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今日搜狐热点&>& > 巴基斯坦网民评论:中国资助从默蒂亚里到拉合尔的4,000MW输电线路 [巴基斯坦媒体]
巴基斯坦网民评论:中国资助从默蒂亚里到拉合尔的4,000MW输电线路 [巴基斯坦媒体]
原文地址:/news/1305369/china-to-fund-4000mw-power-transmission-line-from-matiari-to-lahoreChina to fund 4,000MW power transmission line from Matiari to Lahore中国资助从默蒂亚里到拉合尔的4,000MW输电线路【日期】日【五毛网】State Grid of China will help build a 4,000MW power transmission line in Pakistan in a project valued at $1.5 billion, government said on Friday, the latest in a series of Chinese investments in Pakistan.政府周五表示,中国对巴基斯坦的系列投资又有新动作,中国国家电网将帮助巴基斯坦建设一个4,000MW输电线路,价值15亿美元。The high-capacity transmission line will be the first of its kind in Pakistan and will link Matiari, a town in Sindh near a new power station, to Lahore city in the east, a key link in transmission infrastructure, the federal government said.联邦政府说,这会是巴基斯坦的首个大容量传输线路,连接信德省的Matiari小镇(靠近一个新电站)和东部的拉合尔市,这将是输电基建的关键一环。An agreement on the project was signed on Thursday in Beijing between Mohammad Younus Dagha, Pakistan's secretary of water and power, and Shu Yinbiao, chairman of State Grid Corporation of China, the government said in a statement.上周四在北京,巴基斯坦水利电力书记Mohammad Younus Dagha与中国国家电网主席舒印彪就此项目签署协议。Construction will begin in January, and should take about 20 months, said a spokesman for the Pakistani prime minister's office.Pakistan has been plagued by a shortage of electricity for years, with widespread rolling blackouts in both rural and urban areas.巴基斯坦总理办公室发言人说,建设将于一月开始,大约需要20个月的时间。多年来巴基斯坦受电力短缺困扰,无论城乡轮流停电的状况都很普遍。The government has managed to reduce load shedding — scheduled power outages — in some areas, but production gaps and distribution woes remain.在一些地区,政府已经设法减少用电负荷---计划停电,但生产缺口和分配问题仍然存在.。The project is the latest in a series of big Chinese investments, most of which fall under a planned $55 billion worth of projects for a China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).这是一系列中国投资中的最新项目,这一系列投资都从属于中巴经济走廊550亿投资计划。The corridor is a combination of power and infrastructure projects that link western China to Pakistan's southern port of Gwadar.Other Chinese investment in Pakistan has included the acquisition of a majority stake by Shanghai Electric of the K-Electric power production and distribution company for $1.8 billion.Last week, a Chinese-led consortium bought a 40 percent stake of the Pakistan Stock Exchange for an estimated $85 million.中巴经济走廊包含电力和基础设施项目,将连接中国西部和巴基斯坦瓜达尔港。在巴基斯坦的中国的投资包括上海中电电力18亿美元收购K-Electric发电输电公司的多数股权。上周,一家以中国人为首的财团以8500万美元的价格收购了巴基斯坦证券交易所的百分之40股权。========================巴基斯坦网民评论:========================【五毛网】SAIF ZULFIQARDEC 30, PMChina is the largest investor in Pakistan now中国现在是巴基斯坦的最大投资方了。S. A. M.DEC 30, PMwhat about linking the grid from Matiari to Karachi???从Matiari连到卡拉奇怎么样??ABCDDEC 30, PMExemplary friendship,you may call it help, aid, investment, loan, encroachment, occupation, stupidity or in any other name.友谊典范,你可以称之为帮助,援助,投资,贷款,侵占,占领,愚蠢,等等。。BAHADURDEC 30, PMHow much interest for the loan fund?所以贷款利息是多少呢?PRAVEENDEC 30, PMWhat's the rate of interest?利息多少?A SHAHDEC 30, PMWho is paying for all this? No such thing as free lunch谁来给钱?免费午餐可是没有的哟A SHAHDEC 30, PMA transmission line without any electricity to transmit?没电力建输电线路干嘛?GKDEC 30, PMGood好事儿MASOUDDEC 30, PMGreat news, whole of Pakistan should get benefited by Chinese gestures. Long live Pakistan - China friendship.真是好消息,整个巴基斯坦都将受益。中巴友谊万岁。M. ASGHARDEC 30, PMOne is exaperated by the sheer incapacity of the Pakistan authorities to keep thier cities and town and it is sheer stupidity to ask a Chinese firm to do the job!巴基斯坦政府连城镇干净有序都做不到,无能得让人上火。让一家中国公司来做事儿,愚蠢至极!KHAN-HAQIQIDEC 30, PMThe electricity generated in Sindh will be for Lahore, what about Karachi, sindh and other provinces?信德发的电都给了拉合尔,那卡拉奇,信德 还有其他省份怎么办?PHILLYDEC 31, AMThanks for the Transmission line loans. The trouble is within all of us. Our own people steal electricity, pay bribes to reduce billings. The common man need to change the mind set. There is no free lunch. You might steal and get free electricity. But some one has to pay for it to produce. If there is no profit, no one is going to invest in the basic Infrastructure. Capacity is there for 22KW but production is 12KW. Then we Can't complain about Economic downturn首先感谢给我们贷款造输电线路。问题在于我们自己内部。我们有些人偷电或者行贿来减少账单。大众得改改思维模式了。没有免费午餐。你偷电省钱了,但是别人就得为此掏钱。赚不到钱以后谁来投资基础建设。产能是22KW实际产出只有12KW。然后经济不景气我们也没资格抱怨。ALFAMAVRICKDEC 31, AMLong live Pak-China friendship!中巴友谊万岁。LOGICDEC 31, AMDoes any Pakistan ever ask itself on what terms are these projects done? Why would anyone in right mind invest in Pakistan?有人问过这计划有什么条件么,为什么脑子清醒的人来巴基斯坦投资呢?A SHAHDEC 31, AMMore loans? Why can't we do these things ourselves?又贷款?为什么不能自力更生啊?MERCHANTDEC 31, AMIt is frustrating to see all the resources directed at Lahore!! Where is Karachi in the wider development plan?? Where is Hyderabad, Quetta, Peshawar??所有资源都去了拉合尔,郁闷!在更广泛的发展计划中,卡拉奇在哪里??海得拉巴在哪里,奎达,白沙瓦??CRICKET LOVERDEC 31, AMPakistan is on the right track with the help of our only true friend China.在我们唯一的真朋友中国的帮助下,巴基斯坦正在步入正轨。TRUTHSLAYERDEC 31, AMNeed to differentiate between &investment&and &loan&. Investment sometimes may go bad, and so do loans too! But in the end you repay a bad loan may be a on subsidized rate. One needs to understand how this govt. would collect taxes,is it only counting on the taxes that would be charged on the goods shipping along CPEC route or common citizens would need to pay?有必要区分一下投资和贷款。投资有时候会失败,贷款也是,但最终偿还不良贷款时,也许能够获得补贴价率。你需要了解这个政府的税收政策,只有中巴走廊的过境货物需要交税还是普通百姓都要给?SOHAIL WAZIRDEC 31, AMWe're unable to thank our Great China friend. Long live PAK China都不知该如何感谢中国。中巴友谊万岁DK PAMNANIDEC 31, AMChina has no International Power Contract in any country. China is unable to win any international contract on Power in the International Market. So China has choosen Pakistan to fund for power project.中国从来没在别国获得过国际电力合同。国际市场上没竞争力,所以选择了巴基斯坦来投资。【五毛网】
(如果觉得五毛网不错的记得帮我们多多推广分享一下)五毛网天津港至Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔集装箱海运运费查询及船期表|天津货代
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迪士国际货运代理提供天津新港 Tianjin Xingang至Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔,20尺/40尺/40尺高集装箱整箱海运运价咨询,订舱,运输.
起运港: 天津新港 Tianjin Xingang
目的港: Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔
船期: Fri..(每周)
预计航程: 天左右
天津国际物流公司为了建立真正意义上的安全文化,迪士公司为第一个内设安全部门的跨国货物转运商,是唯一的一个对天津新港 Tianjin Xingang运到Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔货物具有保障的天津港海运物流公司;
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Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔的邮编是多少?Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔国际物流公司;
目的港: Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔
品名: 旧轮胎
服务项目: 装箱,报关,海运。
目的港: Lahore, Pakistan 巴基斯坦拉合尔
品名: 玉米芯
服务项目: 产装陆运,报关,海运,商检,植检。}


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