
(the joker)
  肖琴老师从事行业10年,毕业于世界名校英国曼彻斯特大学管理专业,在英国留学期间以全系第一的优异成绩毕业。英国留学经验使肖琴老师获得更多的留学成功率,和更多的口碑客户。  准备去英国留学的同学,择校是非常重要的,而选择适合自己的专业更为重要。如果能申请到一个热门的、自己也感兴趣,又有发展潜力的英国大学专业,那简直是太幸运了!金吉列顾问肖琴老师为大家总结了五个英国当下非常受欢迎的专业,颇具“钱”景。  肖琴老师解读:英国“钱”景专业一:旅游业和酒店业  具有专业技能和专业管理经营理念的专业人士无论是国内还是国外都是非常稀缺的。英国大学中的南安普顿大学,萨里大学,谢菲尔德大学,伯恩茅斯大学,伯明翰酒店管理学院等院校的旅游与酒店管理专业在世界是相当有名的。  具体哪些大学适合学生,请即刻联系肖琴老师,立刻免费为您制定最专业的留学方案!  University of Exeter(埃克塞特大学)  University of Surrey(萨里大学)  University of Brighton(布莱顿大学)  Sheffield Hallam University(谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学)  University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)  Loughborough University(拉夫堡大学)  School of Oriental and African Studies(伦敦大学亚非学院)  University of Glasgow(格拉斯哥大学)  King's College London(伦敦大学国王学院)  University of Kent(肯特大学)  Heriot-Watt University (赫瑞瓦特大学)  Brunel University(布鲁内尔大学)  Oxford Brookes University(牛津布鲁克斯大学)  University of Lincoln(林肯大学)  谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield HallamUniversity)  以谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学为例:  谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学位于英格兰第四大城市谢菲尔德。该校被评为英国最勇于改革和创新的大学之一。  其酒店管理学院非常优秀,被英国教育评估机构评定为A +级。学生可以根据自己的需求选择24个月的带薪实习的pathway或者12个月的理论学习。  推荐课程:  MSc International Hospitality and Tourism  MSc International Hospitality Management  学术要求:有荣誉学士学位者或者相等的学位  语言要求:实习课程雅思总成绩6.5分,单项不低于5.5分  无实习课程雅思总成绩6.0分,单项不低于5.5分。  肖琴老师解读:英国“钱”景专业二:会计专业  在英国,会计学的全称为MSc in Accounting &
Finance,它涉及到会计、财政、税收、金融、保险、工商企业管理等专业的内容,一直都是留学英国的学生选择最多的科目之一。目前,会计专业就业形势很好,被称为外资企业、跨国公司的香饽饽。外资企业和跨国公司倾向于选择有海外留学背景或持有国际执业资格证书的人才。  因此选择会计专业有很多好处,但需注意的是,虽然是很热门的英国大学专业拥有会计学硕士以上学历,且具备专业资质的人才才更容易顺利找到好工作,这需要学生在努力获取学位时还要培养专业资质。  具体哪些大学适合学生,请即刻联系肖琴老师,立刻免费为您制定最专业的留学方案!  London School of Economics and Political Science (伦敦政治经济学院)  Imperial College London(帝国理工学院)  Durham University(杜伦大学)  University of Bath(巴斯大学)  University of Exeter(埃克塞特大学)  University College London(伦敦大学学院)  University of Warwick(华威大学)  The University of York(约克大学)  Lancaster University(兰卡斯特大学)  以曼彻斯特大学会计与金融专业(Accounting and Finance)为例  如今,曼彻斯特大学是英国规模最大的单一校址大学,在中国拥有极高的知名度,是国际学生最爱申请的英国大学之一。  可是,很多同学不知道,曼彻斯特大学的部分专业的入学要求十分苛刻,申请人在递交申请时,必须先有雅思成绩才能递交申请,对同学们来说,不是个好消息哦!  申请条件:  英国曼彻斯特大学会计与金融专业属于经济金融方向;  曼彻斯特大学会计与金融专业规定学生必须具有会计和金融类课程的本科学士学位背景,由于每年申请竞争激烈,申请人具有一等学位(国内985-211,90%以上)具有较大优势;  会计与金融专业的语言要求为雅思总成绩7.0分,各单项不低于6.0分。  就业前景:  学生通过英国曼彻斯特大学会计与金融课程的学习,凭借其专业知识,可以从事会计与金融方面的工作,就业领域包括企业、投资银行、金融服务公司等等,也可以继续攻读博士学位。  肖琴老师解读:英国“钱”景专业三:物流专业  随着网上购物的流行,物流行业达到了空前的发展,这也将是未来行业发展的一大趋势,是突破原有工作的新改革。英国的华威大学、卡迪夫大学、普利茅斯大学、兰卡斯特大学在物流专业有较大优势,是热门专业。  综合以上的五大热门专业,在入学要求上要想选上这些专业也是要付出汗水的需要达到雅思考试6-7的成绩不等,英国大学排名靠前的院校可能要更高,这就需要留学生付出加倍的努力,才能换取成功的喜悦。  具体哪些大学适合学生,请即刻联系肖琴老师,立刻免费为您制定最专业的留学方案!  Cranfield University(克兰菲尔德大学)  Durham University(杜伦大学)  University of Warwick(华威大学)  University of Surrey(萨里大学)  Lancaster University(兰卡斯特大学)  The University of Sheffield(谢菲尔德大学)  Newcastle University(纽卡斯尔大学)  以WARWICK(华威大学) 专业:MSc Supply Chain and Logistics Management为例:  课程设置:Core ModulesSpecialist Course ModulesFinancial Analysis & Control SystemsProcurement & Inventory ManagementLogistics & Operations ManagementProblem Solving With StatisticsOrganisations, People & PerformanceStorage & Warehouse TechniquesSupply Chain ManagementTransportation Techniques & Management  Elective Modules  Strategic Marketing  Financial Decision Making  International Joint Ventures  Creating Profitable e-Business  Global e-Business  Global Business Environment  入学要求:相关专业本科学历,平均成绩80以上,雅思要求6.5-7.0。  http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/education/wmgmasters/courses/seal/  肖琴老师解读:英国“钱”景专业四:时装搭配及时尚零售专业  服装、时尚专业在一阵阵潮流更新中越来越显示出自己的优势,而英国正好走在时尚的前沿,成为了众多留学生追求的目标。英国有很多大家广为喜爱的时尚品牌如BURBERRY、PAULSMITH、DUNHILL、LEECOOPER等,并且伦敦伦敦时装周以另类服装设计概念、奇异展出形式的时尚设计更是让留学生更加青睐于到英国留学就读服装管理、时尚管理等专业,英国也因此成为想要深造服装、时尚专业的学生的首选地之一。  具体哪些大学适合学生,请即刻联系肖琴老师,立刻免费为您制定最专业的留学方案!  以南安普顿大学的时尚管理专业(Fashion Management)为例  这几年,南安普顿大学商学院跻身英国前十位,在国际上享有盛誉,申请人数也是成倍地增加,其商科方向专业成功率非常高。  位于英格兰南部的南安普顿大学,距离伦敦较近,交通很方便。  申请条件:  英国南安普顿大学时尚管理专业属于商科和艺术方向;  南安普顿大学时尚管理专业要求申请人最好持有一个良好的荣誉学位(2.2或以上),或者相关学科同等资历/工作经验;  该专业要求学生毕业院校的排名最好在中国排名前200,平均分需达到78分以上,建议学生申请的同时提供一些工作经验、兼职也可以;  时尚管理专业的语言要求为雅思总成绩6.5分以上  就业前景:  南安普顿大学时尚管理专业的毕业生可从事广告设计管理、服装及纺织品市场推广、时尚管理、奢侈品品牌管理、全球媒体管理、服装设计、纺织品设计等工作,也可担任零售、采购、时装/设计顾问等。  肖琴老师解读:英国“钱”景专业五:精算专业  从目前中国被世界保险界认可的精算大师不足10人,国家级“准精算师”43人的情况来看,未来几年精算师会随着国际保险巨头在中国开拓市场以及国内企业的需要和人们对于保险认识的加强,成为保险业最炙手可热的人才。因此精算行业也成为众多留学生梦想领略到的魅力风景。  具体哪些大学适合学生,请即刻联系肖琴老师,立刻免费为您制定最专业的留学方案!  那么,在英国开设精算专业的学校的情况又是怎么样的呢?每所学校各有哪些优势或特色呢?  1、伦敦城市大学  虽然City大学的综合排名在46名,但是其金融和会计的专业排名比较靠前,2013年泰晤士报专业排名挤进前10,尤其CASS商学院的精算专业在英国同领域内享有极高的声誉,导师都来自业内精英,学科设置于精算师考试衔接紧密,学生通过专业学习,获得硕士学位后可以有相应科目的免考。因此City的CASS商学院尤其金融和商科方向要求一直都比较高。精算管理(MSC
in Actuarial Management)要求本科相关专业的学生申请,雅思要求要7.0(写作不低于6.5),语言要求对中国学生来讲是个不小的挑战。  2、曼彻斯特大学  曼大属于老牌的英国大学,2012年世界大学排名第29位,著名的红砖大学成员。曼大的商学院在国际上声名显赫,获得了三重认证AACSB, EQUIS,
AMBA。因此是中国留学生比较青睐的大学之一。其精算专业研究生课程(Actuarial Science MSC)
要求申请者有相关的学术背景(如数学,统计学等),2:1学位(相当于国内211大学平均分80%左右),雅思要求为均分6.5(写作不低于6.0,其他单项不低于5.5)  3、肯特大学  肯特大学的精算科学在英国首屈一指,是培养具有最高专业水准的精算师的摇篮。精算科学硕士研究生项目是肯特大学最具特色、最有吸引力的学位课程,课程设置与英国精算师协会(the
Institute and Faculty of
Actuaries)的精算师国际职业资格考试的科目完全一致。大部分课程由著名精算师主讲同时包含丰富的实践环节,肯特大学的精算科学硕士毕业生可以免试取得精算师相应科目的资格。肯特大学一般要求学术成绩平均分80%左右,雅思要求6.5(写作阅读不低于6,其他单项不低于5.5)  4、赫瑞瓦特大学  赫瑞瓦特大学位于美丽的苏格兰的首府,爱丁堡。统计学与金融数学系是国际认证的精算教学与研究的领先机构,在全英同领域中享有极高的声誉,其精算数学、金融数学、概率和统计学方面的研究评5分(英国5分制测评最高分)。赫瑞瓦特大学的精算学硕士课程,是被英国精算学院和精算协会联合指定的行业资格考试同步课程,此专业的学生在成功通过硕士学习之后,将有机会获得免去多达9门的精算师资格考试。赫瓦的入学要求相对于老牌的大学来讲比较低,一般要求学术成绩平均分80%左右,雅思要求6.5(5.5均分可以配读12周左右语言课程)。这对于那些想学习精算,但是本科成绩不是很理想的学生来讲是个不小的福音  5、利兹大学  利兹大学的表现一直比较中规中矩,在年的泰晤士报的综合排名牢牢占据着30名的位置。其精算财务(MSC Actuarial
Finance)要求相关专业(比如数学,统计,经济,金融等)雅思要求也是一边的研究生入学要求6.5(单项不低于6.0)左右。  除了以上学校提供的精算研究生课程以外,还有一些金融和商科很强的英国大学提供精算相关的课程,比如华威的金融数学,兰卡斯特的金融分析等等,都是中国留学生可以选择的范围。  但是每一个学生的情况不尽相同,也应该因人而异,如果同学们想要一套最适合自己的留学方案和留学规划,请不要犹豫,即刻联系肖琴老师,会得到最细心细致的解答,并且免费获得最适合自己的留学方案!!
热门国家及地区2015年9月开始,ACT考试的写作部分进行了变革,对考生写作的新的要求:首先,要对题目中给出的Perspective1,2,3进行分析和评述;其次要亮明并阐述自己的观点;另外还要结合自己的观点和给出的三个观点之间的关系进行讨论和陈述。同时,ACT官网上也放出了一道作文样题(intelligent machines)和6篇不同分数段的范文,今天就为大家带来了官网给出的5分作文和6分作文范文,以及官方给出的作文详细评分标准,供大家参考~对于样题的使用方法,培臻老师给出的建议是:1、先使用这个题目,审题并写作,自己计时做一个简单的写作模考。2、计时结束后,在充裕的时间里再次分析题目,对自己的文章进行润色修改,得到第二个版本。3、按照官方给出的评分标准以及不同分数的官方范文,经过充分的分析之后,给自己的文章进行打分。4、再次修改自己的文章(这一步最好可以在专业老师的指导下完成),得到最终版本,再次评分,争取可以修改润色至更高的分数。下面我们正式开始,首先是作文样题:  Sample Prompt:Intelligent Machines  Many of the goods and services we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars and other goods on assembly lines, where once there were human workers. Many of our phone conversations are now conducted not with people but with sophisticated technologies. We can now buy goods at a variety of stores without the help of a human cashier. Automation is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what is lost when we replace humans with machines? Given the accelerating variety and prevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and meaning of their presence in our lives.  Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the increasing presence of intelligent machines.    What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people.    Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This ef ciency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone.  Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and machines toward new, unimagined possibilities.Sample Essay 5  It is no secret that today’s workforce no longer consists entirely of people.  Rather, machines are being developed to complete many of the tasks which humans have traditionally done. This can greatly increase productivity and efficiency of simple, repetitive tasks. Many people view this as a great positive and point out that it leads to a more uniform and less expensive product which is better for everyone. However, some people are more wary of this popular trend of automating the workforce and question whether this progress is truely positive. Their concerns, though, are outweighed by the benefits these machines offer.  It is the popular view among companies which are moving toward automation that robots can do many tasks better than humans. For example, in the automotive industry, most of a car’s individual components are manufactured by&pre-programmed robots which have much greater and more precise output than would be possible for a human. In addition, robots cut down the cost of production by a considerable amount. If a company hires an employee to complete a simple task for $50,000 per year but could instead buy a machine for a one time purchase of $30,000, it is far more cost effective to buy the machine. Lower cost of production means that the&goods produced can now be sold at a lower pricepoint which passes the savings on to the consumer. Companies producing goods rightly contend that the use of machines to complete low-skill jobs has only positive impact for everyone.  Beyond these benefits for industry, some believe that machines will shape the future for the human race. Innovation and invention of new more intelligent  machines can push us as humans toward new, unimagined possibilities. For  example, before the first airplane was invented, people could only dream of  human flight, but at the moment of takeoff, a whole new world of unimaginable possibilities was suddenly within our grasp. Through even just that one  invention, an entire multi-billion dollar a year industry was born, and our  lives improved and advanced in a multitude of ways. Who can know what great advancements may be brought about by a more intelligent machine than what we possess today? The possibilities are endless.  There are those who are less enthusiastic about all this progress and advancement. They argue that by not having to interact with fellow humans, we no longer are required to be courteous and have tolerance for others. While this may be true, this is a minor cost for a major increase in efficiency. Take the  example of self checkout systems in grocery stores. Self checkout permits consumers to procure their goods and get out of the store quickly. This might seem like a small time-saver, but considering how often this experience is repeated reveals a cumulative effect. Across time, consumers end up saving hours, which improves the efficiency of their daily lives, allowing them to spend time on things that are of greater interest and meaning to them.  Whether humans like it or not, machines are becoming more and popular in the workplace and are decreasing the need for humans to work those jobs. This can lead to advancement of society, a greater end product or service, and even a lower consumer cost of goods. Many people are frightened of change, but unfortunately for them, the past is gone and now we must look to the future.  (字数:563)Sample Essay 6  Advances in technology have become so widely accepted in today’s culture that very few people are willing to pause to consider the consequences. People get so excited about what new technologies can offer that they forget to question whether there might be any negative effects. Without caution and deliberation, replacing the natural with the mechanical would undoubtedly be disasterous.  The economic implications of the potential mechanical takeover alone should be enough to dissuade anyone from moving too fast. In the event the robots are more widely used in the workplace, humans would surely be replaced. At first, businesses would benefit from the efficiency of robots, but eventually a depressed job market would lead to a population that struggles just to feed themselves and their families, let alone purchase the products these robots make. In the long run, society will suffer if it does not take care to prevent the economic consequences of giving everything over to machines.  Our careless use of automation has already taken a toll on our culture. People have been interacting with automation in nearly every aspect of their lives, whether it be shopping, banking, or the use of a telephone. The effect of this is obvious: basic respect for our fellow man is all but absent today because of increased interaction with automation. Why treat a machine with kindness? It suffers no emotional or psychological damage. In a culture saturated with automation, we get used to treating machines rudely, and we begin to treat each other rudely. This of course leads to all sorts of issues, like intolerence and incivility, and in the long run, results in the complete degradation of culture.  Even in the face of these obstacles, some people argue that the increasing intelligence of today’s machines is a good thing. After all, machine power can decrease the human work load. Computer processers double in power and ability every year. Computers are projected to reach human intelligence by as soon as 2025. The implications of this shift are unknown, but one thing is for certain. We are moving into this change too fast to anticipate and prevent damage to the human species. We are approaching this change too quickly for any sort of safety net to be built. Because of this, it is important that we as a species slow down our technological development so that we might consider all the implications of a change this big. We must figure out how to handle negative societal and cultural consequences before we embrace total integration of automated, intelligent machines.  Decreasing the speed with which we incorporate mechanical influence is important because of the potential dangers that lurk in blind acceptance. Not only does the preference of the mechanical over the natural interfere with the job market and the economy, but its use also has the potential to seriously degrade our culture as a whole. In combination with the uncertainty surrounding the increasing intelligence of machines, it is most assuredly better for the human species that technological progress be slowed so that we can, if necessary, prevent additional damage.(字数:513)注:两篇样文均出自官方,同学们可以学习,但切忌抄录原句!!!评分标准与官方评析ACT写作改革后,官方给出了新样题及评分标准。新的评分标准由4项指标组成,四项分别判分,写作的最后得分是这四项的综合分。在观点及分析Ideas and Analysis方面,官方给出的评分规则中明确提到的6分的标准是将文章论点有见地的建立在各个支持论点上,深入透彻地分析可能行,复杂性或潜在的价值及假设。而5分的标准是将文章论点有效地建立在各个支持论点上分析着重可能行,复杂性或潜在的价值及假设。对观点从深度和广度上的支撑 Development and Support,评分规则6分要求对论点的支撑要有深入洞察而广泛的考虑,综合的说理和举例要精当,有效地表达文中论点的含义。5分要求对论点的支撑要有深入的理解,大致综合的说明和举例要目的明确并能够表达文中论点的含义。第一篇作者通篇紧扣主题,说理和举例都服务于作者为什么认为智能机器利大于弊的观点,在利用假说推断解释作者的思考时,作者运用了预期的推理,比如说当作者提到robots cut down the cost of production by a considerable amount, 作者延伸到长期雇佣人工的工资和一次性使用机器人的成本的区别,又更进一步谈到成本低廉的产品又会节省消费者的开支。第二篇综合的说理和举例非常有效的表达了作者论点的含义,假说推断用的例子是in the event the robots are more widely used in the workplace, 说理部分提到the implications of this shift are unknown, but one thing is for certain, we are moving into this change too fast to anticipate and prevent damage to the human species 有说服性地发展并支撑了文章的观点,较第一篇文章更有力。文章结构指句子与句子之间的关系和段与段之间关系的转承以及论据展开的逻辑关联。第一篇作文首段就勾勒除了主体部分三段的架构,主体部分陈现出逻辑的推进,作者首先确立不断出现的智能机器的益处,然后用进一步确认机械化生产的低成本高效率来强化自己的观点,主体的第三段反驳反方观点。在必要的地方用了转承连接,比如说主体部分第二段Beyond these benefits for industry, some believe…起到段与段之间承上启下的作用。主体部分第三段举出反方观点后,用While this may be true, this is …引起转折来反驳反方观点。正如5分标准中提到的it exhibits a productive organizational strategy. It is mostly unified by a controlling idea or purpose, and a logical sequencing of ideas contributes to the effctivenessof the argument.第二篇作文从机械化对未来经济的影响,对现今文化状态的负面效应到反驳反向观点,层层递进。段与段之间的转承也是严丝合缝。每段的首句都与主题息息相关又逐渐深入。比如说作者用到:The economic implications of the potential Our careless use of automation has already taken a Even in the face of these obstacles, some people argue that the increasing intelligence of today’s machines is a good thing.在段内句与句的连接即灵活多样,又让作者说理更明晰有力,比如说作者用到:At first, but eventually, This of course, After all等等。从第一篇作文我们可以找到一些语言运用的亮点,句式运用也非常多样灵活。比如说:today’s workforce no longer consists entirely of people. Their concern, though, are outweighed by the benefits… While this may be true, this is a minor cost ofr a major increase in efficiency.等等,但也出现了一些用词的重复,比如说body部分的第一段和第二段均用到for example, 第二段出现的unimagined和unimaginable等。相比较而言,第二篇作文句型丰富多样,语词用得更加精当,选词也很准确。比如说societal and cultural consequences, intolerance and incivility, emotional or psychological damage。用的degrade, depressed, and damage等的词让读者升起一种紧迫感。主体部分的第三段,连续用了we are, we are, we must三句,气势不断加强,从论证部分转入对采取实际行动的呼吁,非常有力。符合6分评判标准中提到的The use of language enhances the argument. Word choice is skill ful and precise. Sentence structures are consistently varied and clear.对于ACT写作的备考大家一定要根据考察点进行练习,六月份的ACT考试马上就要到了,希望大家加油备考!关注无忧ACT 获取ACT最新信息无忧ACT(gh_b6c0da3bf5ed) 
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