
编  号:青委〔号
  在党中央、国务院和山东省委、省政府的坚强领导下,在人民解放军、武警部队和社会各界的大力支持下,经过全市人民的共同努力,青岛奥帆赛、残奥帆赛取得圆满成功。  在青岛奥帆赛、残奥帆赛和抗击浒苔自然灾害工作中,任务部队广大官兵充分发扬特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献的顽强作风,始终冲锋在最需要、最艰苦的第一线,圆满完成了所担负的各项任务;中央、省驻青单位在业务上悉心指导,在工作上通力协作,在物质上大力支持,为夺取抗击浒苔自然灾害的全面胜利、成功举办青岛奥帆赛残奥帆赛,付出了艰辛努力;中央、省新闻媒体驻青机构坚持正确的舆论导向,积极主动、密切配合,为宣传奥运、宣传青岛作出了重要贡献;参与申办奥帆赛的同志认真履行职责,圆满完成了市委、市政府交给的任务,为青岛举办奥帆赛、残奥帆赛争取了机会;奥帆使者满怀热情,无私奉献,向世界展示了帆船之都的良好形象。为此,第29届奥林匹克运动会组织委员会和青岛市委、市政府决定,授予海军北海舰队等16个任务部队、青岛海关等17个中央省驻青单位和新闻机构“青岛奥帆赛残奥帆赛特别荣誉单位”,授予阚辉等116名任务部队官兵、李书玉等10名中央省驻青单位和新闻机构的同志、赵雪芳等9名为申办奥帆赛作出贡献的同志、李莉等5名奥帆使者“青岛奥帆赛残奥帆赛特别荣誉个人”。名单如下:  一、青岛奥帆赛残奥帆赛特别荣誉单位(共33个)  海军北海舰队  海军潜艇学院  青岛警备区  山东陆军预备役高炮师  中国人民解放军72681部队  中国人民解放军61419部队  海军航空工程学院青岛分院  济南军区第一疗养院  济南军区第二疗养院  中国人民解放军91206部队  武警青岛支队  武警青岛边防支队  武警青岛机场边防检查站  武警青岛消防支队  中国人民解放军71131部队  中国人民解放军71446部队  青岛海关  国家海洋局北海分局  山东出入境检验检疫局  山东海事局  济南铁路局青岛办事处  中国人民银行青岛市中心支行  中国银行山东省分行  中国卫通青岛分公司  华东民航局青岛监管办公室  民航青岛空中交通管理站  人民日报驻青岛记者站  新华社青岛支社  经济日报驻青岛记者站  中央人民广播电台驻青岛记者站  大众日报驻青岛记者站  山东电视台驻青岛记者站  山东人民广播电台驻青岛记者站  二、青岛奥帆赛残奥帆赛特别荣誉个人(共140名)  阚辉河南省焦作军分区司令员(原济南军区作战部副部长)  张新波济南军区通信部副部长  严宗保济南军区空军参谋长助理  韩杰锋山东省公安边防总队总队长  丁友光武警山东总队副总队长  李海宁青岛警备区司令员  宋宜欣中国人民解放军92635部队71-1分队副中队长  范顺强中国人民解放军91930部队4分队助理员  杨月朗中国人民解放军92212部队政治处主任  刘连国中国人民解放军91286部队司令部直工处参谋  陈前明中国人民解放军91286部队司令部雷达处参谋  刘为刚中国人民解放军92330部队司令部作战处参谋  杨志涛中国人民解放军92330部队21分队船长  孙瑞明中国人民解放军91049部队76分队分队长  侯志永中国人民解放军92267部队66分队助理工程师  熊跃进中国人民解放军92232部队副司令员  王夕华中国人民解放军92983部队保管1队队长  朱现刚中国人民解放军92429部队政治教导员  许加堂中国人民解放军92938部队108分队政治协理员  胡献民中国人民解放军92196部队副参谋长  杨传超海军长城15号艇政治委员  郭根豹海军银川舰舰长  许放海军银川舰副舰长  王继和海军西宁舰舰长  刚保占海军沧州舰舰长  肖立光海军石家庄舰副部门长  索德胜海军西安舰原政治委员  邵希文中国人民解放军91208部队副参谋长  胡永杰中国人民解放军91512部队大队长  梁亮海军寿光艇副艇长  李松涛中国人民解放军92151部队19分队分队长  靳春林中国人民解放军91215部队战勤科科长  刘培喜中国人民解放军92001部队副参谋长  张修卿中国人民解放军92001部队2分队副主任  张伟中国人民解放军92001部队28分队副队长  娄国宁中国人民解放军92001部队13分队副部门长  陈中杰中国人民解放军92292部队司令部通信参谋  唐明明中国人民解放军91051部队学兵4队队长  王卫平中国人民解放军91040部队学兵6队队长  王强海军北海舰队司令部作战处副处长  李国庆海军北海舰队司令部情报处副处长  林风谦海军北海舰队政治部秘书处群联信访办主任  隋国兴海军北海舰队政治部组织处副处长  常桂雪中国人民解放军91033部队副参谋长  托寿军中国人民解放军91049部队71分队助理工程师  贾涛海军潜艇学院政治部副主任  肖福海军潜艇学院军务处处长  吴正坤海军潜艇学院保卫处处长  于波扬海军潜艇学院军体教研室主任  周祥龙海军潜艇学院机电研究所副主任  李世令海军潜艇学院一系蓝军研究中心副教授  温常生中国人民解放军71271部队部队长  董伟中国人民解放军71271部队政治指导员  庄永真中国人民解放军71115部队部队长  张力中国人民解放军71115部队艇长  李飞中国人民解放军71115部队政治处干事  王旭明青岛警备区军务动员科参谋  姜书逸青岛警备区政治部宣保科干事  刘鑫青岛警备区门诊部政治协理员  矫立健山东陆军预备役高炮师一团57炮二营营长  杨振军山东陆军预备役高炮师二团57炮二营营长  汪琳合山东陆军预备役高炮师三团57炮一营营长  刘劲松山东陆军预备役高炮师司令部作训科科长  王宏志山东陆军预备役高炮师司令部秘群科科长  相龙华中国人民解放军72681部队政治委员  王朝军中国人民解放军72681部队副部队长兼参谋长  王涵中国人民解放军72681部队政治部组织科科长  刘佳伟中国人民解放军72695部队司令部管理股管理员  蓝孝亮中国人民解放军72729部队机械汽车分队分队长  诸玉胜中国人民解放军61419部队后勤部协理员  朱元俊中国人民解放军61419部队秘群科科长  张斌中国人民解放军61419部队士官  吴开振中国人民解放军61419部队士官  郝国徽中国人民解放军61419部队士官  李永恩海军航空工程学院青岛分院副院长  王洪利海军航空工程学院青岛分院政治部副主任  王向东海军航空工程学院青岛分院政治部保卫科科长  董海涛海军航空工程学院青岛分院培训大队八队队长  吕晓国海军航空工程学院青岛分院训练部工程师  葛殿蕴济南军区第一疗养院院长  刘德好济南军区第一疗养院政治委员  单守勤济南军区第二疗养院政治委员  张福会济南军区第二疗养院政治部主任  陈兴明中国人民解放军91206部队司令员  韦其亮中国人民解放军91206部队政治委员  刘泉生中国人民解放军91206部队政治部主任  于志军中国人民解放军91206部队训练部部长  孙晓富武警青岛支队支队长  沙诗恒武警青岛支队大队长  刘英明武警青岛支队司令部参谋  刘伟武警青岛支队大队长  刘同现武警青岛支队中队长  贺长江武警青岛边防支队政治委员  张树新武警青岛边防支队支队长  杨丕光武警青岛边防支队崂山区边防大队大队长  姚建平武警青岛边防支队市南区边防大队大队长  许瑞海海警二支队政治委员  王克岩海警二支队副支队长  张友双海警二支队司令部参谋长  丁金波海警二支队政治处主任  孙繁基武警青岛机场边防检查站站长  陈静涛武警青岛机场边防检查站政治委员  钱亮武警青岛机场边防检查站副站长  陈忠伟武警青岛机场边防检查站参谋长  赵焕光武警青岛消防支队政治委员  侯庆田武警青岛消防支队副支队长  康建富武警青岛消防支队副支队长  陈爱新武警青岛消防支队副支队长  张同臻武警青岛边防检查站站长  邵钦邦武警黄岛边防检查站站长  王建荣中国人民解放军94362部队参谋长  唐婷中国人民解放军94362部队装备处修理所技术员  王玉安中国人民解放军71131部队副团长  崔明辉中国人民解放军71131部队政治处群联干事  姜建亭中国人民解放军71446部队部队长  苏智明中国人民解放军71446部队后勤处处长  李书玉青岛海关党组书记、关长  于桦山东出入境检验检疫局局长、党组书记  张宝晨山东海事局局长  王志远国家海洋局北海分局局长  刘刻福国家海洋局北海分局副局长  曹丛华国家海洋局青岛海洋预报中心副主任  王迅中国人民银行青岛市中心支行行长  宋学春人民日报驻青岛记者站站长  徐冰新华社青岛支社副社长  刘华栋中央人民广播电台驻青岛记者站站长  程友新青岛市人大常委会原副主任  赵雪芳青岛市政府外办原主任  陈敬莘青岛市体育局巡视员  代志强国家体育总局青岛航海运动学校原校长  刘同矩原青岛市体委主任  韩惠燕青岛市体育局原工作人员  吕平青岛市体育局办公室原主任  赵传康青岛市规划局原副局长  王志敏青岛邹家帆船俱乐部经理  李莉奥运主题列车列车长  吕思清旅美小提琴家  韦唯歌唱演员、北京奥申委委员  夏雨电影演员  殷剑国家帆船队运动员::青岛理工大学-新闻网- - 中国人民解放军92212部队政治部向我校发来感谢信 Welcome to Qingdao Technological University///////////
& 日前,中国人民解放军92212部队政治部发来感谢信,向我校的大力支持表示衷心感谢。
& 为密切军民鱼水情谊,经艺术学院党总支副书记牟永川沟通,在部队举办的庆祝中国人民解放军建军89周年“海空雷霆心向党”文艺演出中,学院排出音乐141班肖良燕同学参加。排练期间,肖良燕同学不辞辛苦,任劳任怨,展现了理工学子良好的精神面貌和较高的艺术素养。她演唱的《滴答滴》得到了部队官兵的一致认可。
& 长期以来,艺术学院高度重视军民共建工作,学生支部多次赴部队开展形式多样、内容丰富的志愿服务活动。(艺术学院)
版权所有:2014 CopyRight 青岛理工大学 新闻网 All rights reserved您当前的位置:&>&&>&
基于多Agent的临床路径仿真建模方法韩仁东1, 李书章2, 杨宏桥2, 孔璐蓉1(1.北京理工大学管理与经济学院,北京 .中国人民解放军总医院,北京 100842)摘& 要:提出了一种基于多Agent的系统仿真建模方法。采用中间到两端的多层Agents组织方式,引入分区概念来表达逻辑模型中的中间层Agents。在基于中间层Agents逻辑模型的基础上抽象上层Agents和下层Agents。通过中间层各Agent的活动映射而构造的下层Agents负责特定的事务处理。中间层Agents负责协调下层Agents的信息传递,并与上层Agents进行交互。上层Agents负责协调中间层Agents之间的交互。给出了逻辑模型仿真运行的Petri net方法。最后,建立了基于多Agent的医院临床路径仿真模型,并通过系统的仿真运行,对模型的正确性进行了检验。关键词:多Agent;仿真建模;多层;中间到两端; 分区; 临床路径中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (1-05Method of Simulation Modeling Clinical Pathway Based on Multi-agentHAN Ren-dong1, LI Shu-zhang2, YANG Hong-qiao2, KONG Lu-rong1(1. School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, C2. Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100842, China)Abstract: A multi-agent based simulation modeling method was proposed, which adopted a multi-layer organizational structure of middle-layer-out to organize agents. The concept partition was introduced to represent middle layer agents of a multi-agent based simulation model. Based on the middle layer logical model, the bottom layer agents and top layer agents were abstracted. The bottom layer agents were abstracted from mapping of the activities belonging to middle layer agents. The role of bottom layer agents was focused on special transactions processing. The role of middle layer agents was focused on information transferring among bottom layer agent. The role of top layer agents was focused on coordinating the interactions among middle layer agents. A Petri net method for running the simulation of the logical model was proposed. Finally, a multi-agent based simulation model of the clinical pathway was constructed and the correctness of the model was verified via simulation running of the net system.Key words: multi- multi- middle-layer- clinical pathway&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※雷达脉冲电波环境构建方法研究王& 晶1,3,李& 智2,来嘉哲2(1.91336部队,秦皇岛 .装备指挥技术学院 重点实验室,北京 .装备指挥技术学院 研究生管理大队,北京 101416)摘& 要:简要分析了雷达脉冲电波环境。针对准确预测雷达脉冲电波在不规则地形与复杂大气条件下的衰减特性这一问题,提出了一种雷达脉冲电波环境构建方法。该方法基于抛物方程、数字高程模型,通过卷积加和抛物方程计算得出的雷达脉冲频谱电波场,能够科学地预测在实际地理环境与复杂大气条件下的雷达脉冲电波衰减特性。应用该方法基于福建沿海某地实际地理环境与气象条件进行了仿真实验,实验结果与电波传播理论吻合。得出结论:该方法具有科学性与实际应用价值。关键词:雷达脉冲电波;抛物方程;数字高程模型;大气折射指数中图分类号:TN95&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (6-06Research on Method of Construction Radar Pulse Radio Wave EnvironmentWANG Jing1,3, LI Zhi2, LAI Jia-zhe2(1. Troop 91336, Qinhuangdao 066000, C 2. The Key Lab, The Academy of Equipment Command& Technology, Beijing 101416, C3. Company of Postgraduate Management, The Academy of Equipment Command& Technology, Beijing 101416, China)Abstract: Radar pulse radio wave environment was briefly analyzed. To the difficult question of accurate prediction radar pulse radio wave’s loss characteristic in rough terrain and complicated meteorological circumstance, a method of construction radar pulse radio wave environment was put forward. By way of convolve parabolic equation produced monochromatic wave fields with the radar pulse signal spectrum, this method based on parabolic equation and digital elevation model could scientifically predict radar pulse radio characteristic in the condition of rough terrain and complicated meteorological circumstance. A simulation based on true Fujian some area’s geographical environment and meteorological circumstance was done by means of this method. The simulation results are consistent with radio wave propagation’s theory. The simulation’s conclusion is that this method is of science and practical application value.Key words: ra dig atmospheric refraction index&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※并行多路径传输的可靠性模型研究李世勇,杨& 冬,秦雅娟,张宏科(北京交通大学下一代互联网互联设备国家工程实验室,北京 100044)摘& 要:端到端并行多连接和多路径技术的应用能够提高数据传输的吞吐量,增强数据传输的可靠性,因此成为互联网研究的一个重要内容。一个应用所使用的路径可能会因为网络中存在的攻击而断掉,在失效路径可恢复的情形下,研究了并行多路径传输的可靠性,给出了相应的可靠性模型,得到了此时该应用仍能够成功完成的概率。最后给出了数值仿真,说明了并行多路径数据传输的高可靠性。关键词:互联网;多连接;多路径;可靠性中图分类号:TP393&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (2-04Research on Reliability Model for Concurrent Multipath TransferLI Shi-yong, YANG Dong, QIN Ya-juan, ZHANG Hong-ke(National Engineering Laboratory for Next Generation Internet Interconnection Devices, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)Abstract: Technologies of end-to-end multiconnection and multipath transmission can improve throughput and reliability in data transmission, which has become an important research point in Internet. Some of the concurrent paths that an application uses may be broken down by, perhaps, attacks in the network. Reliability of concurrent multipath transfer was analyzed when the failure paths could be repaired after some delay time, and reliability model was proposed accordingly. The probability that an application could be successfully completed was obtained even when there were some failure paths in the network. Finally, numerical examples verify the high reliability of successful data transmission over multiple paths.Key words: I reliability&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※地磁匹配双等值线算法仿真研究郭& 庆,魏瑞轩,胡明朗,周& 炜,沈& 东(空军工程大学工程学院, 西安 710038)摘& 要:地磁场数据的缓变特性导致地磁匹配等值线(Iterative Closet Contour Point, ICCP)算法存在着局限性,针对这种情况,在对地磁场数据特征量交叉特性研究的基础上,提出了适合地磁场数据的地磁匹配双等值线(Dual Iterative Closet Contour Point, DICCP)算法,建立了算法的模型,并对算法的粗匹配和精匹配过程进行了仿真研究,仿真结果证实了算法的有效性,特别是在降低对INS精度要求时,能够得到比ICCP算法更高的匹配精度。关键词:地磁匹配;等值线算法;双等值线;交叉特性中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (6-04Research on Dual Iterative Closet Contour Point Algorithmfor Geomagnetic MatchingGUO Qing, WEI Rui-xuan, HU Ming-lang, ZHOU Wei, SHEN Dong(Engineering college, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China)Abstract: Giving the restrictions brought forth by slow-changing character of geomagnetism data of ICCP algorithm in geomagnetism matching, a dual-ICCP algorithm of geomagnetic matching was put forward on the basis of study into the crossing characteristic of geomagnetism eigenvector. And the process of both the rude and exact matching of the algorithm was studied. As shown in the simulation, a more excellent matching precision compared to ICCP algorithm is easily acquired, especially when it comes to reduce the required precision of INS.Key words:
ICCP; DICCP; crossing character&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※基于路径诱导的高负荷路网微循环组织研究杨远舟,毛保华,张笑杰,黄& 荣,冯旭杰 (北京交通大学 中国综合交通研究中心,北京 100044)摘& 要:路径诱导是区域交通微循环组织的重要手段之一。以路网诱导的交通流效用最大为目标,兼顾高低不同负荷的车流有效规划路径上的信息诱导板数量,并利用遗传算法对模型进行了求解,得到了信息板的优化设置位置;结合中关村西区实例,首先规划了高低不同负荷的车流有效路径,并计算得到信息板设置的优化位置,然后利用VISSIM仿真,比较了路网的改善效果。仿真表明:改善后,中关村区域主干道的交通负荷降低,区域的交通旅行时间减少19.3%,延误减少38.6%,而区域内部的次干道和支路利用率增加,达到了微循环组织利用支路分担主干道交通压力的目的。关键词:区域交通组织;交通微循环;路径诱导;VMS;VISSIM中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (0-05Study on Traffic Micro-circulation Organizationin Heavy Traffic Networks Based on Route GuidanceYANG Yuan-zhou, MAO Bao-hua, ZHANG Xiao-jie, HUANG Rong, FENG Xu-jie(Integrated Transportation Research Center of China, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)Abstract: The route guidance is an important method of regional traffic micro-circulation organization. To maximize the traffic effectiveness based on the route guidance was regarded as the target, meanwhile the amount of information boards was considered at the efficient and planned paths with different load. And the Genetic Algorithm was used to solve the model, acquiring the optimization position of information boards. Considering the example of western area of Zhongguancun, the effective paths with different loads were planned at first, and the locations of information boards were optimized, then the improvement effect was gotten by the simulation VISSIM. The simulation shows that the traffic loading of the main road in the western area of Zhongguancun is reduced, the regional traffic time and delays are respectively reduced 19.3% and 38.6%. Conversely, the availability of the secondary main road and branches in regional interior is increased, which verifies that the traffic pressure of the main road is shared by the branches in the regional traffic micro-circulation organization.Key words: regional
traffic micro- VMS; VISSIM&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※镍氢动力电池电荷状态估计算法仿真研究冯旭云1,孙泽昌2,高卫民1, 姜& 炜1(1.上海汽车集团股份有限公司技术中心, 上海 .同济大学 汽车学院, 上海 201804)摘& 要:基于所建立的镍氢电池等效电路模型,将模型的各物理量和状态量之间的关系表达成离散化的状态方程。然后利用电子负载实时测得电流、电压等数据,基于自适应滤波算法对镍氢动力电池的电荷状态(SOC)估计进行仿真计算。仿真计算结果表明,在系统模型噪声统计不准确,或者模型不精确的情况下,基于等效电路模型的自适应滤波算法依然可以进行系统的状态动态估计,具有很强的鲁棒性。最后,根据试验测试结果对滤波算法仿真得到的电池SOC进行了验证,达到了较高的精度。关键词:混合动力汽车;电荷状态;电池模型;自适应滤波;算法仿真中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (5-03Simulation on HEV Ni-MH Battery SOC Estimation AlgorithmFENG Xu-yun1, SUN Ze-chang2, GAO Wei-min1, JIANG Wei1(1. SAIC Motor Cor. Limited, Shanghai 201804, C 2.Automobile Engineering College, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)Abstract: The relationship among different physical variables and state variables of the presented NiMH battery equivalent circuit model were expressed to the discrete-time state-pace function. Then, according to the data of the current and voltage tested by the battery test devices, the NiMH battery State of Charge (SOC) was estimated through the adaptive filter simulation algorithm. The analyzed results of the simulation indicate that the filter algorithm is more robust, and the battery SOC also can be estimated accurately when the system noise can not be known really and the battery model accuracy is low. Finally, the battery SOC estimation using the filter simulation algorithm was verified by some test results and has reached high accuracy.Key words: algorithm simulation&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※一种新的GPS系统多径抑制算法李国权, 吴玉成(重庆大学通信工程学院,重庆 400044)摘& 要:基于多径条件下扩频码自相关函数的几何形状及斜率,提出一种新的多斜率多径抑制算法(MSMM)。在现有DLL环路架构上额外增加一对相关器,利用相关器输出数值计算不同斜率的差值,进而估计多径引起的环路跟踪误差并予以补偿。工程实现时相关问题的处理方法也进行了分析和讨论。仿真结果表明MSMM算法能够很好地抑制多径引起的跟踪误差,并比窄相关技术具有更好的性能,比其他一些算法更简单更易于实现。关键词:多斜率;多径抑制;自相关函数;GPS中图分类号:TN911.4&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (8-04Novel Multi-path Mitigation Algorithm for GPSLI Guo-quan, WU Yu-cheng(College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China)Abstract: A novel multi-slope multi-path mitigation algorithm (MSMM) based on the shape and slope of C/A code auto- correlation function with multi-path present was proposed. Two extra correlators were added to the traditional DLL architecture to calculate needed slopes in MSMM, and then tracking error due to multi-path was estimated and compensated using them. Solutions of the involved problems in application were analyzed and given. Theory analysis and simulation results show that better multi-path mitigating performance can be acquired than narrow correlation.Key words: multi- multi- auto- GPS&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※3D Numerical Simulation of Eddy Current BrakeYI Feng-yan1, YU Ming-jin1, LIU Cheng-ye2(1. Shandong Jiaotong University, Jinan 250023, C 2. School of Automobile Engineering, Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology, Changzhou 213001, China)Abstract: A complete finite element formulation for the simulation of 3D eddy current brake was proposed. The formulation was realized by using A, -A formulation in combination with the Coulomb gauge. To consider non-rectangular shapes of geometries of eddy current brake, tetrahedral elements were employed to mesh. Distribution of the vector B(T) for 500rpm was simulated through finite element procedure. The computation procedure was applied to an eddy current brake of different rotate speed and the resulting braking torques are approximately. Finite element procedure can be used for computing and simulation.Key words: 3D; numerical simulation电涡流缓速器的三维数值仿真衣丰艳1,于明进1,刘成晔2(1.山东交通学院, 济南 .江苏技术师范学院, 常州 213001)摘& 要:为三维电涡流缓速器的仿真提供了一个完全的有限元表达式,这个表达式通过运用A, -A公式结合库仑定律得以实现.为了考虑电涡流缓速器不规则的几何形状,采用了四面体单元对网格进行划分,并用有限元程序仿真电涡流缓速器在500rpm的磁通密度分布。电涡流缓速器在不同转速下用有限元程序计算的制动力矩与测量值进行了比较,测量值和仿真数据近似一致,有限元程序可用于工程计算和仿真。关键词:电涡流;缓速器;三维;数值仿真中图分类号:U463.53+2&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (2-04&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※战场抢修资源动态重组中的并发任务选择郭& 军, 古西睿, 宋建社, 杨& 檬(西安高技术研究所,西安 710025)摘& 要:针对战时抢修资源不满足并发抢修任务需求时如何优选抢修任务的问题,首先,给出了抢修效益的定义,建立了以总抢修效益最大为目标的并发任务选择数学模型。然后,设计了一种结合基于总消耗率贪婪算法的混合遗传算法及相应的操作方案。最后,进行了仿真实验,结果表明了算法对问题的有效性。关键词:并发抢修任务; 选择;抢修效益;总消耗率;混合遗传算法 中图分类号:O224;E92&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (6-04Choice for Parallel Battlefield Recovery Missionsin Resource Reconfiguration SystemGUO Jun, GU Xi-rui, SONG Jian-she, YANG Meng(Xi’an Research Institute of High-tech, Xi’an 710025, China)Abstract: Aiming at the problem of optimize choice of battlefield recovery missions when recovery resources supply is unequal to requirement in wartime, firstly the definition of recovery benefit and the mathematical model of choosing parallel missions with maximum total recovery benefit were put forward. The hybrid GA algorithm and operating methods which combined greedy algorithm on the base of total consuming rate were introduced. The result of simulation shows that the algorithm is feasible.Key words: paral
hybrid GA&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Research on Hydrodynamic Model of Netsin Fishing SimulatorSUN Xiao-feng, YIN Yong, ZHANG Xiu-feng(Laboratory of Marine Simulation & Control, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China)Abstract: In order to simulate fishing net’s dynamic behaviors in fishing simulator, a hydrodynamic model of fishing nets was established according to lumped mass model, which divided the net into finite mass points connected with springs without mass, and influences of uniform current were taken into account. Calculated positions of mass points instituting variables of position were used to calculate connected mass points’ elastic force, and every mass point’s equations could be solely solved. To take a relative bigger step size for calculation, Newmark-β method was used to solve the equations of each mass point. Behaviors of a panel net in uniform current were simulated, and simulated results were compared with that of flume experiments, which verified model’s rationality.Key words: fishing nets’ Newmark-β method渔船模拟器中渔网水动力模型的研究孙霄峰,尹& 勇,张秀凤(大连海事大学航海动态仿真与控制实验室,大连 116026)摘& 要:为在渔船模拟器中进行渔网的动态模拟,根据集中质量法建立了渔网的数学模型,将渔网离散为由大量无质量弹簧连接的质量点的集合,并考虑了均匀流对渔网运动的影响。利用同某质量点相连的其它质量点的已知位移代替其实际位移来求解该质量点所受到的弹性力,从而可进行各质量点方程的单独求解。采用隐式Newmark-β算法求解质量点方程,增大了可进行稳定计算的时间步长。对一网片在均匀流中的运动进行了模拟,并将仿真结果同其水槽试验结果进行了比较,从而验证了模型的合理性。关键词:渔船模拟器;渔网水动力模型;集中质量模型;Newmark-β算法中图分类号:S972&&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&&& 文章编号:X (0-04&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※基于代理模型的翼型多目标集成优化设计龙& 腾, 刘& 莉, 孟令涛, 朱华光(北京理工大学 宇航学院,北京 100081)摘& 要:针对翼型优化中直接使用计算流体力学方法计算量大的问题,提出了一种基于代理模型的翼型多目标优化设计方法。使用形函数线性扰动法描述翼型外形,求解N-S方程获得翼型气动参数。采用Pareto多目标遗传算法进行优化,使用代理模型降低计算量,通过优化集成,实现优化过程自动化以提高设计效率。算例结果表明,本方法能有效降低计算成本,缩短设计周期,提高设计质量,具有一定实用价值。关键词:翼型优化设计; 多目标Pareto优化; 代理模型; CFD; ModelCenter中图分类号:V221&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (4-05Multi-Objective Integrated Optimization of Airfoil Based on Surrogate ModelLONG Teng, LIU Li, MENG Ling-tao, ZHU Hua-guang(School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China)Abstract: To reduce the computation burden of airfoil optimization with computational fluid dynamics method and numerical optimization technology, a multi-objective optimization approach for the airfoil was proposed. The airfoil geometry was formulated by linear perturbation method with shape functions, then, by solving N-S formulation the aerodynamic performance was obtained. Pareto Multi-objective genetic algorithm was employed in the optimization, and surrogate model was adopted to reduce computational cost. Due to optimization integration, automation of entire optimization procedure was achieved, which improved the design efficiency. The results of case studies demonstrate that this approach has reduced computation burden and shortened the design circle, which is also proved to be practicable in engineering.Key words:
multi-objective P CFD; ModelCenter&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※一种姿态角辅助的IMMPF算法周云锋,单甘霖(军械工程学院光学与电子工程系,石家庄 050000)摘& 要:交互式多模型粒子滤波(IMMPF)算法把粒子滤波(PF,Particle Filter)引入交互式多模型估计(IMM)算法,从而能够有效地解决非线性、非高斯机动目标跟踪问题。首次把姿态角信息引入到针对空中机动目标跟踪的IMMPF算法中,通过姿态角测量与当前运动模式的模糊关联来辨识目标的机动模式,然后把辨识结果与IMMPF算法的后验粒子权值相融合,以提高算法本身的模型分辨能力;对机动目标跟踪的仿真实验表明,该方法能够有效地改善原跟踪算法的跟踪精度和稳定性。关键词:交互式多模型;粒子滤波;目标跟踪;仿真;姿态角;模糊关联中图分类号:TN953&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (9-05Pose-angle Aided IMMPF AlgorithmZHOU Yun-feng, SHAN Gan-lin(Optical and Electronic Engineering Dept., Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050000, China)Key words: intera fuzzy associationAbstract: Interacting Multiple Model Particle Filtering (IMMPF) algorithm brings Particle Filter (PF) into the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) estimation algorithm, to effectively solve the tracking problem of Non-Gaussian and Non-linear maneuvering target. The pose angle information was firstly brought into the IMMPF algorithm, and the maneuvering mode of target was identified through the fuzzy association between the pose angle and the current m and then the association result was used to fuse with model probability of IMM to enhance its model resolving power. A simulation of maneuvering target tracking shows that the method can effectively improve the tracking accuracy and stability of the original IMMPF algorithm.Key words: intera fuzzy association&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※多晶硅铸造过程温度场模拟仿真唐亚楠, 沈厚发(清华大学机械系,北京 100084)摘& 要:多晶硅铸锭炉内温度场对多晶硅的熔化和凝固过程有着决定性的影响。根据不同工艺条件对加热炉内的温度场进行数值模拟是加热炉设计的重要部分,其中多晶硅铸锭炉边界条件的确定是一个关键问题。建立了多晶硅铸锭炉内温度场计算的数学模型,提出了一种通过PID控制原理对多晶硅铸锭炉边界条件进行反算的方法,并根据反算的边界条件就特定工艺参数下铸锭炉内温度场进行了数值模拟。研究表明,采用PID控制方法可以满足精度要求,从而基于所确定的边界条件模拟的铸锭炉内温度场结果准确。关键词:多晶硅锭;凝固;数值模拟;温度场中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码: A&&&&&& 文章编号:X (4-04Simulation for Temperature Distributionof Polycrystalline Silicon Casting ProcessTANG Ya-nan, SHEN Hou-fa(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)Abstract: The temperature distribution in the polycrystalline silicon ingot furnace is significant to the melting and solidification process of the silicon. It is important for the process design to simulate the temperature distribution in different conditions with the precise boundary conditions. A mathematical model of transient heat transfer for solidification of the polycrystalline silicon ingot was built, and a reverse computing method for defining the boundary conditions was provided based on the PID control theory. The numerical results of the temperature distribution in a polycrystalline silicon ingot furnace show that the calculation precision with the PID control method is satisfied.Key words: polycryst
temperature distribution&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※海洋环境的动态仿真系统研究赵& 鑫, 卓& 力(北京工业大学信号与信息处理研究室,北京 100124)摘& 要:采用Open Inventor作为三维建模和视景仿真的工具,构建了一套海洋环境动态仿真系统。本系统利用声纳等水下数据采集设备实时获取的海洋数据信息(如海底深度、海洋底质类型及其声学参数、舰艇潜艇位置信息等)构建三维海洋环境。本系统不仅可以满足多个用户对当前海洋环境实时仿真的需求,还允许用户能够根据各自的需求进行不同场景的定点、定时回放,并实现播放、暂停、快退、停止等功能。本系统在南海浅信区进行了海试试验。试验结果表明,此仿真系统可以取得非常逼真的仿真效果。关键词:三维可视化;海洋环境;动态仿真;实时中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (8-04 Dynamic Simulation System Based on Marine EnvironmentZHAO Xin, ZHUO Li(Signal & Information Processing Lab., Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)Abstract: The dynamic simulation system of the marine environment was constructed with Open Inventor. The platform was employed for the construction of 3D models and the simulation of marine environment. The system uses the data which are acquired by underwater devices to build the 3D marine environment. The system can not only meet the requirements of simulating the marine environments for multiple users, but also allows users to view the scenes of different position or different time according to their own requirements. Some functionalities, including play, pause, fast-backward, and stop, are also well supported. The System was tested in the shallow areas of the South China Sea. The test results show that the system meets the requirements of real-time and realistic simulation, and achieves a good simulation result.Key words: 3D real-time&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※基于dSPACE的4WS车辆硬件在环控制仿真研究陈建松, 陈& 南, 殷国栋, 任祖平(东南大学 机械工程学院,南京 210096)摘& 要:基于Matlab/Simulink/dSPACE开发了四轮转向(4WS, Four-wheel Steering)车辆控制系统的硬件在环仿真(HILS,Hardware In the Loop Simulation)快速开发平台。在此平台的基础上,利用HILS技术实现了各控制算法鲁棒性能的评价和实际车辆执行电机死区的控制,结果表明基于μ综合鲁棒控制方法有较好的综合性能。因此设计开发的4WS硬件在环仿真开发平台为先进控制算法的分析与设计、开发和评价及ECU的开发提供理论指导和技术支持。关键词:四轮转向; 硬件在环仿真; dSPACE; 鲁棒控制中图分类号:TP13; U461.6&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (2-05Study on Hardware in Loop Control Simulation for Four-wheel Steering Vehicle Based on dSPACECHEN Jian-song, CHEN Nan, YIN Guo-dong, REN Zu-ping(School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)Abstract: A Hardware in the Loop Simulation (HILS) platform for four-wheel steering (4WS) based on Matlab/Simulink/ dSPACE was developed, which could realtimely adjust the control parameters and measure the different inputs and response. With the HILS platform, the robustness and other performances for different control arithmetics were compared and operating motor deadtime for real vehicle was controlled. The results show that the μ-synthesis robust controller has better general performance. So the platform provides the theory direction and the technology support for analysis, design, development and estimate of advanced control arithmetic and design of ECU.Key words: four- Hardware In the Loop S dSPACE; robust control&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※一种求解TSP问题的改进克隆选择算法刘朝华,张英杰,吴建辉(湖南大学计算机与通信学院,长沙 410082)摘& 要:为提高人工免疫算法求解旅行商(TSP)问题的效率,提出了一种基于抗体局部最优免疫优势的克隆选择算法(Local Optimization Immunodominance Clonal Selection Algorithm),通过局部最优免疫优势,克隆扩增,动态高频变异等相关算子的操作,提高抗体亲和度成熟的效率,同时引入浓度调节,与抗体克隆删除等操作增加抗体群的多样性,在深度搜索和广度寻优之间取得了平衡。实验结果表明:该算法在收敛速度与最优解等方面均取得了较好的效果。关键词:人工免疫系统;克隆选择;局部最优免疫优势;抗体浓度;TSP中图分类号:TP18&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (7-05Novel Immune Clonal Selection for TSP SolutionLIU Zhao-hua, ZHANG Ying-jie, WU Jian-hui(School of Computer and Communication, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)Abstract: To enhance the efficiency of artificial immune algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), a novel algorithm based on Local Optimization Immunodominance Clonal Selection Algorithm was proposed. The affinity maturation of antibody was enhanced by local Optimization Immunodominance operating, clone expansion and dynamic hyper mutation and so on. Simultaneously, adjusting mechanism of antibody concentration and antibody clonal deletion were introduced into this algorithm, which enhanced the diversity of antibody and get the balance between the depth and breadth research. Simulation testing illustrates that the algorithm has a remarkable quality of convergence velocity and global convergence reliability.Key words: artificial immune system (AIS); clonal local optimiza an TSP&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※斜拉桥-EMD系统智能模型及控制仿真研究何& 敏,王建国(合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院,合肥 230009)摘& 要:基于智能算法建立斜拉桥-EMD控制系统的智能模型,并对其进行了智能主动控制的数值仿真。首先利用遗传算法优化BP神经网络的权值和阈值,由仿真数据建立斜拉桥-EMD控制系统的智能模型,代替传统的有限元模型对桥梁结构进行动力分析;然后综合模糊逻辑推理和神经网络理论设计智能主动控制策略,对智能模型进行智能主动控制,数值仿真结果表明:此方法振动控制效果良好,可以有效抑制桥梁结构地震波激励下的结构动力反应。关键词:EMD系统;斜拉桥;智能模型;智能控制;GA-BP神经网络;模糊神经网络中图分类号:TU352.1&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (2-04Simulation of Intelligent Model and Active Controlof Cable-stayed Bridge with EMD SystemsHE Min, WANG Jian-guo(School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China)Abstract: Intelligent model of a cable-stayed bridge with electromagnet-drived AMD control systems was proposed based on the intelligent algorithm, and the numerical simulation applying intelligent active control strategy was proposed. Firstly, the weights and the threshold values of the BP neural network were optimized using the genetic algorithm, and intelligent model of a cable-stayed bridge with EMD control systems was established by the simulated results extracted from the benchmark control problem of the Emerson Memorial Bridge. The innovation of the new intelligent model was to analyze the dynamic response of the bridge structure under seismic excitation, and to be substituted for conventional finite element model. Ultimately, the intelligent active control strategy was proposed adopting the fuzzy logic and the neural network. The control performance of the proposed methodology was evaluated for the Emerson Memorial Bridge. The simulated results show that the proposed intelligent active control technique can effectively mitigate the seismic response of cable-stayed bridges.Key words: electromagnet-drived AMD; cable- GA-BP ANFIS&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※基于信息反馈的任务动态管理方法研究王& 琳,寇英信,于& 雷,欧建军(空军工程大学工程学院,西安 710038)摘& 要:在分析火控系统任务管理动态特性的基础上,提出了一种基于信息反馈的任务管理方法。该方法通过采用闭环结构动态调整任务管理方案,首先设置了模糊变量和隶属度函数,然后借助模糊系统的推理规则确定局部任务管理对象,并将传感器状态的变化引入到任务管理过程中。仿真结果表明,这种方法不仅能够符合任务管理动态性的要求,而且可以有效地减少任务管理数量,提高管理的效率。关键词:任务动态管理;信息反馈;模糊规则;局部任务管理;传感器状态中图分类号:TP273.4; V557&&& 文献标识码:A&&&& 文章编号:X (6-05Research of Task Dynamic Management MethodBased on Information FeedbackWANG Lin, KOU Ying-xin, YU Lei, OU Jian-jun(The Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China)Abstract: After analysis of dynamic characteristic about airborne fire control system task management, a new task management method based on information feedback was proposed. The method adopted closed-loop form to adjust the management scheme. Firstly fuzzy variables and membership function were established. Then local task management objects were analyzed by dint of fuzzy reasoning rules. At last, in the course of task management, the change of sensors state also was adequately considered. The results of simulation show that the method not only satisfies the requirement of task management, but also effectively reduces the quantity of task, and enhances management efficiency.Key words: tas
l sensor state&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※基于贝叶斯网络的团队仿真训练情景生成方法王& 剑1,2,3, 王红卫1,2,3(1.华中科技大学 系统工程研究所, 武汉 .国家国民经济动员仿真演练研究中心, 武汉 430074; 3. “图像信息处理与智能控制”教育部重点实验室, 武汉 430074)摘& 要:对于基于EBAT的团队仿真训练,情景的有效生成直接决定了实际的训练效果。为解决随机条件下,考虑关键事件因素的情景生成问题。在对情景生成过程建模的基础上,引入训练目标、事件、关键事件等要素,提出情景贝叶斯网络模型。基于贝叶斯网络推理方法,建立情景贝叶斯网络推理的数学模型,并提出启发式推理方法。针对情景案例进行建模及推理实现,并对结果进行分析。结果表明,关键事件重要程度影响下的情景贝叶斯网络建模及启发式推理,能直接提高关键事件对情景生成结果的控制能力,从而使情景生成结果更为有效。关键词:团队训练; 仿真训练; EBAT; 情景生成; 贝叶斯网络中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (1-05Scenario Generation Approach for Team Simulation TrainingBased on Bayesian NetworkWANG Jian1,2,3, WANG Hong-wei1,2,3(1. Systems Engineering Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, C2. National Simulation Training Center for National Economy Mobilization, Wuhan 430074, C3. Key Laboratory of Image Processing and Intelligent Control, Wuhan 430074, China)Abstract: According to the team simulation training based on EBAT, the scenario is one of the most important factors to influence the training effect. In order to solve the problem of scenario generation under the stochastic conditions with the key events, a scenario bayesian network with training objects, events and key events was designed by modeling the scenario generation process. Applying the bayesian network inference approach, the mathematical model and the heuristic inference algorithm for the scenario bayesian network were proposed. The scenario bayesian network model and the inference algorithm were implemented with the scenario cases. The analytical result shows that the scenario bayesian network model and the inference algorithm with the key events, can improve the control of the scenario generation process, and makes the result of scenario generation more effective.Key words: EBAT; bayesian network&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※修剪技术与参数调整的动态模糊神经网络设计马& 莉1,樊友平2,钟& 勇1,杨文茵1(1.佛山科学技术学院计算机系,佛山 .武汉大学电气工程学院,武汉 430072)摘& 要:提出了一种新型的动态模糊神经网络算法,该动态模糊神经网络的结构基于扩展的径向基网络。其算法的最主要特点是:采用修剪技术与参数调整,从而可以获得重要的规则以及更新前提参数的中心和宽度。这一思想等价于把全局算法分解为一系列解耦的算法。最后通过对函数逼近来验证动态模糊神经网络逼近能力的有效性。仿真结果表明,由于使用了修剪技术与参数调整使得动态模糊神经网络具有紧凑的系统结构、强大的泛化能力以及快速的学习速度。关键词:动态模糊神经网络;修剪技术;参数调整;EKF中图分类号:TP391&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (6-05Design on Dynamic Fuzzy Neural NetworkBased on Pruning Techniques and Parameter AdjustmentMA Li1, FAN You-ping2, ZHONG Yong1, YANG Wen-yin1(1. Department of Computer Science, Foshan University, Foshan 528000, C2. School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)Abstract: A kind of new dynamic fuzzy neural network algorithm was proposed, and this dynamic fuzzy neural network structure is based on expansion radial base network. Its algorithm's most main feature is: the pruning technology and the parameter adjustment are used, to obtain the important rule as well as the renewal premise parameter center and the width. It is equivalent that the overall situation algorithm is decomposed into a series of decoupling algorithm. Finally, the dynamic fuzzy neural network is confirmed through approximation of function to approach ability the validity. The simulation result indicates that the trim technology and the parameter adjustment are used to enable the dynamic fuzzy neural network to have the compact system structure, the formidable pan-ability as well as the fast study speed.Key words: D-FNN; Extended Kalman Filte&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※非线性网络控制系统的T-S模糊 控制与数值仿真邓玮L,费敏锐(上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海市电站自动化技术重点实验室,上海 200072)摘& 要: 研究了一类非线性网络控制系统的控制和数值仿真问题。首先建立了非线性网络控制系统的连续时间T-S模糊模型。然后基于时变网络诱导时滞,分别设计了系统在无外部干扰和有外部干扰两种情形下的模糊控制器,同时以线性矩阵不等式(LMIs)的形式给出了控制器存在的充分条件。最后通过数值仿真验证了以上两种情形下控制器的有效性。关键词:智能控制;网络控制系统;T-S 模糊系统;稳定性中图分类号:TP273+.5&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (1-03T-S Fuzzy&& Control and Numerical Simulationof Nonlinear Networked Control SystemsDENG Wei-hua, FEI Min-rui(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Power Station Automation Technology, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China)Abstract: The control and numerical simulation for a class of nonlinear networked control Systems (NCSs) were investigated. The NCS was modeled by continuous time T-S fuzzy system. Based on time-varying network induced delays model, fuzzy controllers were developed respectively with and without disturbance. And the sufficient conditions for existence of controllers were given in linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Finally, the numerical example shows the efficiency of the proposed approach.Key words: netwo T-S stability&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※网络化反导防御系统仿真模型框架研究唐苏妍,张& 伟,雷永林,李& 群,朱一凡(国防科技大学信息系统与管理学院系统工程系,长沙 410073)摘& 要:指出当前国内攻防对抗仿真研究中,尚未体现防御方的网络化作战特点。分析了网络化反导防御系统在物理域、信息域、认知域中的体现,引入联合作战指挥中心JOCC和公共作战图像COP模型,设计了攻防对抗仿真中网络化反导防御系统的体系结构、模型组成框架、模型交互框架、模型时序框架及作战单元模型。最后以一个网络化反导防御系统为例,通过比较网络化作战前后的三个重要指标,验证了该框架的可行性及有效性。关键词:导弹攻防对抗仿真;网络化反导防御系统;仿真模型框架;统一建模语言中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (4-06Research on Simulation Model Frameworkfor Networked Anti-missile Defense SystemTANG Su-yan, ZHANG Wei, LEI Yong-lin, LI Qun, ZHU Yi-fan(Institute of System Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)Abstract: In the area of countermine simulation research in our country, the networked defense system has not been fully embodied at present. The content in Physical, Information, and Cognitive Domains of the networked anti-missile defense system was analyzed, and the models of Joint Force Commander (JOCC) and Common Operation Pictures (COP), design the architecture, composition, interfaces, model sequence and the operational unit models were proposed. A typical networked defense system proves the feasibility and validity of the simulation model framework by comparing two important indexes before and after the system networked.Key words: missile co networked anti-mi simula Unified Modeling Language (UML)&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※网络中心化仿真概念与方法研究毛少杰1,李玉萍1,林剑柠1,邓克波1,孙黎阳1,2(1.C4ISR技术国防科技重点实验室,南京 .南京理工大学,南京 210094)摘& 要:网络中心战时代需要通过网络将建模与仿真应用延伸到作战前沿,直接支持某些联合指挥与控制(JC2)关键能力的实现。但现有的建模与仿真能力无法满足这种军事应用的要求,问题的根源是现有的仿真体系结构不支持与网络中心化指控系统的无缝集成和互操作。为此,提出了网络中心化仿真的概念和方法,描述了其体系结构及与指控系统互操作的方法和机制。关键词:网络中心化仿真(NCS); 指挥控制(C2); 体系结构; 互操作中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (0-04Research on Concepts and Technique of Network-centric SimulationMAO Shao-jie1, LI Yu-ping1, LIN Jian-ning1, DENG Ke-bo1, SUN Li-yang1,2(1. C4ISR National Defence Science and Technology Key Lab, Nanjing 210007, C2. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)Abstract: In the network-centric warfare, modeling and simulation capabilities should be delivered to the battlefront by networking to directly support some key capabilities of the joint command and control. However, the existing modeling and simulation architectures are incompetent for such requirement due to the nonsupport of seamless integration and interoperation with the command and control system. To resolve such problems, network-centric simulation concept was proposed, as well as its architecture and interoperation mechanism with the command and control system.Key words: network centric simulation (NCS); command and control (C2); interoperation&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※一种仿真网格的层次化系统资源监测方法傅妍芳1,康凤举2,钟联炯1,罗鸿雁1(1.西安工业大学,西安 .西北工业大学,西安 710072)摘& 要:仿真网格作为一种新兴技术,其目的是实现资源共享。针对在网格资源、网格系统软件和网格用户行为都具有高度频繁的动态变化的特性,设计了适应原有分布交互仿真运用的新的仿真网格系统和建立了树型层次化监测模型。解决了如何实时、准确地获得仿真网格的整体信息和特定区域的局部信息,以达到及时发现故障,维护负载平衡的目的。关键词:HLA;仿真网格;网格资源; 资源监测中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (4-04Hiberarchy Method of Resource Monitoring for Simulation Grid SystemFU Yan-fang1, KANG Feng-ju2, ZHONG Lian-jiong1, LUO Hong-yan1(1. Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an 710032, C 2. Northwestern Polytechnic, Xi’an 710072, China)Abstract: The simulation grid is a new kind of information infrastructure for resource sharing. One of the characteristic is frequently dynamic with grid resources, grid system software and user’s behaviors. The tree-hiberarchy monitoring model was built and new simulation grid system was designed that adapted well to old distribution interaction simulation application, which solved that how to correctly get the real time information of all kinds of grid resources in order to detect the system failure in time and balance the load of system.Key words: HLA; resource monitoring&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※AUV发动机的ADAMS/MATLAB联合仿真研究李斌茂1,钱志博1,程洪杰1,2,刘朝晖3(1.西北工业大学 航海学院,西安 .第二炮兵工程学院,西安 .海军航空工程大学 青岛分院, 青岛 266041)摘& 要:通过对自主式水下航行器(AUV)双曲面凸轮式活塞发动机的剖析,基于ADAMS和UG得到发动机虚拟样机模型,基于MATLAB及Simulink工具箱建立了发动机的控制模型,基于ADAMS/ Control模块与Matlab/Simulink接口得到联合仿真模型,使用发动机实车相关数据验证了模型的准确性。通过联合仿真得到发动机关键部件的运动曲线、受力情况和关键部件之间的间隙对运动与受力的影响,并指出了间隙上限。仿真结果表明该方法可行、有效、实用,为水下航行器发动机的设计和优化提供了理论依据和一种现代化方法。关键词:联合仿真;自主式水下航行器;双曲面圆柱凸轮机构;虚拟样机;ADAMS;MATLAB中图分类号:TH122; TP391.72&&& 文献标识码:A&&&& 文章编号:X (8-06Co-simulation of Engine for AUV in ADAMS and MATLABLI Bin-mao1, QIAN Zhi-bo1, CHENG Hong-jie1,2, LIU Zhao-hui3(1. College of Marine, Northwest Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710072, C 2. The Second Artillery Engineering College, Xi’an, 710025, C3. Qingdao Branch, Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy, Qingdao 266041, China)Abstract: The dynamic simulation of hyperbolical- cylindrical cam piston engine for AUV was performed in ADAMS and Matlab based on co-simulation. First, the structure and principle of the engine was anatomized detailed. Second, a virtual prototype model of the engine was created by using ADAMS and UG. Third, the control model was built by ADAMS/ view, MATLAB/ Simulink and MATLAB. Fourth, the co-simulation model was established based on ADAMS/Control and Matlab/Simulink, which was consistent with the experimental data. The motion curves, forces, the influence of motion and forces which was brought by the clearance between key components were all provided through kinematics and dynamic co-simulation analysis, and the upper limit of clearance was also pointed out. The simulation results show that the method is practicality and benefits to reduce development cost of the engine, thus, a modern way for the design, improvement and optimization of AUV engine system has also been provided.Key words: co- AUV; hyperbolical-cylin ADAMS; MATLAB&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※基于Canny算子的水平集数字虚拟人图像分割算法秦绪佳, 陈新鸿, 吴正强, 王卫红(浙江工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 杭州 310032)摘& 要:组织器官的分割与提取是医学图像三维重建及可视化能准确表达其相应组织器官的前提。考虑数字虚拟人图像数据的特点,将边缘检测canny算子引入到水平集方法中,提出了一种基于Canny算子的Level Set图像分割算法,推导出了基于Canny算子的Level Set方程的解析表达式,并采用窄带法对该算法进行了数值实现。该算法结合了Canny算子精确定位边界的优点和Level Set图像空间连续演化的思想。实验结果表明,该算法可得到很好的目标分割结果。关键词:Canny 算子;Level Set;窄带法;图像分割中图分类号:TP391&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (4-04Level Set Segmentation Algorithm for Virtual Human ImagesBased on Canny OperatorQIN Xu-jia, CHEN Xin-hong, WU Zheng-qiang, WANG Wei-hong(College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China)Abstract: Segmenting and extracting tissues or organs from medical images are premises of 3D reconstruction and visualization which accurately express the corresponding organs. Considering the features of virtual human images, canny edge detection operator was import into Level set method, and a novel canny operator based Level set algorithm was proposed. The analytic expression of Level set equation was deduced. The algorithm was implemented by numerical using narrow band method. The algorithm was combined with the advantages of canny operator which could orient accurately the edge and the idea that Level set method could evolve the boundary in image defined space continuously. Experiments show that fine results can be obtained by using the algorithm.Key words: C Level S image segmentation&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※SLAM问题中的自适应序贯数据关联张海强,窦丽华,方& 浩,陈& 杰(北京理工大学信息科学与技术学院自动控制系,北京 100081)摘& 要:基于马氏距离的最近邻数据关联算法目前在SLAM中得到了广泛应用。通常假设关联对之间的马氏距离服从卡方分布,并根据设定的置信度来选择固定的数据关联阈值。但是通过使用真值运算的SLAM仿真证明关联对之间的马氏距离并非严格服从卡方分布,而是受路标分布、过程和观测噪声以及运动控制量大小的影响。对此提出利用观测数据和移动机器人状态等信息,通过虚拟关联来自适应地调整阈值的方法,并采用序贯关联方法防止路标丢失和增广滞后。仿真表明该方法可以很好地适应环境和噪声的变化,有效地防止虚假路标并降低观测丢弃率。关键词:同步定位和地图创建(SLAM);数据关联;自适应阈值;序贯关联;马氏距离中图分类号:TP242&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (8-05Adaptive Sequential Data Association in SLAMZHANG Hai-qiang, DOU Li-hua, FANG Hao, CHEN Jie(Department of Automatic Control, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China)Abstract: The nearest neighbor data association algorithm based on Mahalanobis distance has been widely used in SLAM. It is usually assumed that the Mahalanobis distance between the estimation and the observation of a landmark follows a Chi-square distribution. So the data association thresholds will be determined fixedly according to the given confidence levels. It is proved, however, with the ground truth SLAM simulations, that the Mahalanobis distance does not always follow a Chi-square distribution, but it is affected by the distribution of landmarks, process noise, measurement noise and the magnitude of control inputs. Further, a virtual association based data association method was proposed. It could produce adaptive thresholds by using all the observations and the pose estimation of a mobile robot. A sequential data association approach was adopted to prevent augmentation delay and missing landmarks. Simulation results show that the adaptive sequential data association algorithm adapts well to the change of environments and noises, and it can also avoid the false landmarks and reduce the rate of missed observations.Key words: simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM); se Mahalanobis distance&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※神经自适应动态面控制与仿真王允建1,2,刘贺平1(1.北京科技大学 信息工程学院, 北京 .河南理工大学电气与自动化学院, 焦作 454003)摘& 要:针对一类严格反馈不确定非线性系统,提出了一种神经自适应动态面控制器的设计方案。该方案改进了动态面的虚拟输入和真实输入以减小DSC的保守性,并将不确定分解为线性参数部分和非线性参数部分,两部分分别辨识。用一个BP神经网络逼近系统中所有的非线性参数部分,所需辨识的参数较少。通过合理选取设计常数,可保证所有信号最终一致有界且跟踪误差可收敛到原点的一个小邻域内。关键词:动态面控制;自适应控制;严格反馈非线性系统;神经网络;仿真中图分类号:TP13&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (3-05Adaptive Neural Network ControlUsing Dynamic Surface Control and SimulationWANG Yun-jian1,2, LIU He-ping1(1. Institute of Information and Engineering University of Science & Technology, Beijing 100083, C2. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation of Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China)Abstract: A novel design scheme of adaptive neural network with dynamic surface controller was proposed for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown uncertainty. The approach utilizes improved virtual or actual input to reduce DSC conservative, at the same time, the uncertainty were separated into two parts: one is linearly parameters, the other is non-linear parameters which can be approached by a multi-output BP neural network so as to identify the parameters of less. The closed-loop systems is uniformly ultimately bounded, with tracking error converging to a small neighborhood of origin by appropriately choosing design constants.Key words: dyn strict-feedb simulation&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※市区集送货问题的随机合理化禁忌算法郑四发1, 曹剑东2, 连小珉1, 李克强1(1.清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京 .交通运输部科学研究院,北京 100029)摘& 要:针对市区集送货问题,提出随机合理化禁忌算法进行求解。介绍了备选方案的随机合理化动态衍生方法,详细阐述基于均衡原理和代价最小原理的双特赦准则以及自适应的禁忌长度选取策略。计算实例表明,随机合理化禁忌算法能提高集送货问题求解的精度和效率。关键词:集送货;路线优化;随机合理化禁忌搜索;自适应动态衍生中图分类号:TP301&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&&&& 文章编号:X (8-05Random Reasonable Tabu Search Algorithmfor Urban Pickup and Delivery ProblemZHENG Si-fa1, CAO Jian-dong2, LIAN Xiao-min1, LI Ke-qiang1(1.State key Lab. of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing .China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Beijing 100029, China)Abstract: A Random Reasonable Tabu Search Algorithm was proposed to resolve the urban pickup and delivery problem. The random and reasonable dynamic regeneration methods for possible routes were introduced separately. The two kinds of aspiration criteria based on equilibrium principle and minimum costs were explained, and the adaptive Tabu length selection strategy was described. Calculation results show that the Random Reasonable Tabu Search Algorithm could improve both the precision and efficiency of the urban pickup and delivery problem.Key words: Random Reasonable Tabu S adaptive regeneration&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※两气动方式绳牵引指关节主动伸展的动态差异章& 军1,2,李增强1(1.江南大学机械工程学院, 无锡 .浙江大学流体传动与控制国家重点实验室, 杭州 310027)摘& 要:机器人指关节采用气动驱动牵引绳,绳牵引力克服弹簧力而关节主动伸展,靠弹簧力作用而被动逆时针转动。给出关节角位移和气压之间的数学表达式,利用节流小孔完全壅塞时、通过气体的质量流量不变的原理,在气动和气-液串联复合两种驱动方式下,建立了关节角位移与时间变量之间的动态方程。根据示例,选择不同的系统参数,仿真并分析了这两种方式下的关节角位移、角速度、压力值的动态特性。关键词:绳牵引;机器人指关节;气-液串联复合驱动;仿真中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (3-04Dynamic Difference of Active Stretched Movementfor Cable-driven Joint of Finger by Two Kinds of Pneumatic PressureZHANG Jun1,2, LI Zeng-qiang1(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, C2. The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)Abstract: The cable-driven joint of finger is powered by pneumatics or tandem compound of pneumatics-hydraulics, in which active stretched rotation of joint against the force of spring is driven by cable and passive anticlockwise rotation is done by the spring. The mathematical expression between angular displacement of the joint and pressure was established. The dynamic model between angular displacement of the joint and time variable was proposed because the flux of mass was unchangeable when the throttle was utterly choked. The dynamic characteristics about angular displacement, angular velocity of joint and pressure in cylinder with different parameters by two sorts of pneumatic systems have been further simulated and analyzed from some demonstrations.Key words: cable- rob tandem compound of pneumatics- simulation&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※两气动方式绳牵引指关节主动伸展的动态差异章& 军1,2,李增强1(1.江南大学机械工程学院, 无锡 .浙江大学流体传动与控制国家重点实验室, 杭州 310027)摘& 要:机器人指关节采用气动驱动牵引绳,绳牵引力克服弹簧力而关节主动伸展,靠弹簧力作用而被动逆时针转动。给出关节角位移和气压之间的数学表达式,利用节流小孔完全壅塞时、通过气体的质量流量不变的原理,在气动和气-液串联复合两种驱动方式下,建立了关节角位移与时间变量之间的动态方程。根据示例,选择不同的系统参数,仿真并分析了这两种方式下的关节角位移、角速度、压力值的动态特性。关键词:绳牵引;机器人指关节;气-液串联复合驱动;仿真中图分类号:TP391.9&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (3-04Dynamic Difference of Active Stretched Movementfor Cable-driven Joint of Finger by Two Kinds of Pneumatic PressureZHANG Jun1,2, LI Zeng-qiang1(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, C2. The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)Abstract: The cable-driven joint of finger is powered by pneumatics or tandem compound of pneumatics-hydraulics, in which active stretched rotation of joint against the force of spring is driven by cable and passive anticlockwise rotation is done by the spring. The mathematical expression between angular displacement of the joint and pressure was established. The dynamic model between angular displacement of the joint and time variable was proposed because the flux of mass was unchangeable when the throttle was utterly choked. The dynamic characteristics about angular displacement, angular velocity of joint and pressure in cylinder with different parameters by two sorts of pneumatic systems have been further simulated and analyzed from some demonstrations.Key words: cable- rob tandem compound of pneumatics- simulation&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※线性调频信号的仿生处理模型成彬彬1,2, 张& 海1(1.中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所,绵阳 .清华大学工程物理系,北京 100084)摘& 要:线性调频(LFM)信号在现代高分辨成像雷达和声纳中得到了越来越广泛的应用。为提高LFM信号处理的性能,提出了一种基于蝙蝠回声定位系统的仿生处理模型。该模型可以用来辨别两个具有高度重叠回波,距离几乎相等的目标。仿真结果显示该模型对LFM信号的处理与传统的匹配滤波和分数阶Fourier变换相比,具有更好的稳健性和更高的时间分辨力。这种仿生学的信号处理方法可以应用到各种线性调频的声纳和雷达系统中,以改善系统的探测性能和成像精度。关键词:仿生学;回声定位;线性调频;信号处理中图分类号:TP391.9 A&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (2-04Bionic Model for Linear Frequency Modulated Signal ProcessingCHENG Bin-bin1, 2, ZHANG Hai1(1. Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, C2. Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)Abstract: Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) signal has been widely used in modern radar and sonar for high resolution imaging. In order to improve the performances of LFM signal processing, a bionic model was proposed based on the research of bats’ echolocation system. This method is used to separate some nearly equidistant targets with high overlapped echoes. Simulation results indicate its robustness and high resolving power comparing with matched filtering and Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT). This bionic model can be used in sonar and radar to improve signal processing system. Better performance can be achieved in detection and imaging.Key words: LFM; signal processing&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※线性调频信号的仿生处理模型成彬彬1,2, 张& 海1(1.中国工程物理研究院电子工程研究所,绵阳 .清华大学工程物理系,北京 100084)摘& 要:线性调频(LFM)信号在现代高分辨成像雷达和声纳中得到了越来越广泛的应用。为提高LFM信号处理的性能,提出了一种基于蝙蝠回声定位系统的仿生处理模型。该模型可以用来辨别两个具有高度重叠回波,距离几乎相等的目标。仿真结果显示该模型对LFM信号的处理与传统的匹配滤波和分数阶Fourier变换相比,具有更好的稳健性和更高的时间分辨力。这种仿生学的信号处理方法可以应用到各种线性调频的声纳和雷达系统中,以改善系统的探测性能和成像精度。关键词:仿生学;回声定位;线性调频;信号处理中图分类号:TP391.9 A&&&&& 文献标识码:A&&&&& 文章编号:X (2-04Bionic Model for Linear Frequency Modulated Signal ProcessingCHENG Bin-bin1, 2, ZHANG Hai1(1. Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, C2. Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)Abstract: Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) signal has been widely used in modern radar and sonar for high resolution imaging. In order to improve the performances of LFM signal processing, a bionic model was proposed based on the research of bats’ echolocation system. This method is used to separate some nearly equidistant targets with high overlapped echoes. Simulation results indicate its robustness and high resolving power comparing with matched filtering and Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT). This bionic model can be used in sonar and radar to improve signal processing system. Better performance can be achieved in detection and imaging.Key words: LFM; signal processing&※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※一种改进RED算法稳定性研究范纪松1,2,武欣嵘1,刘& 杰1(1. 解放军理工大学通信工程学院,南京 . 安徽省蚌埠市}


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