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【笔试必看】汇丰银行verbal42+12经典试题内含答案(三) - 乔布简历
21. The increasing fragility of the rural economy will be the biggest challenge facing country communities over the next ten years. Agriculture, which accounts for a quarter of rural job, is in decline.
Tourism provides no more than half this number of job. The rural manufacturing sector, however, has grown over last ten years. Despite this, it still employs fewer than one in twenty people living in rural area, and is threatened by companies based in industrial areas, which benefit from access to a larger skilled workforce and better transportation networks.
Industries based in rural areas benefit from better transport links. F
Manufacturing provides the fewest jobs in the countryside. C
The manufacturing sector is likely to be the main source of employment for rural workers in the future. C
Industries based in rural areas suffer from poorer transport links. T
22. In recent years, many issues have been considered when attempting to ameliorate the wellbeing of patients and the efficiency of hospital administration. Patients have often complained about endless waiting lists, low standards of cleanliness, poor hospital food, and unsatisfactory doctor-patient communication and now, according to an expert from a leading image consultancy, doctors’ dress codes and their general appearance must come under close scrutiny.
Of healthcare professionals have an unwashed appearance, dirty nails or unkempt hair, this exudes the impression of recklessness, wearing red reminds patients of blood, and power dressing is discouraged because patients may feel undermined and less relaxed. Although campaign groups approve of healthcare professionals leading by example with high standards of hygiene in hospitals, some individuals argue that this potential new image legislation is merely a case of jumping on the bandwagon of the current media trend for home and lifestyle makeovers.
Individuals have argued that the current media trend for lifestyle makeover is direct result of the concern over the image of new legislations. F因果关系反了
New hospital legislation states that healthcare professionals must have clean fingernails. T
It is always preferable for healthcare professionals to wear blue instead of red. C
23. One of the great paradoxes of entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs must develop the capacity to engage the urgent with the emergent. Routine pressures force us to allow the urgent to dominate us, quarterly reports, market share, and tangible return on investment become paramount in this paradox, emergent (strategic) issues are often lost.
The urgent presents itself in tangible shape and form, whereas the emergent is subtler in its appearance. Entrepreneurs need to pre-sense emergent reality, thus they require more than ordinary attentiveness.
However, information consumes the attention of the recipient, and urgent information is by nature more demanding of attention than emergent. Yet it is an awareness of the emergent that frequently distinguishes the successful leader, the individual who can see through the reactive demands of day-to-day urgency to act rapidly upon the emergent trends that, if capitalized upon, can ensure commercial triumph.
One way of ensuring time to identify the emergent is to make time for reflective moments in work life in order to restore the quality of attentiveness and see through the fog of the immediate.
It is easier to spot an emergent trend than an urgent issue. F
The present tends to be governed by the immediate demands. T
It is easy to lose sight of the strategic issues given the demands that immediate issues make. T
24. Some doctors claim that any information received from a patient during a medical consultation is subject ethically to absolute confidentiality and can in no circumstance be revealed without the patient’s permission. Without such a rule, they believe that patients would not supply all of the information needed to treat them. Most however, believe that their obligations to society override their obligatio
for example, being prepared to report to the police a patient who persisted in driving, despite the existence of a condition that rendered them unsafe. One reason for such a conflict is that whilst courts recognize the confidentiality of exchange between lawyers and clients, this is not extended to doctor and patients.
A doctor would report to the police a patient who was a danger to others. C(T)
Patients rarely give permission for a doctor to discuss their medical details with others. C
Doctors are in agreement about the ethics and practice of patient confidentiality. F
25. Private airline companies have always been determined to operate a transport system that is safe for passengers, whilst still remaining competitively priced and commercially viable.
However, a private sector business can only remain viable if it generates profits for its shareholders. Recent reports suggest that if all aircrafts were fitted with military derived ground-to-air missile defense system, and at all airports there was infallible screening for weapons and explosives then the system would be much safer.
However, totally effective screening would preclude all possibility of profit, and current systems are still very thorough, whilst also providing a good cost-benefit ratio.
Military aircraft are safer than commercial craft. C(T)
(More effective airline security systems than are currently in use are available. T
Current airline security systems provide the best possible mix of cost against benefit. C
26. Full employment is a concept, which is often referred to but seldom defined. Beveridge’s description comes close to what most economists understand by the term. In his view full employment means that “unemployment is reduced to short intervals of standing by, with the certainty that very soon one will be wanted in one’s old job again or will be wanted in a new job that is within one’s powers.”
In other words, full employment does not mean zero unemployment, but allows for some measure of acceptable unemployment, for example, “frictional” unemployment whilst changing jobs.
Definitions of full employment are abundant. F
Some economists do not understand full employment in Beveridge’s terms. C
In B’s view, full employment incorporates those unemployed people who are certain to regain work very shortly. T
27. The typical share-save scheme is a regular savings plan that gives employees the opportunity to purchase shares in 3.5 or 7 years time, should they choose to exercise the purchase option, at a discounted price fixed before the saving period starts. In addition to potential financial gains, the employee also has the opportunity to participate in future company development through the acquisition of shares.
The employee does not have to pay income tax on any gains made on the exercise of the option to buy shares, though there may be a liability to capital gains tax if the shares are sold and the resulting gains cause that particular employee’s level of capital gains liability to exceed the annual exempt amount.
Employees usually exercise the option to sell their shares at the end of the saving period. C
Employees do not automatically have to pay Capital Gains Tax as a consequence of participating in share-save scheme. T
Individuals who sell shares generate no potential tax liability. F C
28. Staff monitoring is a particularly issue for managers – the only kind of staff monitoring not subject to regulation is where one individual watches another. Once any recording starts, even if it is manual, monitoring is subject to the Data Protection Act – employees need to be told about monitoring takes place and why.
The information gathered has to be kept secure, and affected staffs have the right to see information related to them. Whilst a person’s consent is not required, he or she must be consulted about the processing of personal information (monitoring data is construed as “personal”), and monitoring practices must not cause unnecessary stress.
However, covert monitoring without consultation may be used, but only in particularly serious circumstances, such as when a staff member is suspected of dishonest. In such a case, the covert surveillance (e.g. hidden cameras) must be in targeted areas and at times when the dishonest behavior is expected- any other information must be disregarded.
It is not possible to avoid the Data Protection Act when monitoring staff. T
Managers find it difficult to justify the use of covert monitoring procedures. C
Any employee in a building where monitoring is taking place may see all of the information collected. F
29. Without exception, living non-human primates habitually more around on all fours, or quadrupedally, when they are on the ground.
Scientists generally assume therefore that the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees (our closest living relative) was also a quadrupted. Exactly when the last common ancestor lived is unknown, but clear indications of bipedalism, the trait that distinguishes ancient humans from other apes, are evident in the oldest known species of Australopithecus, which lived in Africa roughly four millions years ago.
Bipedal apes are more evolutionarily advantaged than quadrupedal ones. C
Bipedalism is the main trait that distinguishes ancient humans from Australopithecus. F
Australopithecus is as closely related to ancient man as to the chimpanzee. F C
30. A new computer program can tell whether a book was written by a man or a woman. The simple scan of key words and syntax is about 80% accurate on both fiction and non-fiction.
The program’s success seems to confirm the stereotypical perception of differences in male and female language use. Crudely put, men talk more about objects and women more about relationships.
Female writers use more pronouns (I, you, she, myself), whilst males prefer words that identify or determine nouns (a, the, that) and words that quantify them (one, two, more). These differing styles have previously been called “involved” and “informational”, respectively.
The algorithm within the program was initially trained on a few test cases to identify the most prevalent fingerprints of gender and of fiction and non-fiction. The algorithm can now be focused on new bodies of text.
Strikingly, the distinctions between male and female writers are much the same as those that, even more clearly, differentiate non fiction-and fiction. The program can tell these two genre s apart with 98% accuracy.
Stereotype s are generally based on fact. C
Women are more likely than men to adopt an “informational” style of written communication. F
The program is more accurate at identifying the gender of the writer then the fiction or non-fiction content of the passage. F
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31. Sandford Group’s first end of year announcement since the takeover of SPX Inc placed much emphasis on the period of extreme transformation and development undergone by the company.
Emphasis was placed on the admirable way that its employees had steered the company through a turbulent six months, and subsequent benefits that were being reaped, such as a steady growth of the Sandford brands in the marketplace.
Whilst recognizing that the takeover had been undertaken as a way of increasing market share, rather than improving efficiency, the announcement made much of the substantial yet somewhat unintended cost reductions that had taken place. This was explained by the swift introduction of SPX’s computer systems which permitted a Group headcount cut and also the subletting of surplus office space.
The time since takeover has not always been easy for Sandford. T (six months)
The takeover achieved more for the company than was initially planned. T
The performance of the Sandford brands was poor prior to the takeover. C
32. Total stocks of most minerals in the earth’s crust are still large in relation to the current rates of use, and a high proportion of the minerals that are consumed in the production process could, in principle, be recycled.
The technological and financial constraints on recycling such concentrations of minerals are considerable, however, and there is no guarantee that these constraints could be overcome. Substitution of abundant for scarce resources would avoid the problem, but such substitution is not always technologically feasible.
The technical constraints of recovering any mineral are considerable. F
Most of the minerals consumed in the production process can be economically recycled. C
It is wrong to assume that the substitution of abundant for scarce resources will create insurmountable technical problems on every occasion. T
33. The controversial new code on corporate governance has been reassessed and significantly changed in advance of publication.
Following intense pressure from company directors many of the original proposals have been scrapped, and many others have been watered down to reduce the pressure of compliance on organizations.
Overall, the revisions have resulted in the removal of rules that restrict company behaviors in favor of the introduction of a recommendations-based approach, which does not set specific standards of behavior.
The changes have highlighted the divide between company directors, who generally support the changes as vital to keep away from a culture of rule avoidance, and other shareholder groups who believe that a best practice approach lacks teeth and will not result in greater board accountability.
Following the revision, the code is now much more prescriptive in its approach to corporate governance. F C
Company directors and shareholders are in agreement that something has to be done to improve processes of corporate governance. F
A culture of rule avoidance leads to less board accountability. C
34. The location of a shop operated by a charity in an affluent neighborhood could be deemed extremely advantageous because this increases the potential for a continuous supply of highly valuable donations.
However, this may be counterbalanced by an exorbitant rent for the property. Of fundamental importance to the success of the shop is a dedicated group of volunteers who should sort through donations promptly to ensure that items are quickly made available for purchase, in order to promote financial prosperity.
Volunteers and staff must be vigilant of thieves, to which these shops are particularly susceptible, usually due to a lack of security cameras or bar codes on the item.
The only factor affecting the financial success of a shop operated by a charity is its location. F
Shops operated by charitable organizations are particularly vulnerable to shoplifter if there are no security cameras or bar codes on items. T
It is less likely that shops operated by charities which are situated in affluent neighborhoods will have volunteers who are more dedicated, than those in less wealthy neighborhoods. C
An increase in security measures in shops operated by charities will usually encourage individuals from affluent areas to donate more high quality items. C
If volunteers do not sort the donations hastily, this could lead to a potential loss in sales. T
Before the introduction of bar codes and security cameras, shops operated by charitable organizations were as vulnerable to theft as other shops. T
35. The prospect of accepting negative feedback about ourselves elicits conflict, as we need to assess the immediate emotional costs of negative information about ourselves against the long-term benefits of gaining useful feedback.
Studies have confirmed what most managers seem to have known already, that the mood we in whilst receiving feedback often influences the relative weight people
assign to emotional costs versus the informational benefits of receiving negative feedback.
The studies that have been carried out have demonstrated that positive moods can function as a buffer and therefore enable people affected in this way to both accept, as well as better handle, the emotional costs of negative self-related information .
Managers are increasingly taking employees’ moods into consideration when providing them with negative feedback regarding their performance. C
Accepting negative feedback involves a trade-off between short-term and long-term costs and benefits. T
An individual’s mood will have no effect on how negative feedback is received. F
36. Over the past decade there has been a steady growth in the holiday industry whilst the number of travel agencies has declined. This is due to the increasing number of customers who are booking their holidays online, because of a quicker and more financially viable service.
However, specialist travel agencies, such as those focusing on particular regions or holiday activities, remain successful as they have an in-depth understanding of a region and the customers who go there.
The staffs are also multilingual, and thanks to their specialized knowledge they can provide good deals, meaning that their prices are often lower than non-specialist travel agents and online companies.
A travel agent’s specialist knowledge can be used to the financial benefit of the customer. T
It is not always more expensive for the customer to book holidays with a travel agent. T
More people are booking their holidays online rather than through a travel agent, even though it takes longer to find the right holiday this way. F(quicker)
37. Significant advances in float furnace design and operation, in the development of glass compositions, and in the glass forming process itself have all played a role in the optimization of glass manufacturing.
For example, thermodynamic modeling assists with the enhancement of glass composition and offers control over devitrification characteristics, and studies examining burner design, to ensure flames have maximum luminosity (光泽) and impinge on the glass at the correct angle, aid the minimization of fuel consumption .
The exploitation of such advanced research allows glass manufacturers to reduce their expenditure on fuel, decrease their defect rates and produce glass of the highest quality, all of which are important if they are to retain their commercial standing and customer loyalty.
Glass of a higher quality is produced when the float furnace is at its maximum temperature. C
The radiance(光泽) of furnace flames has no direct impact on the amount of fuel used in the glass-forming process. C
Ensuring the flames come into contact with the glass at a particular point can reduce the amount of energy required in the glass manufacturing process. T
38. Amateur scientists have long been attracted to the discipline of astronomy, and professional astronomers are frequently supportive of their contribution to the science. Indeed, amateur astronomers have often been the first to spot an uncharted comet or star.
Until now, the required scientific equipment has, unfortunately, been largely very expensive, varying according to the intricacy and size of the apparatus. According to some scientists, however, the spread of new, cheap technology, particularly in information and date management, promises to dramatically change and facilitate amateur-professional interaction, and collaboration.
Amateur-professional collaboration will contribute to the advancement of astronomy. T
In the past, all scientific equipment required for research in astronomy was very expensive. C
Following the spread of new, and cheaper technology, more amateur scientists are collaborating with professionals. C T
39. Scientists believe we are experiencing a dramatic change in the overall climate system, verified by the 10-15 cm rise in sea levels over the last 100 years and the increases in severe weather conditions.
Although climate change occurs naturally, scientists believe human activities have led to increased carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide concentrations(二氧化碳,甲烷和一氧化二氮浓度), leading to climate changes and, in turn, observed increases in sea levels, atmospheric temperatures, and erratic weather systems.
This means that today’s climate shift differs dramatically from previous shifts in climates in both magnitude and rate.
Scientific research suggests that advancing sea levels, rising temperatures and severe weather conditions caused by climate change will result in a host of negative consequences such as a threat to international trade patterns, an increase in the movement of tropical disease, and an increased risk of forest fires and landslides.
Only the difference in velocity distinguishes current climates shifts from previous shifts. F
The enormity of alterations to our climate system has never been experienced by human beings before. T
People will catch more tropical disease due to climate change. C
40. Human mortality, whilst consisting of unpredictable individual events, has a statistical regularity when averaged across a large group. This makes possible a whole host of products, of which the annuity is one.
The price of an annuity paying a fixed regular income for life is based upon the statistical life expectancy of the purchaser at the time the annuity is to begin. The company selling the annuity will benefit from all those customers that die earlier than predicted, while customers are attracted by the prospect of guaranteed income for as long as they live.
Annuities have the disadvantage that the capital invested is unrecoverable (i.e. upon the death of annuitant nothing is left for the heirs), but that fact also enables annuities to guarantee higher payments than could be obtained if the same sum of money were invested at interest.
The heirs of a person who buy an annuity tend to be against the purchase. C
Essentially, the purchaser of an annuity is gambling that they will live long enough to receive a good return on their investment. T
Annuity returns are generally similar to returns from investing the money in an interest bearing accounts. F(没有利息)
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