pool private mortgage insurance pool是什么抵押保险

产权记录(Abstract Of Title)
可调整抵押贷款(ARM-Adjustable Rate Mortgage ARM)
销售协议(Agreement of Sale)
评估价值(Assessed Value)
结算成本(Closing Costs)
1)loan contingency:贷款附带条件,主要针对贷款中可能出现的问题。但是如果采用现金购买,一般不需要此条款。
2)appraisal contingency:估价附带条件;
3)home inspection contingency:房屋检查附带条件
注:一般来说买方在进入转户过程以後有17天的时间来remove all contingencies(取消所有附带条件),也就是说如果在17天之内,贷不到款,或专家估价不到位,或房屋检查後不满意,买方都可以取消合约,拿回定金。
常规抵押(Conventional Mortgage)
债务与收入比率(Debt-to-Income Ratio) - 衡量债务总负债的比率。计算方法是将每月的总收入,除以包括抵押贷款在内的每月需要还款的数额所计算得出的。
预付款(Down Payment)
保证金(Earnest Money)
固定利率按揭(Fixed-Rate Mortgage)
房屋检查(Home Inspection)
房主保险(Homeowner's Insurance)
抵押权(Lien) -
市场价值(Market Value)
抵押保险(Mortgage Insurance)
产权交接日期(Possession Date)
预批准信(Pre-Approval Letter)
购买报价(Purchase Offer) -
产权保险(Title Insurance)
产权搜索(Title Search)
(来源: 美国房产销售中心,版权归原作者所有。如有侵权请联系我们,我们将及时处理,谢谢。)
Copyright (C) 2005- Inc.华人地产网 All Rights Reserved
& & & &&无论在哪个国家买房,最重要的事情都是看好合同。& & & &&对于很多人来说,英语工作交流没有问题,攻读学位也不在话下,却未必能拿得准美国房产协议中的一些特定用语和专有名词。&& & & &小编根据美国加州土地协会提供的资料,为你整理出了在美国买房所需的各种专有名词,希望对大家买房有所帮助~&判决摘要(Abstract of Judgment)法庭判决的重要内容摘要。一旦登记在案,判决摘要就会对债务人在该县范围内所有房地产形成留置权。&公证状(Acknowledgement)对经过正式授权的官员(通常是公证人)当面提出的正式声明,证明履行合约者实在具法定约束力的情形下履行合约。&浮动利率贷款(Adjustable Rate Mortgage/ARM)依据预先选定的指数定期调整利率的抵押贷款。贷款条款、调整时间表以及所采用的指数各贷款人不同。&代理经纪(Agency)当一个人(委托人)委托另一个人(经纪人)代表进行商业交易时所建立的关系。&全责信托契据/承接抵押(All-inclusive Trust Deed/wrap-around mortgage)一种融资技巧,其做法为建立一份新的契据,将先前契据的余款及任何新的贷款都包含在内。&美国土地产权协会(American Land Title Association/ALTA)由产权保险公司、房地产服务及经纪人组成的全国性协会。该协会使用标准的产权保险表格。&分期偿还(Amortization)在固定时间内分歧偿还债务,且没有大额尾款。&年利率(Annual Percentage Rate/APR)依联邦《诚信借贷法》(Trust-in-Lending Act)规定,针对借贷总额收取百分比借贷费用的表式。&估价(Appraisal)在对影响市价的因素和现状做了分析后,整理出对物业价值的看法。&评估价值(Assessed Valuation)税务机关对不动产或个人财产为了征税而核定的价值。&可转让(Assumable)不许变更贷款条件即可转让给他人的抵押贷款。&大额尾款(Balloon Payment)未来将与特定日期支付的贷款本金月。同场该款项必须在期末整付。&受益人(Beneficiary)根据遗嘱、信托、保单或担保文件的条件及规定,有权获得金钱及物业的人。以抵押贷款而言,受益人即贷款人。&受益人明细表(Beneficiary’s Statement)放款人出具的明细表,注明票据的本金余款以及关于这笔贷款的其他资讯。当业主想要出售物业或重新贷款时,通常需要在公证过户时申请这份明细表。&买卖契约(Bill of Sale)将个人物业的所有权转让或转渡的文件。&正当买家(Bona Fide Purchaser/BFP)以诚信及公平价值购买物业,而不会提出任何有害主张或第三方权利的买家。&中介(Broker)可代理他人商议房地产买卖条件,并因此获得服务费或佣金的有执照个人。&买低利率(Buydown)一种融资技巧,可让购房贷款人在拥有物业前几年可支付较低月付款。在一些买低方案中,住宅开发商、建商或卖方会向放款人支付补助款(以点数的方式),以【买低】(降低)购物者的实际利率,进而降低特定期间内的每月供款。&契约、条件及限制(CC&R’s/Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions)对房地产的用途及享有设限。最常在共渡公寓及规划单位开发案中见到。&产权链(Chain of Title)从第一位土地产权所有人追踪到现任所有人的编年式记录文件。&利率上限(Cap)无论指数如何变化,浮动利率贷款可调整的最高值。&清白产权(Clear Title)没有留置权、瑕疵或其他抵押权的产权。&成交(Closing)完成一项房地产交易的程序。在此期间,卖方将所有权移交给买方,以换的购买金额的付款。该程序在某些地区成为【结算】(settlement)&成交费(Closing Costs)卖价之外的开销,如贷款手续费、产权手续费等。于签署和/或登记文件且买卖完成时付款。&成交明细表(Closing Statement)以平衡表形式列明的摘要,内容显示房地产交易成交时买卖双方的接待项金额。&产权疑云(Cloud on Title)任何有效的文件、助长、尚未取消的留置权或抵押权将影响或损害物业产权。&佣金(Commission)房地产中介因代理委托人所应得到的报酬。&夫妻共有产权(Community Property)夫妻在婚姻关系中意图共同持有物业的产权归属形式,与单独产权不同;后者是在结婚前,或通过单独馈赠或遗赠,或依法分居后,或经由书面同意由配偶之一持有,而取得的物业。&酬金(Consideration)所有合约中均应包含的元素;这是以有价物(包括承诺)交换另一方的行为或承诺。附带条件(Contingency)根据特定事件而调整的行动。合约条款的接受与否,端视某一件事是否发生或某些条件是否达到而定。&过户(Conveyance)通过一份书面文件(如信托契约)转让房地产的产权或利益。&信托契约(Deed of Trust)建立留置权的担保合约,目的是将房地产产权转让给第三方受托管理人,作为信托人(借款人)对受益人(贷款人)偿还欠款的担保。&需求(Demand)放款人出具的明细表,内容注明应偿还的贷款金额。&印花税(Documentary Transfer Tax)市/县政府针对房地产转让,根据卖价减去承担的贷款来征收的税项。&售出到期条款(Due-on-Sale-Clause)抵押贷款契约中的条款,可让放款人有权要求在产权变更时拿到全额付款。该条款不适用于FHA或VA贷款。&保证金(Ernest Money)潜在卖家支付的现金押金,以表示诚意并约定房地产的销售。&地役权(Easement)让一个人对他人的土地拥有有限的使用权、特许权或其他好处的权利。&抵押权(Encumbrance)非所有权人对房地产所持有的主张、权利或留置权。&批单(Endorsement)为一张保单延展或限定保险责任的附约。也写做Indorsement。净值(Equity)扣除所有留置权和费用之后,一个人在房地产中所拥有的权益价值。&公证过户(Escrow)由中立第三人依据协议的条件保管资金和文件,以转交给交易关系方的程序。&例外情形(Exception)产权保险意向书或保单中的条款,旨在排除当存在某种特定的产权下次或未取消的留置权或抵押权时的责任。&公平市价(Fair Market Value)当有意买卖的双方对所有相关事实均有合理的了解,且双方都没有任何不可抗拒的买卖行动时,将物业投入竞争市场的估价。&无条件地产(Fee Simple)房地产的所有权人拥有物业的全部利益,且有权对物业进行无限制的使用和享用,包括让与或出售物业的权利。&联邦住房抵押贷款公司/房地美(Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation/FHLMC/Freddie Mac)向存款机构及美国住房及都市发展部(Department of Housing and Urban Development/HUD)核准的贷款银行,购买次级贷款市场中传统型抵押贷款的机构。&联邦住房管理局(Federal Housing Administration/FHA)美国住房及都市发展部的部门,主要为私人贷款银行的住宅抵押贷款提供保障。&联邦国民抵押贷款协会/房利美(Federal National Mortgage Association/FNMA/Fannie Mae)由美国国会设立,只在支援次贷市场的应课税企业。该公司买卖由FHA保险或由VA担保的住宅抵押贷款以及传统的房屋抵押贷款。&信贷费(Finance Charge)依《诚实借贷法》定义,债权人直接或间接收取,并由客户直接或间接支付的所有费用总和。&第一抵押权(First Mortgage)受偿顺位优先于其他任何抵押权的物业抵押权。固定利率贷款(Fixed Rate Loan)整个贷款期间的贷款利率维持不变。&附着财产(Fixture)个人财产固定附属于一项房地产,因此成为该房地产的一部分。&受让人(Grantee)获得转让的人;房地产的买方。&转让人(Grantor)进行转让的人;房地产的卖方。&隐蔽瑕疵(Hidden Defect)产权的抵押权在公共记录中不易被发现,例如:位置的继承人、秘密结婚或伪造文件。&备偿账户(Impound Account)带换人持有的账户,用于支付房地产税款、保险或其她定期债务。&联名共住(Joint Tenancy)两人或两人以上对一个房地产共同拥有法定持份的产权归属方式。当一名共住者死亡,其持份转让给其他未亡的共住者,知道产权归属于最后一名未亡者为止。&法定描述(Legal Description)根据勘测资料或公共记录地图来定义物业地理范围的描述。&留置权(Lien)主张对房地产拥有利益以作为债务偿还担保的公共记录文件。这类责任可能是由契据或信托合约或法庭判决所建立的。&未决诉讼(Lis Pendens)显示尚诉讼未结案的法律通知。也叫【诉讼通知】(notice of action)贷款成数(Loan to Value Ratio)抵押贷款本金相对于物业估价或卖价(取其金额较低者)之比例。&市价(Market Value)表示买方(有意愿但非迫切要买)可接受的最高价以及买方(有意愿但非迫切要卖)可接受的最低价的估价金额。&包工留置权(Mechanic’s Lien)将留置权授予为房产营造或修建工程提供劳力、服务或材料的人,以担保这些人取得应付款项。&界限(Metes and Bounds)以路径、方向、距离及地标描述地块边界的方式。&抵押契据(Mortgage)用于担保债务得到清偿的法律文件。&公证(Notarization)由公证人证明一个文件签署者的身份为真。公证程序并不核定文件内容,只验证签名。&完善产权(Perfecting Title)消除任何对产权不利主张之程序。&房贷月付款(PITI)指一般房贷余额付款的四个主要组成部分:本金(Principal)、利息(Interest)、税金(Taxes)及保险(Insurance)&房贷月付款比例(PITI Ratio)本金、利息、税金及保险的综合相对于收入的比例。用于房贷决策程序。&点数(Points)放款人为其贷款收取的附加费用,与其他手续费不同。1点等于贷款金额的百分之一。&本金/委托人(Principal)滋生利息的欠款总额。有时也指委托人。&私人房屋贷款保险(Private Mortgage Insurance/PMI)私人房屋贷款保险公司核发的保单,用以保障房屋放款人不会因房贷违约和法拍而蒙受损失。&按比例分配(Proration)根据特定日期分配买卖双方应为其所有权比例支付的部分费用。&资格核定(Qualification)在批准一项贷款前,先审核借款申请人的信用及付款能力的程序。&产权转让契约(Quitclaim Deed)证明转让人放弃物业所有利益、产权或助长的契约。无须陈述该产权有效,也不含任何对产权的担保和立约。&房地产成交程序法(Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act/RESPA)针对整修过后的住宅物业,且该物业向有联邦保险的放款人贷款,在销售这类物业时规定公开特定费用项目的联邦法规。&归还产权(Reconveyance)托管人依信托契约持有产权,待债务清偿之后再将产权过户给土地所有权人。&登记(Recordation)为了提供房地产产权、助长或利益等推定通知到县政府登记处登记备案。&登记所有权人(Record Owner)公共记录中显示的物业所有权人。&资讯明细表(Statement of Information/SI)由买方、卖方及贷款方为每一笔需要产权保险的交易所填写的保密资讯明细表。这些资讯可让产权公司有能力去调查可能影响被保险物业的文件,而这些文件不一定直接提及该物业;这些资讯让产权公司在调查留置权和法庭判决等事项时,能够区别名字相似的关系人。&【取决】条款(“Subject To”Clause)销售合约中针对买卖的任何偶发情况或特殊条件所订的条款,例如,出价必须符合贷款、担保特定区域划分或类似规定才会被接受。&从属合同(Subordination Agreement)使较早建立或优先顺位的留置权降低顺位的合同。&税款留置权(Tax Lien)因欠税而对房地产设定的法定留置权。&分权共住(Tenancy in Common)两人或两人以上共同持有一个物业的产权,且每个人在整个物业中都拥有一份无法分割的权益。&产权库(Title Plant)产权公司的资料库,其中包含该公司在其地区搜集到并经常更新的物业产权记录,可用于搜寻房地产的产权。&受托人(Trustee)为了他人利益而受托持有产权的人。在信托契约中,受托人是指为了放款人利益而被指名受托持有产权,知道贷款清偿为止的人。&委托人(Trustor)一份信托契约的借款人。此人立契出让物业给一名受托人,以作为清偿贷款的担保。&统一过户明细表(Uniform Settlement Statement)必须在过户前或过户是交给借款人、贷款人和卖方的标准式HUD-1表格。&不可销售产权(Unmarketable Title)有瑕疵而是卖方免除购买义务的产权&归属(Vesting)产权持有的方式。几种常见的产权归属形式包括:夫妻共有产权、联名共住产权及分权共住。日起,北京外语广播与伟业我爱我家集团强强联手,推出新节目《海外有个家》。播出平台:北京外语广播播出时间:每天18:00-18:30(首播)、20:00-20:30(重播)《海外有个家》节目邀请资深的海外置业专家,介绍国外的生活方式、社会习俗和居住模式(包括当地房屋租赁、买卖的法律政策和相关信息),通过中外不同生活理念的对比,帮助大家了解新鲜真实的海外生活。
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Copyright (C)
Haoxiana, All Rights ReservedI’m sure most prospective homeowners like the idea of putting little to nothing down when purchasing a property, but doing so isn’t without its drawbacks.
In fact, it can cost you quite a bit of money if you don’t come to the closing table with a sizable down payment.
Aside from having a larger mortgage payment, you might also be hit with an extra form of insurance.
When is mortgage insurance required?
Borrowers who take out
(those not guaranteed by the government) and are unable to come up with a 20% down payment, or simply don’t want to, must pay “private mortgage insurance,” also known as PMI, to .
It is required by the bank or lender providing financing if the , or LTV, is greater than 80%. So those who fail to come up with a 20% down payment are stuck paying PMI.
Like other forms of insurance, you pay a premium for PMI coverage, which is often bundled into your
(this is in addition to ).
For the record, some lenders may tell you that mortgage insurance isn’t required even if your LTV is above 80%, but it’s likely just factored into the (higher) interest rate. So you still pay it, just not directly.
What is private mortgage insurance for?
In short, it’s all about risk and protection.
A mortgage with no down payment is more likely to default than one with a large down payment.
And even if a borrower with a huge down payment misses their payments, the lender can still sell the home for a profit if it falls into .
If it’s a no-down payment loan and home prices take a dive, it could turn into an , which would equate to a loss for the lender when they attempt to offload it.
So PMI is important because it protects the originating bank or lender when a borrower with a very high LTV defaults on their mortgage. That’s right, PMI is insurance for the bank, not for you.
If you default on a loan with PMI in-force, the lender will receive a payout from the private mortgage insurance company to cover the associated losses.
It is also said to benefit borrowers by allowing them to finance a property with very little down in one single loan, which I suppose is true, but it does come at a cost.
For example, homeowners can obtain 95% LTV financing or higher if they agree to pay private mortgage insurance, without requiring a large down payment.
How much does private mortgage insurance cost?
The cost of private mortgage insurance can vary greatly and carries its own pricing adjustments, just as the associated loan will.
In other words, your LTV, credit score, the size of the loan, the amount of coverage, transaction type ( vs ),
and premium type can all come into play.
The greater the combined risk factors, the higher the cost of PMI, similar to how a mortgage rate rises as the associated loan becomes more high-risk.
So if the home is an investment property with a low FICO score, the cost will be higher than a primary residence with an excellent credit score.
Per the Insurance Information Institute (III),
can range from $250 to $1,200 per year, though it’s not uncommon to pay several hundred a month for coverage if you’ve got a large loan amount and very little down payment.
Let’s look at a quick example:
$200,000 purchase price
$190,000 loan amount
0.70% of loan amount for annual mortgage insurance premium (paid monthly)
In the scenario above, you’d be looking at a cost of $110.83 per month for coverage.
If the mortgage is above 95% LTV, the annual mortgage insurance premium might increase to something like 0.90%. In general, a higher LTV equates to higher risk and premium.
Keep in mind that PMI can also be paid upfront or by the lender instead, with the latter resulting in a higher mortgage rate as a result.
The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 (How to Get Rid of Mortgage Insurance)
I’m assuming the most popular question with regard to private mortgage insurance is how to cancel it?
Fortunately, there are many ways it can be canceled.
In the past, homeowners continued to pay PMI even after their LTV fell below 80% because the banks and
were not required to notify borrowers. It used to be the responsibility of the borrower to cancel PMI once they reached the 80% LTV mark, but recent laws have forced the banks and lenders to take responsibility as well.
Automatic Termination of PMI
All the confusion led to the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998, which established rules regarding termination of private mortgage insurance on principal residences.
The law requires home
signed on or after July 29, 1999 to automatically terminate PMI once the homeowner reaches 78% LTV, or gains 22% equity in their home, based on the original property value (lesser of purchase price/appraised value).
Just note that you must be current on your mortgage when you hit 78% LTV to get PMI removed. If you aren’t, it will be automatically terminated on the first day of the first month following the date that you become current.
Borrower Requested Termination of PMI
The law also allows homeowners to request the termination of PMI once they gain 20% , or 80% LTV of the original value. So at that time you can contact your lender and ask for the PMI payments to cease.
But they won’t contact you, so you’ve got to keep an eye on your
to figure out when you’ll hit that key level.
If you happen to
and/or your property has increased in value (or if you made documented improvements to your property), you might be able to submit a request for cancellation even faster.
But you may have to pay for an appraisal, so bear that in mind.
And you must have a good payment history (no 30-day late payments in the past year or 60-day late payments in the past two years), be current on your loan, and submit a written cancellation request.
Final Termination of PMI
The Homeowners Protection Act has one final option to remove PMI. If for some reason PMI was not canceled by request or automatic termination, the loan servicer must cancel mortgage insurance by the first day of the month immediately following the midpoint of the loan’s amortization period.
Again, the borrower must be current on their mortgage on this date for this rule to go into effect.
Mortgage servicing companies must provide a telephone number for all their mortgagors to call for information about termination and cancellation of PMI. And new borrowers covered by the law must be told – at closing and once a year – about private mortgage insurance termination and cancellation.
The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 does come with some exceptions though. If your loan is considered “high risk”, if your property has additional liens, or if you were not current on your mortgage within the year prior to termination or cancellation, you could be stuck with PMI until those issued are resolved.
Additionally, it does not cover
or , or loans with .
Though the law does not cover loans that were signed before July 29, 1999, or loans with lender-paid MI, lenders or mortgage servicers must tell borrowers about the termination or cancellation rights they may otherwise have with such loans (including rights established by the contract or state law).
If you signed loan documents before July 29, 1999 you will have to manually terminate your private mortgage insurance once you reach 20% equity in your home, or 80% LTV or less. Be careful to pay special attention to this as the lender or bank is not required to notify you, and you will continue paying PMI if you fail to act.
There are many other specific statewide rules and rules for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans, so always do your own due diligence, and contact your bank or lender to get all the facts for your specific loan in your particular state.
How can I avoid mortgage insurance altogether?
You can avoid paying private mortgage insurance altogether while putting
by utilizing a combo loan.
If you keep your first loan at 80% LTV or less, and add a second loan of 20% or less, you can still obtain 100% financing without paying PMI. Along with that, you’ll likely snag a lower blended
by splitting the loan up. Learn more about .
Or you can look into the , a so-called
that doesn’t require mortgage insurance, presumably even if the loan exceeds 80% loan-to-value.
also allows a three percent down payment with no mortgage insurance required.
However, these programs typically have the mortgage insurance built into the interest rate, so it’s not really free.
Most homeowners these day opt for a second mortgage instead of doing one loan to avoid high interest rates and private mortgage insurance. The only real downside is the associated fees with a , and the two separate payments.
Either way, you should always explore the possibility of two loans to determine which will be a cheaper alternative.
Tip: If you do happen to have a loan with mortgage insurance, you can always refinance out of it and drop the mortgage insurance if the new loan has an LTV of 80% or less.
It’s not advisable to refinance just to get rid of mortgage insurance, but if you can snag a lower rate in the process, it could be a smart move.
About the Author:
Before creating this blog, Colin previously worked as an account executive for a wholesale mortgage lender in Los Angeles.
You can follow him on
and connect via .
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