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English Course: How to Live the Good Life Instructor:蒲红梅 Syllabus E. Week 1 (March 07): Unit 1 English Study & Course Introduction E. Week 2 (March 14): Unit 2 Happiness E. Week 3 (March 21): Unit 3 Romantic Love E. Week 4 (March 28): Unit 4 Discussion Skills E. Week 5 (April 11): Unit 5 Personality E. Week 6 (April 18): Unit 6 Willpower E. Week 7 (April 25): Unit 7 Soft Skills & EQ E. Week 8 (May 9): Unit 8 Work Orientations E. Week 9 (May 16 ): Unit 9 Debate Skills E. Week 10 (My 23): Unit 10 My Sister’s Keeper E. Week 11 (May 30): Unit 11 Coping stress E. Week 12 (June6): Students’ SpeechesScore Record 姓名: 学生证的学号: 上课用的组员号: 1. Public speech (上讲台对全班演讲 1 次 满分 3 分) 2. Two group leader tasks (轮流负责小组讨论 2 次 4 分) 3. Six written speech outlines (课前写好在小组发言的详细提纲,交 6 次,6 分) 4. Pre-class Reading (检查单词笔记10次, ) and In-class Participation (发言,问答,倾听,检查记录10次) 5. Attendance (每缺课 1 小时减 1 分) English Pre-class Reading In-class Participation Punishment for Absence, 发言,问答,倾听,记录 (10次) Late Arrival, Early Leave 检查单词笔记(10次) Week 出勤 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12关于课程的几点中文说明:课程定位为以英语为媒质的人文素养课。基本教学理念是意义优先,意义带动形式。同学是否 关心话题的意义很重要,不过度强调英文口头表达的准确与流利,以免挫伤同学课堂交流的积 极性,阻碍同学认知水平的提升和知识的积累。重要的是使同学思想保持活跃状态。所选的心 理学问题力求与同学的人生体验相契合,鼓励同学用英文表达内心的思考与真实的情感。 设计课程遵循两个原则:一是内容的学习与语言的各项技能综合运用并重, 二是以学生为中心。 内容方面,教师选编的材料都是围绕如何使人生美好幸福的探讨,设计了10个话题,包括 Happiness, Love, Personality, Gratitude等。材料多出自西方权威心理学家近期的研究成果。 形式方面, 涉及use-oriented language skills,包括课前的阅读讨论材料;课上的听说活动,有在 小组内针对每周话题材料复述、翻译、讲解、讨论、辩论、分享个人见解、交流亲身体验;有 上讲台面做演讲;有配合主题观看并讨论名人演讲或电影;此外课前要写详细的小组发言提纲。 教室文化理想:同学为中心,教师辅助引导,重合作、重交流,互相倾听、彼此鼓励信任,每 个人都乐于展示自我,大家共同创造或轻松幽默、或严肃认真、或激情迸发的英语人文教室。 预期目标:use-oriented language skills 综合训练,有意义地使用英语;通过各项活动磨练“软技 能”,提高情商;应用心理学理论指导自己 live a pleasant, engaged and meaningful life.1 小问卷姓名 学号 组号1. _________年毕业于________________ 2.对心理学的认识 3.英语学习在培养人文修养方面的作用 4.本科口语练习的经历(对话/讨论/演讲/辩论/英语角/其他) 5.英文电影及英剧/美剧的观赏体会 6.目前英语口头交流水平及主要障碍 7.提高口语水平的动机 8.提高口语水平的措施2 Unit 1 English Study: Two Voices Video Jay Walker on the world's English mania …The world has a new mania. A mania for learning English. Listen as Chinese students practice their English by __1_____ it. Teacher: ... change my life! Students: I will change my life. T: I don't want to let my parents down. S: I don't want to let my parents down. T: I don'tever want to let my country down. S: I don't ever want to let my country down. T: Most importantly ... S: Most importantly ... T: I don't want to let myself down. S: I don't want to let myself down.How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? __ _2___ of them. Students: A t-shirt. A dress. In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all in China. If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, __ 3____. That's why this year China will become the world's largest English-speaking country. Why English? In a single word: _____4______________________________________________. Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days. Her score on this one test literally determines her future. She studies 12 hours a day for three years to prepare. 25 percent of her grade is based on English. It's called the Gaokao, and 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test. The intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable, unless you witness it. Teacher: Perfect! Students: Perfect! T: I want to speak perfect English. S: I want to speak perfect English. T: I want to speak -- S: I want to speak -- T: perfectEnglish. S: perfect English. T: I want to change my life! S: I want to change my life!So is English mania good or bad? Is English a tsunami 啸, washing away other languages? Not likely. English is the world's second language. Your native language is your life. But with English ___________5______________________: a global conversation about global problems, like climate change or poverty, or hunger or disease. The world has other universal languages. Mathematics is the language of science. Music is the language of emotions. And now English ___6______________________________________. Not because America is pushing it, but because the world is pulling it. So English mania is a turning point. Like the harnessing of electricity in our cities or the fall of the Berlin Wall, English ____7______________________-- a future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems. Keys1 Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it. 2 How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? Two billion of them. 3 If you are a Chinese student you start learning English in the third grade, by law. 4 Why English? In a single word: Opportunity. Opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table. 5 But with English you can become part of a wider conversation: a global conversation about global problems, 6 And now English is becoming the language of problem-solving. 7 English represents hope for a better future -- a future where the world has a common language to solve its common problems.Discussion: 1. What was your personal English learning experience? Did English offer you more opportunities in the past? Or was it a barrier on your way to pursue your dream? 2. List the possible benefits of English in your future life and career. 3. What do you think of Chen Danqing?s protest against the current system for selecting students? (“The requirement on English ability has blocked many talented students from entering higher education institutions.” “For four consecutive years, we couldn’t recruit any graduate students because none of the applicants could pass the school’s English exam, so I resigned.”)Conversational Expressions:Agreeing/Disagreeing: I agree. So do I. Me too. Me neither. I don't either. You're right. That's right. Good idea. I disagree. I don't think so. (No.) That's not right. (I'm sorry, but) I don't agree. Illustrate your opinions: For example/For instance, Let me explain/ Let me illustrate. Let me tell you a little more. Let me give you some details. To give you more information,海3 Unit 2 The Science of HappinessPsychologist Nettle’s classification of three levels of happinessLevel one. The most immediate and direct senses of happiness involve an emotion or feeling, something like joy or pleasure. These feelings are transient. Level two is a combination of emotion and evaluation of satisfaction with various life domains. Level three. The broader sense of happiness is Aristotle?s ideal of the good life, a life in which we fulfill our true potential, we flourish.Psychologists’ happiness formula: H=S+C+I H is our lasting/enduring level of happiness. S is our set-point for happiness. Professor Lykken showed about 50 per cent of individualdifferences in human happiness - how one feels at the moment and also how one feels on average over time - is due to genetic factors. The set-point for happiness is our brain?s default level of happiness, the stable point around which our mood varies over periods. We react strongly to both positive and negative recent events with sharp increases or decreases in happiness, but return to our happiness set-point over relatively short periods of time. We adapt to new conditions over time. Adaptation is, in part, just a property of neurons: nerve cells respond vigorously to new stimuli, but gradually they “habituate”, firing less to stimuli that they have become used to. As a result people?s overall happiness tends to stay the same. So people who try to be happy are a bit like rats on a treadmill, running and running, but not really getting anywhere. Brickman and Campbell coined the term ?hedonic treadmill? to describe this process of rapid adaptation. C, standing for the circumstances of our life, includes facts about your life that you can't change (race, sex, age, disability) as well as things that you can (wealth, marital status, where you live). Some scientists suggest that all life circumstances and situations together account for only about 10 percent in how happy different people are. Circumstances are constant over time, so you are likely to adapt to them. Changing these circumstances is usually impractical and expensive. According to empirical analysis, money, age, gender, parenthood, intelligence and physical attractiveness are not very important to happiness. Health, religion, and social activity are somewhat important. Love and marriage, work, and personality are very important to happiness. I represent factors under our voluntary/intentional control. 40 percent of our happiness lies in our power to change our life through how we act and how we think. Professor Lyubomirsky?s study shows some activities can enhance happiness: e.g. 1) Nurturing Social Relationships, 2) Expressing Gratitude, 3) Taking Care of Your Body, 4) Practicing Religion and Spirituality, 5) Avoiding Negative Social Comparison, 6) Savoring Life's Joys, 7) Cultivating Optimism., 8) Learning to Forgive. Discussion 1 What give you momentary pleasures? 2 Are you satisfied with your past? 3 Are you optimistic about your future? 4 What do you estimate is the set-point of happiness (on a scale of 1to 10)? 5 Illustrate “hedonic treadmill” with some of your own experience. 6 How important is money/love/work to your happiness? 7 Work out your own happiness formula and share it with your group mates.Conversational Expressions:Interrupting politely: Excuse me, Pardon me, Sorry to interrupt, May I interrupt? Can I add something here? Could I inject something here? Do you mind if I jump in here? Asking for Repetition/clarification: Excuse me? Could you repeat that? Could you say that again? What did you say? Did you say . . . ??I'm sorry. I didn't catch that. What do you mean (by that)? What are you trying to say? Could you clarify that?4 Movie Dead Poets SocietyEpisode 1 (01:35-04:25) MR NOLAN : Ladies and gentlemen, boys, the light of knowledge. One hundred years ago, in 1859, 41 boys sat in this room and were asked the same question that now greets you at the start of each semester. Gentlemen, what are the four pillars? BOYS Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence. In her first year, Welton Academy| graduated five students. Last year, we graduated 51 and more than 75% of those went on to the Ivy League. This, this kind of accomplishment is the result of fervent dedication to the principles taught here. This is why you parents have been sending us your sons. This is why we are the best preparatory school 大学预备学校 in the United States. As you know our beloved Mr Portius of the English Department retired last term. You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement Mr John Keating himself an honors graduate of this school. And who, for the past several years. has been teaching at the highly regarded 倍受赞誉 Chester School in London. Episode 2 (11:45-16:45) KEATING: &O Captain! My captain!& Who knows where that comes from? Anybody. Not a clue? It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now, in this class, you can either call me Mr. Keating...or if you're slightly more daring 大胆 O Captain, my Captain. Now let me dispel a few rumors, so they don't fester into facts. Yes, l, too, attended Hell-ton and have survived. And, no, at that time I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling 我的智识之低如同体重 98 磅者之弱. I would go to the beach, and people would kick copies of Byron in my face. Now, Mr. Pitts? That's a rather unfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where are you? Mr. Pitts? Would you open your hymnal 赞美诗集 to page 542 and read the first stanza 诗节 of the poem you find there? PITTS: &To The Virgins to Make Much of Time&? 赠处女珍惜光阴 Yes. That's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it? PITTS: &Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, 花开堪折直需折 old time is still a-flying and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.& Thank you, Mr Pitts. &Gather ye rosebuds while ye (古)你们 may.& The Latin term for that sentiment is carpe diem. Now who knows what that means? MEEKS: Carpe diem. That's seize the day. Very good, Mr. ... Meeks. Meeks. Another unusual name. Seize the day. &Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.& Why does the writer use these lines? CHARLIE - Because he's in a hurry. No, ding! Thank you for playing anyway. Because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die. Now I would like you to step forward over here and peruse some of the faces from the past. You've walked past them many times. I don't think you've really looked at them. They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts, full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of 一 点 what they were capable? Because you see, gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Carpe. Hear it? Carpe. Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.5 Unit 3 Four Theories about Romantic LoveA. Helen Fisher Studied the Chemistry of Love (2004). When in love, the level of dopamine 多巴胺 ,norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素 and phenylethylamine 苯基乙胺 you release are higher than normal. Dopamine is similar to an addictive drug, creating powerful links in your minds between pleasure and the object of your affection, and making you crave the hit of your beloved again and again. High level of norepinephrine increases the experience of joy and reduces appetite. Phenylethlyamine increases both physical and emotional energy. Brain scans (fMRI) of people in love also show that neural circuits associated with the way people assess others are suppressed. So you idealize your beloved ones. Passionate love fades and is nearly gone after two or three years. Biologically, maybe the neurons in brain become desensitized and the chemicals released return to normal level. Now the lover may see flaws and defects to which she was blind before, which may lead to the end of romantic relationship and marriage. Rejection in love often cause violent emotions--protest, stress, panic, rage, lethargy, despondency, depression, etc. The agony of lost love is associated with abnormal dopamine level. Broken-hearted people need help to cope with this painful and dangerous experience (e.g. crimes of passion and love suicide). B. Scott Peck’s Definition of Love (1978): The only foundation upon which real love can grow is a true acceptance of each other?s individuality and separateness. Real love requires effort. It is judicious giving and judicious withholding. It is judicious praising and judicious criticizing. It is judicious arguing, struggling, confronting, urging, in addition to comforting. Love is an act of will: the will to extend one?s self for the purpose of nurturing one?s own and the beloved one?s spiritual growth. And one can only significantly foster another?s spiritual growth through deep commitment. C. Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love (1986): Sternberg proposes that love consists passion, intimacy and commitment. In different relationships the three components may vary in intensity. Within a relationship the relative emphasis of each component changes over time. These components may be combined to characterize eight kinds of love. Intimacy is achieved through increasing levels of self disclosure of one's thoughts and feelings. Both partners are understanding, open and supportive. They share some degree of overlap in their values, beliefs, interests. They are able to forgive and to show compassion and kindness to each other. Passion is often based on the more external qualities of how the person looks and acts at first. It is typically most intense at the beginning of romance when you don't know much about the person. As you get to know her/him better, and when the physical arousal aspects habituate, passion diminishes. Commitment is the decision to stay with one's partner for life. Both partners should be loyal to each other, be willing to put each other's needs first and be willing to make personal sacrifices. D. Avner Ziv’s four-stage model of falling in love (1993): The first stage of attraction is influenced by past experiences and the partners? physical attribute. In the second stage of examination, the partners examine their social and economic compatibility, their intellectual compatibility (education and areas of interest), and their emotional compatibility (feeling of comfort with each other). Both try to present their positive sides. In the third stage of self-revealing, intimacy is created when deeper thoughts and feelings, including negative sides, are revealed to the partner. If they understand and are empathic to each other?s vulnerabilities, the relationship continues. In the fourth stage of mutual expectations, each partner learns about the expectations of the other and makes a conscious effort to respond to these expectations in all areas (economic, emotional, social, and sexual). If the needs and expectations of both partners are filled, the result is love. Discussion 1 Do you insist that chemical reaction is a “must” for developing true love? 2 Do you believe in lasting love? How to fight the four-year itch?3 In your opinion, how important are social, economic, intellectual, emotional, sexual compatibilities in marriage? 4 Birds of a feather flock together or opposites attract? 5 Why beauty and youth marry status and wealth?Conversational Expressions:Responses to good news: Wow! That's great! That's wonderful. That's really good news. I'm glad/happy to hear that. Congratulations! Good for you! Good job! Responses to bad news: That's too bad. That's really sad. That's terrible! I'm sorry to hear that.6 Movie1 Meet Joe black00:06:58 Do you love Drew? You mean, like you loved Mom? Forget about me and Mom. Are you gonna marry him? Oh, come on. I'm probably. Listen, l'm crazy about 迷恋着 the guy. He's ________. He's ____________积极进取的. He could carry Parrish Communications into the 21st century and me along with it. Mm-hmm. So, what's wrong with that?That's for me. I'm talking about you. It's not what you say about Drew. It's what you don't say.Maybe you're not listening. Oh, yes, l am. There's not an ounce 微量 of ______, not a whisper 微量 of a _________. And this relationship has all the__________ of a pair of titmice. 小男孩小女孩 I want you to get swept away out there. I want you to _______使升空,使漂浮. I want you to...sing with_______欢天喜地 and dance like a dervish.狂舞托钵僧 Oh, that's all. Yeah. Be deliriously 精神极度兴奋 happy or at least leave yourself open to be. Okay. &Be deliriously happy.& I shall, uh... l shall do my utmost. I know it's a cornball 陈腐的 thing. But love is ____, ____, someone you can't live without. I say, fall head over heels 深深堕入爱河. Find someone you can love like crazy 发疯似地 and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you _______________, and you _____________. And I?m not hearing any heart. 'Cause the truth is, honey, there's no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love, well, you haven't lived a life at all. But you have to try, 'cause if you haven't tried, you haven't lived. Bravo! 好啊!妙 Oh, you're tough 固执的. I'm sorry. Okay. Give it to me again, but the short version this time. Okay. Stay open. Who knows? Lightning闪电 could strike.Movie2 Captain Corelli's Mandolin01:06:52 IANNIS: When you fall in love it is a temporary madness. It _______ like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your _____ have become so _______ together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not _____________. It is not excitement. It's not the desire to mate every second of the day. It is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every part of your body. No, don't blush. I'm telling you some truths. That is just___________ which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love ____________________. Doesn't sound very exciting, does it? But it is. 美剧常见赞美词 impressive 印象深刻的;fancy 华丽的; adorable 可爱的 extraordinary 非凡的; glorious 光辉的;sensational 轰动的;fascinating 极迷人的;gorgeous 美丽大方的; exquisite 精致 的;impeccable 无懈可击的; stunning7 Unit 4 Discussion SkillsWhy discussion? To understand a topic area more deeply. To expand and clarify your knowledge. To explore ideas and exchange information. To hear the thoughts and ideas of other students. To improve your ability to think critically. To improve your language skills. To increase your confidence in speaking. Strategies for Improving Discussion Skills ^Prepare. You can?t contribute to a discussion unless you are well-prepared. Make sure you complete any assigned readings and think things through. Write an outline of the ideas and experiences you?re going to share before class. ^ Learn to Listen. Stay attentive and don?t let your attention drift. Identify the main ideas being discussed. Mentally paraphrase what other speakers say. Evaluate what is being said. Take notes about things to which you could respond. Listen with an open mind. Respect every voice. Celebrate all Ideas. ^Contribute. A really good discussion depends primarily on you. Increase your contribution each week: Agree with what someone has said. Disagree with a point. Prepare a question to ask beforehand. Ask for an example or for more information. Answer a question put to the group. Provide an example for a point under discussion. Share something from your life, your victory, your struggle, your fear… Discussion Etiquette: a few ground rules for good conduct. Refer back to earlier comment. Agree with and acknowledge what you find interesting. Learn to disagree politely. Don?t take offence if another speaker disagrees with you. Try to stick to the discussion topic. Don?t introduce irrelevant information. Try to speak clearly. Don?t whisper. Try not to dominate the discussion. Pause to allow quieter students a chance to contribute. Don?t interrupt or talk over another speaker. Let them finish their point before you start. Tolerate silence, let people think. Chairing Group Discussion: Group leaders acting as facilitators. Introducing the topic and purpose of the discussion. Asking questions to stimulate the discussion. Making sure all members have the same time to speak. Making sure no one dominates the discussion by inviting contributions from all members. Ensuring the discussion remains relevant and doesn?t drift off topic. Good time management. Summarizing or rephrasing a speaker?s point. Being objective in summarizing the group?s discussion and achievements.Conversational Expressions:Asking for ExplanationCould you tell me a little more about it? Could you give (me) some details? Could you explain it in more detail? Could you provide some details? Could you expound on that? Could you elaborate (on that)? Could you give (me) an example? Could you illustrate that? What else can you tell us (about that)? Is there anything else you can tell us? Is there more to it? Why do you think that? What evidence do you have?8 Unit 5 The Five-Factor Model of PersonalityThe central notion of personality psychology is the trait. A trait is a continuum along which individuals vary. In recent years trait theory has come to be dominated by the Five-Factor Model. Everyone has all of the five factors of personality. Where we differ is the score along each of the five dimensions. People?s scores differ because they differ in how easily or how strongly the relevant psychological mechanisms get triggered by situational cues. Extraversion is variation in the responsiveness of positive emotions. In the high scorer, the responsiveness is great, so the person is prepared to work hard to get the buzz of company, achievement, and romance. They report more states of joy, enthusiasm, and excitement than low scorers. The low scorers tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and less involved in the social world. Neuroticism measures the responsiveness of negative emotion systems. High neuroticism scorers have increased rates of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress-related p they have less satisfactory marriages and less satisfaction at work. Low scorers tend to be calm and emotionally stable. Conscientiousness High scorers are disciplined, organized, and self-controlled, whereas low scorers are impulsive, spontaneous, and have weaknesses of the will. Conscientiousness is the most reliable personality predictor of occupational success. Studies show that high-conscientiousness scorers set a lot of goals and stick to them, compared to low scorers, who set goals less often, and are also inclined not to stick to them. Low scorers procrastinate and put things off. Agreeableness High scorers are cooperative, trusting, and empathetic, quick to forgive, and slow to anger. Low-agreeableness people will be less inclined to trust or help others, more inclined to be cold-hearted or hostile, have less harmonious interpersonal relations. Openness High openness individuals are
and to different values. In contrast, low scorers are conventional, down-to-earth, with narrow interests, unartistic, unanalytical, conservative and resistant to change.Personality Traits and HappinessExtroverts spend more time in pleasurable activities and tend to be happier. High scorers of conscientiousness may get things done, yielding a feeling of satisfaction. High scorers of agreeableness are nice to others, yielding reciprocal and felicific favors in turn. In contrast unhappy people have high levels of neuroticism. These findings look like bad news for neurotics. However, happiness is not the only human aspiration. Many studies have shown that creative and influential individuals in the arts and public life are higher than average in neuroticism. In some important sense, it is their dissatisfaction that drives them to achieve in domains humanity counts as valuable. Twin studies show that 50 percent of the variance in extraversion and neuroticism and 40 percent of the variance in agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness may be accounted for by genetic factors. Whatever your aims and values are, there is a way of living them that is consistent with your personality dispositions, as long as you choose the right niche. Aim at the niche that you are good for, rather than one valued by your family or culture or times. Discussion: Take the test. Is the test result true to your personality? Describe yourself. Test: After each statement below, write down a number from 1 to 5 to represent how well the statementdescribes your personality, where 1=disagree strongly, 2=disagree a little, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree a little, 5= agree strongly.I See Myself as Someone Who 1. has an active imagination. 2. has few artistic interests. 3. does a thorough job. 4, tends to be lazy. 5. is generally trusting. 6. tends to find fault with others. 7. gets nervous easily. 8. is relaxed, handles stress well. 9, is outgoing, sociable. 10. is reserved. Here's how to score yourself. Items 1 and 2 3 and 4 concern conscientiousness, 5 and 6concern agreeableness, 7 and 8 concern neuroticism, and 9 and 10 concern extraversion. For each successive pair of items, subtract the number you wrote for the even-numbered item from the number you wrote for the odd-numbered item (奇减偶), and that gives your score for the corresponding Big Five traits. Scores can range from -4 (very low on the trait) to +4 (very high on the trait), with 0 being about average.9 Movie: Meet Joe black Good morning. I was talking kind of loud there. I'm sorry. Oh, not at all. It was fascinating. Yeah, what was fascinating about it? Um... You and, uh, &honey&?- It's my kid sister. - Oh. And she just broke up with her boyfriend and was thinking...about dropping out of law school. - Oh, l'm sorry. - No, nothing to be sorry about. That's the way it is with men and women, isn't it? - What's the way? Nothing lasts. Oh. Yeah, l agree. Really? Why? No, l'm interested. I was just trying to be agreeable. Okay. All right. I was sharp shooting.连珠炮似地说出 - Oh. - No, just that &nothing lasts& stuff. That was the problem with Honey's guy. He didn't know what he wanted. So, he's fooling around, and she catches him at it. You know, like one girlfriend isn't enough for him. - So, you're a one-girl guy. - Yes, l am. - That's right. - Right. Looking for her right now, actually. Mmm. Who knows? You might be her. No, don't laugh. I just got into town. I got the new job. I'm trying to get into this apartment. Anyway, so you're a doctor. Mmm. How'd you know? 'Cause everyone's a doctor around here. This apartment building... Everyone's in green slippers, the green pajamas. The guy l'm waiting for to vacate... - Doctor. - He's a doctor. What kind of doctor? I'm a resident...internal medicine. 内科实习医生 So, if l needed a doctor, you could be it. I could be her. Yeah. You could be... her. Uh-huh. Yeah, l could. I'm-l'm working at the hospital, so... l see. This is my lucky day. I just get in the big, bad city, not only do l find a doctor, but a beautiful woman, as well. Do you mind me saying that? Oh... No, of course. No, it's fine. It's fine. It's just... Listen, could l buy you a cup of coffee? I have some patients coming in, so l should probably... - Yeah, yeah. - Get goin'. I gotta get to the apartment and get off to work. - Yeah. - But l'd still like to have another cup of coffee. - Um... - Would you let me do that? - Well, yeah, okay. - Deal. 00:17:44 &Pro bono&?为公众利益 - Yeah. - Meaning, doing good? - That's me. - Gonna be doing good all your life? - I know what you're saying. It doesn't pay so well, but, l like it. - Mm-hmm. - Eventually it'll depend on the woman l marry, l think. Maybe she'll want lots of kids, a bigger house, better car, uh... College doesn't come cheap. You know? I don't know. - Wow. Give up what you want for the woman you marry. - Hmm. Yeah, you know what? I would. - Yeah?- Gladly. 'Cause you make your choices, you know? Say, you and I, if we were married, l would... No, for an example, okay? If you and l were married, l would want to give you what you need. That's all. I'm talking about taking care of each other the best you can. What's wrong with taking care of a woman? She takes care of you. - You'll have a hard time finding a woman like that these days. - Shoot, you think so? - I don't know. Lightning could strike - I've gotta go. - Yeah. Listen, did l say something wrong? No? - No. No. No. It was... - Sure? - It was so right, it scares me. That's all. Just... - You know, l was thinking, l don't want you to be my doctor. I don't want you to...examine me and... - Why? - Because l like you so much. - And l... l don't want to examine you. - You don't? Why not? - Because l like you so much. - Oh, boy. Okay. - Now l gotta go, so... - Yep, understood. All right. All right. Fair enough. See ya.10 Unit 6 Willpower-- Rediscover the Greatest Human Strength Psychologist Roy Baumeister has spent years studying how people regulate their emotions, resist temptation, break bad habits, and perform up to their potential --and why they often fail to do so. We asked him for some advice on coping with the inevitable challenges to the New Year?s resolutions. 1.What does the research say that might help people trying to turn over a new leaf in the New Year? Most New Year's resolutions are about making positive changes to oneself. New Year's resolutions are essentially applications of self-control. 2. Why do we often have trouble with our New Year's resolutions? Each person's supply of willpower is limited. It gets depleted when you use it. So keeping one?s resolutions depends on the basic energy supply that the person needs for all other acts of self-control, as well as other things. One common problem is that people make multiple resolutions. When you have several resolutions, each time you try to keep any of them, you use up some of the precious willpower that is needed to keep the others. In other words, multiple resolutions all work against each other and undermine each other's chances of success. If you want to make several changes in yourself, do them one after the other, rather than simultaneously. Work on one resolution at a time. Eating less and exercising more are common resolutions. Don't make these resolutions all at once. To maintain good willpower, you need food to provide fuel for the brain. Hence the first plan should be to find some healthy food that you enjoy and can eat consistently. Once you consume that -- and wait a bit until your body digests the food and starts putting the energy into your bloodstream -- you will be better equipped to resist temptations. 3. Why do certain habits help increase willpower? A habit is a pattern of automatic behavior. Behaving automatically requires less effort than exerting deliberate conscious control over one's actions. Some people might use their willpower to work all night at the last minute to meet a deadline, but people with good self-control cultivate good work and study habits that keep them on track and ahead of schedule. They don't need to tap into their willpower reserves. The best work comes from steady, disciplined progress over the long run. 4. According to your book, going public -- telling others -- improves willpower. What are some other things we can do to maximize our chances of successfully keeping a resolution? Social support and interpersonal pressure can help quite a bit. The most important thing is to keep track, day by day, of what you are trying to control. Keep an explicit, written record of how much you eat or spend or exercise. Sharing this record with others is also helpful. 5. Is there a better time to make a resolution than on New Year's Day? Possibly, your birthday, which can be a time to reflect on your life, including what you achieved during the past year and what you want to do in the next year. A birthday is like your own personal new year's day. For a starter resolution, we recommend you begin with something small and doable. Start with something like making your bed each morning. Then follow through. If you succeed at this easy one, it will actually strengthen your willpower, thereby improving your ability to succeed at the next, more difficult one. ********************************************************************************** In a 2005 study of 164 eighth-grade students researchers found that those who exerted high levels of willpower were more likely to earn higher grades in their classes and gain admission into more selective schools. They had fewer absences and spent less time watching television and more hours on homework. Willpower also has a bigger effect on academic performance than does intellectual talent. Studies indicate the best way to strengthen willpower is to make it into a habit. Sometimes it looks like people with great self-control aren?t working hard―but that?s because they?ve made it automatic. Their willpower occurs without them having to think about it. Discussion: 1. What were your New Year's resolutions for 2013? What resolutions have you made for this new school term? 2. After learning Professor Baumeister?s research, how will you adjust your resolutions? 3. Make a resolution to improve your oral English and tell your group mates.Conversational Expressions: Reassurance: Take it easy. Don't worry. That's okay. It's going to be all right. Everything will be fine.11 Movie The Blind Side00:15:45 Hi. Smile at 'em. It lets them know you're their friend. You're Big Mike, right? I'm Sean. But everyone calls me SJ. It's for Sean junior, my Father's name is Sean. Sean Tuohy. He was a basketball star at Ole Miss, point guard, now he owns like a million Taco Bells. - Who is that SJ? - Big Mike. Get you feet off my dash. A dashboard. Thank you. Put on your seatbelt! 00:20:58,400 --& 00:21:00,400 What is he wearin'? It's freezing. What is his name again? Big Mike. Where is he going? Hey, Big Mike! Where you headin'? Gym... Go ahead. Turn around. Big Mike... Stop the car. Big Mike. Hey, my name is Leigh Anne Tuohy. My kids go to Wingate. You said you're going to the gym? The school gym's closed. Why were you going to the gym? Big Mike?! Why were you going to the gym? Because... it's warm. Do you have any place to stay tonight? Don't you dare lie to me. I've seen that look many times. She's about to get her way. Come on. Come on. SJ, make room. Get inside. Come on. - Where are we going? - Home. Oh no! That's my favourite part. So cute. How'd the dork do in the school play? Umm... Okay. Collins, you know Big Mike from school? I'd give you the guest bedroom but it's full of sample boxes. And the sectional in the family room slides apart when you sleep on it. At least that's what Sean says. Mr. Tuohy sleeps on the coach? Only when he's bad. All right. The powder room's right there and we will be upstairs if you need us. All right? Right. Sleep tight, honey. Was this a bad idea? What? Don't lie there and pretend like you're not thinking the same thing as me. Fine, tell me what you're thinking so I know what's supposed to be on my mind. How well do you know Big Mike? In case you haven't noticed he doesn't have much to say. What's the big deal? It's just for one night, right? It is just one night, right? Leigh Anne? You don't think he'll steal anything, do you? I guess we'll know in the morning. 00:25:32,900 --& 00:25:36,500 Well if you hear a scream call the insurence adjustor. Mike? Big Mike?! Mike? Big Mike! You gonna make me walk all the way? All right then. Where are you going? I dunno. Well, are you spending Thanksgiving with your family? - Come and get it, childs! - Yeah, baby! Let's eat. Come on! We have a rebel turkey. Everyone thank your mother for driving to the store and getting this. - Thank you, mama. - Thank you, mama. Food and football. Eat all you want. Come on. Hustle, hustle! We got to get back to the game. Oh yeah! - Don't take my spot. - You rushin' us, dad.? - SJ, slow down. - Come on. - No. - That's just fantastic. Oh, y'all forgot the potato salad! How's Ole Miss doing? They are kicking the butt. a really good job Sean, salad. - All right, Mom. - Oh, good. Thanks, Mama. Yeah, Mama. - Come on! - Come on! He wants to be back. - Hey! Mom! - Whoa. But it's Thanksgiving. Wow. - Why are we in here? - Shhh! Shall we say grace? 谢恩祷告Heavenly Father. We thank you for all the many blessings on this family. We thank you for bringing us a new friend. And we ask that you look after us on this holiday season that we may never forget how very fortunate we are. - Amen.12 Unit 7 Honing Soft Skills as Well as Hard SkillsDefinition of hard skills In any career path you choose, hard skills are always needed. Hard skills are the technical skills you learn through training and schooling. If you studied to become a doctor, you should know how to diagnose an illness or to determine which drug to be prescribed so as to cure this illness. If you do not have the knowledge and the know-how, you will not be able to practice your profession as a doctor. Influencing others and getting them to look up to you are something you will find difficult to do if you do not know the technical aspects of your job. Definition of soft skills: Soft skills are skills, abilities and traits that pertain to personality, attitude and behavior, rather than to technical knowledge. Also known as people skills and EQ skills, soft skills constitute interpersonal skills (e.g. empathy, social responsibility, establishing mutually satisfying interpersonal relationships) and intrapersonal skills (e.g. emotional independence, accepting ourselves, setting goals to actualize our potential, stress tolerance, impulse control, optimism, flexibility). Three research findings showing the importance of soft skills: Studies by Stanford Research Institute and the Carnegie Mellon Foundation among Fortune 500 CEOs found that 75% of long term job success depended on people skills and only 25% on technical skills. Harvard University stated that one?s career achievement is 80% determined by soft skills and only 20% determined by hard skills. Survey from National Association of College and Employee USA (2002) to 457 leaders in USA about 20 important qualities of success people showed that 18 are soft skills and only two are hard skills. Background: Why are soft skills increasingly sought out by employers? The development of new technology has caused the shrinkage of the manufacturing sector and the shift towards a service-oriented business environment. More and more corporations around the world recognize that, in order to gain a competitive advantage, they need to make sure their people - in addition to have standard qualifications - know how to handle themselves at work and how to relate with their customers and coworkers. Employers criticize university output as having their heads full of theories, concepts and principles, but are often ill-equipped to deal with real life situations. Recent Graduates agree with employers. The majority don?t think college prepared them well. Are soft skills more important than hard skills? Hard skills and soft skills are never meant to com in fact, they should, ideally, complement the other. The blend of soft and hard skills is required for both gaining employment and progressing within an enterprise so as to achieve one?s potential and to contribute successfully to an enterprise. Group Discussion: The following attributes are said to be most desirable in new employees. Give suggestions on how we can train ourselves in some of these aspects through our class activities. 1 Oral & Written communication skills 2 Teamwork/collaboration 3 Leadership 4 Sense of integrity and ethics 5 Ability to think critically and analytically 6 Creativity & innovative spirit 7 Ability to accept and learn from criticism 8 Understanding of global cultures and valuesConversational Expressions:Asking for/Giving Advice What do you think I should do? What do you suggest? What would you do (in this situation)? I think you should …Maybe you should try ... Why don't you call …? If I were you, I would ...13 Movie The SeabiscuitThey called it the car for Everyman. Henry Ford himself called it a car for the “great multitude.” It was ___________ and simple, like your sewing machine or your cast-iron stove. You could learn to drive it in less than a day, and you could get any color you wanted, so long as it was black. When Ford first ________ the Model T, it took 13 hours to assemble. Within five years, he was turning out a vehicle every 90 seconds. Of course, the real invention wasn’t the car, it was the assembly line that built it. Pretty soon, other businesses had _______ the same techniques. Seamstresses became button sewers. Furniture makers became knob turners车工. It was the beginning and the end of ________________ all at the same time. M: Howard? Charles, I’m talking to you. H: Hmm? M:They need spokes same as the others. H:They oughta make a better spoke. M:Yeah? Then what would you do? It was a land of ________. The country was shrinking, and there was life to be made out West for any man with drive and ambition. If your dream was big enough and you had the guts to ___________ it, there was truly a fortune to be made. How are you, sir? Damn thing blew on me. What? It?s a Stanley Steamer. The boiler blew. Oh. Can you fix it? Uh... Sure. Sure, I can fix it. This is an amazing machine. It got a two-stroke boiler system... that’s heated by this huge fire grate. I mean, it’s... Well, it’s basically a very small locomotive. Thank you. Now, I made some improvements. It wasn’t your boi it was your bleed valve. So, with increased pressure, I can see you getting up to 40 miles an hour. Really? Oh, yeah. And if you superheat the excess, I can see you reaching. Fifty, maybe 60 miles an hour. And the thing of it is, Mr. Coughlin, you don’t feed it, you don’t stable it, and unless you hit a lamppost, the thing’s not gonna get sick and die on ya. That?s funny. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t spend more than five dollars on the best horse in America. This is not the finish line, my friends. This is the start of the race. The future is the finish line! And the new Buick White Streak is just the car to take us there! Four in-line cylinders, 421/2 horsepower. This is the same car you can buy at any of our five showrooms across the Bay Area. The age of the automobile is here, boasted Howard. The future has arrived. Oh, my. Read the part about the future again. Oh, I?m kind of dealing with it right now. Oh, sorry. Here. I’ll take him. Come here, big guy. Come here. Come here. Oh, are you the future, huh? Are you the future? Are you gonna... Are you going to the moon? The moon! I will take it. Do we really need all this? No. No. We don’t need it. There?s also a caretaker?s house, a paddock小牧场, a barn畜棚, some very nice stables. How big are the stables? Got it. Thank you. Thank you for coming. I came here 15 years ago with 21 cents in my pocket. I know a lot of us at the table have a story like that. And, you know, I can’t help thinking... that if we can start out there and end up here, where can’t we go in America? Hmm? So, as corny as it sounds, I’d like to propose a toast to the future. Because out here, my friends, the sky is literally the limit. To the future! To the future!14 Unit 8 Three Work Orientations Psychologist Wrzesniewski distinguishes three kinds of &work orientation&: a job, a career, and a calling.Some employees have a “job orientation”. They think of their job primarily in terms of its tangible benefits. They don?t particularly anticipate the tasks they do each day, wouldn?t necessarily recommend their work to a friend, and look forward to the end of each shift. They see their job simply in instrumental terms as a way to get money. A second way of thinking about work is “career orientation.” These employees like some aspects of their jobs but not others, may or may not recommend it, and certainly look forward to vacation time. They see their work as a stepping stone to something better, as a way of gaining respect, status, and more money. Typically, they are motivated by promotions, making connections, pay raises, increased supervisory responsibility, a bigger office, and increases in social status. And then there is a third group of people, those who have a “calling orientation.” People with a calling orientation usually love their jobs. They feel like their work is important, and makes a contribution to the world. They are excited and challenged by their daily work, and you might hear them say, “I would do this work even if I were not paid for it!” Calling-oriented people they are passionate workers who believe in what they do. They often enjoy vacations, but they also enjoy returning to work. Psychologist Maslow once wrote that “the most beautiful fate, the most wonderful good fortune that can happen to any human being, is to be paid for doing that which he passionately loves to do.” The good news is that anyone can have a calling orientation. Callings are not reserved for CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, college professors, or government ministers. Callings can be found in any profession. Discussion questions: Have you ever had a full-time/part-time job? What was your &work orientation&? What is your future work plan? What is your dream job? What factors will you consider when hunting for a job?摘自周国平讲座: 现在有一个普遍现象,许多年轻人工作得不快乐,他们生活中也会有快乐,但快乐和工作是分开的。那么工作 和快乐是什么关系呢?工作本身不快乐,工作对于快乐的贡献是,通过工作可以挣到钱,然后用这个钱在工作 之外、在业余时间去买快乐,去消费和娱乐。我觉得这是不正常的,是违背人性的。做自己真正喜欢做的事, 在这个过程中感觉到自己的能力在生长,自己的生命价值得到了实现,这是人生的莫大快乐。人不只是在娱乐 的时候快乐,工作的快乐远胜于娱乐的快乐,人之为人的快乐很大一部分是在工作中感受到的。各行各业的优 秀者主要的快乐是在工作中获得的。在工作中获得快乐,这不是少数人的特权,每一个人在世界上都应该有这 样一件事情,你真正喜欢它,做这件事情本身就是享受,这是幸福感的一个重要来源。 假定你可以自由地选择,你选什么职 业,你觉得做什么工作你是快乐的?恐怕很多人会想不出来,不知道自己 喜欢什么。最后,选的往往是薪金高一点儿的工作,仍然是为了谋生谋得好一点而已。前几年有一个机构做过 调查,调查青年人的就业意向,有很多指标,绝大多数人放在首位的就是薪金,薪金高的职业最受追捧。只有 待遇、薪金、利益的外在标准,没有兴趣、能力、理想的内在标准。 为什么许多人没有了自己真正的兴趣,没 有了快乐工作的能力?我认为问题就出在只求成功,而成功又只是用外在标准衡量,结果一定是不快乐,不成 功当然非常不快乐,成功了也只是薪金、利益带来的肤浅的快乐,工作本身仍然是不快乐的。 Conversational Expressions:Conceding to Make a Point That may be true, but . . . I may be wrong, but . . . You might be right, but . . . You have a good point, but . You could say that, but . . Correct me if I'm wrong, but . I don't mean to be rude, but . . I hate to bring this up, but . . I don't mean to be negative, but . . . This may sound strange, but . . .15 Movie: Mona Lisa SmileBetty:All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College. So when __ _____ ___ in the Art History department she pursued it single -mindedly until she was ____. It was whispered that Katherine Watson, a first-year teacher from Oakland State, made up in _____ what she lacked in pedigree. Which was why this bohemian from California was on her way to the most ______ college in the nation. But Katherine Watson didn't come to Wellesley to fit in. She came to Wellesley because she wanted to make a ______. - Violet. - My favorite Italian professor.- Nice summer?- Terrific, thanks. - Who's that over there? - Where? Oh, Katherine Watson. New teacher. Art History. I'm dying to meet her. - Who knocks at the Door of ___________? - I am every woman. - What do you _______? -- To awaken my_________ through hard work and dedicate my life to knowledge.-- Then you are welcome. All women who seek to follow you can enter here. I now declare the _________ year begun. Betty:What is that? -You tell me. Carcass by Soutine. 1925. Susan: It's not on the syllabus. No, it's not. Is it any good? Come on, ladies. There's no wrong answer. There's also no textbook telling you what to think. It's not that easy, is it? All right. Betty: No. It's not good. In fact, I wouldn't even call it art. It's grotesque. Connie: Is there a rule against grotesque art? Giselle: I think there's something aggressive about it and erotic. Betty: To you, everything is erotic. Giselle: Everything is erotic. Susan: Aren't there standards? Betty: Of course. Otherwise a tacky velvet painting could be equated to a Rembrandt. Connie: My Uncle Ferdie has two tacky velvet paintings. He loves those clowns. Betty:There are standards, technique, composition, color, even subject. So if you're suggesting that rotted side of meat is art...much less good art, then what are we going to learn? Just that. You have outlined our new syllabus, Betty. Thank you. What is art? What makes it good or bad? And who decides? Next slide, please. Twenty-five years ago someone thought this was brilliant. Connie: I can see that. Betty: Who? My mother. I painted it for her birthday. Next slide. This is my mom. Is it art? Susan: It's a snapshot. If I told you Ansel Adams had taken it, would that make a difference? Betty- Art isn't art until someone says it is. It's art! Betty - The right people. Who are they? G: Betty Warren! We're lucky we have one right here. Betty Warren: Screw you. Could you go back to the Soutine, please? Just look at it again. Look beyond the paint. Let us try to open our minds to a new idea.16 Unit 9 Movie Discussion: My Sister’s Keeper ANNA: Most babies are coincidences. Sure, you hear all these stories about how everyone plans these perfect families. But the truth is that most babies are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control. They're accidents. Only people who have trouble making babies actually plan for them. I, on the other hand, am not a coincidence. I was engineered. Born for a particular reason. A scientist hooked up my mother's eggs and my father's sperm to make a specific combination of genes. He did it to save my sister's life. --What can I do for you? --Fourteen karat gold, hardly ever worn. That's my sister Kate. She's dying. - Montana? I don't get it. It looks like a whole bunch of nothing. It is a whole bunch of nothing. - Just you and the big old sky. - Why do you like it? I don't know. I like big things. I like wide-open spaces. Besides, it's the only place I've ever been. That's Mom and Aunt Kelly making dinner. Since my sister got sick, things have changed. Aunt Kelly only works part-time and Mom quit her job as a lawyer. Her life now revolves around keeping Kate alive. Cooking and cleaning. Everything steamed, organic and germ-free. - Have a good night. - Bye. I guess you could say that we're a little dysfunctional. But everybody loves each other, and we do the best we can. - That's not a word. What about that language? - Nice shirt, sissy. - Good, right? Hey, Mom, you wanna see our routine? - What routine? - Come on, Anna, let's do it. - Hey, baby, what's your sign? - Cancer. - You're a Cancer? - No, I'm a Leo. KATE & B: But I have cancer. - It's not even funny. - Yes, it is. - I agree with Dad. - It was pretty clever. - Boo. - It's not funny. It's not. Nice. Nice. These your kids? Yes, they are. Question is, are they yours? You believe that? Hey, sweetie, where's your locket? I didn't feel like wearing it today. - Eat, Kate. - I'm eating. SARA: Is it not good? - It's really good, Mom. BRIAN: It's good to me. I have lentils in the fridge if you want some. I'm fine, Mom. - You're not hungry? I bet she needs to breathe a little bit. - Maybe you should try to breathe a bit. - Maybe I will a bit later. Gross. - Where are you going? KATE: Bathroom, wanna come? Will you breathe on me later? BRIAN: Having a child who is sick is a full-time occupation. Sure, we still enjoy the usual day-to-day happiness of family life. Big house, great kids, beautiful wife. But beneath the exterior, there are cracks, resentments, alliances that threaten the very foundation of our lives as at any moment our whole world could come tumbling down. I don't know when it started, but probably around 11 it was 103. ANNA: Hey, what's going on? SARA: Your sister's sick. She's been up all night with a fever. ANNA: Kate? ANNA: Hey. JESSE: You ready? Come on, let's go. Are you sure you want to do this? You know you're nuts, right? - I'll be right back. - All right, I'll be waiting. CAMPBELL When Anna Fitzgerald first stepped into my office I thought she was selling Girl Scout cookies. Thank you. Oh, my gosh, it's really you. It really is. &I'm Campbell Alexander. I have a 90 percent success rate. Ninety-one. What can I do for you?& You've seen my commercials. All of them. I mean, that's why I'm here. - Hi. Please don't touch. Judge is a service dog. - What service? - I have an iron lung...and Judge helps me steer clear of magnets. Please, sit down. What is your name? - Anna Fitzgerald. -What can I do for you, Anna? I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body. My sister has leukemia. They're trying to force me to give her my body parts. You're supposed to give her a kidney? She's been in renal failure for months now. -No one can force you to donate if you don't want to, can they? They think they can. I'm under 18, they're my legal guardians. -They can't do that. They've been doing it to me my whole life. I wouldn't even be alive if Kate wasn't sick. I'm a designer baby. I was made in a dish to be spare parts for Kate. You're kidding, right? The kid wasn't lying. The doctors started taking things from her the moment she was born. Cord blood as an infant, white-cell transfusions, bone marrow, lymphocytes, injections to add more stem cells, and then they took them too. But it was never enough. --You do know what will happen if you don't give your sister your kidney, don't you? Yeah, she'll die. So there's a little over $ 700 here. And I know that's not enough, but it's all I have and I need your help. Please. You sure you want to go through with this? Good for you. SARA: It's hard to imagine now but there was a time before all this happened. when the kids were just kids, and everyone was happy. Hi, baby. Where's your sister? - Sleeping. I tried poking her and everything. SARA: Hey, Katie-Cat. Good morning, sweetie. Are you awake? How you doing? Rise and shine. SARA: Anemia, right? Kids her age don't get mono, do they? WAYNE: Could be a virus. I'll have to draw some blood and run a few tests. Kate's white cell count's much lower than normal. - What's that mean? - I don't know. She may have an autoimmune deficiency. Could just be a lab error. Oncology? But that's cancer. WO: Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald? I'm Ileana Farquad. KATE: Hello. - Hi. So I took a look at Kate's CBC. Her white blood count is very low. She's also presenting with12% promyelocytes and 5% blasts... which does indicate a leukemic syndrome. Leukemic? Cancer. I'll need a bone marrow aspiration to confirm, but it seems that Kate could have what is called acute promyelocytic leukemia. I'm sorry. MAN: Respiration's normal.17 BRIAN: St. Joe's doesn't know shit. You remember when the chief's son was playing with Jesse and broke his left arm? They put a cast on his right. I'm not gonna let her die. You know that, right? I'm not. Hello? We heard her coughing...but she wouldn't open the door. Your mom kicked it in. Kicked the door down? Yeah. I haven't gotten in touch with them, she's lost a lot of blood. We need to get platelets and fluids into her. I don't want her going into shock. E1: Her age and weight? Fifteen, she's about 90 pounds, she's allergic to penicillin. E2: One-hundred over 68. E 1: Okay, Base Camp, Rescue 11. We have a 15-year-old girl, approximately 90 pounds. - BP is 100 over 68. - Jesus Christ. E2: All right, let's get her up. Yeah. There you go. We're just gonna bring you downstairs. JESSE: Nobody's saying anything. But seeing everybody together lets me know that this is serious Our family is kind of disconnected. Dad's relatives are wealthy and distant, and Mom's side drives her crazy So besides Aunt Kelly we never really get to see anybody except on holidays or disasters. Kate's leukemia is back. She's no longer remissing. We've looked at her smear, and her leukemic cells are showing at 23%.- How many is bad? - Any. TOMMY: What about chemo? It's an option, but Kate doesn't seem to take it very well. And her cancer may be too far along. So you need more bone marrow? Yes, but the leukemia isn't Kate's biggest problem now. She's lost the function of her kidneys. They've quit. They're gone. SARA: Not a match? CHANCE: No. We're her parents, don't we have to be? CHANCE: Everyone inherits two sets of chromosomes containing HLA genes. Unfortunately, there's only a 1 in 200 chance...that parents and their children will be perfect histocompatible HLA matches. I'd like to suggest something completely off the record. Many times one sibling isn't a match, but another is. Have you considered having another child? Not to be forward...but umbilical blood can be an incredibly effective tool in treating leukemic patients. It's like a miracle. Well, how would you know that the new child would be a match? - We could make sure of it. In a test tube? Yes. With preimplantation genetic diagnosis, it would be a 100 percent match. A donor child? It's not for everybody. And legally, I can't even officially recommend it. But like I said, cord blood would be invaluable. Well, we gotta do it. We gotta try. JESSE: That was it. Grown in a dish, they would have an in vitro child. A perfect chromosomal match who would be Kate's genetic savior. -Remember that time where we strapped that fabric on her feet? -Someone here to see you. -Sara Fitzgerald? You've been served. - What is that? -&Petition for medical emancipation by...& What does that mean? &The ability to make future medical decisions independent of parents...not to be forced to submit treatment including donating her kidney.& Anna, what is this? Is this from you? Yeah, I got a lawyer. SARA: You're suing us? Well, honey, what the hell is going on? I don't want to do it anymore, Mom. You don't want to do it anymore? That's it? You don't want to do it? No. Guess what? Neither do I and neither does Kate. Please. It's not like we have a choice. - That's the thing, I do. I do have a choice. Really? Is that so? - Yeah. That's your sister. Have you forgotten? - No. Do you know what's gonna happen? Yeah. Believe it or not, Mom, I actually thought about it. Sara. Have you lost your mind? -What is she doing? -What the hell were you thinking? -What the hell is she thinking? I don't understand... MAN: Let's hit it now, go. GUS: Fitzgerald! Your wife called, she said to give her a call, it's important. 911. Just telling me now? - I'm not your secretary. - Get your own frigging calls. - Goddamn it, Gus. BRIAN: All right, let's hear it. What's going on? Forget about the fact that the operation is dangerous, or that it would hurt.....or that I might not want to have something cut out of me. But if I only have one kidney, then what happens to me? What if I need it? And am I really never allowed to play sports or be a cheerleader or get pregnant? What if I just want to live a long time? Sweetheart, you're gonna live a long time. Yeah? Then tell me this: What if the transplant doesn't work? What then? - She's your sister. I know that! But I'm not like you, Mom! I see the other kids, I see what they do. They go to parties, the beach. I don't understand why you didn't say something earlier. When? When should I talk to you about it? You're never home. You leave me here with her. Excuse me? You've never had to do anything you don't want to do, and you know that! I always wound up doing everything, didn't I? Remember how the doctor said if I did the operation... ...I would have to be careful for the rest of my life? But I don't want to be careful. Who wants to live like that? SARA: Anna, listen... - I'm important too, Mom. I'm important too. - Hey, now... - Let me go! Mom needs to cool off a bit. She's a little upset. Yeah, I heard her. &Get her out of here. I don't want to look at her face anymore.& BRIAN: I looked at my daughter and wondered how it got from there to here. MAN: Hey! - Hi! - The truth, the truth. - Okay. All right, so, what do you think? A bit more salt. A bit more. From the moment we decided to genetically conceive, I suppose this was the eventual outcome. It was our fault. We went against nature and this was our comeuppance. 因果报应 But have we really pushed her too hard? Have we forced her into helping h}



