
BEIJING, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- Foreign direct investment (FDI) into China hit a record 105.74 billion U.S. dollars last year, up 17.4 percent year on year, the Ministry of Commerce
(MOC) announced Tuesday.In December alone, China attracted 14.03 billion U.S. dollars of FDI, up 15.6 percent year on year, making it the 17th consecutive month of FDI growth since August
2009.The rapid FDI growth could be attributed to robust development in the service sector and the country's central and western regions, said MOC spokesman Yao Jian.FDI in the service
sector rose 28.6 percent last year and that in central and western regions climbed 27.6 percent year on year, Yao said.
MACAO, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao announced Saturday that China will launch a series of measures between 2010 and 2013, which were aimed at helping boost the
development of less-developed Portuguese-speaking countries.Wen announced the measures when delivering his speech at the opening ceremony of the third Ministerial Conference of the Forum
for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese- Speaking Countries here in Macao on Saturday.Under the new measures, financial institutions from the Chinese mainland and
Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) will set up a one-billion-U.S.-dollar development fund for cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, in a bid to push forward
the financial cooperation between the two sides.The Chinese government will also provide those African and Asian Portuguese-speaking countries that participated in the third Ministerial
Conference of the Forum with 1.6 billion yuan (242 million U.S. dollars) worth of loans on favorable terms within a bilateral framework.The new measures will also see China provide
equipments, technical personnel, etc. to the countries, supporting a bilateral agricultural cooperation with each of the African and Asian Portuguese-speaking countries that participated
in the third Ministerial Conference of the Forum.Sponsored by China's Ministry of Commerce and hosted by the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the forum was
created in Macao in 2003, with the joint participation of seven Portuguese-speaking countries, namely Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and
BEIJING, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang said Wednesday China and France should together promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral ties.Li made
the remarks while meeting with former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and General Secretary of the Union for a Popular Movement (UPM) Jean-Francois Cope in Beijing.Li spoke
highly of Raffarin's long-term contribution to Sino-French ties. He congratulated Cope on becoming General Secretary of the UPM.Referring to the important consensus reached by the two
countries' leaders during Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to France in early November, Li said the China-France relations are developing well.He suggested the two nations further
enhance communication and coordination on major international and regional issues while deepening pragmatic cooperation in all areas.Li said the Communist Party of China (CPC) attaches
importance to developing friendly cooperative relations with the UPM.The CPC hopes to enhance mutual understanding and trust with the UPM so as to make a positive contribution to
bilateral ties and China-Europe ties, he added.Raffarin said China is playing an increasingly important global role.He said he hopes to continue to deepen friendship between the two
peoples.Cope said the UPM hopes to strengthen party-to-party exchange and boost bilateral cooperation and communication with the CPC.Founded in 2002 by Jacques Chirac, the UPM currently
enjoys an absolute majority in the National Assembly and a plurality in the Senate of France.Its leader, Nicolas Sarkozy, was elected President of France in 2007.
MADRID, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) -- Vice Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Spain will vigorously boost the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Spain, and
turn a new chapter of bilateral trade and economic cooperation, a Chinese official said here on Wednesday.Gao Hucheng, China's international trade representative and vice minister of
commerce, told reporters in Madrid that Li's ongoing Europe tour is the first foreign trip by Chinese leaders in 2011 and the choice of Spain as the first leg demonstrates the importance
that China has attached to its ties with Spain and its strong will to promote cooperation with Spain.Li arrived here Tuesday for a three-day official visit to Spain. He will later visit
Germany and Britain in his three-nation Europe tour.Gao hailed the ever closer trade relations between China and Spain, their increasing two-way investments and new progress in their
cooperation in major projects such as in the energy field.Gao said both sides have been deepening cooperation in some traditional areas like finance and telecommunication, and making new
achievements in new energy and brand cooperation.During Li's visit to Spain, the two sides signed a series of agreements on economic and trade cooperation in the financial, petroleum and
chemical, renewable energy, nuclear power equipment and food sectors, he said, adding that the deals are worth 7.5 billion U.S. dollars.Vice Premier Li, whose entourage included more than
80 entreprenurs, Wednesday delivered a speech at a breakfast attended by Chinese and Spanish entreprenurs.The address augmented the confidence of the two countries' enterprises in
bilateral cooperation in coping with the global financial crisis, and the expansion of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, Gao said.As a long-term strategic partner of the European
Union (EU), China supports the measures Spain and other EU countries have taken to stabilize its economy and financial markets, and it has confidence in Spain's and the EU's financial
markets, he said.After the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, Gao said, China has kept buying national bonds of Spain and other EU nations, helping EU countries weather the
crisis with concrete efforts.Gao expressed his belief that with concerted efforts by the EU and the international community, Spain and other EU nations will eventually tide over the
crisis and achieve full economic recovery.
BERLIN, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) -- 2010 is an important year for the development of Sino-German relations. That's as the two countries have made big achievements on politics, economy,
culture and society, sending their bilateral relations to a "new historical point."German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited China in July and met Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu
Jintao. During her visit, China and Germany issued the second communique in two countries' history, which was considered a historical event by both sides.The Sino-German relations have
entered a new phase, Merkel said. The development of relations between the two countries, she said, are formed on a "completely new basis."Wen said Merkel's visit and the communique have
"historical significance" that will help map out the blueprint of bilateral ties and make it stand on "a new historical starting point."The communique contains 28 points, in which both
sides pledged to maintain regular contact between their leaders and the mechanism of annual meetings of the premier and chancellor.Both countries stressed to take care of each other's
core interests, to enhance their mutual understanding and political trust, and to strengthen dialogues on strategy, law and human rights. They also expressed interest in improving
cooperation in the United Nations, international financial institutions and other multilateral organizations.In addition to Merkel's visit, the two countries' leaders met each other
during many world events in 2010 to strengthen their mutual trust. In April, Hu met Merkel at the the nuclear summit in Washington. One month later former German President Horst Koehler
paid a state visit to China.During Wen visit to Europe in October, the premier changed his route and met Merkel in Berlin. Both sides reconfirmed the communique issued in July. Wen also
was invited to co-chair the first round of the Sino-German government consultations in 2011, making Germany the first EU country to hold high-level intergovernmental consultations with
China."China and Germany have maintained a strategic partnership and a close bilateral tie, even at the highest political level," the German foreign ministry said.Tight political
relations are built on strong and complementary economic connections between China and Germany, the largest trading partner for each other in their respective regions.Sino-German trade
has accounted for nearly one third of the trade between China and Europe. According to the latest statistics of China Customs, from January to October, Sino-German bilateral trade reached
about 115 billion U.S. dollars, up 35 percent over the same period of last year.The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said Germany has invested in 319 projects, an actual investment of 830
million dollars in China from January to November, while China invested 160 million dollars in Germany at the same period.In the last three years, foreign direct investments (FDI) from
China to Germany witnessed a fast development, not only in numbers, but also on quality, professionalism and management, Michael Pfeiffer, CEO of Germany Trade and Invest, told Xinhua in
a recent interview."In a long period, there were four to seven FDI projects from China to Germany every year. However, 2008 was a turning point with 21 FDI projects realized," he said.
"By 2009, this number has been tripled."At present, there are 800 Chinese enterprises that have set up companies or offices in Germany.To counter the toughest economic crisis after World
War II, China and Germany have also taken several stimulus plans to stimulate economies and domestic demand.In 2010, both countries cooperated closely on opposing protectionism,
strengthening international financial regulations and preventing global climate change, said Wu Hongbo, the Chinese ambassador to Germany.On issues such as China's market economy status,
technology transfer, intellectual property protection, China and Germany have actively listened to each other's concerns and sought solutions.In 2010, China and Germany also made big
progress on cultural and social exchanges.The German Pavilion "Harmonious City" received about 4 million visitors at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and won a top prize there.The activity,
"Germany-China Moving Ahead Together," which started in 2006, has greatly enhanced the mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries.This summer, 45 German universities
and colleges held China Week to show the charm of the Chinese language and culture, and to help more young Germans understand contemporary China.At the same time, 200 German high school
students attended summer camps in China and experienced real Chinese life there.In 2012, China will host "Chinese Culture Year" in Germany.


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