如何进口化妆品 动物实验实验小老鼠

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To reach this conclusion Dr Fonken split her murine subjects into three groups.
In 1969, the federal government banned artificial sweeteners known as cyclamates because of evidence they caused cancer in laboratory rats.
有一个理由是靠不住的:继代影响不仅传现在实验室老鼠身上,也出现在人类里。 就好像我们先辈的幽灵经常出没于我们特有的基因里。
One reason that is not so farfetched: transgenerational effects are showing up not only in lab rats but also in people, as if the ghosts of our ancestors haunt our very genes.
In Neurobiology last year, we were told of a rat who was tested a particular center in the brain where the rat was able to stimulate his brain and caused itself intense pleasure repeatedly.
What they show was rats who went through the maze and went through the maze again and again, learned far less than rats who took time aside, chilled out a little bit after a maze, had more margarita.
- 来自原声例句


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