
时间: 09:30&& &文章来源:jinriedu&& &点击次数:133&& &参与评论 867人
  ABUJA, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Thirty-three people have died in a state in central Nigeria following the outbreak of cerebrospinal meningitis in parts of the west African country, a public health official said on Friday.Nine among the victims were killed by Type C, the latest strain of meningitis in the country while the other 24 died of Type A and B of the same disease, according to Yahaya Na'uzo, director of Primary Health Care in Niger State.He said a total of 116 suspected cases of meningitis have so far been recorded in the central Nigeria state.Some of the victims were persons on transit from the northwestern state of Sokoto which is one of the worst-hit states by the outbreak.The number of states affected by the outbreak of meningitis, which is an acute inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord, has increased to 17, local officials said.A total of 489 deaths have been recorded due to the outbreak across the country, minister of health, Isaac Adewole, said.He noted Type C is a new strain, which is not common in Nigeria. This was imported from neighboring Niger, he said, adding it requires a different type of vaccine.The symptoms include fever, rash, headache, and vomiting.The seasonal outbreak of meningitis is expected in Nigeria due to its location and occasioned by factors like cold nights, dusty winds and dry weather.The current problem was aggravated by formidable factors like traditional beliefs, poor hygiene, and overpopulation, experts told Xinhua.The Nigerian government has deployed epidemiologists and vaccines to contain the outbreak. Vaccination is an effective way of controlling the disease.Health authorities have bolstered immunization and sensitization services across the country.  SEOUL, June 19 (Xinhua) -- South Korea on Friday reported one more death from infection with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and one more contagion, bringing the death toll to 24 and the total contagion cases to 166.Patient 120 died of the viral disease overnight, raising the fatality rate to 14.5 percent, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare.The 75-year-old man, tested positive on June 10, had been treated after being infected from the patient 14 called super spreader as he infected about 80 people, at the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul.More than 90 percent of the total deaths had suffered from other illnesses or had been of old age categorized as high-risk patients.One more contagion was added Friday, bringing the combined infection to 166 since the first case was identified on May 20.The country's MERS spread abated recently as new cases slid from eight on Wednesday to three on Thursday and one on Friday.Six more patients were discharged from hospitals as they completely recovered after being infected, sending the combined hospital discharge to 30.Excluding the deaths and hospital discharges, 112 patients are under treatment. Among those treated, 16 patients are in unstable conditions.The number of those quarantined declined from 6,729 Thursday to 5,930 Friday. Those ordered to stay at home was 5,161, with those isolated at the government-designated hospitals being 769.  A pilot project in rural Senegal uses text messaging to remind women of upcoming doctor’s appointments and local health meetings. Health remindersThe sound of a text message, recognizable the world over, but in a small village tucked away down the sandy back-roads of Senegal, a few short beeps can be vital reminders. For mothers living in and around the Mbosse, receiving an SMS (cellphone small message service, text) from their doctor’s helps keep themselves, and their babies, alive and healthy.At the Mbosse health clinic, a hundred kilometers northeast of Dakar, villagers are gathered from more than a dozen nearby communities. On one side of the courtyard are the men. They sit on white plastic chairs in the sand and under the shade of sprawling tents. Off to the side, three young kids put on face paint and costumes in preparation for a skit on malaria prevention.Next to them, on colorful woven mats, is a group of mothers. They balance babies on their laps and spoon-feed a grainy mixture of dried fish, millet, tomato and peanuts into their tiny mouths. In a corner, four young women sit around a board game called &safe motherhood& in the local Wolof language. A young woman called Ndeye picks up a card from the deck. It is a picture of a pregnant woman carrying a large bag on her head.Ndeye says this card means that a woman who is pregnant should not be carrying heavy weight. It is a risk. It can be bad for her and bad for the baby.Empowering familiesIt is all part of a five-year health plan funded by USAID to helping improve family health in rural Senegal. 150 women were given cell phones to keep them informed of upcoming doctor’s appointments -- before, during and after pregnancy -- to remind them of vital immunizations for their babies and to invite them to different health talks at the Mbosse health clinic.Deguène Fall is in charge of the community health programs for Plan International in Thiès, one of five nongovernmental organizations collaborating on the SMS program.Fall says it has been an excellent project for areas where women have difficulty in accessing health clinics -- either financially or geographically. Fall says that, before the cell phone project started, women only learned about health matters through discussions. But many felt there was too much talking and got bored. Fall says, when they came for their pre-natal consultations, doctors would write their next appointment down, but most of these women are illiterate. Even with immunizations, they would forget because they were out working in the field or too busy helping in the house. Fall says that now that they receive direct messages they do not usually forget.Fatou Tine is a 25-year-old mother of four. She joined the text message program a year ago during her last pregnancy, but continues to attend meetings on other health topics, such as diarrhea, malaria prevention, HIV and family planning. Fatou is illiterate and so is her husband.Tine says the project has been useful for her because her last pregnancy was a lot easier than the three before. Two days before every doctor’s appointment she got a text message. But, because she cannot read, the person she lives with helped her. Tine says that, in total, she received three messages during her pregnancy and four messages after to remind her about getting her baby vaccinated.Health-care workers at the Mbosse clinic estimate about 95 percent of the women who receive texts do show up for their appointments. And, many also join in the regular health meetings, bringing their friends or husbands along.Program helps to keep health cost downThe costs of visits range from about 20 cents for a child and 65 cents for an adult. Food and nutritional advice is 30 cents and medication is free. Although these prices are subsidized by the state, it can still be a lot in an area where a single visit to the doctor can mean half a day’s income.The African Child Policy Fund ranks Senegal 13th in health expenditure, below Burkina Faso and Chad but well above Ghana. The Senegalese government spends slightly more than 12 percent of its annual budget on health. That is more than richer countries, such as South Africa, Morocco or Egypt, but still falls short of targets, set by African leaders to spend 15 percent of GDP (gross domestic product) on health before 2015.David Mugawe, an executive director of the African Child Policy Fund, says traditional means of communication are being sidelined. Media is playing a big part in creating awareness and passing on information at a low cost. Mothers can share experiences and learn from each other.Mugawe says fathers are also being targeted because they make many of the decisions at home. He says they are the breadwinners and have access to resources, so they need to be supportive of the mother by going to health centers with them, supporting the well-being of their children.  适度提高支付的便捷性和监管的灵活性&&第三方支付新规亮点解读  作者:尹振涛 中国社科院金融所法与金融室 副主任经过近半年的征求意见,在充分考虑来自各方反馈的基础上,主要针对第三方支付的《非银行支付机构网络支付业务管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)近日正式颁布实施。对比之前的征求意见稿,最终颁布实施的《办法》由七章五十七条,精简为七章四十六条。虽然条目有所减少,但从内容上看,却更加细化和完善,不仅对之前市场的一些误解进行了明确的解释说明,更是充分采纳和考虑了市场的呼声和现状。其中适度提高支付的便捷性和适度提高监管的灵活性,成为本次第三方支付新规修改完善过程中最大的两个亮点。  亮点之一:适度提高支付的便捷性在征求意见稿出台的时候,市场对《办法》损伤客户的支付便捷性和降低客户体验提出的质疑最多。央行的官方解读也明确指出为有效的降低网络支付业务风险,保护消费者合法权益的基础上,需要系统的平衡支付的便捷性和安全性。在最终颁布的《办法》和答记者问中,可以看到央行在确保支付安全的基础上,适度提高了部分支付场景的便捷性。一是,增加了一类支付账户类型,降低了非面对面核实身份的要求。征求意见稿中将个人支付账户分为两类。其中,综合类支付账户需要面对面方式或通过五个(含)以上基本信息交叉验证核实身份。消费类支付账户则需要通过三个(含)以上,五个以下合法安全的外部渠道对身份基本信息完成多重交叉验证才能开立。而在正式版的《办法》中,将个人支付账户增加到三类,分别是Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类账户,其中Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类分别对应征求意见稿中的&消费类&和&综合类&,增加的Ⅰ类账户为最低标准。开立Ⅰ类账户仅需要通过一个外部渠道验证客户身份(例如联网核实身份证信息)即可实现,充分考虑到了客户小额、临时支付的便捷性。二是,详细说明了外部身份验证的多渠道性,明确验证过程由支付机构负责。在新版的《办法》答记者问中,对身份信息验证渠道进行了详细的说明,更是将移动运营商、铁路公司、航空公司、电力公司、自来水公司和燃气公司等单位的数据库引入验证渠道,无形中减少了客户验证身份的麻烦。同时还明确指出,在身份验证过程中,客户一般只需要按照支付机构的要求在网上填写相关信息即可,具体的验证工作交由支付机构负责与外部数据库对接,省去了客户自己跑腿儿开证明的过程。三是,理清了支付账户网络支付和基于银行账户支付的区别,明确两者适用不同的法规。《办法》明确指出,支付机构可以通过支付账户提供网络支付,也可以基于付款方的银行账户(例如银行网关支付、银行卡快捷支付)提供互联网支付服务。其中有关付款功能、交易限额等规定仅针对支付账户,客户使用银行账户付款的支付行为不受上述规定约束,应执行银行卡业务相关监管规定和银行卡行业规范。以上条款,清晰地解答了人们对《办法》损伤支付便利的疑惑。  亮点之二:适度提高监管的灵活性《办法》出台的本意是为了促进第三方支付机构的网络支付业务能够规范发展,但由于一些限制性的条款,被市场误读为&为了保护银行的利益,而制约第三方支付行业的发展&。在中国目前的第三方支付市场实然存在一些浑水摸鱼者,存在一些违法行为和风险隐患,但也有一批有实力的企业,在合法合规的基础上,不断通过技术创新为普通消费者提供便捷、高效和安全的支付服务。因此,为整治行业乱象而采取的一刀切式的监管方式,的确很容易挫伤他们的积极性和创造力。在最终颁布的《办法》中,央行创造性的提出了差别化的监管措施,成为新规最大的亮点。一是,结合企业资质、风险管控等因素,将支付机构分为三类。《办法》规定央行可以结合支付机构的企业资质,风险管控特别是客户备付金管理等因素,确立支付机构分类监管指标体系,建立持续分类评价工作机制,并对支付机构实施动态分类管理,将支付机构分为A、B、C三类。其中,A类为最高级别、B类居中、C类为最低级别。二是,允许符合条件的支付机构,与银行自主约定快捷支付交易的验证方式。《办法》允许评定为A类,且Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类支付账户实名比例超过95%的支付机构,在向银行准确、完整发送交易信息的前提下,可与银行自主约定由支付机构代替交易验证的具体情形,适度提高监管措施的灵活性。三是,允许符合条件的支付机构,采用更加灵活的方式核实客户身份。对A类且实名制落实较好的支付机构,《办法》允许其突破三个、五个外部渠道的规定,尝试运用其他各种安全、合法的技术手段,更加灵活地核实客户身份。四是,允许符合条件的支付机构,与非同名银行账户之间进行转账。《办法》规定A类且实名制落实较好的支付机构在支付账户充值和余额回提交易,既可以发生在支付账户与同名的银行账户之间,也可以发生在支付账户与非同名的银行账户之间,以便提高监管的灵活性,并进一步满足客户支付需求。五是,允许符合条件的支付机构,适度提高单日交易限额。《办法》规定,在A类实名制落实较好的支付机构中,未采用数字证书或电子签名时,达到实名制管理要求的Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类支付账户余额付款单日限额可以从5000元提高至1万元。在B类及以上,且Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类支付账户实名比例超过90%的支付机构,在同等情况下,单日交易限额可以提高至7500元,体现差别化的监管。六是,允许符合条件的支付机构,对部分从事电商经营的个人参照单位客户管理。为了更好的服务于电商平台上的大量个人卖家,新《办法》规定,那些持续从事电商经营6个月以上,其支付账户的营业收入累计超过20万元,且经过了电商平台对身份的审查和登记,符合Ⅲ类支付账户开立标准的个人客户,参照单位客户管理,在交易限额和转账功能范围等方面有所放松。七是,对不达标的支付机构,适度提高相应的监管标准和要求。《办法》明确要求那些被评定为C类或支付账户实名比例不达标的支付机构,增加每年公开披露相关信息的内容和频率,加强非现场监管和现场检查。可见,针对在征求意见稿中曾出现的一些模糊或不清楚的条款,或容易引起异议和争议的部分,正式颁布的《办法》进行了更加详细的说明,并适度提高了支付的便捷性和监管的灵活性,有助于支付机构更好地遵循主要服务电子商务发展和为社会提供小额、快捷、便民小微支付服务的宗旨。(尹振涛)  南方节目增加至5个,冯巩搭档&毒舌邻居&徐帆,TFBOYS成最热闹的儿童节目军人出身的侯勇(中)带来节目《将军与士兵》,表演中他需要保持着踢正步的姿势说台词,腿一抬就是好几分钟。作品的最后,三军仪仗队的战士走上舞台。TFBOYS与月亮姐姐带来的儿童节目勾起三代人的回忆。杨洋与著名歌唱家佟铁鑫演绎的《父子》成为最催泪节目。新京报讯(首席记者刘玮)昨晚8时,一年一度的除夕年夜饭央视春节联欢晚会如期而至。TFBOYS带来的儿童节目《幸福成长》high翻全场,黑猫警长、喜羊羊、胡巴等卡通人物轮番出场,带动了从70后到00后的共同儿时回忆,这个节目也被认为是春晚关注度最高的一个儿童节目。据春晚总导演吕逸涛介绍,过去5年来的春晚节目基本都是由一个导演组来完成,今年则是打破了这一管理,把一些社会精英力量邀请进来参与春晚重点节目的创作,比如今年的开场节目委托陈维亚来做指导,杂技委托甲丁来做指导,舞蹈节目委托杨东升做指导。谈及春晚南北收视不平衡的情况,吕逸涛此前在接受媒体采访时表示,去年的春晚只有1个南方节目,但是今年为了突出全国人民大联欢,台里特别提出了不能是北方的春晚,更不能是北京人的春晚,在加大整合的基础上,南方节目增加至5个,包括苏州评弹、西南少数民族歌舞等,希望通过这种调整能使春晚收视均衡。歌舞类节目推新人央视春晚每年都以&推新人&为一项重要任务。而说到今年最&新&的新人,那一定是TFBOYS,他们的节目《幸福成长》中,TFBOYS三只小将与少儿频道主持人月亮姐姐、红果果和绿泡泡一起表演,并演唱自己的成名曲《青春修炼手册》。这个节目不仅有小朋友喜欢的喜羊羊、灰太狼、熊大熊二等卡通人物,也有黑猫警长、舒克、贝塔等80后熟悉的动画形象。当&黑猫警长&的音乐播放出来,现场有不少大人都跟着一起合唱。语言类节目中,修睿搭档娄艺潇,和新人乔杉一起刻画了一个普通且大众的职业&&快递员的生活。节目中,一脸络腮胡子的修睿遭乔杉频起外号&张飞、李逵、沙僧、宝玉&,这句台词的&伏笔&是最后乔杉说:&我知道宝玉没胡子,就是想给你凑个四大名著。&这段对白也被认为&很机智&。&老人&是语言类节目主力实际上,能够在除夕夜看到一些&春晚老面孔&也是很多观众的一大期待。今年春晚上,潘长江和蔡明的&毒舌&搭配得以延续,话题则是赶时髦地聊起了网购。而今年春晚上&最老&的面孔就是冯巩了,今年也是他第31次上春晚,每每以&我想死你们了&开场的冯巩,今年则和徐帆以及爱徒白凯南同台,出演小品《快乐老爸》。徐帆扮演了一位跳广场舞的大妈,也是冯巩的毒舌邻居,整个作品围绕邻里矛盾展开,这个小品最大的特点就是网络语言扎堆。值得一提的是,徐帆更是唱起《最炫民族风》跳起广场舞,又唱又跳,十分热闹。影视演员跨界抢镜每一年的春晚中都会有一些当红的影视演员来&串门&,今年也能见到不少大家在荧屏上熟悉的身影。第一个开场的歌舞表演《春到福来》就有闫妮、沙溢的联手亮相,他们与专业歌手蔡国庆、林依轮等人一同演唱,并串联起这一年发生的大事。尽管《武林外传》已经播出足足十年,但再次看到佟湘玉和白展堂这对欢喜冤家&在一起&,还是让人觉得喜气洋洋。如果说去年最红的明星,胡歌肯定算一个。《伪装者》《琅琊榜》让胡歌接连刷屏,人气暴涨,今年胡歌在春晚上的亮相也可以说是&众望所归&,他在泉州分会场与许茹芸一同演唱了歌曲《相亲相爱》,好听又养眼。梁咏琪、林心如、刘涛,三人在歌舞节目《山水中国美》中一起出现,远处山水映衬的背景搭配高低起伏的舞台设计,再加上上海评弹团和苏州评弹学校奉上的江南风情十足的苏州评弹,《山水中国美》也被看做是当晚视觉效果最美的一个节目。此外,同样也是在这两年走红的&小鲜肉&杨洋则与著名歌唱家佟铁鑫一同演绎了歌曲《父子》,温情感人。时隔12年再次登上春晚舞台的赵薇则带来了一首《六尺巷》,这首歌则源自于其家乡安徽流传广泛的传统美德故事。这也是赵薇第三次登上春晚舞台,2000年因电视剧《还珠格格》火遍全国,赵薇第一次登上春晚舞台,当年她身兼嘉宾主持和演唱歌曲等多项任务,2004年,赵薇搭档阿杜演唱《温暖》,二度登上春晚。四个分会场同联欢今年春晚在形式上最大的变化就是除了在北京的央视一号大厅录制,同时还走出了演播室,在全国设立了四个分会场。内蒙古呼伦贝尔、陕西西安、广东广州和福建泉州成为四大分会场所在地。■文化谭当我们看春晚小品时看的是创作者的心思红包这么大,我想去看看。这是走到今年的春晚,打给观众的一针强心剂。而小品,又是历届春晚中最引观众注目的节目。除夕合家团聚的时候,一个有趣的小品,能带给一家人欢声笑语。昨天的小品《放心吧》,想做个好人的孙涛,电话里刚开了句头,对方直接就把他当成骗子了。后来,&骗子&为了证明自己不是骗子,又被路人当成了&病人&。最后在所有人的眼里,活雷锋孙涛,便成了坏人。百口难辩之际,面对老人恨铁不成钢的指责,孙涛苦叹了一句:&臣妾做不到啊&。这些年,春晚能不能在观众心里站得住,关键看小品能不能撑得住。小品《放心吧》,将人们现实生活中深恶痛绝的电信诈骗,巧妙地展现给了观众,既针砭了时弊,给人们演绎了信任危机的尴尬,又阐述了聪明反被聪明误的道理;既接了地气,又巧妙地传播了正能量。防不胜防的电信诈骗,取材于百姓司空见惯的现实生活。小品中的主人公们,可以是全国随便哪座城市的。按照小品中的年龄,随便穿什么衣服都行。把可能出现、或者出现过的诈骗经过凑到一起,就是一部黑色幽默剧。剧中角色貌似夸张,实质平实。这表明,小品艺术只要取之于现实生活、敢于针砭社会,并且作适当的艺术加工,它本身的笑点就已足够。事实证明,高大上,与逗着乐,并不构成绝对的矛盾冲突。小品《放心吧》,它的高大上之处,正是在于敢于揭露现实,直面这个法治的软肋。虽然小品未能给观众提供面对并解决这个现实问题的根本方案,但它从一个侧面提醒人们,当一个社会彻底丢失了人与人之间的基本信任之后,不仅好人可以变成坏人,自以为聪明的人也会变成蠢人,健康的正常人也会成为病人。春晚用小品的形式,把这个尴尬的矛盾&抛&给观众,抛给了道德,其实也是抛给了法治。这时候,你已经无法界定它究竟属于喜剧,还是悲剧,或者正剧。其实这都不是问题的关键,关键是这部小品,你笑了。苦笑也好,真乐也好,它戳到了中国的现实。这大概也是这个小品,真正用心思的地方吧。□刘雪松(媒体人)  MOSCOW, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Russia believes a newly released U.S. report on human trafficking is politicized and hampers the work of law enforcement agencies in other countries, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.The U.S. State Department published its 2013 Trafficking in Persons report Tuesday, in which Russia received the lowest, &malicious,& grade in terms of combating human trafficking.&Such politicization of the trafficking issue, arbitrary ranking of the countries based on political sympathy or antipathy, drafting the lists of 'guilty ones' prevents normal work of the law enforcement agencies of our countries and their cooperation,& Konstantin Dolgov, the ministry's human rights envoy, said in a statement.Including Russia in &malicious category& goes in line with other unfriendly U.S. moves such as the Magnitsky Act, he said.The U.S. act introduced a visa blacklist of Russian officials allegedly linked to the death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in a Russian prison in 2009.Dolgov added that Washington wanted Russia to alter its legislation in order to avoid downgrading.&That demand was inconceivable from the start. Russian authorities will never be guided with instructions drafted in another country,& the diplomat said.Dolgov expressed outrage with the U.S. threats to introduce sanctions against Russia based on the report's conclusions.But he added Moscow is willing to work with Washington on human trafficking.  CAIRO, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- The stunning win of U.S. Republican Donald Trump as the country's 45th president raises hope and concern over the new U.S. policies in the turmoil-stricken Middle East, said Egyptian experts.Business tycoon and political neophyte Trump defeated Wednesday his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in a close presidential race after a controversial and scandalous campaign cycle, surprising a lot of political experts and observers around the world.WORRYING REMARKSTrump's aggressive remarks during his presidential campaign that offended many Arabs, Muslims and migrants raised concerns over policies the new U.S. administration would follow in the Middle East region.&During his campaign, Trump announced his support for Israel and said he would move its capital city from Tel Aviv to controversial Jerusalem, which is a worrying and regrettable position,& said Egyptian former ambassador to Washington Al-Sayyid Amin Shalaby, noting he was one of those surprised by Trump's victory.Shalaby hoped that Trump would receive the necessary consultation from his advisers about the seriousness of such a step on peace in the Mideast region, noting the Palestinian Authority expressed a desire to cooperate with the new U.S. administration based on the UN relevant resolutions.&But after he won elections, Trump's first remarks meant to lighten his previous ones, stressing his willingness to cooperate with all Washington's allies to achieve common interests,& he added.Trump recurrently affirmed his future cooperation with regional players including Egypt and Jordan to address the Middle East crises including growing terrorism.&We should wait for some weeks or months until the picture is clear about Trump's positions on several issues, particularly those related to the Middle East region,& Shalaby said.NEW POLICY HOPEThe approach of the last Republican before Trump, George W. Bush, cost the Middle East so dear as manifested in the war in Iraq and the subsequent turmoil in the region. Yet Democratic President Barack Obama did not do any better to restore regional stability despite his &new beginning& promises when first elected.&Trump's victory may have a positive effect on the Middle East and may open the way for new actions in the region with new influential regional players,& said Saeed al-Lawindi, researcher of international relations at Cairo-based Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies.&The U.S. has fixed policies towards the Middle East but I believe the Republicans will attempt to ease the regional tensions, as Trump blamed Obama's administration for mismanaging Mideast crises, particularly that of Iraq,& Lawindi said.Trump's win is believed to have raised hope for some Arab leaders including Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whom Trump believes to be fighting the Islamic State (IS) terrorists, and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, whom Trump promised partnership in anti-terrorism wars.Noha Bakr, a political science professor at the American University in Cairo, argued that Trump's victory reflects U.S. citizens' rejection of Obama's policies based on interference of other countries' domestic affairs, which is clearly denounced by Trump.He noted that the U.S. insisted on Assad's departure under Obama, but Trump will &take a different path and will agree with the Russian and the Egyptian visions on the Syrian crisis, which are based on Syria's unity and Assad's presence for a transitional period while getting rid of the IS.&  HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, discussed the Syria and Ukraine issues at a meeting here Monday on the sidelines of the 11th Group of 20 summit.The meeting, which lasted more than an hour, was &longer than planned, &Russian media quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying.The two leaders discussed Syria and Ukraine before moving on to a one-on-one talk, Peskov said, noting that the meeting went well.Putin said at a press conference after the meeting that he and Obama had &some alignment& of positions and an understanding of what they could do to de-escalate the situation in Syria.It can be said that Russia-U.S. efforts in fighting terrorist organizations, including those in Syria, would be significantly improved and intensified, he added.Both countries are interested in fighting terrorism, Putin said, adding that &the U.S. president is absolutely sincere in striving for a resolution of the Syrian conflict.&Meanwhile, Obama called the meeting &constructive& but not &conclusive.&&Typically the tones of our meetings are candid, blunt, business-like and this one was no different,& he said at a separate press conference following the meeting.However, he said that given the gaps of trust that exist, that's a tough negotiation.&We haven't yet closed the gaps in a way where we think it would actually work,& Obama said.Earlier Monday, a senior Obama administration official was quoted as saying that the two presidents failed to force a breakthrough in negotiations over a cease-fire in Syria, but have agreed to keep up negotiations.The two leaders directed their top diplomats to return to talks quickly, likely later this week, the official said.The United States and Russia have been trying to reach a deal over the Syria crisis. Obama said Sunday that the two sides still have &grave differences,& but there is still possibility &to make some progress.&U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who met in this eastern Chinese city on Sunday for Syria talks, launched a fresh round of negotiations on Monday morning, but ended without agreement, U.S. media reported.  LONDON, March. 3 (Xinhua) -- Britain wanted the EU to send a &very clear message of support& through technical and economic assistance to Ukraine, British Minister of State for Europe David Lidington said ahead of an EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting Monday.&I hope that we will be able to send a very clear message that the way forward is for there to be direct contact between the governments of Russia and Ukraine,& Lidington said in a statement on arrival at the EU body in Brussels.British Foreign Secretary William Hague on Monday labeled the current situation in Ukraine as the &biggest crisis& in Europe in this century during his visit to Kiev for talks with the new Ukrainian government.Russian President Vladimir Putin told U.S. President Barack Obama over the phone on Saturday that Russia reserves the right to protect its interests and Russian speakers living in Ukraine if violence spreads in eastern Ukrainian regions and Crimea.  TOKYO, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday ordered the decommissioning of two more reactors at the tsunami-ravaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility and pledged to take responsibility for the massive cleanup operations and toxic leaks, as revelations emerged the leaks were preventable.On his second trip to the stricken facility since assuming office, Abe said he would stand by promises made to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ensure a safe Summer Olympics in Tokyo in 2020, local media reported.According to the reports, Abe also said he wanted to allay mounting global concerns about contaminated water leaking from the plant into the adjacent Pacific Ocean and had instructed the plant 's embattled operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) to adhere to a new timeframe to deal with the radioactive leaks.Abe told TEPCO officials that for them to prioritize the fixing of potentially multiple leaking tanks storing contaminated water, which is accumulating at a rate of around 400 tons per day, the plant would have to decommission the No. 5 and No. 6 reactors that are currently shuttered.On March 11, 2011, the Daiichi facility in Japan's northeast was battered by a massive earthquake-triggered tsunami that caused multiple meltdown in four of the plant's reactors, leading to radioactive materials spreading into the air, ground and sea in the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.The No. 5 and No. 6 reactors were damaged by the tsunami, but didn't suffer full-blown meltdowns, but have remained offline since the crisis nevertheless.Abe said that TEPCO chief Naomi Hirose pledged to review the decommissioning of the two reactors by the end of the year, but sources familiar with the matter said Thursday that the cash- strapped utility may push to keep the reactors on-site to boost their balance sheet.The sources said that following TEPCO's losses of 27 billion U. S. dollars since the initial disaster, the utility is in talks with banks about refinancing terms to the tune of around 816 million U.S. dollars expected in October.Abe, during his tour of the plant Thursday, also inspected the utility's efforts to contain leaks of radioactive water from temporary storage tanks. There are around 1,000 steel storage tanks on the site, but the massive daily influx of water needed to cool the stricken reactors' nuclear fuel rods, has meant the tanks are at near capacity.Japan's nuclear watchdog and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have urged TEPCO to expedite the decontamination of the water so it can be released into the Pacific Ocean, fearing that if the process is delayed any further, the utility will be forced to release untreated, highly-contaminated water into the ocean to make room for more ever-accumulating toxic water.Abe instructed TEPCO to prioritize the leaking tanks and said his administration would be responsible for controlling the issue and the subsequent cleanup operations.The Japanese government has pledged around 470 million U.S. dollars in emergency funding to TEPCO, with some of the funds earmarked for the construction of frozen walls under the reactors to prevent contaminated substances escaping through groundwater and into the ocean.As the utility struggles to contain the leaks from the wrecked plant and with the &ice wall& having never been tested on a scale the size of the Fukushima crisis, sources close to the matter revealed Thursday that U.S. nuclear experts advised TEPCO and the government to build barriers around the reactors as a preventative measure to leaks, more than two years ago.The advice from the experts was provided to the Japanese government two months after the tsunami knocked out the plant's key cooling functions, leading to the catastrophic meltdowns.The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) urged TEPCO to construct emergency barriers following the disaster, but the utility rejected the idea due to the financial burden it would have to shoulder and for fears that investor confidence would be dashed on insolvency fears.The NRC's plans, first discussed with TEPCO in April 2011, put forward comprehensive measures for the utility to ensure that contaminated groundwater remains contained and that long-term groundwater monitoring and decontamination protocols were implemented by TEPCO following the NRC's expert advice.As well as lobbying to not build the much-needed barriers at the earliest possible juncture, TEPCO also requested in a memo -- reviewed and confirmed by two major media sources -- that the government refrain from going public with the vetoed plans to build emergency barriers, for fears of unsettling financial markets.The latest revelation doesn't bode well for the utility or the government, and both have come under fire for a lack of transparency regarding the crisis at the Fukushima plant, since the tsunami struck.In addition to misreporting vital radiation levels at trenches near tanks suspected of leaking contaminated water, TEPCO for months also denied that radioactive water was flowing into the ocean.The utility finally admitted last month that 300 tons of radioactive water had leaked into the ocean from a storage tank that was shoddily constructed. Japan's nuclear watchdog subsequently blasted the utility for their rudimentary patching up of the tank's leak.Despite the string of coverups and gaffe's by TEPCO, much to the ire of the global community, Abe on Thursday promised that the treating of contaminated water being stored at the plant would be completed by March 2015.  1月27日,《中共中央国务院关于落实发展新理念加快农业现代化实现全面小康目标的若干意见》公布。这也是&中央一号文件&连续第十三年关注&三农&。细读一下,这份一号文件满满都是惠农利农的&红包&,不论你是在农村生活、从事农业生产还是投资农业,这些&红包&都将实实在在影响着你。网购更方便,家乡特产更好卖多年来,农村和城市的区别之一就是消费品的丰富程度。由于物流、人力成本等原因,很多商品只在城市的大商场里销售,而农村消费者要想消费就必须自己亲自到城里来,费时费力费钱。然而互联网和电商发展让这一切都发生了改变。未来,电商下乡、快递下乡将逐步推进,让农村消费者能和城市消费者享受到一样的购物便利。另一方面,也可以让农民更加方便的通过电商把自己的农产品销售出去。&一号文件&指出:&开展降低农产品物流成本行动。促进农村电子商务加快发展,形成线上线下融合、农产品进城与农资和消费品下乡双向流通格局。加强商贸流通、供销、邮政等系统物流服务网络和设施建设与衔接,加快完善县乡村物流体系。实施&快递下乡&工程。鼓励大型电商平台企业开展农村电商服务,支持地方和行业健全农村电商服务体系。&农村上网 网速更快价格更便宜互联网拉近了城乡的距离。去年以来互联网宽带服务提速降费逐步推进,将来农村的互联网的网速将更加快速,资费将更加低廉。&一号文件&指出:&加快实现行政村宽带全覆盖,创新电信普遍服务补偿机制,推进农村互联网提速降费。&开办&农家乐&当老板将获得奖励和补贴&农家乐&已经成为乡村旅游和休闲农业的代名词,也成为很多地方农民脱贫致富的重要手段。未来,兴办&农家乐&当老板将会获得政府奖励和补贴。&一号文件&指出:&大力发展休闲农业和乡村旅游。强化规划引导,采取以奖代补、先建后补、财政贴息、设立产业投资基金等方式扶持休闲农业与乡村旅游业发展。引导和支持社会资本开发农民参与度高、受益面广的休闲旅游项目。&在农村干一番事业将会获得更多助力&大众创业 万众创新&不仅要在城市里开花结果,在农村的广阔天地中更应该百花齐放。未来,在农村创一番事业将会获得更多助力,获得资金支持将更加容易,成本更低,投资将会获得更多保障。&一号文件&指出:&推进农村劳动力转移就业创业,支持农民工返乡创业。推动金融资源更多向农村倾斜。发展农村普惠金融,降低融资成本。引导互联网金融、移动金融在农村规范发展。扩大农业保险覆盖面、增加保险品种、提高风险保障水平。支持地方发展特色优势农产品保险、渔业保险、设施农业保险。&农村出行将更加便利&要想富,先修路&,农村地区的交通不畅,生活基础设施落后等问题过去长期存在,未来,这一情况将会有变化,农村的路将越修越多越修越好,住房、饮水等生活基础设施也将不断改善。&一号文件&指出:&加快农村基础设施建设。把国家财政支持的基础设施建设重点放在农村,建好、管好、护好、运营好农村基础设施,实现城乡差距显著缩小。研究出台创新农村基础设施投融资体制机制的政策意见。&农村环境将更加优美、更加宜居一段时间以来,一些村庄面临着自然环境被破坏污染严重、居住环境脏乱差等问题,未来,这些问题都将得到改善,新的农村将会是青山绿水环绕,村舍整洁卫生,生活设施完备,公共服务健全。&一号文件&指出:&开展农村人居环境整治行动和美丽宜居乡村建设。继续推进农村环境综合整治,完善以奖促治政策。全面启动村庄绿化工程,开展生态乡村建设。普遍建立村庄保洁制度。坚持城乡环境治理并重,逐步把农村环境整治支出纳入地方财政预算,中央财政给予差异化奖补。&农民变市民落户城里将会更容易中国农村进城务工人员数以亿计,在为中国社会经济做出巨大贡献的同时,也产生了子女教育、养老等一些问题。随着城镇化不断推进,农民工进城落户成为市民是发展趋势。未来,农民工在打工的城市落户成为新市民享受各种保障和福利将会更加容易。&一号文件&指出:&进一步推进户籍制度改革,落实1亿左右农民工和其他常住人口在城镇定居落户的目标,保障进城落户农民工与城镇居民有同等权利和义务。将符合条件的农民工纳入城镇社会保障和城镇住房保障实施范围。落实和完善农民工随迁子女在当地参加中考、高考政策。&农村&托底&托得更稳由于城乡以及地区经济发展不平衡,一些农村地区的居民还很贫困。未来,更多的&托底&政策和措施将实施,让他们也能够分享经济发展的成果,帮助他们改善生活条件,创造更多的机会让他们走向富裕。&一号文件&指出:&实施脱贫攻坚工程。实施精准扶贫、精准脱贫。通过产业扶持、转移就业、易地搬迁等措施解决5000万左右贫困人口脱贫;对完全或部分丧失劳动能力的2000多万贫困人口,全部纳入低保覆盖范围,实行社保政策兜底脱贫。实行最严格的脱贫攻坚考核督查问责。&&开展农村贫困家庭子女、未升学初高中毕业生、农民工、退役军人免费接受职业培训行动。逐步分类推进中等职业教育免除学杂费,率先从建档立卡的家庭经济困难学生实施普通高中免除学杂费,实现家庭经济困难学生资助全覆盖。建立健全农村留守儿童和妇女、老人关爱服务体系。加强农村养老服务体系、残疾人康复和供养托养设施建设。&(孙博洋)  WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and South Korean Minister of National Defense Han Min-koo met at the Pentagon on Thursday for the 46th Security Consultative Meeting.At the meeting, they agreed to implement South Korea's proposal for a conditions-based approach to transferring wartime control of allied forces, known as operational control, or OPCON, to ensure the combined defense posture remains strong and seamless, according to a statement of the U.S. Defense Department.South Korea was scheduled to take wartime control by the end of 2015; now the transfer will focus on South Korea achieving critical defensive capabilities against an intensifying North Korean threat. Therefore, no new date for transferring OPCON will be set, the statement said.Planners from the U.S and South Korea will create a new base plan that will replace the Strategic Alliance 2015 Base Plan by the 47th Security Consultative Meeting.  SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- The armies of India and Pakistan Sunday fired at each other's positions on line-of-control (LoC) in Kashmir, officials said.The cease-fire violation took place in the morning in Mendhar Sector of frontier Poonch District, around 185 km southwest of Srinagar City, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir.&Pakistani army today violated cease-fire and targeted our posts in Mendhar area at 6:25 a.m.,& said S N Acharaya, Indian army spokesman in Jammu. &Our side also retaliated in an effective manner to Pakistani firing and firing lasted until 10:00 a.m.&The firing from both sides continued for more than three hours.According to Acharaya, the Indian side has not suffered any damage due to Pakistani firing.The cease-fire violation has come a day after India's External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid and Pakistan's Adviser on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz agreed to respect the LoC cease-fire agreement of 2003.The leaders on Friday met in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit.The two leaders also agreed to a meeting of the prime ministers of the two countries in New York later this month on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session.New Delhi and Islamabad in 2003 agreed to observe cease-fire along the international border and LoC in Kashmir. Though some violations have been reported on both sides, the cease-fire remains in effect.Skirmishes between the two armies are going on almost on daily basis for the past one month. Majority of the exchanges took place on LoC in Poonch.LoC is a de facto border that divides Kashmir into India and Pakistan controlled parts.Both India and Pakistan blamed each other of resorting to unprovoked firing that triggers skirmishes that resulted in civilian or troop casualties on both sides.During last month's flare-up, eight troopers, five from Indian side and three from Pakistan side, were killed.  ZAGREB, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Two major parties were neck-and-neck in Croatian early parliamentary elections, according to an exit poll released on Sunday night.The People's Coalition, led by the Croatian Social Democratic Party (SDP), would won 57 seats in the 151-seat parliament and its rival the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) would has 57 seats, it said.The MOST party, which was the third winner in last election held in November 2015, would get 12 seats and a small party Living Wall could make a new surprise with seven seats, six more than last time, the polls added.Despite a tied race, the HDZ likely has a better chance as traditionally it enjoyed the supports from Croatia's diaspora, who has the three reserved seats in the parliament.But it still needs to look for the alliance with small parties or representatives of minorities, who has eight reserved seats, to secure an enough majority for forming a new government.Also there are changes for People's coalition too, but it largely depends on small parties, especially the MOST.It is obvious that small &third-way& parties will once again play a key role in forming a new government, similar with last election when junior party MOST had a surprise win with 19 seats.With the victory, MOST negotiated with two biggest party HDZ and SDP for months and at last formed a coalition government with HDZ, but the government stepped down only five months later following a no-confidence vote in June.Analysts here worry about a similar scenario likely to happen this time and prolonged talks on forming a government and potentially another election.They considered the uncertainty could harm the country's economy which emerged from a six-year recession in 2015 and still remains one of the European Union's weakest.Meanwhile, they believed Croatia was turning a new chapter in its political history. Two strongest parties, the HDZ and the SDP who ruled the country for 25 years, would lose their positions in the future political stage and junior partners would have chance with strong word.However unstable governments and early elections likely become to reality, they added.  孙绍波/画朱国顺/文世界上什么事情越是错误越是红火?呵呵,那就是经济学家们的预测。经济学家喜欢预测,又要与众不同,还经常修改自己的预测,于是答案就五花八门,而我们知道,结果只能是一个。正是因为不准,所以预测就更加热闹红火。只要你有心,把那些预测收集起来对照一下结果,准确率基本在&强力球&与掷硬币的概率之间。只要看一下,每年年初那么多指点股市江山的专家,几个是准的呢?索罗斯的预测,当然也不例外。这个号称赢过英镑和搅起了亚洲金融风暴的人,与大多数金融家相对内敛不同,比较大嘴,常常要在指点江山里刷存在感,而且还喜欢沾政治色彩,搞过什么颜色变化的基金会。这次在达沃斯论坛上语出惊人,声称看空亚洲、看空中国。&索罗斯唱空&,当然不用太在意。那么多经济学家那么多预测,都去信也忙不过来。只是索罗斯与一般比较&纯洁&的经济学家不同,他经常在空口大嘴之外,还依靠手中掌握的资金实力联动牟利,这不能不让人留个心眼。可以比较有底的是,对于中国这样一个10万亿美元能级、33000亿美元外汇储备的巨大经济体,几个索罗斯是成不了什么事情的。要警惕的是索罗斯不是一个人,他牵动的可能是某些集团,并进而带动一股市场的情绪。索罗斯好大嘴,但是大嘴们常常是醉翁之意不在酒。醉翁&唱空&,值得警觉。如果用好了,还是机遇。索罗斯们唱空的背景,是国际金融危机破坏了世界经济增长动力,加上中国经济结构调整转型,世界经济普遍增速转缓。美国近五年GDP增长在1.6-2.5%之间,日本五年平均约为1.5%,欧元区在1%上下,&金砖国家&的增长也在放缓。特别是随着美联储进入加息周期,美元回流压力对新兴经济体造成了明显影响。IMF对全球增长率的预测,比此前预测下降了0.2%。相比于之前快速发展的年代,这些增长速度是比较普通平庸的。但是从战略角度看,平庸增长也是重要的发展机遇期,它有利于中国经济走出去,也有利于中国布局利用全球资源。中国拥有庞大的富裕产能,各国经济增长乏力,对于外来投资带动增长的迫切性相对强烈,对外投资的成功性会大大增加。2005年中海油收购美国尤尼科石油公司,中方以185亿美元现金报价,但在多种政治压力下,尤尼科选择了出价171亿美元的雪弗龙公司。这既有美国的政治考虑,也有当时经济处于上升期,他们可选择的余地更多一些。在目前状态下中国企业在欧美开疆拓土,相对容易一些。前年初安邦保险成功收购纽约华尔道夫酒店,收购价为19.5亿美元,折合每平方米7.3万元人民币,比北京的房价还便宜一些。这是一幢接待过历任美国总统的纽约地标性建筑,承载了美国的历史与梦想,这在10多年前是不可想象的。与此同时,经济放缓以及索罗斯们&唱空&,带来了全球大宗商品市场巨幅下跌,这对于资源紧缺型的中国来说,同样是巨大机遇。中国地大物博,但是每人平均的话又是资源紧缺的国家,目前正是布局用好全球资源的良机。国际金融危机前的2008年,WTI原油价格最高达到147美元一桶;即使在两年前,油价也保持在100美元以上。近期国际油价最低在27美元左右,这几天也刚刚在30美元左右徘徊。以中国每年进口超过20亿桶石油计算,大约能少付2000亿美元左右,节省的国民财富极其可观。利用好这个机遇期,增加原油进口和储备,是难得良机。国际标准来看,一国战略石油储备约为90天的用量,对于中国这样奉行独立自主外交政策的大国来说,90天的储量都不算丰裕。在目前的机遇期,我们要加快做好原油进口的战略储备,同时也要多方施策加快储备设施建设增加储备容量。有专家提出,可适当选择已基本开采完毕、又地质条件合适的老油田,进行进口原油回输,增加中国的储备量,这在经济上是算得过来的。其它中国缺少的资源,目前也都有着进口和收储的绝佳窗口机会。2008年,制造不锈钢用的镍,最高价格超过了5万美元一吨,现在价格是8600美元一吨,是那时的七分之一。澳大利亚铁矿砂最高时190美元一吨,现在是40美元,我国每年进口量大约在10亿吨,这对于铁矿资源紧缺的中国也是一大机遇。中国有着超过3万亿美元的外汇储备,同时也是资源产品需要大量进口的国家。在世界经济放缓、索罗斯之类投机人&唱空&的背景下,面对国际市场大宗商品空前低迷,我们完全应该利用好机遇,对中国紧缺、需要长期进口的资源,从战略高度,做好利用国际市场资源的长远规划,使得在未来新一轮经济增长到来时,中国能相对处于一个比较有利的位置,避免中国一买就贵、一卖就跌的现象反复发生。&索罗斯唱空&的是非需要澄清,&索罗斯唱空&带来的机遇,我们不应错过。  新华社北京1月24日电 题:为中东和平与发展注入中国正能量新华社记者杨依军五天时间,三个重要国家,习近平主席的首次中东之行取得圆满成功。这是中国国家元首2016年的首次出访,也是中国特色大国外交的创新与进取之作。新年首访往往具有特殊意义。习近平主席首访中东沙特、埃及、伊朗的消息一经公布就举世瞩目,展现着中国更加积极主动参与国际事务的担当,传递着新时期中国外交的自信。中东,一片从来都不缺少关注的土地。这里有源远流长的古老民族,有灿烂辉煌的文化宝库,也有绵延千年的杀伐纷争。面对&向何处去&的&中东之问&,不少人开出过&药方&。在中东和平与发展的关键历史节点,中国好朋友来到这里,中国正能量如同甘泉。&化解分歧,关键要加强对话&&破解难题,关键要加快发展&&道路选择,关键要符合国情&&&这是闪耀着中国哲学与智慧光芒的答案,也是历史经验与现实教训的总结。在中国的方案里,没有制度模式的强行推销,没有唯我独尊的颐指气使,有的是平等交流、互利合作、心灵契合。两千多年前,古丝绸之路穿越广袤大陆,把中国和中东人民联结成血脉相连的命运共同体。两千多年后,面对新的发展机遇,中国推进&一带一路&建设,矢志做中东和平的建设者、中东发展的推动者、中东工业化的助推者、中东稳定的支持者、中东民心交融的合作伙伴,全新的丝绸之路正在铺就。&高举和平对话旗帜,开展促进稳定行动&&推进结构调整,开展创新合作行动&&促进中东工业化,开展产能对接行动&&倡导文明交流互鉴,开展增进友好行动&&&破解&中东之问&,不仅有中国的答案,更有中国的行动,实打实、沉甸甸。这就是中国,言必行、行必果。&我出访所到之处,最陶醉的是各国各民族人民创造的文明成果。&习近平主席的中东之行,每访一国,谈务实合作,更促人文相亲。参观沙特&四方宫&、在卢克索神庙出席中埃文化年开幕式、署名文章讲述中伊&两大文明远行并拥抱&&&折射着中国与不同国家、不同民族、不同文明的交往之道。这必将是一次为中东和平与发展注入源源不断正能量的访问。&立天下之正位,行天下之大道。&不找代理人、不搞势力范围、不谋求填补&真空&的中国,播种的是友谊,培育的是和平,收获的是共赢。这必将是一次对国际关系理论与实践产生深远影响的访问。&只要路走对了,就不怕遥远。&创造了和平共处、合作发展历史佳话的丝绸之路,正在新的时代焕发勃勃生机。点击查看专题  ATHENS, April 7 (Xinhua) -- Britain and the European Union can reach an agreement on Brexit which will work for both sides, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said during a two-day visit here which ended Friday.The British official held talks with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Friday and Greek Foreign Minister Alexis Kotzias on Thursday.According to the Greek premier's office, the dialogue focused on bilateral relations, Cyprus peace talks and the course of negotiations between Britain and EU on Brexit as well as developments in the region, in particular the Syrian crisis.&We may be leaving the European Union but we are not leaving Europe. I believe we can get a deal that works for both sides,& Johnson said during a joint press briefing with Kotzias on Thursday after their meeting.&With goodwill and imagination it could be done as fast as in two years. We do not want to close doors,& the British official stressed when asked about the timetable of Brexit.Britain wants to control immigration flows, not close the door on talented people who are helping the British economy and will examine the conditions of free movement of EU citizens during Brexit's implementation, Johnson said.&We respect the decision of the British people and we want to form the best possible deal between the EU and the UK which will serve both sides with friendship, not vindictiveness,& Kotzias said on his part.&We want Britain's exit from the EU to be orderly and with a plan, in a way that the UK will remain as close as possible to the EU and with the best possible relations with other countries such as Greece. We want to minimize the losses from Britain's departure and maximize our opportunities,& the Greek foreign minister underlined.In the light of the latest developments in Syria, the two ministers urged for an end to the war.&We are against unjust wars and terrorism and both countries have condemned in statements the deadly attack in Syria,& Kotzias said referring to the recent alleged toxic gas attack with 80 casualties in Khan Sheikhun.Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said early on Thursday that the Syrian airstrike on a rebel-held town in Idlib Province struck a rebel depot containing chemical materials, denying that the air force fired toxic gas during the attack.The British Foreign Secretary and Greek officials ended their talks in Athens without commenting on the launch of a targeted missile strike by the U.S. military at a Syrian military airfield in the first direct assault on the army of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since the Syrian crisis began six years ago.The strike was ordered by U.S. President Donald Trump, according to a Pentagon announcement.  &牢记总书记的殷切希望&系列报道之二 奋力打造生态文明建设的江西样板&泽国芳草碧,梅黄烟雨中。&江西省坚持绿色崛起的发展理念,不断加大生态保护力度,对鄱阳湖湿地投入大量人力、物力、财力,开展了退田还湖等工作,使鄱阳湖湿地生态保护得到了逐步加强,湿地烟波浩渺、水草丰美。江西日报记者 王晖 刘勇这是习近平总书记的深切期待。日,习近平总书记在参加十二届全国人大三次会议江西代表团审议时,殷殷嘱托江西&着力推动生态环境保护,走出一条经济发展和生态文明相辅相成、相得益彰的路子,打造生态文明建设的江西样板&。这是江西省委、省政府的铿锵答卷。2015年初,研究出台《关于建设生态文明先行示范区的实施意见》,启动&六大体系&&十大工程&共60个项目包建设;年中,召开省委十三届十一次全会,对推进绿色崛起、建设生态文明先行示范区进行再动员、再部署;年底,在九江市武宁县召开全省生态文明先行示范区建设推进大会,第一时间贯彻党的十八届五中全会提出的绿色发展理念,推动江西绿色崛起干到实处、走向深处。今年初,在刚刚结束的全省两会上,&生态文明先行示范区建设情况和生态环境状况&报告成为继传统的&一府两院&报告后新增的重要报告内容,接受人大代表的审议、监督。这在全国属于首创。环环相扣,一气呵成!我省正奋力走出一条具有江西特色的绿色发展新路子,誓让天蓝、地绿、水净、空气甜美的美丽生态成为江西永恒的宝贵资源和最大财富。  BEIJING, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- More than half a century has passed since Martin Luther King delivered his famous &I have a dream& speech, but alarming racial disparity is still plaguing the United States today.In Ferguson, Missouri, the country is once again torn apart by racial strains.The suburban St. Louis town erupted in anger after Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot dead by a police officer on Saturday.In its recent history, the country has already witnessed a series of violence sparked by racial tensions, especially police killings of black suspects. The following is a list of major racial riots in the United States since 1990:Cincinnati riots in 2001The Cincinnati riots took place in and around the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood of downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, on April 9-13, 2001.The riots were the largest urban disturbance in the United States since the 1992 Los Angeles riots.Violence was sparked after African-American Timothy Thomas, 19, was fatally shot by officer Steve Roach.Thomas, of Cincinnati, was running from Roach, who was trying to arrest him on 14 warrants.Thomas had been wanted for misdemeanors and traffic violations, including driving without a license and failing to wear a seat beltTensions between blacks and police, which were already heightened in Cincinnati over the past few years, erupted into four nights of rioting in Cincinnati, with rioters throwing objects at police, vandalizing and looting business before a curfew effectively ended the unrest.St. Petersburg, Florida, riot of 1996In 1996 at St. Petersburg, Florida, a black motorist was fatally shot by a white officer, touching off African-American riots.Eleven people were injured and a number of buildings set on fire following the fatal shooting of the black teenager.Disturbances also followed a month later after a grand jury refused to bring criminal charges against the officer.1992 Los Angeles riotsThe worst U.S. violence in recent times came in Los Angeles in 1992 when mobs rioted, looted and set fire to buildings following the acquittal of four white policemen in the beating of Rodney King, a black motorist.Violence started on April 29 after a trial jury acquitted four Los Angeles Police Department officers of assault and use of excessive force.The mostly white officers were videotaped beating King, an African-American following a high-speed police chase.Thousands of people throughout the metropolitan area in Los Angeles rioted over six days following the announcement of the verdict.The riots left 51 people dead and caused an estimated 717 million U.S. dollars in damages.Crown Heights riot in 1991The three-day riots occurred on Aug. 19-21, 1991, in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York.The riots started hours after a Jewish driver accidentally struck two black children, killing 7-year-old Gavin Cato, a child of Guyanese immigrants.The riot unleashed simmering tensions of the Crown Heights' black community against the Orthodox Jewish community, and turned the Brooklyn neighborhood into a national symbol of ethnic hostility.  LONDON, May 29 (Xinhua) -- No country has witnessed a significant decline in obesity prevalence over the past three decades, with the number of overweight and obese people topping 2.1 billion in 2013, according to latest figures published in British medical journal The Lancet.A team of international researchers performed a comprehensive search of the available data from surveys and reports to track overweight people (body mass index of 25kg/m2 or higher) and obesity (BMI of 30kg/m2 or higher) in 188 countries from 1980 to 2013.Worldwide, there has been a startling increase in rates of obesity and the overweightedness in both adults (28 percent increase) and children (up by 47 percent) in the past 33 years. The number of overweight and obese people rose from 857 million in 1980 to 2.1 billion in 2013.However, the rates vary widely throughout the world, with more than half of the world's 671 million obese individuals living in just ten countries -- United States (more than 13 percent), China and India (15 percent combined), Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan and Indonesia. Currently, 62 percent of the world's obese people live in developing countries.The prevalence of overweightedness and obesity in childhood has increased remarkably in developed countries, from 17 percent in 1980 to 24 percent in 2013 in boys and from 16 percent to 23 percent in girls. Similarly, in developing countries, rates have risen from roughly 8 percent to 13 percent in both boys and girls over the three decades.In high-income countries, some of the highest increases in adult obesity prevalence have been in the United States, where roughly a third of the adult population is obese, and Australia, where 28 percent of men and 30 percent of women are obese. A quarter of Britain's adult population is obese.The greatest gain in overweightedness and obesity occurred globally between 1992 and 2002, mainly among people aged between 20 and 40.Prof. Emmanuela Gakidou from the University of Washington, who led the study, warned that the study presents a worrying picture of substantial rises in obesity rates across the world and said that concerted action is urgently needed to reverse this trend.    U.S. stocks followed European and Asian markets into the red on Monday after Greece announced it will miss deficit reduction targets worked out in a bailout deal with lenders. Despite a series of austerity measures, the Greek government projects its deficit at 8.5 percent of the country's economic output, well above the 7.6 percent target it had promised international creditors. The admission renews fears that Greece may not get the crucial assistance it needs to avoid default. The possibility that Greece will not make good on its debts moved a step closer to reality on Monday. At a eurozone finance ministers meeting in Luxembourg, EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said Greece and the 17 nations that use the euro have reached a critical juncture. &It seems that Greece is likely to miss the target this year, next year and concrete measures agreed to so far are going a long way to meet all the fiscal targets,& said Rehn. &As I said, it is essential now that we will assess the measures, we will review the figures.&Greece's next bailout installment - about
billion - is predicated on the country's ability to reduce spending - spending that has raised the country's debt load to a staggering 173 percent of national income. Without the next installment, Greece is expected to run out of money in a matter of weeks. David Jones is a market strategist at IG index:&The concern is that there's an awful lot of talk from politicians and central banks to an extent and very little in the way of immediate action,& said Jones. &So I think the worry is that once again this latest problem will extend just how long this takes to try to solve.&Greece has imposed a series of unpopular austerity measures that have led to almost daily protests from workers weary of deep pay cuts and higher taxes.But Nikos Christodoulou at Merit Securities says it is no secret why Greece has been unable to reach its target goals.&The main reason is the recession,& said Christodoulou. &The recession widens in Greece at this moment. We know that it will be at least 5.5 percent for this year and we may have a new recession in the next year. So the bigger the recession, the higher the budget deficit.&Some analysts accuse the European Union, the IMF and the European central bank of creating unnecessary drama. Even so, Oliver Roth at Close Brothers Seydler Bank says it's unlikely the so-called &Troika& will allow Greece to fail.&For me, it is clear that the Troika will pay sooner or later the credits to Greece and therefore I don't think there is a reason for being so negative,& said Roth.Experts say pulling the plug on Greece could have massive repercussions in Europe, especially to French banks with heavy exposure to Greek debt. Some say the resulting crisis could plunge the global economy into another painful recession.  NAIROBI&U.S. President Barack Obama has arrived in Kenya, amid extremely tight security, for the start of a landmark two-day visit.The president's plane, Air Force One, touched down in Nairobi Friday evening. Obama was greeted on the tarmac by Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, then went to his hotel, where he had dinner with his Kenyan relatives, including his step-grandmother, Mama Sarah and his half-sister Auma Obama.The streets of Nairobi have been painted and polished as the city has spared no expense to welcome Obama for what Kenyans have called his &homecoming.&The big headline for the visit is a Global Entrepreneurship Summit & the first time it is being held in Africa. President Obama & as co-host & will address the gathering on Saturday.Kenya also has special significance for the U.S. president. His father was born and is buried in rural western Kenya and served in the government of Kenya&s first president.Obama last visited in 2006 as a U.S. senator, but, this is his first trip as president & and that, says Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto, means a lot to his country.&President Obama is not just any other American president,& Ruto told VOA. &He has African roots, and more specifically Kenyan roots, and so it is significant in a very different way.&Security concernsWhile much of the visit will focus on boosting trade, the other big issue on the agenda will be security when Obama meets Kenyatta on Saturday.Kenyan Foreign Secretary Amina Mohamed told VOA it is a common top concern.&Our collaboration, especially on security, is historic. It&s always been there, but of course we&ve enhanced it a lot in the last few years because of the threat & the global threat actually & that we all face,& Mohamed said.Kenya has been targeted repeatedly by the Somali militant group al-Shabab. The deadliest attack took place at Garissa University College in April, when 148 people, most of them students, were slaughtered on campus.Ethiopia stop After two days in Kenya, Obama will become the first U.S. president to visit Ethiopia.Ahead of his arrival in Africa, human rights groups urged the president to use his trip to call for fundamental human rights reforms in both countries.In a letter to Obama, a group of 14 nongovernmental organizations and individual experts said the governments of Kenya and Ethiopia &face real security threats, but we are concerned by the way in which each government has responded, often with abusive security measures and increased efforts to stifle civil society and independent media.&Trade with AfricaLate Wednesday, President Obama spoke about trade with Africa at a White House reception marking the signing of the African Growth and Opportunity Act. He said despite Africa's challenges, the continent is a dynamic place with some of the fastest-growing markets in the world. He said it has the potential to be the next center of global economic opportunity.He said the trade law will continue to encourage good governance, labor rights and human rights in Africa.Obama last month signed a 10-year extension of the country's main trade authority with Africa & a 15-year effort that boosted U.S.-Africa trade to
billion last year, with U.S. exports accounting for slightly more than half of that total.More than 40 sub-Saharan countries are eligible for trade benefits under the law, through which most imports from Africa enter the United States duty free. Two of the main beneficiaries are oil exporters Angola and Nigeria.Even as U.S. trade with Africa has grown rapidly, it trails resource hungry China, now with 0 billion in annual African trade, and the 28-nation European Union with 0 billion.Obama has made a concerted effort to increase U.S. ties with Africa. Last August, he staged the inaugural U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington.The U.S. says the Africa trade measure supports an estimated 350,000 jobs. As the trade extension advanced in Congress, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and National Security Advisor Susan Rice said it has &provided vital economic opportunities,& helping African companies become more competitive and opening the path for more investments in them.    JERUSALEM, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- A Palestinian journalist who has been hunger striking for two months is in critical condition, his attorney said on Monday.Mohammed al-Qeeq, 33, a father of two and a correspondent for the Saudi al-Majd TV network, &faces the possibility of death at any moment,& his lawyer Jawad Boulus told the Times of Israel.Al-Qeeq is protesting his six-month arrest without trial or indictment. The Shin Bet Israeli security service accused Al-Qeeq of links with Hamas, an Islamist Palestinian movement.Al-Qeeq was arrested on Nov. 21 at his home in the West Bank village of Dura, near Hebron, and has been under administrative arrest ever since.On Nov. 25, he went on a hunger strike, refusing food and medical treatment.He was transferred to the Ha'Emek Hospital in the northern town of Afula some two weeks ago due to his deteriorated health condition.Physicians for Human Rights, an Israeli human rights watchdog, accused Israel of forcing Al-Qeeq to receive medical treatment. &It is clear from al-Qeeq that he is being subjected to severe pressure from the medical personnel to end his hunger strike and is occasionally subject to medical treatment against his will and consent,& Samer Sam'an, a lawyer with the group, said after meeting with Al-Qeeq last week.A spokesperson for the hospital was not immediately available to comment for Xinhua.Palestinian prisoners have used hunger strikes to draw international attention to their so-called administrative detention, an incarceration without charges for renewable periods of six months. Al-Qeek was the first journalist to do so.As of the beginning of August, Israel was holding 340 Palestinians in administrative detention, according to official figures.Fearing that the death of a Palestinian detainee will spark a wide protest in the West Bank, Israel passed a controversial law in 2015, allowing it to force-feed hunger strikers whose life are in danger.  Severe winter weather continues to dominate in many European countries with air and road travel disrupted and gas supples running low.The hardest hit country is Ukraine, where temperatures as low as minus 32 degrees Celsius have left at least 122 people dead. Oleksandr Heits, head of a rescue unit in Kiev, said many of the victims are hom}


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