅!土G围墙设卡,尔等又围追堵截,网络开放,话语自由,却只成了空纸白话,泛泛之谈!如今我华夏神州,人祸连连,内有宦官宵小鱼肉百姓,外有蛮夷萎寇如狼似虎, 如今网络乃唯一之净土,却也焦土荒坟,饿殍遍野,良民百姓无处诉苦宣泄。到头来泱泱大国,千古文明,却 落得如今这般倒退返古,文化消弭之境地, 乌呼哀哉!
NO NO NO,我觉得还不够劲呢!&
本帖最后由 梦做 于
08:56 编辑
三锅果然还那种欢乐的智商 对我们很有利
@落日熔金@九月秋 好吧。。我也发现这个梗太冷了。。&
本帖最后由 泥面人 于
09:45 编辑
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