
  印度防长马诺哈尔&帕里卡尔(Manohar Parrikar)日前与俄罗斯防长谢尔盖&绍伊古(Sergei Shoigu)刚刚在莫斯科商讨了一系列军事项目,包括印度购买俄制S-400&凯旋&(Triumf)防空导弹系统以及租借俄方一艘第二代核动力潜艇等。预计这印度总理莫迪与俄总统普京12月初举行峰会时两人会签署这些协议。
  此外,印俄两军每年也举行一次&因德拉&海上军事演习。而去年8月到9月,两国的空军还在靠近里海的阿斯特拉罕地区举行了首次&因德拉&印俄空中联合军演。值得一提的是,印度与在过去十年里进行了80多次联合军演。(实习编译:徐军 审稿:谭利娅)
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发表时间: 12:29
看印度如何看待中俄海上联合军演 &&
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  Beijing: China will join Russia later this week for its largest-ever naval drills with a foreign partner, underscoring deepening ties between the former Cold War rivals along with Beijing&s desire for closer links with regional militaries.
  China has long been a key customer for Russian military hardware, but only in the last decade have their militaries begun taking part in joint exercises.
  China&s Defense Ministry said Tuesday that its navy will send four destroyers, two guided missile frigates, and a support ship for the &Joint Sea-2013& exercises, which start Friday in the Sea of Japan and run through July 12. The ships departed Monday from the port of Qingdao, where China&s Northern Fleet is based, headed for the rallying point in Peter the Great Bay near Vladivostok.
  &This marks our navy&s single biggest deployment of military force in a China-foreign joint exercise,& the ministry said.
  Gen. Fang Fenghui, the People&s Liberation Army chief of the general staff, announced the exercises during a visit to Moscow, where he met with his Russian counterpart, Valery Gerasimov. The two also announced that another round of anti-terrorism joint drills would be held in Russia&s Ural Mountain region of Chelyabinsk from July 27 to August 15.
  人民解放军总参谋长Gen. Fang Fenghui在访问莫斯科期间宣布了要进行此次演习,他与俄罗斯的参谋长Valery Gerasimov进行了会面。双方还宣布将于7.27至8.15期间在俄罗斯的乌拉尔山区域进行联合反恐军事演习。
  In comments reported by the official Liberation Army Daily, Fang emphasized that outsiders should not consider the exercises threatening.
  中国官方的解放军日报报道称,Gen. Fang Fenghui强调说围观者不要把这次的演习看作是一次威胁
  &The joint drill conducted by the two militaries of China and Russia do not target any third parties. Their aim is to deepen cooperation between the two militaries in the training field, boost capacity in coordinating military activities, and serve the purpose of safeguarding regional security and stability,& Fang said.
  Gen. Fang Fenghui说道,“中俄进行的此次联合军演不针对第三方,他们的目标就深化两国在军事演习领域的合作,加强军事训练的合作能力,达到维护区域和平稳定的目标”
  China began deploying ships to the anti-piracy flotilla off the coast of Somalia in 2008 and in recent years its navy has joined in a series of joint drills in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Chinese land units also have taken part in border security and anti-terrorism exercises organized by the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  Cooperation with the U.S. Navy, the predominant maritime force in the region, has been more limited, although China will take part next year in the U.S.-organized multinational Rim of the Pacific exercises, the world&s largest maritime exercise.
  A T M C
  China nor Russia will never attack the U S. They only have 2 aircraft carriers between them -- and their operational ability is not 24/7.
  The U S has 27 (IIRC) aircraft carriers -- with nearly a dozen of them being the super huge variety that no other nation on earth has.
  Simply put -- you need aircraft carriers to wage international war.
  casual_ observer l l
  This is great. We get to see state of the art Russian hardware and their cheap knockoff copies in action.
  anti_ god suck it
  Someone needs to be prepared to defend us against the Fourth Reich
  Mont go mery
  The worst thing that ever happened to America was when it became the lone super power.
  W 3k 1 ll suck 3rs
  Who would purchase the goods that the Chinese economy produces if we (read, U S A) are at war with each other? Have no fear.
  My Name Is Not Legion
  America has enough nukes to destory the world in less than an hour. So does Russia. China has enough to destory a continent.
  A Moron ask for it
  Excellent, two intelligent nations working together to prepare for the future.
  Basically looking at global domination coming to a head, its time to gather a response, for sure.
  F o o l l
  How do you say &Thanks Obama& in Chinese and Russian?
  Thanks Obama
  Благодаря Обаме
  Gato Na na shi
  Do the Chinese participate in Red Flag?
  American Sales man
  Largest-ever small joint military drills
  Harro how u do here
  This would be so awesome, if the title of this link didn&t have those last two words.
  I sent rope to save
  China and Russia have long been focused on deterring the U S rather than actually threatening its strength. China has no hope in beating the U S in an offensive war, but it can hope to bleed it dry if the U S were ever to impose on its shores.
  The U S still has quite a few laurels to sit on before China and Russia begin to credibly challenge U S military might. It is incredible, actually, the extent to which the U S controls various aspects of the world. The U S Dollar is used in the vast majority of international trade, particularly for oil, the U S has thousands of bases worldwide and allies that effectively surround most nations which are not part of its defense alliance, and the U S is still a significant leader of technological advancement which accounts for nearly 40% of all R & D expenditure in the world.
  So long as these remain the basis of U S hegemony, China could even outspend the U S in defense and yet it would take decades to be a significant rival.
  Ama deus K
  I do not believe the Chinese could ever out spend the U S in military tech. I do not believe the Chinese and Russians combined could outspend the U S.
  Xer xes _her pes
  the U S has thousands of bases worldwide
  Lost mess age l
  if anyone is interested, last year Russian troops were in Colorado doing the same counterterrorism drills that they will conduct with China. Joint military exercises are pretty common
  James A Quin tero
  I think China and Russia are doing the military drills because of North Korea. The U S has bolstered their military in that region because of North Korean threats and China and Russia want to make sure the U S doesn&t get any ideas. I think this is to show the U S that they&re not going to be pushed around.
  A T C bram
  You don&t think it has to do with the U S A calling China our #1 enemy and calling Russia an enemy?
  It could have something to do with that. Just saying.
  X er xes_ her pes
  And the U S could have food self-sufficiency if it needed to right now.
  So, energy and food, what more do you need in a crisis?
  edit: actually, the U S has potential autarky...already.


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