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  今年的《政府工作报告》指出,制定&互联网+&行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场。落实中央决策部署,推进&互联网+&行动计划,需要进一步认清&互联网+&的本质与增长模式。  &互联网+&的本质:融合与创新所谓&互联网+&,是指以互联网特别是移动互联网为主的一整套信息技术在经济社会各部门各领域扩散与应用、不断释放数据流动性的过程。&互联网+&实际上是创新2.0(信息时代、知识社会的创新形态)下的互联网发展新形态、新业态。也就是说,&互联网+&通过互联网技术在各个产业内部及产业间的运用,借助云计算、大数据、物联网等配套技术的嵌入,在行业间产生反馈、互动与协调,最终出现大量化学反应式的融合与创新。作为信息基础设施,互联网具有全球化、开放性、分布式、交互式、去中心化、海量信息等特征。互联网具备的平等、开放、协作、共享精神使信息或数据的潜能得以爆发,转化为巨大生产力,成为社会财富增长的源泉。因此,&互联网+&的推进过程也是传统产业转型升级的过程。目前,互联网应用多半是在营销管理、售后服务、采购(B2B、B2C)等环节,今后将进一步拓展应用领域,给社会生产方式带来革命性变化。可以说,&互联网+&的前提是互联网作为一种基础设施的广泛应用,过程是传统产业转型升级并互联网化,愿景是再造产业空间,口号是&让商业回归本质&,抓手是传统企业推进开放式创新,结果是一切公司都是拥有数据的公司。  &互联网+&的增长要素:数据资源传统经济增长理论告诉我们,一个国家或地区的经济增长主要取决于两个因素:资本和劳动力。20世纪80年代中期,有学者提出&新增长理论&,将劳动力的定义扩展为人力资本投资。此后又有学者提出技术进步内生增长模型,把经济增长建立在内生技术进步上。&互联网+&进一步改变了经济增长的要素。经历近半个世纪的信息化过程后,信息(数据)量呈爆炸式增长,信息(数据)处理能力快速提高,海量数据的积累与交换、分析与运用极大地促进生产效率提高,信息(数据)成为独立的生产要素。同时,信息(数据)要素显现出不同于资本、劳动力和技术等物质要素的经济特征:一是具有即时性,数据生成实时在线,处理速度快,与经济发展同步;二是信息(数据)要素的出让者并未因出让数据而丧失数据的使用价值,具有共享性特征;三是信息(数据)具有边际生产力递增性,即数据在使用过程中非但没有被消耗,还会产生新的数据。&互联网+&的魅力正在于对海量数据资源的挖掘和运用。IT(信息技术)时代的工具集中体现为&硬件+软件&,而DT(数据技术)时代的工具突出表现为&云计算+大数据&。IT时代是信息经济发展的初期阶段,DT时代是升级阶段,引入生产过程的劳动对象集中于数据本身,开放流动、结构多样的海量数据是应用焦点。在生产要素层面,数据投入大量替代物质投入,数据技术与其他技术一起驱动经济强劲增长。当前,互联网经济正在倒逼一个个产业的互联网化、在线化、数据化。由于数据具有共享性和边际生产力递增性,数据要素投入和信息技术应用带来物质要素节约,从而不断提高生产效率。服务于传统产业各个领域和门类的产业互联网将成为我国互联网发展的方向,这不仅为互联网带来新的增长和创新空间,而且将带动生产方式和经济发展模式深刻转型。  &互联网+&的商业模式:客户主导归根结底,&互联网+&的商业模式就是真正实现以消费者为中心,为海量消费者提供个性化产品和服务。如果没有互联网、大数据和云计算,没有&云商业&逻辑的发展与成熟,以消费者为中心的客户主导模式就是纸上谈兵。互联网汇聚分散的个性化需求,既降低了企业之间的协作成本,也降低了企业与消费者、消费者与消费者之间的协作成本,买卖双方从未如此容易地实现对接。这种协同成本的持续下降,使得互联网和电子商务可以更容易地汇集、分类、呈现零散的个性化需求,实现与企业的有效对接。随着一个又一个环节被互联网化,在云计算和大数据的支撑下,产(B)消(C)双方开始新一轮协同演化。C端消费者的角色与行为,借助互联网和云计算的力量发生根本转变,让B端企业既感受到巨大的变革压力,也看到真正实现以消费者为中心商业模式的曙光。&互联网+&时代是一个大变革时代,也是消费者主权时代,消费者成为市场的主导力量。因此,以行动兑现消费者主权,全力满足顾客需求,真正实现价值共创,正在成为一批目光敏锐的互联网企业的实际行动。  &互联网+&的组织模式:云端制与小微化在&云(云计算)+网(互联网)+端(智能终端)&的信息传导模式下,开放式、分布式、对等性等技术特征必然映射到企业组织管理之中,企业组织模式开始出现云端制与小微化。随着消费者之间、消费者与企业之间、企业之间广泛而深入地联网,企业面对着至少三张正在形成的&网络&:基于消费者个性化需求且相互连接的动态需求网络,基于企业间分工协作的协同网络,基于企业内部结构并以流程为核心的结构网络。面对这三张网络,企业只有实现组织模式转变,以&云端制&来构建组织模式,才能真实有效地感知、捕捉、响应并满足消费者的个性化需求。从价值链角度看,企业设计、研发、制造等多个环节都出现了一种突破企业边界、提升社会化协作的趋势,如众包模式。从企业与消费者的关系看,B2C的模式是由企业向消费者单向交付价值;在C2B模式下,价值将由消费者与企业共同创造,如消费者点评、设计参与、个性订制等。从产业组织视角看,更多企业在走向&云平台+小前端&的组织方式。&互联网+&也在加速企业组织小微化趋势。随着多品种、小批量范围经济在众多行业不断扩展自己的空间,越来越多的企业组织规模逐步走向小微化。(作者为北京邮电大学经济管理学院院长)《 人民日报 》( 日 07 版)
  LSK House Technology Co Ltd, a leading Chinese manufacturer of steel houses, said it had signed a joint-venture agreement with a US building company to construct a factory in Miami to make light steel-framed housing.The Chinese group, based in Langfang, Hebei province, said it will invest
million in the factory and control 90 percent of the equity in the joint venture. LSK said it will send semifinished housing components to the joint venture in Miami for further processing.Partner JMC Lopez, the US construction company, will hold the remaining shares in the joint venture.Construction of the factory will start in November. After completion, it will have a capacity to manufacture 1 million square meters of steel houses annually and the units will be sent to customers in Chile for final assembly.LSK House said the agreement was signed during the 10th China-LAC business summit held in Tangshan during the weekend.Aside from Chile, the joint venture will also sell its houses to other LAC (Latin American and Caribbean) countries."LAC countries are a great market for steel-framed houses, which are lighter, easier to build, and more importantly, have good anti-seismic properties," said Shao Kun, president of Langfang Hualu Tianyu Group, which owns LSK House.LSK House General Manager Shao Jie said construction of steel-framed houses was about 50 percent faster than traditional methods of construction.LSK House claims its steel-framed houses can survive major earthquakes that exceed magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale."That's the main reason why the steel houses are welcomed in Chile," said Shao, who added that more than 2,000 LSK-made houses had been built there. "There are another 2,000 units to go and in the future the market will be huge."The CEO of the new factory, Gustavo Lopez, said that the potential for sales was not only in the LAC region, but also throughout the Americas.Gustavo said China had high-quality steel, while the US had a favorable geographical position and tax policies in place when it came to trading within the Americas.The CEO said LSK House's custom-made houses would be popular with less affluent customers and the middle classes in those countries, because its house prices were lower than traditional housing.
  △V观视频:空中看杭州&&大运河约会钱塘江 时长:6分59秒本文来源:央视新闻、&1号线上&公号G20杭州峰会再过几天就要开幕了!很多人可能很好奇,即将迎来G20峰会的杭州,现在是什么样子呢?从空中看,峰会主会场长啥样?还有美丽的西湖,到底有多美?让我们跟随央视记者的航拍,走进G20时间的杭州。G20峰会主会场:杭州国际博览中心△杭州国际博览中心杭州国际博览中心就是G20杭州峰会的主会场。9月4日、5日,二十国集团领导人峰会将在这里举行,习近平主席将在这里主持峰会的欢迎仪式、开幕式、闭幕式等多场活动。在主会场的1楼,还有中外媒体集中办公的新闻中心以及多个新闻发布厅。这里拥有6万平方米的屋顶花园,也叫城市客厅。&有朋自远方来&,这个城市客厅将代表中国,迎来它投入使用以来的第一批客人。奥体中心主体育馆宛若&莲花碗&△奥体中心主体育馆&莲花碗&能够容纳8万个观众席,也是全国最大的室外体育场之一,明年将投入使用。从明年开始,杭州将接连迎来全国大中学生运动会,世界短池游泳锦标赛。&莲花碗&还有望成为2022年亚运会主场馆。飞越钱江三桥 桥寓意沟通连接△钱江三桥随着经济的发展和城市的扩张,钱塘江上修建的大桥越来越多,钱江三桥就是其中之一。钱塘江上修建大桥的历史可以追溯到1937年,当时我国著名的桥梁学家茅以升设计建成了钱塘江上的第一座大桥&&钱塘江大桥,打破了钱塘江上不可能建桥的神话。如今,钱塘江上已经建成了近10座大桥。这些桥既方便了两岸的交通,也见证了杭州跨江而治、不断拓展城市的发展格局。G20杭州峰会会标的主体形象也是一座桥,设计者说,桥是连接双边,构建对话机制的载体,能够很好地诠释G20杭州峰会的精神。钱江新城 杭州新名片钱江新城,15年前这片区域还属于乡下,是杭州著名的菜篮子基地,如今这儿已经是杭州高楼最密集、最现代、最有都市范儿的地方。&日月同辉& 这里将召开B20峰会在杭州,有一组建筑相当有特点,一个有点像一弯月亮,另一个则像太阳,杭州市民把这组建筑叫做&日月同辉&,&月亮&是杭州大剧院。&太阳&则是杭州国际会议中心,几天后,国际会议中心将迎来它落成以后最重量级的会议B20峰会(B20是二十国集团工商界活动的简称)。城市阳台俯瞰钱塘江杭州有一块突出江面的平台被称为城市阳台,最远处突出江堤约80米。在城市阳台上,不仅可以观潮、散步骑车,还有可以坐在玻璃房里品茶喝咖啡。在峰会召开期间,这里将是央视的一个直播报道点,记者将在这里第一时间发回关于峰会的各种相关消息。多场多边、双边会晤将在西湖周边举行除了这些现代的建筑之外,说到杭州当然不得不提西湖。西湖有讲不完的故事和上千年的文化,雷峰塔、白娘子、许仙,这些故事几乎是人所尽知。其实在中国的外交史上,杭州也占有重要的地位。1972年,尼克松访华时曾经到访杭州。而在40多年后的今天,世界的目光又将再次聚焦到杭州,聚焦到西湖。G20峰会期间,多场多边、双边会晤,闭门会议以及金砖会议都会在西湖周边举行。这让所有的中外嘉宾都有机会领略西湖胜景。本次G20峰会期间,央视新闻频道、央视新闻微博、客户端以及英语频道、中文国际频道都将在西湖边的湖畔居搭建前方演播室,直播解读G20。
  国台办交流局副局长王冰出席&乐业两岸,创享未来&青创先锋汇活动并致辞。(中国台湾网 于斯文 摄)中国台湾网6月12日厦门讯(记者 陈佳慧)&在这里,你可以遇上志同道合的伙伴,遇见创业项目的导师,遇到创投资本的青睐。&6月11日,以&我创我精彩&为主题的&乐业两岸,创享未来&青创先锋汇活动在厦门两岸青年创业创新创客基地举行。两岸创客、青年学生共500余人在这块海峡论坛搭建的青春舞台上,同台展示风采,实现思维嫁接,接受创业辅导,对接资本运作,携手让梦想照进现实。创新创业是时代的主旋律和最强音,承载在两岸青年的理想和追求,影响着民族的前途和未来。青年作为创新的革命性力量,肩负着用创造力驱动国家经济转型的重任。不创新不行,创新慢了也不行。帅气脸庞、立领小衫、民族风手环,参加先锋汇活动的毛大庆常被年轻人称为&创业男神&。去年三月离开万科集团高级副总裁的职位后,毛大庆便开始创办优客工场,经过三轮融资,公司估值已超过40亿人民币。&过去一年多,随着国家发起创业创新的号令,一股巨大的洪流正在掀起&,毛大庆深切感受到,自己与千千万万的年轻人被这股洪流推动着前进。而让他感触最深的是有幸现场聆听习近平总书记在全国科技创新大会上的讲话。&不创新不行,创新慢了也不行&,毛大庆在11日的演讲中三次重复了习近平的这段话。哈佛人类学院曾经做过一项研究,人类发明创造、创新最好的年龄基本上就是在25到40岁,毛大庆认为,这个年龄段年轻人的创造活力决定了一个社会创新、创业的整体走势。他强调,两岸青年创客除了关心自己的事业,也应对国家、民族的发展充满使命感。厦门市委常委、海沧区委书记黄强期盼这次青创先锋汇活动能够吸纳更多的资本与力量,拥抱创新,守护创意,护航创客,点赞创新。他表示,一个伟大的企业可能源自于一个微小的创意,无数的创意奖构成国家的经济脊梁,在大众创业、万众创新的时代,我们需要创意,更需要一群充满创新智慧的年轻人。两岸创客在最好的时代里应携手逐梦。&最好的时代&是活动嘉宾对当今两岸创新、创业环境最常用的描述。台湾文化创意产业联盟协会秘书长黄鋆钡介绍说,截止2015年,大陆约有300个众筹平台,去年募集资金115亿人民币,这为青年创业创造了机遇。从台北到新竹方圆不到100公里的土地上,分布着300多家帮助青年创客把理念落实为产品的专业机构。两岸都对扶持年轻人创业不遗余力。&交流、分享、开放&,这是黄鋆钡对两岸青年创业者的忠告。他以美国硅谷为例,那里最好的创意并不是创客坐在办公室里闭门造车想出来的。硅谷的创业者们热衷于在酒吧、咖啡馆交流思想,分享创意。坐在同一个办公室的人想法往往是趋同的,在与其他年轻创客的交流中,往往能想到用另一种方法解决看似陷入死结的难题。黄鋆钡认为,两岸青年创客应该借鉴硅谷的经验,加强交流,让大陆和台湾不同的创新、创业模式在分享中碰撞,构建领先世界的创意产业。 欢迎台湾青年来大陆创业。&乐业两岸,创享未来&青创先锋汇围绕两岸青年共同关注的就业、创业问题开展活动,激发两岸青年的创造活力,共同打造两岸青年协同创新、创业的的优质生态圈,共同书写两岸青年交流的新篇章。&欢迎更多的台湾青年来大陆发展事业、追逐梦想&,国台办交流局副局长王冰表示,大陆将继续为此创造更为宽松的条件和良好的环境。他坚信,两岸青年朋友携手合作,一定能在中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程中实现个人的抱负和美好生活的愿望。(完)厦门市委常委、海沧区委书记黄强出席&乐业两岸,创享未来&青创先锋汇活动并致辞。(中国台湾网 于斯文 摄)优客工场毛大庆出席&乐业两岸,创享未来&青创先锋汇活动并发表演讲。(中国台湾网 于斯文 摄)台湾文化创意产业联盟协会秘书长黄鋆钡&乐业两岸,创享未来&青创先锋汇活动并发表演讲。(中国台湾网 于斯文 摄)
  当今全球化浪潮的迅猛向前促进了世界整体快速发展,使得各国联系更加紧密,全球问题也更加凸显。对全球治理机制体制进行相应调整比以往任何时候都更加迫切。中美作为世界上两个重要国家,在国际事务中具有重要影响。两国未来在全球治理中发挥怎样的作用,如何相互合作,已成为国际社会关注的重要问题。在过去20多年里,国际社会对面临的日益严峻的全球问题取得了一定共识,采取了一些共同行动,提出了动员国际社会各方面力量进行全球治理的目标。但是,到目前为止,全球治理取得的进展并不尽如人意。最初希望解决的全球问题,包括消除贫困、环境与粮食危机、可持续发展等,依然困扰着国际社会。现在,全球治理的领域、议题及内涵有了新的发展变化。气候变化、生态问题、能源危机、恐怖主义及大规模杀伤性武器的扩散日益严峻,地区冲突、难民危机、传染性疾病肆虐等严重威胁着国际社会的安全与稳定。2008年爆发的国际金融危机,更是给国际社会带来了灾难性影响,进一步暴露出现有的缺陷及全球治理机制的缺失。全球化使当今世界相互依存进一步加深,全球性挑战所具有的跨国性与关联性对世界各国利益都带来巨大影响。各国普遍认识到,应对和解决这些挑战,迫切需要国际社会全体成员共同努力,加强各个层面上的合作与协调,寻找更具可行性和包容性的办法,开展全球治理。中美两国都是世界上重要的国家,在应对全球问题的挑战和推动全球治理方面肩负着重要责任,存在广泛共同利益。在全球治理的若干重要领域,中美双方建立或规划了常设性的对话和制度化安排。中美双方在双边及联合国框架内参与全球治理,在朝核、伊朗核等地区热点问题以及反恐、防扩散、气候变化、能源、粮食安全、人道主义救援减灾、打击海盗、抗击埃博拉疫情等全球性问题上,开展富有成效的协调与合作,发挥关键作用,取得显著成效。去年中美两国元首共同发表了气候变化联合声明,带动了其他国家尽快提出有力度的行动目标,为今年年底在巴黎召开的气候大会达成一项成功的全球气候协议铺平道路,也在全球治理领域树立了一个合作担当、承担起共同但有区别责任的典范。两国还加强了宏观经济政策对话,在应对国际金融危机中进行建设性合作,为推动世界经济复苏和增长作出重要贡献。实践表明,尽管中美在诸多国际政治议题上存在分歧,但两国在全球治理的若干领域已形成了比较成熟的、可持续性强的合作模式,展示了负责任大国的形象。诚然,中美两国历史文化不同、发展阶段不同,对未来国际秩序的看法也存在差异,但这不影响双方共同的国际责任,也不妨碍双方在各领域有效的合作。中美在维护现有国际秩序,积极开展全球治理方面上有共同利益和广阔的合作空间。中美应超越分歧,共同致力全球治理的艰巨任务。同时,两国应发挥各自优势,探索加强合作,推进全球治理的新途径。70年前,作为二战战胜国,中美两国携手各国共建以联合国为核心、《联合国宪章》为基础的战后国际秩序和国际体系,确立了以安理会为核心的集体安全机制,提出了主权平等、集体安全、国际合作、共同发展等一系列重要的国际关系准则,为二战后世界和平发展奠定了坚实基础。70年过去了,联合国作为世界最大、最权威国际组织的地位没有改变,联合国仍然是代表绝大多数国家利益、协调各方的一个重要国际合作机制。今天,在应对有关的全球性问题、开展全球治理方面,中美同为联合国安理会常任理事国,肩负着共同责任。联合国可成为中美合作开展全球治理的重要平台。在全球化日益深入,全球问题日益突出,各国相互依存日益加深的时代背景下,中美双方面临的共同威胁在加大,两国的共同利益超过了分歧。中美双方应当准确把握国际形势的发展趋势,着眼两国人民的根本利益和世界人民的根本利益,相互理解、相互尊重、聚同化异,尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切,全面推进新型大国关系的构建,为世界和平与发展作出应有的贡献。习近平主席对美国进行国事访问并出席联合国成立70周年系列峰会,意义重大。此次访问不仅将推进建设中美新型大国关系,为中美双边合作奠定更坚实基础,还将超越双边关系,对推动全球治理的进一步深入起到积极的作用。(郑启荣 作者系外交学院副院长)
  编者按:G20杭州峰会吸引了来自70多个国家和地区的600余家新闻机构的近5000名中外记者前来采访。与每一次盛会一样,参与报道的记者们无疑是最为紧张忙碌的一群人,为了做出精彩的报道,大家都使出了&洪荒之力&。一起来看看记者们在新闻中心的一天是怎样度过的。 新闻中心的24小时7点一条长龙早早地排了起来,记者们背着大包、小包,扛着摄像机,拿着照相机,啃着面包,交流着采访信息。 7点20分记者们搭乘最早一趟班车赶到,然后等待将在两个半小时后召开的新闻发布会&&联合国秘书长潘基文将就全球气候变暖、难民、世界经济发展等问题回答记者提问。 9点G20新闻中心的发布大厅刚开,记者们就纷纷涌入,不到20分钟,发布厅的位子就满了,后面的摄影台也摆满了机器。 9点50分主持人上台,微笑着用英语说:&我们今天的发布会全程用英语进行,希望你们都使出洪荒之力。&在一阵笑声中,现场紧张的气氛瞬间轻松下来。很多国内媒体记者开始埋头准备,对着本子做起了翻译,这成了发布会开始前一道独特的风景。为了这次G20会议的采访,不少同行做了很多功课,提前大半年苦练英语口语。 10点身着深色西服、蓝色领带的潘基文走进了发布厅。发布厅前的通道两边,挤满了各路记者,他们纷纷举起手机、相机、摄像机。 11点潘基文发布会结束。进出发布厅的两股&记者潮&汇聚,涌出的是抢着发稿的记者,涌入的是抢占座位等待12点欧盟发布会的记者。 12点欧洲理事会主席图斯克和欧盟委员会主席容克举行记者会。容克在发言中提及了备受瞩目的&英国脱欧&问题。12点30分跑了一个上午,记者们也要慰劳一下自己的胃。排着长队的往往都是经典的特色杭帮菜,比如叫花鸡、葱包烩。 13点30分元首们即将陆续抵达,媒体记者也开始各就各位了。 15点G20会议即将开幕,多数未能获得进入G20现场的媒体,都选择把摄像机对准了大屏幕,从这里获取公共信号进行直播。当现场大屏幕上出现各国代表团车队时,几乎所有记者都放下手上的事,戴上耳机,把目光投向大屏幕。摄影记者的闪光灯频频亮起,&咔嚓咔嚓&的快门声不绝于耳。大屏幕前宽敞的通道,此刻显得非常拥挤。习近平主席致开幕辞时,全球的记者都在聆听&中国声音&。16点在习近平主席出席G20杭州峰会并致开幕辞之后,央视著名主持人白岩松出现在了新闻中心,做了近十分钟的连线直播。结束连线后,现场的记者们群拥而上采访他,被问及对习近平主席致辞的深刻印象时,白岩松巧妙地用&11&这个数字进行了解读。白岩松表示,这届G20杭州峰会是第11届,虽然峰会是第一次在中国开,但似乎早有预示,就如中国人的筷子就是11,代表着中国特色。他还特别提到了和11有关的诞生在杭州的创新故事&&就在杭州,一个平常的日子,11月11日,让全中国人民都变成&键盘侠&,为中国经济做出了巨大贡献。 17点25分正在码字中,突然看见人群齐刷刷向一个方向涌去,原来是美国国务卿约翰&福布斯&克里出现在了新闻中心,大伙的反应力都是杠杠的! 19点新闻中心仍然人声鼎沸。大屏幕上投射出西湖璀璨的夜景,首脑们的晚宴即将在秀美的南屏山、雷峰塔旁举行。多数记者还在抢发稿件,向世界传达&中国声音&。 20点50分记者们一边码字一边期待着晚会的开始,新闻中心里依旧灯火通明。调试设备的、码字的、播报的&&井然有序。 22点20分晚会圆满落幕,新闻中心现场的记者们都在盯着大屏幕,焰火闪亮的瞬间,真的被震撼到了!好多记者这时才意识到还没吃晚饭呢,好在新闻中心24小时供应简餐。夜已深,仍有不少中外记者依然在新闻中心辛勤工作,这注定是个&不眠之夜&。这里还有很多新闻等待记者们传向世界的每个角落。 各国记者怎么说?日本电视网NTV驻京记者横岛大辅:习主席表示中国进一步深化改革开放不仅是为了中国,也是为了全世界,这个信息旨在展现中国拥抱世界的亲和力。 韩国《京乡新闻》驻华记者朴银庆:此次G20杭州峰会重任在肩,鉴于中国经济发展成就举世瞩目,世界期待中国方案。作为世界第二大经济体、最大的发展中国家,中国可以为发达国家和新兴市场国家、发展中国家之间开展合作架起桥梁。土耳其国家电视台(TRT)记者登梅兹(Nurgul Donmez):世界经济自2008年经历过危机后,目前正在恢复,但是可持续性发展不尽如人意。在这方面,中国的经济发展经验可以供世界借鉴,中国应该利用这次峰会的机会,带领G20成员开辟新的道路,找到解决世界经济问题的&良方&。中非新闻交流中心坦桑尼亚记者埃利亚斯(ELias Mhegera):G20成员聚集在一起应该商讨如何排除世界发展所面临的众多障碍。期待各成员齐心合作,相互吸取各自的优势。中国应该利用充分利用峰会的契机向世界展示&中国方案&。与此同时,这些与会成员也应该向中国学习。 《北京周报》(Beijing Review)记者布莱恩&加尔文:全球经济最强的20国领导人聚首中国,还有那么多工商界人士聚在一起,我们想知道,这些&大佬&为未来全球经济增长能提供哪些动力?到底怎样鼓励创新,并借此刺激经济?中国牵头,能拿出怎样的实际措施来?
  A Chinese worker processes steel products at a factory in Qingdao city, East China's Shandong province, 1 October 2015.[Photo/IC]China's 2016 GDP will maintain a steady growth of 6.7 percent as economic indicators bounce back, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) said in an annual report.In the first three quarters of this year, the country's GDP totaled 53 trillion yuan (.82 trillion), a 6.7 percent year-on-year increase, with consumption contributing 71 percent of economic growth, up by 13.3 percentage points compared with the s the fixed-asset investment rising by 8.2 percent year-on-year to 42.7 trillion yuan, and the CPI increasing 2 percent, up 0.6 percentage points over the same period last year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.The potential economic growth rate is expected to be in the range of 6.3 percent to 6.6 percent during the 13th Five-Year Plan () period, the annual report said.It pointed out that China has entered the upper-middle-income economies club with the GNI (gross national income) per capital reaching ,016 in 2015. The result cited the World Bank's classification of countries. Meanwhile, six of Chinese cities and provinces stepped into the high-income stage: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu province, Zhejiang province, and Inner Mongolia autonomous region. Changing the economic growth model and carrying out sustainable urbanization development will help the world's second-largest country break out the middle-income trap, the government's think tank said.
  A container ship docks at the Port of Ningbo, East China's Zhenjiang province. [Photo/Xinhua]BEIJING - China's foreign trade surplus widened in April as import growth decline outpaced that of exports, customs data showed Monday. Exports in yuan-denominated terms rose 14.3 percent year on year to 1.24 trillion yuan (9.8 billion), down from the 22.3-percent increase in March. Imports expanded 18.6 percent to 979.1 billion yuan, compared with a 26.3-percent increase a month ago. That leaves a trade surplus of 262.3 billion yuan, up 0.6 percent year on year. The surplus widened from 164.3 billion yuan seen in March. In the first four months, total trade volume added up to 8.42 trillion yuan, up 20.3 percent year on year. While the April trade growth fell short of expectations, customs data reflected improved trade structure. In the first four months, general trade expanded 21.6 percent year on year to 4.75 trillion yuan, accounting for 56.5 percent of the total trade volume. Trade of private enterprises grew 21.7 percent to 3.17 trillion yuan in the first four months, accounting for 37.6 percent of the total, and 0.4 percentage points higher than the same period last year. Despite rising protectionism and anti-globalization sentiment, China's imports and exports with major trade partners remained strong. During the first four months, trade with the European Union gained 15.5 percent year on year to 1.24 trillion yuan, accounting for 14.8 percent of the total. Trade with the United States expanded 20.3 percent to 1.18 trillion yuan, making it China's second largest trade partner. Customs data also showed that a leading indicator for China's exports rebounded from 40.2 to 40.7 month on month in April, signalling positive potential in exports.
  Wang Meiling, a volunteer for the upcoming G20 Leaders Summit, learns English from a volunteer at a service station in Hangzhou. [Photo/China Daily]Older residents add to rich lives by joining effort to support foreigners during Leaders SummitFive years ago, Wang Meiling, now 60, was diagnosed with cancer. The disease took many things away-including her uterus and ovaries. But one thing she kept was her determination as an elderly Hangzhou woman to serve her community, especially during the upcoming G20 Summit."Next time a G20 meeting comes to China, I will be ... let me see ... more than 80 years old. Not sure if I'll be able to see it again," she laughed.Wang was born in 1955, the year of the sheep according to the Chinese lunar calendar. She belongs to a generation that has witnessed most of the dramatic changes of modern China."When I was born, there wasn't much to eat. When I went to school, there wasn't much to read. There was the 'cultural revolution' (1966-76). When I needed to work, there wasn't much to do."There was the movement encouraging young people to work in the countryside. And when I got married, there was the family planning policy," Wang recalled. "And now I'm seeing the G20 come to my hometown. Who knows what's next?"Wang, a Hangzhou resident and the eldest daughter in her family, left school when she was 16 and traveled five days by train to work in the far north-eastern part of China, Heilongjiang province's Jiamusi city, for eight years. When her mother retired from a State-owned printing house in Hangzhou, she was permitted to move back to fill the vacancy at the company.With her broken education background, it never occurred to Wang that she would be able to speak another language one day. Yet the G20 gave her the chance.Since March, Wang's community, Tianshui street in Xiacheng district, has offered retirees free English training in preparation for the summit. The classes start from the basic ABCs. Wang and about 30 other residents rarely miss a class, according to Cai Qiaoyan, the organizer of the program."The oldest student is an 84-year- the youngest is a 57-year-old woman," Cai said. "Now every one of them has learned at least how to greet a foreigner properly."The greetings are not just the simple "hello" and "goodbye", but also include basic social manners-interactions such as shaking hands firmly and looking people in the eye.The teacher and assistant are sponsored by a local English-teaching agency. Students come every Tuesday morning from 9 to 10 and learn entry-level words and phrases.The elderly residents have developed their own way to remember Western pronunciations. Some write Chinese pinyin beside the English words, while others simply use Chinese characters to imitate the sounds of the phrases.Huang Genlan, 66, one of Wang's classmates, enjoyed studying English when she was a student at Hangzhou First Middle School, one of the best in the city. Yet the "cultural revolution" also drove her out of school and ended her language studies."Many of the words and sentences I recited back then are still clearly in my memory. They just stuck there," Huang said with a shy smile. She is one of the top students in the seniors' class."Welcome to Hangzhou. Very good. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? Japan? America? China?" When asked to demonstrate her oral English, Huang fluently spoke out in one breath. Her pronunciation had a North American flavor, not what a foreigner might expect from a typical Chinese senior.Fan Zhilin, 56, was not sent to the countryside decades ago because her elder sister went in her place. Yet she put little effort into studying English when she had the chance because she had been told that "it's not of much use". Several years ago, cancer claimed one of her kidneys, and she started to realize what she has missed."I went to a traditional Chinese doctor every week. One day there was an English class coming. I told my doctor to give the prescription to my husband and he'll get my medicine. Then I rushed to the school," Fan recalled. "I just don't want to miss any classes."Because of their enthusiasm, Cai doubled the number of classes and even designed some tests to keep everybody on track.Wang Meiling is serious about learning."I can ask 'May I help you?' That's easy," she said. "But how can I really help if I don't understand what help they need?"
  文物援藏持续加大力度&十三五&期间文保补助至少20亿元光明日报拉萨7月30日电 记者李韵从近日召开的全国文物援藏工作会议上获悉,&十三五&期间,国家文物局将继续加大援藏力度,投入总额不低于20亿元。据国家文物局局长刘玉珠介绍,&十二五&时期,中央累计安排资金16亿元,支持西藏自治区文物保护及博物馆建设,比&十一五&时期增长180%。各对口支援省市文物部门累计落实援藏文物保护资金1.53亿元,相比&十一五&,翻了近一番。资料显示,西藏自治区文物保护维修项目五年累计达到130项,创下历史新高;其中26个文物保护项目全面完工,20个文物保护项目正在实施,46处重要史迹和公共文化设施开工建设。刘玉珠表示,经过与国家发展和改革委、财政部的沟通,目前已确定&十三五&时期国家支持西藏文物保护专项补助资金在&十二五&时期的基础上再翻一番,投入总额不低于20亿元。其中,支持西藏拉萨古城整体申报世界文化遗产,是重点工作之一。&只要西藏确有需要并在项目实施上执行得好,经认真研究、充分论证,我们可以继续加大投入力度。&刘玉珠说。国家文物局&十三五&期间主要是支持对西藏77处重要文物保护单位进行保护修缮,对西藏博物馆新馆等9座博物馆进行新建(改扩建)或展陈提升。各对口支援省市文物部门和相关单位,目前已敲定援助项目111个,援助资金总额近2000万元,还有一些援助项目和资金正在积极争取之中。在当天的会议上,江苏省文物局与拉萨市文物局、重庆市文物局与昌都市文物局、吉林省文物局与日喀则市文物局还分别签署了文物援助项目协议书。
  China's first listed courier YTO Express plans to invest 100 million yuan in a new logistics information technology lab at its Shanghai headquarters.The National Engineering Laboratory for Logistic Information Technology is designed to create a research and development base for China's logistics and an incubator for innovation application in the flourishing sector.It was officially founded by YTO Express Group, along with company backers China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, Shanghai Internet of Things and China United Network Communications Group.Approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, the engineering lab is the first of its kind in the logistics sector. YTO Express chairman Yu Weijiao said it is in line with Shanghai's goal of becoming a global technological innovation center as well as an international shipping center. In the next three years, YTO Express will pour more than 100 million yuan into the lab. Top talents from scientific research institutions with expertise in equipment research and development, automation, communication and logistics will be recruited from the lab's six joint founders.China's logistics sector is confronting problems with information interoperability, low degree of automation, an incomplete standard system, and a shortage of talents, YTO Express vice-president Xiang Feng said.To improve the overall industry chain, YTO Express and its partners proposed a national engineering lab in November last year and were given the green light in January. The national engineering lab will construct an independent intellectual property rights and standard system to create a research and development base for China's logistics. Yu said it will aim to become an incubator for innovation application in China's logistics sector.The Shanghai-listed YTO Express delivered 4.46 billion packages last year, raking in 16.8 billion yuan in revenue in 2016, up 39.04 percent from the year before.wang_.cn  
  物质不灭,宇宙不灭,唯一能与苍穹比阔的是精神。&红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲&,正是凭这种气吞山河的英雄气概,人民军队不仅谱写了长征这样举世罕见的伟大英雄史诗,而且铸就了无与伦比的长征精神丰碑。面对敌人的围追堵截和狂轰滥炸,红军一次次的绝地逢生、一次次的转危为安,就是因为有无数个&不到长城非好汉&的红军将士们,他们&掩埋好同志的尸体,擦干身上的血迹,继续战斗&。&平江起义团&这支历史悠久的红军团,无疑是长征英雄谱中最耀眼的星星。为纪念红军长征胜利80周年,&我们的长征在路上&网络名人进军营第二季第一站就到了&平江起义团&。这次活动由国家互联网信息办公室和中央军委政治工作部联合主办。我有幸作为其中一员,近距离触摸那部令人热血奔涌、震撼人心的波澜壮阔历史。在年轻的讲解员的解说下,历史褪去风尘,一张张发黄的照片鲜活起来,一张张模糊的脸孔清晰起来。血战湘江、四渡赤水、巧渡金沙江、抢渡大渡河&&&平江起义团&,这支由彭德怀元帅创建的英雄红军团,正是人民军队由无到有、从小到大到从弱到强的光辉写照。为有牺牲多壮志。&我只是一个幸存者。多少人都在我面前倒下去了,我却还活着&,在战争年代横刀立马的彭大将军曾这样感慨地说。&平江起义团&在1934年11月在掩护红军主力过湘江时,一天牺牲了沈述清、杜仲美两任团长。毛主席说,&长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机&。红军在长征路上虽有多数人倒下,如中央红军从江西出发时的8.6万人到达陕北时只剩6000余人,但以长征精神为种子,先后生长出抗战精神、延安精神、西柏坡精神等精神,激励我们爬过一道道险坡。方志敏烈士在红军长征后被捕。他的狱中写道,&难道他们不想将母亲从敌人手里救出来,把母亲也装饰起来,成为世界上一个最出色、最美丽、最令人尊敬的母亲吗?&&我们决不能让伟大的可爱的中国,来亡于帝国主义的肮脏的手里&。正是因为长征精神的种子生根发芽、开花结果,可爱的中国才从苦难走向辉煌。今天,方志敏等无数烈士们可以含笑于九泉。&平江起义团&有一则大幅标语,&传承红色基因 共建巩固国防&。长征精神就是人民军队的红色基因。可爱的中国,已走进走进世界舞台中心,同时也是走进世界的擂台中心。面对东海和南海的波诡云谲,在强国强军的新征途上,我们还有许多&雪山&要翻、&草地&要过,还有许多&金沙江&&大渡河&要巧渡强渡,还有许多&娄山关&&腊子口&要攻占勇夺。习近平总书记说,&要让广大党员干部知道现在的幸福生活来之不易,多接受红色基因教育&。一代人有一代人的使命,每一任有每一任的担当。长征精神要深入骨髓里、流淌在血液里内化为自觉的行动,我们才能脚踏实地去丈量属于我们自己的长征路,才能让可爱的中国不再&亡于帝国主义的肮脏的手里&。瞿秋白说,人爱自己的历史好比鸟爱自己的翅膀,请勿撕破我的翅膀!不能深刻感触过去,怎么获得腾飞的翅膀?#我们的长征在路上#,不是要到历史中去采摘耀眼的花朵,而是去获取熔岩一般运行奔腾的地火,获取实现中国梦的磅薄力量,不忘初心、继续前进,张开民族腾飞的翅膀。(王德华)
  中国青年网北京8月13日电(记者 开可)2016年奥运会虽然在里约举行,却处处都能看到中国元素。有着&奥运地铁&之称的中国中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司(中车长客)提供的列车、中国体育服装品牌361&提供的奥运火炬、志愿者的服装&&这些天,除了被外国运动员称为&中国结界&的蚊帐,中国的另一个&神器&在里约奥运会火了,那就是被菲尔普斯&代言&的火罐。除了菲尔普斯,美国体操队、白俄罗斯游泳选手桑科维奇等都将拔火罐作为训练后恢复体能的一种手段。其实,这并不是中国元素第一次出现在奥运会上。在伦敦奥运会上,中国元素已经闪耀在英国。据报道,65%的伦敦奥运会特许纪念品是&中国制造&;开幕式的焰火全部由中国生产;为伦敦奥运提供数字图像服务的也有中国公司&&&Made in China&在国门外已经拥有了一大批的追随者。但是影响世界的又何止中国的制造业?如果说中国制造是世界认识中国的第一步,那么中国为世界发展贡献的中国力量,就是中国和世界的再次相拥。日,庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。习近平在大会上发表重要讲话。新华社记者刘卫兵 摄每一次行动都是中国声音的传递。中国在国际上形象应该是怎样的?习近平曾对此做过生动的比喻&&和平的、可亲的、文明的狮子。2014年3月,中法建交50周年纪念大会举行,习近平和奥朗德共同出席并发表重要讲话。在讲话中,习近平将中国比喻成一头狮子,他说:&拿破仑说过,中国是一头沉睡的狮子,当这头睡狮醒来时,世界都会为之颤抖。中国这头狮子已经醒了,但这是一只和平的、可亲的、文明的狮子。&在庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会上,习近平对中国在世界上的形象又做了清晰明了的定位。他说:&中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者,愿扩大同各国的利益交汇点,推动构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,推动形成人类命运共同体和利益共同体。&我们不仅有中国制造,中国方案、中国力量、中国智造&&这些耳熟能详的词代表的是睡醒的和平狮对世界发出的善意。一位联合国官员曾评价中国的维和部队说:&在中国军人身上,我们看到了这个民族最伟大的优点&&善良和智慧。如果世界上任何一个民族都像中华民族一样友善,这个世界一定会更加美好。&习近平说:&历史上,中华民族是爱好和平的民族。中国人民对战争带来的苦难有着刻骨铭心的记忆,对和平有着孜孜不倦的追求,十分珍惜和平安定的生活。&正是因为对和平的渴望和珍惜,中国军人才懂得战乱给人民带来的苦难,才能在维和行动面前义无反顾。中国参加联合国维和行动26年来,共参加了24项维和行动,牺牲了13名维和军人。而且,中国是联合国安理会常任理事国中派出维和人员最多的国家,也是承担联合国维和摊款最多的发展中国家,出资额在联合国所有成员国中位居第二。目前,2496名中国军人在联合国9个任务区执行维和任务,包括工兵、运输、医疗、警卫、步兵等五种类型的14支维和分队的2403人及93名参谋军官和军事观察员。一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。中国人民的善意是对世界和平贡献的力量,也是希望&天下大同&,能够和世界各国共同发展。中国和周边国家以及世界各国共同发展的愿望从没有变过。&中国愿意把自身发展同周边国家发展更紧密地结合起来,欢迎周边国家搭乘中国发展&快车&&便车&,让中国发展成果更多惠及周边,让大家一起过上好日子。&2015年11月,习近平在新加坡国立大学发表演讲时如是说。中国始终坚持自身的发展离不开世界。据悉,2015年,我国对外非金融类直接投资创下1180.2亿美元的历史最高值,同比增长14.7%,实现中国对外直接投资连续13年增长,年均增幅高达33.6%。2015年末,中国对外直接投资存量首次超过万亿美元大关。而中国的发展对世界经济增长的贡献也是突出的。林毅夫在接受记者采访时表示,我国依然是全世界经济发展的原动力。&发达国家从2008年金融危机之后还没有完全复苏。现在全世界的经济增长每年维持在3个和3.5个百分点之间。目前我们国内生产总值占全世界的15%,如果能维持6.5以上的增长,那么我们每年对世界增长的贡献可以达到30个百分点。&林毅夫说。此外,据中国美国商会发布的《2016年度中国商务环境调查报告》显示,采访的近500家会员企业中,60%的企业仍将中国列为重点投资国的前三位,25%的企业优先考虑中国市场。
  BEIJING - For a world economy mired in a prolonged downturn, the G20 summit next month could be the light at the end of the tunnel. Eight years after the global financial crisis, the recovery remains slow and fragile. The current global economic growth environment is mediocre, featuring rising unemployment, soaring debt, sluggish trade and investment and turbulent financial and commodity markets. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, fiscal stimulus and monetary easing have played an important role in lifting growth. However, over-reliance on monetary policy, especially in some developed countries, has led to macroeconomic and financial instability elsewhere. The use of fiscal policies is also constrained in some countries due to high debt levels. Added to the already complicated global political and economic situation, Brexit, trade protectionism and terrorism are exacerbating the problem, meaning nations are struggling to find suitable work-arounds to ensure the success of their stimulus packages. Accounting for two thirds of the world's population and more than 80 percent of global economic output, G20 nations deserve, and are expected, to play a bigger role in managing the world economy. The upcoming summit is undoubtedly a prime opportunity, and has the potential to play a significant role in the rebooting of global growth. The focus of the summit will be sustained global growth. As the host nation, China will use the conference to spur dialogue among developed and developing countries around the potential to foster growth through reforms and innovation. While fiscal and monetary policies will address fluctuations in the short term, a longer-term strategy is needed to elevate the current malaise permeating the world economy. Reforms, structural adjustments in particular, must be incorporated into current policy frameworks to create fertile surroundings for growth. Innovation will be a G20 key agenda for the first time, thanks to a proposal by China. Innovation, characterized by technology and new products and business models, will create new consumption opportunities and trends. The people of the world have high expectations for the summit, yet, success depends heavily on all G20 members working together, to implement, not just hash out, policies and measures. The summit offers a new starting position. However, the journey will be fraught with obstacles. To successfully address low growth, nations must put their faith in cooperation, implementation and, sometimes, painful reforms. Although, perhaps, a bitter pill to swallow, the results will speak for themselves.
  Participants take part in a kimchi making event during the Seoul Kimchi Festival outside the city hall in Seoul.[Photo/China Daily]Coastal cities in Shandong province are cashing in on the China-South Korea Free Trade Agreement to expand business in e-commerce, healthcare, creativity and high-end maritime equipment manufacturing. The FTA focuses on 17 areas, including trade in goods and services, healthcare, entertainment, investment and trade rules, as well as e-commerce and government procurement. Huang Shuren, vice-president of Yantai International Container Terminals Co Ltd, said container throughput of the company to South Korea saw a year-on-year increase of 10 percent during the first half of this year. "The container throughput of various kinds of products including agricultural and industrial products, as well as cosmetics and consumer necessities is expected to maintain growth during the second half of this year," Huang said. He said one more container ship was added in the second half of last year to meet the needs of the increased business. Yantai's development has greatly benefited from the FTA, which was signed on June 1 last year, said Zhang Yongxia, mayor of the city. Located in eastern Shandong and close to South Korea, Yantai has become a popular destination for South Korean heavyweights, including LG Corp, Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co and Hyundai Motor Co. Contractual investment from South Korea registered a year-on-year growth of 65 percent to reach 0 million during the first five months of this year, according to the commerce bureau of Yantai. "Yantai will continue streamlining customs clearance procedures and making market access easier for foreign companies," Zhang told a group of South Korean journalists. "South Korean signs are visible everywhere on the city's traffic boards and on officials' business cards. Big South Korean companies such as LG and Doosan have been developing well in Yantai," said Park Sae-young from the South Korean newspaper The Munhwa Ilbo. Weifang, another coastal city bordering Yantai, saw its foreign trade with South Korea reach .08 billion and with Japan .03 billion last year.
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  当地时间6月17日中午,习近平主席乘坐的专机进入塞尔维亚领空后,塞方派出战机护航。(央视新闻记者 马立飞 魏建)
  Bob McConnell, a retired engineer, set up a new wireless router in his home this year to get faster Internet speeds. Instead, he got the opposite, with his iPad often getting no wireless connection in his bedroom.为了获得更快的上网速度,退休工程师鲍勃·麦康奈尔(Bob McConnell)今年在家里安装了一个新无线路由器。结果,家里网络反倒不如从前了,在卧室里使用iPad时,他常常找不到信号。For days, he tinkered with the router’s settings, but couldn’t figure out a fix. “It was totally ruining my life,” said Mr. McConnell, who lives in a condominium building in Kirkland, Wash. “Things would work, and then the next morning they wouldn’t work again.”他花了好几天时间调整路由器的设置,但没能找到解决问题的办法。“它彻底毁了我的生活,”住在华盛顿州柯克兰市一座共管公寓里的麦康奈尔说。“有时候网络可以正常使用,但第二天就又不行了。”What Mr. McConnell experienced is a situation we call “Wi-Fi headache,” and it’s an ailment that many can relate to. The condition is rooted in the networking devices called routers that people install in their homes for Wi-Fi connectivity. Most routers are difficult to configure for anyone who doesn’t work in an information-technology department. Jargony tech terms like 802.11 or dual-band add to the confusion when people upgrade a router or try to decide which one to pick.我们把麦康奈尔经历的这种状况称为“Wi-Fi头痛”,这是一种很多人能感同身受的顽疾。它产生的根源在于一种名为“路由器”的网络连接设备。人们把它安装在家里,以获取Wi-Fi连接。对于不从事信息技术工作的人来说,大多数路由器很难配置。当人们想升级路由器,或试着挑选一款路由器时,“802.11”或“双频”之类的技术术语,只会让人更加困惑。So to diagnose and cure Wi-Fi headaches, we teamed up with The Wirecutter, the product recommendations website. The Wirecutter put dozens of top-rated routers and devices through hundreds of hours of testing to pick out the best router for most people and come up with other recommendations tailored to different living situations and budgets. It also ran new tests for The New York Times to come up with best practices for getting a stronger, faster Wi-Fi signal.所以,为了诊断和治疗Wi-Fi头痛,我们与提供产品推荐的The Wirecutter网站展开了合作。The Wirecutter对几十种热销路由器和设备进行了数百小时的测试,以挑选出适合大多数人的最佳路由器,同时也针对不同生活环境和预算提供其他匹配建议。该网站还为《纽约时报》进行了一些新测试,以便找到能获得信号更强、速度更快的Wi-Fi网络的办法。The bottom line: People with devices both new and old will see an improvement by upgrading to a recent router that supports the latest Wi-Fi standards. But they should be wary of buying a cheap router that isn’t any good, or spending too much on one that is too complex for their needs.最基本的要求是,不管使用的是新设备还是旧设备,在升级到支持最新Wi-Fi标准的新款路由器之后,应该看到网络有所改进。但也应该小心不要买质量不太好的廉价路由器,或花太多钱买超过自身需求的过于复杂的路由器。Wi-Fi headaches start with how the technology has evolved. For years, router makers like Netgear, Linksys and Cisco focused on making Wi-Fi technology transmit data at higher speeds and over longer distances.Wi-Fi头痛始于这种技术的演进。多年来,Netgear、Linksys和思科(Cisco)等路由器厂商都将注意力放在提高Wi-Fi技术上,目的是使它传输数据的速度更快、距离更远。That did little to prepare people for the explosion of Internet-connected mobile devices. In buildings crowded with smartphones, computers, smart TVs and tablets, the devices’ signals are now fighting for room on the same radio channels. And routers are spewing out energy for longer distances that may be bumping into neighbors’ signals.但是,在帮助人们应对联网移动设备大爆炸方面,这种改进几乎没什么助益。在智能手机、计算机、智能电视和平板电脑泛滥的建筑里,这些设备的信号都在同样的无线电频道上争夺空间。而各厂商竭力让路由器传送信号距离更远的时候,则有可能干扰到邻居家的网络。“The router manufacturers are kind of brain-dead,” said Dave Fraser, the chief executive of Devicescape, which develops technology for making public Wi-Fi networks usable for mobile phone service. “All they were thinking about was supporting people with laptops in their homes and commercial environments. All of a sudden Wi-Fi is in everything and everywhere, and we’re moving around our homes much more.”“路由器厂商们有点蠢,”Devicescape公司首席执行官戴夫·弗雷泽(Dave Fraser)说。该公司开发的技术可以让公共Wi-Fi网络供移动通讯服务使用。“之前他们只考虑给人们在家里和商务环境中用笔记本电脑上网提供支持。突然之间,世道变了,遍地都是Wi-Fi,什么都要用Wi-Fi,而且我们在家里的活动性也比过去大得多。”Router manufacturers have more recently improved Wi-Fi technology with mobile devices in mind, said Mr. Fraser. New routers often include smarter antennas that do a better job of assembling signals and beaming energy toward devices that are moving around.弗雷泽表示,最近在改善Wi-Fi技术时,路由器厂商考虑到了移动设备的需求。新款路由器往往有更智能的天线,可以更好地聚集信号并向移动中的设备传送信号。Some features inside newer routers also help reduce signal interference. Newer routers typically can transmit data over two radio frequencies — 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz — and give you the option to split them up into two separate Wi-Fi networks. In general, the 2.4 GHz band transmits data farther and is more crowded because many types of devices, like cordless phones and microwaves, use that frequency. The 5 GHz band is less congested but typically travels a shorter distance.新款的路由器还具有一些可以帮助减少信号干扰的功能。新款路由器往往能以两种无线电频率——2.4吉赫兹和5吉赫兹——传输数据,让你可以将它们分成两个独立的Wi-Fi网络。一般而言,2.4吉赫兹的波段传输数据更远,但网络负荷比较大,因为包括无绳电话和微波炉在内,各种类型的设备都使用这一频率。5吉赫兹波段相对没那么挤,但传输距离通常较短。Consumer behavior is also to blame for Wi-Fi headaches. People may wait years before buying a new router, so their devices might be more up-to-date than their infrastructure. An outdated router becomes a bottleneck that hinders the speeds of web downloads and file transfers between connected devices.消费者的行为方式也是造成Wi-Fi头痛的原因之一。人们可能会等好几年才会买一个新路由器,所以他们使用的上网设备可能比这种基础设施更跟得上时代。过时的路由器阻碍人们获得更高的网络下载速度和在不同设备之间进行文件传输的速度。Some people never upgrade their routers, especially those who still use the router that their Internet service provider lent them years ago. Those routers, which often double as modems, are often slow and short-ranged. That means it is time to buy a newer, faster router.有些人从不升级自己的路由器,甚至到现在还在使用多年前网络服务提供商提供的路由器。这些路由器往往同时兼作调制解调器,一般速度都很慢,而且网络覆盖范围小。这意味着,是时候买个更新更快的路由器了。The Wirecutter performed a battery of tests on two top-performing routers with six devices, and the results were unmistakable: If your current router is at least three years old, there is no reason not to upgrade to a new router.The Wirecutter用六种设备对两款表现出色的路由器进行了一系列测试,结果很清楚:如果你目前的路由器已经使用至少三年,那就没理由不更换一台新的。Not only can a newer router improve the speed and range for users, the routers typically have upgraded internal components and strong external antennas. Many also support the latest Wi-Fi standard — 802.11ac — which has top speeds that are nearly three times faster than the previous standard, 802.11n, for the fastest wireless devices you can buy today.新的路由器不仅可以提高使用者的网速并扩大网络覆盖,这些机器往往还升级了内部组件,有性能强大的外置天线。很多还支持针对你现在可以买到的速度最快的无限设备制定的最新的Wi-Fi标准——802.11ac。相比于之前的802.11n标准,这一标准下的网速提高了将近三倍。Many smartphones, tablets and laptops released since 2013 support 802.11ac. But even older devices that support only the previous standard, 802.11n, can enjoy faster speeds at long range with a newer 802.11ac router.2013年以来发布的许多智能手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑支持802.11ac标准。但是,哪怕你使用的是更老的设备,只能支持之前的802.11n标准,在更换了802.11ac标准的新路由器的情况下,也可以获得更快的网速和更广的网络覆盖。For these tests, The Wirecutter used two routers: its top 802.11ac router recommendation, TP-Link’s Archer C7, and an older 802.11n router, Netgear’s WNDR3700. It tried them with a 2012 iPhone 5, a 2014 iPhone 6 Plus, a 2013 HTC One M7, a 2015 Samsung Galaxy S6, a 2012 MacBook Air and a 2014 MacBook Air.The Wirecutter在这些测试中使用了两款路由器:该网站最为推荐的802.11ac标准路由器TP-Link的Archer C7,和一款更老一些的802.11n标准路由器Netgear的WNDR3700。用以测试这两款路由器的设备包括:一部2012年的iPhone 5手机、2014年的iPhone 6 Plus手机、2013年的HTC One M7手机、2015年的三星Galaxy S6、2012年的MacBook Air笔记本,和一台2014年的MacBook Air。To get an idea how each device performed with each router, The Wirecutter’s Wi-Fi expert, David Murphy, tested file transfer speeds, video streaming speeds, music streaming quality and video call quality at a short range of 11 feet and a long range of 43 feet.为了解每台设备在适配每款路由器的情况下的网络表现,The Wirecutter的Wi-Fi专家戴维·墨菲(David Murphy),在11英尺(约合3.4米)的近距离和43英尺的远距离下,分别测试了文件传输速度、视频流媒体速度、音频流媒体质量和视频通话质量等项目。Most tested devices had 19 percent to 54 percent faster download speeds and shaved 3 to 48 percent off their file-transfer times when paired with the Archer C7 compared with the older 802.11n Netgear router. The devices also did better on the Archer C7’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi network than on its 2.4GHz network at the same locations. In comparison, The Wirecutter could not connect to the Netgear router’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi at its long-distance test location.相比于使用更老的802.11n标准的Netgear路由器,大部分被检测的设备在与Archer C7路由器适配的情况下,网络下载速度可以快19%到54%,文件传输时间可以减少3%到48%。在同一地点,这些设备使用 Archer C7的5吉赫兹Wi-Fi比使用2.4吉赫兹,上网效果更好。相比之下,在远距离测试中,The Wirecutter无法连接到Netgear路由器的5吉赫兹Wi-Fi。The Archer C7’s exceptional performance on a 5 GHz signal is its strength. Devices often had the same download speeds at long range as short range when connected to the Archer C7’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi. But at the longer distance, when switched to the Archer C7’s 2.4GHz network, each device’s download speeds dropped, sometimes by more than 80 percent.Archer C7在5吉赫兹波段的卓越表现,显示出它的优势。在连接到Archer C7的5吉赫兹Wi-Fi时,这些设备往往在近距离和远距离能获得同样的下载速度。但连接到Archer C7的2.4吉赫兹网络进行远距离测试时,每台设备的下载速度会下降,有时幅度甚至超过80%。In summary: For a stronger, faster wireless connection, stay on the router’s 5 GHz band for as long as you can. Older routers aren’ a newer router like TP-Link’s Archer C7 is a much better option.总而言之:为了获得更强大、速度更快的无线连接,尽量多使用路由器的5赫兹波段。老款路由器在这方面不是最佳选择,像TP-Link的Archer C7这样的新款路由器要好得多。The best router for most people is the Archer C7 (0). It’s a dual-band 802.11ac router, meaning it can run both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks, and it supports the fastest Wi-Fi speeds of every wireless device you can buy, including the MacBook Pro, the Samsung Galaxy S6 or the brand-new iPhone 6s. The Archer C7 is faster over longer distances than most routers that cost 0 or more, and it’s the best value of the more than two dozen routers The Wirecutter tested in the last two years.Archer C7(100美元)对大多数人来说是最佳选择。它是一款双频802.11ac标准路由器,这意味着它可以提供2.4吉赫兹和5吉赫兹Wi-Fi两种网络。它还能支持你能买到的各种无线设备获得最快的Wi-Fi速度,不管是MacBook Pro、三星的Galaxy S6,还是全新的iPhone 6s。相比于大多数价位在150美元,甚至更高的路由器,Archer C7可以让用户在更远距离获得更快网速,它是The Wirecutter过去两年测试的二三十种路由器中最物有所值的一款。The Archer C7 isn’t the best fit for everyone. So The Wirecutter also combed through test results and picked some routers for different living situations, such as small apartments or homes where people primarily use Apple devices.Archer C7并非所有人的最佳选择。所以The Wirecutter也对测试结果进行了梳理,挑选出一些适应其他生活环境的路由器,比如公寓比较小,或家人主要使用苹果设备。Generally, we recommend you upgrade to a new router every three to four years. That accounts for how often people typically upgrade devices like smartphones (every two years) and computers (every three to four years).通常,我们建议每三四年更换一台路由器。这和人们更换智能手机(每两年)和电脑(每三四年)的一般频率差不多。Yet whether your smartphones, computers and tablets are one, two or five years old, now is a good time to buy a new router if you haven’t in the last three years. Newer devices are probably using the 802.11ac standard, so you will get the fastest speeds at long distances with an 802.11ac router. If you hoard old devices, you will also get faster speeds and greater range. These benefits will be especially clear if you stay on a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network for as long as you can.不过,如果你在过去三年不曾购买过新路由器,那么不管你的智能手机、电脑和平板电脑目前使用了一年、两年还是五年,你都该换一台路由器了。较新的上网设备可能采用了802.11ac标准,所以配备一台802.11ac标准路由器,你就可在远距离获得最快网速。如果你还会继续使用旧设备,更换新路由器同样可以让你获得更快的网速和更大的网络覆盖。倘若你能尽量长时间地使用5吉赫兹Wi-Fi,这些好处会更加明显。One caveat: If you use a slower Internet service like DSL, you can probably hold on to a router for longer than three years. A newer router can still be useful because of the improved wireless range, but you won’t experience a big difference in download speeds.但请注意:如果你使用是如DSL等速度更慢的网络服务,或许可以超过三年不换路由器。这种情况下更换新路由器还是会有帮助,因为可以扩大无线网络覆盖范围,只不过你不会感觉下载速度有太大改变。If your house is so large that a new router won’t be able to cover every inch with a great Wi-Fi signal, you could install a Wi-Fi extender, which enhances an existing Wi-Fi connection to increase coverage. Powerline networking, which converts a house’s electrical wiring into a wired Internet connection, is another option, but you’ll have to check if your home supports it.如果你的房子很大,一个新路由器无法让每个角落都拥有优质Wi-Fi信号,你可以安装一个Wi-Fi范围扩展器。它可以加强已经存在的Wi-Fi信号,扩大其覆盖范围。还有一种选择是电力线网络,它将房子内的电子线路转换成一种有线网络连接,但你需要首先确认自己家能否支持这种设备。As for Mr. McConnell, the retired engineer eventually solved his Wi-Fi headache by setting up his devices to stay on the 5 GHz radio band. To get a Wi-Fi signal to his iPad in the bedroom, he also set up an extender. Now everything is smooth sailing, he said.通过将上网设备设置为始终连接5吉赫兹波段网络,退休工程师麦康奈尔最终解决了他的Wi-Fi头痛问题。为了能在卧室让自己的iPad连上Wi-Fi,他还安装了一个扩展器。他觉得,现在所有的上网体验都很顺畅。“I’ve got my life back,” he said.“我又找回了自己的生活,”他说。
  BEIJING - China's tourism investment is expected to maintain rapid growth in 2017 as ongoing consumption upgrades will keep the sector on the fast track. The China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) Friday said tourism will remain a magnet for private capital, predicting direct investment will jump more than 20 percent from last year to 1.5 trillion yuan (8.07 billion) this year. Hot areas within the sector include rural travel, big data and tourism equipment. "From now to 2040, the tourism will witness a golden period," Li Jinzao, head of the CNTA, said during a forum. With China's GDP per capita surpassing ,000, the sector is embracing for explosive growth boosted by steady economic development, rising incomes and consumption upgrades, Li said. "There will be sustainable increases in tourism consumption abilities and travel demand, as well as the number of tourists." Given lackluster traditional industries, services, including tourism, have stood out as fresh impetus to the slowing economy. In 2016, the tourism revenue in China totaled 4.69 trillion yuan, contributing around 11 percent to the national economy. Tourism investment rose 29 percent year on year in 2016, outpacing an 18-percent increase in the whole tertiary sector and a 21-percent rise in fixed assets. The CNTA expects more than 14 billion trips will be made by 2040, which equates to every Chinese travelling at least nine times within the year. "Travel will be a part of the people's everyday lives," said the CNTA. The country's first tourism fund was established by China National Travel Service Group Corporation at the forum on Friday, with total capital of up to 50 billion yuan.
  Meg Whitman, chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Co. [Photo provided to China Daily]Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Co will spin off a big chunk of its business software line-up in an .8 billion deal with Micro Focus International Plc, continuing the unraveling of what once was Silicon Valley's largest company.The Palo Alto, California-based company said on Wednesday that it will get a .5 billion cash payment and its shareholders will hold a 50.1 percent stake in the new combined company.HPE is spinning off units including application delivery management, big data and enterprise security. HP Enterprise, also known as HPE, plans to focus on selling data-center hardware and other commercial tech gear to other big organizations.Micro Focus, based in Newbury, England, said the surviving company will have annual revenue of about .5 billion.The software spin off comes three-and-half months after Hewlett-Packard Enter-prise announced the sale of its business-services division to rival Computer Sciences Corp for .5 billion.The overhaul marks another step in CEO Meg Whitman's effort to transform the once-mighty technology conglomerate into a leaner, more efficient company catering to a few core markets that she believes will be most likely to grow in the future.As part of that process, Whitman last year split HP's operations focused on selling business technology products from its personal computer and printer operations. At its height, the combined HP generated more than 0 billion annual revenue.Now, HPE is turning into a shell of what it was at the time of last year's spin off from the PC business. After its shakeup is completed, HPE expects to have about
billion in annual revenue, down from
billion in its last fiscal year ending in October.The deal with Micro Focus still requires antitrust approval. If all goes as anticipated, it should close sometime between April and October next year.Separately HPE reported better-than-expected earnings in its fiscal third quarter ended July 31. Net income soared to .27 billion, or .32 per share, thanks to a hefty gain on an asset sale. Earnings, adjusted for the gain and restructuring and other costs, were 49 cents per share.The results exceeded Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 10 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 45 cents per share.Revenue slipped about 6 percent year-on-year to .21 billion, missing Street fore-casts. Seven analysts surveyed by Zacks expected .59 billion.For the current quarter ending in October, HPE expects its per-share earnings to range from 58 cents to 63 cents. On average, analysts surveyed by FactSet expect earnings per share of 61 cents.The company expects full-year earnings in the range of .90 to .95 per share. That com}


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