领导团队为什么需要dissonanceopenmp reductionn

CitationsSee all >83 ReferencesRequest full-textAbstractIn numerous research programs based on the concept of cognitive dissonance, participants play a role that is ostensibly in conflict with their pre-existing values. A strict reading of dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) leads us to suppose that these role-playing, or 'forced compliance', procedures generally create results that are not implied by the theory. We spell out a theoretical position that comes to terms with these effects of role-playing, one that approaches role-playing procedures from the standpoint of the development of multiple value repertoires. From this viewpoint the outcomes of role-playing do not stem from contradictions-or cognitive dissonance-within the person's sets of values. We are indebted to the following for their expert advice and criticism of an earlier version of this manuscript: C. Daniel Batson, Guido Gendolla, Eddie Harmon-Jones, Giuseppe Pantaleo, Peter Sch?nbach, and Paul Silvia, and we are indebted to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for support in the form of a Senior Research Award to the second author.Do you want to read the rest of this article?
CitationsCitations5ReferencesReferences83To be sure, successful internalization of a concept necessarily proceeds by having a sense of the concept within one's own experiential arena (Wicklund, 1989; see also Brehm, 2004, pp. 252-253; Pantaleo, a; 2005a; 2011a; Wicklund, 1999; Wicklund and Brehm, 2004). As pointed out by Brooks and Brooks (1993), students' active construction and use of a new construct can be blocked by teachers' responding too quickly in terms of providing the right answer (see also Leone, 2007).
Full-text · Article · Jan 2012 · Papers: Revista de sociologiaABSTRACT: Mit dem vorliegenden Band kann bereits der Vierte zum Thema Nachrichtendienstpsychologie herausgegeben werden. Nach Kenntnis der Herausgeber stossen die Aufsatzsammlungen zu unterschiedlichen psychologischen Themen, die im Rahmen der nachrichtendienstlichen Arbeit von Interesse sind, auch ausserhalb der Nachrichtendienste auf Interesse. Dies dürfte zum Teil darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass einige Themen inhaltliche ?berschneidungen zu der Aufgabenstellung anderer Sicherheitsbeh?rden, wie z.B. der Polizeibeh?rden aufweisen. Aber auch innerhalb der Nachrichtendienste ergibt sich verst?rkt die Notwendigkeit, bei der L?sung von Fragestellungen psychologische Erkenntnisse zu nutzen bzw. ? auf dem speziellen Gebiet der Nachrichendienstpsychologie ? selbst zu generieren. Die Nachrichtendienste sind Bestandteil einer rechtsstaatlichen Struktur, die Gefahren für die ?ffentlichkeit erkennen sollen. Dass auch Nachrichtendienste sich nicht vom wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt abkoppeln k?nnen, wenn sie dieser Aufgabe nachkommen wollen, ist evident. Wenn beispielsweise Gefahren für die ?ffentliche Sicherheit von Personen ausgehen, die sich ihrerseits psychologischer Mittel bedienen, müssen Sicherheitsbeh?rden kl?ren, wie diese psychologischen Mittel eingesetzt werden und welche Wirkung sie entfalten, um ggf. Gegenstrategien vorzuschlagen. Aber auch ihr eigenes Instrumentarium müssen Nachrichtendienste st?ndig verbessern. Zentral dafür ist die Schulung der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Hierzu beizutragen ist eine Funktion der Reihe Nachrichtendienstpsychologie.Article · Jan 2006 · Papers: Revista de sociologia+1 more author...ABSTRACT: Prior to the construction of the theory of cognitive dissonance, the dominant view in American experimental psychology held that behavior, including verbal attitude statements, was learned and shaped by rewards and/or punishments. Dissonance theory took a surprisingly different view by stating that behaviors and reasons for engaging in them could be strengthened by minimizing the very rewards or threatened punishments that produced the behaviors. Many hundreds of experimental studies later, the main argument of dissonance theory is well supported, although researchers disagree about the necessary and sufficient conditions. The present paper traces the major lines of research, including contributions from around the world, and the major controversies among some of the researchers.Article · Nov 2007 ABSTRACT: El artículo analiza el potencial heurístico de las emociones para el análisis cultural, considerando ideas clave de la visión cognitiva y la sociología de las emociones. Se plantea que tomarlas en cuenta es un elemento importante para estudiar las formas en que los actores en la vida cotidiana se posicionan frente a diversos contenidos culturales. Se explica cómo y por qué las emociones indican, expresan o revelan significados culturales, pero, sobre todo, sus niveles de internalización en personas y grupos sociales. The article analyzes the heuristic potential of the emotions for the cultural analysis, from the basic premises of the cognitive view and the sociology of emotions. I want to argue that to take them in account it is an essential element to study the forms in which actors in the daily life signify the diverse cultural contents. I explain how and why the emotions indicate, express or reveal cultural meanings, but mainly its levels of internalización in people and social groups. Full-text · Article · Jan 2008
File · Data · Feb 2014 · Papers: Revista de sociologiaArticleDecember 2012 · International Journal of Dental Hygiene · Impact Factor: 1.06+1 more author…ArticleDecember 2000 · Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie · Impact Factor: 0.39ArticleSeptember 2013 · The Journal of Neuroscience : The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience · Impact Factor: 6.34+4 more authors…ArticleApril 2013 · Dental CadmosData provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.This publication is from a journal that may support self archiving.
oror log in withdissonance
n. 不一致;不调和;不和谐音
...e 《圣诞精灵:巴迪的音乐圣诞》(Elf:Buddy'sMusicalChristmas) 《明日世界》(World of Tomorrow) 《不和谐》(DISSONANCE) 和往年不同的是,今年安妮奖还增设了独立动画头脑特工队在线观看和学生动画奖项,为那些没有大公司做靠山的动画片留下了一席之地...
欢迎光临 大舌头博客 ... dissolution 溶解 dissonance 非谐振 distance between conductors 线间距离 ...
巴赫】 不和谐音(Dissonance):不稳定而紧张的声音组合。 D 大协奏曲(Concerto Grosso):为数个乐器独奏者与小型乐团所作的音乐作品,多见于巴洛克晚期。
- 引用次数:4
So people plunge into unconscious viciouscircle。 Eventually much person fell into mental dissonance and conflict.
参考来源 - 霍尔奈理论及其文学应用
[ 'dis?n?ns ]
a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
the auditory experience of sound that l sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience
disagreeable sounds
Dissonance is a lack of agreement or harmony between things. 不一致
n. 不一致;不调和;不和谐音
Experimenters have also found that people would often change their attitudes towards something to match their behaviours to avoid the discomfort that dissonance causes.
And he argued that we act so as to reduce dissonance.
The question becomes how well you can manage this cognitive dissonance.
Now, people have manipulated cognitive dissonance in all sorts of ways and, for instance, hazing. Hazing is cognitive dissonance at work.
And in fact, hazing through cognitive dissonance draws the inference that this is really, really valuable and this is why it exists.
The dog--Some dog says, "I use my special--the special process of cognitive dissonance to improve employee morale."
This is the dissonance, the split, the impossibility of living two lives at once.
The demonstrators exercise the most disciplined cognitive dissonance when dealing with issues of things Muslim.
It also explains all the ludonarritive dissonance (another pet peeve of mine) in Tomb Raider.
- 来自原声例句
n. 不一致;不调和;不和谐音
...e 《圣诞精灵:巴迪的音乐圣诞》(Elf:Buddy'sMusicalChristmas) 《明日世界》(World of Tomorrow) 《不和谐》(DISSONANCE) 和往年不同的是,今年安妮奖还增设了独立动画头脑特工队在线观看和学生动画奖项,为那些没有大公司做靠山的动画片留下了一席之地...
欢迎光临 大舌头博客 ... dissolution 溶解 dissonance 非谐振 distance between conductors 线间距离 ...
巴赫】 不和谐音(Dissonance):不稳定而紧张的声音组合。 D 大协奏曲(Concerto Grosso):为数个乐器独奏者与小型乐团所作的音乐作品,多见于巴洛克晚期。
- 引用次数:4
So people plunge into unconscious viciouscircle。 Eventually much person fell into mental dissonance and conflict.
参考来源 - 霍尔奈理论及其文学应用
[ 'dis?n?ns ]
a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
the auditory experience of sound that l sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience
disagreeable sounds
Dissonance is a lack of agreement or harmony between things. 不一致
n. 不一致;不调和;不和谐音
Experimenters have also found that people would often change their attitudes towards something to match their behaviours to avoid the discomfort that dissonance causes.
And he argued that we act so as to reduce dissonance.
The question becomes how well you can manage this cognitive dissonance.
Now, people have manipulated cognitive dissonance in all sorts of ways and, for instance, hazing. Hazing is cognitive dissonance at work.
And in fact, hazing through cognitive dissonance draws the inference that this is really, really valuable and this is why it exists.
The dog--Some dog says, "I use my special--the special process of cognitive dissonance to improve employee morale."
This is the dissonance, the split, the impossibility of living two lives at once.
The demonstrators exercise the most disciplined cognitive dissonance when dealing with issues of things Muslim.
It also explains all the ludonarritive dissonance (another pet peeve of mine) in Tomb Raider.
- 来自原声例句


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