布兰迪斯看重面试吗大学的video essay就是面试吗

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  &Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance/Master of Science in Finance
  The written essay question is as follows:
  Why are you interested in this graduate program at Brandeis International Business School (IBS)? Please include how this degree will help you achieve your short- and long-term professional goals. (500-1000 words)
  If necessary, you may submit a second, optional essay with additional information that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider as part of your application. You should use this space to discuss gaps in your employment, academic issues (probation, dismissal, failing grades, GMAT or GRE performance, etc.) (500-1000 words)
  Video Essay
  Applicants must submit a brief video as part of the online application. You will be prompted to record two answers to questions.
  罗切斯特大学&Master of Science in Finance
  Essay 1 (Required):
  Describe your short-term and long-term goals for post-MBA or post-MS. Given the fluctuation of economic and industry hiring trends, identify a back-up plan should your short-term goal not be immediately attainable. How does your past education and experience support your career objectives? Lastly, what aspects of your intended Simon Business School program make it a good choice for your graduate study? (250-500 word limit)
  Essay 2
  (Required for Full-Time MBA/MS Only): In 25 words or less, provide us with an interesting fact about yourself not expressed elsewhere in your application. (25 word limit)
  Essay 3 (Optional):
  Share additional information you think is important in the evaluation of your application, including any concerns you think the Admissions Committee may have regarding your candidacy. (500 word limit)
  &Master of Science in Management-Finance
  All applicants are required to answer two essay questions before the application can be submitted. Each essay has a limit of 500 words.
  Essay 1 (required response):
  Describe your motivation for pursuing a master&s degree. How does it fit with your long and short-term goals? How have your academic, career or life experiences prepared you for this program? What strengths will you bring, and what knowledge and insights are you hoping to develop during this learning experience? Are there any concerns about your application that you would like to address?
  If your undergraduate degree is not in the discipline of finance, please explain your interest in this field and why you would like to pursue it now in your educational career. How did you become interested in the topic and what are you hoping the program can offer you?
  Essay 2 (choose from the following four topics and indicate in your response which topic you are addressing):
  1. Describe a situation where your academic or professional ethics were challenged and how you dealt with the situation. What did you learn from the experience?
  2. What is the most difficult feedback you have received, and how did you address it?
  3. Throughout our lives, we have significant experiences, or &milestones,& that have a lasting impact on us. Briefly describe such an event and its impact on you.
  4. If the program that you are applying to is not the same as your undergraduate major, please explain your interest in this field and why you would like to pursue it now in your educational career. How did you become interested in the topic and what are you hoping the program can offer you?
  &Master of Finance
  Prefer the online Statement of Purpose. 2500 word limit. Statement of Purpose should address:
  1. Educational and professional background, as they relate to the Master of F
  3. How you expect to contribute to the Ra
  里海大学&M.S. in Analytical Finance
  The MSAF application essay should provide a summary of your career objectives and relevant work experience with reference to the chosen field of graduate study, and the leadership experience and skills you will bring to your peer group.
  The essay should not exceed two pages in length. This is your opportunity to set yourself apart from the other applicants, in your own words. The essay should be uploaded in the online application.
  东北大学Master of Science in Finance
  11/01; 01/15; 03/15; 04/15,未标明年份
  Please discuss both your short-term and long-term professional goals. Please describe what challenges you may face as well as how your previous experiences will help contribute to your future success.
  Your answer should highlight why you have decided to pursue a graduate degree at this point in your career and how you feel a Northeastern degree will help you achieve success. (800 words maximum)
  伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校&Master of Science in Finance
  01/29//2016(国际生); 04/15/2016
  Written Statement
  In 300 words or less, describe your area of interest in finance and what your goals are upon completion of the MSF program.
  Discuss the choices that have led you to your current career path and position.
  Express your career goals and how the Illinois MSF will help you to achieve these goals.
  Indicate your desired position upon completion of the Illinois MSF program.
  德州大学奥斯汀分校&Master of Science in Finance
  Statement of Purpose Personal Essay (Required)
  How have your personal, academic and professional experiences led you to pursue the MSF degree at this time? Please discuss both your short- and long-term career goals, including your vision of your post-graduation employment, and describe how the Texas MSF will help you meet those goals.
  Optional Essays (200-word maximum)
  Complete one or both of these only if you feel your application does not give the admissions committee a complete and accurate picture of your qualifications.
  1. If your standardized test scores are low or if you have not had coursework that demonstrates quantitative and analytic proficiency, please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MSF curriculum.
  2. Please provide any additional information to the Admissions Committee that will be beneficial to the committee in considering your application. Please include information that you believe is important and/or will address any areas of concern the Committee might have.
  杜兰大学&Master of Finance
  Provide us with a quote that has inspired you, and explain its relevance and significance in your life without referencing finance or your career goals.
  俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校&Specialized Master & Finance
  11/14; 12/11; 02/15 未标明年份
  All applicants are required to complete 2 essays. If your undergraduate degree was in something other than finance, you must submit an essay on how your educational background prepared you for the Fisher SMF program. You will submit your essays electronically as part of your online application submission.
  Essay 1:
  Why do you wish to earn a SMF degree? Why do you wish to earn an SMF from The Fisher College of Business? How will the Fisher SMF program assist you in achieving your immediate career goals?
  Essay 2:
  What is the most difficult situation you have had to deal with and what did you learn from the experience?
  Video Essay (optional):
  This video essay gives you a chance to speak directly to the admissions committee since each applicant is not guaranteed an in-person interview. Share something interesting about yourself that we would not otherwise learn from your application.
  乔治华盛顿大学&Master of Science in Finance
  Statement of purpose:
  In an essay limited to 500 words, discuss your long-term and short-term professional objectives and how your past experiences have contributed to and defined these objectives. Include in your statement why you want to pursue a graduate business degree at this point in time. You may also include your related qualifications, including collegiate, professional, and community activities, and any other substantial accomplishments not already mentioned in the application. You may explain any academic inconsistencies as part of your statement or as an addendum.
  佩珀代因大学&Master of Science in Applied Finance
  Essay Required:
  What are your short term career plans and how will the Pepperdine degree help you reach your long term goals?
  Essay (Optional):
  Provide additional information you feel necessary, regarding academic and test performance or work experience.
  福特汉姆大学&MS in Global Finance
  Describe your professional progress to this point as well as your short-term and long-term career goals. How do you expect Fordham Business to benefit your future career needs? (750-1000 words)
  雪城大学&MS in Finance
  Essay #1 (Approximately 750 words)
  Choose one of the following:
  1. Tell us about a time when you tried to reach a goal or complete a task that was challenging, difficult, or frustrating. What did you learn from this experience?
  2. Describe a situation in which others with whom you were working on a project disagreed with your ideas. What did you do? In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently?
  Essay #2 (Approximately 750 words) required for all applicants
  How will the Whitman graduate program assist you in reaching your personal and professional development goals?
  康涅狄格大学&MS in Financial Risk Management
  Rolling Admission
  Primary Essay
  Prompt: Why are you interested in pursuing your graduate business degree at this stage in your life/career? What are your short-term and long-term career goals and how will this graduate business program help you achieve these goals?
  Supplemental Essay
  Prompt: How will you and your experiences and values contribute to our program?
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版权所有:北京环球百利教育科技有限公司电话: 010-工作时间:周一至周日(8:30-21:30)
Copyright @
Bailitop Education. All Right Reserved 备案许可证号:京ICP备号 | 京公网安备402016Brandeisvideoessay;1.讨厌的老师/上司;2.遇到的困境及如何解决;3.描述一次你解决冲突的经;历.asituationwhenyouhavec;4.doyouhaveanyoverseaexp;/Tellusanexperienceabout;5.howdoothersdescribeyou;/Howdoyourcollegesa
2016 Brandeis video essay
历. a situation when you have conflict with others/2.描述一次你跟组员起冲突或有不同意见的事情.
4.do you have any oversea experience?
/Tell us an experience about you outside your home country.
5.how do others describe you?
/How do your colleges and friends comment about you?
9.你觉得你近期做得最risk的一件事是什么?/ 1. 最近做的最risk的事情
11.你最经常看的magazine, websites,newspapers?
17.描述一个你参与的学校或社会活动,why important to you?
20.你人生经历中的milestone是啥 它对你的影响是啥
22.Who are the one or two most influential people in your life?
23.Who is a notable figure that you admire? Why?
 /// 【2016】布兰迪斯大学:幸运的...从而用经济学的角度去思考和解决问题,这个故事也成为...此外,Brandeis 还推荐面试,我们 给 H 同学找面经,...  1、布兰迪斯大学 Brandeis University (综合排名第34...主要问题在于逻辑、语法部分比较薄弱,通过申友资深 ...申请递交之后学生很快就收到了面试通知,并且 在面试...  天道留学 / 【2016】布兰迪斯大学:硬件条件突出,国际经济...口语在面试中起了很重要的作用 3、学生参与了招商证券的投行部实习,实习内容很...  是否有面试 有面试,不是必须,申请者主动联系学校。有去学校面试和校外面试,但...学校评价 布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University 简称 Brandeis) 是位于美国马赛诸塞州...  不少准留学生会提出这样的问题。语言成绩一直是申请...32 Brandeis University 布兰迪斯大学 本科:接受托福...―99 直接会被重审,口语低于 21 分可能会被面试。...  顺便分享下王同学的麻省理工学院金融面试问题: 1. mentor classmates/teammates 2...成绩申请美国名校布兰迪斯大学成功经验分享 布兰迪斯大学、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校等...  根据这些问题,天道给申请人作了详细的规划,首先是选...关的表 现拖后腿,天道跟申请人反复练习,模拟面试...几天之后,我们又一次收到布兰迪斯大学的 邮件,再...  申请,不出所料,很快就拿到了杜兰 大学的录取和约翰霍普金斯和布兰迪斯大学的面试,为了在面试中表现出最佳的水平,文书老师帮 助 G 同学模拟了所有可能问到的问题。...  李延遇到的学习问题―― 3.学期演讲忘记发言内容 (...布兰迪斯、 仑斯勒理工大学、 波士顿大学和杜兰大学在...面试包括电话面试和 Skype 网络视频面试。但至今为止...}


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