
原文链接: /showthread.php?t=358330&page=2tifa9292 ChieftainJoin Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
Why is Korea not in Civ 5?   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  i checked through the lists and wow korea is not one of the civilizations in civ v!   china and japan are both here so its unfair to us koreans because we took over a huge part of asia in our history. see Goguryeo  korean civilization is one of the oldest in the world. we have 5000 years of history which is longer than both china japan and england. also we were never colonised by the western civilization  a lot of important people in history are korean like yi sun-sin, ban kimoon, bands like tvxq 2PM are both high selling  companies like samsung, hyundai are very rich and powerful  combined the koreas have the largest military in the world  i can think of tons of reasons but im disappointed that a civilization like korea is forgotten
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Last edited by tifa9292; Mar 21, 2010 at 11:32 PM.
  tifa9292   Chieftain  我查了一下,大韩民国居然没有包含在《文明5 》的候选文明中思密达!  但是中国和日本都有思密达,对于史上曾占有过亚洲广大领土的高句丽的直系后裔的大韩来说,这太不公平了思密达!  我们大韩是地球上最古老的文明之一,5000 年哎,思密达,比什么中国日本英格兰都悠久哎;甚至我们从没被西方文明殖民过思密达!(无语了,先赶走美国大兵再说这种无厘头的话好么?)  很多史上重要的人物都是我们大韩民族的人哎,什么李舜臣,潘基文思密达,还有当下流行热卖乐队tvxq 2PM 思密达!  说起大韩的公司的话,三星和现代那是非常的强大和多金思密达!  一旦南北合体,我们还将拥有这个星球上最为巨大的军队思密达!  我还能想出成吨的《文明5 》必须包含有大韩民国的理由,但是大韩还是被忘却了思密达,我真的很伤心思密达!   Mar 21,
  pi-r8   Emperor  Join Date: May 2006  Location: Babylon  Posts: 1,320
  Unfortunately most westerners think that east asia consists of nothing but China and Japan. China is an obvious choice of course, with its huge population and long history. Then Japan gets in because all of it’’s cultural exports (like video games) have made that country so famous for young people. Throw in Mongolia too, since everyone loves playing as Genghis Khan. Then there’’s just no room left to represent Korea on a civ-scale map. If you play the world map in BTS, korea is just ridiculous... it has like 10 tiles, all under cultural pressure. I would like it if they used Korean instead of Japan or Mongolia but I don’’t expect that to happen.  btw the &famous people& you listed are almost totally unknown outside of Korea lol.
  pi-r8   Emperor(这个级别好高啊!)  很不幸,西方人认为的“ 东亚 ” 只有中国和日本吧:很明显,拥有巨量人口和悠长历史的中国是必选项;得益于电子游戏之类的文化输出,在年轻人中很受欢迎的日本也是选择之一。至于蒙古,好吧,每个人都喜欢用成吉思汗来一场男人的浪漫吧?所以,亚洲没有位置留给韩国了。如果有的话,在游戏中韩国看起来真的好滑稽哎:仅仅只有 10 格大小,还他妈的随时处在在周围 NB 文明的重压之下。我倒是希望弱小的韩国能替代强大的蒙古和日本让我来蹂躏,但那是不可能的 ……  顺便告诉你小子,你说的那些“ 史上重要的人物 ” 是什么东东,怎么地球人都没听过捏?   Mar 22,
  Sabretou   Warlord     Join Date: Apr 2006  Location: Mumbai  Posts: 116
Quote:  Originally Posted by pi-r8
  Then Japan gets in because all of it’’s cultural exports (like video games) have made that country so famous for young people. Throw in Mongolia too, since everyone loves playing as Genghis Khan.   Yeah well, that isn’’t the only reasons why they’’ve been included. Japan showed incredible military prowess during World War II, taking most of China, East and South-East Asia upto India. They’’ve also showcased an almost miraculous economic rise after World War II and to top it off, they’’ve successfully thwarted Mongol invasions, kamikaze or no. It’’s not just because they made Pokémon and Naruto.   The Mongols similarly have conquered and administered the world’’s largest contiguous land empire, a feat attempted by so many other world leaders. Mongol influence is defining in Central Asia and their power during their peak was tremendous.  Korea, while having a respectable position in world history cannot match the achievements of Japan or the Mongols. But yeah, expansion pack definitely.
  Mar 22,
  Sabretou   Warlord(也是大能啊)  得益于电子游戏之类的文化输出,在年轻人中很受欢迎的日本也是选择之一。至于蒙古,好吧,每个人都喜欢用成吉思汗来一场男人的浪漫吧?  这些不是这两国入选的唯一理由啊。  日本在二战中显示了非凡的军事能力,占领了中国大部,除印度之外的东南亚;战后他们又显示了神奇的经济能力;最NB 的是,不管是不是神风护佑,这个小小的岛国居然抵挡住了蒙古帝国的入侵;所以那些肤浅的东西,口袋妖怪,火影忍者什么的,不是日本入选的理由啊!  蒙古征服和管理了史上最为辽阔的帝国,这正是世界其他领袖梦寐以求而不可得的伟业啊。蒙古势力在其辉煌时期甚至在中亚都建立了赫赫武功。  而韩国没什么与之相称的历史地位和成就啊。但是,扩展包一定有韩国吧。(快来买吧!)   Mar 22,
  ainwood   Watching.  Join Date: Oct 2001  Posts: 26,767
Quote:  Originally Posted by pi-r8
  btw the &famous people& you listed are almost totally unknown outside of Korea lol.   I suspect that Ban Ki-Moon is known a bit wider than just Korea.
   Mar 22,
  ainwood   Watching.  顺便告诉你小子,你说的那些“ 史上重要的人物 ” 是什么东东,怎么地球人都没听过捏?  潘基文比韩国更有名,我猜。  the343danny   Emperor     Join Date: Oct 2008  Location: Silicon Valley  Posts: 334
  Goguryeo isnt a huge part of Asia. By google images it looks like its northern Korea and Manchuria. Military size doesnt matter. Any country can require all male citizens to participate in the military for a few years.   Ban Ki-Moon may be secretary general, but there had been a person from Ghana, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Peru, and Burma as well, and their nations arent represented (well atleast not specifically). As for the artists, I’’d suspect the guys who did the numa song is more well known globally than those you mentioned, yet I dont see Moldova being in civ.  Sure, you werent colonized by a western civilization, but you were by an eastern one, and if Japan didn’’t, then Russia would have.  Its also misleading to say that Korea has 5000 years of history, because Korea as of now hasnt been around 5000 years.  Many countries have a company that is very successful, so I wouldn’’t count that in.  Nobody forgot Korea. There are a whole lot of nations, none which are greater or lesser than Korea, that could be represented. Civ isnt going to have 100 civilizations, so naturally, some are going to be cut, for whatever reason. For all those complaining that Korea/Spain/whatever else isnt in civ: making threads on topics the forum has been through over and over is not going to help.  Im not going to vote because the options are too limiting. I wouldnt say I would want Korea to &definitely& be in civ.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Last edited by the343 Mar 22, 2010 at 12:36 AM.
  the343danny   Emperor  高句丽在亚洲不算什么。从google 图片上看,在韩国和满洲北部,军事力量一般,所有男公民都要服几年兵役。  潘基文大概是联合国秘书长,但是曾今有来自加纳挪威瑞典奥地利秘鲁缅甸,所以对韩国来说,这也不意味什么。至于那些什么艺术家啥的,我想来自摩尔多瓦的民谣比你说的那些在世界上认知度高的多,但是我也没看到5 里边有摩尔多瓦。  好吧,你们没有被西方殖民过,但是至少被东方人殖民过吧,日本还是俄国,自己选吧。(看来西方人还是认为俄毛是东方人啊)  说韩国有5000 年历史,那是骗人。  很多国家都有成功的公司,这里我不想跟里数数儿。  但是,孩子,没人忘记韩国。世界上有很多国家,不管是否比你的韩国好,都没有像你那样抗议。我们的游戏不可能包含100 个文明,所以,不管基于什么理由,总要砍掉一些。所以在这里发帖抱怨什么的,是没有用的啊。  我不会去投你发起的投票,因为没有“ 《文明 5 》不需要韩国! ” ,那才是我要的选项。(这一段 the343danny
说的是反话,我翻成了 “ 正话 ” 。)   Mar 22,
  Savoir10   Warlord  Join Date: May 2005  Location: Sydney  Posts: 215
  You forgot the fifth option. No Korea. Ever.
   Mar 22,
  Savoir10   Warlord  喂,你的投票最好加一个“ 朝鲜人民民主主义共和国 ” 。  Infantry#14   Emperor     Join Date: Dec 2006  Posts: 1,351
  From my world history books, China, Japan and Mongolia have the greatest impact on East Asian history. Korea, on the other hand, not as much. From what I recalled, Korea was vassals to China, Mongolia and Japan and other groups of people (Khitans, Jurchens) at different times in history. Their historical culture resembles and derives from China, but branches off at certain time in the past.   __________________  [6.21 Analects] The wi the humane take joy in mountains. T the humane are tranquil. T the humane endure.
  Infantry#14   Emperor  在我的世界史书上,中国,日本,蒙古才是东亚最强大的势力。韩国嘛,不够格啊。我一再阐述,韩国在历史上悲剧的被中国,蒙古,日本等强国和其他些什么甚至契丹女真之类的阿猫阿狗LJ 。他们的文化基本是山寨中华文明,还学的丢三落四。  Thormodr   Servant of Civ     Join Date: Feb 2005  Location: Vancouver, Canada  Posts: 1,318
Quote:  Originally Posted by tifa9292
  i checked through the lists and wow korea is not one of the civilizations in civ v!   china and japan are both here so its unfair to us koreans because we took over a huge part of asia in our history. see Goguryeo  korean civilization is one of the oldest in the world. we have 5000 years of history which is longer than both china japan and england. also we were never colonised by the western civilization  a lot of important people in history are korean like yi sun-sin, ban kimoon, bands like tvxq 2PM are both high selling  companies like samsung, hyundai are very rich and powerful  combined the koreas have the largest military in the world  i can think of tons of reasons but im disappointed that a civilization like korea is forgotten
  I lived for six years in South Korea and it always makes me chuckle when I hear about Korea’’s &5000 years of history&. According to Korean records, Tangun descended from heaven, had sex with a bear and founded the Korean race in 2333 BC. So even if we believe in this mythological beginning, it’’s still only 4343 years.   The first recorded written account of Korea historically was in 57 BC I believe.   Having the largest combined military in the world is a joke. North Koreans are starving to death and the military doesn’’t even have enough fuel or ammunition to even train properly.  I believe if they started a war they’’d have fuel supplies lasting two days. They may claim it’’s a million man army but that’’s just typical KJI propaganda.   Samung and Hyundai go to great lengths to not tell people they are Korean. In fact, a recent survey in Europe asked people where they thought Samsung was from. 70% said from Japan. Why is that?  Perhaps because they are ranked 15th in National Export Branding. Japan was first. Samsung is only Korean when it suits nationalistic purposes. Business wise they pretend not to be.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation_branding  As far as being in ciV, I don’’t have a problem with them being in an expansion. I suppose they did invent the rain gauge in the 15th century.   __________________  Proud founding member of the BBTPRICFFC. (Bring back the Peat resource in Civ 4 Fan club).      Thormodr  Servant of Civ  (主贴内容,不重复了)  我在南朝鲜呆过6 年,每当他们提起自己有 “ 半万年历史 ” ,我就想笑。根据朝鲜童话:檀君自天而将,交媾于熊,乃肇始大韩,时间精确到 BC2333 年 —— 掰手指一算,这个蠢故事说的朝鲜人也只有 4343 年历史 ……  而朝鲜人有文字记录只是从BC57 年开始的,据信。  “合体后有地球上最巨大的军队 ” 更是个笑话,朝鲜人民民主主义共和国正在饥凛之中,他们的军队甚至没有足够的燃料和弹药训练。开战了他们有没有两天的油料可以支持倒是个问题,什么百万大军啊,都是金正日式的宣传罢了,浮云耳。  至于三星现代什么的,都有很长一段时间羞于承认是韩国企业。实际上,最近有调查显示70% 的欧洲人认为三星是日本企业。  因为他们只有排名第15 的出口,而日本是第一(现在是俺们中国)。所以只有在需要讨好韩国的民粹主义的时候它才说自己是韩国企业啊,一旦到正经的商业战场上就假装不是了。  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation_branding  至于游戏中嘛,我不反对资料片中加入韩国,我想他们在15 世纪还是发明了雨量计的吧。  pi-r8   Emperor     Join Date: May 2006  Location: Babylon  Posts: 1,320
Quote:  Originally Posted by ainwood
  I suspect that Ban Ki-Moon is known a bit wider than just Korea.   Anyone who follows world politics will know, sure, but if you ask the average person on the street they’’ll have no idea who he is or what country he’’s from. He’’s probably the most famous from that list though- naming those bands is just ridiculous.
  pi-r8   Emperor  潘基文比韩国更有名,我猜。  任何关心国际政治的人都知道他,但是你随便抓一个路人甲路人乙什么的问一下:潘来自那个国家或者你对这个国家有什么看法,他们大多会对你白眼。潘大概是这个自以为万民瞩目  的国家最有名的人了。(命薄:我哭…… )   Mar 22,
  ArataWata11   Chieftain     Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 16
no, but definitely include it in an expansion.   Koreas sud accept the fact that Firaxis think that they (korean civilization) deserved slot only in civ expansion which is still good thing.   I think the korean sud take it as a good sign and be thankful because Firaxis included them in civ as among the asian conquerors though historically they did not expand or conquers single tribe or state outside their domain, compared to japan, china and mongols.  Rather see Siam or thailand, be included for the reason that southeast asia is greatly under represented. or may be new face in south like cambodia, vietnam or malay civs.
   Mar 22,
  ArataWata11   Chieftain  韩国应该认为他们没有包含在其中应该是个好事儿:  看一下开发商选的些亚洲代表国家是些什么货色吧:中国,日本,蒙古,都是些杀人越货抢地盘抢女人的恶棍嘛!而我们的小白兔韩国,连小小国境之外的一个村子都占不了!  再看看泰国,入选的理由也不外它在东南亚也是一地痞嘛,什么柬埔寨,越南,马来什么的也一样样。  Tomice   Passionate Smart-Ass     Join Date: Oct 2009  Location: Austria, EU,)  Posts: 680
Quote:  Originally Posted by MatrixTheKitty
  I have to agree with Dale here that these complaints that are all like &WHY ISN’’T MY COUNTRY IN THE GAME BAAAW& Are getting old. As stated before in less words, Firaxis can’’t put everybody in vanilla, they need to sell expansions, too. And if they did replace another nation with yours, people from the replaced nation would begin to complain.  Really, people, keep your nationalism out of Civ, please. It’’s irritating.   That’’s it! There’’s just too many important nations. Since they have a limited budget, they decided 18 nations would be a fine compromise. They probably thought:  1) &Which nations absolutely have to be in due to tremendous importance (US, Britain, China,...)?&  2) &Let’’s take at least one civ from every big cultural group, racism complaints are the death of a company!&  3) &Where are our core markets? We should consider adding those countries even if others might have been more important in history.&  4) &Which Civ’’s are well-known and fun to play? Which have cool unique art?& (Egypt,...)  So, I hope you get it. BTW, have you seen my sig? I could throw a whole bunch of Austrian achievements in (Music: Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, S Arts: Klimt, Schiele, H Science: Sigmund Freud, Mach, Doppler, Schr?dinger, Konrad Lorenz, ...oh, and by the way: Hitler - We are quite happy few people know he was NOT german).  And to compare penis lenght, see attachment.  (The Austrian-Spanish empire at it’’s first pinnacle)  But I won’’t force people to admit my country is the greatest, best, awesomest - because it’’s a ing game!!!      Tomice   Passionate Smart-Ass  顶Dale 的观点:什么为啥俺们国家没有入选思密达之类的问题最讨厌了!开发商有不能把所有人都丢进去,他们还要卖资料片什么嘛。再说替代现有的文明,被替代的一样抱怨。  孩子,把你的民族注意拿远一点吧,杵在面前怪难受的。  1) “ 什么国家必须被包含因为他们无与伦比的重要性(美,英,中 …… )? ”  2) “ 从游戏中剔除一个文明将是种族偏见的死亡竞争(瞎翻的,不知道怎么翻) ”  3) “ 我们的核心市场在哪里?我们要把他们加进去哪怕无视一些更重要的文明! ”  4) “ 那些文明更有趣和文明,还有独特的艺术(埃及 …… )? ”  所以,你要明白开发商的苦衷啊。顺便说一下,你看过我贴的东西没有?我能列举奥地利大批的成就:音乐:Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, S
美术 : Klimt, Schiele, H
科学 : Sigmund Freud, Mach, Doppler, Schr?dinger, Konrad Lorenz, ... 还有 : Hitler -
幸好大部分人认为它是德国佬 ) 。  非要JB 比的话,奥地利 - 西班牙帝国甚至还不是第一个顶峰。  但是我从不强迫别人承认我的国家伟大,最好,庄严---
毕竟只是个游戏嘛!!!   Mar 22,
  Padje Dog   Chieftain  Join Date: May 2008  Posts: 61
  Missing a Nation  Three legs, one eye and toothless  Answers to &Lucky&  Haiku ode to &Why is Korea not in Civ 5?&
  Padje Dog   Chieftain  掉了一个国家,  三条腿,一只眼,没有牙,  答案很“ 搞笑 ”  俳句,因“ 为毛没有韩国思密达? ” 而作。   Mar 22,
  dodgerphreak   Chieftain   Join Date: Nov 2008  Posts: 50
  Dude, biggest combined military in the world? Are you kidding me? I think someone did a study once that if you combined the rest of the world’’s armies and compared it to the United States, the United State’’s armed forces was still larger... Probably not the case but staggering to think about if true...   __________________  Currently working my game up on Noble.  I BLEED DODGER BLUE!!!
  dodgerphreak (来自美国,图像是林肯)  Chieftain  乡巴佬,“ 合体后地球最巨大军队 ” ?莫让我笑鸟!老子严重认为你丫先去好好学习哈文件,就是你丫把全世界除了你美国爹地的军队合体了也打不过你美国老爸!老子真信鸟你的邪!   Mar 22,
  dido   Warlord  Join Date: Oct 2007  Location: Madison, WI  Posts: 286
  A country which has been a tributary state to other countries for much of the history, and had its culture tremendously influenced by its master qualifies to be in the vanilla pack?  If it is not for the Korean market Firaxis shouldn’’t include them at all
  dido   Warlord  历史上大部分时间是别人的藩属国,文化完全山寨宗主国,这样的国家需要包含在《文明5 》中么?  要不是为了那点韩元,开发商才不会鸟你们呢!   Mar 22,
  Chalks   The blue pieces     Join Date: Feb 2010  Posts: 1,097
Quote:  Originally Posted by dodgerphreak
  Dude, biggest combined military in the world? Are you kidding me? I think someone did a study once that if you combined the rest of the world’’s armies and compared it to the United States, the United State’’s armed forces was still larger... Probably not the case but staggering to think about if true...   I think there’’s a rather large country that you’’ve missed out of the thought process here... it begins with a C. Largest population on the planet.... 5 letters.  I’’ll give you two guesses.
  乡巴佬,“ 合体后地球最巨大军队 ” ?莫让我笑鸟!老子严重认为你丫先去好好学习哈文件,就是你丫把全世界除了你美国爹地的军队合体了也打不过你美国老爸!老子真信鸟你的邪!  你大概也忘记了一个国家了,给你猜,两个字,第一个字是“ 中 ” 。  
  Tomice   Passionate Smart-Ass   Join Date: Oct 2009  Location: Austria, EU,)  Posts: 680
  To give everybody the possibility to answer correctly, there are indeed a few choices missing:  * I don’’t care at all  * Never heard of any korean history  * Maybe they should be in an expansion  The OP was quite arrogant by not including these options, assuming everybody cares about great korea   Don’’t get me wrong, a friend worked there for years and greatly liked the people, I’’ve heard a lot of good things about them, I just hate nationalism!  Personally I think at least one southeast-asian civ should be there when they release an expansion, but I’’m not sure which is the most important.   __________________  Originally Posted by Jaybe:  &Gameplay may trump realism, but gameplay WITH realism trumps gameplay without!&
  Tomice   Passionate Smart-Ass  要大家都有的选,至少还要包含以下几项:  *老子不关心  *大韩民国是什么东东?  *可能资料片里边有  LZ给的选项太他们自大了,搞的好像全世界人都在关注韩国。  莫误会我哈,我有个哥们儿在那工作过,我对那地儿印象还不错,俺只是讨厌民族主义。  个人觉得最少有个东南亚国家在里边比较好,就是不晓得那个比较合适。   Mar 22,
  eaglet123   Chieftain   Join Date: May 2007  Posts: 62
Never heard any old Korean Civilization. It must be your imagination.   __________________  Welcome to my blog!  /arno_the_eagle
  Mar 22,
  eaglet123   Chieftain  从没听过古朝鲜什么事儿,那些东西一定都是你的幻想。  Lone Wolf   Ioannes Palaiologos     Join Date: Dec 2006  Location: Ekaterinburg, Russia  Posts: 5,841
  Korea should be included, but its leaders should be Eternal President KIM IL-SUNG and Supreme Leader KIM JONG-IL. Under their leadership GLORIUS KOREA is a paradise on earth, in stark contrast to the countries that are SLAVES TO CAPITALIST PIG-DOGS IN WASHINGTON.     Lone Wolf   Ioannes Palaiologos(来自俄毛的伙计,图像是彼得大帝)  高丽确实应该入选,但是必须是伟大领袖今日成和敬爱将军金正日领导下的光荣朝鲜,以作为华盛顿那些猪狗资本家领导下奴隶美国的对比!  (下边有首歌词,省了………… )  GigaNerd   His Nerdiness   Join Date: Sep 2007  Location: Violet City, Johto  Posts: 270
Quote:  Originally Posted by eaglet123
  Never heard any old Korean Civilization. It must be your imagination.   I ain’’t imagining this Wikipedia article!   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gojoseon   __________________  Join the true faith!  City States = HOLY LAND
  WARNING: This user is prone to quoting Ace Attorney, TV Tropes, and various Internet memes.
  GigaNerd ( 终于来了个韩国人思密达! )  His Nerdiness  我们没有意淫,看维基!  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gojoseon   lishiping84   Chieftain  Join Date: Jan 2006  Posts: 18
As a nation, Korea is such a tragedy......  seriously.......it is a tragedy because they survived between china and japan and doesnt become a part of either of them.  i know this word sounds like racism, but there is no discrimination meaning. this is the miserable fact. honestly, i admire Korean since they are tough enough to survive between china and japan.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Last edited by lishiping84; Mar 22, 2010 at 08:16 AM.
  lishiping84 ( 这个应该是华人,省略号是六个点儿 )  Chieftain  作为一个国家,韩国真的很悲剧……  严肃的说,它的悲剧来自于它加载中日之间确没有成为他们中的任何一个的一部分。  我知道这样说有些种族主义,但是绝无歧视。真不幸啊,我还是很敬佩韩国生存于中日之间的坚强!   Mar 22,
  GigaNerd   His Nerdiness     Join Date: Sep 2007  Location: Violet City, Johto  Posts: 270
Quote:  Originally Posted by lishiping84
  honestly, i think Korean are very tough nation since they can survive between china and japan.   Toughness is a plus!
  __________________  Join the true faith!  City States = HOLY LAND
  WARNING: This user is prone to quoting Ace Attorney, TV Tropes, and various Internet memes.
  GigaNerd ( 棒子归来! )  His Nerdiness  顶“ 坚强 ” !  Oda Nobunaga   North American Traitor   Join Date: Jan 2002  Location: Ottawa, Ontario  Posts: 4,948
  Korea is a great civilization that doubtless deserves included in civilization.  HOWEVER, with only 18 civs in the base game, and the necessity of making sure that you have both a good regional spread (for flavor) and that the Great Powers of history are (mostly) represented among that regional spread.  In the end, Korea loses out to Japan and China on the ground that Korea never was a World Power while both China and Japan are or have been, and loses out to Siam on the ground that where Korea would be the third East Asian nation, Siam represents the rather unique South-East Asian sphere instead.  Which only means, of course, that Korea should be on the very top of the list for inclusion in the first expansion, along with Spain.   __________________  Figments of my Imagination - Stray thoughts and concepts of an imaginative Quebecer.  Warning: Poster is proud of his Québécois roots and ancestry  The good thing about being a minority is that it forces you to be aware the world doesn’’t revolve around you. The bad thing about being a minority is that the majority really doesn’’t like it when you point out your world doesn’’t revolve around them.   Oda Nobunaga   North American Traitor  韩国是个伟大的文明,有充足的理由入选!  但是,游戏只容得下18 个文明,所以你的有区域代表性和历史上曾是强权。  结果,韩国比不过中日,你懂的,韩国军事从来没强大过,而中日是;与泰国比,又没有区域代表性。  在资料片中,韩国和西班牙应该会高概率的出现的,所以少安毋躁拉!   Mar 22,
  tifa9292   Chieftain  Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
thanks for the support   i guess korea is not that well known around the world so i will tell you some korean achievenents:  taekwando  mp3 player  turtle ships  hangul  a lot of japanese and the royal household are descendents of korea and their culture came fromkorea  i understand i will check back when the expansion with korea is out some time  maybe there can be an asian civ pack with the other major asian civilizations (vietnamese, cantonese etc) that did not make it
  tifa9292 ( WOW , LZ 回了!!!)  Chieftain  在地球上韩国原来没有那么出名啊?我告诉尔等几个大韩民国的伟大成就吧:  跆拳道  MP3机  龟船  水管文  很多日本人和日本华族是韩裔,而且他们的习俗来自大韩   Mar 22,
  bonafide11   Worker     Join Date: Jun 2006  Location: STL  Posts: 2,156
Quote:  Originally Posted by tifa9292
  thanks for the support   i guess korea is not that well known around the world so i will tell you some korean achievenents:  taekwando  mp3 player  turtle ships  hangul  a lot of japanese and the royal household are descendents of korea and their culture came fromkorea  i understand i will check back when the expansion with korea is out some time  maybe there can be an asian civ pack with the other major asian civilizations (vietnamese, cantonese etc) that did not make it   MP3 players? Well, I’’m convinced that is one of the most important 18 civilizations in world history, if not the most important. Let’’s take out China and Rome to make room for Korea.  All kidding aside, I wouldn’’t mind if Korea made an expansion pack, but put aside your nationalism for a minute and you can’’t seriously expect Korea to make the list of first 18 civilizations.   __________________  &The thing that hath been, it is and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.&
  bonafide11   Worker  (LS 原文应用,不重复)  MP3机?我确信这是 18 个文明中最重要的一个了,作为不那么重要的,文明踢掉中国或罗马来为大韩民国腾出位子吧!  老子不跟你说笑了,我一点都不介意资料片里边有韩国;基本版?算了吧,还是把你的民族主义那远点儿吧!   Mar 22,
  ShakaZulu28   Chieftain     Join Date: Mar 2010  Location: Norway  Posts: 6
As long as the Korean AI (of Wang Kon) is as dumb as he is in Civ4, I hope that there would be no Korean civilization ever in Civ5.
  ShakaZulu28   Chieftain  四代里边韩国的英雄(王孔?)好傻,我一点也不希望5 代里边有韩国。  Thormodr   Servant of Civ  Join Date: Feb 2005  Location: Vancouver, Canada  Posts: 1,318   Incorrect. Korea most certainly did not invent the printing press. China has that honour. Koreans did improve upon it though. They had the world’’s first metal printing press.   Queen Min was a horrible leader who was hated by her own people and especially her own army who she conveniently forgot to pay from time to time. She is only beloved in the Koreas nowadays because she was killed by the Japanese and Korean anti royalists. (a tag team effort).   Thormodr   Servant of Civ  不对,韩国没有发明印刷术,中国才是。韩国改进了它,发明了金属字模印刷。  悯妃是个很糟糕的领袖,常常忘记支付工资,所以被她的人民特别是她的军队所憎恨;她只在今天被韩国人爱戴,只因为她被日本人所杀和成为反帝制运动很好的靶子。   Mar 22,
  Lone Wolf   Ioannes Palaiologos     Join Date: Dec 2006  Location: Ekaterinburg, Russia  Posts: 5,841
LEADER KIM JONG IL belong to this GLORIOUS nation! All progressive mankind feels great love for these two magnificient people.   Lone Wolf (俄毛归来!!! )  Ioannes Palaiologos  光荣韩国必须入选!因为人类史上两个最伟大的男人—— 伟大领袖今日成和敬爱将军金正日属于这个光荣的国度!前世界所有进步人类都要想这两个伟大无比的男人表示无限的爱戴!  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  光荣韩国必须入选!因为人类史上两个最伟大的男人—— 伟大领袖今日成和敬爱将军金正日属于这个光荣的国度!前世界所有进步人类都要想这两个伟大无比的男人表示无限的爱戴!    ====================================  哈哈哈哈哈哈 再加个金正YIN
   —By 如花红楼
  日本,韩国,蒙古是一个档次的    我们中国居然和这些国家放一起了\    悲剧~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  没注意有没有韩国    一直用武则天玩。。。
  Mar 22,
  Thormodr   Servant of Civ   Join Date: Feb 2005  Location: Vancouver, Canada  Posts: 1,439
Quote:  Originally Posted by Lone Wolf
  THE GLORIOUS NATION OF KOREA should be included, since TWO GREATEST MEN IN HISTORY OF MANKIND - ETERNAL PRESIDENT KIM IL SUNG and SUPREME LEADER KIM JONG IL belong to this GLORIOUS nation! All progressive mankind feels great love for these two magnificient people.   KJI is superhuman.   Quote:  According to North Korea’s crack research department, the diminutive dictator shot a 34 his first time golfing. And no, not at mini-golf, at a championship, par-72 course. He drilled home 11 holes-in-one in his miraculous 34-under round and reportedly still shoots in the low 50s, though at 60-plus years of age, his holes in ones are down to four or five a round.
  /blogs/willi...es_makes_kim_j  __________________  Proud founding member of the BBTPRICFFC. (Bring back the Peat resource in Civ 4 Fan club).   FREE AZAZELL!!!  A brilliant analysis by MrFusion on why ciV has divided the Civ community:  /forums/sho....php?p=1196145
     Thormodr   Servant of Civ        (引用LS俄毛的帖子,不重复)    金正日是超人!      根据朝鲜民主主义共和国超级研究所的研究,我们的敬爱的将军大人很小的时候第一次打高尔夫就完成了个34洞。那可不是小盆友耍的迷你高尔夫什么的,是正真的冠军联赛级别的啊,72标准杆儿的那种哦。*&**%¥%…………&***)&&……@!#%(都是写高尔夫运动的术语,俺不懂,总之是很NB的意思)  /blogs/willi...es_makes_kim_j  (下边儿配几张将军大人的玉照,名字分别是:一位完美的高尔夫手!运动天赋超绝!)         Mar 22,
  cybrxkhan   Khan of PHO      Join Date: Aug 2006  Location: The Universe  Posts: 4,542
  Korea would be, after China, Japan, and Mongolia, the next Asian civilization I would include. I dont think they are necessary in the vanilla game, only if because there is so little space available (only 18 slots).  Korea has some rather spectacular accomplishments, including a reasonably impressive military record and a number of scientific advances. However, then again, so did many other nations. China is always in before Korea for the obvious reason that it is &the& Eastern Civilization, just like how Rome and Greece are &the& Western Civilization. Japan is in because of the marketable appeal (everybody loves the stereotypes of samurai and ninjas), as well as the fact that its the biggest market for Civilization in Asia, and the fact that it has played a prominent role in modern world history. Mongolia is in mainly because of the need for a token nomadic-barbarian civ, as well as the fame of Genghis Khan as a bloodthirsty conqueror (though he wasnt a one-sided barbarian killer as everyone thinks...), but the Mongolians also were able to carve out the largest continuous land empire in history, so thats something.  So, my point again - Korea would be good for an expansion, as China, Japan, and Mongolia take precedence over it in my opinion.   __________________  LEADERHEADS | DIPLOMACY MUSIC | CIV OF THE WEEK  The Unofficial Expansion Pack WORLD OF LEGENDS Version 0.60 is now available - Heroes, Guilds, Spawnable Civs, and many new features! Click here to see thread!        (来了个头像是成吉思汗的蒙古人!  Khan of PHO        我希望韩国是继中日蒙之后亚洲候选文明,但是我并不认为它可以包含在基础版中,毕竟只有18个文明有此资格啊。  韩国还是有点小小的成就的,比如它赫赫的军事记录和先进的科技。不过,这么点小小的成绩亦泯然众国矣。中国优先于韩国的理由嘛,“只是”因为它是东方文明不二代表,就像罗马和希腊代表西方文明一样。日本,多金,忍者武士什么的受人欢迎,在现代战争中也戏份不少,所以也得入选。蒙古么,代表了游牧野蛮人文明,还有血腥征服者成吉思汗(实际他也是个温情的汉子),当然还有史上最伟大帝国啊,这些就足够把蒙古送入18个候选文明之中啊!    吾再说一遍——韩国还是等资料片啊,比起中日蒙,它太没有优势了。       Mar 22,
  Ahriman   Tyrant   Join Date: Jun 2008  Location: Washington, DC  Posts: 8,309
Quote:  KJI is superhuman.
  Can he shoot laser beams out of his eyes? If he cant shoot laser beams out of his eyes, then I vote no.  Quote:  Korea would be, after China, Japan, and Mongolia, the next Asian civilization I would include.
  &cough& India, Persia &cough&   __________________  &Also, I can kill you with my brain.&  Warhammer Fantasy Battles Mod (Forum)  Dunewars Mod (Forum)
Join Date: Jun 2008  Location: Washington, DC(华盛顿来的美国人)  Posts: 8,309
Quote:     金正日是超人?    他眼睛里边能射出豌豆射线么?不能的话我就选“不要韩国”。      &我希望韩国是继中日蒙之后亚洲候选文明&  &咳咳&印度,波斯&咳咳&     Mar 22,
  Tusked   Chieftain   Join Date: Sep 2009  Posts: 95
Quote:  Originally Posted by Ahriman
  Can he shoot laser beams out of his eyes? If he cant shoot laser beams out of his eyes, then I vote no.  &cough& India, Persia &cough&   He was probably counting Persia as a middle-eastern civilization - and people often forget India when talking about Asia. The perils of being on a subcontinent.
Tusked   Chieftain     (引用上文)      波斯是中东文明,而谈起亚洲的时候印度总是被遗忘——波斯属于阿拉伯半岛的。       Mar 22,
  tifa9292   Chieftain   Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
nono not kim jung-il or kim il-sung.
they were horrible communist leaders that do not represent koreas rich history as a power.  i think either of the king taejos of choson or goryeo would be good and not queen min since she didnt really do anything for korea other than be kill by the japanese  but i cant wait for expansion . anyone know when it wil come out?   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Last edited by tifa9292; Mar 22, 2010 at 02:04 PM.
  tifa9292 (LZ又回了,看到这里我已经相信他真的就是韩国人了,真可怜)  Chieftain     不,不,怎么可以是金家父子思密达,他们不过是恐怖的GCZY头子,根本没法代表大韩的光辉历史思密达。  我认为king taejos可以作为朝鲜或高丽的英雄;悯妃也不行思密达,除了被日本浪人杀掉之外,她根本没有为大韩做过什么思密达。    不过我希望资料片有,什么时候出啊?         Mar 22,
  tifa9292   Chieftain   Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
Quote:  Originally Posted by lishiping84
  As a nation, Korea is such a tragedy......  seriously.......it is a tragedy because they survived between china and japan and doesnt become a part of either of them.  i know this word sounds like racism, but there is no discrimination meaning. this is the miserable fact. honestly, i admire Korean since they are tough enough to survive between china and japan.   only for a short time in history is korea not independent in its history. and korea has 5000 years of history according to science ad recent reserch. i know about the bear myth but it is a myth.  /index....mart&Itemid=53  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Korea - &Korea, one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world[1], has over 5,000 years of history.[2] &  5000 years. longer than japan and i think china
     tifa9292 (LZ继续!!)  Chieftain       (作为一个国家,韩国真的很悲剧……  严肃的说,它的悲剧来自于它加载中日之间确没有成为他们中的任何一个的一部分。  我知道这样说有些种族主义,但是绝无歧视。真不幸啊,我还是很敬佩韩国生存于中日之间的坚强!)    大韩在历史上很少失去独立思密达!而且大韩有5000年历史也经过了现在科学的验证思密达!关于檀君日熊的童话我也知道思密达,那不过是一个童话而已思密达!!  /index....mart&Itemid=53  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Korea - &大韩,史上最古最持久文明[1], 有半万年历史.[2] &    5000年哎,比中日都长思密达!!       Mar 22,
  toft   King  
Join Date: May 2005  Location: €urope  Posts: 643    At least include an option for: NO! Not at all!
  toft   King        至少还要一个“不要韩国,根本不需要!”的选项吧?        Mar 22,
  tifa9292   Chieftain   Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
and why not? give a good reason why      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last edited by tifa9292; Mar 22, 2010 at 04:01 PM.
tifa9292 (纠结的小棒子又回了…………真可怜)  Chieftain     为什么?告诉我为什么“根本不需要”?        Mar 22,
  Thormodr   Servant of Civ  
Join Date: Feb 2005  Location: Vancouver, Canada  Posts: 1,439
Quote:  Originally Posted by tifa9292
  only for a short time in history is korea not independent in its history. and korea has 5000 years of history according to science ad recent reserch. i know about the bear myth but it is a myth.  /index....mart&Itemid=53  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Korea - &Korea, one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world[1], has over 5,000 years of history.[2] &  5000 years. longer than japan and i think china   5000 years is totally incorrect. Korean nationalists are just trying to make themselves look better than China or Japan. Call it a national insecurity.  Theres a reason why the Korea refers to China as &Older brother&.  Besides, you shouldnt use Wikipedia when a subject is controversial. Its not credible in this case.  Koreans have a 3000 year history max. Only the last 2100 or so fall into the realm of historical written history, and that through Chinese accounts.   Some Korean &historians& have claimed that Koreans invented the Chinese script and that Confucius was actually Chinese. Also, Sumerians were actually Koreans as well.  To their credit, most Koreans think these guys are crackpots.   Heres a you tube link about Koreas 10000 years of history. I mean, why stop at a mere 5000?   /watch?v=dIhoBy6a0BY   __________________  Proud founding member of the BBTPRICFFC. (Bring back the Peat resource in Civ 4 Fan club).   FREE AZAZELL!!!  A brilliant analysis by MrFusion on why ciV has divided the Civ community:  /forums/sho....php?p=1196145
          (引用LZ上上贴)    5000根本是个笑话,韩国的民族主义者们想法设法把历史粉饰的长比中日都要辉煌一些,还美名其曰:为了增加国家荣誉感。这也是为什么韩国必须要叫中国“老大哥”了(这个,是在夸中国么……)。    还有啊,在有争议的问题上就不要老是引用那个人人都可编辑的维基百科了,没人信那个。    韩国之多只有3000年历史,只有2100年的文字记录,当然是中国的文字记录。    有些韩国“历史发明家”声称韩国发明了汉字,孔夫子是韩国人,武士道源自韩国什么的。    可笑的是大部分韩国人认为发明家所言极是。    下边儿是大韩一万年历史的youtube链接,我只是不明白,怎么到你嘴里就只剩下半万年了呢?    /watch?v=dIhoBy6a0BY   Mar 22,
  snapple232   Chieftain   Join Date: Aug 2007  Posts: 62    You want to take out China for Korea? Really?
snapple232   Chieftain     你不是真的想踢掉中国换上韩国吧?     Mar 22,
  tifa9292   Chieftain   Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
Quote:  Originally Posted by Thormodr
  5000 years is totally incorrect. Korean nationalists are just trying to make themselves look better than China or Japan. Call it a national insecurity.  Theres a reason why the Korea refers to China as &Older brother&.  Besides, you shouldnt use Wikipedia when a subject is controversial. Its not credible in this case.  Koreans have a 3000 year history max. Only the last 2100 or so fall into the realm of historical written history, and that through Chinese accounts.   Some Korean &historians& have claimed that Koreans invented the Chinese script and that Confucius was actually Chinese. Also, Sumerians were actually Koreans as well.  To their credit, most Koreans think these guys are crackpots.   Heres a you tube link about Koreas 10000 years of history. I mean, why stop at a mere 5000?   /watch?v=dIhoBy6a0BY   ok so korea and china have similar years old history but still longer than japan and most other civilizations right.   i dont think confucius is korean by the way. is there any evidence?
  tifa9292 (我又回来了思密达!!!!!)  Chieftain       (引用LSS)    好吧,大韩至至少跟中国一样古老吧,至少比日本和其他的什么文明古老思密达!!  我也没有想过孔子是韩国人,你哪里听到我们说孔子是大韩人了思密达??       Mar 22,
  tifa9292 (又跳进来了,你打我啊!!!)  Chieftain   Join Date: Mar 2010  Posts: 23
Quote:  Originally Posted by snapple232
  You want to take out China for Korea? Really?   no. its there just as a poll option if others share that opinion
           “你不是真的想踢掉中国换上韩国吧?”    不是的思密达,这只是供那些有此想法的人来点选的思密达。    Mar 22,
  Thormodr   Servant of Civ   Join Date: Feb 2005  Location: Vancouver, Canada  Posts: 1,439    I wish there was an option to vote Korean out of the game because they are over represented. After all, according to the Korean History Channel, Koreans founded the Chinese, Indian, Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations. They also founded a civilization in Essex (Southern England), conquered Arabia, discovered America, colonized Alaska and became Native Americans. They even conquered the Incas!  Even Chinggis Khan was descended from Koreans according to some Korean historians. Japan as well.   Right there they are represented by at least 6 civilizations! Frankly, I want less Korea in ciV.   For your viewing pleasure:  /watch?v=FjIfW...eature=related  Finally, Jesus was Korean as well!   /watch?v=ARntH...video_response   __________________  Proud founding member of the BBTPRICFFC. (Bring back the Peat resource in Civ 4 Fan club).   FREE AZAZELL!!!  A brilliant analysis by MrFusion on why ciV has divided the Civ community:  /forums/sho....php?p=1196145    Thormodr (这哥们儿真给力!)  Servant of Civ     我希望有剔除韩国的选项,它们早就被代表了。毕竟,根据他们的历史节目,他们剪力了中国印度苏美尔埃及文明,还有南部英格兰的撒克逊文明,征服了阿拉伯半岛,发现了美洲,殖民了阿拉斯加,而且还成为了印第安人,甚至灭了印加人@!  根据韩国历史学家的说法,成吉思汗是降生于韩国,日本人也是韩国人。  那么,这6种文明出现在游戏中,大韩人民就可以骄傲的宣称“游戏中有韩国,或者至少是韩国人发明的文明”。坦率讲,我不想5中有韩国。  看看下面这些好玩的东东吧:  /watch?v=FjIfW...eature=related  最终,耶稣也韩国了 !  /watch?v=ARntH...video_response         Mar 22,
  cybrxkhan (蒙古野蛮人回来了)  Khan of PHO              Join Date: Aug 2006  Location: The Universe  Posts: 4,542
  Im not sure whether to take that as a joke or not.   __________________     LEADERHEADS | DIPLOMACY MUSIC | CIV OF THE WEEK  The Unofficial Expansion Pack WORLD OF LEGENDS Version 0.60 is now available - Heroes, Guilds, Spawnable Civs, and many new features! Click here to see thread!     你发的那些是滑稽剧吧?     Mar 22,
  Thormodr   Servant of Civ         Join Date: Feb 2005  Location: Vancouver, Canada  Posts: 1,439
Quote:  Originally Posted by cybrxkhan
  Im not sure whether to take that as a joke or not.      This was played on Korean television and they are perfectly serious. I believe some Koreans even claim to have invented Chinese traditional medicine too.  I lived in South Korea for 6 years and I saw these programs with my own eyes. Its also in their newspapers from time to time.   __________________  Proud founding member of the BBTPRICFFC. (Bring back the Peat resource in Civ 4 Fan club).   FREE AZAZELL!!!  A brilliant analysis by MrFusion on why ciV has divided the Civ community:  /forums/sho....php?p=1196145
Thormodr   Servant of Civ    “你发的那些是滑稽剧吧?”    不是,只是些在大韩民国电视上严肃的播出的节目而已。甚至有些韩国人声称中医是韩国发明的。  我在南朝鲜生活了6年,这些都是我亲身经历。  他们的报纸不厌其烦的刊出这样些无聊的东西!     Mar 22,
  lishiping84   Chieftain   Join Date: Jan 2006  Posts: 18
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Quote:  Originally Posted by tifa9292
  only for a short time in history is korea not independent in its history. and korea has 5000 years of history according to science ad recent reserch. i know about the bear myth but it is a myth.  /index....mart&Itemid=53  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Korea - &Korea, one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world[1], has over 5,000 years of history.[2] &  5000 years. longer than japan and i think china   i can change this right now if i wish  wikipedia is just a simple tool but it always goes wrong.  korea culture is longer than china. is that a joke?  actually the uu and ub of korea in CIV4 are both from china.  Ok, chinese and japnese should take responsibility for the Hysteria of modern korean people. you know, the trauma in childhood   well the only thing which i admire and you korean should be proud of is the toughness.so many powerful nations around it, it is still there. sometimes even tougher than china. if you are not tough enough, you guys now will be proud as a chinese or japanese, and neednt anything to prove how great you are.
  lishiping84   Chieftain     (引用tifa9292关于5000年的帖子)    能替换的话我现在就帮你替换。  维基百科不过是个人人都可编辑错误百出的工具。  韩国历史比中国悠久?你不是说笑吧?  实际上四代的韩国不过是中国换了个名字而已,其他都是一样,人开发商都懒得给你们建几个简单模型!  中日确实对大韩的歇斯底里负有不可推卸的责任,谁让他们对幼年的大韩施过无情的暴力呢?    好吧,对于你们韩国我位移欣赏的是你你们那坚韧的秉性。如此之多的强权环侍周围都没能被吞噬掉!有时比中国还坚韧!如果不是你们那倔强劲儿,你们早就为自己中国人或日本人身份自豪了,也永不早发明些莫须有的历史来维持你们小小的自豪。     Mar 22,
  cybrxkhan (野蛮人再次回来…………其实,我是越南人来的!)  Khan of PHO   Join Date: Aug 2006  Location: The Universe  Posts: 4,542
Quote:  Originally Posted by Thormodr
  This was played on Korean television and they are perfectly serious. I believe some Koreans even claim to have invented Chinese traditional medicine too.  I lived in South Korea for 6 years and I saw these programs with my own eyes. Its also in their newspapers from time to time.   Thats quite a pity, since Korea has its own admirable history and achievements, even without the being-the-father-and-mother-of-all-civilizations-on-earth thing.   Also, the Korean claim to having more history than China is simply chauvinistic pseudo-history. In Vietnam, we also claim that we are 3000+ years old (i.e. at least as old as China) - but we only did it so that we could say that we were as old and prestigious as the C and, even though I can be a proud Viet sometimes, I have to say that those claims are ridiculous. __________________  LEADERHEADS | DIPLOMACY MUSIC | CIV OF THE WEEK  The Unofficial Expansion Pack WORLD OF LEGENDS Version 0.60 is now available - Heroes, Guilds, Spawnable Civs, and many new features! Click here to see thread!   cybrxkhan   Khan of PHO       “不是,只是些在大韩民国电视上严肃的播出的节目而已。甚至有些韩国人声称中医是韩国发明的。  我在南朝鲜生活了6年,这些都是我亲身经历。  他们的报纸不厌其烦的刊出这样些无聊的东西!”    真可怜啊,韩国没有什么值得骄傲的历史成就,也根本不是什么其他伟大文明的“父母”。  韩国声称比中国历史辉煌也不过是盲目的爱国YY罢了。在越南,我们也说自己有3000+的历史,或者跟中国一样古老。——但是我们尊重中国人,甚至在声称我们自己很自豪时,心底却觉得很滑稽。  Mar 22,
  lishiping84   Chieftain   Join Date: Jan 2006  Posts: 18
Quote:  Originally Posted by Thormodr
  5000 years is totally incorrect. Korean nationalists are just trying to make themselves look better than China or Japan. Call it a national insecurity.  Theres a reason why the Korea refers to China as &Older brother&.  Besides, you shouldnt use Wikipedia when a subject is controversial. Its not credible in this case.  Koreans have a 3000 year history max. Only the last 2100 or so fall into the realm of historical written history, and that through Chinese accounts.   Some Korean &historians& have claimed that Koreans invented the Chinese script and that Confucius was actually Chinese. Also, Sumerians were actually Koreans as well.  To their credit, most Koreans think these guys are crackpots.   Heres a you tube link about Koreas 10000 years of history. I mean, why stop at a mere 5000?   /watch?v=dIhoBy6a0BY   well, this is funny, even the 10000 years history is recorded in chinese.
  lishiping84   Chieftain     有一万年历史又怎么样,还不是要中国人来记载。
  小广告也是一大文明= =||太有速度了
很给力啊 我文明5 玩家
  有点没搞明白,这是个啥游戏?外国游戏吗?这些留言都是哪里复制来的啊~    不过还真挺有意思的哈,我比较希望全世界的人都鄙视棒子
  以前玩帝国时代2的时候,打海战和黑森林的话,棒子还不错。  帝国时代3 就没有棒子了。
  任何游戏有韩国的话都只有一个目的  韩国有着世界前十的游戏市场  其他的理由什么文明古国啊  战争很强大啊  全TM扯淡  要不是中东地区的文明有着太大的近似性  估计棒子们亚洲前十都进不了


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