
版 次:1页 数:字 数:印刷时间:日开 本:16开纸 张:胶版纸包 装:平装-胶订是否套装:是国际标准书号ISBN:8所属分类:&&
当当读书客户端万本电子书免费读  【劲词天天学】        The Big Bang 宇宙的起源——大爆炸    大爆炸(the Big Bang)是描述宇宙诞生初始条件,及其后续演化的宇宙学模型。这一模型得到了当今科学研究和观测最广泛的支持。    通常所指的大爆炸观点是:宇宙是在过去有限的时间之前,由一个密度极大且温度极高的太初状态演变而来的(根据2010年所得到的最佳的观测结果,这些初始状态大约存在发生于133亿年至139亿年前),并经过不断的膨胀到达今天的状态。         让我们在英语例句中,更深入的了解the Big Bang:      1. Professor Hawking’s theory of “from the Big Bang to black holes” predicts that the expanding universe must have a beginning and an end.  霍金教授的“从大爆炸到黑洞”的理论推断膨胀中的宇宙一定有一个开端,也一定会有一个终结。    2. &The question of what came before the Big Bang is the most interesting question of all.& Says Jastrow.  贾斯特罗说:“大爆炸之前发生了什么,这是所有问题中最有趣的问题。    3. there was no carbon and oxygen in the universe at the Big Bang.  大爆炸时,宇宙里没有碳元素和氧元素。    前段时间,美国情景喜剧《生活大爆炸-the Big Bang Theory 》在年轻人中掀起了一番收视狂潮,成为《六人行》之后最火的剧集,喜欢看美剧的童鞋,一定不要错过~!      
霍金的世界观——“来生”只是个传说A belief that heaven or an afterlife(n.来生) awaits us is a &fairy story& for people afraid of death, Stephen Hawking has said.天堂或来生守候着我们,霍金(Stephen Hawking)说了,这种信仰是对死亡恐惧的人的“童话故事”。In a dismissal(n.反驳) that underlines his firm rejection of religious comforts, Britain's most eminent scientist said there was nothing beyond the moment when the brain flickers(v.闪烁) for the final time.在一次反驳中,英国最杰出的科学家强调了自己对宗教慰藉坚定的拒绝态度,他说弥留之刻大脑中闪现的东西是虚空。Hawking, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, shares his thoughts on death, human purpose and our chance existence in an exclusive interview with the Guardian today.在今天接受卫报的一次专访中,21岁即被诊断出患有运动神经元疾病的霍金分享了自己对死亡、人类意志以及生存机会的看法。The incurable(adj.不能治愈的) illness was expected to kill Hawking within a few years of its symptoms arising, an outlook that turned the young scientist to Wagner, but ultimately(adv.最终) led him to enjoy life more, he has said, despite the cloud hanging over his future.这种不治之症曾被认为会在出现症状的几年之内夺去霍金的生命,这样的前景让年轻的科学家向瓦格纳(Wagner)求助,他曾说,尽管自己的未来依然阴云密布,这最终却让他更好地享受生活。  &I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first,& he said.      “过去49年来,我一直都在英年早逝的预期中生活着。我不怕死,但我也还不急着想死。在死之前我还有太多的东西要做,”他说。    &I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components(n.部件) fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for b that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark,& he added.      “我把大脑看成是计算机,当它的部件失效的时候就会停止工作。坏掉的电脑并没有天堂或者来生;对于害怕黑暗的人来说那是个童话故事”,他补充说。    Hawking's latest comments go beyond those laid out in his 2010 book, The Grand Design, in which he asserted that there is no need for a creator to explain the existence of the universe. The book provoked a backlash(n.强烈反对) from some religious leaders, including the chief rabbi, Lord Sacks, who accused Hawking of committing an &elementary fallacy& of logic.      霍金对于超越那些东西的最新看法都摆在他2010年的新书《大设计(The Grand Design)》里面,在这本书里面,他断定宇宙的存在并不需要一位造物主来做出解释。这本书引起了某些宗教领袖的强烈不满,其中就包括首席拉比萨克斯勋爵(Lord Sacks),他指责霍金犯了一个逻辑上的“基本谬误”。    The 69-year-old physicist fell seriously ill after a lecture tour in the US in 2009 and was taken to Addenbrookes hospital in an episode that sparked grave concerns for his health. He has since returned to his Cambridge department as director of research.      2009年在美国举行了一场巡回演讲之后,这位69岁的物理学家得了重病,此间被带往阿登布鲁克(Addenbrookes)医院还引发了对其健康的严重担忧。自此以后他就返回了剑桥大学自己所在的系担任研究主任。    The physicist's remarks draw a stark line between the use of God as a metaphor(n.隐喻) and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the workings of the cosmos.      上帝是用来作为象征,还是对一位主宰宇宙运转的全能创造者的信仰,这位物理学家的言辞对此的区隔泾渭分明。    In the interview, Hawking rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives. In answer to a question on how we should live, he said, simply: &We should seek the greatest value of our action.&      在此次采访中,霍金驳斥了死后有来生的观念,强调了通过充分利用我们的人生去发挥自己在地球上的潜能的需要。在回答一个有关我们应该如何生活的问题中,他很朴素地回答道:“我们应该寻求自己行动的最大价值”。    In answering another, he wrote of the beauty of science, such as the exquisite double helix of DNA in biology, or the fundamental equations of physics.      在回答另一个问题时,他描述了科学之美,比如生物DNA双螺旋结构之优美,或物理基本方程的精致。    Hawking responded to questions posed by the Guardian and a reader in advance of a lecture tomorrow at the Google Zeitgeist meeting in London, in which he will address the question: &Why are we here?&      霍金回答了卫报和一位读者提出的问题,明天他将在伦敦举行的谷歌时代精神(Google Zeitgeist)会议上发表演讲,这次演讲他将会谈到一个问题:“我们为什么会在这里?”    In the talk, he will argue that tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe became the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and ultimately human life emerged. &Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously(adv.自发的,不由自主地) created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in,& he said.      在演讲中他将证明,在甚早期的宇宙中的微小量子涨落成为星系、恒星以及最终人类生命出现的起源。“科学预言许多不同类型的宇宙将会自发地从虚空中被创建出来。我们身处哪个宇宙中只是一个运气问题”,他说。    Hawking suggests that with modern space-based instruments, such as the European Space Agency's Planck mission, it may be possible to spot ancient fingerprints(n.指纹) in the light left over from the earliest moments of the universe and work out how our own place in space came to be.      霍金提出,通过现代太空工具,如欧洲太空总署(European Space Agency)的普朗克空间计划(Planck),也许有可能在宇宙最早期留下的光线中找到远古的指纹,然后弄清楚我们自己的空间是如何形成的。    由Hi-English编辑    
  今日话题:出口到日本  精选新词:salty 咸的  当班主播:Micahal & Sandra(韦博上海静安中心外教)    A: So Shlom, how are things at the sausage factory?      最近香肠厂生意还好吗?    B: Oh they are great. We just had a meeting about exporting out sausages to Japan. Our Executives just got back from a business trip to Japan. They wanted to develop a strategy for entering the Japanese market.      噢,还不错,最近我们开了一次有关出口香肠到日本的会议。我们的执行长刚刚从日本出差回来。他们想制定一个进入日本市场的策略。    A: Wow that is great! Did you go too?      哇,太棒了,你也去了吗?    B: Yes I just got back. I am really jet lagged.      是的,我还昏着呢,时差还没有倒过来。    A: I bet you had a great time. The Japanese are very hospitable. What did the Japanese think about you sausages?      我猜你一定很High吧,他们很好客的。他们觉得你们的香肠怎么样?    B: They loved them! They especially loved our new sausages.      非常喜欢,他们尤其喜欢我们的新上市的一种香肠。    A: Oh you have a new line of sausages? What are they like?      哦?你们有新品种的香肠了呀?什么特点?    B: Well here is one. You can try it and find out for yourself.      这里就有一个,你尝尝鲜。    A: Ok. Wow it is really big. I don't know if I can eat the whole thing.      不错,料很饱满,一口气吃不完。         B: That's Ok. Just take a bit off the top.      没关系,不急,你慢点品。    A: Oh my goodness something just shot into my mouth.      里面还有一些汤汁呢!    B: Ya. See that is what makes it special.      是的,这就是它的特别之处。    A: That is really neat. But it is too salty for me.       真不错,就是汤的味道有点咸。    
  【劲语天天学】        My cup of tea    这个词组直译过来的意思是“我的那杯茶”,到底指的是什么呢?    随着相亲节目火遍荧屏,我们经常听到相亲舞台上的男女嘉宾说:他/她不是我的那杯茶,或者他/她是我的那杯茶云云,这句话其实就是译自这段英语&My cup of tea.&    My cup of tea 指的就是“意中人,我喜欢的类型”。引申开来,这个短语还有“我喜欢做的事情,擅长做的事情的意思, 喜欢的东西”等意思。    这么看下来,这杯茶的内容还是很丰富的吧!    这个词,我们可以这样用:    1. Although Tom is intelligent and smart, he is too boring. He is not my cup of tea.  虽然汤姆聪明过人,但人很闷,他完全不是我喜欢的那种类型。    2. I love novels, while other books are not my cup of tea.  我爱看小说,其它类的书则不合我的口味。    3. Playing basketball is my cup of tea!  篮球是我的拿手好戏。    
  Today Topic:
如何塑形?  Today Vocabulary:
aerobics 有氧健身操  Today Host:
Christina&Nick (韦博上海徐家汇中心外教)      Hello, my name is Jane and I'd like to ask a few questions about getting fit.   哈罗!我的名字是Jane,我想问问有关健身的问题。      Hi Jane. What can I do for you?   你好,Jane, 我可以帮到你吗?      I need to get in shape.   我要塑身!      Well, you've come to the right place. Have you been doing any exercise lately?   好的,你来对地方了。你做过健身运动吗?      I'm afraid not.   好像没有呢。      OK. We'll start of slow. Which type of exercise do you enjoy doing?   好吧,我们可以慢慢来,你都喜欢做什么样的运动呢?      I like doing aerobics, but I hate jogging. I don't mind doing some weight-lifting, though.   我喜欢有氧健身操,我不喜欢慢跑,我不介意做点举重。      Great, that gives us plenty to work with. How often can you work out?   太好了,我们有很多的运动要做,你平时时间安排都是怎样的?      Twice or three times a week would be good.   一周两次或者三次都没有问题。      Why don't we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a little weight lifting?   我们可以从有氧健身操开始,一周两次,然后再加一点举重训练。      Sounds fine to me.   听起来不错。      You'll need to start slowly, and build up gradually to three or four times a week.   你需要慢慢来,频率再慢慢地增长到一周三到四次。      OK. What kind of equipment will I need?   好的,那我需要什么设备吗?      You'll need a leotard and some sneakers.   你需要一套紧身连衣裤,和一些运动鞋。      Is that all? How do I sign up for the classes?   一共就是这些是吧?我要去订课了。      We'll need you to join the gym and then you can choose which classes fits your schedule best.   你需要加入健身房,然后看哪一节课符合你的日程安排。      Great! I can't wait to get started. Thanks for your advice.   太好了!我等不及想开始了!谢谢你的建议。      No problem. I'll see you in aerobics class!   没问题,有氧健身操课上见!    
  劲语天天学】    情绪坏了不可怕,可怕的是压抑它。心情不好的时候,大家要知道寻找合适的途径将它们发泄出来。情绪是流动的,它会来,也一定会走掉。所以,学会情绪的疏导是很重要。今天我们的Hi-English就聚焦心情不好时的“倒霉英语“,将它说出来,你离坏情绪走掉也就不远了!    来看看有哪些发泄坏情绪的表达呢?    1. I can't take it anymore!    我实在受不了了!    2. I‘m not in the mood.    我根本没心情。    3. She's working my last nerve!    我实在对她忍无可忍了!         记下了吗?下次记得说出来,You'll feel better!  
  【哲理】别让坏情绪坏了你的大事      Do not let emotions interfere with your success      People with low EQ can easily be defeated(v.击败) completely. They are defeated by complete collapses in mood.      In order to have your own life and professional fulfillment (n.满足), you need to learn how to transform a small annoyance to achieve breakthroughs. When you find things getting out of control, do not take it personally. Separate yourself from the problem and see it from a different angle. Then you can be less emotional, more objective and make the right changes.     Suppose you are an ER(=emergency room急诊室) doctor, trying to save a dying child, the child's parents are in the room crying, but at the moment when your best performance is required you must not be disturbed or panicked(v.使惊恐) by painful emotions. You need to keep calm and focused on maintaining the most appropriate emotion.      If you can stay stable and calm, you can see more clearly and realistically (adv.现实地) and you can avoid becoming a victim of emotions.     译文翻译:  情商低的人很容易被完全击败。他们因为情绪上的完全崩溃而遭受挫败。     为了获得你自己生活上和职业上的满足感,你需要转化小小的烦扰来取得突破。当你觉得难以控制之时,不要太晚心里去。把自己和问题分开,从一个全新的角度去看。那么你会少些情绪化,更客观地做出正确的变化。     假设你是一位急诊医生,正试图挽救一位生命垂危的孩子,而孩子的父母正在房间里哭泣,但此刻当你需要有最佳表现时,你必须不能受痛苦情绪所扰以致慌恐。你需要保持镇静和专心,保持最适合的情绪。     如果你能保持镇定和冷静,你一定能看得更为清晰,更为可观——你能避免成为情绪的牺牲者。   
  Deadline(截止日期)对于职场人来说并不陌生,错过截止期限可能会影响个人的信誉甚至整个团队的工作。你有没有焦头烂额地赶Deadline的经历呢?        1. Today is the deadline for project that I've been preparing for months.        这个项目我做了好几个月了,今天是截止日期。        2. Ugh! Such a bulky stack of paperwork! I wonder if I can finish it by today. Meeting deadlines is always tough.        唉!稿子可真厚呀!今天能完成吗?每次到截稿日总是这么累人。        3. I must meet my deadline. Otherwise the editor won't leave us alone!        我一定得赶上截稿日,不然编辑不会放过我的。        4. I'm behind in my work. I will have to stay up all night to meet the deadline.        我的工作进度落后了,我得开夜车赶进度了。        5. I have to get back to work. I am under a deadline.        我得回去工作了,我有要截止的活要做。        6. Let's pencil the deadline in June 1st.        我们把最后期限暂定为六月一号吧。        7. She thought herself into a panic over the deadline.        想到最后期限,她不禁惊慌失措。        8. Make sure everyone knows that we must stick to the deadlines.        要确保每个人都知道我们必须赶在最后期限之前完成任务。        9. You can rest assured that we'll finish the work in time.        你放心吧,我们一定按时完成任务。        10. I have a really tight schedule to meet the deadline.        我近来有工作任务要赶着交,日程很紧。        11. The project is due to be finished by the end of this week. From next week on, we should be in less of a rush.        这个项目这周末结束,从下周开始我们就不用这么忙了。      
  英语新词:购物时影响我们的F-Factor      随着网购的兴起,不少人在购买商品之前通常都会先看一下其他顾客的评价。如果评价不多,还有可能会直接在社交网络上发个帖子询问友邻们的意见。这样一来,我们在买东西的时候就不会只听信商家的一面之词了。        F-Factor refers to the influence of Friends, Fans and Followers on purchasing decisions.        F因素指我们在做购物决定时,朋友、粉丝及追随者对我们产生的影响。                Discussing the increasing importance of social media in commerce,
minted the term F-Factor to describe the influence of friends, fans and followers:        在谈及社交媒体对商务日益重要的影响时,网站创造了F-Factor(F因素)这个词来描述朋友、粉丝及追随者所发挥的作用:        Consumers are increasingly tapping into their networks of friends, fans, and followers to discover, discuss and purchase goods and services, in ever-more sophisticated ways. As a result, it’s never been more important for brands to make sure they too have the F-FACTOR.        消费者越来越倾向于依赖他们的朋友、粉丝和追随者这个网络来发现、谈论并购买商品和服务,这比以往的购物方式更加复杂。因此,各类商家确保能够掌握这些F因素也显得愈发重要。         detailed five “ways that the F-FACTOR influences consumption behavior”:        以下为F因素影响消费行为的五种方式:        F-DISCOVERY: How consumers discover new products and services by relying on their social networks.        F发现:消费者如何通过其社交网络发现新产品和服务。        F-RATED: How consumers will increasingly (and automatically) receive targeted ratings, recommendations and reviews from their social networks.        F评价:消费者如何从其社交网络(自动)接收越来越多的目标商品评价、推荐以及反馈。        F-FEEDBACK: How consumers can ask their friends and followers to improve and validate their buying decisions.        F反馈:消费者如何向其朋友和追随者求教以提高并做出准确的购买决定。        F-TOGETHER: How shopping is becoming increasingly social, even when consumers and their peers are not physically together.        F同行:就算消费者与其同伴并不真的在一起,也能让购物变得越来越社交化,这是如何实现的。        F-ME: How consumers’ social networks are literally turned into products and services.        F我的消费:消费者的社交网络是如何最终变成产品和服务的  
  或许因为女性是感性动物,所以女子之间的感情表达从来都被视作自然现象,很少会引起特别关注。而男人之间一旦感情深厚起来,要不被叫做bromance,要不就可能贴上gay的标签。其实,男人之间也有纯粹的欣赏和崇拜的。                Man crush is a strong emotion a straight man shows when he respects, admires and idolizes another man, totally non-sexual. Celebrities, athletes and rock stars are often the object of the man crush. When you have a man crush on another man, you would very badly want to be that man.        Man crush(男人间的欣赏)描述的是一个直男对另一个男人怀有尊敬、仰慕以及崇拜情绪时表现出来的那种强烈感情,而这一切与性无关。名人、运动员和摇滚歌星等通常都是男人欣赏的对象。当一个男人很欣赏另一个男人时,他会特别想要成为那个人。        For example:        Ben Affleck has had a man crush on Matt Damon for a long time.        本•阿弗莱克欣赏马特•达蒙好久了。     
  aqu水    aquarium
[aqu水,-arium表示场所地点;’放养水生动物的地方”] 水族馆,养鱼池    aquatic
[aqu水,-atic形容词后缀,…的] 水的,水中的    aqueduct
[aqu水,-e-,duct引导;’引导水”] 引水槽,水道,沟渠,导水管    aqueous
[aqu水,-eous…的] 水性的,多水的,含水的,水状的    aquosity
[aqu水,-osity名词后缀,表示状态] 多水状态,潮湿    aquiculture
[aqu水,-i-,cult养育,-ure名词后缀] 饲养水栖动物,养鱼,水产养殖    aquiferous
[aqu水,-i-,fer带有,-ous…的] 带有水的,含水的    aquiform
[aqu水,-i-,-form有…形状的] 水状的    subaqueous
[sub-下,aqu水,-eous…的] 水下的,用于水下的    superaqueous
[super-上,aqu水,-eous…的] 水上的,水面上的    aqualung
[aqua=aqu水,lung肺] (潜水员背的)水中呼吸器    aquashow
[aqua=aqu水,show表演] 水上技艺表演
  anthrop(o)人,人类    anthropology
[anthropo人类,-logy…学] 人类学    anthropologist
[anthropo人类,-logist…学者] 人类学者    anthropoid
[anthrop人,-oid似…的] 似人的,类人猿    anthroposcopy
[anthrop人,scopy看;’观人面相”] 观相学    anthroposociology
[anthrop人类,sciology社会学] 人类社会学    anthropotomy
[anthrop人→人体,tomy切,割→解剖] 人体解剖(学)    philanthropy
[phil爱,anthrop人类,-y表抽象名词;’爱人类”] 仁爱,慈善,博爱主义    philanthropist
[见上,-ist表示人] 博爱主义者,慈善家    philanthropic
[见上,-ic…的] 博爱的,慈善的    misanthropy
[mis=miso厌,恨,恶,anthrop人类] 厌世,厌恶人类    misanthropist
[见上,-ist表示人] 厌世者,厌恶人类者    misanthropic
[见上,-ic,…的] 厌世的,厌恶人
    【劲语天天学】        韩梅梅对李雷说:“Hi, how are you?”.李雷对韩梅梅说:“Fine, thank you. And you?”    这一经典对话,我们人教版的学子都耳熟能详,倒背如流了~但是,除了它,你还能道出其他打招呼的方式吗?多年的英语学习之后,如果只能说出这一种说法···你的老师也伤不起啊!    今天我们就来学习另外7种打招呼招式!赶快来接招~    1. Hey, Greg, how's it going?  嗨,格雷格,你好吗?    2. How are you doing this afternoon?  下午好。    3. Hey, Jack! How have you been?  嗨,杰克,最近还好吗?    4. Hey, Rose! Good to see you again.    嗨, 罗斯,见到你真高兴!    5. I haven't seen you in ages.  好长时间没见到你了!    6. How are you doing?  最近可好?    7. Long time no see. How have you been?  好久不见。最近怎么样?          
  今日话题:booking a hotel room订房间  精选新词:VAT 增值税  当班主播:韦博上海南方中心外教    Hotel receptionist: Good afternoon San Felice Hotel, may I help you?  酒店接待员: 下午好,这里是San Felice酒店,有什么可以帮您的吗?    Customer: Yes, I’d like to book a room please.  顾客:是的,我想订一间房间。    Hotel receptionist: Certainly, when for, sir?  酒店接待员:好的,请问先生您的入住时间是?    Customer: March the 23rd.  顾客:3月23号。     Hotel receptionist: How long will you be staying?  酒店接待员:请问您预备住几天呢?    Customer: Three nights.  顾客:三个晚上。    Hotel receptionist: What kind of room would you like sir?  酒店接待员:请问您需要哪一种房间?    Customer: Double with a bath. I’d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake?  顾客:双人房,带洗浴间。要是能看到湖景就更好了。    Hotel receptionist: Certainly sir, I’ll just check what we have available. Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a very splendid view.  酒店接待员:好的,先生,我这就来查看一下。恩,4楼有一间这样的房,景色非常不错。    Customer: Fine, how much is the charge per night?  顾客:太好了,住一晚的价格是多少?     Hotel receptionist: Would you like breakfast?  酒店接待员:请问您需要早餐吗?    Customer: No thanks.  顾客:不,不需要。    Hotel receptionist: It’s 84 Euros per night excluding VAT.  酒店接待员:不包括增值税,每晚需要84欧。    Customer: That’s fine.  顾客:好的。    Hotel receptionist: Who is the booking for, please sir?  酒店接待员:请问订房者的姓名是?    Customer: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. That’s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D  顾客:是Ryefield夫妇,R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.    Hotel receptionist: Okay, let me make sure I got that. Mr and Mrs Ryefield, double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that correct?  酒店接待员:好的,我来确认一下。Ryefield夫妇,双人间,带洗浴间,3月23、24、25号入住。以上信息都正确是吗?    Customer: Yes it is.  顾客:是的。    Hotel receptionist: Thank-you. Let me give you your confirmation number. It’s 7576385. I’ll repeat that, 7576385. Thank-you for choosing San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Good-bye.  酒店接待员:谢谢,这是您的确认码,7576385。我再重复一遍,7576385。感谢您选择San Felice酒店。祝您愉快!再见!    Customer: Good-bye.  顾客:再见!    
  岁阅读可以促使未来的职业生涯成功      A recent Oxford University sociological study found reading to be the only activity for 16-year-olds that correlates(v.有相关性)with a managerial or professional job later in life.    最近牛津大学的一项社会学研究发现,对于16岁的少年来说,阅读是唯一与他们后来的管理或职业有联系的活动。    The study suggests that playing sports, socializing, going to museums or art performances, cooking, sewing(n.针线活), and playing computer games all have little impact(n.影响) on career. Researcher Mark Taylor, an Oxford sociologist, studied nearly 20,000 questionnaire(n.调查表) responses from people born in 1970. The responses detailed their extracurricular(adj.课外的) activities at age 16 and their careers at age 33.    该研究表示,体育运动、社交活动、参观博物馆和艺术表演、做饭、播种、玩电脑游戏对以后的职业影响很小。牛津大学的Mark Taylor研究员是社会化学家,研究了针对1970年出生的人群的近20,000份调查表。调查表要求他们详细列出他们在16岁时的课外活动以及33岁时他们的职业。    Taylor found that girls who read during their teenage years had a 39 percent chance of holding a professional or managerial position in their thirties as opposed to a 25 percent chance if they did not. The boys' numbers were similarly revealing, with the probability jumping from 48 percent to 58 percent in males who read during adolescence. The Telegraph reports that Taylor reasons reading leads to eloquent speech, a trait that impresses potential employers.      Taylor 发现在小时候阅读的那些女生有39%的人会在他们30岁时从事专业的或管理职位,而没有阅读的女生则只有25%。男生们的情况相同,如果少年时期阅读的话,将来与没有阅读的孩子相比,从事专业或管理方面的职业的几率分别是58%和48%。    But before you rush to the books, consider yourself warned: none of the extracurricular teen activities is linked to a higher or lower salary at 33.      但是在你急于开始阅读前,要注意:少年时期课外活动与33岁时的高薪或低薪是没有联系的。    
  歉的说法,你会几种?下面为你罗列出了5种说法。记下几条,下次用的时候,不带一点犹豫~!    对不起的说法不仅仅只有&Sorry”:    1. Excuse me. 对不起,不好意思。(借过、主动找某人讲话时经常使用)    2. Sorry to interrupt you. 对不起,打断一下。    3. I shouldn't have done that. 我不该那么做。    4. Forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you. 请原谅,我不是有意惹你生气。    5. I didn't mean it that way. 事情闹成那样并非我的本意。      “没关系”的其他说法:    1. That's all right.
没关系。    2. Never mind.
无所谓。    3. Forget it.
忘掉它吧。    4. It's not your fault.
那不是你的错。    5. Not at all. 现在最火的“闹太套(音译)。”——没关系。    
  日话题:冷笑话一则  精选新词:laundry room 洗衣房  当班主播:韦博上海人民广场中心外教    One day my husband decided to wash his sweater.   有一天,丈夫想自己洗毛衣。    Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me,  在他走进了洗衣房之后,对我嚷道:    &What setting do I use on the washing machine?&  “洗衣机要怎么设置啊?”     &It depends,& I replied.  “那要看情况了”。我答道。     &What does it say on your sweater? “  “你看看你的毛衣上怎么写的?”    He yelled back, & Television University.”  他回喊道:“电视大学。”    
    【劲词天天学】        工资薪水有很多种,它们的定义有哪些区别?各种说法又有哪些不同?      今天我们就来一起学一学。      Salary
——a fixed amount, daily,weekly,monthly, which is adjusted, based on number of days worked,not worked      薪水: 每日,每周,每月固定的数额,根据工作日数作调整      Wage
——an hourly rate adjusted for the number of hours worked    时薪: 根据工作时数作调整的每小时工资标准    Piece
——a certain amount for each unit of work done    计件工资: 对每件完成的工作支付的金额    Commissions ——Money earned on a regular basis based on previous sales made.    佣金: 根据以往的销售业绩,定期发的钱。    Bonuses ——Money paid by the company for various reasons, such as meeting objectives, productivity incentives, special events,etc.    奖金 : 公司根据不同原因支付的钱,如完成任务,激励员工提高生产力,特殊节日,如圣诞节等等。          
  今日话题:北京风很大  精选新词:The Summer Palace 颐和园  当班主播:韦博上海南方商城中心外教      Hey, what's up?  嗨!最近还好吗?    Nothing much, how have you been?  还行,你最近在忙啥?    Pretty
good, pretty
good. I just got back from Beijing. It was a fun trip.  还不错,我刚刚从北京回来。这次旅行很给力。    I went to The Forbidden City, The Summer Palace and saw The Great Wall. The weather was too cold and was really windy.  我去了故宫,颐和园,长城。就是天气有点冷,风很大。    Yeah,Beijing gets windy in the winter.  是的,北京的冬天总是风很大。    What have you been up to?  你最近在忙什么呢?    Me? Just working. This job has been keeping me busy.  我?就是工作呗。最近工作都把我忙得不行。    What do you do?  你的工作是?    I teach English. Are you still working that IT job?  教英语。你还在做IT的工作吗?    Yeah, but I'm thinking about finding a new job. I just need a change of environment.  是的,但是我在考虑去找另一份工作了。我需要换换环境了。    I see. I was just going to go grab some lunch. Want to come with me?  我明白了。我现在要去吃午餐了,你愿意和我一起去吗?    Sounds like a plan.  好主意!    
  【理财】如何结束月光族生活      导语:完成以下这些步骤,月光族生活对你来说就永远成为了历史。以上这些就是我们为你做的有效的个人财务建议,包括怎样为你的目标去存钱。但是开始做才是最重要的。      My recommendation is that, whether or not you track your spending, at least do the following:  我的建议是,不管你是否打算列出你的日常开销,至少要做到以下几点:    Stop the bleeding. Stop using your credit and debit cards immediately. Cut them up, or put them in the freezer in a ziploc bag filled with water, effectively freezing your cards. Also stop taking other loans(n.贷款), either from banks or finance companies or friends or family. Stop getting into more debt.   1.停止借贷。马上停止使用信用卡和借记卡,把它们切碎或者放在装满水的保鲜袋里,让它们见鬼去吧。停止一切借贷,无论是从银行、财务公司、朋友或家人。停止获取到更多的债务。    Start saving now! The next most important step you can take, in the beginning, is to start a small savings account if you haven’t already. Begin depositing into it regularly, at least $100 per paycheck but more if you can. If you can’t find $100 then see the next step for how. Make it an automatic deposit, the first bill you pay each payday, because it is the most important! A savings account will help you smooth out your finances — when an emergency comes up, like your car breaking down or someone having to go to the hospital, you won’t be thrown back into debtedness or brokedness. You will have some cash to pay for that emergency, and you can use your regular paycheck for regular expenses.     2.从现在开始储蓄 !接下来最重要的事就是储蓄,如果你以前没有一点存款的习惯,那就从这一小笔存款开始。定期在发薪水的时候存入100美元,如果可能越多越好。可是如果你一百块钱也存不下来怎么办呢?那就开一个自动转存账户,这样你每次发薪水的第一笔支出就是存入固定的存款到这个账户中,因为它是最重要的。一个储蓄账户能够帮你理顺你的财务状况,这样当你出现紧急情况需要用钱时,譬如你的座驾罢工、有亲人或朋友不得不去医院,你就不会又回到债台高筑甚至破产的处境了。你可以预留一些现金应急,并且日常开支的话,(剩余的)工资足够应付了。    Look at discretionary(adj.任意的,无条件的) spending. If you can’t find $100-200 to save per paycheck, then you need to cut some things from your spending. This is where tracking your spending comes in handy, but even if you don’t, you know some of the extras you spend on — cigarettes, coffee, snacks, candy, desserts, eating out, magazines, shopping for clothes or gadgets(n.小机械,小器具) or toys or shoes, books, going out … these are just a few of the examples. I’m not saying you need to cut everything out, but if you can cut a few of them, or maybe just one at a time, that can add up. Then, take the money you didn’t spend on those discretionary items, and put that amount into savings each payday. Increase this over time. (See How I Save Money.)     3.审查日常开支。如果你实在不能在发薪水的时候存下100~200美元的话,那你就需要削减一些你不必要的日常开支洛。列出日常开销的好处在这里就体现的淋漓尽致了,但是即使你不那么做,我们也能够知道你的额外消费在哪里,例如香烟、咖啡、小吃、糖果、点心、外出就餐、杂志、买衣服、鞋子、书籍、旅游……这里列出的只是很小的一部分,我不是说要你把所有这些都削减掉,但如果你能削减其中的一些,或者只是一次一个,那用于储蓄的那部分钱就增加了。然后,把这些增加的钱在发薪水的时候一并存入,积少成多。      Make a budget(n.预算). I know, it’s a dreaded word for most of us. But it’s not that hard, and if you set it up right, it’s fairly simple. I recommend using a simple spreadsheet. List all your regular expenses (rent, car, utilities, internet, etc.) and their amounts, and then your variable expenses (groceries, gas, eating out, etc.), and then your irregular(adj.不规则的,偶然的) expenses (things like car maintenance or medical that might not come up every month, but break them into estimated monthly expenses — if you spend $600 a year on car maintenance, budget a $50 monthly expense). Now match that up against your income. The expenses should be less.     4.做好预算。我知道对我们大多数人来说,这是个令人恐惧的词。但是它真不像我们想像的那么艰难,如果你安排恰当的话,它是相当简单的。我建议用一个简单的电子表格,列出你的一些日常开支项目(比如房租、汽车、水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用、网费等等)和具体的金额,然后是一些可变支出(比如日常食品、外出就餐等),最后是一些偶然支出(例如汽车维修费、医疗费等不适每个月都有,但是把它们平摊到每个月的开销里------如果你一年在汽车维护上花费是600美元,那每个月预算就是50元)。现在如果你发现你已经入不敷出了,那有些消费就必须被削减掉。      Use the envelope system for your variable expenses such as food and gas. This is optional(adj.可选择的,非强制的), but it’s a good tip. I’ve been using it myself, and it works like a charm. Let’s say you set aside three amounts in your budget each payday — one for gas, one for groceries(n.食品,杂货), one for eating out. Withdraw those amounts on payday, and put them in three separate envelopes(n.信封). That way, you can easily track how much you have left for each of these expenses, and when you run out of money, you know it immediately. You don’t overspend in these categories. If you regularly run out too fast, you may need to rethink your budget.     5.对于像食品和汽油这类可变的开支,可以使用信封系统。这不是强制的,但的确是个好方法。我正在使用并且效果出奇的好。假如你预计在发工资的时候留出了三笔钱-----一份支付汽油消费,一份用来购买食品,一份作为外出就餐的开支。在发薪水的时候把这份钱留出来,并分成三份分别放在三个信封里。这样,你能够很轻松的知道你在这三项里的开支是多少。当这些钱要用完时,你马上就知道了。在这些项目上你不会再超支了。如果你还是很快就超支了,那你就需要重新考虑你的预算了。    Start thinking about your goals, and planning for them. When do you want to retire(v.退休)? How often do you want to travel? When do you want to buy that dream house? Do you want to save for your kids’ college education? Think about what you want in life, and start planning to save for them, especially once you’ve done all the above.     6.开始考虑自己的人生目标,并为之规划。例如,打算什么时候退休?多久旅行一次?什么时候买你梦寐以求的房子?是否打算为孩子存下上大学的教育经费?一旦你完成了上面那些,想想你在生活中还想要什么,并开始计划为这些做些储蓄。    Once you’ve gotten beyond these steps, you should be past the paycheck-to-paycheck syndrome(n.综合症). Now there’s a whole world of personal finance options available to you, including investing your money for your goals. But getting past these first stages is important.  完成这些步骤,月光族生活对你来说就永远成为了历史。以上这些就是我为你做的有效的个人财务建议,包括怎样为你的目标去存钱。但是开始做才是最重要的。    
  administer  [əd'mɪnəstɚ]        及物动词 vt.         1.管理;掌管;经营  It takes brains to administer a large corporation.   管理大公司要有头脑。   2.执行,实施  The courts administer the law.   法院司法。   3.给予,提供[(+to)]  The nurse administered the medicine to the sick child.   护士给生病的孩子服药。   4.操纵  5.主持...仪式  The oath was administered to him.   他受命宣誓。         不及物动词 vi.         1.担任管理者  2.提供服务,帮助[(+to)]  administer to the old   帮助老人   3.执行遗产管理人(或遗嘱执行人)职责        {词形变化}  形容词: administrable 动词过去式: administered   动词过去分词: administered 动词现在分词: administering   动词第三人称单数: administers         {词义辨析}  control, direct, govern, manage, rule, supervise, administer  这些动词均有“管理、支配”之意。  control: 含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。  direct: 侧重行使领导或指导权。  govern: 侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。  manage: 强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。  rule: 强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。  supervise: 侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。  administer: 指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。        {同义词}        handle v.处理, 对待, 操作... direct adj.直接的, 笔直的...   supervise vt.监督, 管理, 指导
control n.掌控, 控制, 管制...   administer vt.管理, 执行, 给... run v.跑, 行驶, 运转,...   conduct n.行为, 举动, 品行... lead v.引导, 领先, 带领...   govern v.统治, 支配, 管理... work n.工作, 作品, 活儿         {反义词}        fail vi.失败, 没做成某事         {英英解释}        动词 manage :   1. achieve a goal        同义词:
pull off, negociate, bring off, carry off         2.
be in charge of, act on, or dispose of        同义词:
deal, care, handle         3.
come to terms with        同义词:
cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, grapple, deal         4.
watch and direct        同义词:
oversee, supervise, superintend         5.
achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods        同义词:
wangle, finagle         6.
carry on or function        同义词:
do         7.
handle effectively        同义词:
wield, handle         {词汇应用}        1. The priest administered the last rites.  神父为人举行临终圣礼。           2. The duty of a judge is to administer justice, but his practice is delay it.  法官的本分是执行法律(主持正义), 惟其所行者,却是在拖延(其执行)。                    3. The courts administer the law.  法院执行法律。  
  admiral  ['&dmərəl]        名词 n.         1.海军上将;海军将官  2.舰队司令  3.渔船队长;商船队长  4.(欧洲产)花蝶          {反义词}        general adj.大概的, 普遍的         red admiral n. [动] 赤蛱蝶 vice admiral n. 海军中将
  rear admiral 海军少将
Admiral of the Fleet 元帅
  Fleet Admiral 五星上将 admiral anchor 海军锚   white admiral n. 白蚊蛱蝶, 白蛱蝶... vice-admiral n. 海军中将
  tap the admiral 私自违禁饮酒 broach the admiral 偷酒         {英英解释}        名词 admiral :   1.
the supreme
ranks above a vice admiral and         below a fleet admiral        同义词:
full admiral         2.
any of several brightly colored butterflies        {词汇应用}        1.He is an Admiral of the Fleet.  他是海军元帅。           2.The admiral visit the ships under his command by helicopter.  舰队司令乘直升机视察他所指挥的军舰。             3.The admiral drained his cup in honour of the queen at a banquet given         on her birthday.  那位海军上将在女王生日宴上为对女王表示敬意而干杯。       
  avi鸟    avian
[avi鸟,-an形容词后缀] 鸟的,鸟类的,鸟纲的    aviary
[avi鸟,-ary名词后缀,表示场所;’鸟的场所”] 养鸟房,鸟槛,鸟舍    aviculture
[avi鸟,culture培养] 养鸟,养鸟法    aviate
[avi鸟→飞行,-ate动词后缀] 飞行,驾驶飞机    aviation
[avi鸟,→飞行,-ation名词后缀] 飞行,航空,飞行术,航空学    aviator
[avi鸟→飞行,-ator名词后缀,表示人] 飞行员,飞机驾驶员    aviatrix
[见上,-trix名词后缀,表示女性] 女飞行员  
  arch统治者,首脑archy统治    anarchy
[an-无,archy统治→政府] 无政府状态    anarchism
[见上,-ism主义] 无政府主义    anarchist
[见上,-ist者] 无政府主义者    monarch
[mon-独→一人,arch统治者] 君主,最高统治者,国王    monarchy
[mon-独→一人,archy统治] 君主政体,君主制度    monarchic
[见上,-ic…的] 君主的,君主政体的    monarchism
[见上,-ism主义,制度] 君主制度,君主主义    polyarchy
[poly-多,archy统治→政治] 多头政治    oligarchy
[olig少,寡,archy统治→政治] 寡头政治,寡头统治    plutarchy
[plut财富→财阀,富豪,archy统治] 富豪统治,财阀统治    gynarchy
[gyn妇女,archy统治→政治] 妇人政治    patriarch
[patri父,arch首脑,长] 家长,族长    patriarchy
[patri父,archy统治] 父权制,父权制社会    matriarch
[matri母,arch首脑,长] 女家长,女族长    matriarchy
[matri母,archy统治] 母权制,母系氏族制  
  Now you're talking.         这是一句常用口语,它的字面意思虽然是:“你正在讲话。”它的实际含义却和字面意思相差甚远。看一段对话,你就明白了:    对话一:    ——Ok,Let's go and get a pizza before we go home.    好吧,我们在回家前先去吃披萨。    ——Now you're talking.    这样才像话嘛!         对话二:    ——I didn't think about that. But I guess I could follow your lead and invest money.    这个问题我倒没有考虑过,但是我可以考虑跟随你的脚步,学投资。    ——Now you're talking!    你这才在道儿上了。         没错,这个短语的实际意思是“你这才说到重点了。” “你这才说对了。”下次听到美剧里面突然冒出这么一句话,你一定不会一头雾水了:-)    
  Topic: Employment工作  Hosts: Roxie & Jonathan (上海宝山中心)     1. Full-time and Part-time Jobs 全职和兼职工作  A: Did you have a part-time job when you were still in school?  B: No, I was way too busy studying all the time. How about you?  A: Yeah, I worked about twenty hours a week in a pizza restaurant.  B: What was that like?  A: It was always very busy there.  B: What did you do?  A: I stood behind the register and took pizza orders.  B: Did you get any perks(有额外的好处)on the job?  A: Yeah, I got to eat as much pizza as I could for free.     参考翻译:  A: 你读书期间有没有兼职工作的经验?  B: 没有,我总是忙着学习,你呢?  A: 有过。我在一个比萨饼店每周工作20个小时。  B: 工作怎么样?  A: 那儿总是很忙。  B: 你在那儿负责做什么呢?  A: 我站在收银台后面接单。  B: 你的工作还有没有什么好处?  A: 有,我可以免费任意吃比萨饼。     2. Temporary and Casual Work 短期工  A: Have you found a new job yet?  B: No, not yet. I’m still looking. I’ve been doing some work through a temp-agency(短期工的中介) though.  A: What kind of work?  B: I’m temping at a pharmaceutical(adj.制药的) company.  A: What do you do there?  B: Mostly office work - filing and so on.  A: How long is the assignment(n.任务,被分派的事情)?  B: Till the end of the month.     参考翻译:  A: 你找到新工作了吗?  B: 没有,还没有找到。我还在找。但是我通过一家中介公司介绍在做短期工。  A: 那是什么样的工作?  B: 是一家制药公司的短期工。  A: 你在那儿做什么事?  B: 大多是办公室里的事情--存档之类的。  A: 做到什么时候呢?  B: 到这个月底。  
  【职场】办公室常用商务口语      1.Better luck next time. 下次会更好!  The expression is used to comfort someone for a minor failure. 对于同事犯的一些小错误,可以用Better luck next time. 这句来鼓励一下,祝他们下次好运。  Example,  Bill: Sorry, I made a mistake.不好意思,我犯了个错误。  Mary: Well. Better luck next time. 下次会有好运的。     2. I couldn’t reach him! 我联络不上他。  &联络&一词,用简简单单的&reach&就可以表达了。  Example,  Do you know where I can reach him? 你知道我在哪儿能跟他联系上吗?     3. That’s a touchy issue!
这是个辣手的问题!  If something is touchy, it may upset or offend people and should therefore be dealt with carefully.
棘手的,需要小心处理的  Example,  Peter, I’ll try all means to handle the complaint. But you know that’s a touchy issue. 彼得,我会想尽办法来处理这个投诉。但是你知道这是个棘手的事情。     4.Please come to the point! 有话请直说。  point就是“重点、要点”的意思。come to the point语气有点强硬,如果还想加强效果的话,还可以加上straight。  Examples:  I'll come straight to the point: we need more money. 我就直说吧:我们还需要钱。  I wish he would get to the point. 但愿他快点说正题。     类似的,还有一个get down to business, 表示“切入主题,切入正题”。  Example,  All right, every one. Let's get down to business. There has been enough chitchat. 好了。让我们进入正题吧。已经闲聊很多了。     5.I’m spaced-out. 我很恍惚。  Someone who is spaced-out feels as if nothing around them is real, usually because they have taken drugs or because they are very tired.
spaced-out就是&精神恍惚,魂不守舍&的意思。通常是因为过度疲劳或者因嗑药所致。  Example,  I was too tired to concentrate on his speech. Actually I am spaced-out all day. 我太累了以致于不能集中于他的讲话。事实上,我一天都神魂颠倒的。     其他相关语句:  6. Before we turn to that issue, I wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.
在谈那个问题之前,我想对您刚才讲的话谈点看法。      7.I wish to benefit from your views on this matter. What is your view on this matter? 我希望能从你对此事的一些看法得到一些启发。你对此事怎么看?     8. I will pick up where we left off just now.
我想接着刚才的问题讲下去。     9. Sorry for the interruption but I’d like to remind you it’s time for the meeting. 抱歉打扰您,但我想提醒你,会议时间到了。     10. I’ve heard so much about you. 久仰。  
  133、bat打    combat
[com-表示with,bat打;’to fight with,to fight against”] 战斗,格斗,竞争,反对    combatant
[见上,-ant表示人] 战斗员;[-ant形容词后缀,…的] 战斗的    combative
[见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 好斗的    battle
[bat打,-le动词后缀] 战斗,斗争;[转为名词] 战役,会战    batter
[bat打,-er动词后缀,表示连续动作] 连打,连续猛击    debate
[de-加强意义, bat打;’打击”对方→驳倒对方] 争论,辩论    debatable
[见上,-able可…的] 可争论的,可争辩的    debater
[见上,-er表示人] 争论者        
  【劲语天天学】        在英语的议论文写作中,经常须要陈述某个事实,怎样的句型才会给你的作文增色呢?    今天我们就来学三个这样的句型:    1)We cannot ignore the fact that...
      We cannot ignore the fact that Asia and the west are at different stages of development.  我们不能忽略一个事实, 即亚洲和西方处于不同的发展阶段。         2)No one can deny the fact that...
      No one can deny that the fact that the polution had become a huge menace to human survival.  没有人能否认,污染对人类的生存构成了巨大的威胁。         3)There is no denying the fact that...
      There is no denying the fact that the new method has greatly raised labour productivity.  不容否认,新方法大大提高了劳动生产率。         以上三种表达,在that后面加上你需要陈述的事实,你要表达的内容一定能更加深入人心!    
  今日话题:为妈妈做早饭  精选新词:carnation 康乃馨(康乃馨原来是音译词!)  当班主播:韦博上海虹口中心外教      Mother's day is celebrated in Australia on the 2nd Sunday every May. This year it falls on Sunday the 8th. Mother's day is a day to recognize the special contributions that mother's play in our lives. Traditionally the day is celebrated by giving flowers as a gift. The main flower of choice is a carnation.  在澳大利亚,母亲节在每年五月的第二个星期天。今天的母亲节是5月8号,母亲节是为了纪念和感谢母亲在我们生命中伟大的付出,这一天,母亲通常会受到儿女们送来的鲜花。母亲节这一天,通常送的花是康乃馨。         As well as giving flowers as a gift the main gift of choice is chocolate, although any gift is ok as it is the thought that counts.  和送花一样,送巧克力也是母亲节的好选择。其实送什么并不重要,重要的是那份心意。         As well as giving presents, breakfast in bed is also common, where it is the turn of children to make food for mum for a change.  和送礼物一样,为妈妈做早饭也是母亲节这一天很普遍的做法。平时都是妈妈为儿女做饭吃,这一天,轮到儿女来露一手了。         Recently Mother's Day has become more and more commercialized. It is one of the biggest shopping days of the year along with Christmas and the New Years sales in January.  近年来,母亲节已经越来越普及,除了圣诞节和一月一号的新年第一天,母亲节已经成为一年里面最火热的购物季。         As well as breakfast in bed most people usually have an afternoon lunch or dinner with the immediate family, but it is not uncommon to have dinner with the extended family. The main food eaten is a roast dinner, either roast chicken, pork or beef, with lost of roast potatoes and vegetables.  在母亲节这一天,除了儿女为母亲准备早饭之外,一家人在一起吃午餐和晚餐也是很常见的。在晚餐中,食物有烤鸡、烤猪肉、或者烤牛肉,这一天很少会吃烤马铃薯或者蔬菜。         Mother's Day in Australia is similar to other Western countries like America and England, however they all share the same thing in common, love and respect for ones mother.  澳大利亚的母亲节和诸如美国和英国等西方国家的母亲节相似,他们的母亲节都有着相同的价值观:对母亲的爱和尊重。      
  biblio书    bibliographer
[biblio书,graph写,-er人] 书目提要编著人    bibliographic
[见上,-ic形容词后缀] 属于书目提要的    bibliographize
[biblio书,graph写,-ize动词后缀] 编写书目提要    bibliography
[见上,-y名词后缀] 书目提要,文献目录    bibliolatry
[biblio书,latry崇拜] 书籍崇拜    bibliolater
[biblio书,later崇拜者] 书籍崇拜者    bibliolatrous
[bilblio书,latr崇拜,-ous…的] 崇拜书籍的    bibliomania
[见上,-mania狂] 书狂,藏书癖    bibliophilist
[biblio书,phil爱,-ist人] 书籍爱好者    bibliopole
[biblio书,pol卖] 书商    Bible
  英语新词:校园招聘会第八号当铺   阅读317 评论6条 [网页划词已启用] 口语考试 短信订阅 本文属阅读资料 分享文章收藏打印单词测试______   Google提供的广告  一个练口语的经典方法  哈佛独创,不用看,不用记,只需听 只需30天,让你说一口流利英语  根据一项新调查,现在很多大学毕业生都不再选择留在北京这样的大城市,约有一半的大学毕业生更愿意到小城市去工作,原因是大城市工作压力大,生活成本高。        Hesaid that during a recent on-campus job fair he talked with a company in Handan, Hebei, that offers employees free housing..        他说,在最近的一次校园招聘会上,他和河北邯郸一家进行了接洽,这家公司为员工提供免费住房。        在上面的报道中,on-campus job fair就是“校园招聘会”,招聘会也可以用recruitment fair来表示。On-campus指的是“校园内的”,相对地,off-campus指的是“校园外的”。校园招聘经常采用on-site recruiting(现场招聘)的形式。在英国,也经常有人用milk round来表示“校园招聘”。        大学毕业生不愿留京的主要原因是heavy work pressure(工作压力大)和high living costs(生活成本高)。调查显示,现在北京房子的average monthly rental price(平均月租价格)已经超过了大学本科毕业生的平均月薪。这些因素让北京这些first-tier cities(一线城市)对大学生吸引力大大降低  
  移民潮下的“人才浪费”--时代新词盘点197 [复制链接]
        近几年,国内选择出国移民的人似乎越来越多。移民在国外的生活状况也是很多人关注的话题。很多在国内受过高等教育的人移民之后却只能做一些家政、快递等非脑力劳动的工作。国内的brain drain到国外成了brain waste。                The term “brain waste” describes the situation of immigrants who were skilled professionals in their home countries but have been forced to take unskilled jobs in their new country.        Brain waste(人才浪费)指在本国身为受过训练的专业人员在移民国被迫从事非技术性工作的情形。        Most of these immigrants wind up underemployed because of barriers like language, lack of access to job networks, or credentialing requirements that are different from those in other countries.        这些移民大部分都因为语言障碍、缺少就业关系网或者资质要求与其他国家不同等原因而被迫“低就”。        For immigrants, it means bringing home less money than they have the potential to earn. For employers, it means fewer skilled applicants in their hiring pools.        对移民来说,这就意味着他们实际挣到的钱比本该凭能力挣到的要少。对雇主来说,意味着少了一些有技能的应聘人员。        If the labour market cannot absorb the migrants at the level of their qualifications, the phenomenon changes its nature: brain drain from the sending countries becomes 'brain waste' for the migrants.        如果劳动力市场不能按照移民的资质将其吸收进来,那么移民来源国面临的将是brain drain(人才流失),而移民本身则面临“人才浪费”的境地。          
  【劲词天天学】      好的饮品会给你的美食时光增色不少,饮品英语可以怎么说? 这些单词存在脑子里,出国旅行点餐时,一定能用上~!    beverage 饮料
orange juice 橙汁
coconut milk 椰汁    black tea 红茶
soda water 苏打水
mineral water 矿泉水    iced coffee 冰咖啡
black coffee 纯咖啡
圣代,新地(音译词)    milk-shake 奶昔
cocktail 鸡尾酒
slushy drinks 冰砂    
  In a Restaurant  在餐馆中  Angela: We would like the chicken hot pot please, and please can you tell the chef not to put MSG in it?  安吉拉:我们想要一个鸡肉火锅。你能告诉你们的大厨不要在里面放味精吗?     Waiter: That’s no problem at all, madam.  服务员:好的,女士。没有问题。     Danny: What did you ask him?  丹尼:你要他做什么?      Angela: I asked him not to put any MSG in our food. It’s not good for you.  安吉拉:我让他不要在我们的食物里放味精。这对于你不好。     Danny: Yeah, and it’s so addictive and it makes you so thirsty too.   丹尼:是,味精让人上瘾,它让你嘴巴干。     Angela: It’s in so much food these days.  安吉拉:现在很多食物都这样。     Danny: Anyway, this is a nice place isn’t it?  丹尼:无论如何,这是个不错的地方,不是吗?     Angela: Yes, it is a nice place.  安吉拉:是,是个挺不错的地方。     Danny: and it’s even nicer when I’m looking at you…  丹尼:当我看着你的时候,一切更美好了…     Angela: You are so sweet  安吉拉:你嘴真甜。     Danny: I am, aren’t I?Hey here’s our food!  丹尼:我确实是,不是吗。嘿,我们的食物来了。     Angel:Great!  安吉拉:太很棒!     [Later]  [过了一会儿]  Angela: Waiter, can you come here?  安吉拉:服务员,你能过来一下吗?     Waiter: Certainly, madam what’s wrong?  服务员:当然,女士,有什么问题吗?     Angela: My food tastes horrible….  安吉拉:我的食物太难吃了…     Waiter: That’s because you didn’t have any MSG in it…  服务员:那是因为你们的食物没有味精…     Let’s go over some phrases now. 让我们一起来回顾一下有用的短语吧!  MSG 味精  It’s so addictive…它很让人上瘾。
  【阅读】美容食品 (标签 健康)      Food for Beauty     Everyone wants to achieve beauty and health. To succeed humans should constantly work on their diet(定期饮食,节食). It is very important to eat nourishing but healthy fo all these effectively impact on our complete condition and appearance.      Apple Cider Vinegar  The heavy concentration of apple cider vinegar results to peeling off dead skin cells. In addition it splits(v.分裂) fat and assist food digest.     Carrots  This vegetable protects and keeps the outer skin layer and results preventing premature(adj.过早的,早熟的) aging. The components of carrot correspond to Retin A.     Cheese  It is better to eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda. These ones assist in preventing cavities(n.蛀洞). In addition, the above kinds of cheese block bacteria in the mouth.
Hence if you wish to have a nice smile, include a slice or two into your diet.     Citrus Fruits  Lemons, oranges and any other citrus fruit form collagen(n.胶原质) resulting to holding the skin cells together.
It is necessary to drink fruit juices and eat fruit every day. As the matter of fact, collagen cannot be added to the skin topically(adv.局部地,孤立地).     Nonfat Yogurt  If you wish to have your teeth cavity-free and white-teeth smile nonfat yogurt should be included in your diet. Its bonus(n.奖金,好处) contains in calcium, it is high in it.     Tomatoes  Tomatoes is a remarkable vegetable for your skin as it is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium(n.钾).     Note your health and beauty depends only on you. Be sure you will manage to keep them.     参考译文:  人人都希望拥有美容及健康。为此人们必须不断保持饮食健康。吃营养又健康的食物并且减少脂肪的摄入非常重要;所有这些因素对我们的健康和外貌有很大影响。  苹果醋  高浓缩的苹果醋能够有效去除死亡的皮肤细胞。此外,还能够分解脂肪并帮助消化。  胡萝卜   这种蔬菜能够保护表层皮肤,从而防止皮肤过早老化。胡萝卜中含有视色素。  奶酪   最好是吃这类奶酪,如:瑞士奶酪,切达干酪,或高达干酪。这些能帮助防止蛀牙。此外,以上的奶酪能抑制口腔中产生细菌。那如果你想要绽放微笑,用餐时就吃上1、2片奶酪吧。  橘类水果   柠檬,橘子和任何其他柑橘类水果形成胶原蛋白,从而新生皮肤细胞组织,所以每天要多喝果汁多吃水果。事实上,胶原蛋白无法局部生成皮肤。  脱脂酸奶   如果你想牙齿防蛀和笑容洁白,那就应该养成喝脱脂酸奶的习惯。好处就是能补充丰富钙质。  西红柿   对皮肤来说,西红柿是一款很不错的蔬菜,因为它富含维生素A ,维生素C ,和钾。  请记住,健康和美丽全靠自己努力。确保自己保持好身体。
  劲语天天学】        Burn the midnight oil “开夜车”,挑灯夜读      这个短语的字面意思是半夜点灯,其引申含义是熬夜(同Stay up),挑灯夜读。          这个短语可以这么用:  1. Did you burn the midnight oil last night?  你昨天晚上开夜车了吗?  2. He used to burn the midnight oil before exams.  他习惯了考试前熬夜复习。  3. If you burn the midnight oil night after night, you probably become ill.  如果你连续熬夜,很可能会病倒的。  熬夜很伤身,每晚的两点以后,身体进入关键排毒期,晚睡的童鞋们一定注意少  Burn the midnight oil啊!  
  Today Topic: 美丽新世界  Today Vocabulary:stable
稳定的  Hosts: Judi & Geoff (上海五角场中心)     ---Jeff: Congratulations Ann!  恭喜你,安!     ---Ann: Thanks,Jeff. I finally graduated. The real world at last.  谢谢,杰夫。我终于毕业了。总算可以进入真实的世界了!     --- Jeff: What are your graduation party plans?   你的毕业派对计划是什么?     ---Ann: We are going to have a huge dinner party at a fancy hotel, the class of 2010, and go out afterwards.   我们在豪华的宾馆会有一个大型的午餐派对,2010届班级,然后出去玩。     --- Jeff: What do you intend to(v.想要,打算做) do with yourself after graduation?  在毕业后,你自己想做什么?     ---Ann: I’ve decided to take some time out to travel, as a reward(作为回报) for all my hard work. My friends and I are going to rent a house on the beach for two whole weeks.  我决定拿出一点时间去旅游,作为对我辛勤工作的回报。我的朋友将和我在海边租一个房间,度过整整两个星期。     --- Jeff: I mean which career have you chosen! What can you do with an English major degree(n.英语专业)? What have you decided to do with your life?  我是指你想选择做什么工作。一个英语专业,你能做什么?你准备这辈子做什么呢?     ---Ann: Oh! I’m planning on starting a new job this September. I’ve applied to lots of companies, so I’m still choosing the best offer.  我准备在9月份开始新的工作。我已经申请了很多公司,我仍旧在选择最好的Offer。     --- Jeff: Which is?  哪个?     --- Ann :Travel writing for a magazine. They pay you to visit countries in South East Asia and write colorful stories about what to expect.   为一本杂志写旅游类文章。他们会出钱让你去东南亚国家,然后写哪些可以玩的那些丰富多彩的文章。      --- Jeff: That’s cool. What’s the other option(n.选择)?  很棒。那另一个选择呢?      ---Ann: Writing for a business weekly magazine, 9 to 5.   为一个商业周刊写文章,朝九晚五。     --- Jeff: Which pays more?  哪个工资更高些?     ---Ann: The business weekly of course, but I don’t know if I am ready for a stable(adj.稳定的) job. I intend to enjoy my 20’s.  当然是商业周刊了,但我不确定我是否为一个稳定的工作做好了准备。我想好好享受我20几岁的青春时光。     Let’s go over some phrases now. 让我们一起来回顾一下有用的短语吧!   intend to
v.想要,打算做  as a reward
作为回报  English major degree
n.英语专业  Option n.选择  Stable
  【智慧】现在正发生的23件不平凡的事      23 Extraordinary(adj.非凡的) Things Happening Right Now     Right now is a phenomenon.
  Right now extraordinary things are happening.  Right now…     A soldier of sorts is diligently(adv.坚持地、勤勉地) fighting the fight so you don’t have to.   Someone who suffered from a severe(adj.严重的) injury last year is back on their feet.   One of the next Billboard-chart-topping(adj.排行榜榜首的) musical artists is patiently rehearsing in her garage.   A piece of literature is being written that will eventually change your perspective(n.观点,看法) on life.   A friend is helping a friend rise above thoughts of suicide(n.自杀).   Someone is thinking what you’re thinking, but hasn’t said anything yet either.   Somewhere someone is admiring a breathtaking sunrise, and somewhere else a surreal(adj.梦幻的) sunset.   People of various religious backgrounds are in temples, churches, mosques(n.清真寺) and other places of worship praying, wholeheartedly(adv.一心一意地), for world peace.   Someone who has struggled with their weight for the last several years is standing on a scale(n.秤) and smiling.   Hundreds of cute elderly couples are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary(n.周年纪念).   A baby girl just took her first few steps without falling.   Two best friends are laughing so hard they aren’t even making any noise.   A future world leader is in grade school(n.小学) at recess(adv.在课间).   A firefighter is running into a burning building to rescue a perfect stranger.   A young mom is lying in a hospital bed and holding her newborn baby twins for the very first time.   Volunteers in major cities all over the world are working at homeless shelters(n.避难所) caring for those who are less fortunate(adj.幸福的) than themselves.   A young man is pulled over on the side of the road helping a young woman change a flat tire(n.漏气了的车胎).   A husband and wife who were drowning in debt five years ago proudly hold a balance of zero on their credit cards.   A grandfather is holding his granddaughter’s hand and they’re both smiling from ear to ear.   Someone just placed their spare change in the charity collection cup(n.捐款的零钱箱)at the grocery store.   A breast cancer patient just found out her cancer is in complete remission(n.免除).   Someone out there is missing you and looking forward to your next visit.   An emergency room(n.急救室) surgeon(n.外科医生) is in the middle of saving his patient’s life.      Right now is a new beginning.
  Right now is an opportunity.     Do something extraordinary.     【参考翻译】  现在正发生的23件不平凡的事     .  现在是一种现象。  现在,不平凡的事情正在发生。  就是现在……     一位军人正在奋勇抗战,因此你可以不用参加这场战斗;  去年严重受伤的人又重新站起来了;   下一届排行榜冠军音乐艺术家正在她的车库中不厌其烦地排练;  一部将改变你生活观的文学作品正在作者笔下诞生;  一位朋友正在帮助另一位朋友打消自杀的念头;  有人正在想你在想什么,但也没有说出来;  在某个地方有人正在欣赏壮丽的日出,而在另一个地方有人正在欣赏梦幻般的日落;  各种宗教背景的人在寺庙,教堂,清真寺等敬神圣地全心全意地为世界和平祷告;  已经为体重奋斗了好几年的人终于站在秤台上笑了;  几百对可爱的老夫妻正在庆祝他们的50周年结婚纪念日;  一个娃娃刚刚迈出人生中第一次成功的步伐;  两个好朋友在一起开怀大笑,笑得几乎岔气;  一位未来的世界领导者正在享受小学的课间休息时光;  一名消防队员正冲进大楼的火海中去挽救一个完全陌生的人;  一位年轻的妈妈躺在医院的病床上,第一次抱起她刚出生的双胞胎宝宝;  世界上各大城市的志愿者在收容所照顾那些比自己不幸的人;  一个年轻人将车停在路边帮助一个年轻女子换轮胎;  五年前负债累累的一对夫妻终于偿清信用卡上的所有债务;  一个爷爷牵着孙女的手,两人都笑得合不拢嘴;  有人刚把零钱放在杂货店的捐款杯里;  一名乳癌患者刚刚发现她的癌症完全消散了;  远方有个人在思念你,并期待着你们的下一次见面;  一位急诊室大夫正在挽救病人的生命;     现在就是一个新的开始。  现在就是一个机会。        那么,去做一些不同寻常的事吧
  135、brig战斗,打    brigade
[brig战斗,-ade名词后缀;’战斗的单位”] 旅,队    brigadier


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