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最新资讯推荐现在,你可以自信而毫无负担地走向你的未来。从2017年10月到2018年11月,你要么会遇见真爱,要么会开启一段为期两年、紧张而幸运的职业/抱负之行! (2017年)TIM 业力星运 2017.05...
现在,你可以自信而毫无负担地走向你的未来。从2017年10月到2018年11月,你要么会遇见真爱,要么会开启一段为期两年、紧张而幸运的职业/抱负之行! (2017年)TIM 业力星运 2017.05...
蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯(Tim Stephens),加拿大著名占星师,近40年的占星经验,因准确预测过许多时政大事结果闻名。 所有时间和日期使用的都是太平洋标准时间(PST)(Pacific Standard Time Zone) 。PST是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时。例如,如果PST是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。 诸事不宜(PST): 【周一】15:59 ~ 22:01 ; 【周三】14:42 ~ 【周四】09:59;【周六】19:14 ~ 22:37。 【请同时参考:上升、月亮、太阳】(女) 【请同时参考:上升、太阳、月亮】(男) ☆☆☆ 序文 -- 译者:元中 致所有的星座:5月10日,月亮交点换座。日以前,北交点将在狮子座,而南交点在水瓶座。由于这个原因,本周的星运将展示未来18个月你的业力前景。5% - 10%的情况下,我为你的星座所写的建议和 “结果” 将是相反的,这是由于你自己累积的业力所致。例如,一些狮子不应该结婚;但是少数的狮子可能有一个伴侣真的落在他们的腿上。在星巴克,一个踉跄,咖啡飞溅,然后Ta落在你的腿上。丘比特给你一个很好的惊喜:Ta抬头看着你,并且说,“抱歉,你会和我结婚吗?” 或者和我约会,诸如此类。在这种情况下,你的业力来自过去一些好的、伟大的行为,你应得到一些回报:一个即时的伴侣,并且Ta将适合你,实际上那是一个注定的伴侣。另一个结果是,这个星巴克事件发生,你们交换电话号码,然后你打了两三次电话给Ta,而你只收到电话机的留言。这是耽搁,即使是这么小的耽搁,它在告诉你退出,这个关系是坏的业力,不好。特别是对于狮子来说。 一般而言,对于每个太阳星座,下面的因素将暗示你处于业力之轴坏的一边:耽搁、诱惑、过于完美无瑕;还有障碍,不同的障碍,每一次你解决了它们,又有新的出现。如果你留意到下面我为你的星座所写的这些范围中的任何一个因素,停下来,检查你正在做什么,退后一步,看看自己,并且考虑将你的目标或方法转向 “相反的一面”。例如,如果你是一个处女座,在不断地试图找到一些动手操作的工作,请退后一步,思考,做相反的事情:申请管理工作。或者,如果你是个因为他人不值得信赖或不诚实而沮丧的狮子,退后一步,只依靠自己,启动自己可以做的项目 -- 你将用这个方式从失败转向成功。不管什么样的情况,当你在经历不适当的耽搁,转向:做相反的事情。通常,从业力方面来说,耽搁是你的朋友,它试图让你脱离陷阱。 这18个月,对射手座和双子座、处女座和双鱼座尤为重要。部分原因是双鱼座结束了18个月的挫折;处女座结束了18个月的沮丧关系。 本周顺利而成功,只有周四早上到周五下午有 “当心” 的提示。 两周前,我吹嘘我关于银行股4月下跌的预测,我说它们会跌 5%--8%。实际上, 4月27日我查过记录,加拿大银行股跌了10%--15%. 上周我写道,我可能在房地产信托基金(REITS)的预测上出错,加拿大的房地产信托基金(没有看美国的)没有像我暗示的那样下跌。其实,它们今天(4月27日)已经下跌了,总体而言,也许会跌5%。我说过等到5月中再做决定是否要买,那就是说本周(5月7日)和下周。(实际上,在最近的检查中,加币和加拿大房地产信托基金(REITS)看上去比3、4月份时高出很多, 5月2日我的笔记。) ☆☆☆ 白羊座 (03.21~04.19)-- 译者:姜氏沉鱼 从2017年5月到2018年11月,你的因缘果报皆以爱为轴心。这意味着基本上(有很小的可能性出现例外),你需要择取深恋,而非浅爱;你需要痴心热恋,而非脚踏多船;你需要去冒险,而非保险起见;你需要即时行乐,而非规划未来之乐;另外你只需着重他/她的颜值,而非个性(只是这18个月,不是永远)。你可能发现,你并不如你预期的那样融入了一个社交群体;甚至,在这个团体内会有一丝丝的被疏远感,但单独和所爱或被吸引之人在一起,却觉得十分妥帖舒适。单身者,如果你在一个团队里遇到了某人,这是个警告;如果你独自一人的时候遇到了那人,关系就可以继续下去。 这段时间要私密一点而非公开。发挥你的创造力,迸发出内心对写作、绘画、创造、发现的狂热之气。这也是抚育孩子或小学教育的极佳时期。如果你需要在两个人之间做出选择,一个名字首字母是F或W,一个是V或D,那么请选择前者。(译者注: 他的命理推演应该是按照英文26个字母来推演的,放到中文拼音上不一定有效,所以要按事实说话。) 2017年的10月,幸运的木星流转到你的合伙关系和婚姻的宫位。所以从5月到10月,如果沉浸在 “无法自拔的爱恋” 之中,你可能会踏入婚姻殿堂。自10月开始到2018年11月,你对深爱的追寻可能会转而打开深入性爱的追寻之门。(我对结果不负任何责任!)你结婚了?那就去冒险吧,宠爱你的孩子们,释放他们的天赋(送他们去上周六的兴趣班,比如曲棍球、舞蹈、艺术课,等等)。重燃你的婚姻之热吧。如果你为某人的魅力所倾倒,你的生活会更壮观。 ☆☆☆ 金牛座 (04.20~05.20)-- 译者:简娜 从2017年5月到2018年11月,金牛座,你的业力之轴将涉及到你的家庭和职业;并且这两者可能不一致。你应该非常小心地对待你的职业 -- 因为在此期间,你越是追逐声望,更多的门可能反而对你关闭。在占星学中,有三大主要领域 -- 就业和家庭事务(通常是动手的)、约束和责任(通常把你放在管理的位置),以及职业、声望。对你来说,只有三个中的最后一个受影响。这几乎是一个经验法则:在这18个月中,不要!!追求声望。可能声望不请自来:没关系。但是,你越是想得到表扬、威望,和对你工作的赞赏;你越是会遭受来自那些高层的 “推诿” 。所以,把这18个月花在谦虚的做你的工作上:你会很好。不要做的事:更换职业、工作角色或者雇主;推动高层;提交一些议案(除非它们是被要求的);发起一些新的职业项目;要求一次加薪或者晋升; “试图欺骗” ,或者,不然就屈服于诱惑。 有时候,在这种星象的影响下,职业渐趋难以忍受。它变的无聊或者令人窒息,以至于你不得不做些什么。在这种情况下,辞职远远好于更换工作或者职业。事实上,在生活的“另一面”,你会顺利地、轻松地取得成功。(另一面:家宅、房地产、食物、度假小屋、家人、休息和恢复、一个假期,等等)。例如,你也许辞职,然后把你的时间花在修缮你的家宅,或者建造一个度假小屋上,并且发现你由此赚的钱比你(辞职前)的年薪还要多三倍。如果你可以的话、如果你有这个自由,在家而不是在外面的办公室工作 -- 你会更加高效、平静,并且做出更好的选择。 总体而言,对下面的事情来说,这18个月是一个极好的机会:购买房地产;通过治疗解决一些家庭问题 ;计划你子女的未来(开启教育基金),以及吸收大自然母亲的巨大精华 -- 去远足、划船。 ☆☆☆ 双子座 (05.21~06.20)-- 译者:lin 双子,从2017年5月到2018年11月的这18个月里头,你的业力集中在智力、旅行和沟通交流领域(译者注:三宫管辖范围)。只要记住一件事件,你就能安然度过:取“短”,不取“长”。故事、报纸、杂志、新闻报道、轶事(甚至是一些道听途说得来的证据),都比小说、巨著、书籍要好。无论你是消费它们还是创作它们都一样。聊天会比深刻的沟通要好。口头承诺而不是白纸黑字的合同。少于一个月的短期旅行,而且是在你自己的国家,好过于跨境旅行。买本地的、国产的物品,好过买进口的。一定、一定要避免诉讼或者与律师相关事务,直到2018年11月过去。 爱情方面也是一样,朋友般的恋爱比婚礼更能吸收星象的正能量。在2017的10月中旬之前,很多双子都会恋爱的啦(或者其实从2016年9月就开始了)。但是结婚就比较困难,好事,因为延迟正是你需要的。另一方面,你可能会同居或者有一段很好的情事,甚至两者都有。在2017年10月之后,直到2018年11月,你都有可能经历朋友般轻松的吸引(某个人可能会接近你,更多是因为性上的吸引而不是浪漫。)在2019年,木星会进入你的婚姻宫 -- 你们中的一部分人会结婚,或者就是和你在2017年找的的这个人结婚;而另外一些人可能会遇见一个新人,那也是个不错的生活伴侣。你会更容易和本国人处得更好,而不是外籍人士。 ☆☆☆ 巨蟹座 (06.21~07.22)-- 译者:临安细雨 蟹蟹,2017年5月至2018年11月,你的业力轴线落在性爱与金钱领域,以及诸如生活信念之类的“价值观”。为了获得成功,你需要把注意力集中在收入、职业、买卖、现金流和你自己的银行存款、你自己的财产上 -- 避免大型或者共享的金钱,诸如股票和债券、投资、有限责任合伙公司、与家人或朋友一起投资,等等。购买贬值中的资产(例如,一辆汽车),而不要购买正在升值中的那些(例如,土地、股票)。这听起来荒唐可笑。不过,如果你的投资项目崩溃或缩水,你可能会在资本方面损失得更多,最终你会意识到,比历年来(投资)在一辆新车上的 “损失” 还要多。 去认清事实、熟记它们,而不是考虑抽象的原则或哲理。避开那些精神科医生、理疗师们,警惕警察、侦探、研究人员、会计师和投资顾问们。如果你是,例如,躁郁症或精神分裂症患者,依照预定计划去吃药和看医生 -- 但你会有点多疑,把他/她视作一位不可靠的人,而不是一位完美高尚的医务工作者。这将助长你的自负。 同样地,偶然的、充满肉欲的性爱(“玛莎,日光熠熠而我爱着这首歌 -- 让我们坠入爱河吧”)是受到支持的,甚至对于已婚夫妇也是(当然,是对彼此而言)。让肉体上的亲密互动与愉悦、乐观、有趣的时刻联系在一起。避免出于怀孕的欲望而引起的性爱,要深入地了解一个人的灵魂,学习生活的秘密,或者是改变自己的生活方式或金融状况。不要违背任何人的婚姻誓言。 蟹蟹,在2018年11月之前,你会拒绝研究、暗中观察 -- 接受表象,认为它们是“真实的”。通常情况下,避开任何深刻、黑暗、极端隐私的东西(例如,不能公开的)-- 合谋、帮派关系、暴力行为、谋杀、幕后政治诡计,等等。这是个变得柔和、感受大自然的时候。放松自己,让生活来好好爱你吧! ☆☆☆ 狮子座 (07.23~08.22)-- 译者:神仙静静 大猫们,未来18个月的因果业力轴,位于你个人和其他人之间。你知道这个说法,“人人皆疯狂,除了我自己” -- 这可能会在2017年5月至2018年11月之间的某些时刻成真。总的来说,在这段时间内,大猫将会得到祝福、保护,并拥有很好的道德指南针 -- 但你会倾向于和那些自身的道德指南针没有设置好的人相处,他们也许有一个隐藏的企图,或只是经历一个不佳的运气或是自怜。单身的大猫们,可能遇到些令人沮丧的约会:喵想要浪漫,TA只想要友谊;或者喵被一个守财奴、隐士或已经戒除愉悦的人吸引, 等等。 在此期间,大猫将要明智地避免结婚。如果喵拥有幸福的爱情,一般而言,等到2018年12月或是2019年,再共同生活。在此18个月内遇见的任何人,永远不会成为一个好的生活伴侣或商业伙伴,无论当时的景象是如何诱人。但是,这并不意味着你必须孤独。如果大猫的首要动机是浪漫、深刻或是随意的性爱、轻松的浪漫、友谊,所有这些都是可行的,可以沉溺其中,尽管面对面关系中的困难会导致一个障碍,它甚至会牵涉到其它相关的方面。 为了在这18个月内取得成功,大猫们,去做你自己,强调你自己的愿望、计划、项目、冲动,和形象。表现自己、采取行动、做出决定 -- 甚至是重大的生活决定。但不要搬迁、诉讼、签订合同、作出承诺,或寻求名声、公开交易(名声会自己到来,如果它注定要来 -- 追逐它会使它离开)。如果有人对不起你或者起诉你,把另一侧脸颊也转给TA打,以德报怨 -- 如果你这样做,他们会自取灭亡。但是,如果你进行一场战斗,那就像和胶水作战一样 -- 你越努力,陷得就越深。 ☆☆☆ 处女座 (08.23~09.22)-- 译者:元中 从日到日,处女座。好的一面,你的业力之轴将贯穿你的退却、隐居、机构、责任、管理能力、工作授权、政府和公务员,以及政策和委员会的工作。不好的一面,你的业力之轴落在动手操作的工作、杂务、就业、自我治疗、健康、维生素、营养,还有预防保健。在这18个月里,你倾心的所有事情将会以这样那样的方式宣告运作失灵,或者只有微薄的回报。例如,自我治疗、动手操作的工作,等等。另外一个好的方面,如果你参与那些你通常避开的事务(政府、医院、管理角色,等等),你将不仅走在一条顺利、轻松的路上,你还将得知一些你通常不会操心的事情,并为他人收获大量的的仁慈和同情心。此外,这将帮助你更好的理解你的婚姻伴侣;如果你是单身,这将通过某种(不明确的、朦胧和神秘的、超能力的、直觉的、非理性的、梦幻的、仁慈的)个性 “认识你自己” 。未来的十年或更长的时间,你将几乎被上述的个性所涉及。2016年及2017年不要结婚也不要形成一个重要关系的建议已经终止。 有一个很普通的有形的方法,那就是,在这18个月里,如果你寻求精神的源头,如果你做冥想、练瑜伽、花时间独处和沉思,你会得到更多的益处或成功。并且,如果你找到、识别和使用你的直觉,去拜访心理医生或者其他咨询师,请教他们中的一个,如何与你的直觉相连接。治疗师和咨询师会使你受益。要仁慈而不是帮助人。例如,给某人一件衬衫,而不是把他们撕裂衬衫上的纽扣钉好。乐意住院、服用处方药,因为这些目前可以治愈或者帮助你,而非处方药只能帮一点小忙。拥抱可怜的人、悲惨的人、被遗弃的人。 ☆☆☆ 天秤座 (09.23~10.22)-- 译者:戈弌弋 啊哈,秤子,在2017年5月到2018年11月的18个月里,你面临着最幸运的选择之一:你的业力之轴位于爱情,既包括你轻松的浪漫前景(有利),也有你深深迷恋的前景(不利)。为了在接下来的18个月里获得成功,你要拥抱朋友们和社交团体;保持乐观;计划未来的乐趣和冒险活动,并追求轻松而友好的浪漫。通常,你追求富有吸引力的人,并以强烈和安静的方式去接受 Ta。如果你在一个团体里遇到某人,如果你们喜欢同样类型的朋友,如果你们能够一起轻松地大笑、聊天,和调情,这就是轻松的浪漫,而这往往是一个幸福婚姻的基础。如果你看到某人就脸红并且砰砰心跳,如果你认为他们是理想和完美的,如果你口吃,或者相反,开始激动的说起你的感受,如果你每晚在他们家附近兜风,想要去敲他们的门 -- 这就是沉重的浪漫。2018年11月以前,轻松的浪漫将为你打开一条宽阔的绿灯长驻之路,让你漫步、充满幸福和微笑。沉重的浪漫将会不断地被拒,或是带来失望、一个陷阱(哦,我的天,我和一只青蛙结了婚),或是一条死胡同。 为了取得成功,至少在感情上和业力上取得成功,你需要成为社交人士、参加团体活动、加入新的团体(任何关于冥想、运动、专业或政治的团体),对遇到的每个人展现你的友好。这不是最佳时期:把自己埋进某个创意或投机项目;去赌博或购买高风险股票;追寻艺术或美丽的事物,或者教导孩子。这是建立人脉的大好时期。 今年10月以前,幸运木星位于你的星座,在受人欢迎方面带给你很棒的5个月。你通常很幸运,所以,利用一些运气去结交新朋友;去展望光明的未来并朝之努力;去调情和开玩笑。 ☆☆☆ 天蝎座 (10.23~11.21)-- 译者:cynthia_13b 天蝎,你的业力之轴,在2017年5月到2018年11月间,位于职业(讨喜的)和家庭(不太愉快的)的区域。这18个月要有志向,培养和老板、贵宾们,甚至是你自己父母之间的关系。启动雄心勃勃的一些项目,无论是为你个人,还是为你的雇主。这通常是个创业的好时期(你个人的星图支持创业)。这个时期也有利于跳槽,甚至是整个职业生涯的改变。如果你在管理层、行政或政府部门,你应该在2017年10月前获得职业上的成功。如果没有,2017年10月到2018年11月也会是你的丰收年。如果你正卷入一场官司,并且在这18个月里等待法官审理,你 “打赢” 官司的几率很高。 与此同时,不要让你担忧的种族根源阻碍你抓住发财的机会。尽量每天出门,不要宅在家里。这是个贫乏的时期,不利于一味专注在孩子、家宅、房地产、安全、自然、休息或恢复活力。不要(!)购买不动产。出售会很困难,所以,如果你真打算买,去寻个低价。不要让关于亏损、安全、老龄等方面的忧虑,把你从给你一个巨大助力的外部项目中拉回来。等到2019年,再开始任何退休或者(儿童)教育储蓄计划。让你的配偶管理花园。 ☆☆☆ 射手座 (11.22~12.21)-- 译者:invisible 亲爱的射手,自日开始的18个月,你的业力之轴把你从职业、家庭领域切换到智力活动、交流和旅游方面。关于这段时间,给你提个小建议:注重深远、久长、后果重要的,而不是短促、即兴、随意或肤浅的事物。例如,阅读小说、书籍、整部电影胜过浏览报纸、“事实” 报道、短小的故事,等等。倾听想法胜过客观现实,看重大局而不是琐事。对事情进行推断。看远点,走远点 -- 国际旅行、其它文化,以及在国外出生的人(甚至在你自己的国家)对你有益。出版、传播思想、名声、宗教、哲学、高等教育和法律事务将进展顺利,并为你带来利润。不要听信口头承诺,应是书面承诺! 如果已婚,这是带上另一半(和孩子)去国外度假,或爬阿尔卑斯山的绝佳时刻。如果单身,在这18个月结束前,你可能结婚。恋爱顺利,没有重大问题(或比平常少)。如果选择婚姻的话,通往正式婚礼的道路开放又明朗。 这是开始或继续高等教育的很好时机。你会选择恰好合适的课程。不要浪费时间在城里开车逛,忙于跑腿,做文书工作及一些琐事。眼界高远些,大刀阔斧地干吧! 如果你坐立不安,买机票去国外旅行吧。 到10月17日,一个主要的生活愿望可能成真,尤其是如果它和上述活动有关的话。2017年10月到2018年11月,低能量或心理疲乏会稍稍压抑着你,但上述那些有利的领域仍将让你受益匪浅。 ☆☆☆ 摩羯座 (12.22~01.19)-- 译者:元中 日到日,你的业力之轴落在金钱和性上,摩羯。为了成功,你要专注于大型或者 “共享” 的金钱,诸如股票和债券、投资、有限责任合伙公司,与家人或朋友一起投资,等等。如果你盯着每周的收入、职业、买卖、现金流入流出、你自己的银行账户、你自己的财产,起码可以说,你在浪费时间,并且你可能在增加你的资产方面错过极好的机会。你甚至会被解雇。避免购买贬值的资产,例如:一辆汽车;衣服。与此相反,购买增值的物品,例如:土地、股票、艺术品、古董,等等。听起来可能性不大,但是在这段时间里,比起18个月的工资,你可以从你的投资里赚取更多。 不要接受表面的现象,要追根究底、寻求答案、调查或者研究。如有必要,手术将会快速和有效。精神科医生、治疗师、医生、生活方式辅导师、侦探、研究人员、会计师和投资顾问、房地产和税务律师,直到2018年11月,他们都是你的同盟军,与他们联系将是有益的。见识和新发现通过这些月份轻轻地轰炸你。 为了片刻欢娱的一夜情、感官吸引的性、简单的性爱,即使是你的爱侣,在这18个月里有点“停工”。另一方面,“深刻的性爱” 将是可行的,而且值得奖励:性爱的动机是出于怀孕的愿望,是为了深深地认识某人的灵魂,是为了学习生活的秘密,或者是为了改变你的生活方式或者金融状况。我不是在建议你为了得到一个80岁老人的钱去引诱Ta,但是,与某人的爱情关系将自然地涉及到金钱或者资产,或者一个安全的感觉。尽管如此,不要违反任何婚姻誓言 – 你们的或者他们的。如果你的伴侣在卧室里有点心不在焉,介绍有点黑暗的、神秘的事物给Ta,暗示Ta “未知” 的冲动及诱人的可能性。假装你们是陌生人,相遇在一个酒店;或者假装邻居们好管闲事,你们必须避开他们。最糟糕的可能是:你们将因此而对视大笑。 ☆☆☆ 水瓶座 (01.20~02.18)-- 译者:Elsa 瓶子,你的业力轴心在于你、你自己,在于你自己的个性和行动,还有站在你面前的人(以及他/她们的个性,等等)。总的来说,瓶子,你会成功的 ---- 至少你会感到满意,以及得到一个温和的、微妙的自我提升 ---- 如果你离开自恋,走向他人。例如,如果你约会克莉奥帕特拉(注:埃及艳后)或阿多尼斯(注:维纳斯所恋的美少年),Ta 拒绝了你,2件事将会发生:(1)Ta 会带着明显的感激之情拒绝你的尝试;(2)你会走开但感觉很好,这感觉就像 “哎呀,我有勇气,我尝试过了,所以我现在很好。” 如果你没有去尝试,无为的日子又多了一天。所以,建立联系。Ta 或许会说 “Yes!”(谨记,你常常被那些渴望关注、赞美的人吸引。) 记住这个关键词:相互依靠、不要独立。走向他人,也包括搬迁,甚至到世界的另一边,以及处理公众事物、寻求名利、追逐商机,和其它机会。放眼世界,而不是盯着你自己。快速跳上这些机会:商业或友谊、爱情或旅行。 然而,请以这样一种方式对待自己:每周或每两周检查你的动机,并确保你不会沦为诱惑、华而不实的想法、不满,或自怨自艾的受害者。这18个月里,动机是最重要的事情;在你身上所发生的一切都是动机的 “因果报应” 。如果你的动机是好的,那么结果也会是好的。 在这个阶段的前5个月里(现在到2017年10月),幸运的木星穿过你的爱情、婚礼、法律和道德、远行和智力扩展的领域。因此,与他人接触,可能是一个成功的法律策略或一次重要的旅行,也可能以一个婚礼或一个重要的爱情关系而告终。2018年,最好专注于一个非常幸运的职业趋势。 ☆☆☆ 双鱼座 (02.19~03.20)-- 译者:青莲泥巴 双鱼们,从号到号,你的业力之轴将穿过你的工作、责任、家人和服务者的区域。这18个月,是购买机械和工具的好时机。通常来说,这段时间要取得成功,需要避免退却、隐居、机构、职责,以及管理的角色、委派任务、政府和公务员、政策和委员会的工作。不要过度仁慈,也不要遁入修道院 -- 暂时最低限度地保持瑜伽、冥想和精神追求。给错了比不给同样糟糕(译注:指不要过度仁慈)。 当然,你们中的某些人,非常恰当地,已经拥有了管理方面的工作;供职政府和其它官僚部门;从事慈善或精神层面的工作,以及成为护士和治疗师,等等。对这些人,在不影响工作的情况下,稍微后退一点 – 插入一些动手的工作,活动你的胳膊肘让手变脏(注:让自己参与做一些基本的工作)。变得仁慈一些,去教堂发放食物,而不仅仅是组织别人这样做。 如果你雇佣了员工,却自己完成工作(而非委派他人完成),如果你自我治疗(比如服用维生素和矿物质),并且践行预防健康,那么2017年和2018年,你就有福了。你热爱机构,但这并不是进入一家医院的最好时机。同样来说,暂时性地,你应该避免:心理研究、治疗师、代理、顾问、深色纪念碑或者大型建筑物。 试着多一些逻辑,少一些空想;多一些分析,少一些消极。一个大的好处是:5月10号,意味着过去18个月的挫折、没有结果、退却、被别人拒绝的结束。你已经偿付了过去一年半里的业力债务 -- 现在,你可以自信而毫无负担地走向你的未来。从2017年10月到2018年11月,你要么会遇见真爱,要么会开启一段为期两年、紧张而幸运的职业/抱负之行!
– 10.25 新时代前言 曾经我简单地概括了未来250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。” 这个充满消极信息的列表让我吃惊:大量的死亡,政府机能的停滞,等等。但是每一个新时代都有它们的优点,消极地说,如果某个时代不能比其它更重要,至少它们是平等的。这里是积极的一面:直到2230年代,世界将会比过去250年更加平衡。 过去的250年(1730年代到1983)的标志是动荡,世界战争,大规模的科技进步。现在我们似乎看到大量的非战争的死亡,如卢旺达大屠杀或艾滋病。我提到性角色的模糊,但两性之间的空前合作不容忽视,他们之间的相互理解更加深入。直觉和超自然的能力将增加。医学科技将进入黄金时期,天体物理学和高科技也得到发展。(科技方面没有新发明。在我们这个时期,机械化的飞速发展遏制了发明创造。通俗地说,我们站在巨人的肩膀上。尽管如此,在这个天蝎时代我们将有我们自己的创造发明。) 天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 -- 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。 多愁善感将会弥漫。社会将卸下等级的腰带,比过去的时代更松驰,接受更多的离经叛道的现象和更多的异常的想法和行为。如果我可以在前一个时代(1700年代到1983年)和新时代(年代)之间做选择,我会毫不犹豫地选择正在到来的新时代。 2013.05 关于蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述 大家好,我叫蒂姆。 我从1977年开始写占星专栏。起初是在一个小报纸的小专栏。然后成长为包括许多报纸和一个名为
的网站(就像这个博客)。 不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 - 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说 “Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?” 事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。 在我的报纸专栏里,1981年4月,我曾预言道琼斯指数暴涨,利率下降到“低于6%”。1981年,道琼斯指数立于700到800。如今,它位于15,000。同年,联邦基金利率是19%,现在它们大约在1%左右。 我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换? 过去,我的一些预测用谜语或符号表达。比如,1986年我写到:“一个黑色的太阳开花。” 那年的晚期,切尔诺贝利的高温弄黑了天空。谜语存在是因为我没有线索知道这个黑太阳会是什么。 吹牛无聊,让我们离开吧。 有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或Ta的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先,NASA会忽略我;然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。 所以事实是,我64岁,写了这些,我住在天堂里,这里有小果园、花园和书,周围是雪松和冷杉,鹿、狼和黑熊来拜访我,天空点缀着斑斑点点的大乌鸦和鹰。我的孩子们经常来探望独居的我。我妹妹和她的丈夫住在另一栋房子里。 我的教育:MFA 我的希望:爱 KARMIC FORECASTS: MAY 2017 TO NOVEMBER 2018 ALL SIGNS — ON MAY 10, the lunar nodes change signs. The north node will be in Leo and the south node in Aquarius, until Nov. 6, 2018. This weekly forecast, for that reason, will show your karmic outlook for the next 18 months. In 5 to 10 per cent of cases, the advice and “outcomes” I’ve written for your sign will be the opposite, due to your own accumulated karma. For example, L yet some few Leos might have a mate literally fall into their lap. In Starbucks, a stumble, coffee flying, and he/she lands in your lap. Cupid smacks you a good one, and he looks up at you and says, “Sorry — will you marry me?” (Or date me, etc.) In such a case your old karma from some good, great past deed, says you deserve some payback, an instant mate, and he/she will be a good, actually a destined one. But say this Starbucks incident happens, you exchange phone numbers, and then you call him or her two or three times, and you just get the message machine. This is delay, and even this small delay is telling you to back out, that this relationship is bad karma, not good. Thus for Leos. In general, for every Sun sign, the following elements will hint that you’re on the wrong side of the karmic axis: delay, temptation, too good to be true “blue sky” scenarios, and obstacles which, every time you solve them, morph into new, different obstacles. If you notice any of these in the areas I mention for your sign, below, stop, examine what you’re doing (step back a mile and look at yourself) and consider switching your goal/approach to the “opposite one.” For example, if you’re a Virgo, and keep having delays trying to find some hands-on work, step back, think, and do the opposite: apply for management jobs. Or if you’re a Leo frustrated by the unreliability or crookedness of others, step back and rely only on yourself, and launch projects that you alone can do — you’ll this way turn from failure toward success. Whatever you experience undue delay in — turn and do the opposite. (Usually, karmically, delay is your friend, trying to keep you out of a trap.) These 18 months are particularly significant for Sagittarius and Gemini, and Virgo and Pisces. (Partly because they END 18 months of frustration for Pisces, and 18 months of relationship frustration for Virgo.) The present week is smooth and successful, with “warning signs” only on Thurs. morning and Fri. afternoon. Two weeks ago I bragged about my forecast that banks would fall in April — I said they’d fallen 5 to 8%. Actually, checking them on April 27, they (Canadian banks) were down 10 to 15%. Last week I wrote that I might have been wrong on REITS, that some Canadian REITS (haven’t looked at the U.S.) had not declined as I had implied. Actually looking at them today (April 27) they HAVE declined, I’d say maybe 5% overall. (I said wait until mid-May to d that’s this week [May 7] and next. (ACTUALLY, ON CLOSER EXAMINATION, CND. REITS DO SEEM TO BE HIGHER OVERALL THAN THEY WERE IN MARCH/APRIL. — MY NOTE, MAY 2.) ARIES: March 21 – April 19 Aries, from May 2017 to November 2018, you karma lies on the axis of love. It advises you, basically (some rare exceptions might occur) to opt for deep romance rather than light, infatuation rather than playing the field, risk-taking rather than safety, immediate pleasure rather than planning future pleasure — and to chase beauty rather than personality (for these 18 months, not forever). You can find that you get much less out of a social group you might even feel a wee bit alienated in a group, whereas you will feel very comfortable (or much more something!) when alone with one you love/are attracted to. If you’re single, and you meet someone in a group, it’s a warning sign. If you meet someone while alone, it’s a green light. Be private rather than public. Be creative, let yourself be grabbed by the fine fury of writing or painting or inventing or discovering. This is an excellent time to raise children or teach at a grade-school level. If you use choose between a person whose first initial is F or W, or someone starting with V or D, choose the F or W. In 2017, to October, lucky Jupiter lies in your sector of partnerships and marriage. So from May to October, if you dive deep into “helpless romance” you’re likely to marry. October onward to November 2018, your seeking of deep romance might instead open the door to deep sex. (I take no responsibility for the outcome!) Married? Then opt for adventure, pamper your charming kids, elicit their talents (send ‘em to Saturday hockey, dance or art classes, etc.). Rekindle your marital flames. Life will be grand, if you surrender to someone’s charms. TAURUS: April 20 – May 20 From May 2017 to November 2018, Taurus, your karmic axis will involve both your home and your career, and the two might not agree with each other. You should be quite careful with career —for the more you chase prestige in this interval, the more doors might close against you. (In astrology there are three major work sectors — employment and chores (often hands-on) restrictions and duties (often putting you in a management role) and career/prestige. Only the last of these is affected. It’s almost a rule of thumb: for these 18 months, DO NOT chase prestige. It might come to you unbidden: that’s okay. But the more you want praise, prestige, to be admired for your work, the more you will suffer “push back” from higher-ups. So, spend these 18 months humbly doing your job, and you’ll be just fine. Things not to do: change career/job roles or employers, push higher-ups, present proposals (unless they’re asked for) launch new career projects, demand a raise or promotion, “pull a fast one” or otherwise yield to temptation. Sometimes under this influence the career becomes so unbearable. boring or suffocating that you must do something. In this case, quitting is far, far better than changing jobs or careers. In fact, it’s on the “quitting side” of life that you will succeed smoothly and easily. (Quitting side: home, real estate, food, shelter, family, rest and rejuvenation, a sabbatical, etc.) For example, you might quit, then spend your time renovating your home or building a vacation cabin, and find you’ve made three times more money from this than your annual (pre-quitting) salary provided. If you can, if you have the freedom, work at home rater than in an outside office — you’ll get more done, be calmer, and make better choices. Overall, these 18 months are a splendid opportunity to buy real estate, cure family problems via therapy, plan your children’s future (start education funds) and to soak up the massive benefit of Mother Nature. Go hiking, kayaking. GEMINI: May 21 – June 20 Gemini, the 18 months from May 2017 to November 2018 lay a karmic axis on you in mental, travel, and communication sectors. Remember only one thing, and you’ll be fine: short, rather than long. Stories, newspapers or magazines, news programs, reports, anecdotes (and “anecdotal evidence”) — are all better than novels, tomes, books. (Whether you’re consuming or creating them.) Chatter better than profound conversations. Verbal agreements rather than legal written contracts. Short trips, usually less than a month, and in your own nation, better than international voyaging. Local buying, and local products, better than imported. STRICTLY AVOID LAWSUITS — AND LAWYERS — until November 2018 has passed. In love, this is a better influence for friendly romance, than for weddings. Many single Gemini’s will fall in love before mid-October 2017 (or have already, since September 2016). But you can find wedding bells are elusive — good, because delay here is your friend. On the other hand, you can co-habitate or have a great love affair, or both. After October 2017, to November 2018, you’re more likely to experience friendly attractions (someone might approach you, sexually rather than romantically). In 2019, lucky Jupiter enters your marriage sector — some of you will then marry or move in with the love you found in 2017, while some will stumble across new, good life-mate prospects in 2019. You will do better with someone born in your own nation, than foreign-born. CANCER: June 21 – July 22 Cancer, your karmic axis from May 2017 to November 2018 lies in your sex and money zones — and “values” such as life principles. To succeed, focus on earnings, employment, buying and selling, cash flow and your own bank account, your own possessions — avoid big or “shared” money, such as stocks and bonds, investments, Limited Partnerships, investing with family or friends, etc. Buy depreciating assets (e.g., a car) rather than appreciating ones (e.g., land, stocks). This sounds like foolishness, until you realize you can lose much more in capital if your investment crashes or declines, than the “loss” over the years on a new car. Learn facts, memorize, rather than pondering abstract principles or philosophy. Avoid psychiatrists, therapists, and be wary with police, detectives, researchers, accountants and investment advisors. (If you’re, say, bi-polar or schizophrenic, do take your meds and see your therapist as per schedule — but be a little skeptical, see him/her as a fallible person, rather than a faultless, elevated practitioner of medicine. This will help your own self-esteem.) Similarly, casual, sensual sex (“Martha, the Sun’s shining and I love this song — let’s do it!”) is favoured, even for married couples (with each other, of course). Let physical intimacy be tied to pleasure, optimism, fun moments. Avoid sex motivated by the desire to become pregnant, to know someone’s soul deeply, to learn or live with secrets, or to change your lifestyle or finances. DON’T violate anyone’s marriage vows. Reject research and spying until November 2018, Cancer — accept surface appearances, for they are “truthful.” Generally avoid anything deep, dark, ultra-private (i.e., can’t be revealed) — collusion, gang membership, violence, murder, political backroom shenanigans, etc. It’s a time to be mellow, soak up nature, lie back and let life love you! LEO: July 23 – August 22 Leo, your karmic axis for the 18 months ahead lies between you, personally, and everyone else. You know the saying, “everybody’s crazy but me” — this might literally come true at some points in the May/17 – Nov./18 period. In general, you will be blessed, protected, and have a good moral compass during this interval — but you will tend to deal with people who don’t have their moral compass set straight, who might have a hidden agenda, or are simply going through a bad run of luck or self-pity. If single, you might have some frustrating dates: you want romance, he/she wants only friendship, or you’re attracted to a cheapskate, a hermit, or someone who has sworn off pleasure, etc. During this period, you would be wise to avoid marriage. If you have a happy love, wait until Dec. 2018, or 2019 generally, to co-habitate. Anyone you meet in this entire 18 months will never make a good life-mate nor business partner, no matter how alluring the prospect is at the time. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. If your prime, first motive is for romance, deep sex or casual sex, light romance, friendship — all these are workable, and can be indulged in, although the difficulty in face-to-face relations can erect a barrier to even getting to these other ways of relating. To succeed in these 18 months, Leo, be yourself, accent your own desires, plans, projects, impulses — and image. Show yourself, act, make decisions — even major life decisions. But don’t relocate, litigate, sign contracts, make promises/commitments, or seek fame/public dealings. (Fame will come on its own, if it’s meant to come — chasing it will make it recede.) If someone does you wrong or sues you, turn the other cheek — if you do, they will hang themselves. But if you engage in a fight, it will be like fighting glue — the more you struggle, the more you’ll get stuck. VIRGO: August 23 – September 22 From May 10, 2017 to November 6, 2018, Virgo, your karmic axis will lie across your sectors of withdrawal, retreat, institutions, duties, management abilities, delegation of tasks, government and civil servants, policy and committee work
and on the other, bad side, hands-on work, chores, employment, self-medication, health, vitamins, nutrition and preventive health. All the things you often gravitate toward (self-medication, hands-on work, etc.) will in one way or another not work (or yield scanty rewards) during these 18 months. On the good side, if you engage in those things which you usually skirt (government, hospitals, management roles, etc.) you will not only have a smooth, easy path, you will learn loads about things you usually wouldn’t, and gain a bucket-full of compassion and empathy for others. This will, in addition, help you understand your marriage partner much more — if you’re single, this will “acquaint you” with the kind of personality (vague, misty and mystical, psychic, intuitive, irrational, dreamy and compassionate) you will be most involved with for the decade ahead (or longer). (The 2016/17 advice not to marry nor form a significant relationship has ended.) In a very general way, but a tangible one, you will benefit/succeed much more in these 18 months if you seek spiritual sources, if you meditate, do yoga, take periods to be alone and contemplative, and if you find, recognize and use your intuition, visit psychics (ask one of them how to access your own intuition) or other counsellors. Agents and therapists will benefit you. Be charitable rather than helpful. (E.g, give someone a shirt rather than stitching that button on their torn shirt.) Be willing to be hospitalized, to take prescription drugs, for these will cure/help you now, whereas over-the-counter medicines will do little good. Embrace the poor, the miserable, the outcast. LIBRA: September 23 – October 22 Ah, Libra, you face one of the luckiest choices in a long time, from May 2017 to November 2018. Your karmic axis lies along the lines of love, involving both your light romantic prospects (favoured) and your deep, infatuation prospects (disfavoured). To succeed during these 18 months, embrace friends and your social group, be optimistic, plan future pleasures and adventures, and pursue (you usually pursue by being attractive, receptive in a strong, quiet way) light, friendly romance. If you meet someone in a group, if you like the same kinds of friends, if you laugh and talk easily together and flirt, this is light romance (and it often underpins a happy marriage). If you blush and your heart pounds when you see someone, if you see them as ideal, perfection, if you stutter — or, the opposite, begin speaking of your feelings in a gush of emotion — if you drive around their house every night, tempted to knock on the door — that’s heavy romance. Until Nov. 2018, light romance will open a wide, green path for you to stroll down, filled with happiness and smiles. Heavy romance will be constantly rebuffed, or lead to disappointment, a trap (Oh my god, I married a frog) or a dead-end. To succeed, at least emotionally and karmically, be social, attend groups, enter new ones (anything from a meditation, sports, professional or political group) and be friendly to everyone you meet. This is not the best period to bury yourself in a creative or speculative project, to gamble or buy risky stocks, to chase art/beauty, or to teach children. It’s a great period to organize others. Lucky Jupiter in your sign until October gives you a great 5 month run at popularity. You’ll be lucky generally, so use some of this luck to make new friends, to envision and work toward a shining future, to flirt and joke. SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21 Scorpio, your karmic axis, May 2017 to November 2018, lies in the zones of career (favoured) and home (disfavoured). Be ambitious these 18 months — cultivate relations with the boss, VIPs, even your own parents. Launch ambitious projects, whether on your own or for your employer. This is usually a good period for starting a business (providing your individual chart supports entrepreneurship). It’s also favourable for changing employers, even entire careers. (If you’re in management, admin or government, you should succeed in career before October 2017. Otherwise, Oct. 2017 to November 2018 will be your big year.) If you’re engaged in a lawsuit and it comes before the judge in these 18 months, your chances of a “win” are high. At the same time, don’t let (worries about) your roots or ethnicity hold you back from grabbing the brass ring. Get out almost every day, don’t be confined to your home. This is a poor time to focus exclusively on children, home, real estate, security, nature, rest or rejuvenation. DO NOT buy real estate. Selling will be difficult, also, so if you do, go in with a low asking. Don’t let worries about loss, security, old age, etc. hold you back from giving your outside projects a major push. Wait until 2019 to start any retirement or (kids’) education savings plans. Let your spouse handle the garden. SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21 Sage, the 18 months starting May 10/17 switch your karmic axis from career/home to the zones of intellectual activities, communications and travel. You only need one bit of advice for this interval: be profound, long, consequential — rather than short, off the cuff, casual or superficial. For example, novels, books, full length films, are better than newspapers, “fact-based” reports, short stories, etc. Favour ideas over facts, the big picture over the little or anecdotal one. Extrapolate. See far, and go far — international travel, other cultures and foreign-born people (even in your own nation) benefit you. Publishing, spreading ideas, fame, religion, philosophy, higher education and legal matters will flow smoothly and profitably for you. Don’t depend on verbal promises — get it in writing. If you’re married, this is a great period to take your spouse (and kids!) to a foreign resort, or a climb through the Alps. If single, you might wed before these 18 months end. Love flows smoothly, without major disruptions (or less than usual). The path to a formal wedding is open and clear — should you choose to take it. This is a great time to start or continue higher education. You’ll choose just the right courses. Don’t waste time driving around town, chasing errands, doing paperwork and small, detailed work. Think big, act big! If you’re restless, buy international tickets. A major life wish could come true by October/17, especially if it’s connected to any of the favoured activities listed above. From October 2017 to November 2018, you could feel mildly held back by lower energy or psychological lassitude — but these favoured areas will still benefit you. CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19 Your karmic axis lies along money and sexual lines May ’17 to November ’18, Cap. To succeed, focus on big or “shared” money, such as stocks and bonds, investments, Limited Partnerships, investing with family or friends, etc. If you focus on weekly earnings, employment, buying and selling, cash flow and your own bank account, your own possessions, you’ll waste time at the very least, and might pass splendid opportunities to increase your assets. (You could even be laid off.) Avoid depreciating assets (e.g., a car, clothes). Instead, buy appreciating ones (e.g., land, stocks, art, antiques, etc.). It might sound unlikely, but you could make more during this interval from your investments than from 18 months of salary. Don’t accept surface appearances: dig deep, demand answers, investigate or research. Surgery, if necessary, will be quick and beneficial. Psychiatrists, therapists, doctors, lifestyle coaches, detectives, researchers, accountants and investment advisors, estate and tax lawyers — these will be allies until November 2018, and contacts with them will be rewarding. Insights and revelations softly bombard you throughout these months. Casual, sensual sex, sex simply for the pleasure of the moment, even with your loving mate, is a bit “shut down” during these 18 months. On the other hand, “deep sex,” sex motivated by the desire to become pregnant, to know someone’s soul deeply, to learn or live with secrets, or to change your lifestyle or finances, will be available, and rewarding. (I’m not suggesting you seduce an 80-year old to get his/her money — but that a love affair with someone will, unbidden, involve money or assets, or a feeling of security. Still, don’t violate any marriage vows — yours or theirs. If your mate is a little distant in the boudoir, introduce something a bit darker, more mysterious. Hint at “unknown” urges, at seductive possibilities. Pretend you’re strangers and meet at a hotel, or pretend the neighbours are nosy and you have to hide from them. (At the worst, you’ll both get a laugh.) AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18 Your karmic axis, Aquarius, lies in you, yourself, your own personality and actions, and whoever stands right in front of you (and their personality, etc.). In general, Aquarius, you’ll succeed — at the very least you’ll feel gratified and get a mild, subtle ego boost — if you go out of yourself, to the other. For instance, if you ask that Cleopatra or Adonis for a date, and she/he turns you down, two things will happen: 1) he/she will turn you down with obvious grat and 2) you will walk away feeling better, feeling, “gee, I had the courage, I so I’m pretty alright.” Had you not tried, it would be one more day of not trying. So make the connection. And he or she might say “Yes!” (Remember, you are often attracted to people who crave attention, praise.) Remember a key phrase: be inter-dependent, not independent. Going out to the other also encompasses relocation, even to the other side of the world, as well as dealings with the public, the pursuit of fame, chasing business and other opportunities. Look to the horizon, not to yourself. Be quick to jump on openings, for business or friendship, love or travel. However, do look at yourself in one way: examine your motives every week or two, and make sure you aren’t falling victim to temptation, tawdry thoughts, resentments or self-pity. Motives are the most important thing these 18 months, for everything else that occurs to you will be a “karmic answer” to your motives. (Good karma if your motives are good.) During the first 5 months of this phase (to Oct./ 2017) lucky Jupiter travels through your love, wedding, laws and ethics, far travel and intellectual expansion sector. So reaching out to another could end in a wedding or a major love affair, to a winning legal strategy or a major voyage. (2018 is best focused on a very lucky career trend.) PISCES: February 19 – March 20 From May 10, 2017 to November 6, 2018, Pisces, your karmic axis will lie across your zones of work, duties, dependants and service personnel. This is a good 18 months to buy machinery and tools. In general, to succeed, avoid withdrawal, retreat, institutions, duties, management roles, delegating tasks, government and civil servants, policy and committee work. Don’t be overly charitable, nor join a nunnery — and keep yoga, meditation and spiritual pursuits to a temporary minimum. (It is just as bad to give wrongly than to not give.) Of course some of you, very rightly, already possess management jobs, are ensconced in government and other bureaucracies, are charitable or spiritual workers, nurses and therapists, etc. In this case, back away a little without ruining your job — and insert a little hands-on work, get your hands dirty and your elbows working. To be charitable, work on the church soup line rather than merely organizing others to do so. You will be blessed in 2017/18 if you hire people, perform work yourself (rather than delegating) and if you self-medicate (vitamins, minerals) and practice preventive health. You love institutions, but this isn’t the best period to enter a hospital. Also to be generally, though temporarily, avoided: psychics, therapists, agents, counsellors, dark monuments or massive buildings. Try to be more logical, more analytical, less passive. One big plus: May 10 signals the end of the prior 18 months of frustration, lack of results, withdrawal, and rebuffs by others. You’ve paid your karmic debts during the last year and a half — now you can proceed confidently and “innocently” to your future. (PS: from October 2017 to Nov. 2018, you could either meet true love, or begin a two-year, intense and lucky career/ambition run!) 业力星运原文: (WEEKLY FORECAST — MAY 7 – 13, 2017) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 金星的感情心理系列 -- 蓝斯诺
月亮的真實需要系列 -- 蓝斯诺
行星落点系列 -- 蓝斯诺
对宫理论系列 -- 蓝斯诺


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