
It充当形式主语或者形式宾语时,可替代以下东东:一、形式主语① 主语从句、不定式多用形式主语itTo learn English well is not easy. = It is not easy to learn English well.Whether you agree or not doesn't matter. = It doesn't matter whether you agree or not.It's likely that you will win.It's believed that he can finish the task alone.② 疑问、感叹用形式主语itHow easy it is to finish the task!Is it possible for him to do the work alone? ③ 复合结构用形式主语itIt is foolish of him to cheat in the exams.It is difficult for us to distinguish the twins.It is unwise to press the child too hard.It is necessary to simplify the problem.It is wrong of you to judge a person by his appearance.④ 动名词用形式主语的不多Swimming is my favorite sports in summer.Collecting stamps is his hobby. 复合结构 sb's doingHer learning English well enabled her to get a good job.The boy's cheating in the exam cost him too much. *当表语是no use, no good时,形式主语it 更好It's no use arguing with him.It's no good regretting.Is it any use shouting like that?⑤ what 从句不用形式主语itWhat you said hurt his feelings.What you need is some help.I could not understand what he said.注意: 形式主语it和强调句的it不要混淆!!!二、形式宾语It作形式宾语可替代非谓语动词与从句① Vt + it + Oc + OI feel it hard to finish the work today.He feels it his duty to help others.I think it necessary to talk with him.I think it foolish of you to cheat in exams.I made it clear that I would never give up.I took it for granted that I had failed.* adj.只能以不定式作主语,不能以人作主语的,用for; adj. 能以不定式和人作主语的,用ofI think it kind of you to help me.I think it convenientfor you to take exercises in the gym nearby.
② 动词宾补是no use, no good用itI find swimming relaxing. (不用it)I find it no use learning like that. ③ Vt + O用it 做形式宾语的情况 I would appreciate it if you give a hand.I hate it when you talk to me with your mouth full.
编辑于 2021-12-14 10:09}
it引导的主语从句,形式主语就是it,真正的主语在句子的后面,通常是to do的不定式短语。而强调句的结构itiswas被强调部分that who句子其余部分,结构词itiswas和thatwho都是没有实际意思的,只是构成句子结构的词而已。这个强调句只能强调名词和代词,也就是主语和宾语,不能强调其他句子成分。形式主语去掉 it is…… that 后句子不完整,且是中文式的表达方式,如:It is important that we study English .我们学习英语很重要。你看,哈:去掉it is ……that 后:We study English important. ,谓语部分缺 is,完全是中文式的表达方式,当然为错句。强调句型去掉 it is……that 后,句子完整,且纯英文的表达方式,如:It was here that I saw the old man.我就是在这里看到老人的。去掉 it is …… that 后:here I saw the old man . I (主语)saw (谓语)the old man (宾语)here(地点状语)欢迎大家关注我,给我点赞}


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