如何评价我国当前的财政政策 财经类论文发表

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话题:结合中国经济实际说明如何利用财政政策与货币政策进行宏观调...方法:货币政策主体是一国货币当局(一般为中央银行)。 2、政策目标有区别。 虽然经济增长、物价稳定、充分就业和国际收支平衡等都是财政政策和货币政策的宏观经济目标,但各有...总结:以上为关于宏观调控中的货币政策_货币政策宏观调控例子_宏观调控手段的问题及解决方法!论文:简析我国当前的积极财政政策-中大网校论文网上传用户:ksdenkoqdw资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)积极的财务政策是针对微观经济周期动摇当局采用的一系列反周期的财务办法,它被世界列国用于在经济阑珊时代安慰花费需求、拉动经济增加。我国曾经实行两轮积极的财务政策,1998年为了应对亚洲金融危机带来的影响,国度第一轮实行了积极的财务政策,这一政策一向实行到2004年,随后改变为稳健的财务政策。2008岁尾我国针对美国次贷危机惹起的庞杂国际经济情势开端实行新一轮积极财务政策。到2010年,我国积极财务政策关于克制经济阑珊,坚持较高经济增加速度起到了相当主要的感化。然则国际经济情势仍然不晴明,财务安慰筹划在社会产物供应多余的情况下招致了物价的下跌,因而,现阶段政策一方面须要持续坚持经济增加,另外一方面须要避免临盆多余再现和通货收缩、财务赤字扩展等财务风险。同时,跟着经济下滑趋向获得稳定,世界列国也都在斟酌加入经济安慰筹划。在此配景下,我国新一轮积极财务政策的实行面对须要调剂的压力,并须要为未来加入铺好途径。鉴于积极财务政策的制订和调剂须要综合斟酌政策的效应、实行后果和政策风险和将来成长趋向等身分,本文将对我国积极财务政策的实行情形和政策效应停止研讨。斟酌到政策感化有积极的一面也有消极的一面,本文将在剖析积极财务政策根本道理和实行情形的基本上,从拉动经济等正效应和带来风险等负效应两个方面研讨积极财务政策的政策效应,并磨练积极财务政策的政策后果,经由过程对积极财务政策的研讨,理清反周期财务政策的实际基本,总结我国两次实行积极财务政策的经历经验,联合评价积极财务政策的财务风险,提出积极财务政策调剂的根本思绪及其加入机制,并对新一轮积极财务政策的立异停止评论辩论,以丰硕我国财务实际和政策的内容。本文起首总结我国两轮积极财务政策的实行与停顿,并对二者停止比拟剖析,为进一步剖析积极财务政策的效应和实行政策调剂铺下基本。在剖析积极财务政策效应时,分离对政策的正效应和负效应停止剖析,个中,正效应平分别斟酌了政策实行对经济增加、投资增加和花费增加的拉动效应,而且每一个效应都对1998年和2008年的政策效应睁开评论辩论,一方面为剖析两轮政策效应供给证据,另外一方面经由过程比拟也可为新一轮积极财务政策的调剂供给参考看法。为了评价积极财务政策效应的现实后果,本文从乘数效应和挤出效应、李嘉图等价和主动后果和工资后果等几个方面临积极财务政策的后果停止评价,应用实证剖析办法对政策后果停止考核,一方面为新一轮政策供给丰硕的实际和实际基本,另外一方面也是加倍周全地评价积极财务政策的政策功能。别的,鉴于新一轮积极财务政策中面对新的情形,须要实行调剂以从基本上调理国际构造性抵触、削减对政策调控的依附和开辟国际经济增加的内涵动力,本文从政策对象之间、泉币政策与财务政策之间调和合营和政策加入机制等方面停止评论辩论。本文基于财务政策的实际基本,针对我国1998年和2008年两轮积极财务政策实行进程,研讨了积极财务政策的实行情形和政策效应,重要结论有:(1)我国1998年和2008年两轮实行的积极财务政策都获得明显后果。两轮积极财务政策,都遭到内部身分的壮大冲击,都有当局收入的扩大,然则新一轮的积极财务政策不只扩展当局收入,还实行减税政策,加倍重视国际需求、平易近生工程和经济构造调剂,而且积极财务政策在微观调控中占领主导位置。(2)积极财务政策在增进经济增加、投资和居平易近花费方面具有积极效应。第一,积极的财务政策经由过程增长财务收入和调剂财务收入构造施展了增进经济增加的感化。年每元的当局购置收入,可以拉动GDP增长5。29元,与国外比拟,我国的当局收入对经济的拉举措用效力照样较低。2009年新一轮积极财务政策实行进程中,当局收入对进出口的影响是明显的,然则当局收入关于月度的工业产值增加率的影响是不明显的,能够与2009年以来我国的积极财务政策重要投向了基本项目扶植和平易近生项目中有关。第二,年间,我国这一时代采取刊行国债带动固定资产投资的增长拉动了经济的增加:本钱构成对经济增加的进献率和拉动率在年的三年间是上升的,特别是2009年我国采取刊行国债、处所债带动固定资产投资的增长明显的带动了经济的增加。第三,年间,积极的财务政策极年夜地安慰了国际花费需求,但这一时代花费拉动经济增加的感化愈来愈低。2008年金融危机以来我国经由过程实行积极财务政策极年夜地带动了花费需求,对经济增加有显著的感化,当局重要依附撬动国际经济的需求来带动经济增加,我国这一时代花费拉动经济增加的感化愈来愈年夜。2008岁尾实行积极财务政策后居平易近花费遭到国度平易近生工程的影响,花费志愿年夜为加强,积极的财务政策对居平易近花费的拉动照样很明显的。(3)我国财务政策后果依附当局收入,税收对政策后果具有反感化。第一,跟着积极财务政策的实行,其后果逐步削弱,积极财务政策的“压缩效应”逐步显现,积极财务政策须要停止转型。第二,积极财务政策的扩大感化重要依附的是购置收入的工资后果,税收和转移收入的后果恰好被抵消。积极财务政策实行早期的后果很好,跟着时光的成长后果就会变弱。积极财务政策的工资后果多为负数,而主动后果多为正数,使得积极财务政策的全体后果年夜打扣头。第三,对我国财务收入、财务赤字与平易近间花费之间的关系停止磨练后以为李嘉图等价定理在中国不成立。(4)积极财务政策的连续实行招致财务风险等负效应加年夜,当局投资对平易近间投资具有挤出效应。第一,实行积极财务政策时代,我国的赤字范围敏捷增长。巨额的财务赤字,能够激发响应的债权风险。第二,政策功效出现递加效应。我国的国债刊行对经济增加的拉举措用在递加,同时,财务政策对平易近间投资与国际花费安慰效应也在递加。别的,当局投资对平易近间投资还具有挤出效应。第三,新一轮积极财务带来了通货收缩压力。别的,因为扩展收入和削减税收的缘由,新一轮积极财务政策中处所当局的财务风险加年夜。2010年以来,积极财务政策完成经济苏醒的目的根本到达,跟着财务风险的加年夜政策后果弱化,政策若何调剂从而防止“过早”或许“过晚”带来新的风险是政策制订者必需要斟酌的成绩。积极财务政策的择机慢慢调剂,不只包括四年夜政策对象的组合优化,还有与泉币政策的调和成绩;而积极财务政策的加入则须要斟酌财务、泉币的前后次序和财务政策对象的应用,特别是当局财务收入政策的加入计谋。本文给出的建议有:(一)新一轮积极财务政策的调剂第一,优化构造与政策调剂。经济“V”型苏醒形式下的积极财务政策是一个扩大性收入办法和调剂性收入办法的综合体。这轮积极财务政策请求重视短时间“保增加”和历久“调构造”的联合、扩展内需和稳固外需的联合、复兴家当和增强科技支持的联合、改良平易近生和增强社会保证系统扶植的联合、深化改造与改变成长方法的联合。一是财务收入政策调剂,应恰当调剂财务投资构造,加年夜对制约经济社会成长软弱环节的财务投入力度。二是税收政策调剂,对现行税制中的不公道环节停止标准和调剂,如撤消部门高耗能家当的出口退税,加年夜构造性减税政策力度,联合改造和优化税制,实施构造性减税等方法加重企业和居平易近税收累赘,增进企业扩展投资,加强居平易近花费才能。三是完美财务投融资系统、增强公债治理,完美处所债的刊行和治理机制。第二,完美政策带动效应。财务政接应保持公共财务的偏向,经由过程政策安慰带动花费需求,特别国际花费需求来减缓这些抵触。个中,一个主要方面就是经由过程公共财务轨制保证每个社会成员都能公正享用到根本的公共办事和公共产物,使经济成长的结果转化为保证每小我的根本成长需求。(二)新一轮积极财务政策的加入机制全球性的经济危机注定了在采用加入战略的方法上要采用全球调和的方法,二十国团体、国际泉币基金组织及金融稳固委员会将作为加入战略的重要调和者。关于国际经济政策的加入机制,要做到:第一,保持宽松泉币政策先加入。在今朝经济情势逐步变暖的配景下,后期宽松的泉币政策无疑为将来的通货收缩埋下了隐患。是以,有备无患地制订好泉币政策的加入机制是列国央行所面对的一个实际成绩。第二,缩减当局收入、完美税收调剂。为了削减财务风险和合营泉币政策的履行,积极的、扩大性的财务政策须要转型乃至加入,财务政策的合时调剂和转型是必定的选择,重要的方面就是要缩减当局收入和完美税收政策的调剂,一方面掌握赤字、增收节支,另外一方面调剂构造、推动改造。(三)新一轮积极财务政策的政策立异2010年国际经济因为财务扩大带来的物价下跌趋向很显著,积极财务政策须要立异,经由过程调控手腕的改变,充足施展杠杆感化来促使经济构造调剂。第一,需求治理与供应治理偏重。往后的财务政接应采用需求治理与供应治理偏重的战略,收入政策、税收政策和转移付出等政策对象感化的重点应改变到推进经济构造调剂、晋升人力本钱、培养历久增加机制、尽力完成公正支出分派等方面。第二,引诱社会"预期。加速以改良平易近生为重点的社会事业扶植,依据社会事业成长纪律和公共办事的分歧特色,摸索有用的财务保证方法,树立健全保证和改良平易近生的长效机制,以此为基本,稳固和改良居平易近花费预期,增进即期花费,拉动花费需求带动经济历久成长。Abstract:Positive financial policy is the micro economic cycle shaken authorities have adopted a series of anti periodic financial measures, it is for the nations of the world in recession era comfort consumer demand, stimulating economic growth. China has practiced two rounds of positive financial policy, in 1998 in response to the Asian financial crisis brought about by the impact, the country in the first round of the implementation of the positive financial policy, the policy has been implemented to 2004, and then change the sound financial policies. The end of 2008 in China for the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis caused by the complicated international economic situation began to implement a new round of positive financial policy. By 2010, the positive financial policy on the restraint of economic recession, adhere to the high economic increase speed plays a very important role. However the international economic situation is still not clear, financial comfort planning in social product supply excess lead to falling prices. Therefore, the present stage of policy on the one hand need continue to adhere to the economic growth, on the other hand need to avoid financial risks of parturient redundant representation and inflation, finance deficit expansion. At the same time, along with the economic slowdown was stable, all the countries in the world are considering entering economic comfort planning. Under this background, a new round of China's positive financial policy to adjust the pressure of the face, and you need to join the paved way for the future. In view of the positive financial policy formulation and adjustment needs comprehensive consider the policy effect, the implementation of the consequences and the risk of policy and the future development trend of identity. In this paper, the positive financial policy of our country implement situation and policy effect research. Considering the policy effect has a positive side and negative side, this article in the analysis of fundamental principle of positive financial policy and implementing situation basically, from the policy effect of positive effect of stimulating the economy and bring the risk of the negative effects of the two aspects of positive financial policy, and financial policy exercise positive consequences through a discussion on the positive financial policy, the actual basic clear countercyclical financial policy, summarizes our country two times to implement active financial policy experience, combined with evaluation of positive financial policy of financial risk, and puts forward the basic thoughts of positive financial policy adjustment and joining mechanism, and a new round of positive financial policy innovation to comment on the debate with great practical and policy, our country's financial content. This paper summarizes the implementation of China's two rounds and pause of the proactive fiscal policy, and the two were compared and analyzed, to further analyze the positive effect of financial policy and carry out policy adjustment laid the basic. In the analysis of the positive financial policy effect, separating the positive and negative effects on the policy analysis, medium, is flat effect respectively consider the policy implementation of the pulling effect on economic growth, increased investment and increase the cost of the and every effects are of 1998 and 2008 policy effect open comment debate, hand in order to analyze the effect of the two policy supply evidence, also through compare the process can also be for a new round of active financial policy to adjust the supply reference views. For the effects of positive financial policy evaluation practical consequences, this paper from the multiplier effect and crowding out effect, the Ricardian equivalence and active consequences and the wage consequences of Pro active financial policy consequences evaluation and application of empirical analysis method on the consequences of policy evaluation, on the one hand for a new round of policy supply rich theoretical and practical basic, on the other hand also redouble its comprehensive evaluation the policy function of positive financial policy. Other, in view of a new round of active financial policy in the face of new situation, need to implement relief to from basic conditioning the constructive conflict, cut to the regulation and control policy dependent and open international economic increase the connotation of power, this paper from between the object of policy, monetary policy and financial policy between harmonic joined mechanism in the joint venture and policy aspects of comment debate. In this paper, based on actual basic financial policy, in view of our country in 1998 and 2008 two rounds of positive financial policy implementation process, the study of the active financial policy implementation situation and policy effect, the important conclusions are: (1) implemented in China in 1998 and 2008 two rounds of positive financial policies have significant consequences. Two rounds of the proactive fiscal policy, by the identity of the internal shock and expansion, the expansion of government revenue, however, a new round of positive financial policy not only extended Revenue authorities, also the tax cuts, double pay attention to international demand, engineering and economic structural adjustment for people's livelihood, and the positive financial policy in macro-control occupied dominant position. (2) has a positive effect in promoting the positive financial policy, increase economic investment and residents spending. First, the positive financial policy through the process of growth of financial income and adjust financial income structure to promote economic increasing role play. A
yuan per purchase authority income, can pull the GDP growth of 5. 29 yuan, compared with the foreign and Chinese authorities on the economy pull move with income effect still low. In 2009 a new round of the proactive fiscal policy to implement process, the effect of Revenue authorities for import and export is obvious, however authorities income on the monthly industrial value added rate effect is not obvious to and 2009 years since China's positive financial policy to invest in the items of basic construction and the people's livelihood project about. Second, 1998 - 2003, this time in China take the issuance of treasury bonds drive fixed asset investment growth stimulating economic growth: capital formation on the economic growth contribution rate and pulling rate in the three years from 2007 to 2009 is rising, especially in 2009 in China take the issuance of treasury bonds, local debt driven growth in fixed asset investment obviously led to increased economic. Third, 1998 to 2003 years, the positive financial policy greatly comforted the international cost of demand, but this time spent fuel economic growth effect is more and more low. Since the 2008 financial crisis in our country through the process of implement the proactive fiscal policy greatly driven consumer demand, on economic growth have a significant effect, the foremost authorities attached leveraging international economic demand to drive economic growth, our country the times spent fuel economic growth effect is becoming more and more of the eve. 2008 suiwei, the implementation of the proactive fiscal policy after residents spent by the state people's livelihood project impact, volunteer big spending to strengthen, the positive financial policy of residents spend pull are still very obvious. (3) the financial policy of our country income tax consequences attached to authorities, has an effect on policy consequences. First, follow the positive financial policy, the consequences of the positive financial policy gradually weakened, &compression effect gradually, the positive financial policy to stop the transformation. Second, the positive financial policy is an important role to expand the attachment purchase income and transfer income tax consequences, the consequences were just offset. The positive financial policy early is very good, with the consequences of time will grow weaker. The wage consequences of positive financial policy, mostly negative, and active consequence is positive, the positive financial policy of all consequences sells at a discount greatly. Third, the financial deficit and the national financial income in our country, the relationship between the cost between the past stop hone thought Ricardo equivalence theorem does not hold in Chinese. (4) the positive financial policy implemented by continuous negative effects of financial risk increase, government investment has a crowding out effect on private investment. First, the implementation of positive financial policy era, our deficit rapid growth. The huge financial deficit, can stimulate the response of credit risk. Second, the policy effect appeared increasing effect. China's bond issuance to the economic growth of the used in increments of pull move. At the same time, financial policy to folk investment and the cost of the placebo effect also in increments. Other authorities, investment has a crowding out effect on private investment. Third, a new round of active finance brings inflation pressure. The other reason, because of the extension of income and tax cuts, a new round of positive financial policy in the local government financial risk increase. Since 2010, the positive financial policy to complete the purpose of economic recovery basically reaching, weakening and the eve of the policy consequences follow the financial risk, policy how to adjust so as to prevent &premature& or &late& to bring new risk scores are policy makers will need to consider. The proactive fiscal policy to choose slowly adjust, include not only the 'big four' policy object combination optimization, and with monetary policy
and the positive financial policy join needs to consider the application of financial, currency and order and financial policy object, especially government revenue policy to join strategy. This paper gives the suggestions are: (a) a new round of positive financial policy adjustment first, optimize the structure and policy adjustment. &V& type of economic recovery in the form of positive financial policy is a way to expand income and adjust income to the complex. This round of positive financial policy request attention time is short &maintaining growth& and long-term &structural adjustment& joint, expansion domestic demand and stabilize external demand joint, the revival of his possessions and enhanced support of science and technology joint, modified plain near students and strengthening social guarantee system construction of the joint, deepening the reform and change of growth methods of joint. One is the financial revenue policy adjustment, should be properly adjusted financial investment structure, increase the weak link of restricting economic and social development of the financial investment. Second tax policy adjustment, the current tax system of not reasonable link stop standard and adjust, such as undo sector consumes energy high the belongings of the export tax rebate, the eve of the structure of tax policy efforts, joint reconstruction and optimization of the tax system, the implementation of structural tax cuts and other methods increase enterprises and Ju Ping easily near the burden of tax and enhancing the enterprise investment expansion and strengthen residents spent almost to. Three is the perfect financial investment and financing system, strengthen debt governance, perfect the governance mechanism of debt issued premises. Second, perfect the policy driven effect. Financial assistance to maintain public financial bias, through the process of policy stimulus driven by consumer demand, especially the consumer demand to mitigate these conflicts. Medium, a major aspect is through the process of financial public rail system assurance, every member of society can just enjoy the basic public services and public products, enable economic growth results are transformed to ensure everyone's basic needs to grow. (II) a new round of the proactive fiscal policy to join the mechanism of the global economic crisis doomed the globally harmonized approach should be adopted in join strategy method is used, the G20 group, International Monetary Fund and the financial stability Committee as a strategic important harmony. Join the mechanism on international economic policy should be done: first, to maintain loose monetary policy to join. In the background of current economic situation gradually warming, the loose monetary policy is undoubtedly the future inflation potential problems. Is to make good, prepared against want join mechanism of currency policy is a real achievement nations faced by central banks. Second, the authorities reduced income, perfect tax relief. In order to reduce financial risk and joint venture spring monetary policy performance, positive, expanding financial policy needs transformation and join, the financial policy of timely adjustment and transformation is inevitable choice and important aspect is to reduce government revenue and perfect tax policy adjustment, on the one hand to grasp the deficit, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, on the other hand adjust structure, promote the transformation. (3) a new round of the proactive fiscal policy the policy innovation 2010 international economy because of the financial expansion bring prices down trend is very significant actively financial policies need innovation, through changes in process control of the wrist, cast sufficient lever action to promote economic structural adjustment. First, emphasis on the demand management and supply management. Future financial assistance with emphasis on the demand and supply of governance strategy, focus of incomes policy, tax policy and transfer payment, etc. policy object action should change to promote economic restructuring, promotion of human capital, develop long-term increase mechanism, make every effort to complete the justice Expenditure Assignment and so on. Second, to &social expectations. Accelerated to improved livelihood of the people as the focus of social undertakings construction, according to the social development discipline and public service of different characteristics, and explore useful financial assurance methods, establish and improve the long-term mechanism to guarantee and improve the livelihood of the people, to serve as the basic, stable and improved Ju Yi Ping spent almost expected, enhance immediate spending, stimulating consumer demand to drive economic long-term growth.目录:摘要2-6Abstract6-111 导论17-35&&&&1.1 研究背景与研究意义17-20&&&&&&&&1.1.1 研究背景17-18&&&&&&&&1.1.2 研究意义18-19&&&&&&&&1.1.3 基本概念19-20&&&&1.2 文献综述20-31&&&&&&&&1.2.1 国外文献综述20-25&&&&&&&&1.2.2 国内文献综述25-31&&&&1.3 研究框架与研究方法31-34&&&&&&&&1.3.1 框架结构31-32&&&&&&&&1.3.2 研究内容与方法32-34&&&&1.4 创新与不足34-352 积极财政政策的理论基础35-53&&&&2.1 宏观经济稳定政策35-44&&&&&&&&2.1.1 需求管理政策35-42&&&&&&&&2.1.2 供给管理政策42-43&&&&&&&&2.1.3 需求管理政策与供给管理政策的配合43-44&&&&2.2 积极财政政策的基本原理44-53&&&&&&&&2.2.1 积极财政政策的作用原理44-49&&&&&&&&2.2.2 积极财政政策的作用机制49-50&&&&&&&&2.2.3 积极财政政策的作用工具50-533 中国积极财政政策实施与进展53-73&&&&3.1 第一轮的积极财政政策:年53-61&&&&&&&&3.1.1 宏观经济运行背景53-55&&&&&&&&3.1.2 积极财政政策的主要内容55-59&&&&&&&&3.1.3 第一轮积极财政政策实施效果59&&&&&&&&3.1.4 积极财政政策的淡出与稳健财政政策实施:2003年—2008年59-61&&&&3.2 新一轮积极财政政策:2008年以来61-70&&&&&&&&3.2.1 宏观经济运行背景61-65&&&&&&&&3.2.2 新一轮积极财政政策的主要内容65-69&&&&&&&&3.2.3 新一轮积极财政政策实施效果69-70&&&&3.3 两轮积极财政政策的比较70-73&&&&&&&&3.3.1 两轮积极财政政策的相同点70-71&&&&&&&&3.3.2 两轮积极财政政策的不同点71-734 积极财政政策的政策效应73-94&&&&4.1 积极财政政策的经济增长效应73-75&&&&4.2 积极财政政策对投资的拉动效应75-79&&&&4.3 积极财政政策的消费拉动效应79-85&&&&&&&&4.3.1 我国积极财政政策与居民消费79-82&&&&&&&&4.3.2 我国居民长期边际消费倾向82-83&&&&&&&&4.3.3 我国居民短期边际消费倾向83-85&&&&4.4 税收政策的供给效应分析85-89&&&&&&&&4.4.1 税收政策的供给作用85-86&&&&&&&&4.4.2 我国税收政策对总供给的影响86-89&&&&4.5 积极财政政策的风险分析89-94&&&&&&&&4.5.1 积极财政政策带来的通货膨胀91-92&&&&&&&&4.5.2 积极财政政策带来的财政赤字92-945 积极财政政策效果的实证分析94-117&&&&5.1 财政支出对经济增长促进的实证分析94-97&&&&5.2 积极财政政策对投资拉动的实证分析97-99&&&&5.3 李嘉图等价定理检验99-103&&&&&&&&5.3.1 李嘉图等价定理99-100&&&&&&&&5.3.2 李嘉图等价定理的实证分析100-103&&&&5.4 积极财政政策的乘数效果103-107&&&&&&&&5.4.1 基本模型103-104&&&&&&&&5.4.2 数据整理104-105&&&&&&&&5.4.3 实证分析105-107&&&&5.5 积极财政政策的“挤出效应”107-110&&&&&&&&5.5.1 积极财政政策的“挤出效应”:弹性分析108-109&&&&&&&&5.5.2 积极财政政策的“挤出效应”:Granger因果检验109-110&&&&5.6 积极财政政策的人为效果和自动效果估算110-117&&&&&&&&5.6.1 基本模型110-112&&&&&&&&5.6.2 财政政策效果估计112-114&&&&&&&&5.6.3 积极财政政策效果分析114-1176 新一轮积极财政政策的调整117-143&&&&6.1 积极财政政策效果实现存在的问题117-125&&&&&&&&6.1.1 积极财政政策的时滞问题117-119&&&&&&&&6.1.2 积极财政政策各种工具的配合问题119-120&&&&&&&&6.1.3 积极财政政策与货币政策的配合问题120-122&&&&&&&&6.1.4 积极财政政策与货币政策配合的微观经济基础问题122-125&&&&6.2 新一轮积极财政政策的配合问题125-127&&&&&&&&6.2.1 支出政策与税收政策的配合125-126&&&&&&&&6.2.2 积极财政政策与适度宽松货币政策的配合126-127&&&&6.3 新一轮积极财政政策的调整与退出机制127-136&&&&&&&&6.3.1 新一轮积极财政政策的调整127-131&&&&&&&&6.3.2 新一轮积极财政政策的退出机制131-133&&&&&&&&6.3.3 积极的财政政策创新133-136&&&&6.4 基本结论与政策建议136-143&&&&&&&&6.4.1 基本结论136-139&&&&&&&&6.4.2 政策建议139-143参考文献143-148分享到:相关文献|}


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