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Mathematica培训:科学软件学习网 VS Wolfram Research
关于Mathematica培训,选择哪家机构是关键。在我国,目前关于Mathematica培训的机构也有不少,不过口碑和知名度较好的有两家,一个是科学软件学习网,一个是Wolfram Research。对于科学软件学习网和Wolfram Research,到底哪个机构的Mathematica培训效果和方法方式更好呢?下面简单和大家介绍一下。
教师简介:陆宇,中国科学院高能物理研究所理论物理专业博士研究生。能熟练应用Mathematica处理科研问题。对Mathematica软件有全面的学习,研读过多部相关的书籍,除国内的《Mathematica演示项目笔记》等相关图书以外,重点研读完了《Mathematica全书》、《Mathematica programming: an advanced introduction》、《Power Programming with Mathematica - the kernel》 。 课程介绍:本课程主要讲述Mathematica编程。与传统Mathematica课程相比,本课程偏重原理性的讲解,重点讲述函数式、规则式编程和Mathematica表达式,带领大家用轻松、优雅、高效的方式使用Mathematica,避免痛苦、臃肿、低效的过程式编程。讲述过程中穿插了丰富的演示实例辅助理解。本课程围绕编程展开,而非某个特定的数学问题,因此比如处理带有奇点的数值积分之类的问题,本课程并不涉及。由于课程时间和目的以及讲课者水平所限,本课程也不涉及一些高级功能和过于细节的原理,不过这些内容也可以通过提供的相关参考资料中找到解释。适用对象:适合具有初步编程知识(仅仅只需要初步的知识),想弄清楚原理提高工作效率的Mathematica爱好者和和憎恶者。如果你认为Mathematica不过是个高级计算器的话,本课程会改变你的看法。如果你认为Mathematica很慢,通过本课程可以学到高效的编程方法。如果你认为编程不过是码一堆冗长的谁也不愿意读的代码,本课程会带你体会Mathematica设计的精妙之处,让编程充满乐趣。
Wolfram Research:Mathematica培训入门
本课程深入讲解关于 Mathematica 的各种基本功能及实践操作,为求解高级应用问题以及开发软件解决方案奠定全面而坚实的基础。课程以小班制,按讲座和练习的形式交替进行,让学员有充分的机会与教师进行课堂答疑。除简体中文版以外,本课程同时提供英语、法语、德语、日语、西班牙语等版本及配套学习资料。
水平:初级& & & &
本课程适用于所有希望成为 Mathematica 专家级用户的学员。无论您是初次接触 Mathematica,还是已颇有经验,但希望进一步了解该系统的功能,均会受益于此课程。
简介Mathematica 入门简介、Wolfram|Alpha 的自由形式输入、执行基本运算、构建计算模型、用户界面导航,并对如何使用并充分利用参考资料中心系统进行说明编程 I介绍 Mathematica 编程语言,并重点学习与过程式、函数式和基于规则的编程风格相关的编程任务可视化与图形二维和三维绘图、数据绘图、使用选项以及创建动态和交互图形符号计算计算符号表达式,包括多项式运算、解方程、微积分函数和化简数值计算拟合数据、插值、积分、解方程、显示中间值、微分方程、线性方程组、精确与不精确数、任意精度数以及大型数组的操作编程 II深入了解 Mathematica 编程语言的语法和结构、函数式编程、纯函数、选项和信息,以及创建高效程序处理数据
第三方登录:309被浏览7668分享邀请回答该回答已被折叠 0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起Wolfram|Alpha创始人:我希望搜索不仅是计算_网易科技
本报记者 杨琳桦 硅谷报道
今年5月“Wolfram|Alpha”正式对公众开放前,一群技术行业的领袖已亲临“Wolfram|Alpha”总部Wolfram Research观摩过它。
名单有点长,包括:万维网发明者提姆·伯纳尔斯·李、创始人比尔·盖茨、创始人杰夫·贝索斯,以及Wolfram Research曾经的实习生——创始人谢尔盖·布林。
Wolfram|Alpha和Wolfram Research创始人是现年49岁的斯蒂芬·沃尔弗拉姆(Stephen Wolfram),长期致力于对计算机复杂系统的研究,以推动计算机基础科学的突破而闻名。
多年以后,沃尔弗拉姆的父母应感到惊讶:为何一对“小说家+牛津大学哲学教授”的结合,竟诞生了一个计算机科学家和商人的组合。不过,区别于大部分企业家和教授,他们儿子是一个系统的国王——从其抽象的科学理论著作《一种新科学》(A New Kind of Science,简称“NKS”〉,到围绕这一理论派生而出的系列产品和公司运作。
2002年,他出版了一本备受争议的书《一种新科学》,通过对“细胞自动控制器”(Cellular Automata)和复杂数学系统的研究,得出结论——“宇宙在本质上为数字化,并以一定基本规则运行,而这些法则能被一些很简单的程序所概括和表达”,引发计算机科学界的热烈讨论。
沃尔弗拉姆:Wolfram|Alpha确实是一个全新的、应用全面的技术,围绕它,将产生出一个完整的、“以知识为基础的计算”(knowledge-based computing)的生态系统。
上月中,我们已向其它网站开放API,微软是最新的一个客户。而经过大量努力,目前Wolfram|Alpha针对和iPod touch应用程序的API也已可供使用。
但是,从最终目标来说,我希望Wolfram|Alpha不只停留于能计算,而是能同时进行发明和发现。我不知何时电脑能运行得足够快、我们的方法能进化得足够好,但最终我希望,当用户向Wolfram|Alpha 提问时,Wolfram|Alpha也能自动去其它地方寻找可能存在的纯计算空间,通过实时开发新的科学和方法,去动态地发现新的答案。
沃尔弗拉姆:不同年份有所不同。当我从事《一种新科学》的写作时,通常是下午处理公司事宜,然后,用整个晚上的时间写书。而当我决定要创建Wolfram|Alpha时, 我几乎从早到晚都在和我的团队开网络会议。
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November 9, 2017 &
, Kernel Developer, Algorithms R&D
Here are 10 terms in a sequence:
And here’s what their numerical values are:
But what is the limit of the sequence? What would one get if one continued the sequence forever?
and the , there’s a function to compute that:
Limits are a central concept in many areas, including number theory, geometry and computational complexity. They’re also at the heart of calculus, not least since they’re used to define the very notions of derivatives and integrals.
Mathematica and the Wolfram Language have always had capabilities
in , they’ve been dramatically expanded. We’ve leveraged many areas of the Wolfram Language to achieve this, and we’ve invented some completely new algorithms too. And to make sure we’ve covered what people want, we’ve sampled over a million limits from .
Posted in:
November 8, 2017 &
, Senior User Interface Developer, User Interfaces
The One-Liner Competition is a tradition at our annual , which took place at our headquarters in Champaign, Illinois, two weeks ago. We challenge attendees to show us the most impressive effects they can achieve with 128 characters or fewer of
code. We are never disappointed, and often surprised by what they show us can be done with the language we work so hard to develop&the language we think is the world’s most powerful and fun.
This year’s winning submissions included melting flags, computer vision and poetry. Read on to see how far you can go with just a few characters of Wolfram Language code…
Posted in:
November 2, 2017 &
, Technical Writer, Technical Communications and Strategy Group
As is tradition at the annual Wolfram Technology Conference, we recognize exceptional users and organizations for their innovative usage of our technologies across a variety of disciplines and fields.
Nominated candidates undergo a vetting process, and are then evaluated by a panel of experts to determine winners. This year we’re excited to announce the recipients of the 2017 Wolfram Innovator Awards.
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November 1, 2017 &
, Media & Communications Specialist
Two weeks ago at the , a diverse lineup of hands-on training, workshops, talks and networking events were impressively orchestrated over the course of four days, culminating in a one-of-a-kind annual experience for users and enthusiasts of Wolfram technologies. It was a unique experience where researchers and professionals interacted directly with those who build each component of the Wolfram technology stack—, , the , ,
and everything in between.
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October 10, 2017 &
, Lead Architect, Advanced Research Group
Automated Data Science
Imagine a baker connecting a data science application to his database and asking it, “How many croissants are we going to sell next Sunday?” The application would simply answer, “According to your recorded data and other factors such as the predicted weather, there is a 90% chance that between 62 and 67 croissants will be sold.” The baker could then plan accordingly. This is an example of an automated data scientist, a system to which you could throw arbitrary data and get insights or predictions in return.
One key component in making this a reality is the ability to learn a predictive model without specifications from humans besides the data. In the , this is the role of the functions
and . For example, let’s train a classifier to recognize
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October 4, 2017 &
, Director of User Interface Technology
Ten months ago, I
the beginning of our open beta program for Wolfram Player for iOS. The beta is over, and we are now shipping Wolfram Player in the App Store.
on Windows, Mac and Linux as a free platform for sharing your notebook content with the world.
Wolfram Player is the first native computational notebook experience ever on iOS. You can now take your notebooks with you and play them offline. Wolfram Player supports notebooks running interfaces backed by Version 11.1 of the —an 11.2 release will come shortly. Wolfram Player includes the same kernel that you would find in any desktop or cloud release of the Wolfram Language.
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September 29, 2017
, Manager, Image Processing
, Consultant, Algorithms R&D
Microscopes were invented almost four hundred years ago. But today, there’s a revolution in microscopy (as in so many other fields) associated with computation. We’ve been working hard to make the
a definitive platform for the emerging field of computational microscopy.
It all starts with getting an image of some kind—whether from a light or x-ray microscope, transmission electron microscope (TEM), confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM), two-photon excitation or a scanning electron microscope (SEM), as well as many more. You can then proceed to enhance images, reconstruct objects and perform measurements, detection, recognition and classification. At last month’s , we showed various examples of this pipeline, starting with a Zeiss microscope and a ToupTek digital camera.
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September 14, 2017 &
Our Latest R&D Output
I’m excited today to announce the latest output from our R&D pipeline:
and —available immediately on desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux) and cloud.
It was only this spring that we released . But after the summer we’re now ready for another impressive release—with all kinds of additions and enhancements, including 100+ entirely new functions:
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September 7, 2017 &
, Wolfram|Alpha Math Content Manager
In our continued efforts to make it easier for students to learn and understand math and science concepts, the
team has been hard at work this summer expanding our step-by-step solutions. Since the school year is just beginning, we’re excited to announce some new features.
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August 25, 2017 &
, Chief Scientist
Last week, I read Michael Berry’s paper, “.” Over the years, I have read many interesting papers by this longtime Mathematica user, but this one stood out for its maximizing of the product of simplicity and unexpectedness. Michael discusses what he calls the magic window. For 70+ years, we have known about holograms, and now we know about magic windows. So what exactly is a magic window? Here is a sketch of the optics of one:
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