
◎ 宗教或神话传说中指害人性命、迷惑人的恶鬼,喻邪恶的势力:魔王。魔爪。魔怪。魔鬼。魔掌。魔窟。恶魔。妖魔。病魔。
◎ 不平常,奇异的:魔力。魔术。魔怔(举动异常,像有精神病。“怔”读轻声)。魔法。
◎ 指进入不正当、不合法的行当(魔道),通常比喻那些误入歪门邪道、旁门左道的恶人。
◎ 指人通过修身、感悟、磨炼、刺激而表现出来的一种怪异状态或行...
恶鬼是什么意思 恶鬼在线翻译 恶鬼什么意思 恶鬼的意思 恶鬼的翻译 恶鬼的解释 恶鬼的发音 恶鬼的同义词 恶鬼的反义词 恶鬼的例句
恶鬼 基本解释恶鬼[è guǐ]词典:魔鬼;家伙;淘气鬼;冒失鬼。词典:恶魔;魔鬼;精力过人的人;邪念。词典:恶鬼,恶人。词典:魅;祟;邪魔;妖精。恶鬼 汉英大词典恶鬼[è guǐ] devil:  例:召唤恶鬼    invoke evil spirits恶鬼 网络解释1. Troll:兽人(Orc) 猩猩(Gorilla) 恶鬼(Troll) 灰熊(Brown Bear) 北极熊(Polar Bear) 公鹿(Great Hart) 大鱼(a big fish)任何尝试摆设标本的玩家必须是房屋的屋主或副屋主身份,标本必须被定住 (lock down)以避免腐朽或被其他玩家拿走.2. Full Circle:Fugitive, The 亡命天涯(绝命追杀令) 1993 | Full Circle 恶鬼 1980 | Full Monty, The 光猪六壮士(脱线舞男) 19973. cacodaemon:cackle 咯咯声 | cacodaemon 恶鬼 | cacodemon 恶魔4. 4. evil spirits:evil effect 恶劣的影响 | evil spirits 恶鬼 | have the luck of the devil 运气极佳;鸿运当头恶鬼 双语例句1. 世界上的恶人和冥界的恶鬼都要以峻法苛刑清扫。&&&&The devils of bad person and night boundary that are in the world all wanting is clean up with the Jun method Key Xing.2. 邪恶者在人间犯罪被重判几十年、几百年或被处死之后到冥界,两界的法务系统不能有效地对接,再加上冥界政风不肃诸因,多数奸邪到了冥界之后多是做了自由鬼,熟悉了环境它还继续作恶,恶鬼转生到人间亦多为惯犯。&&&&The improbity among the living crime drive heavy judge for several decades, several a hundred years or is after sentence to death arrived night boundary, the law system of two boundaries can't availably do free ghost towards connect, and the night boundary government breeze not Su being various because of, most craftily evilly after arriving night boundary mostly and acquainted with the environment still continues to do evil things, the devil turns to living the human life as well many is habitual criminal.3. 鬼母痴儿》石天生湘裙夏雪孙义在一般人的心目中,鬼是恐怖可憎,害人不浅的,不过,既然鬼是由人死后变成,人有善人恶人之分,鬼自然亦有善鬼恶鬼之别。&&&&The ghost of natural stone xiang skirt summer snow SunYi in peoples mind, the terror of the HaiRenBuJian, however, since the demons, by people who have become, after the death of the wicked, a natural also have good spirits of evil spirits.4. 4. 并不是每一个人死后都能进入天堂,但若在死者去世三天灵魂离去的时候,为他请僧众念经礼忏或者放焰口救度恶鬼,就能使死者赎罪积德,进入天堂。&&&&Not everyone dies can enter heaven, but if the three days in death, the soul away for his sharp please put YanKou chant khin rescues degree or evil spirits, can make the dead, enter heaven. Turn deserves another sin Compared with god, is to meet the souls of the dead into paradise.5. 时乃地府恶鬼化身之高渐耳对瑟起邪念,与勇决斗。&&&&When is the embodiment of the evil spirits high gradually lower ear to harp on evil thoughts, and brave duel.6. 灾祸,现在将降低恶鬼产山的施法时间。&&&&Bane now reduces the cast time of your Haunt spell.7. 你算哪个恶鬼门子的骑士,用光腚都杀不死一只刺猬?&&&&What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with his naked arse?8. 有时我听到狐狸爬过积雪,在月夜,寻觅鹧鸪或其他的飞禽,像森林中的恶犬一样,刺耳地恶鬼似地吠叫,好像它有点心焦如焚,又好像它要表达一些什么,要挣扎着寻求光明,要变成狗,自由地在街上奔跑;因为如果我们把年代估计在内,难道禽兽不是跟人类一样,也存在着一种文明吗?&&&&Sometimes I heard the foxes as they ranged over the snow-crust, in moonlight nights, in search of a partridge or other game, barking raggedly and demoniacally like forest dogs, as if laboring with some anxiety, or seeking expression, struggling for light and to be dogs outright and run f for if we take the ages into our account, may there not be a civilization going on among brutes as well as men?9. 这个活动的意义在於,藉由撒豆子、驱逐恶鬼以去除秽气,并祈福一整年的平安健康。&&&&The significance of this activity is to ward off devils and get rid of bad luck by throwing beans, while praying for peace and health for the whole year.10. 现在,因为恶鬼不会游泳,他们想出了一个拦住她的好办法。&&&&Now, because oni do not swim, they thought of a plan to stop her.11. 恶鬼回答他们说:耶稣我认识,保罗我也知道。你们却是谁呢?&&&&&&Pneuma answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I but who are all of you?12. 也有人说这是要吓跑恶鬼。&&&&&&They are said to scare away the bad spirits, too.13. 打完这一架后他们不得不把这可怜的恶鬼送到医院去。&&&&&&They had to carry the poor devil to the hospital when it was over.14. 19:15 恶鬼回答他们说,耶稣我认识,保罗我也知道。你们却是谁呢?&&&&&&And the evil spirit, answering, said to them, I have knowledge of Jesus, and of Paul, but who are you?15. 15. 一天,野大王派人到度朔山上索取仙桃,被神荼、郁垒轰走,野大王气得七窍生烟,一个黑夜,野大王带领他的信徒装扮成恶鬼前去报复,被神荼、郁垒用桃条捆起来扔给了老虎,所以桃木辟邪由此而来,同时成为辟邪驱鬼的工具。&&&&&&One day, wild king sent people to the mountains of New Moon from Xiantao, God Tu, Yu Lei Hong Zou, wild king Qiqiaoshengyan Qide, a dark night, wild king to lead his followers dressed as Egui forward to revenge, God Tu, Yu Peach of the base used to tie up Rengji the tiger, so the resulting Taomu evil spirits, evil spirits Qugui at the same time as a tool.16. 19:13 那时,有几个游行各处,念咒赶鬼的犹太人,向那被恶鬼附的人,擅自称主耶稣的名,说,我奉保罗所传的耶稣,敕令你们出来。&&&&&&But some of the Jews who went from place to place driving out evil spirits, took it on themselves to make use of the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, I give you orders, by Jesus, whom Paul is preaching.17. 我的耳边又想起了这种声音,断续的,恶鬼索命般的声音。。。。&&&&&&This sound haunts me, ceaselessly, like a demon asking for my life...18. 阴库巴斯恶鬼,梦淫妖据说会趁女人熟睡压而在女人身上并与其交配的恶鬼&&&&&&An evil spirit believed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep.19. 一场夙命的梦魇盛宴正在蠢蠢欲动。微风越过这色欲乐园的肉林,轻扬点点悲鸣之音。有如恶鬼罗刹之声。但是百亿众生对这扶苏之林片片残枝朽木却熟视无睹。此时此景难道不比末日决战之地更美妙吗?死亡的阴霾肆意掠过天堂圣地,群魔乱舞。众生祈祷被谁人聆听?是所谓的神吗?&&&&&&Watchful as she was upon Eden Where every rose arbour and orchard she swept Hid the hissing of a serpent Libido In an ancient tryst with catastrophe Soon the be kept Hear that hissing now on the breeze As through the plundered groves of the carnal garden A fresh horror blows but ten billion souls Are blind to see the rotting wood for the trees This is the theme to a better Armageddon Nightchords rake the heavens PAN DAEMON AEAON And what use are prayers to that god?20. 显然这群恶鬼欠抽&&&&&&Apparently strontium 90 and the hellbound gang sucks balls.恶鬼是什么意思,恶鬼在线翻译,恶鬼什么意思,恶鬼的意思,恶鬼的翻译,恶鬼的解释,恶鬼的发音,恶鬼的同义词,恶鬼的反义词,恶鬼的例句,恶鬼的相关词组,恶鬼意思是什么,恶鬼怎么翻译,单词恶鬼是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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