
>>>>首选国外客户开发软件,如何寻找国外客户邮箱首选国外客户开发软件,如何寻找国外客户邮箱价  格:7880.00&元品  牌:顶易中国外贸客户开发所 在 地:江西 南昌市 东湖区产品卖点:好用、实用!&顶易.中国 客户搜索与跟踪系统& 具有搜索目标客户网址,高邮抓取邮箱,电话等联系方式,自动发送邮件,存档,实用工具五大功能,可以很好的帮您解决开发客户难,b2b平台效果差,主动出击开发海外优质客户,快速成交订单的同时培养稳定客户群。
功能(1):目标客户搜索 关键词搜索目标客户:<顶易.中国客户开发与跟踪系统>不限定行业和产品,任意设置行业关键词配合内置过滤条件,程序在内设的各大搜索引擎、工业搜索引擎、行业协会数据库搜索目标客户资料,资料内容包括客户名称、网站、简介等,1分钟,搜索数量超过1000个,过滤筛选后,批量保存到顶易中国软件客户管理模块,也可一键导出成EXCEL或是文本格式。 特定国家搜索搜索目标客户:<顶易.中国客户开发与跟踪系统>软件可以使用70多个国家的语言在全球180多个国家的当地引擎进行搜索,数据量大到我们无法想像,几乎98%的目标客户都可以在搜索引擎里被收录,使用特定语言在特定区域搜索,将令结果更加具有针对性和精准性 特定行业客户搜索:<顶易.中国客户开发与跟踪系统>可直接查询世界各大行业引擎及行业协会数据库,并不断增加行业及信息来源,正如特定国家客户搜索的道理一样,行业搜索将目标客户锁定在您感兴趣的行业范围,搜索结果同样更加具有针对性和精准性。 (搜索截图:)
功能(2):超线程爬虫拉取网站邮箱:<顶易.中国客户开发与跟踪系统>内设的“超线程爬虫“功能,可以进入每个搜索到的客户网站,把该网站上的邮箱自动拉取下来,并自动保存到顶易中国软件客户管理模块也可一键导出成EXCEL或是文本文件,30分钟可以完成在1000个网站的邮箱拉取! (提取联系方式截图:)
& 功能(3):高效邮件自动发送 内置邮件营销模块,可以搜索完客户信息后一键直接发送,也可导入已有的邮箱地址,不仅支持多账号,多主题,多模板模拟手工一对一发送,而且强大的地址有效性验证可以排除过期的邮箱和域名以及长期不登录的账号,黑名单过滤,日最大发送量设置,发送报告统计,以及支持HTML格式远远超过国内任一产品,保证了到达率同时又保证了企业在客户面前的形象! (高效邮件营销截图:
功能(4):客户资料存档,有序化管理 搜索完的客户信息可以有序化的管理起来,保存为excel或记事本格式,随时分发给业务员消化;也可一键保存到内置的客户管理模块,集新客户开发,意向客户跟进,重点客户管理为一体
功能(5):内置实用工具 内置网站及邮箱重复信息过滤,合并和交叉排除,一键翻译,关键词热度分析,邮箱地址有效性验证,邮箱地址分割,指定网站搜索,批量生成规律网址页面等功能
功能展示:QQ远程演示主动开发客户 联 系 人 :王生 联系电话:
Q Q:14 00 58 66 12 顶易科技发展有限公司手机:传真:7(联系我时,请说在网络114看到的,谢谢!)地址:江西省南昌市东湖区红谷滩第一街区A座406&&手机拍摄二维码电子名片相关产品信息顶易科技发展有限公司诚信:A&企业性质:生产商企业主营:顶易中国外贸软件&顶易中国客户管理软件&顶……年 产 值:人民币 200万-500万元员工人数:101-200人联系方式:王生企业地址:江西省南昌市东湖区红谷滩第一街区A座406小我私人简历为您提供国际外贸员小我私人简历范文,另提供小我私人简历最新资讯,热门存眷,求职必备,签约就业,手艺晋升,特色就业等相干就业的信息!...
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To find suppliers of the product you want to import, you'll need
to consult some specialized online resources.& If
you contact the embassy in the country you are interested in
importing from, they might be able to help as well. When you travel
internationally, provided you set aside time to do a little
shopping, you can always stumble upon a product you like and find
out who the manufacturer is (look on the package). I have managed
to do this several times in the course of my international career.
To save time in your quest for a supplier, you might also try
searching the Internet with specific key words, for example,
"Japan, gourmet food product manufacturers," to see what is
currently available online. Plan to attend a trade exhibition in
your industry such as Foodex,Japan's largest food show, to locate a
supplier. Alternatively, to contain costs, look into local trade
shows that feature an "international hall" to source a supplier.
For example, the International Housewares Association has an
exhibition in the United States and provides a number of benefits
to help its members increase sales globally. Other industry
associations offer similar assistance. Look into (trade shows
around the world)
Ensure a Good Fit
Here are some things to watch for to ensure a good fit between
you in your capacity as an importer and a potential supplier:
Good chemistry between you and your key contact (you can
usually tell right away!), and preferably with all of their top
management as well. This helps ensure a company-wide commitment to
the import program.
Impressive product information.
Impressive packaging, quality, convenience, and price.
A company environment that is friendly, creative, and
well-organized at both operational and administrative levels.
The company is positioned to achieve a world-class reputation
in the industry.
These traits are positive indications that you will achieve
success in your import sales efforts. Look for them on every level
as you search for a source to supply your importable product.
Can the Supplier Keep Up with Demand?
After you have found companies that manufacture the product you
wish to import, you must make sure they can keep up with customer
demand. Here are some ways you can check:
When you're narrowing your list to the most likely prospects,
refer back to the four companies mentioned above for information on
company size, sales volume, number of employees, etc.
Survey retail stores to check product availability. If you spot
a similar product to the one you are interested in importing in a
major mass-merchandising outlet, there's a good chance the supplier
can keep up with demand. But be careful here. You want to ensure
that your product is unique enough that it will not compete with
any existing product currently on the market. Contact some
out-of-state and out-of-country friends or family and see if they
know about or have purchased the product from the supplier you are
negotiating with. The wider the supplier's distribution, the
greater the likelihood that the supplier will be able to meet the
demands of your customer.
Advertising, PR, website, blog, social media -- billboards,
print ads, radio, coupons in newspaper inserts, a social media
presence, PR campaign, sophisticated website, active blog. All
these forms of company exposure improves the chance that the
supplier can keep up with consumer demand.
When you meet with a prospective supplier, ask them directly,
"Will you be able to keep up with demand -- let's say, potentially
a 1,000-case (12 units to a case) order every month?"
Can You Keep Up with the Work?
Once you've found a likely supplier, you must establish what
will be required of both of you, and ensure that you will be able
to do what it takes to carry out the proposal you're about to make.
When you set up a Skype call or send an email, you'll need to be
prepared to inspire confidence. You must have a passion for the
product that equals or exceeds the supplier's own. You must trust
your own ability to import the product before suppliers will trust
you. It's that simple. If you have doubts about your abilities,
they will have doubts, too.


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