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Destiny&#8217;s Gjallarhorn: the myth, the legend
By Paul Davies
The most desirable object in Destiny remains elusive to so many players, even after 100s of hours played. Here’s why this exotic-class RPG continues to torment those that are denied.
&#8220;Xur did sell Gjallarhorn in Week 2, for a modest 17 Strange Coins. But since many had blown most of their stash on Red Death or class-specific armour the first week, it was already out of reach.&#8221;
In Norse mythology, Gjallarhorn is the horn blown by the god Heimdallr. Its name literally translates from Old Norse as ‘loud sounding horn’, and anyone who hears it trembles.
In the Bungie/Activision videogame Destiny, Gjallarhorn is an extraordinarily cool rocket launcher that looks like it was lifted from the Louvre. Its fictitious designer, Feizel Crux, poses: “If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?” Yes, Gjallarhorn truly gives the impression of To Die For. However we all know that there’s more to its status than gold gilt livery replete with winged-wolves.
Other exotic weapons within Destiny are equally rare, among them SUROS Regime, Hawkmoon and Thunderlord. Plenty of folk own these, as do Gjallarhorn. The difference is that Gjallarhorn it is without doubt the hottest ticket in the game that a casual glance on DestinyLFG.net will confirm. Just one example: “#LFG looking to join a group on CROTA CP, 32 exp with gjally”.
There’s a certain swagger to Gjally toting Guardians perfectly counterbalanced with the suffering of those without. It’s the first requirement asked of raiders by ruthless fireteam leaders. Your presence is duly accepted with a fully upgraded specimen. Without, expect to be rudely discussed as though invisible while a replacement is sought. If you have Hunger of Crota (aka Baby Gjallarhorn) that’ll have to make do, and further down the list of target-tracking lvl.331 tubes until you’re tossed out.
Focused damage-per-second against single targets makes Gjallarhorn ideal for boss scenarios, which significantly boosts Raid efficiency. Damage radius is smaller than fellow exotic RPG Truth. It doesn’t eliminate tightly packed groups of enemies as fast as Legendary-class Hunger of Crota. But it does, without fail, waste Vault of Glass Gatekeepers within seconds, and it always puts Crota on his knees. It’s not just the initial impact of the shell that counts but the additional damage of tracking missiles. Not only does this get the job done, it looks and sounds truly spectacular. Of course you want one.
It took yours truly 500+ hours to bag the first Gjallarhorn, while a PSN friend had clocked 900+. For a very long time he listed his real name as ‘Where’s My Gjallarhorn’ – it was becoming that desperate. But while we empathise with everyone still waiting, honestly the alternatives have their advantages.
Truth excels in the Crucible owing to its proximity perk combined with maxed out blast radius, you’ll still need to equip a Legendary in the other weapon slots though – so no Vex, Hawkmoon or Thorn! Hunger of Crota does close to the same damage as Gjallarhorn, can be devastating in PvP and since it’s a Legendary means that Icebreaker need never leave that Special Weapon slot ever again… unless you’re one of those people that wait around corners clutching Murmur (curse you guys).
In order to feel better, we guess, quite a few discussion threads currently exist along the lines of ‘Would Xur Selling Gjallarhorn be a Game Breaker?’ First of all, lest we forget, Xur did sell it back in Week 2, for a modest 17 Strange Coins. But since many had blown most of their stash on Red Death or class-specific armour the first week, Gjallarhorn was already out of reach. It is amusing, though, watching YouTube videos from the time, casually skimming over the icon without much comment.
To answer that question directly though, the only game-breaking aspect that we believe possible is the hunger to keep playing in pursuit of the impossible dream. And we think Bungie’s Head of User Research, Dr. John Hopson Ph.D., provided the clearest possible insight into where the studio stands on this point when at GDC 2015 somebody asked why, after 700 hours, they were yet to score Gjallarhorn. “Unfortunately, someone had to end up being that unlucky,” came his reply.
Evidently the RNG mystique combined with the blown out-of-proportion status of Gjallarhorn will continue to drive community discussion for many moons to come.
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& 2017 VG247《命运》限时销售稀有装备急坏玩家 论坛已被吐槽声淹没
日 来源:游迅网 编辑:樱桃君
& &开发商Bungie打造的《(Destiny)》如今是美国人气最旺在线游戏之一,连Xbox掌门人Phil Spencer都自曝他已在《命运》中花费了超过300小时的游戏时间,足见这款游戏的魅力。《命运》玩家都熟悉,每周末一位叫X&r的商人NPC来到游戏世界限量销售稀有罕见的武器装备。
& &本周的X&r销售的是极为稀有的狼面火箭发射器&Gjallarhorn&,而且仅需17个奇异硬币即可。这可急坏了有些因故无法连上游戏的玩家,因为该武器被誉为非常实用的神器既能够发射威力巨大的火箭,并且有召唤狼群的能力,错过这村可就没这店了。
& &外媒记者的Polygon同事Griffin McElroy心急火燎地发信息&Chris,紧急事态!快帮帮我到我家连上Destiny游戏帮我买那个道具&因为他本周末正好因为度假在外地,而对于一个不玩该游戏的玩家来说,外媒记者根本不明白他说的是什么。
& &而夏末美国也有很多向他一样出外度假。不能赶回家游戏的玩家们在网上,纷纷感叹到自己会错过这个千载难逢的机会。可以看看Reddit上命运的相关留言。
男子买活体葫芦娃被骗笑出声,这帮人好逗! 世界政府、天龙人,谁才是世界第一邪恶组织?
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备案编号:沪ICP备号-6Gjallarhorn-Fferyllt, GjallarhornMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
There was no life in Midgard
For many times ago…
Our Gods gave it to us
And soon our time will go…
From Fenrir's genus on land
Our home and souls we must defend.
Nothing will mean for us that silence -
Calling you can hear between the winds…
Odin's sight from the sky
Invokes your heart to fight…
Keeping the sword near the heart,
We're waiting for the sign.
Out of the danger our lives
Directing by the Gods…
The Runes on our steel are glowing,
Our souls will never be bowing…
Mjellnir is dissecting the sky - let's die
Only after win of this war, we need no more.
Follow Heimdall's disturbing sound -
Gjallarhorn is sounding around.
An arrow of the lightning
Begins to kill our fear…
This sign is Thorr's reminding
That he is always near.
We'll draw the Runes on our hearts,
We'll glorify our Gods…
The last beam under Asgard
Is fading in the night…
The Twilight of the Gods
Is spilling among the clouds…
We'll draw the Runes on our hearts,
We'll glorify our Gods…
The scramble will take our souls,
Begin to whirl in dance,
Bloody dance of last fight
We must to use last chance.
From Fenrir's genus on land
Our home and souls we must defend.
Mjellnir is dissecting the sky - let's die
Only after win of this war, we need no more.
Follow Heimdall's disturbing sound -
Gjallarhorn is sounding around.
Odin's sight from the sky
Invokes your heart to die…
编辑于 17:19
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