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英文翻译notion for industrial development&&&& property industrial&&&& burge ...&&&& ...&&&&industry development trend&&&&industry development cycle&&&&development of information industry&&&&development thinking&&&&real estate developers' association of singapore (redas)&&&&cef&&&&bureau of hi-tech industry development&&&&oida&&&&development policies of automobile industry&&&&eco-industrial development&&&&iafa&&&&ideas and plans for developing fine chemical industry in chlor- alkali enterpr ...&&&&geographical distribution of industrial development&&&&cad&&&&ccit&&&&plans for the development of high-tech industries&&&&oida&&&&ibia&&&&web services industry development framework&&&&redas&&&&fiti&&&&shanghai bankcard industry development office
例句与用法Development state of rare earth - magnesium alloys新经济环境下的广西区域产业发展思路探讨Analysis of train of thought in development of digital cartoon industry in china我国数字动画产业发展思路分析Innovating on the thinking of developing estate and solving problems of estate创新产业发展思路破解产业空虚难题Global industrial chain and a thinking of hi - tech industry ' s development in china全球产业链与我国高技术产业发展思路West china development : the four ideas for developing industries should be carefully treated西部开发应审慎对待四种产业发展思路Thought and countermeasures on development of vegetable industrialization of tianjin in the 10th five year plan期间我市蔬菜产业发展思路及对策The leaders of the bureau introduced current production of local potatoes and the local governments vision of potato development四子王旗农业局领导介绍了当地马铃薯生产现状,以及当地政府对马铃薯产业发展思路。 This article analyzes the possibility , importance , the present situation and the existed questions of the flax industry development in yunnan , proposes the thoughts and the countermeasures of industrial development , which provides the reference for the development of fiber flax in yunnan province摘要本文从分析云南亚麻产业发展的可能性和必要性及产业发展现状和存在问题入手,提出产业发展思路及对策,为云南省纤维亚麻的发展提供依据。 The author shows the development of media industry and its current research situation and existing problems with the materials collected by ways of ducument researching , investigating and interviewing . by the theory of media studies and economic , using the research methods of systematic dynamic , compared and analysic , the author collects the experiences the broadcasing , television and newspaper achieved and mistakes they made in the field of media industry , fmds out the dialectial relationship between the political attribute and industrial attribute of media , promulgates the inevitability and importance of industrial development of media , and proposes the universal suggestions and development tendency of media industry本文采用文献研究法、调查法和访问法收集资料,运用了媒介学、经济学理论,并采用系统方法、动态方法、比较方法和实证分析方法进行研究,系统地概括了传媒产业的发展概况以及理论方面的研究现状和存在的问题,借鉴了国内外在传媒产业方面的研究成果,深入探讨了广播、电视、报纸等传媒在产业化方面取得的经验以及出现的失误,理清了传媒的政治属性与产业属性的辨证关系,揭示了传媒产业发展的必然性、重要性,提出了带有普遍意义的传媒产业发展思路和合理化建议。 On the basis of above analysis , the dissertation puts forward the fundamental strategy of readjusting chongqing ' s industry structure as follows : following the objective law of industry developing and combining the comparative advantage with competitiveness advantage , chongqing should implement the developing strategy of competitive advantage . on one hand , according to the real situations of chongqing , the dissertation suggests positive factors of domestic and international division of labor should be utilized . on the other hand , according to the competition between industries and the causes and effects " relationship of industrial replacement , by changing the comparative advantages into competitive advantages , the dissertation suggests that chongqing should reform traditional industries and enforce priority industries , mainstay industries , breed leading industries and develop high and new technology industries在依据以上分析研究的基础上,提出重庆产业结构调整和升级的基本战略:应在尊重产业进步客观规律和产业协调发展的基础上,把发挥比较优势与提高竞争优势结合起来,通过积极实施竞争优势导向的跨越式发展战略,一方面立足重庆的现实,充分利用国际国内分工的积极因素;另一方面依据产业竞争和产业替代的因果关系,在充分发挥比较优势的同时,将比较优势转化为竞争优势,增强竞争优势、改造传统产业、强化优势产业、巩固支柱产业、培育主导产业、跨越式地发展高新技术产业,并通过不断创造新的竞争优势,加快推动产业结构调整和升级;通过信息化带动工业化,实施跨越式产业发展思路,逐步形成产业优势,提高产业竞争力、企业竞争力。 &&
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Still dominated by traditional industries
Traditional industries still dominant
The traditional industry still occupied the dominant position
Traditional industry still dominates
Still dominated by traditional industries
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帮忙翻译 急 谢谢Guidance for the development of nanometer industry in the country China is a developing country. After the reforms and opening up to the outside world, the country has witnessed a continous, stable and fast development of its national economy, which attracts worldwide attention. But as the country has a weak base, this development has relied mainly on traditional industries, and although high-tech industries also witnessed a speedy advancement in recent years, it has contributed only a small proportion of the national GDP, still a big difference than developed countries. Our national conditions decides that we have to go a different way in the development of nano-tech than Japn and Europe. We need to develop the industry with Chinese characteristics, a new way of our own in its development to solve our problems urgent in the development of the national economy. Nanotech needs to enter the traditional industries, by adjusting the product structure and adding more high-tech content. We need to make use of it to help upgrade the traditional industries and to promote the increase in our national GDP. And at the same time, we need to search for new chances, to penetrate into high-tech industries, especially in such fields as the environment, energy, medicine, and national defence. We need to build up new nanometer industries, gradually form into industrial chain so that the starting point of this new industry can be rest on the top point of the 21st century, and that it can help set a base for future leap-off developments. In such fields as information, space navigation, biology, and new materials, we still lack behind the developed countries in terms of the use of nano-tech. But we also have opportunities in some areas. If we can choose the right point to enter, we must be able to form our own product platform of self-controled copyright in some areas. And later it is surely possible for us to develop that into a high-tech industry. 3 Key areas of China's nanometer industries The first 20 years of the 21st century is a key period for the development of nano-tech on an international basis. Nanotech will give new opportunities to varies industries. Since the eighties, the country has entered a sound economic circle of high speed development. As a result, the national GDP ranks 7th in the world, at 1000 billion US dollars in 2000,only behind the US, Japan, Germany, France, England and Italy. Its foreign exchange deposits stand at the second place. Still, the national economy is supported mainly by traditional industries. To realize a leap advancement and become a member of the developed world in the new century, the country must belieave that nano-tech development is a good chance, and then actively develop high-tech industries and realize the upgrading of traditional industries.
指导产业发展的国家。中国是一个发展中国家。改革开放后,这个国家已经见证了一个连续的、稳定和快速发展国民经济,吸引了全世界的广泛关注。 但是这个国家已经疲软的基础上发展主要依赖传统产业,虽然高科技产业也快速推进近年仅为一个小比例的国民生产总值,仍然有很大的差别超过发达国家。我们的国情决定了,我们不得不去不同的方式发展纳米技术在日本和欧洲比。我们需要培养具有中国特色的一种新途径,在其发展我们...
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