Should We Trust economists events?经济学家可信吗

Should we trust the young Turkers?
‘MTurk may be something of an unknown quantity but it is more diverse than the traditional study pool’
Everyone knows that Amazon turns industries on their heads, from books and ebooks to cloud computing. But most people do not realise that Amazon is also upending social science research, thanks to a service called Amazon Mechanical Turk — often known as MTurk or Turk.
MTurk is an online labour marketplace, originally designed to recruit people to do small tasks that computers couldn’t manage — for example, training a spam filter by categorising emails, deciding whether a photograph matched its description, transcribing audio recordings or flagging adult content. Thanks to MTurk, an employer can hire freelancers to work cheaply on a wide variety of computerised tasks.
Psychologists, behavioural economists and political scientists have now realised that it is potentially far cheaper to pay MTurk workers — “Turkers” — to answer questionnaires and participate in activities than it is to assemble a bespoke online panel or to conduct the research in a laboratory filled with student participants sitting at computers. For just a few dollars and at very short notice, economists can look at competition and co-operation, psychologists can examine the way memory works and political scientists can investigate how our ideology skews our logic. The opportunities are vast and have been swiftly embraced.
“The majority of papers presented at the conferences I go to now use Turk,” says Dan Goldstein, a cognitive psychologist at Microsoft Research. Goldstein, an academic who has also worked at London Business School and Columbia University, has used MTurk in his own research, for instance, into the impact of distracting online display ads.
This stampede to MTurk has made some researchers uneasy. Dan Kahan of Yale Law School studies “motivated reasoning” — the way our goals or political opinions can influence the way we process conflicting evidence. He has written a number of pieces warning about the careless use of the Amazon Turk platform.
The most obvious objection is that Turkers aren’t representative of any particular population one might wish to examine. As an illustration of this, two political scientists hired more than 500 Turkers to complete a very brief survey on the day of the 2012 US presidential election. (Tellingly, the entire survey cost the researchers just $28 and the results arrived within four hours.) The researchers, Sean Richey and Ben Taylor, found that 73 per cent of their Turkers said they had voted for Barack O 12 per cent had voted for “other” — compared with 1.6 per cent of all voters. Mitt Romney polled vastly worse with the Turkers than the US public as a whole. Relative to the general population, Turkers were also more likely to vote and be young, male, poor but highly educated. O it is hard to be sure.
Another objection is that Turkers chat with each other on message boards about the work they’re doing. If a piece of research involves some sort of trick question, they may compare answers. If it measures the ability of workers to co-ordinate without communicating, that communication may be happening anyway through back channels. Researchers may pose clever questions designed to measure personality traits or to probe for logical lapses, not realising the Turkers have seen these questions before and yawn when they roll round again.
Kahan wants academic journals to show more scepticism of MTurk research, and to require researchers to justify their methods in some detail. MTurk may be cheap, says Kahan, but sitting at your desk and thinking through a thought experiment is even cheaper. It doesn’t make either method valid.
Other researchers evidently disagree — perhaps because, in a more purely psychological study, what matters is that Turkers are representatives of the human race rather than of a particular rainbow of American political opinion. Many familiar results from psychology have been replicated on MTurk without trouble.
There’s pragmatism at work here too. After all, the traditional piece of psychological research has been conducted on a small number of undergraduates at Ivy League universities. (Historically, such undergraduates were typically white and male, into the bargain.) MTurk may be something of an unknown quantity but it is more diverse than the traditional study pool. Research can be conducted on a much larger group of subjects, and quickly — no more must researchers wait for students to return after the summer break.
For Dan Goldstein, the downsides are manageable and the advantages enormous. The speed of the research means far more rapid progress and, because MTurk is so cheap, much larger samples can be used. He thinks it’s a big improvement on what went before.
“I think it is one of the most important and beneficial innovations in the history of psychology,” he says, before adding the obvious caveat that like any research tool, it must be wielded with skill.
The original Mechanical Turk was an 18th-century chess-playing “robot” that, in reality, concealed a human chess player. There is something of the Wizard of Oz about the idea — and after a few decades of creating wonderment, the Turk was eventually exposed as nothing more than a clever and seductive trick. For Turk-sceptic Dan Kahan, the analogy is delicious. Having been fooled by a Mechanical Turk once, he says, we should be ashamed to be fooled again.
Written for and first pblished at .
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Tim Harford is an author, columnist for the Financial Times and presenter of Radio 4's "More or Less".
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试析Should We Trust Economists? 经济学家可信吗?(2)
论文导读:解这些基本的想法,并自己决定哪些看法是说得过去的,哪些看法他们认为是不现实的。  经济学家还有另一个美德,就是他们非常善于指出彼此的逻辑错误。总体而言,经济学家们都是非常聪明、敏锐的人。就像其他所有人那样,他们容易过分自信并过于依赖自己未经证实的理论。但是当他们这么做时,其他经济学家通常会逮他们个正着!因此
lot of smart people have spent a lot of time creating tools with names like “dynamic stochastic general equilibrium11).” But as of this moment, those models can’t really forecast the economy like our meteorologists12) can forecast the weather. Furthermore, they contain a lot of obviously wrong assumptions. To give just one example, many of Should We Trust Economists? 学家可信吗?由优秀网站提供,助您写好论文.the models stipulate13) that companies are only allowed to change their prices at random times! Crazy, right? Economists include things like that to make the models easier to use, and they hope that those zany14) assumptions are actually decent approximations to the way the world really works. But even with these kludges15) in place, none of the existing models can do much to predict the economy.Should We Trust Economists? 经济学家可信吗?由优秀论文网站{#GetFullDomain}提供,助您写好论文.Should We Trust Economists? 经济学家可信吗?由优秀论文网站提供,助您写好论文.顶级的经济学家们十分清楚自己的无知。(美国)联邦储备局主席本?伯南克最近在普林斯顿大学发表了毕业演讲,期间他对听众半开玩笑说:“经济学是一个高度复杂的思想领域,非常擅长向决策者们清晰准确地解释他们过去的选择为什么是错误的,但对于未来,就不那么擅长了。”世界上最著名的家之一格雷格?曼昆在2011年《纽约时报》的专栏中如此表述了这样的感想:  “在当了超过25年的职业经济学家后,我有件事要坦白:对于经济,我有很多不了解的地方。事实上,研究经济周期起伏的经济学领域是我投入精力最多、关注最多的领域,却也是我发现自己最常遇到一些没有明显答案的重要理由的领域……”  所有这些都意味着,当一位经济学家告诉你基于某种理论或某个模型推导出的事情时,你应当对此持强烈的怀疑态度。而且该理论或模型越复杂,你就越应该感到可疑。对使用花哨模型的经济学家要多留神。  如果经济学家确实成功创建出了更奏效的正式模型,那么我们将能够带着理由去找他们(例如“美联储应当印更多的钱吗?”)并完全信任他们的专家倡议。但在那一天到来之前,所有经济学家真正能给我们的是直觉、倡议和想法。就像那位皇家御医一样,我们每个人接下来都不得不自己确定,什么才是我们认为最好的药物。因而当你听经济学家讲话时,关键是尝试去理解他们为什么会产生那种想法。例如,保罗?克鲁格曼认为,在经济萧条期,货币政策的效果并不好,因为名义利率不能降到零以下,而且因为美联储并不总是擅长说服人们相信美联储将在未来允许通货膨胀。罗伯特?巴罗认为没有效果,因为人们预计今天的刺激政策需要未来的税收来买单,于是减少当前的消费以储备资金,用于支付这些未来的税赋。大多数人能够理解这些基本的想法,并自己决定哪些看法是说得过去的,哪些看法他们认为是不现实的。  经济学家还有另一个美德,就是他们非常善于指出彼此的逻辑错误。总体而言,经济学家们都是非常聪明、敏锐的人。就像其他所有人那样,他们容易过分自信并过于依赖自己未经证实的理论。但是当他们这么做时,其他经济学家通常会逮他们个正着!因此,为了避开过分相信某位经济学家听上去自信的臆断,你应当听听在此理由Should We Trust Economists? 经济学家可信吗?论文资料由论文网提供,转载请保留地址.上持另一种意见的经济学家有何观点。  经济学家并不是知道世界如何运转或该如何对其进行精细调整的关键专家,无论我们可能多么希望他们是这样的人。他们不是技工。如果他们像汽车技工那样做事,你应当立即产生怀疑。但是他们的确有很多有趣的意见可以提供。他们可能会帮助你澄清或重新评估你自己关于经济如何运转的看法。他们还能够帮助你发现别人论断中的缺陷。  最终,你是那位皇家御医。你或许并不是无所不知,但王子奄奄一息,而你得从你已有的“专家”中挑选出一位。  1.leech [li?t?] n. 水蛭,蚂蟥  2.humor [?hju?m?(r)] n. (中世纪生理学中所称对人的健康和性情起决定作用的)体液  3.epistle [??p?sl] n. 书信体诗文  4.bread mold:[微]面包霉(通常指出现在霉面包等上的黑根霉)  5.penicillin [?pen??s?l?n] n. [药]青霉素  6.dungeon [?d?nd??n] n. 地牢  7.op-ed page:〈美〉(报纸的)专栏版,特写稿版(由专栏作者等署名撰文,与社论版相对)  8.charlatan [???l?t?n] n. 假装内行的人;冒充者;骗子  9.crank [kr??k] n. 怪人  10.for all:虽然,尽管  11.dynamic sto
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