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据印度《先锋报》20日报道,印度塔塔集团与美国航空巨头洛克希德马丁公司19日签署协议,在印度联合生产f-16战斗机。报道称这是印度总理莫迪访美与特朗普会面前一个星期敲定的事,是一份前所未有的协议,根据协议,洛克希德马丁公司将把德克萨斯州沃思堡工厂搬迁到印度,这将极大提升莫迪提倡的印度制造。众所周知,f-16是一款老装备了,其原型机于1974年2月就开始首飞,至今已经过了40多个年头,作为一款成功的战机,生产总数超过4600架,外销近30个国家和地区,从1981年贝卡谷地空战至今,f-16几乎参与了历次大规模战争,其优异的性能也经受住了实战考验。然而,近来美军证实,将有数百架的f-16即将退役,究其原因,一是确实是年代已经久远,不能适应现代战争威胁了;二是寿命也快到期了;三是通过10几批次的改装,可能已经打破了原有的结构性能的平衡;四是美军f-35五代机将全面取代未来空战的地位。不过美军空军也证实,这些退役战机将改装成为人机,作为僚机与有人机一起战斗。作为一款即将退役的装备,印度为何对其情有独钟。这还得从印度的国防工业说起。印度自从独立以来,在国防工业上的进步是显而易见的,但是由于其自身基础薄弱,国防工业政策制定准备不足,出现了一系列的困难。首先,印度在国际武器装备采购过程中受伤很深,比如2004年印度向俄罗斯购买戈尔什科夫海军上将航母、向法国购买的红宝石级核潜艇,都是坐地起价,让印度很受伤。其次,印度独立以来意欲通过拿来主义推动国防工业发展,从2011年开始,印度在国际军贸市场上扮演着超级富豪的角色,连续成为全球最大的军火商,甚至让海湾石油国家都变得暗淡无光,瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所公布的报告称,印度作为全球最大买家,武器进口额占全球总额的13%。据国际和平研究所的数据库计算,印度从2012年到2016年总共进口了182.39亿美元的武器。鉴于此种情况,印度军方官员和军事分析人士呼吁莫迪政府,必须尽快降低印度对军购的严重依赖,重振国防民族工业气。再次,则是风光的背后,隐藏着印度民族国防工业空心化的隐患。因此,印度国内尴尬场面不在少数,lca光辉国产轻型战斗机,在经历了20多年的发展后仍然没有充分形成战斗力,被诟病为难产的怪胎。阿琼主战坦克,1974年开始研制,2004年第一辆生产型阿琼主战坦克mk-1才交付印度,即便如此,其60%以上的零部件需要进口,2007年又开始转向于俄罗斯的t-90。而在印巴战争,印度士兵大肆抱怨火炮、步枪等装备故障层出不穷,致使很多士兵因此送命。很显然,此次印度与美国一道联合生产f-16战斗机表明,印度已经意识到军购买不来军事强国。直接从国外成批量购买先进武器装备,看似拥有了先进军事技术实际却给自身发展戴上了沉重的枷锁,所以,此次印度企图通过联合生产的方式,提高航空工业生产能力,但是印度真能拯救印度的国防工业吗?答案显然是:未必!!!首先,印度富豪和权势阶层的虚幻的优越感,经常致使印度国防工业走向不切实际的道路,而单纯的迷恋所谓的性能、指标,而不踏踏实实做好基础工业。武器装备生产是一个国防工业体系的综合表现,印度基础技术薄弱和基础设施匮乏是严重的现实问题。印度加尔各答级驱逐舰的建造项目、布拉马普特拉号护卫舰建造项目等等,都是印度强烈的民族自尊心和自信心去推动国防工业的自主化建设,却忽视了理想与现实之间的鸿沟。不知印美f-16共建项目也是否也是由此上马的项目,是一个政绩工程。其次,印度精英阶层以及政府在国防工业决策时,常常会根据眼前利益迅速决断,但是长远来看容易陷入身不由己的加价之中。比如印度与法国的O鱼级潜艇项目,其价格在扯皮中从22亿涨到了80亿。国际军售市场往往是这样,看似以极大的便宜将某种武器装备以半卖半送的名义,但是后续的服务费、改装费、专利费等等加起来却要远远超过采购价格的数倍以上。不知精明的特朗普,以后是否会在f-16项目上狠狠敲诈印度一把。再次,印度是否能满足美国未来的要求和需求也未必可知。f-16作为一款经典战机,有诸多成功之处,其中作为国防工业的核心技术极其敏感,技术转让往往是有条件的。因此。迫于对技术的需求,印度可能不得不在美国人的指挥棒下行事。众所周知,美国转向亚太以后,印度就成了美国重要的准军事同盟国家,美国惦记印度优良的港口、基地和岛链,敦促加强情报等各种协定,要求印度巡航南海,等等。因此,未来美国是否会以核心技术作为交换的筹码,甚至左右印度的独立自主权,这可是特朗普的强项,也是特朗普的外交风格。总之,印度要做有声有色大国,始终将自身的军工命运寄托在一些所谓的大国、强国身上,终究难以摆脱命运多舛的悲壮结局。f-16共建项目看似一块甜点,很可能会成为一块烫手山芋,与美国为伍,难逃被坑的命运,日、韩、卡特尔等等国家,或许是对印度最好的镜鉴。印度网友讨论:为什么中国如此害怕印度?why is china so much afraid of india 为什么中国如此害怕印度?美版知乎quora网友热议:来源:http://www.santaihu.com/.html外文链接:https://www.quora.com/why-is-china-so-much-afraid-of-indiashreyans verma, a patriotic indiananswered dec 8, 2016there is no reason for china to be afraid of indiavice versa.中国没有理由害怕印度啊,反过来也是如此milind gawde, a proud indian citizen!answered dec 8, 2016both countries are equally afraid of each other as well as not, as both are nuclear deterrents. even one nuclear missile can break havoc in the country. besides, both have good economic growth, and both act like lichen, favouring each others growth. hope it helps:)两国都对另一方畏惧三分。毕竟两国都具有核威慑力。一枚核弹就能造成混乱。此外,两国的经济增速都可观。希望对你有帮助swapan chakraborty, former worked in different organizations in marketing.answered dec 8, 2016i am not sure whether china is afraid or not but even its true then the reason is sheer fear psychosis. with the rise of narendra modi with a stable government and unprecedented development program china is afraid of a steep competition both in international politics and trade. secondly,so long china was dealing with indian government easily on their terms but now with a no nonsense government china is trying to play political game through pakistan. but mainly its business they are worried of. thirdly, china is also worried of their vast population working in u s. they do not know if the entire i t sector is replaced by indian who comes cheaper in u s.479 vie不确定中国是否害怕印度。即便中国害怕印度,那也是恐惧精神病使然。随着莫迪的崛起,印度有了稳定的政府,取得了前所未有的发展,中国害怕来自印度的激烈竞争,不仅是国际政治上的,而且是贸易方面的。其次,中国也担心在美国工作的庞大华裔,担心在美国整个it业,他们是否会被印度人取而代之。snarl s, technical manager (2008-present)updated jun 12originally answered: why is china afraid of india no,china is very busy,you know, the us takes the china as the hypothetical opponent, china just dont have time to think about inida.trust me, the j20-fighter,liaoling/001a/002 aircraft carrier,beidou navigation satellite system,df26a/df41,none of them is prepare for india.china just want to defend himself, wont plan to start a war with any country.keep in peace, the prosperity of both contry neighbour will bring more benefit to each other. please forget the zero-sum game.try to build a win-win relationship不,中国非常忙。你懂的。美国把中国当做假象对手,中国没有时间去考虑印度相信我,歼20战机、辽宁号/001a/002航母,北斗导航卫星系统,东风21、东风41导弹等这些都不是为印度准备的。中国是为了自卫,并不打算对任何国家开战。维护和平,促进繁荣,会给彼此带来更多利益的。请忘了零和游戏吧。共建双赢关系jiggs chasmawala, i write about international affairsanswered dec 9, 2016china views india as an economic rival, we have long standing territorial disputes which caused a war in 1962, we also disagree about the legitimacy of the da**mas government.china has invested heavily in pakistansri lanka. as a counter, india is pursuing closer defensestrategic ties with japanus. with trump as president, these ties are likely to strengthen.the chinese navy has a naval base in pakistan. india is pursuing closer defensestrategic ties with vietnam, these involve training the vietnamese navyberthing rights for our ships in their ports.中国把印度视为经济竞争对手。长久以来,我们两国存在领土纠纷,并因此在1962年爆发了一场战争。中国在巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡投入了巨资。作为反制,印度是追求与美日建立更紧密的防卫战略关系。随着特朗普当上总统,这种关系可能进一步加强。中国海军在巴基斯坦有一个海军基地。而印度在追求与越南建立更密切的防卫战略关系,这包括训练越南海军士兵,以及印度军舰可以在他们港口停泊。vaibhav vaishnanianswered jun 2originally answered: why is china afraid of india china is not afraid of india and why should china must be afraid of india  india is a peaceful country.china is rising superpower with immense opportunities. they have their agendas to complete to becomethe superpower ! as they are progressing , they dont want any competition which can slowdown their process. on the other hand their asian neighbor india has slowely started to get her momentum.china is just concerned about indias rise because after all in future they are going to have a big competitior and india is as much as concerned as china! they both know the cost of war, and china know that india can harm them deeply in case of war. china is helping pakistan because they have personal interest there. on other hand india should provide economic and military assistance to vietnam, phillipines etc. both countries are playing mind games.there are some border problems but let it get settled by talks.中国并没有怕印度,为什么中国要怕印度?印度是一个爱好和平的国家啊中国是崛起中的超级大国。已经有了成为超级大国的日程!随着不断地进步,中国也不希望看到任何会拖慢其成功的竞争。中国是担心印度的崛起,担心以后会有一个强有力的竞争者。同样地,印度也有类似的关切!两国都清楚战争的代价。中国知道,一旦发展战争,印度能对其构成严重伤害。中国帮助巴基斯坦,是因为他们在巴基斯坦有自己的利益。另一方面,印度应向越南和菲律宾提供经济和军事援助。两国存在边界纠纷,不过还是让谈判来解决吧shubham mishra, observeranswered dec 9, 2016china isnt afraid of india. there is no reason for them to be afraid of india. china is more stronger militarily. even foreign policy wise they are way ahead of india. india is way more defensive in its attitude when it comes to foreign policy whereas china on the other hand is aggressive because it knows it is powerful.中国并不害怕印度中国没有理由害怕印度啊中国军事更强大。就是外交政策也搞得比印度有声有色。印度外交反倒显得被动,而中国积极出击,因为中国知道自己强大啊以7-8%gdp增速,印度需多少年赶上if india continued to grow by 78%, in how many years would it become as strong as china in terms of its economy 如果保持7-8%的gdp增速,印度经济需要多少年才能和中国一样强大美国quora网友讨论:来源:http://www.santaihu.com/.html外文链接:https://www.quora.com/if-india-continued-to-grow-by-7%e2%80%938-in-how-many-years-would-it-become-as-strong-as-china-in-terms-of-its-economyabu saquib, works at strykeranswered jun 11india need a lifetime to surpass china in term of various economical strength. i know most of the recent intellectual will not believe and i may attract some criticism here but what is true is true. i will try to make it short and crisp.lets compare some very basic individual basic factor which actually matter such as land, people.india land area: 3.287 million km china land are: 9.597 million km notice the area china have is more than 3 times, which india can never have until we invade some country and with present condition we cant.arm force:india: 1,325,000china: 2,335,000 (here also china is twice the size, hiring this much force is beyong india immagination)就经济实力而言,印度永远无法超过中国也许知识分子不大愿意相信,也许我会招来一些批评,然而事实就是事实。以下比较一些基本的数据:印度国土面积:328.7万平方公里中国国土面积:959.7万平方公里注意,中国国土面积是是印度的3倍。这点是比不过的,除非我们入侵其它国家。军队:印度军队:132万人中国军队:233.5万人中国军队规模也是印度军队的两倍,养这么多军队也是印度无法想象的。gdp:notice in 1960 china was only 2 times the total indian gdp but in 2015 china surpass 6 times the total gdp.gdp:1960年,中国gdp只是印度gdp的两倍,然而到了2015年,中国gdp已经是印度gdp的6倍了and the last is gni (atlas method).(the atlas method is a method used by the world bank to estimate the size of economies in terms of gross national income (gni) in u.s. dollars.the resulting gni in u.s. dollars is divided by the countrys midyear population to obtain the gni per capita)source: gni, atlas method (current us$)i hope this will correct a lot of peoples misconception about india and china.and it is not bad and bot good also. india is india and china is china and we both are growing for our-self not for competition. and if someone want to see where usa is in all this please refer to below gdp graph.希望以上能纠正人们对印度和中国的误解。印度是印度,中国是中国,我们都是为了自己发展,不是为了竞争。ling guo, lives in chinaupdated jun 8do a simple math.the gdp of china$11,218,281 millionthe gdp of india$2,256,397 millionsay india grows by 8% per year, china grows by 5%, with anything else remaining the same:2256397 (1+0.08)x= (1+0.05)xx=57it takes 57 years in this case.做一个简单的算术中国gdp为11.218281万亿美元印度gdp为2.256397万亿美元假如印度每年经济增速为8%,中国保持5%,其他不变2256397 (1+0.08)x= (1+0.05)xx=57这种情况下,印度赶上中国要57年。say india grows by 8% per year, china doesnt grow, with anything else remaining the same:2256397 (1+0.08)x=x=20it takes 20 years if china stops growing from now.but the economy is much more complicated and these results dont really mean anything.假如印度gdp增速8%,而中国不发展,2256397 (1+0.08)x=x=20那么印度赶上中国需要20年。然而经济是相当复杂的,这些结果没有任何意义。arun bhatia, former itanswered jun 6china is much bigger, better than india. all indians want to to emulate the chinese success story. i travelled to china for a visit. many parts just like india but cleaner, neater and all believing in their government to take them out of poverty.the best thing for both countrieskeep competing, keep chalenging keep feeling the other is better !both will progress then.中国大多了,发达多了每一个印度人都希望模仿中国成功故事我去过中国,很多地方像印度,就是更干净,更整洁。当地人都相信政府会让他们脱贫。中印最好保持竞争态势,对另一方往好处里想两国都会进步的。michael lee, bscsanswered jun 1at 8 percent india needs 21 years to catch up to where china is right now.按照8%的发展速度,印度需要21年才能赶上中国现在的经济。blair josanswered jun 1china took almost all globalization benefits over the past 30 years.india missed it.now all western countries implement their countries first policy to oppose the continuation of globalization.-india needs 95% domestic demands to drive its growth rate, it is impossible for india to sustain the growth rate based on only its domestic demands (assume indian dgp growth rate is true).while china is still dominating the low end markets, it is changing its low end market into median and high end markets.chinese gdp growth rate has reached bottom, you will see another 30 years gdp growth rate of 7-8% growth rate.india growth rate last quarter only reached 6.1%, far below chinese 6.9%.中国几乎享受了过去30年全球化的各种好处而印度错过了这个大好机会。如今,所有西方国家都执行本国第一的政策,反对全球化的进程。为了保持增速,印度国内需求的拉动必须占95%如果仅仅依靠国内需求,印度是不可能维持目前的增速的。仍然主宰低端市场的同时,中国正从低端市场向中高端市场进军。中国gdp增速已经探底了,未来30年你会再次看到7-8%的经济增速。上一季度,印度gdp增速只达到了6.1%,远低于中国的6.9%chinese economic success has made all developing countries, including india, have a great confidence to achieve their own economic success.however, do they have chinese hard working attitudes, iq, culture, social and political system as well as the international environments to grow i doubt they have.autocratic system is the best system to drive economic growth rate, when it is developed, naturally it would become full democratic system in one way or another.developing countries with the western style democratic system will make them poor forever.-no chance for india, india gdp growth rate has not reached its bottom as indian gdp growth rate keeps dropping over the past 4 quarters.the so called india fast growth rate was from the change of the gdp calculation method, it is now even dropping with the new calculation method, as the reality on the ground are the same as they used to be, unless india keeps changing the calculation method again.中国经济成功给包括印度在内的各发展中国家带来了信心,这些国家对实现本国经济成功可是信心满满。然而,他们有中国人的勤劳刻苦吗,他们有中国人的智商吗,他们有中国的社会和政治制度吗,他们有相应的国际环境吗?对此,我表示怀疑。专制最适合推动经济发展的。一旦发达了,自然会以某种方式民主。受困于西式民主的发展中国家会永远贫穷下去的。印度没机会了。所谓的印度快速发展,无非来自于gdp算法的改变而已。用了新的计算方法,其实印度经济增速在下降啊。印度爆发农民暴动:砸毁商店和烧毁汽车mandsaur: farmers indulge in arson and violence, attack shops and vehicles印度曼达索尔爆发农民暴动,放火,暴力,砸毁商店和烧毁汽车updated: jun 7,
pm ist日farmers agitation turns violent as they torch trucks at mhow-neemuch highway in mandsaur district of madhya pradesh on wednesday. (pti photo)周三,在印度中央邦的曼达索尔地区的mhow-neemuch高速公路,印度农民通过焚烧汽车搅动着暴力抗议活动。pipliamandi (mandsaur): more than a dozen policemen were injured, one critically, on wednesday as thousands of farmers torched warehouse, shops and vehicles in pipliamandi area of mandsaur, the ground zero of the protest where five people were killed in firing+ to curb violence.超过十名以上的警员受伤。其中一名伤势严重。周三,成千上万的农民放火焚烧了中央邦曼达索尔pipliamandi地区的仓库、商场和汽车。该地区正是由于印度政府警察镇压印度人民,开枪打死了五名印度农民,从而引发暴力抗议的原爆点。the protesters, who the administration and government termed as instigators, looted liquor and medicine shops right under the nose of the policemen, who seemed to be cautious after the angry backlash following the deaths.警察因为开枪打死了印度农民从而引起了这次暴力反抗。所以行动看起来更加谨慎。只能眼看着抗议者在自己鼻子尖底下公然地抢劫商店里的酒和药店里的药。a 5-km stretch of mandsaur bypass road was completely blocked by the farmers, who indulged in arson and violence, while robbing long distance truckers.长达5公里的曼达索尔绕城公路被抗议农民完全堵塞。这些农民沉醉于放火和暴力,并抢劫路过的长途货车。scared of the agitation, truckers parked their trucks away from the pipliamandi toll collection booth on small rugged lanes away from the sight of people moving on the mandsaur bypass.恐惧的长途货车司机把他们的卡车停在远离pipliamandi收费站的崎岖小路上,以免被曼达索尔绕城公路上的农民看见。the violence started in morning after funeral processions of the deceased farmers were taken out and last rites performed in barkheda panth village. mandsaur district collector swantantra kumar singh reached the protest site to calm the sentiments, but was manhandled by the crowd+ .这次暴力抗议活动开始于barkheda panth村被印度政府警察开枪打死的农民今天早晨出殡之后。曼达索尔地区的收费官员swantantra kumar到达抗议场所并企图平息抗议者的情绪。但是被村民暴打了一顿。as the collector was escorted out of the spot, the mob set afire the collection booth and pelted stones at the policemen deployed in the area.当所有收费员都被护送离开后,农民们开始放火焚烧收费站并向警察投掷石块。the crowd pelted stones and torched a cotton warehouse, prompting two fire tenders to rush to the spot. the protesters broke windscreens of the tenders, forcing firemen to flee the spot.印度老百姓们向印度政府和警察扔石块并点燃了一座棉花仓库。两辆消防车赶到现场。抗议者把消防车的挡风玻璃砸碎,并迫使消防员离开现场。the mob later looted a three-storied departmental store and set it on fire in pipliamandi area. newsmen gathered to cover the event became the target of the crowd, as stones were hurled at them, forcing them to retreat to safety.抗议者抢劫了周围的商场并放火把商场烧了。闻讯赶来的新闻记者也成了人群的攻击对象,石块儿猛砸向他们。记者被迫撤离到安全地区。more than 22 vehicles, including large trucks, were set afire+ and their smoking remains dotted the mandsaur bypass near the collection booth.超过22辆车被烧毁。包含重型卡车。焚烧造成的烟柱在曼达索尔绕城公路的收费站周围星罗棋布。rapid action force with vajra vehicles was pushed into service, but the crowd continued to swell.快速反应部队和装甲车已经投入执行任务。但是抗议人群仍在快速壮大。the violence was restricted to pipliamandi area. calm prevailed in mandsaur city where curfew was put in place, a senior officer said.暴力抗议被封锁在pipliamandi地区。已经实行宵禁的曼达索尔市区仍然保持平静。一位印度高级官员说。residents of mandsaur were skeptical of violence and jittery of police vehicles zooming across the streets.曼达索尔的居民因为暴力抗议和警车在大街上疾驶而过而紧张不安。police had cut off entry routes to the city preventing leaders of different political parties, including the bjp and the congress, from entering.警察已经切断了所有通往曼达索尔市的道路,用来预防有不同党派的领导人进入该市,包括国大党和bjp(人民党)。congress leader meenakshi natarajan and her supporters were detained, when they tried to reach suwasara to meet the farmers.国大党领导人meenakshi natarajan和她的支持者,试图到suwasara会见抗议农民时,被警察拒之门外。译者:最近这件事情在印度闹得很大,网站上有多篇关于此次农民起义的报道。译者后续也会多多翻译这些文章,大家敬请期待。印度网民评论:来源:http://www.santaihu.com/.html外文链接:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/mandsaur-farmers-indulge-in-arson-and-violence-attack-shops-and-vehicles/articleshow/.cmstanmay chakrabartitanmay chakrabarti1 day agopossibly, like maoist party, some anti-national forces fuelled their angers.也许,就像mao派政党,一些反国家的力量正在他们的愤怒上火上浇油。100赞 17踩ldbhatia68a bhatiatanmay chakrabartidekhu1 day agothe agitation seems to have passed into the handsof unruly elements. violence on such a large scalecan be possible when the instigators believe in violence to achieve their ends. destruction of publicproperty cannot and should not be allowed underany circumstances.抗议活动看来已经落入一些不守规矩份子的手里。当煽动者认为暴力能够达到他们的目的时,如此大规模的暴动是有可能发生的。破坏公共财产在任何情况下都是不应该的。(译者注:印度警察开枪打死农民就是应该的?)14赞 0踩rajat lahiryrajat lahiry1 day agowhy are the farmers agitation only in bjp ruled states  there appears to be a distinct hand of the opposition in this agitation. why did the media not educate the farmers about ilr  why did the media not educate the farmers about fertiliser availability  did media and the opposition ever talk about soil health card. as it is the farmers are getting more facilities than other citizen and certainly more than the previous govt. why is the media not putting facts on the table 为什么农民只在bjp(人民党,莫迪老仙所在的党)统治的地区暴动?那里出现了一只明显的手在反对这次暴动。为什么媒体不教育这些农民关于劳资关系?为什么媒体不教育这些农民肥料的有效性?媒体和反对派们曾经讨论过土地健康卡吗?农民们得到了比其它公民更多的设备,并且确定比前政府多。为什么媒体不把真实的情况摆到桌面上?80赞 8踩a concerned concerneda concerned concerned1 day agoare these people really farmers. mp has witnessed double digit growth in agriculture outputs over last decade. farmers are by and large doing well. this whole movement seems to be a sham这些人真的都是农民吗?在过去的十年里,中央邦已经见证了两位数增长的农业输出。农民们总体来说干得不错。这起运动看起来是虚假的。41赞 3踩naresh vermanaresh vermamumbai1 day agothis seems to be organised hooliganism, rather than the farmers agitation. they deserve no sympathy and have to be dealt with strictly.这看起来像是有组织的小流氓,而不是农民暴动。他们不值得同情。应该严格处理。37赞 5踩yogesh sharmayogesh sharmalocation1 day agopolicies of congress, communists and socialists parties are responsible for the destruction of farmers, villages, villagers, and agriculture.国大党的警察,gongchanzuyi者和shehuizhuyi者应该为农业、村庄和农民的毁坏负责!(译者注:人民党实力甩锅!)35赞 5踩vizagitevizagite1 day agowho will pay reimburse the owners of the damaged vehicles. pappu  commies 谁来偿还被破坏车辆主人的损失?小狗(指国大党领导人拉吉夫甘地)?gongchanzhuyi者?24赞 5踩abdul ansariabdul ansarimumbai1 day agothey have daring in them to fight for rights///. bhakts are silent and thinking of new terrorist attack in kashmir or any new metropolitan cities so that this issue goes out of headlines他们有勇气为自己的权利而战。。。印度教狂热份子们(指莫迪老仙的追随者)沉默了并且正在想着新的恐怖份子袭击克什米尔或者印度大城市。所以把这个问题从标题中抹去了。。。19赞 60踩nawaz walelenawazmumbai1 day agonow feku will come with another speechmitrooooo mai bhi ek bar farmer hua karta tha, farmers ka dukh yani bharat mata ka dukh, wo dukh dur hona chahiye ke nahi, bolo hona chahiye ke nahi jor se ek bar mere sath boliye hona chahiye ke nahi, bharat mata ki jay. ab yahan koi kisan dukhi nahi rahega aur wo loan forfeit ka mamala us ke liye 2019 ke election ki rah dekho.现在feku(莫迪老仙的绰号,意为虚假,虚伪)会再来一次演讲:吱吱吱,吱吱吱18赞 9踩sanat samantraysanat samantray1 day agothese are political goons of congress trying to instigate the farmers in the name of atrocities..这些是国大党的政治雇佣暴徒企图煽动农民进行暴乱。15赞 3踩sekh rijaul haquesekh rijaulkolkata1 day agothe end is beginning.. bjp! countdown now.bjp(人民党)的终结已经开始了。bjp现在已经开始倒计时了。12赞 7踩mumbaikarmumbaikar1 day agothis is what happens when promises are made but not fulfilled.the farmers of mp and rajasthan have realized this now.当承诺无法兑现就会这样。中央邦和拉贾斯坦邦现在已经实现这点了。9赞 14踩yogesh hingeyogesh hinge1 day agothis is organised loot and not any farmer protest.it should b delt with hammer这是有组织的抢劫,不是农民抗议。应当被用锤子抹去。9赞 0踩hardeep sondhihardeep sondhi1 day agomodis acche din莫迪的好日子。(莫迪在竞选总理时的口号是好日子要来了)9赞 15踩sumesh gaisumesh gai..1 day agoanil ambani took 45000 crores rupee loans from psu banks. he is not paying back. adani took 90000 crores loan. yet no questions asked to such people. now sbi is slapping so many extra fees on the common man to recover the losses. modi promised crop loss money, it was very small amount but not paid up to 80% of the farmers. more than 15000 farmers are suicide, but the government stayed muted. now when the farmers are asking their dues, modi trolls are unleashed to abuse them calling them anti national.安巴尼从psu银行借4500亿卢比的贷款,全变成了坏账。他没有把钱还回来。阿达尼借了9000亿卢比的贷款。对这些人来说没有问题。现在印度储备银行(印度的央行)对普通民众迅速增加如此多的额外收费用来弥补损失。莫迪曾承诺农业损失费。这笔费用少得可怜并且有80%的农民没有收到费用。超过1万5千名农民自杀。但是政府对此沉默。现在当农民们要讨回他们应得的东西时,莫迪马上辱骂他们反国家。8赞 1踩bidhan sahubidhan sahubangalore1 day agothese guys cannot be genuine farmers !!这些家伙不是真正的农民。8赞 2踩anilanil1 day agot this is the ghotala ghatbandhan opposition led by congress and laloo to throw out bjp!这些不是农民!是国大党领导的!7赞 4踩ravi shankarravi shankar1 day agoi wonder when you people stop boot licking bjp !! farmers are in distress.. a state is burning.. and you people are crying these are done by pakistani agents.. if tap water didnt come tmrw to your house, you would still blame pakistan !! you just keep on living in a dream hindurashtra while indian framers fight and die everyday.. and when you wake up there will be only desert !!! its not about bjp or congress.. its about the very survival of people who give you food !我想知道人们什么时候能停止对bjp(人民党)的跪舔。农民们正在苦难中挣扎。。。整个邦正在燃烧。。而你们的人民却哭诉巴基斯坦人做了什么。。。如果自来水明天无法流进你的屋子,你仍然会责怪巴基斯坦!!当印度的农民还在日复一日地挣扎或死亡时,你们只是生活在印度教式的梦里。当你们醒来的时候,这里只剩下了沙漠!!!这不是关于人民党或国大党,这是关系到为你提供食物的人的生存!7赞 3踩ashwaniashwani1 day agothese farmers will lose the sympathy of public if they allow anti- social elements to take law into their hands.这些农民将失去人们对他们的同情,如果他们允许反社会份子践踏法律。7赞 3踩prasad koranneprasadthane1 day agocon-gress role in this violence should be investigated immediately应该立即调查国大党在这次暴动中扮演的角色。7赞 4踩fekuji flopsfekujijumaalgutta1 day agomodis ccc model : chaddis, cowscorporates. rest all are called anti national..莫迪的ccc模式。chaddis(卖茶小贩),cows(神牛)和corporates(帮派)。其它剩下的人全部是反国家份子7赞 14踩ashwani mongaashwani mongafaridabad1 day agoacts of vandalism by anti social elements provocated by defeated political parties perhaps are behind this destruction of national property. the state govt. since has already discussed and sorted out various issues with the leading association representing farmers mitigating the agitation subsequent flare up is beyond comprehension. besides, seeking waive on repayment of agricultural loans by farmers in one or the other state by one or the other political party has become a trend in the country there by adversely affecting financial position of lending institutions seem to be of no concern to political parties .也许在这起破坏国家财产行为的背后,有反社会份子为了击败政党,从而挑起了破坏公共设施的行为。邦政府已经和领导协会的农民代表讨论和整理了各种各样的问题,缓和了这次暴动。随后突然爆发的冲突让人无法理解。另一方面,在这个国家,寻求农业贷款还款的推迟已经成了各个邦和各个政党的趋势,在那些地方,政党们根本不关心这样对金融机构的负面影响。7赞 0踩shiri s kshiri s k1 day agooppositions dont have any matter in hand these are congress persons这些人是国大党的人。7赞 0踩nobinkumar pradhannobinkumar pradhanpune1 day agothis is insane and these vandalists must be dealt with severely.事态严重,必须严肃处理这些人。7赞 1踩kamal agrawalkamal agrawal1 day agosome people are instigating farmers to resort to arson and violence有人教唆农民采取放火和暴力手段。7赞 0踩rounak singhrounaknew delhi, india1 day agothis was bound to happen when you fire bullets on innocent farmers..shivraj singhs govt is a failure at dealing with the farmers.当印度政府向无辜的农民开枪射击的时候,这种事终究是要爆发的。shivraj singh政府(人民党)在处理农民的问题上已经失败了。6赞 6踩hemant meher hemant1 day agoit is always easy to blame the farmer but thing for a moment that the person who has spend his money, time,sweat and blood in raising crops will not be paid accordingly he does not even have the right to revolt.every year the govt. is i giving increment and da to the govt. employee what about the farmers.i would like to know from my country man how many of them are willing to be farmer or ask their near or dear one to do farming. it is surprising that mass leader like mr. modi and mr. shiva blaming the opposition.how long will you fool the indians by your hollow promises and speeches.责怪农民总是简单的。但是想想他们为了庄稼的生长,付出了他们的金钱,他们的心血,到头来却没有得到报酬。他们甚至没有对发生的这一切感到厌恶的权利。每年政府雇员的收入都在增加,农民们又怎么样呢?我想知道,我们印度有多少人想要成为农民,或者希望让自己的家庭亲属成为农民?令人惊讶的是那些像莫迪姬和shiva那样的大领导竟然去责怪反对派。你们还能用你们空洞的承诺和演讲愚弄印度人民多久?6赞 3踩pbch chowdhuripbch chowdhuri1 day agojust wondering whether the mob indulging in arson, loot, burning and stone pelting are really the farmers. they could also be goons and anti-socials taking advantage of the farmers agitation.我只想知道这些沉溺于纵火,抢劫和丢石头的暴徒是否真是农民。他们可能是受雇的暴徒和利用农民抗议的反社会份子。6赞 3踩sureshacharsureshacharbangalore1 day agowhy media is taking bjp side  bjp fired at farmers, killing farmers and this didnt become big news为什么媒体都站在人民党一边?是人民党开枪打死了农民,但是新闻却不报道。6赞 4踩alexalex1 day agoagain it seems congress goons were there to instigate the mob and killed them. same kind of act happened in gujrat, maharashtra etc. congress is exposing themselves by killing innocent people, cows, values and ethics. they nearly destroyed india now want to destroy peace among people in india. #shameoncongress.看起来像是国大党的人唆使这些暴徒并杀死他们。相同类型的行动也在古吉拉特邦和马哈拉施特拉邦等发生(译者注:这些邦全是莫迪老仙的人民党统治的邦)。国大党通过杀害无辜平民和神牛,践踏价值观和道德来不断暴露自己。他们之前破坏了印度,现在又想破坏居住在印度的人民的和平。真为国大党害臊。6赞 3踩ashwaniashwani1 day agocongress leaders were behind the jat agitation in haryana also.国大党领导人也在背后唆使加特人在哈里亚纳邦闹事。6赞 3踩rajesh jhunjhunwalarajesh jhunjhunwala1 day agois it really the farmers doing the arson or leaders trying to get political mileage in the guise of the plight of the farmers真的是农民在纵火吗?还是领导人假借农民的困境捞取政治利益?6赞 2踩pushpendra matharupushpendra matharu1 day agocongress affect!! same in 1984. time my friends to wipe out this family. all kind of scams and now vader.how can you be so blind 国大党效应!!就像1984年一样。是时候将这个家族彻底抹去了(指国大党领导人甘地家族)。全族消灭!你们怎么能这么瞎?(译者:我实在受不了了。是人民党开枪射杀农民好吧,到底是谁瞎啊?)6赞 2踩shreenedhe acharya shreenedhe acharya1 day agothis is another attempt by congress in the name of farmers to create disturbance.又一起国大党尝试以农民的名义创造的骚乱。6赞 1踩ajit grewalajit grewalchandigarh1 day agoall fatmers in mp appear to be seditionists and anti nationalvery sorry state of affairsthere is definitely a foreign handvery few nationalists left in indiasituation is getting out of handthe modi ji must call in the army中央邦的所有农民都变成了煽动叛乱者和反国家者。这是非常遗憾的事态。那里清楚地表明有外部势力插手。在印度,民族主义者已经不剩多少了。事态已经失控了。莫迪姬必须马上调军队进行镇压。6赞 3踩sudhansusonali sudhansusonalisudhansusonali sudhansusonali1 day agothese are not farmers but congress hired goons to create trouble. congis are responsible for this mess since they call the strike /rally but could not make itpeaceful.那里没有农民,只有国大党雇佣的暴徒在制造麻烦。国大党要为所有的非和平的罢工和集会负责。(译者:印度政府真让人无语了。印度农民的日子都过不下去了,都起来造反了,这些政党却还只顾着党派之间的斗争和甩锅,没人真正为农民解决问题。印度真不愧是世界最大皿煮国家。今天超中,明天赶美。呵呵!)6赞 0踩sainivij17sainivij171 day agofarmers protest is genuine but violence wont serve any purpose.. congress and left is using them for political gains.农民抗议是真的,但暴力不能解决任何问题。国大党和左派利用他们达到政治目的。6赞 2踩dr vidyadhardr vidyadharbangalore1 day agothey are not farmers, they are goons hired by jyothiraditya scindia, funded by sonia. sonia tax collected in karnataka was spent in up, and now amrinder singh is collecting sonia tax using cook bahdur, and sponsoring these violent acts.similar incidents happened in andhra when kaapu movement was organised and funded by ys jagan and they burnt train. it is same template, like patha basthi riots to create a perception and change government.他们不是农民,他们是被jyothiraditya scindia雇佣的呆子,由索尼娅甘地(国大党)资助。在卡纳塔卡邦收索尼娅税,然后在北方邦花这些钱。现在amrinder singh也收索尼娅税,用来搅乱bahdur,并发起这些暴力活动。相同的情况也发生在安德拉邦,ys jagan资助并组织了kaapu运动,他们焚烧了火车。都是相同的模板。就像patha basthi骚乱影响了当地政府。(译者注:要是不是这位印度人说,我还真不知道印度真有这么多骚乱。莫迪老仙快镇不住了吧?)6赞 2踩the game changerthe game changermobai1 day agobahut hua kisan par athyachar, abb ki bar modi sarkarone of the slogans used by the bjp to get in power.吱吱吱,吱吱吱这是莫迪竞选总理时喊的口号。(印度语看不懂。估计是讽刺莫迪没有兑现竞选诺言。)5赞 1踩i love indiai love india1 day agoshoot the rascals at sight. sometimes i feel that british way of dealing with indians was far better because theyunderstand the language of torture.看见这些无赖就马上开枪打死他们。有时我觉得用大英帝国处理印度人的方式更好。他们只懂得拷问的语言。5赞 5踩raj sharmaraj sharma1 day agocongress only knows to spoil our countrythey are biggest looters than britishers国大党只知道抢劫我们的国家。他们是比大英帝国更大的抢劫犯。5赞 7踩proud indianproud indian1 day agostop calling these criminals as farmers, no true farmer will destroy his produce, he will equate it to killing his children. these are congress sponsored and financed criminals who should be dealt with strictly停止管这些罪犯叫农民。没有农民会破坏他们的产品。他会认为这等于杀了他们的孩子。这都是国大党和金融犯罪分子挑起来的,必须严肃处理。5赞 2踩helen ccreamhelen ccream1 day agoour pm mr. modi gotta answer all this innocent lifedestruction of so many things. this present govt funds all this to trigger violence to achieve there religious fanaticism!!!!我们的总理莫迪姬必须回应这些无辜的生命和如此巨大的破坏。现政府导致了暴力和狂热的迷信。5赞 3踩bhartibhartihindustan1 day agoclearly this agitation and riots are orchestrated! farmers in madhya pradesh are very well off and would not only indulge in this bloodshed!这些起义明显是经过精心安排的。中央邦的农民生活可幸福了,不会沉醉于这种血腥屠杀。5赞 1踩nagaraj snnagarajbangalore, india1 day agothe congress and cpi r very happily giving press briefing.rahul gandhi wants to visit the disturbed area with his foolish talks.国大党和cpi(通货膨胀?这个不太清楚怎么翻译)都非常喜欢给出施加压力的消息。拉胡尔甘地(国大党)想要去受影响的地区发表他愚蠢的讲话。5赞 2踩shsh1 day agofarmers on self destruction mode!!!印度农民处于自毁模式。5赞 0踩【五毛网】http://wumaow.comprashant saxenaprashantchandigarh, india1 day agocrush this agitation..this is encouraged by narcotic dealers ever since the govt became strict with opium sellingthis opium is conveted into heroin and supplied across indialook at the congressbloody idiots, they either intentionally backing the opium mafia or they dont know who they are supporting碾死这些起义的印度农民!这些动乱都是毒品销售商鼓励的,自从政府严厉管理鸦片销售以后。。。这些鸦片提炼成了海洛因在全印度销售。。。看看国大党,血腥的傻瓜,它们有意支持鸦片黑手党,或者根本不知道它们支持的是谁。(译者注:呵呵,又把锅甩给贩毒了。)4赞 5踩rohit jainrohit1 day agonone of the govt, till today ( including bjp) has done anything concrete for the farmers, there life is getting miserable day by day, they are getting rs 0.50 per kg for their produce. whats the use of going to foreign countries and spending dollars when daily our farmers are committing sucide. britishers rightly said,if we leave india, this country will be run by goons. . i see no capable leader in india who can solve the problem of our farmers. ache din is just a myth. we indians have a habit of day dreaming.包括现在的bjp(人民党)在内,没有一届政府为农民办具体的实事。印度农民们的生活一天比一天悲惨。它们每公斤农作物只能卖0.5卢比(人民币5分钱一公斤,中国2017年三等小麦最低收购价格是50公斤118元,折合2元多1公斤)。就在这些农作物被卖到国外换美元的同时我们的农民每天都在自杀。英国人曾经说过:如果我们撤离印度,这个国家就会被呆子和暴徒统治。我看无能的印度人领导者无法解决我们的农民问题。好日子要来了只是一个神话。我们印度人总是习惯做白日梦。4 2 reply flagbablu yadavbablu yadav1 day agounder the regime of modi, the obcs, dalits, muslims and poor forward caste farmers are facing the retribution of manuwadi forces for asking for their due rights under previous administration在莫迪政权下,obc们(不知怎么翻译),达利特们(贱民),msl们和贫穷的高种姓农民们都要面对摩奴法典规定的应得的权利的报应。(译者注:这段不太懂什么意思,不知这么翻译对不对。摩奴法典是印度教神话的法典。)4赞 0踩souvik dastidarsouvik1 day agois this ache din  now police of bjp is treating hindu farmers of mp just like islamic kashmiri  why so much farmer and worker is against bjp 这就是好日子?现在bjp(人民党)的警察就像对待克什米尔的ysl人那样对待印度农民?为什么这么多农民和工人反对bjp?4赞 5踩dariusdarius1 day agothis reporter is definately on the payroll of bjp这篇文章的作者是收了bjp(人民党)的钱的。4赞 3踩shyamsunder raoshyamsunder raobangalore1 day agothe present unrest among so called farmers is the handi work of congress.the death in firing is due to congress provocation,so,they are squarely responsible for these unortunate deaths.the state govt should put down this congress action ruthlessly.congress,having failed in many elections,has started these tactics to attract attention of the public.but,public know the game plan.当前动乱中被称为农民的全是国大党的人。印度警察开枪打死农民也是因为国大党的挑衅。国大党必须对农民的死负全责。邦政府必须无情地镇压这次国大党的行动。国大党已经在很多选举中失败了。开始使用这种战术吸引公众的注意。但是公众知道它们的伎俩。(译者注:这锅甩的,再次呵呵。)4赞 2踩hary deshary des1 day agowith lakhs of rupees or crores of rupees falling from sky.. there is lots of incentives to be violent and get injured or die!!! india is only country in world you get paid thousand times more that what you earn in life time for being violent and destroying properties!!!当数十万卢比或数千万卢比从天而降,那么暴力、伤害和死亡就有了很多动机。印度是世界上唯一一个国家,暴力和破坏的收入能够比你一生挣的钱多一千倍。4赞 0踩r venkatesh govindr venkatesh govindgurgaon1 day agothere is a bjp mp for mandsaur. why was he not able to stop this  most likely, farmers must have heard about 15 maharashtra bjp mlas going to new zealand to study how nz waives farm loans, as well as how farmers in new zealands holiday resorts survive. this must have been the tipping point.now bjp (only) mps mlas from these 3 states should visit norwayiceland to see how govts help aam janta survive heat waves.这里是bjp(人民党)统治的中央邦下的曼达索尔。为什么他们(bjp)无法停止这些骚乱?这很像马哈拉施特拉邦的农民们听说15名bjp(人民党)的领导人们去新西兰学习新西兰如何为农民贷款延缓还款的经验,和新西兰的农民们如何度假。现在bjp(人民党)的领导人们又要前往挪威和冰岛学习政府如何帮助人们躲避热浪的袭击。4赞 10踩hemant meherhemant1 day agoyes that is the reason why the maximum no. of drug addicts from your neighbouring which was ruled by bjp and a kali for the last 10 year. may be they are the mafia是的这就是你被bjp(人民党)统治了10年的邻居们成为数量最多的毒品成瘾者的原因。也许它们(bjp人民党)就是最大的黑手党。(译者注:这应该是回应前面一条关于毒品引发暴动的评论。)3赞 1踩kunwar ghazalikunwarnew delhi1 day agoits shocking to see that india, which is known to be an agriculture economy, treats its farmers in such a shoddy manner.leaving the poor farmer to the whims of sahukars. traders and banking sharks. no msp. no orice or sales support. no insurance. no soft loans.bjp. congress. left. all have used farmers as vote banksshame on them.no farmers son wants to become a farmer.i wonder what will we eat if farmers keep dieing at this rate. while politicians play election game.当看到印度是这个样子,我颤抖了。印度以农业经济着称,却用如此卑劣的手段对待我们的农民。把穷苦的农民们丢弃在凶恶的交易商和银行巨鲨们编织的幻想中。没有销售支持,没有保险,没有宽松的贷款。人民党,国大党,左派都只是把农民当做票仓。真替他们感到羞耻。没有农民的儿子还想当农民。当政客们继续他们的选举游戏时,我想知道农民以这样的速率继续死亡下去,我们将来吃什么。3赞 1踩【五毛网】http://wumaow.comsajal jainsajaldehradun1 day agovery unfortunate. however why do the govts are always reactive. why was msp not fixed. in india the farmers are at receiving end,always. whether theres drought or bumper harvest. what surprises me is how the present govt, claims to be better than previous. it is indecive, confused and stingy. the income tax, gst and pay commission have proved that, it is not large hearted and pragmatic. its more stingy than a small time business man. please grow up. its good to have a world vision like nehru. however what matters is domestic performance. please do not be too over confident about 2019.非常不幸。为什么我们印度的政府总是被动应对?为什么msp还没有被修复?(msp是什么?救济金吗?)在印度农民总是处于接收端,无论干旱或者丰收。让我震惊的是当前政府居然声称比前任政府干得好。现在的政府即糊涂又小气。所得税,gst(不知是什么)和付款委托已经证明了这点。它们没有雄心和务实的态度。它们比小商人还小气。成熟些吧。像尼赫鲁那样拥有国际视野。无论如何,最重要的是国内事务。请不要对2019年的大选过度自信。3赞 0踩alex smithalex smith1 day agoare o farmers . y vandalising these structures police fired on u .!!! politicians didn get the matter resolved !!! y are you destroying some ones propertyshame shame全是农民吗?为什么要破坏公务导致警察向你开枪?政客们没有解决问题!!!为什么你要破坏别人的财产?羞愧啊羞愧!3赞 1踩p sinhap sinha1 day agosad to read this news article, in fact most of the news are sad. farmers are not hooligans and looters, they feed the country but for how long can india bear the cost of their loans  there has to be a long lasting solution to farmers problem. do they even pay taxes  water, electricity are free and income from agriculture is non taxable. so, why this hoopla 读完这条新闻后太悲伤了。实际上大多数新闻都很悲伤。农民们不是小流氓和抢劫犯。他们供养这个国家,但是印度还能负担他们的贷款成本多久呢?关于农民问题必须要有一个长效解决方案。农民们交税吗?水、电是免费的并且农业收入是免税的。为什么它们还要喧闹?(译者注:说真的,结合前面说的印度农作物收购价格是5分钱一公斤,我觉得无论免不免税,印度农民都活不了。顺便查了一下,中国2017年小麦收购最低价格大约是2元多一公斤。相差了40倍啊!)3赞 0踩sudhanshu pandeysudhanshu1 day agothis would mark the end of bjp rule in mp. the govt should act immediately to prevent arson and such rampage to normalize the situation and ensure this violence doesnt spread to other regions.also what that shameless kailash vijayvargiya is doing with that fake baba ram rahim.his state is burning and that s#! hole is busy in releasing babas music launch.这会终结bjp(人民党)在中央邦的统治。政府应当迅速行动以预防纵火和这样的暴怒常态化。并且确保暴力行为不要向其它地区蔓延。还有无耻的kailash vijayvargiya和骗子baba ram rahim。他管理的地区在燃烧但这个屎坑却在忙着发行自己的新音乐。3赞 3踩joshyjoshy1 day agoit is surprising that no one is blaming the bjp government in powersilly bhakts accusing opposition partiesbjp will destroy our dear nationsoon all will realise even the bhakts throw them out让我吃惊的是居然没有人责怪bjp(人民党)。愚蠢的印度教狂热份子却在责怪反对党。。。bjp(人民党)将会毁掉我们的国家。不久后人民就会发现这点,即使是印度教狂热份子也会最终发现这点。把它们扔出去。3赞 3踩bhushan karnikbhushan1 day agobjp government came to power at center with a lot of hog-wash promises, particularly for farmers who constitute 70% of total electorate. in last 3 years nothing happened. then up happened, bjp came to power by promising all farmers abolishing there loans.up was most important election for bjp to win at any cost. and loans were waived. seeing this farmers from other bjp states started to demand same. central government is not blinking. now face farmers anger , which will spread all over india. this government has created a frankenstein from up.bjp(人民党)政府通过大量猪泔水承诺从而登上了权力的中心。特别是农民构成了它们选票的70%。在过去的3年里什么都没有发生。当北方邦大选时,bjp(人民党)为了赢得北方邦选举,承诺所有的农民贷款都会被免除。因为北方邦选举对人民党非常重要,不惜一切代价也要赢下来。北方邦的贷款被免除了。其它bjp领导的邦的农民看到后也要求免除偿还贷款。中央政府没有同意。现在面对农民们的愤怒传遍整个印度。印度政府纯粹是因为北方邦而自作自受。3赞 0踩kamal nayan panditanonymous1 day agois this on instigation and doing of congress opposition tv channels were full of various leaders from there including a discredited digvijai. similar strategy seems in upmaha. shiv sena in its typical desperation trying to gish in trounled waters like opposition. these tactics are neither friends of people nor farmers.这些暴乱是不是受充满了各种各样领导人的国大党反对派电视频道唆使的?这些领导人甚至包含不名誉的digvijai。在北方邦和马哈拉施特拉邦看起来是相似的战术。shiv sena也是典型的由于绝望而像反对派一样尝试搅浑水。这些战术即对普通民众,也对农民都不好。3赞 1踩印度网友评论:中国刷新固定翼无人机纪录china launches record-breaking drone swarm中国进行破纪录的无人机集群试验beijing: china has launched a record breaking swarm of 119 fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles, authorities said on sunday.the feat broke the previous record of a swarm of 67 drones, the china electronics technology group corporation (cetc) said.从中国电子科技集团公司获悉,该集团成功完成了119架固定翼无人机集群飞行试验,刷新了此前2016年珠海航展披露的67架固定翼无人机集群试验纪录,这标志着智能无人集群领域的又一突破。the 119 drones performed catapult-assisted take-offs and formations in the sky.according to the cetc, swarm intelligence is regarded as the core of artificial intelligence of unmanned systems and the future of intelligent unmanned systems.据了解,集群智能作为一种颠覆性技术,一直被各国视作无人系统人工智能的核心,是未来智能无人系统的突破口。印度时报读者的评论:来源:http://www.santaihu.com/.html外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.comjealousy will make india great,jai hind.4 1 reply flag嫉妒会让印度变得伟大的,印度必胜lov gandhi nt os maoi have 2000 drone in my collection, i can launch all of them at one time,,, what the big deal, hahahhaha0 0 reply flag我收藏了2000架无人机可以一次性发射出去哈哈asdy kdsachina quality way better than india quality4 0 reply flag中国质量远远超过印度质量n renganathait may become a menace to our security interests over a period of time.border vigil need to be fortified2 0 reply flag一段时间内,这些无人机也许会成为我们的安全威胁。边界得加强警戒了ashashlocation9 hours agousa has built intelligent armed drones that are released by bomber plane by hundreadsthey are controlled by ai . they fly in cohesion and used to attack selected target . on battlefeild these drones can be lethal as they are too small to be effectively shot down but can deliver suffician explosives to cause large casualties0 1 reply flag美国已经造出了智能武装无人机,可以通过轰炸机释放,一次性就释放几百架。通过人工智能控制的。集群飞行,用来攻击特定目标在战场上,这些无人机是致命的,无人机很小,难以击落无人机可以造成大规模杀伤snsnc10 hours agoin china, there is competition based on merit. people face challenges and win. they do not back stab others using reservation system and political scoundrels. if we end multiparty demo-crazy in india and let a dictator rule us, we will be ahead of china in no time0 0 reply flag中国实行的是任人唯贤制,人们要接受挑战,然后胜利中国人不搞预留制,不搞政治无赖,不会从背后中伤你们。scl premiinstead of loan waivers and subsidies, india needs to concentrate/focus on developing futuristic production and war/surveillance technologies to make india more secure and prosperous.0 0 reply flag与其免除贷款和补贴,印度还是专注研发侦察技术,让印度变得更安全,更繁荣jorge gonzalez larramendijorge gonzalez larramendi20 hours ago: ) israel has been doing it on a larger scale for years: together with a light show on the dancing drones and live orchestra. open to the public.0 1 reply flag以色列几年前就大规模试验了ck joit will be like the stray dogs on the streets all over india.0 0 reply flag类似印度全国各地街上的流浪狗indian dronesindian dronesuk23 hours agonot impressed. india launched 103 satellites to space in one shot. now china is copying indian feat. to show who is the tech master, india will soon launch 120 drones, all from israel or us.不咋地。你们弱爆了,印度可一次性就发射了103颗卫星呢现在中国山寨印度的壮举。为了证明谁才是技术王者,印度很快会一次性发射120架无人机的,这些无人机不是从以色列买来的,就是美国买来的。中国对印度出口急剧增加,印度网友愤怒!indian exports to china rises sharply
imports rise also前4个月,印度对华出口急剧增加,进口也增加beijing: after years of decline, indian exports to china rose sharply in the first four months of this year registering a 20 per cent increase to $5.57 billion, though the trade deficit continued to persist.经过数年的下滑,印度对华出口今年前4个月急剧增加,创下了20%的增幅,达到55.7亿美元,不过贸易赤字仍然持续。indian exports received a major boost mainly due to china increasing the steel consumption by importing big quantity of iron ore as well as gems and diamonds besides cotton materials.印度出口之所以受到极大推动,主要是因为中国不仅大幅增加了铁矿石的进口,而且增加了宝石和钻石以及棉花原料的进口。the india-china trade grew by six per cent to $26.02 billion from january to april this year, according to the data of chinas customs accessed by pti here.根据中国海关的数据,今年1月-4月,中印贸易增加了6%,达260.2亿美元。as per the data, the indian exports have gone up to $5.57 billion, registering a 20 per cent increase. chinas exports to india too amounted to $20.45 billion, a 14 per cent raise.数据显示,印度对华出口增至55.7亿美元,创下了20%的增幅。中国对印出口也达到了204.5亿美元,增幅为14%。印度时报读者的评论:来源:http://www.santaihu.com/.html外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.comrahul kumar144rahul kumar2 days agoraw iron ore should never be sold to china. theyll send that same back to india as finished iron and steel rods at ridiculously low prices and finish off our domestic iron and steel industryreply 8 0 flag铁矿石千万别卖给中国中国买过来后,会加工成钢铁,然后以低价倾销印度,从而挤掉印度钢铁工业pavan p7279pavan phindustan2 days agochina should allow more indian imports and level the trade deficit which is hugely in favour of china! india is at a major disadvantage because of low chinese demand for indian items! jai hind!reply 4 1 flag中国应加大从印度进口。尽量消除中印贸易赤字。中国对印度商品的需求很低,使得印度在贸易中处于相当不利的地位。印度必胜!vermakavi verma2071kavi vermajodhpur2 days agodo not sell them raw products just the processed thing onlyreply 2 0 flag别把原材料卖给中国,要卖就卖加工过的产品sunil e333sunil ehyderabad2 days agolike to see more finished product exports and not raw material!reply 2 0 flag希望更多成品出口,而不是一味出口原材料!hemant gupta1825hemant2 days agoindia should do the reciprocal. should ban chinese products.reply 2 0 flag贸易应是互惠互利的,应该封杀中国货vishnu swaroop kyanam7054vishnu swaroopbangalore2 days agoexporting iron ore is a bad idea. if we hadnt exported ore they would have imported more steel.reply 2 0 flag出口铁矿石不是好主意如果我们不出口铁矿石,可能他们就得加大钢铁的进口了speak sense9936speak sense2 days agostop the foolish cow protection export beef and exports will rise globally.reply 2 1 flag别保护牛了加大牛肉的出口吧anonym2049shoebnew delhi2 days agoimport all raw materials even if we have and export only finished products.reply 1 0 flag只进口各种原材料,即便不缺原材料也进口,加工后出口成品anonym2049shoebnew delhi2 days agoonly beggar countries will export raw materials. stop this immediately.reply 1 0 flag只有乞丐国家才会出口原材料。赶紧叫停hudaf shaikh2453hudaf2 days agoindia should impose additional duties on imports from countries where the trade imbalance is more than 50% and deficit is more than $500 millionreply 1 0 flag哪个国家对印度存在的贸易盈余超过5亿美元,印度就该对哪个国家施加额外的进口税收。givson kamson1600givson2 days agoexport should be higher than the imports. there is an imbalance in the trade between india and china. china is however benefitting as their export is more than its import.reply 1 0 flag出口应高于进口印度和中国之间存在贸易不平衡。中国是受益者,他们的出口超过进口rajib biswas1110rajib2 days agowhat is the benefit of increasing the exports of raw materials and importing end product at higher costs.reply 1 0 flag增加原材料的出口,然后高价进口成品,这样有什么好处?hardev singh62hardev2 days agoone never knows one day we may have to confront chinese warlike equipment and armour manufactured by using our iron orereply 0 0 flag天晓得,总有一天,我们也许不得不面对用印度铁矿石造出来的武器装备laxman desai3512laxman2 days agoat this rate we will slowly become colony of china.. like in the past british guys used to buy raw cotton from us n send value added fabric back to us. . we are exporting ore n getting steel back.. same kind of set up our govt should keep watch on this.. exporting raw materials n getting finished goods back is not a good commerce..reply 0 0 flag照这么下去,我们会慢慢沦为中国殖民地的就跟过去一样,英国人通常买我们的棉花,然后把高附加值的纺织品卖给我们。现在我们出口铁矿石,而进口钢铁。sameer pandit695sameer panditdelhi2 days agomodi modireply 0 0 flag莫迪,莫迪anonym2049shoebnew delhi2 days agolearn from china. they import iron ore even if they have reserves. they export steel. they import coal from n korea even if they have the reserves. are we a backward country like n korea to drain away our natural resources reply 0 0 flag向中国学习。即便仍有库存,他们仍进口铁矿石,并出口钢铁。类似地,他们也从朝鲜进口煤炭。作为落后国家,难道我们要消耗掉国内的自然资源?anonym2049shoebnew delhi2 days agodont export any agricultural products that drain our water resources. instead import them to save water.reply 0 0 flag别出口农产品,毕竟种植农产品耗尽了水资源。swatant shakti10980swatant shakti2 days agofair trade! not free trade!!reply 0 0 flag公平贸易!rajesh vyas6945rajeshrajesh vyas2 days agothe adverse balance of trade is indeed alarming.reply 0 0 flag贸易不平衡确实令人担忧speak sense9936speak sense2 days agowhat indian exports to china rises sharply . import are four time the exports.reply 0 0 flag印度对华出口急剧增加?进口是出口的四倍啊shabir contractor577shabir contractor2 days agoa very healthy trend.reply 0 2 flag非常健康的走向rama rajya21522rama rajya2 days agodue to various curb imposed on import of chinese goods it is possible.reply 0 0 flag考虑到对中国商品的进口施加了各种限制,这是可能的。the times 0f india12512priya bimalzozar, kashmir2 days agodragons will eat our all cows.reply 0 0 flag中国龙会吃掉我们的牛的numerologist vikasz288numerologist2 days ago数字命理学家印度五代机计划陷困局 比歼10立项还早印度,作为发展中国家中的大国,拥有着傲人的经济发展速度,其有着自己的骄傲,也有着属于自己的大国雄心。在装备发展领域,印度一直谋求着国产化,为此投入了大量的资金和时间;虽然一路坎坷,但却一直不懈。在战机领域,4代(俄标)轻型的lca算是印度的第一次尝试,其立项时间比我国歼-10稍早,验证机首飞时间晚了几年,之后就一直受超重和质量问题困扰。至今,其装备数量比歼-10系列差了一个数量级,而国产化程度也只有60%。lca不算一个成功的案例,无论是发动机、气动设计,还是飞控系统、航电系统,都是在外国的帮助下完成的,然而最后结果却令人十分的失望。不过lca却使印度了解了现代化战机的整个研制流程,同时对自身能力也有了一个现实的认识。基于这种认识,对于第5代战机,印度选择了在俄罗斯t-50战机的基础上,以俄罗斯研发为主,发展自己新一代的fgfa战机。从理论上将,这是一个很现实的选择,也是一个快速成功的捷径。然而,前苏联的解体对俄罗斯的伤害太大,俄罗斯刚要缓过来,叙利亚战争以及其带来的负面结果又将俄罗斯拖入了深渊。严重受损的经济制约了技术的研发,俄罗斯在4.5代战机上还算积累颇丰,然而在5代机技术上,俄罗斯的准备就显得有较多的不足了。t-50,俄罗斯为自己研发的第5代战机,虽然以前国内有不少人对其性能赞誉有加,甚至是吹捧,然而当潮水脱去,我们就能发现是谁在裸泳。无论是国内还是国外对t-50的仿真测试表明,其隐身能力只比4.5代战机非挂载情况下稍好,比f-22/歼-20等相差一个数量级。而隐身能力,恰恰是5代机区别于4代机的革命性、本质性技术。其目前的发动机依然是用于su-35上的同类型的117发动机,而新一代的代号30的发动机,还处于地面测试阶段。从2010年首飞至今,其原型机已露面9架,但却一直见不到主弹仓打开的图片,格斗弹仓更是连是否存在都是很大问题。从武器配套上看,俄罗斯所谓的新一代的rvv-sd中程空空导弹、rvv-md格斗导弹,都只是r-77/73的改进产品,比中美新一代的导弹都有不小的差距。t-50隐身能力仿真测试结果难以令人满意的性能,经济的困窘,t-50项目进度一拖再拖,近期更是传出了要冻结的消息。对于俄罗斯来说,如何处理t-50是自己的选择,然而对于印度来说,一旦t-50项目受困,fgfa项目将被迫跟着延迟。而且,印度对fgfa有着更高的要求,是在各方面都达到完全体的t-50。2016年,印度向俄罗斯提交了fgfa项目多达40个的主要需要改进的问题,包括发动机、隐身性能、雷达系统、传感器系统、超音速巡航能力等。原本双方的协议是各提供40亿美元的研发资金,然而至今印度只出资了约3亿美元,原因是俄罗斯拒绝印度更多的参与t-50项目的研发。印度希望这40亿的投资能够换取t-50所有的技术和生产工艺,然而俄罗斯却将价格直接提高到了70亿美元,因为俄罗斯认为印度需要补的基础课太多。也许两者终将互相妥协,然而这之前只能暂时停滞。对于这种情况,印度提出了自己新一代的中型机计划amca。amca项目依然是与其他国家联合研制,计划2030年之前首飞,2035年之后开始生产。从时间上看,这个项目是比较务实的,只是搞笑的是,其联合研制国恐怕还是俄罗斯,这不得不让人无语。印度目前gdp已接近俄罗斯的2倍,快速增长的经济使其野心勃勃,然而在新一代战机研发上,印度即使想投入大量的资金,却依然直接受困于俄罗斯的进展,这就是装备受制于人的结果。对于印度来说,也许最好的道路是一方面努力发展本国的工业,提升自身的研制实力,一方面降低对装备指标过高的要求,使得新装备能够按时服役。只是,印度的自信显然使其不会这么老实。俄印五代机又泡汤:t50为何命途多舛?上一期的文章里我们还专门谈到了俄罗斯的国防工业,我在那篇文章里还专门了说印度的资金是俄罗斯国防工业的支柱。结果,刚刚过了一天,印度好像突然回过味来了,那个印度往里砸钱俄罗斯提供技术的五代机合作计划泡汤了据美国《防务新闻》24日报道,俄印五代机合作谈判已经失败,因为俄罗斯方面提出的价格让印度无法接受。报道中说,俄罗斯要求印度支付70亿美金,而且坚决不能还价。但是这回俄罗斯的计划失败了,70亿美金不还价的态度,彻底把印度给弄的肉疼了。薅羊毛偏找准一只薅,搁谁谁也扛不住啊。俄罗斯与印度联合研发的这款五代机叫做fgfa,fgfa将具有隐身特性、更大推力的发动机、更强的目标截获能力,并可携带新型机载武器。该机的一种双座改型将装备印度空军。据悉,这款战机有可能是俄罗斯t50战机的改进型。但是说实话,t50从日首飞直到现在,依然处于试飞状态,现在的进度都不一定能赶得上咱们国产的fc31。这几年中,不断有俄罗斯媒体曝出t50早期量产型即将交付部队或者俄罗斯空军即将接收首批t50的新闻,但到目前为止结局依然惨淡。这其中也不乏技术的问题,比如t-50还缺少第五代机所要求的高度智能化综合信息系统、自动抗干扰装置和自动控制系统等。然而这些问题对于俄罗斯来说都还是小事,雄厚的原始技术积累使外界相信t50在技术方面的障碍绝对不是影响其成败的关键因素。对于俄罗斯来说,最大的问题就是没钱!早在2010年,印度斯坦航空公司就和俄罗斯签订了联合研发战机的合同。也正是这个时候,俄罗斯的矛盾心理开始表现的越来越明显。俄罗斯觉得在技术转让方面的生意做得太亏了,于是在面对印度时开始表现的推三阻四。印度则表示我们花钱就是为了技术,你不给技术,我就不给钱,于是终止了拨款。然而印度也并不想轻易放弃,毕竟在这个世界上只有从俄罗斯才能买到五代机技术了,于是又找俄罗斯合作,如此周而复始好不热闹。但是实际上,我们有理由相信俄罗斯才是最不甘心的国家。作为苏联分家之后的老大,每一个俄罗斯人心里都怀揣着一个军事帝国的梦想。然而俄罗斯的经济实在是太不景气了,即使普京在国防工业上投入了巨大的精力,在面对动辄上百亿美元的研发经费时还是得发怵啊。gdp都没有,哪来的军费支出呢?俄印研发t50坎坷多,一旦暂停损失惨重t-50战斗机是一款由俄罗斯联邦联合航空制造公司旗下苏霍伊航空集团主导,在未来战术空军战斗复合体(pak-fa)计划下开发、生产的高性能多用途战机。作为第五代战斗机,其原型机于日进行了首次试飞,于日和2月12日,进行了第二次和第三次飞行。截至日,试飞17次,到11月中旬,共进行了40次试飞。第二架原型机由2010年年底开始飞行试验,但被推迟直到2011年3月。2012年后,俄罗斯国防部购买首批10架评估试验机,然后在2016年后装备60架标准型号。首批战机将配备现有技术引擎。t-50型号战斗机预期服役寿命为3035年。直到近年的第五代战机t-50出现才让人们发现,它确实航空大国之底气.可谓它的样子太怪,以至于有人评价为苏-27的扁平版。作为第五代战斗机,其原型机于日进行了首次试飞。截至日,试飞17次,到11月中旬,共进行了40次试飞。t50样机20世纪末期,美国率先进入隐身时代,推出f-22战斗机,再次拉开了航空技术的差距。f-22所代表的隐身、超音速巡航、超机动和网络战能力代表了空战的新境界,俄罗斯空军再次面临来自西方的沉重压力进入21世纪,俄罗斯空军委托苏霍伊设计局开始设计第五代战机,命名为t50。t是三角翼的意思,前掠翼或者后掠翼的内部代号则为s。在t50设计之初,俄罗斯国防部给苏霍伊设计局的要求是t50必须能够对付f-22,压制f-35和中国未来的五代机。t50样机其实但在t50的研发过程中也是坎坷颇多:t-50试飞时间原定为2008年,但由于t-50当时尚处于设计阶段而无法实现,试飞时间延期为2009年8月,但是在2009年5月时,负责发动机的土星公司暂停研发,试飞再次延期。日,t-50进行了首次试飞,比美军的f-22晚了整整二十年。2011年8月,在第10届莫斯科航展中,俄罗斯首次现场展示了第五代战斗机t-50。日,为庆祝俄罗斯空军成立100周年,俄第五代战机t-50继2011年莫斯科国际航展首度亮相后,再度出现在公众面前。、t50样机俄罗斯一位高级官员表示,俄罗斯或将暂停t-50计划,等到2030年再重新开发一款5.75代战机。对此,俄罗斯的不少设计师解释称,出于费效比考虑,俄罗斯目前并不需要t-50这类的战机。对印度来说真是一亏到底,一旦终止整个计划,就意味着印度前期所有的投入都打了水漂。不过也有网友表示,这是俄罗斯故意放风吓唬印度拿钱的,t-50计划终止与否现在下定论还为时过早。实际上,印度斯坦航空公司(hal)早在2010年就与俄罗斯苏霍伊公司签署了联合开发战斗机合同,由印度出钱,俄罗斯出技术,两家共同研制。但由于俄罗斯方面在技术转移问题上的消极态度和t-50原型机研制试飞中遭受的挫折,印度方面终止了拨款。歼20试飞印度虽然终止了拨款,但实际上并不想放弃,因为这是印度唯一能获得第五代战斗机研制技术的机会。因为印度即便与美国近年来在军事合作方面非常密切,美国先后批准向印度出口c-17战略运输机和p-81反潜巡逻机等先进装备,印度如果要购买f-35隐身战斗机,估计也也不会成问题。但美国卖给你飞机可以,引进五代技术是想都别想,所以印度继续找俄罗斯合作也是预料之中的事。俄罗斯t50一拖再拖,印度会买f35?作为地区大国的印度,一直有雄心成为世界性的强国,但理想很丰满,现实很骨感,长期以来,印度一直因为其孱弱的国防工业所拖累,无法更进一步,发展出自己系统完整的国防工业体系,虽然历史和传统上沿革了英印的国防工业,之后以此为基础也发展了一套印度式的国防体系,但长期以来,印度一直陷入,外购国产再外购的怪圈,而其所谓国产装备,譬如阿琼坦克,lca敏捷战斗机,一直为世人所诟病,也被印度军队投了否定票了,前不久,印度刚订购了一批法国的阵风战斗机,而与俄罗斯合作的t50的印度版第五代战斗机也在俄罗斯如火如荼的进行中,但限于资金的有限,平时在外购上一向大手大脚的印度,却在t50上哑火了,t50的进程始终无法提}


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