cyclicale component 是什么在经济里是什么意思

pro-cyclical是什么意思 pro-cyclical在线翻译 pro-cyclical什么意思 pro-cyclical的意思 pro-cyclical的翻译 pro-cyclical的解释 pro-cyclical的发音
pro-cyclicalpro-cyclical 双语例句1. 1. I wasn't aware that escort services were pro-cyclical, but I shall take your word for it.&&&&我并没有注意到3陪服务是顺周期性的,但我会相信你的话。2. I wasnt aware that escort services were pro-cyclical, but I shall take your word for it.&&&&我并没有注意到三陪服务是顺周期性的,但我会相信你的话。3. He argued that acquisitions tended to be pro-cyclical and relied on the strength of the equity market.&&&&他认为,企业收购往往是顺周期性的、并且依赖于股市的强势。4. He argued that acquisitions tended to be pro-cyclical andrelied on the strength of the equity market.&&&&他认为,企业收购往往是顺周期性的、并且依赖于股市的强势。5. Finally, pro-cyclical behaviour is pronounced in financial systems.&&&&最后,金融体系中的顺周期行为非常明显。6. Use of collateral is inherently " pro-cyclical ": it amplifies economic or financial market cycles.&&&&对抵押品的使用从根本上来说是“顺周期”的:它会放大经济或金融市场周期。7. At best, reliance on fiscal disciplines and sovereign debt restructuring is sure to generate massively pro-cyclical policy.&&&&往好里说,对财政纪律和主权债务重组的依赖肯定会产生大量“顺周期”政策。8. danci.911cha.com8. Securities companies'proprietary trading, brokerage and asset management business are also pro-cyclical and the fair value accounting measurement methods as well as external credit rating exacerbated securities companies'pro-cyclical.&&&&证券公司的自营、经纪、资产管理等业务也存在顺周期性特征,而公允价值会计计量方法以及外部信用评级则加剧了证券公司的顺周期性。9. The " pro-cyclical effect " is the result of the interaction of many factors. The main causes of the " pro-cyclical effect " are the linkage of the Financial Accounting Standards and financial regulatory system, and the irrational reaction in market.&&&&而顺周期效应则是多种因素相互作用的结果,它的产生原因主要是财务会计准则和金融监管制度的联动性、市场的不理智反应,不能简单的归咎于公允价值计量。10. pro-cyclical的解释10. In the subprime mortgage crisis, the pro-cyclical effect, which is caused by the fair value measurement, magnified the losses of financial institutions and risk. Citigroup, Merrill Lynch. UBS and other large multinational financial institutions were extremely dissatisfied with fair value measurement.&&&&2007年爆发的次贷危机中,公允价值计量带来的顺周期效应放大了金融机构的损失和风险,花旗、美林、瑞银等大型跨国金融机构对此极为不满。11. 11. This is an important lesson for the West because, during the boom, its fiscal and monetary policies were often pro-cyclical, adding fuel to the fire.&&&&&&对西方国家而言这是重要的一课,因为它们在经济繁荣期间的财政和货币政策往往是顺周期的,会起到火上浇油的效果。12. In the course of the study, this article is based on that the commercial bank credit has a pro-cyclical, and regard the pro-cyclical of credit as the bridge between the change of the macro-economy and the credit risk, which is a key component of this article.&&&&&&在研究过程中,本文是以商业银行信贷具有亲周期性为突破口,将信贷的亲周期性作为宏观经济变化与信贷风险的关系的一个桥梁,是本文组成的一个关键。13. 13. In such a world, governments would not stand behind financial systems and fiscal policy would be brutally pro-cyclical and without monetary policy offsets.&&&&&&在这种情况下,政府会挡在金融体系身前,财政政策极力顺应经济周期,且不通过货币政策进行冲抵。14. Worse, focusing on fiscal austerity guarantees that the response to crises will be fiercely pro-cyclical, as we see so clearly.&&&&&&更糟的是,专注于财政紧缩必然带来这样一种结果:危机应对措施将带有强烈的顺周期特性。目前我们已经清楚看到了这一点。15. 15. These can help in stabilising and reducing public debt – but only if care is taken to avoid pro-cyclical fiscal policy in the next downturn.&&&&&&这些目标和触发因素有助于稳定和降低公共债务,但前提是必须谨慎设定,以免在下次衰退期间采取顺周期的财政政策。16. Basel ⅲ put forward the policy framework of countercyclical capital buffer, to relieve the pro-cyclical effect of capital regulation to the adverse impact of the operational stability of the banking industry.&&&&&&《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》提出逆周期资本缓冲的政策框架,来缓解资本监管的顺周期效应给银行业经营稳定造成的不利影响。17. Thus fiscal disciplines have tended to be disastrously pro-cyclical.&&&&&&因此财政纪律往往会呈现出灾难性的顺周期性。18. The Study on Pro-cyclical Effects of IRB Banks in China&&&&&&我国银行内部评级的顺周期效应研究19. Much like Mr Ch á vez's rhetoric, the country's economic policy is pro-cyclical.&&&&&&就像查韦斯的高调,该国经济政策也是顺周期的。20. The " pro-cyclical effect " is the result of the interaction of many factors. The main causes of the " pro-cyclical effect " are the linkage of the Financial Accounting Standards and financial regulatory system, and the irrational reaction in market.&&&&&&而顺周期效应则是多种因素相互作用的结果,它的产生原因主要是财务会计准则和金融监管制度的联动性、市场的不理智反应,不能简单的归咎于公允价值计量。pro-cyclical是什么意思,pro-cyclical在线翻译,pro-cyclical什么意思,pro-cyclical的意思,pro-cyclical的翻译,pro-cyclical的解释,pro-cyclical的发音,pro-cyclical的同义词,pro-cyclical的反义词,pro-cyclical的例句,pro-cyclical的相关词组,pro-cyclical意思是什么,pro-cyclical怎么翻译,单词pro-cyclical是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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