沈阳出院退款未到账 说是七微信退款1到3个工作日日 这都半年多了。突然用这个卡时候才发现一直没到账 要是医院不

早在2013年11月亚航大促时,我就手贱订了2014年9月前往的,去程9月7号上海浦东-,回程9月16号-杭州,一个人来回约3200,订完那叫一个兴奋啊,想想旺季去三亚的机票价钱都不止这么多啊。去年6月递交申请,顺利拿到护照,开始预订酒店安排行程,直到8月23,离出发日期已经很近了,某天随手登陆了QQ邮箱,发现邮箱里很妖娆地躺着一封信,点开一看,回程航班取消,来不及愤怒,只能感慨便宜没好货,之前回程的票是这样的。D7221 悉尼
21:25,D7302 吉隆坡 杭州
8:10,正当我在思考该怎么办的时候,又是一封信,订单号不变,已经把我回程的票改到了这样:D7221 悉尼
吉隆坡 21:25,D7302 吉隆坡 杭州
8:10,17号晚上飞,这也就罢了,脸皮厚点再请一天假就罢了,可是问题是18号凌晨到了吉隆坡之后要停留24小时才飞往杭州,不仅是多两天假的问题,还有那24小时干嘛呢,打电话给广州亚航,我问从悉尼飞上海有没有,答曰有但是不可以更改航线,我又问那你们改了我的日期,在吉隆坡24小时提不提供住宿,答曰不提供,我说我要投诉,答曰投诉也是这么回答。流氓,简直就是流氓!有人说那就在吉隆坡晚一天好啦,我前年去欧洲坐马航也是在吉隆坡,我对吉隆坡官方印象非常差,所以根本不想去这个国家玩,而且那时对廉价航空的印象已经差到极点,想了想,还是申请了退票,改买了川航从悉尼重庆的机票,尼玛,一个人就3400,直接导致我的预算上涨很多。接着就开始了漫长的退款过程。首先是在亚航的官网发起申请,说5个工作日内出结果,果然是一天不耽搁,5个工作日后同意了我的申请,回程的订单已经消失,9月5号要求我提供银行卡账号。要求提供的账号样式:1. 户名 (Full Name)( Refundcan only be given to the person named as a guest in the
and not to athirdparty).:2. 账号 (AccountNo.):3. 银行名(与支行)(Bank Name &branch):4. 银行开户地址 (Bankaddress) :5. 省 (Province):6. 市 (City) :7.联系号码 (Contact No.):**Note : -Please provide all the details in Chinese and Englishwords.Kindly reply this email to : 回到国内,特意去我所在城市的分行重新办了一张卡,问清楚银行的英文全称以及银行代码,9月23号给退款账户发邮件。Dear Sir/Madam:
My order number is RB27XZ.I've applied a fullrefund,here is my Bank account information.Please deal with it as soon aspossible.补充退款账户名:1) Bank AccountNumber: 233****2) Bank Account Name:英文全拼3) Bank Name:Industrial & Commercial Bank of China4) Bank Branch:Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Yangzhou Branch5)
order:RB27XZ6) Country of Bank: China7) Swift Code:ICBKCNBJYZU1.
户名 (Full Name):中文/英文全拼2.
账号 (Account No.):233****3.
银行名(与支行)(Bank Name & branch):工商银行扬州分行/ Industrial & Commercial Bank ofChina, Yangzhou Branch4.
银行开户地址 (Bank address) :中国江苏省扬州市文昌西路1号/No.1 West WenchangRoad,Yangzhou,Jiangsu,China5. 省 (Province):江苏/Jiangsu6.市 (City) :扬州/Yangzhou7. 联系号码 (Contact No.):+861366*******8. 银行代码(Swift Code):ICBKCNBJYZU同天收到邮件说退款要求已经审理成功:本航荣幸的通知您,您的退款要求已经办理成功。您的款项将会在30工作日内完成退款。请在其期限后向您的相关银行查询。若您是亚航会员,您能通过亚航官方网页查询您的退款状态。请登入,选择member portal>myrefund status. 输入您的案件编号及预订号:案件编号:CAS-M1HW9预订号:RB27XZ11月11号,30个工作日过了,依然杳无音讯,我又给亚航发邮件。Dear Sir/Madam:
My order number is RB27XZ.I've applied a fullrefund,and I have already provide my Bank account information.Then
I havegot your responce on 23th September to tell me my refund request had been dealwith
succesfully.Now more than 30 work days passed,I still don't get therefund money.Please tell me why and give me my refund money as soon aspossible.同天得到回复:Dear Valuedcustomer,Greetings fromAirAsia X.We apologize forthe inconvenience caused, Pertaining your email, we are following up you case,we just sent an email to the relevant department in regards to your case, toget the latest updates. The sooner they updateus we will informyou ASAP via email.your patience isgreatly appreciated Warm RegardsMoeAirAsiaX Refund Support Team继续等。12月11号,我又发,标题很愤怒:Where is my refundmoney?Please responce as soon as possible!!!! 12月15号收到回复:Dear Valued Guest,Greetings from AirAsia X !Pnr RB27XZFirst of all, we do apologize for the inconvenience cause effected you. Moving forward, please be advised that based on our record, the finance haveprocessed the refund and send to the bank on 06 December 2014 for the refundprocess and it will take 7 to 14 working days to process.If you still did not received the refund by 06 january 2015 (approximately),kindly provide us the bank statement for the month of Dec 2014 and Jan 2015. Weapologize for the inconvenience caused. We truly appreciate your valuedpatronage and we look forward to welcoming you back again soon.Thank you.With Best Regards,FirdausAAX RST Team一直到这,亚航回复邮件的速度还算可以。但是退款仍然未到账。1月12号,再次发邮件,标题依旧愤怒:I still do not get the refund money!!!!!!Please respond!!!Dear Sir/Madam:
My order number is RB27XZ.Last month
yousaid that the finance have processed the refund and send to my bank on 06December 2014 for the refund process and it will take 7 to 14 working days toprocess.And If I still did not received the refund by 06 january 2015(approximately),
provideyou the bank statement for the month of Dec 2014and Jan 2015.
Now I still do not get the refund money ,but how can Iprovide you
the bank statement for the month of Dec 2014 and Jan2015?Shoud I go to the bank to prove?这次回复就没这么及时了,他不回我就天天发,反正鼠标一点编辑发送就可以,基本只要上网天天发一封,2月11号终于得到回复,答案是等待Dear Valued Customer, Greetings from AirAsia X.With regards to your refund status for number , kindly be informed that we already escalate thecase to relevant team and waiting for their reply. Meanwhile, you may refer toyour card issuer bank to get the bank statement and provide to:
in order usfurther follow up with the relevant team. Should you have further enquiries, please refer to ourwebsite by following this link:>select country > select language > Help & Info > Contact Us.Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward toserve you better in the future.Best Regards,要提供银行状态,我去问了下银行有没有英文的银行状态提供,银行表示没听过,说你把账户资金来往截图就可以了呀。想想没办法只能这样,2月26号又是一封邮件过去,其中在网银上打出最近的流水截图,中文没有翻译,从结尾可以看出姑娘我真的很愤怒,语法错误都不管了。Dear Sir/Madam:
My order number is RB27XZ.Last month
yousaid that the finance have processed the refund and send to my bank on 06December 2014 for the refund process and it will take 7 to 14 working days toprocess.And If I still did not received the refund by 06 january 2015(approximately),
provideyou the bank statement for the month of Dec 2014and Jan 2015.This is the statement of my account from December 2014 to now,you can seethat I still do not get my refound money.I doubt your work efficiency or yourfaith,I trust your company is a brilliant one , but why it is so difficult toget the refund money ? You always have kinds of reasons to delay themoney,accoding this ,who will buy your air ticket after all these things?Pleaseshow me some faith and solve this refund problem as soon as possible!这下彻底不回复了,我反正是闲着无聊,依旧有空就发,天天一封知道3月27号,终于又有了回复:Dear Valued Guest,Greetings from AirAsia X.Pertaining to your RB27XZ, We are currently liaising with our Finance team on astatus update.We will revert back to you once we gotupdates from them.Should you have further inquiries, pleaserefer to our website by following this link:> select country > selectlanguage > Help & Info > Contact UsThank you and we seek to serve you better inthe future.我消停了几天,就在我快要绝望的时候,今天中午收到95588的短信,提示网银收入(Flig)2943.65元。果然如之前在网上看到,退款至少半年,好在总算是到账了。廉价航空的乘坐体验也非常不好,之前坐马航去,飞了17小时都没吐,上次转机吉隆坡5小时,把晚饭都吐出来了,吉隆坡去黄金海岸,着陆前两小时,又开始吐,坐我前面的空姐就眼睁睁看着我吐,后来还是一个帅哥过来安慰了几句,水么当然是没有的。所以回程坐川航觉得太好啦。这是我第一次也是最后一次坐亚航了,出去玩本来就是要开心,在自己能承受的范围之内还是尽量选择靠谱一点的航空公司吧,那天值机,碰到其他航线的,基本9月16号的航班都碰到了取消,难道廉价航空就可以这么任性吗?退款的心得:1 不要放弃,即使钱不多,也要坚定,多发邮件,总会回复的。2 广州亚航电话打了基本没用,要么在官网投诉,要么就发邮件。
回复 4# lixun_78我是不想再坐亚航,转让也麻烦,所以宁愿等
回复 2# polariskop不要放弃,多发邮件,反正不要钱
回复 3# gtolam亚航已被我拉入黑名单


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