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&& &&& ScalersTalk视译小组第75周训…
大家好:我们在2014年12月成立了视译小组并启动了训练。每周固定时间(周五晚上8:00-10:00),全体成员做现场限时视译,将语音直接发送至群内,共同讨论盲点,然后再作总结。周六至周四每天成员各自完成练习任务,最终要求每遍练习是都能在每段规定的时间内完成视译。目前小组已经进行了75次讨论,整个视译专练小组在不停地练习中。目前视译小组面向所有口译爱好者开放申请,进群要求如下,请仔细阅读。到 /100k-1 下载入群作业,内容是潘基文在CICA的讲话,视译一遍,并且录成文件,你不用完美主义,也不用担心疑虑,哪怕做的不是很好,也要有勇气录音和提交,这是开始提高的第一步。录音结束后,整理这篇文章中每个段落的词组译法和顺译时句式连接的重点难点,整理成word文档,可参照视译小组往期日志。译后总结、学习是视译学习的关键关节,请务必认真完成。一篇至少300字的英文进群申请。包括不限于以下方面。请认真写,这项任务一方面测试的是你的英文基本功,另一方面是在以后在你偷懒的时候,用来打脸的。英语笔译、口译水平,之前的翻译学习经历和个人基本情况英汉、汉英视译学习的规划和投入视译学习可能会有怎样的风险困难,打算如何克服其他你认为有必要的信息重要的是,两个文档都要用Markdown语言编辑,请尽量把下面这条链接里提到的格式都用到你的文档中,不对的话会被退回重写,因为日后参与复盘时必须要交Markdown格式的复盘稿:&Markdown语言学习: /p/q81RER &请将一份录音和两份word文档提交给ScalersTalk口译ABC群中的宁宁(28366####),如果不在群中,请加入C群——群号,验证消息ScalersTalk。群中将清理连续7天没有行动的成员,如遇特殊情况可请假,但不能超过一周,否则需要退出小组,再次进入时需要重新申请。要求严格也是为了让大家周围有一群上进的小伙伴。往期日志:今天和大家分享的是第75周训练日志,是英国外交官员对亚太局势的评论,本文是第二部分,第一部分的原文和注释请见73周训练日志。每段原文后面的两个数字分别是本段的字数和完成口译的最长时间。本文的译文和注释是在视译小组全体成员7月29日晚现场视译后交流讨论的结果,用词和句序是按照同声传译的要求给出的。如果你全部跟着视译小组的节奏前进,你很快会发现你的行动量和你以前纠结和犹豫的那段时间相比,根本就是天壤之别。最后,给视译小组成员的话。在视译现场演练时,不要预先看全文,遇到不认识的词不要停下来去查证,依靠自己认识和会说的内容尽量讲完整的句子,力争在现场翻译时就达到每段规定的秒数要求;在平常的练习中,则既要保持速度,又要注意总结词汇缺省译法、固定搭配的译法和常用的衔接手段。时刻监测自己的训练状态与进步情况。持续不断地练习是取得进步的制胜法宝。如若遭遇到瓶颈期则需多总结思考,并且与小组成员反馈交流。 &
第75周视译:英译汉周末现场练习部分The fact it will be a genuinely multinational and democratic body is due in large part to the role that the UK, working with others, played in shaping its formation. The AIIB will be complementary to existing multilateral banks, most notably the Asian Development Bank, with which it will co-finance its initial projects. We are well represented within the Bank, with former Chief Secretary to the Treasury Sir Danny Alexander appointed Vice President, and the UK leading a constituency of non-Eurozone European countries. China wants to play an increased role in the international system, and it has the will and wherewithal to do so. Our engagement, constructive criticism and sharing of expertise are crucial to ensure that this enhances the existing system, rather than undermining it.The dynamic shift under way in Asia Pacific is not simply a question of great power politics: it reflects important trends within nations. //149, 50s [1] &这将会成为一个多国参与的民主机构,主要是因为英国和其他国家一道推动了它的形成。亚投行与现有多边银行互为补充,特别是与亚洲开发银行一道,共同融资初始项目。我们在亚投行极具代表性,前财政部秘书长丹尼o亚历山大爵士被任命为副行长,英国引领非欧元区欧洲国家(的发展)。中国想要发挥更大的作用,影响国际体系,并且中国有意愿和实力。我们的接触、建设性意见和经验交流非常重要,可以强化现有体系,而非破坏它。这一充满活力的转变发生在亚太地区,这不仅仅是一个强权政治的问题,也反映出重要的趋势。“The fact it will be a genuinely multinational and democratic body is due in large part to the role that the UK, working with others, played in shaping its formation.”译为“这将会成为一个多国参与的民主机构,主要是因为英国和其他国家一道推动了它的形成”。the fact省略,没必要翻译出来;本句主干是the fact +is due to+ the role,fact后面接从句,role后接that引导的定语从句。“We are well represented within the Bank, with former Chief Secretary to the Treasury Sir Danny Alexander appointed Vice President, and the UK leading a constituency of non-Eurozone European countries”,译为“我们在亚投行极具代表性,前财政部秘书长丹尼o亚历山大爵士被任命为副行长,英国引领非欧元区欧洲国家(的发展)”。Chief Secretary to the Treasury财政部秘书长/首席秘书,特别注意介词to。句法结构:主句we are represented(实词开句), with…, and the UK leading(介词和分词)…,这就是造长句的方式之一,顺译时,则需要把介词动词化或根据语境省略,“with former Chief Secretary to the Treasury Sir Danny Alexander appointed Vice President”顺译为“前财政部秘书长丹尼o亚历山大爵士被任命为副行长”,此处的被动appointed如果要变为主动需要换词,比如“担任副行长”。lead a constituency of non-Eurozone European countries 英国引领非欧元区国家(的发展)Another recent development with implications for the wider region and beyond is the democratic election of a new National League for Democracy Government in Burma, marking a return to democracy after decades of military rule. The release of political prisoners over the last week is a welcome sign of that return to democracy and an important step forward for the new government. We will be encouraging the new government to build on this early demonstration of commitment to human rights and rule of law, and providing practical support.Beginning to tackle the issue of Rakhine and the appalling treatment of the Rohingya community will be a particular test of the NLD-led administration. Alongside the US, the UK has played a leading role in keeping Rakhine in the international spotlight. While the solution to Rakhine must come from within Burma itself, there is a supporting role for the UK and likeminded states. We have been clear that the new government must use its substantial mandate to begin making progress. //168, 56s [2] &最近的另一事态影响着更为广泛的区域——新一届全国民主联盟政府的民主选举在缅甸举行,回归民主,在几十年的军事统治之后得以实现。释放政治犯,上周的这一事件是一个积极的信号,标志着民主的回归,这也是非常重要的一步,对新政府而言尤为如此。我们将鼓励新政府在这一早期承诺的基础上保障人权、推行法制,并提供实际支持。着手解决若开邦问题和残暴对待罗兴亚族的问题(的成果)将考验全国民主联盟政府。我们同美国一道,发挥重要作用,使若开邦问题受到国际关注。解决若开邦问题,必须从缅甸内部开始。英国和立场相近的国家都给予支持。新政府必须拿出实际行动,推进民主进程。“Another recent development (近期的另一事态)with implications(影响着) for the wider region and beyond(更广泛的区域) is the democratic election of a new National League for Democracy Government in Burma(一届全国民主联盟政府的民主选举在缅甸举行), marking a return (回归民主)to democracy after decades of military rule(在几十年的军事统治之后得以实现)”。本句主干是development is the democratic election。“with implications”中将implications变动词,译为“影响”;“for the wider region and beyond”,更广泛区域;“is the democratic election of a new National League for Democracy Government in Burma”另起一句,of前的内容先存后译,译为“新一届全国民主联盟政府的民主选举在缅甸举行”。“The release of political prisoners (释放政治犯)over the last week(上周的这一事件) is a welcome sign of (是一个积极的信号)that return to democracy (标志着民主的回归)and an important step forward(这也是非常重要的一步) for the new government(对新政府而言尤为如此)”。“The release of political prisoners ”名词变动词:释放政治犯;“over the last week”译为“上周的这一事件”,介词短语译为了句子,与后面的部分相连接;“ for the new government”译为“对新政府而言尤为如此”,补出“尤为如此”,既能实现顺译、又可以避免残句。“Beginning to tackle the issue of Rakhine and the appalling treatment of the Rohingya community will be a particular test of the NLD-led administration”译为:着手解决若开邦问题和残暴对待罗兴亚族的问题(的成果)将考验全国民主联盟政府。Rakhine 缅甸若开邦,位于本国西南部,依山傍水,曾是独立王国,1784年缅人攻陷若开,40年后,第一次英缅战争打响,若开被分割;随后英国人将贸易中心从妙乌迁到实兑,大批孟加拉移民涌入,包括罗兴亚人。矛盾升级。Rohingya 罗兴亚人,若开邦阿拉干地区的一个穆斯林族群,信奉伊斯兰教,与缅甸占多数的佛教徒之间的关系一直十分紧张,移民冲突问题严峻。宗教信仰、历史冲突、贸易冲突沉淀下来的矛盾想要彻底解决还需要很长时间。若开族和罗兴亚人、以色列与巴勒斯坦、印度与巴基斯坦的冲突都有相似的原因。“While the solution to Rakhine (解决若开邦问题)must come from within Burma itself(从缅甸内部开始), there is a supporting role for the UK and likeminded states(英国和立场相近的国家都给予支持/获得了英国和立场相近的国家的支持)”。“solution to”名词变动词,译为“解决……”“must come from within Burma”译为“取决于缅甸自身”,come from within可以理解为必须从缅甸自身开始做起,所以翻译为取决于。like-minded的default为“立场相近的”。志同道合、志趣相投的朋友可以用likeminded,同义词还有on the same wavelength。“We have been clear that the new government must use its substantial mandate to begin making progress”译为:新政府必须拿出实际行动,推进民主进程。“We have been clear that”译为“我们知道/众所周知”,可省略。The other pressing issue facing Burma's new government will be reinvigorating the process seeking to bring an end to more than fifty years of conflict. We have played a lead role in supporting the peace process, and we are offering continued support to the new NLD-led administration. Burma's transition is a good sign for the wider region, where democratic institutions are not always succeeding. The UK has pursued agile diplomacy and development support, together with the US, and it has paid off.Of course Burma's is not the only reconciliation process going on in the region. In Cambodia we support the Khmer Rouge Tribunal to ensure there can be no impunity for the worst of crimes. This is a vital mechanism for the Cambodian people to establish the truth and bring about reconciliation between communities, as well as an important ingredient to build a peaceful and inclusive society, and we believe it sends a strong message on accountability and fundamental Human Rights in the region. //165, 55s [3] &另外一个紧迫的问题:缅甸新政府需要做的是重启进程,结束长达50多年的冲突,我们发挥了引领作用,支持了这一和平议程。我们持续支持全国民主联盟领导的新政府。缅甸的变革是一个良好的迹象,影响更广泛的地区,这些地区的民主制度并不完善。英国致力于灵活的外交政策和发展援助,与美国合作,已获得成效。当然,缅甸并不是唯一一个和解进程正在进行中的域内国家。在柬埔寨,我们支持红色高棉特别法庭,保证最严重的罪行必须受到惩罚。这是一个非常重要的机制,有利于柬埔寨人民,呈现真相,促进各个群体间的和解,建立和平、包容的社会。我们相信这发出了强烈的信号,呼吁问责和基本人权。“The other pressing issue(另外一个紧迫的问题)facing Burma's new government(缅甸新政府需要做的是) will be reinvigorating the process (重启进程)seeking to bring an end to more than fifty years of conflict(结束长达50多年的冲突)”.the other pressing issue facing sb,是本句的主语,在这里断开,独立成句,译为:“另外一个紧迫的问题”,将“facing”的宾语“Burma”做成主语;seek to bring an end to more than fifty years of conflict中的短语bring an end to译为动词“结束”。“Burma's transition(缅甸的变革)is a good sign(是一个良好的迹象) for the wider region(影响更广泛的地区), where democratic institutions are not always succeeding(影响民主制度不完善的地区)”。for wider region,介词变动词,译为:影响更广泛的地区;where引导的非限制性定语从句解释说明该地区的民主制度并不完善,所以用顺译的方法处理为:这些地区民主制度不完善。“In Cambodia(在柬埔寨)we support(我们支持)the Khmer Rouge Tribunal(红色高棉特别法庭)to ensure there can be no impunity for the worst of crimes(保证最严重的罪行必须受到惩罚”。Khmer Rouge Tribunal 红色高棉特别法庭,Khmer 高棉人,高棉的;rouge是法语词,红色,相当于red;“Khmer Rouge”是柬埔寨共产党的昵称,读者可以按“红色高棉”搜索,有关上世纪中柬关系、柬埔寨尝试进行社会主义的历史都可以了解一下。no impunity for the worst of crimes 最严重的罪行必须受到惩罚,反话正说。Impunity指的是免收惩罚,逃脱惩罚,相当于动词短语get away with,前面加一个no表示反面,即受到惩罚。并且注意impunity后面的介词搭配,用for。establish the truth 呈现真相“we believe(我们相信)it sends a strong message(这发出了强烈的信号) on accountability and fundamental Human Rights(呼吁问责和基本人权)in the region(造福本地区)”。介词on变动词,动词选择是根据动宾搭配来完成,on accountability and fundamental Human Rights译为:“呼吁问责和基本人权”;in the region介词in变动词,译为:造福本地区,此处如果时间太紧张,可省略。I do not want to give the impression that we think everything across Asia Pacific is inexorably moving in the right direction. The regime in North Korea has shown in recent days that it remains dangerously willing to provoke its neighbours and a very real threat to regional and global security. The failed launch of its intermediate ballistic missile on Friday is just another example of this increasingly provocative behaviour. North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons remains a gravely concerning international issue: proactive UK diplomacy and engagement with the regime is used to deliver frank and robust messages, in support of the international concern that this programme is halted.We must exert pressure through sanctions on the North Korean regime to deter it from this dangerous pursuit of nuclear weapons, and be united in condemning the continued violation of UN Security Council Resolutions by the regime. //146, 49s [4] &我不想留下这样的印象——亚太地区的一切事务都朝着正确方向发展。朝鲜政府近期仍在挑衅邻国,威胁地区和国际安全。中程弹道导弹的失败显示出日益严重的挑衅行为。朝鲜仍寻求发展核武器,成为一项重大的国际问题:英国采取积极行动,(同朝鲜)开展外交和接触,发出了坦诚而强有力的信号——响应国际关切,停止该项目。我们必须施加压力,制裁朝鲜政府,威慑其放弃发展核武器。我们要团结一致,谴责(朝鲜政府)违反联合国安理会决议的行为。“The regime in North Korea (朝鲜政府/当局)has shown in recent days (近期)that it remains dangerously willing to provoke its neighbours(仍在挑衅邻国)and a very real threat to regional and global security(严重威胁地区和国际安全)”。该句要重视名词变动词的译法“and a very real threat to regional and global security”译为“威胁地区和国际安全”,将名词a threat译为动词词性的威胁,修饰动词。“North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons(朝鲜需求发展核武器) remains a gravely concerning international issue(成为一项重大的国际问题)”。a gravely concerning international issue还可以译为“深刻牵动着国际社会的神经。The UK worked closely with the US in securing the latest UN Security Council Resolution 2270, which contained some of the toughest measures yet – designed to restrict technology transfers and impede efforts to secure a deployable nuclear weapon. We are working alongside the US to ensure that others implement it fully and effectively.Through our Embassy in North Korea we pursue a policy of critical engagement, taking every opportunity to send tough messages to the regime about its nuclear programme and appalling human rights record. It is unconscionable that amid reports of widespread hardship amongst the North Korean people and human rights abuses committed by the state, the regime continues to prioritise the development of its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes over the well-being of its own people. We cannot rule out dialogue or even a return to talks, but North Korea should be very clear that this can only happen if de-nuclearisation is firmly on the agenda. //158, 53s [5] &英国同美国密切合作,推动达成最近的联合国安理会2270号决议,其中包括了采取最强硬的制裁措施,通过限制技术转移及阻止措施防止朝鲜拥有核武器。我们和美国一道确保决议的全面、有效落实。通过与朝鲜的大使馆交流,我们开展了重要的接触,借一切机会向朝鲜政府传递了有力的信号——涉及核项目以及骇人听闻的人权纪录。不可理喻的是,大量报道显示,朝鲜人民生活艰苦,人权受到侵犯,政府却仍优先发展核及导弹项目,不顾人民的福祉。我们不排除对话或重启会谈,但朝鲜必须清醒地认识到,谈判的前提是将无核化列入议程。“We are working alongside the US to ensure that others…”,work alongside可译为“和……”,主要目的是ensure。所以,译为“们和美国一道,确保……”。“North Korea should be very clear that this can only happen if de-nuclearisation is firmly on the agenda”顺译为“北朝鲜必须清醒地认识到实现的前提是撤除核武器要列入议程”。if前为结果,if后前提,因此可处理为“前提是”。Elsewhere in the region, the growing tensions in the South China Sea are driven by an assertive Chinese approach, demonstrated by an increase in land reclamation and militarisation. This is worrying for regional stability, for the principle of freedom of navigation, and for the rules-based international system on which we all rely. The visit last week of a high-level delegation of Chinese military officers led by General Fan Changlong, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, to the Spratly Islands, will do little to calm those rising tensions. The G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement on Maritime Security last week was an important signal to all claimants, setting out the expectation of the international community for a rules-based approach to the disputes.Like the US, the UK does not take a position on the underlying sovereignty claims, but we do take a firm view on how those claims should be pursued. //149, 50s [6] &在其它地方,紧张的局面出现在中国南海,推动因素是中国的积极行动,如填海造陆和军事行动。令人担忧的还有地区局势稳定和航行自由原则,以及我们遵循的国际法制体系。上周中国军官高级代表团到访,带队的是范长龙上校,他是中央军委副主席,他们到了南沙群岛,此举无助于平息紧张局势。上周的G7外长海洋安全声明发出一个重要的信号,告诉所有声索国,国际社会期待按照规则解决争端。同美国一样,英国对于主权争端不持立场,但我们会密切关注声索进展。“the growing tensions in the South China Sea”,译为“紧张的局面出现在中国南海”。介词in变动词,译为出现在……。“the visit last week of a high-level delegation of Chinese military officers”译为“上周中国军官高级代表团到访”。“visit”,名词变动词,译为“到访、访问、前往”。I have focused so far on security challenges because these are the issues where the costs of miscalculation are highest. To ensure a consistent approach, we are strengthening security relationships with our Asia Pacific partners, including those who are our traditional allies, such as Australia and New Zealand, who bring an increasing range of assets and influence to bear in Asia Pacific. We are deepening our security relationship with the Republic of Korea too, working together on maritime and cyber issues. We recently made our largest ever deployment there for the recent military exercise, 'Operation Key Resolve', working closely with the US.We will continue to speak up loudly in support of rules, and against coercion. We will ensure that the EU remains robust in the same vein. And we will continue to co-ordinate closely with the US as we do so. Projecting our values. //145, 49s [7] &我一直在关注安全方面的挑战,因为这些问题误判的成本最高。为保持一致,我们正加强安全关系,与亚太伙伴合作,其中包括传统的同盟伙伴,如澳大利亚和新西兰,它们有日渐增强的实力和影响力,影响亚太地区。我们也在加深同韩国的安全关系,合作范围包括海洋和网络问题。我们最近进行了规模最大的军事演习——“关键决心”,并与美国密切合作。我们将不遗余力地支持法制,反对遏制。我们要确保欧盟仍然强大。我们也将继续同美国密切合作,维护我们的价值观。“we are strengthening security relationships with our Asia Pacific partners”译为“我们正加强安全关系,与亚太伙伴合作”,with介词转变成动词,译为“同……合作”。“speak up loudly in support of rules”译为“大力支持法制”,speak up loudly即大声说出,此处译为“不遗余力”。So Asia Pacific today presents us with cause for celebration and concern. We celebrate its economic rise, its dynamism and the opportunities this presents us, and applaud the work done by so many to embed diplomacy and the rule of law in transitioning nations. Asia Pacific is at the heart of the global system, yet arguable has the potential to fracture the hard-won international system of rules and law, should we not stand up for it.The UK has already firmly signaled its renewed focus on the region: this focus will continue. We will continue to use agile and smart diplomacy in an Asia-Pacific century to confirm our relationships and build new ones. We will continue to work in partnership to ensure that the order which has served the global community so well for 70 years remains fit for purpose. And we stand side by side with the US in this aim. Thank you. //154, 51s [8] &因此,亚太地区如今令我们既欣慰、又担忧。我们欣赏其经济的崛起,蕴含的活力和机遇,赞赏将外交与法制推广到转型国家(的做法)。亚太地区是全球体系的中心,不过有人说亚太有可能破坏来之不易的国际法治体系,我们反对这一点。英国已经宣布了它在亚太地区新的关注点,且将会持续下去。我们将会继续采取灵活的外交政策,在亚太世纪巩固已有关系、建立新的关系。且我们将与各方合作,确保国际秩序仍然有效,70年不变,并与美国共同努力,实现这个目标。。“we celebrate its economic rise, its dynamism and the opportunities this presents us”译为“我们欣赏其经济的崛起,蕴含的活力和机遇”。名词变动词的译法。“should we not stand up for it”译为“我们应当反对这一点”。正话反说。“use agile and smart diplomacy”译为“采取灵活的外交政策”。agile即为灵活的,机智的,smart可省。ScalersTalk&ID:scalerstalk本微信公众号作者Scalers,游走在口译世界的IT从业者。微信公众号ScalersTalk,微博@Scalers,网站,口译100小时训练计划群C 成长会是由Scalers发起的面向成长、实践行动,且凝聚了来自全球各地各行各业从业者的社群。有意入会者请和Scalers直接联系,我和其他会员会和你直接交流关于成长行动等各方面的经验教训。2016年成长会持续招募中,参见
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