英语翻译 建设现代化游戏经济体系系

&&&&& 投稿日期:
(六)完善社会管理,维护社会安定团结。五、军队现代化六、弘扬民族文化七、祖国统一,推进“一国两制”实践和祖国和平统一大业 八、和平发展,始终不渝走和平发展道路。九、党的建设,以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程。以上就是国家在新时期的主要工作方向和任务。你可以考虑一下在不同的任务内,你可以做些什么。如果还是没有方向,我可以给你举例说明一下如何贡献力量啊。以弘扬民族文化为例啊: ......做好自己该做的事情不拖后腿不做损害国家利益的事是对国家最大的贡献
哇 ,党课作业~~
通常指在经济增长率中净出口拉动所占的份额,也称净出口对GDP增长的贡献率。...为您推荐: 其他类似...
当然是贡献自己的力量, 在学校和家里都和大家和谐的相处, 这样自己的生活也会更加的愉快, 也会更受到...
为公司的发展贡献力量 英文:Contribute to the development of the...&&&中国现代化建设 在 经济体制改革 分类中
&&&&Main Approaches for China's Modernization by Analyzing The
Economic Globalization
&&&&Research on the theory of Marxist Asian mode of production and the construction model of China's modernization
&&&&From three aspects that the progress of science and techaolog is the basic power for the development of economy and society, and so on, this paper profoundly and fully expounds that only by the progress of science and technolog, by the acceteration of explimenting the strategy of prospering china by science and education and the strategy of sustainable development can we promate the construction of China's modernization ad realize the rejuvenation of China in the 21st century.
&&&&Strategy of China's modernization drive
&&&&Making the correct economic and social development strategy of economy or not is key to China's modernization success or failure. It reflects the administrative ability of our party and is one of the important ways to strengthen the ruling legitimacy of our party.
&&&&Information Globalization and the Construc tion of China Modernaziation
&&&&How to coordinate the relation among the east, middle and west zone is the great subject during the process of modernization in China.
&&&&如何协调东中西三大地带关系 ,是中国现代化建设进程中的重大课题。
&&&&The traditional industrial bases in northeast China will also grasp the opportunities brought about by strategies of revitalizing northeast China so as to achieving acceleration in economy development.
&&&&We have made great achievements in the socialist modernization of New China. However, china has fallen into ecology problems. And it is the modernization of china's bottle-neck.
&&&&Firstly, we had made mistakes on policy decision before reform and opening-up.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& First, how to assess contemporary situations.The international tension stems from two sides. On one side, it is felt between the two superpowers. Last year, they were on ratherbad terms, but this year has seen a few changes for the better in their relations as aresult of their efforts to go to table for negotiations. Nevertheless, this doesn't meanthat the essential conflicts existing between the two superpowers have withered away.For the U.S., it is in need of two years or two years and a half to adapt itself... First, how to assess contemporary situations.The international tension stems from two sides. On one side, it is felt between the two superpowers. Last year, they were on ratherbad terms, but this year has seen a few changes for the better in their relations as aresult of their efforts to go to table for negotiations. Nevertheless, this doesn't meanthat the essential conflicts existing between the two superpowers have withered away.For the U.S., it is in need of two years or two years and a half to adapt itself to SDIcost and both enomous military and welfare expenditures. Apart from this, taking generalelection of this period into consideration, the Reagan Administration may be tilted tosoftening its position to some extent towards the USSR. As for the USSR, it is also ne-cessary to think of easing tension a little temporarily and making some preparations forits own new military build-up. It is estimated that the two superpowers may reach atemporary partial compromise in their strategic arms by 1987. Of course, a contrary pos-sibility can't be kept out exclusively. On the other side, the tension may be seen as an outcome of the inner economicfrictions among the capitalist world. This trend may develop drastically, Besides theacute commercial frictions between Western Europe and the U.S., the commercial frictionsbetween Japan and the U.S. have come to a head. Since Japan's exports have done bigharms to the U.S. especially, the latter now is urging Japan to shift its course from layingemphasis on the expansion of exports to giving priority to the expansion of domesticsupplies and of military strength. The second problem is in connection with the development of world economic situa-tions. It will roughly go like this: as far as the capitalist world's economy is concern-ed, in the coming five to ten years, there won't be any possibility of prosperity, nor bigrecessions and big booms, but there may be periodic crisis and recovery as well.这是宦乡同志日在现代国际关系研究所发起组织的“八十年代后半期中国现代化建设的国际政治环境讨论会”上的讲话摘录,系根据记录整理,已经本人审阅。题目是我们加的。 To develop the west is a strategic decision made by China at the turn of the century. It is bound to speed up the modernization and the great advance of all the nationalities of China in the next century. Compared with the development of the east, the development of the west is much more difficult, which is because of the drop in market price of raw materials at the overseas market and of the relative overproduction at home. As Inner Mongolia stretches across the three Northern Regions, bordering on 8 provinces... To develop the west is a strategic decision made by China at the turn of the century. It is bound to speed up the modernization and the great advance of all the nationalities of China in the next century. Compared with the development of the east, the development of the west is much more difficult, which is because of the drop in market price of raw materials at the overseas market and of the relative overproduction at home. As Inner Mongolia stretches across the three Northern Regions, bordering on 8 provinces , it is an indispensable part in the development of the west as a whole. Its role can not be replaced , and it will probably become a pivot. So it is necessary to reform economic system, administrative mechanism and goverment policy in ordr to develop the economy in Inner Mongolia.西部开发是中国世纪之交的重要战略决策 ,事关 2 1世纪中国的现代化建设和各民族的发展。比起东部开发、优先发展 ,西部开发要艰巨得多。这是由国际原料初级产业市场价格的降低和国内生产相对过剩所决定的。内蒙古横跨三北、毗邻八省 ,是西部整体开发不可或缺的组成部分 ,有其不可替代的作用 ,甚至有望成为重要支点。内蒙古区域经济的发展必须进行体制创新、机制创新、政策创新和战略创新 The 21
century is a century of intellectual economy,which,on one hand,provides China with rare chance and strong motive force to develop,on the other hand,becomes a severe challenge to the Chinese modernization.Facing the intellectual economic chance and challenge,China must choose the right modern strategies,whose key point is to put all efforts into the following strategies:giving priority to develop the intellectual resource,building up the country on science and education,making innovation to knowledge,accomplishing... The 21
century is a century of intellectual economy,which,on one hand,provides China with rare chance and strong motive force to develop,on the other hand,becomes a severe challenge to the Chinese modernization.Facing the intellectual economic chance and challenge,China must choose the right modern strategies,whose key point is to put all efforts into the following strategies:giving priority to develop the intellectual resource,building up the country on science and education,making innovation to knowledge,accomplishing informationization and continuous development.21世纪是知识经济世纪 ,知识经济时代的到来一方面为中国现代化建设提供了难得的历史机遇和强大的动力与手段 ,使中国的现代化获得了一种新的目标体系和参照系统 ;但另一方面 ,知识经济又对中国现代化构成了严峻挑战 ,使中国现代化建设面临着工业化和知识化双重压力 ,国家的安全也受到了许多外部影响的威胁。面对知识经济的机遇和挑战 ,中国必须选择正确的现代化战略 ,其关键之处是全力实施好智力资源优先开发战略、科教兴国战略、国家知识创新与信息化战略和可持续发展战略&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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英文翻译socialist modernization&&&&socialist modernization&&&& reconstruc ...&&&&reform and opening and in the reform and opening up and i ...&&&&create a new situation in all fields of socialist modernization&&&&create a new situation in all fields of socialist modernization&&&&shift the focus of our work to socialist modernization&&&&to shift the policy stress to socialist modernization&&&&speed up soc speed usocialist modernization&&&&the theory and practice of chinese socialist modernization construction&&&&modernization drive&&&&train and bring up millions of successors to carry on the cause of socialist m ...&&&&a modem,powerful socialist country&&&&reform opening uand the modernization drive&&&&construction of the four -modernizations&&&&socialist realism&&&&modern socialism&&&&socialist construction&&&&speed up the four modernizations&&&&exercise leadership in modernization program&&&&the period of socialist construction&&&&chinese socialist construction&&&&modernization drive&&&&the entire process of reform opening- the entire process of ...&&&&the chief architect of china's reform opening and the chi ...&&&&defense-related research and modernize our weaponry and equipment
例句与用法Reform and opening and in the modernization drive改革开放和社会主义现代化建设It is our basic line to carry out socialist modernization搞社会主义现代化建设是基本路线。 To shift the policy stress to socialist modernization将政策重心转移到社会主义现代化建设上来Study on the essence of construction of socialism modernization新中国社会主义现代化建设的本质研究A major goal for the promotion of the construction of socialist modernization推进社会主义现代化建设的重要目标Effect of globalization on construction of socialist modernization in china全球化对中国社会主义现代化建设的影响Cities plays a leading role in our country ' s socialist modernization城市在我国社会主义现代化建设中起着主导作用。 Liu shaoqi ' s exploration on the construction road to socialist modernization论刘少奇对我国社会主义现代化建设道路的探索City information is the only roads in socialism modernize build of china摘要城市信息化是我国社会主义现代化建设的必由之路。 This is singnificant for speeding up the drive of socialist modernization in china这对我国的社会主义现代化建设具有重要意义。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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“ 一带一路 是推动人类发展进步的和平之路、繁荣之路、开放之路、创新之路、文明之路,也是需要各行业、各部门同心协力的奋斗之路。”国家测绘地理信息局党组书记、局长库热西·买合苏提代表说,“一带一路”建设是贯彻新发展理念、建设现代化经济体系、推动构建人类命运共同体的重大决策部署,国家测绘地理信息局正在积极开展全球地理信息资源建设,继续获取“一带一路”建设参与国地理信息,为“一带一路”建设提供基础信息保障,在国际合作中体现“中国担当”。“建设现代化经济体系,需要改革保驾护航,必须在深化体制机制改革上做文章,优化制度供给。”李新元代表认为,要按照十九大做出的部署,继续深化基础性改革,完善现代产权制度,创造公平竞争的市场环境;深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济;深化行政管理体制、财税体制改革,划清政府和市场行为的边界,加快完善社会主义市场经济体制,以深化改革的磅礴之力推动中国经济巨轮行稳致远。


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