
China Foreign Trade in the First Three Quarters in 2014
General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China
October 13, 2014
According to China Customs statistics, China’s foreign trade totaled RMB19.4 trillion in the first three quarters in 2014, with a year-on-year increase by 1.8%. Export rose by 3.6% to RMB10.4 trillion, while import drop by 0.1% to RMB9 trillion, so the trade surplus was RMB1.4 trillion, a rise by 35.3%.
In September of this year, China’s foreign trade totaled RMB2.44 trillion with a year-on-year increase by 11.2%. Export rose by 15.1% to RMB1.32 trillion, while import increased by 6.9 % to RMB1.12 trillion. The trade surplus was RMB190.1 billion, increased by 1.1 times.
In US dollars, China’s foreign trade totaled USD3.16 trillion in the first three quarters in 2014, with a year-on-year increase by 3.3%. Export rose by 5.1% to USD1.7 trillion, while import increased by 1.3% to USD1.46 trillion. The trade surplus was USD231.6 billion, a rise by 37.8%.
In September this year, China’s foreign trade totaled USD396.4 billion, with an increase by 11.3%. Export rose by 15.3% to USD213.7 billion, while import increased by 7 % to USD182.7 billion. The trade surplus was USD31 billion, increased by 1.1 times.
The landscape of the China foreign trade in the first three quarters this year is as below.
1. The foreign trade has turned better quarter by quarter. The foreign trade in the first quarter totaled RMB 5.9 trillion, with a decrease by 3.8%. It totaled RMB6.5 trillion in the second quarter, with an increase by 1.8%, and totaled RMB7 trillion in the third quarter, with an increase by 7.2%. Export decreased by 6.1% in the first quarter while increased by 3.4% and 12.8% in the second and third quarter respectively. Import decreased by 1.2% in the first quarter while stayed almost the same in the second quarter, and increased by 0.9% in the third quarter.
2. General trade grew steadily and processing trade increased slightly. In the first three quarters of this year, general trade amounted to RMB10.6 trillion, up by 5%, taking up 54.4% of China’s foreign trade. Over the same period, processing trade increased RMB6.2 trillion, up by 0.7%, accounting for 32% of the total.
3. Bilateral trade with major trade partners increased. In the first three quarters this year, China-EU bilateral trade increased by 10.2% to RMB2.81 trillion, accounting for 14.5% of China’s foreign trade in total. China-US bilateral trade reached RMB2.48 trillion, up by 5.2%, accounting for 12.8% of the total. China-ASEAN bilateral trade reached RMB2.13 trillion, up by 6%, accounting for 11% of the total. Bilateral trade between China and Japan increased by 0.4% to RMB1.43 trillion, accounting for 7.4% of the total.
The trade between the Mainland and Hong Kong SAR dropped by 13% to RMB1.61 trillion, accounting for 8.3% of China’s foreign trade in total.
4. Foreign trade in seven provinces and municipalities including Guangdong and Jiangsu occupied a smaller part in total national imports and exports, whereas foreign trade in mid-western region maintained momentum. In the first three quarters of this year, Guangdong continued to rank the top in foreign trade at RMB4.7 trillion. Meanwhile, foreign trade in Jiangsu, Shanghai amounted to RMB2.6 trillion and RMB2.1 trillion respectively. Beijing’s foreign trade(including central government agencies in Beijing)totaled RMB1.9 trillion. Foreign trade in Zhejiang, Shandong and Fujian reached RMB1.6 trillion, RMB1.3 trillion and RMB800.6 billion respectively. The trade volume in the above seven provinces and municipalities accounted for 77.6% of the national total, 2 percentage points lower than the same period last year.
Regarding exports, in the first three quarters of this year, Chongqing, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guangxi and Hunan in the mid-western region enjoyed a growth rate of 45.5%, 11%, 13.8 %, 21.4% and 28.6% respectively, significantly higher than the national average.
5. The imports and exports of foreign-invested enterprises and private enterprises increased, whereas that of state-owned enterprises fell slightly. In the first three quarters of this year, the imports and exports of foreign-invested enterprises generated RMB8.9 trillion, with a growth of 1.8%, accounting for 45.8% of the national total. The imports and exports of private enterprises reached RMB6.7 trillion, with an increase of 5.7%, accounting for 34.6% of the total. Over the same period, that of the state-owned enterprises was RMB3.5 trillion, with a slight decrease of 0.1%, accounting for 17.9% of the total.
6. China’s exports of electro-mechanical products experienced a slight growth, and that of traditional labor-intensive products increased. In the first three quarters of this year, the exports of electro-mechanical products amounted to RMB5.77 trillion, with a growth of 0.4%, taking up 55.4% of China’s exports. At the same period, the exports of China’s seven categories of labor-intensive products including apparel, textiles, footwear, furniture, plastics products, bags and toys hit RMB2.21 trillion, with an increase of 4.9%, accounting for 21.2% of the total exports.
7. The imports of energy resources increased yet the price declined. In the first three quarters of this year, China imported 700 million tons of iron ore, which increased 16.5% compared with the same period last year, imported 230 million tons of crude oil with an increase of 8.3%, imported 52.74 million tons of soybeans with an increase of 15.3%, and imported 3.59 million tons of copper with a growth of 10.5%.
The average prices of the above-mentioned commodities have generally fallen, among which the average price of iron ore decreased by 17.9%, that of crude oil decreased by 1.4%, that of soybean decreased by 4.6%, and that of copper decreased by 6.3%.
8. Export Leading Indicator (ELI) shows the export pressure will be slightly discharged by the end of this year. In September this year, China’s ELI stood at 43.3, an increase of 1.4 from that in August. The average ELI of the third quarter this year was 42.6, up by 1 and 0.5 respectively compared with those of the first quarter (41.6) and the second quarter (42.1). It is estimated that the pressure of export will be reduced slightly towards the end of this year.2014年我国煤炭进口的主要特点分析
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  报告大厅摘要:我国进口煤从2014年8月开始出现大幅下降之后,进口煤数量同比降幅逐步扩大。前8月我国进口煤数量同比下降5.3%,前9月下降 6.7%,前10月下降7.7%,前11月下降9.4%,全年下降10.9%。12月份,在煤炭市场供给有所回落,消费需求季节性回暖等因素作用下,我国煤炭进口量呈现反弹,环比增长29.4%。从降幅来看,虽然12月份进口量环比有所增加,但是同比降幅接近三成,拉低了全年的进口总量。
  需求仍将低速运行,煤炭价格上行动力不足,呈现低位波动态势。随着我国产业结构调整的继续深化,加之节能减排和环境保护压力加大,全国煤炭消费增长仍将低速运行,同时,国家支持发电的优惠政策相继出台,未来、水能、等清洁能源将会迎来较好的发展机会,进一步压缩火电对煤炭的需求。我国进口煤从2014年8月开始出现大幅下降之后,进口煤数量同比降幅逐步扩大。前8月我国进口煤数量同比下降5.3%,前9月下降 6.7%,前10月下降7.7%,前11月下降9.4%,全年下降10.9%。12月份,在煤炭市场供给有所回落,消费需求季节性回暖等因素作用下,我国煤炭进口量呈现反弹,环比增长29.4%。从降幅来看,虽然12月份进口量环比有所增加,但是同比降幅接近三成,拉低了全年的进口总量。
  分煤种来看,我国动力煤国内价格大幅下跌,2012年之前,动力煤价格仅在2005年小幅下跌2.2%,2012年大幅下跌 23.3%,2013年出现小幅上涨达4.8%,2014年动力煤价格再次下跌20.6%。无烟煤价格出现连续三年大幅下跌,2012年之前,仅2009 年无烟煤价格出现下跌为15%,2012年-2014年,无烟煤价格已连续下跌,跌幅达到40.2%。主焦煤价格连续四年大幅下跌,2005年主焦煤价格下跌11.9%,次年暴涨近1.8倍,2008年价格再次下跌38.5%,次年大涨30%,2011年以来,主焦煤价格已经连续四年下跌,跌幅达到 57%。同时南方港口库存压力大,国内偏低的煤价,电厂对于进口煤的需求不如去年紧俏,导致目前整体进口煤市场偏冷,处于“有价无市”状态。(如图 1)2014年,我国煤炭月度进口平均价格同比持续下跌,8月份每吨448.1元,同比下降41.5%。12月,我国煤炭价格每吨428.7元,同比下降 36.3%。
  煤炭进口关税调整,从数量和质量上严格控制煤炭进口。我国从 2009年开始成为煤炭净进口国,之后煤炭净进口不断增长,到2013年我国煤炭净进口数量超过3亿吨,占当年全国总产量的8%左右,但进口煤增速从 2012年以来一直呈现下滑态势,尤其是2014年5月以后,我国进口煤炭出现负增长,2014年全年我国煤炭进口为2.9亿吨,同比下降10.9%。从 日起,我国取消无烟煤、炼焦煤、炼焦煤以外的其他烟煤、其他煤、煤球等燃料的零进口暂定税率,分别恢复实施3%、3%、6%、5%的最惠国税率。煤炭产品零进口暂定税率已经实施多年,目的在于缓解国内煤炭供应压力,2013年我国煤炭进口3.3亿吨,同比增长13.4%,创下历史最高;零进口暂定税率的取消将成为减少国内煤炭市场供应、限制进口煤的又一举措,加上前期已出台的控制进口煤数量及质量政策,我国煤%。随着煤炭进口关税调整政策效果显现,国内外煤炭价格差距将缩小,削弱进口煤炭的价格优势,煤炭进口量将持续收缩。最新煤炭行业分析请查阅中国报告大厅发布的《》。
  煤炭供给收缩逐渐显现,煤炭行业景气度不断走低。受经济增速放缓、主要耗煤产品产量增速下降、能源结构调整等因素影响,我国煤炭消费持续下降。目前我国煤炭产能已经达到40 亿吨,在建产能达11亿吨左右。产能的大量集中释放,将进一步加剧市场供大于求的压力。国际煤炭市场虽然出现了一些新的变化,但市场供大于求的局面没有发生根本改变。2003年起,我国煤炭行业逐步走出低谷,进入高增长通道,受2009年四万亿拉动以及煤炭资源整合影响,2010年煤炭产量增速达到峰值31.7%之后,煤炭行业景气度逐渐走低,加之国家大力进行煤炭行业产量调控,煤炭增速不断下滑,尤其是进入2014年,我国煤炭行业产量调控力度不断强化,截止到2014年11月,我国煤炭产量为35.1亿吨,同比下降2.1%。
  能源结构转型以及煤炭清洁利用背景下寻找煤炭标的。2014年12 月的中央经济工作会议仍将保持经济稳定增长放在首位,但总体基调已经从单纯的追求速度转向发展的质量问题,目前我国经济仍处于转型中,但投资仍是拉动经济增长的主要动力,未来投资已经转向类似“一带一路”、“京津冀”、“长江经济带”等定向投资刺激的主线上来。同时,受我国“富煤、贫油、少气”的资源禀赋特点,未来煤炭的高效清洁利用是能源发展的必由之路。煤炭在我国一次能源中的比重由峰值的70.7%降到66%,但仍占我国能源生产总量的75%。另一方面,我国、的对外依存度分别为59%和31%,而煤炭的对外依存度仅为8%。因此,煤炭是我国基础且重要的能源,煤炭的清洁高效利用是我国最可靠的能源保障。2014年我国煤炭进口的区域主要有环渤海区域、泛珠三角区域和长三角区域,进口量分别10674.1万吨、9380.5万吨和 4302.6万吨,同比分别下降15.6%、13.4%和增长7.2%;进口均价分别为504.8元/吨、418.9元/吨和510元/吨,同比分别下降 15.6%、10.7%和16.6%。
&&&&&编 辑:徐悉
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