
  北京:中国罕见地做出一项例外,首次授予一个印度人在当地相当于&绿卡&的东东。他们给印度人,Mohmmed Rizwan,一个为期5年地签证而不是那种给予几乎所有外国人的为期1年的签证。
  此举意义重大,因为它对至少50名印度人敞开了大门,他们都在中国居住超过12年。 有超过20个印度裔男子和中国女子结婚。几个印度人在这个国家有大量的投资。Checks with Indian officials, old-timers from India and Chinese sources did not throw up any other instance of an Indian getting the coveted PR status。(这段不会翻,嘿嘿)
  Raj (新德里) 回复Siloo Kapadia
  Siloo Kapadia 回复Raj
  Vinay (多尔) 回复Siloo Kapadia
  yum reda (克塔克)
  VCShah (中国深圳)
  Siloo Kapadia (美国)
  Vivek Kumar (新德里)
Appa Durai (Unknown)
Modi will not be cowed down by chinese pressures
ingh (Location)
Bullying days is a gone era。 Friendship requires Equality。 Although they understand, that old habits die hard, We welcome you, wholeheartedly。 We have lots of commonality in million fields。 But most important is poverty, in both nations, which concerns。
arunc_india (HNK)
For every one step that China takes in Indian Ocean Region, India should take two steps in South China Sea, either with help from other countries along this region or by itself。 India should speed up its production of submarines and arm its fleet closer to South China Sea as well as harass the Chinese fleet the same way they harass US and other countries navies in South China Sea。 The rule should be same & IOR is India’s South China Sea。 Let them know that we are serious。 China’s presidents visit to India does more harm to India than anything else。
nan ksn (Unknown)
Please ask them to get out of Arunachal and stop funding P o K projects first。。before coming for negotiations。。!!
ragavender (Nagput)
India already has an operating oil field。 It is second one and the renewed one。 Let the Chinese go to hell。 We have to break Chinese nose like this for the border problem。 We have to have friendship with other ASEAN neighbors too and indulge in this kind of operations to check Chinese in their own land。
aranathan (chennai)
India should not be cowed down by such threats
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Ask China to mind their business and not our internal and countries foreign policies。 Do not accept china’s money。 We don’t need it。
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Vijayendra Kumar (Unknown)
The only way India can stand upto China is by developing its economy。 All else is talk。
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Babu Gupta (Bensalem, Pennsylvania)
China is objecting to any deals between India and Vietnam in disputed (or claimed by China) waters。 How about China’s activities in PoK which is disputed between and and Pakistan? UPA mis-Government of Puppet MM Singh / Madam Sonia did not even protest China’s activities in India’s own land and backyard。
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china very well knows that they are more powerful in all aspects…
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中国人非常清楚一点,即他们各方面都更为强大[!--empirenews.page--]uman Mandal (Unknown)
well the clear message should be… U stay out of our property and we stay out of yours。。
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india must say no to all Chinese investment proposals。 That would be courting disaster at a strategic level。 Don’t let the Chinese get involved in infrastructure projects in india。
Truth Speaker (India)
We should appreciate China’s boldness to claim far away Island as theirs’s。 We India cowardly donated to Srilanka Katchatheevu Island close to Rameshwaram and far away from main inhabitation of Srilanka。 Indians are traitor and coward not able to protect Indian Fishermen interest。
Rajiv Vashistha (Unknown)
Everything which india do china is opposing
I dont understand why Modi is letting China treat india this way。。BJP no good!
No BS (Unknown)
oh just shut up noodle
tanmay chakrabarti (Unknown)
Watery Chinese reason。
Can China control Vietnam?
narayanaiyer viswanathan (Bangalore)
Just the Chinese do not bother about our concerns about Brahmaputra , why should we bother about it 。 It is for Vietnam to be concerned if at all
Crab Kerala (Unknown)
Who cares abt cat eating chinkies… Call porkisthan for halp…。 Our bals will not drop。
WASHINGTON: India’s annual defence budget is just one-third of that of China despite the tensions that remain along their shared border, according to a Pentagon report。
The official annual defence budget of China in the year 2013 was $119。5 billion against India’s $39。2 billion, the Pentagon said on Thursday in its annual report on China, which was submitted to the Congress。
For comparison, the national defence budget of Russia in the year 2013 was $69。5 followed by that of Japan & $56。9 billion。
The annual budget of South Korea was $31 billion, the Pentagon said adding that tensions remain along the India-China border。
&Despite improving political and economic relations between China and India, tensions remain along their shared 4,057-km border, most notably over Arunachal Pradesh, which China asserts is part of Tibet, and over the Aksai Chin region at the western end of the Tibetan Plateau,& the Pentagon said。
[!--empirenews.page--]&In 2009, China and India said they would establish a hotline between their prime ministers after exchanging barbs over the status of the border region of Arunachal Pradesh,& said the report titled &Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2014&P, that runs into over 90 pages。
Indian Guy (Delhi)
US you can fool all others but not us Indians…you think we will be easy prey with such non-sense reports。。go and sell your arms to Porkistan
Gururaja Rao (Unknown)
India is allocating one third of expenditure of Chinese budget for defense
mpraomokkapati (mpraomokkapati)
It shows that US wants more business。 Modi Govt。 should restrict the Defence to the bare minimum and trust to be given for defence factories , to reduce the imports。 At the same time peace talks with both China and Pakistan to be continued for better relationship and business。
Anish Kumar Singh (Unknown)
Not bad !!! considering our GDP is 1/4 th of Chinese。 with that logic it should have been 1/4 th。
不赖啊!毕竟我们的GDP只有中国的四分之一。想一想,国防预算本该只有中国四分之一的。[!--empirenews.page--]omeone (somewhere)
The size of the country should also be considered when calculating such bench marks。 China is in dispute for its land and sea with almost all of its neighbors, be it India or dispute in South China sea with Vietnam, Philippines, Japan。 More over they are in a modernisation drive。
Veerendra Kumar (Bangalore)
India need to invest here wisely as too much spending is also not fine and on the other hand we need to be self defensive from the enemies also。
Veerendra Kumar (Bangalore)
US mentioned defense budget for all other nations but not there own。
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Ram Mohan (Mangalore)
dont fall into this trap。 We cannot compete with them in terms of money。 Please dont purchase arms from US as they are expensive
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Terry Willson (Mackay Sunshine State)
I dont believe for one minute that the People Republic of China spent just $119。5 billion on defence in 2013。 That is a fairy story and what the the Chinese would like us to believe。 Their nuclear ballistic submarine fleet (that is submarines capable of firing missiles tipped with nuclear warheads as opposed to hunter killer submarines with cruise missiles) is now the second largest in the world after the United States。 That is a US assessment。 PLA Navy ballistic submarines have been tagged off the coast of California。 You do not build these weapon platforms with petty cash。
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我压根就不相信中国2013年国防开支只有1195亿美元。这是中国人希望我们相信的神话故事。他们的核潜艇部队(有能力发射带核弹头的导弹)如今仅次于美国,规模居世界第二。中国海军的弹道导弹核潜艇游弋到了加利福尼亚海岸。花小钱是建不起这种武器平台的。[!--empirenews.page--]T R O L (Mumbai)
India has not been spending its money wisely。 There is no need to build up a massive blue water navy by building 2-3 aircraft carriers。 Destroyers and Frigates are sufficient to maintain our dominance over bay of bengal and the arabian sea because we already have bases on andamans and lakshwadeep。 What is needed instead are small light weight divisions on the Indo-China border。 Especially the 2 mountain strike corps should be supplemented by highly equipped defensive positions of the regular army。 Into Tibetian Border Police should be removed from the border and instead Army troops backup with helicopters, light howitzers and mountain combat equipment should be deployed。
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uriya Kumar (Unknown)
A war will not happen between civilized and nuclear powered nations。 The US should stop these kind of attitude towards India。
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Look how US is provoking india to spend tax payers money to buy US arms…。 This news is a joke…
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Appa (coimbatore)
Even in that one third buget, most of it goes into swiss bank accounts thru arm deals
即便是那三分之一的军事开支也大多数通过武器交易进入了瑞士银行账户  MUMBAI: Here's proof that Indians have a flair for mathematics。 Indians scored higher than the global average in GMAT's quantitative section that tests math skills in 2010。 But Chinese students have the highest average in quantitative scores, and India is far behind, at seventh position。
  The US, which accounts for the largest number of students appearing for GMAT, trails both India and China in the quantitative section, as well as in overall performance。
  China's performance, overall as well as for the quantitative section, is also better than India's。 Pratibha Jain said (overseas education consultant)this could be because Chinese students are more disciplined than Indians, who often get complacent。 Engineering courses in China lay greater emphasis on quantitative analysis。 The Chinese know that while language is a handicap for them, math is their strength, and so they work to excel at it。
  中国学生不仅在数学方面,在整体表现方面也要优于印度学生。印度海外教育部顾问Pratibha Jain称:&中国学生之所以表现优秀,可能是因为他们比印度学生更加地遵守纪律,而印度学生非常容易产生自满情绪。中国的工学课程非常的强调数学能力。中国学生知道语言对他们来说是种缺陷,而数学是他们的强项,他们懂得让强项变得更强&。
  Boben Punnose (Sunnyvale, California)
  The focus of higher education in the US is to facilitate students to think and act differently。 This actually leads and enables to innovation。
  LoL (USA)
  that's because GMAT's papers were made and printed in China。
  Puru (Chennai钦奈) replies to LoL
  GMAT papers are not &printed&。 GMAT is an online test :P
  Aishvarua (London)
  weird , what USA have is ideas that we lack。 We work on their theories while they develop the theories and give it to world。 it Is somewhat like this - Chinese can do better calculations , Indian can do better analysis and American can invent ipod。
  soumya srajan (columbus)
  The whole article is so incomplete on a serious matter。 People who write comments seem to have got worked up just by slogans in article like Chinese are better than Indians or Americans are not so and so etc。 Article talks about Statistics but does not give exact figures, percentage wise how much people from each country scored on average in quantitative or other tests。 If this percentage has negligible difference than 7th or 1st does not mean much。 Also how was it in previous years。 Without these figures and just giving slogans article is meaningless。
  The Sceptic (Paris)
  This reporter does not seem to understand statistics。 There is no &surprise& in US scores being lower。 The MORE people that take the test (any test), the more likely that the numbers will tend towards a global average。 The fewer (self-selected) people who take a test, the more likely that you have high scores。 Take an extreme case。 Imagine if the Indian test-takers were limited to IIT students only。 The average Indian score would go up。 And if ALL Indians took the test, the score would be extremely low。
  KK (Delhi)
  hahahaha。。。。i am just amaze by the readers comment here!!! whats wrong if india ranked 7th? anyway, india is way behind in many field。 Most comments seem to be jingoistic in nature。 If india's best mind compete for the CAT, does it mean Chinese Best Mind compete for GMAT? Last time i had checked there is far better institutes in china than in India。 so, this report doesn't surprise me。
  rajesh (germany) replies to KK
  no way dude。。 you can't find better B-schools in china than IIM's。 u cant find toughtest exam other than CAT。
  It is no wonder that US candidates get lower average。With more number of candidates attending and with many of them are not as die hard as Chinese,Korean or Indian the averages will be low。 If GMAT is not expensive and conducted in more centers one million more Indians will take test and our average will be dismal。
  Rahul (Los Angeles)
  What&&s the big deal if they are? As a lot of people above said, the best minds in India write CAT。 We cant help the Chinese if they don&&t have the access to premier management education in their country。
  Troll (India) replies to Rahul
  Hehe another frustrated Indian? By the way, the chinese are ahead of us in most areas。 So just making pathetic excuses won&&t do。
  Rahul replies to Troll
  I find it unnecessary to argue with someone who doesn&&t have the guts to use his real name in an argument。 Contrary to your belief, I am not frustrated。 I am very content with what my country has done for for me and the opportunities it is providing to the current generation。 Secondly, considering you are a troll (basically a wanderer without purpose), I don&&t think you have gained a lot of exposure to intelligible conversations with people of other nationalities。 I go to a University which has umpteen number of Chinese and they themselves believe that management education in their country is not at par with the IIMs。 The medium of instruction in China is Chinese and thus however good the education is, they don&&t feel it gives them confidence in the global marketplace。 Thus they write the GMAT and come to the US。
  Ramesh (Shanghai) replies to Rahul
  Rahul: Are you sleeping inside a deep well。 Thought you would be more knowledgeable in LA ? what, did you say that Chinese do not have access to premier management education in China。 Check you facts before you write。 Just because Chinese never boast how good they are (very different from Indians), it does not mean that they don&&t have the best in the world, including premier management education in China。
  Rahul replies to Ramesh
  Ramesh, I think you are clouded in your judgement by the fact that you are in Shanghai。 Anyhow, could you please name a few internationally respected Chinese management schools without looking them up on google。 I am sure you don&&t know of many。 The Chinese are exceptional at a lot of things and kudos to them, for being in the position that they are in now。 But they have a problem communicating in English which is an essential skills。。 Considering you are in China, why don&&t you inquire with your Chinese counterparts as to where they want to do their MBA。 The US or China?
  Khem (Toronto)
  The Chinese are cheaters and they will do almost anything to ensure they succeed in academia
  Narayan (Mumbai)
  Tell this to Obama and he might put some restrictions for Indians and Chinese on the GMAT too
  Arjun Karve (Goa)
  As someone who has dealt with Chinese students in the US, I can tell you that Chinese are shameless cheaters。 This may also help in explaining the high quant scores of Chinese sudents。
  Nagendra (Noida) replies to Arjun Karve
  Yes but see the difference, Chinese cheat other world and Indian cheats their own people that&&s why Chinese are much better than Indian。Don&&t live in illusion。Chinese better in everything whether Electronics,Agriculture,Industry,Service,growth,games,Education,development but India grows like abnormal child with hands and legs grows but brain doesn&&t grows。China shows that good in Mathematics or Computers doesn&&t means good brain but good skills。


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