
小编今天为您整理了一组印度人是如何看中国的高铁的评论,这里有各种好笑的回答,请大家欣赏一下。★对于高速火车来说是不错的进步,毕竟时间更宝贵,所以(普通百姓)有能力负担票价对于这个国家来说相当急迫。★我们也应该如此。如果国家南北和东西向的高铁真的贯通,这是个巨大的成功。★亲爱的朋友,火车也需要能源来运行,这里的能源来自于电力,电从哪里来?它同样需要石油、天然气或者煤炭,所以结果是一样的。★为什么印度人不能向中国人那样山寨?不要嫉妒了,好吗?记住:和美国竞争,而不是和中国,印度将会变得强大的。★中国之所以繁荣,是因为没有印度虚假的皿煮和种姓制度。印度人被洗脑,错误地认为选举中的投票=皿煮,而且是任何问题的解决办法。★巴基斯坦可以制造出比中国和印度更好的火车。★祝贺所有的中国人为超过其他国家并为其他国家设立新标准的毫不动摇的决心,特别是像印度那样的邻国嫉妒并只能目瞪口呆地看着中国的超高速火车。中国人认识到时间是最重要的。他们很清楚如果要发展、繁荣并成为世界上的头号强国,那么只能和时间赛跑、节约时间并赋予时间应有的价值。在中国超高速列车的进步面前,印度政府和印度铁道部只是个沉默的看客。在印度,我们仍然将旅行时速60公里至70公里的火车称为特快列车。对于我来说,从钦奈到新德里总共2184公里的旅程,乘坐所谓的特快列车(泰米尔纳德特快)需要33个小时。如果我乘坐目前中国正在营运的时速300公里的高速列车,相同的路程只要7.5小时,我节省了25.5小时。省时即获得时间、获得时间即省钱、省钱即获得快乐,而我们印度人非常不开心。印度铁路的现状是令人悲哀的,所有的车厢都已经老旧、卫生状况恶劣。在过去的10年,印度铁路没有任何现代化发展。NDA政府过去成功实施了连接印度所有大城市的高速公路金四角项目。但很不幸的是,后来的UPA政府在所谓的效率先生--经济巫师作为总理的领导下,并没有给印度人民带来省时的基础设施。如果印度政治领导人没有赋予最大的重要性,立刻推出建设和营运省时的基础设施工程,印度的超级大国梦想将只是空想。★中国很快将成为经济超级大国。由于北方邦和比哈尔邦不断增加的人口,印度正在变得越来越贫穷。只要这两个罪恶的邦仍然是印度的一部分,印度将永远不会发展。★我同意你的说法。但你是否同意这些邦是世界上最贫穷的地区,甚至比许多非洲国家还要穷。这些邦的98%的人处于贫穷,生活在贫民窟中,剩下的2%是公务员或者富有的,这对国家没有任何价值。因为这些邦破坏印度的形象,印度其余地区的人对这些邦感到愤怒。解决的办法不是掩盖事实,而是承认事实并想出解决的办法。★你可能满足于80公里至100公里的时速,但是我们需要600公里的时速。我们声称印度人是世界上最聪明的,那么为什么我们不能打败中国。。。让安纳(反腐败运动)成功吧,那样我们将看到令人吃惊的印度发展。★请不要和日本比较。原因:1、人们对高铁买单,而印度地铁的补贴更少。2、铁路上没有流浪的狗、牛和人四处闲逛,而在印度对高铁的最大危害就是这些。3、所有日本的普通铁路或者新干线,两边都有有刺铁丝网、混泥土墙或者木栅栏隔离。没有人破坏或者偷盗。而在印度,你可以看到有人破坏铁路部门修建的隔离设施。4、新干线大部分运行在专有的高架路线上。印度没有足够的资金效仿。更重的是在铁路的地上部分,存在第3点的问题。5、每一个铁路平交道口都是自动的,危险信号响起的时候,每一个人都停下来等待。而在印度,有些人殴打看守的人,拉起门杆。好吧,我在日本学习过铁路,同样在印度做过相关研究。人们可能不同意,但事实是我们没有与这种系统相对应的礼仪,并不能效仿日本。★安全问题可以通过技术轻松解决,并不是什么大问题。让我们先计划好。在中国只需要5小时就可以完成1200公里的旅行,而印度需要27小时。所以我们无疑需要高速列车来减少60%的旅行时间。这不仅可以解决火车过分拥挤的问题,而且可以使铁路系统更高效。如果中国和日本可以取得这样的成就,为什么印度不能?不幸的是,我们铁路安全系统已经过时了,要不然至少不会经常发生一列运行的火车撞上一辆停止的列车,这目前仍然出现。印度在火车事故上损失的生命比其他国家更多。唯一的不同是其他国家从事故中吸取教训,而在印度却不断发生。。。因为我们贫穷,没有现行的体制来将他们绳之以法。印度必须改善铁路基础设施,这是当务之急。★我无法理解我们的体系。进口石油非常昂贵。但是我们开始发展公路,而不是改进铁路。结果从几公里到几百公里的旅行,越来越多人使用汽车,因为这样可以省时间。类似地,长距离的话他们选择飞机,这又给进口造成沉重负担。在高架上跑的时速至少200公里的高速火车应该被提上议事日程。可以首先在客流较大的走廊上建设,比如班加罗尔至钦奈、德里至阿格拉、德里至昌迪加尔、海德拉巴至普纳。这不但可以创造就业,而且将有助于发展卫星城市,减轻大都市的负担,更不用说减少石油进口了。★这和印度有什么相关吗?我们有很多其他的事情需要关注。即使是在铁路上,我们有很多需要改进的方面,比如安全、准时等。对于印度来说,平均时速80公里至100公里已经够了。更快的速度意味着需要更多的安全措施。★很遗憾,印度的意图并不在于创新和突破性的工作。来自印度理工学院的最好的天才从事银行、咨询和IT工作。印度喜欢运用来自于国外的成熟技术。★中国正变得越来越强大,因为我们的政客沉迷于印度人民的金钱,印度的发展将不会超过中国,这对于印度来说是讽刺的。我透露一件事,人口众多使印度比其他国家更强大。在1990年,印度(GDP)相当于中国的80%,如今只相当于中国的25%,所以很明显,中国正变得越来越强大。我有一点想要说,不管做出什么决定,其他国家只要几天,印度要数月甚至数年。如果这方面改善的话,印度可能变得更强大★为什么你不认为中国在这方面非常聪明呢?与其嫉妒,你应该支持印度往这方面发展,就是复制、学习、改进,然后创新。愚蠢的印度人忘记创新吧,即使是山寨都不会!!★中国不顾专利、版权和知识产权,公然山寨任何地方的任何东西。其通过”逆向工程“,对来自俄罗斯和美国的战斗机、德国和韩国的汽车等任何产品进行复制。★知道怎么样是嫉妒吗?比如,一个人没有生产技术嘲笑其他拥有生产技术的人。然后,这个人这样安慰自己:“龟兔赛跑嘛”。★Eric,你是傻瓜吗?你不会看每天的新闻?所有的中国产品都有这样那样的问题。你们只生产含有三聚氰胺的牛奶,或者只能使用不足6月的廉价电子产品。我建议你,请保护好自己。体验没有印度技术的所有这些产品将是冒险的。不要在中国让这么多人冒险。你的国家只适合生产所谓的廉价低质的产品,所以仅限于生产小电子产品或者玩具等。★制造出最快的列车有什么了不起的,他们应该学习印度。。。我们的铁道部长可以向中国炫耀成为百万富翁的最快途径。。。印度胜利。★廉价的中国玩具火车。。。我恳求贫穷的中国人民(老人、年轻人和小孩),请不要乘坐这种火车。。。他们只是想通过你们,测试这个速度的可行性,或者火车是否真正可靠。。。★中国将会在自己的人民上测试这些不可信的技术,因为他们不重视生命。铁路运行500公里时速的列车实在是危险的。毫无疑问,中国在可持续性上终将不会成功。像中国那样的国家山寨或者偷窃技术,捣鼓出激进的技术创新来挑战最高端技术,而不是像世界上其余国家的做法,以安全得多和可持续性的方法来一步步发展。那些发达国家,比如德国、日本、法国、美国和英国拥有可靠的铁路网和技术,速度并没有超过300公里。中国作为发展中国家,对铁路技术还是生手,拥有如此愚蠢抱负是荒唐的。他们最近建设的从上海到广州的高铁,是连接上海机场和市中心的德国制造的磁悬浮列车系统的山寨品。★我敢肯定你是个心生嫉妒的印度人。山寨别人的技术有什么错吗?你知不知道每个人都山寨别人的技术后进行改进?印度人蠢到甚至不能山寨,难怪你们国家甚至不能生产小飞机、或者坦克(阿琼坦克85%的零件是进口的,哈哈)。相比之下,甚至巴西都能大量生产,哈哈。还有,印度不是从中国进口地铁列车吗?还有印度的火车跑得如此慢,速度只有比如50公里至100公里,而印度铁路事故死亡的人数是世界最高的。哈哈,无能之辈。在铁路上看到一头牛,每个人很可能跳下火车以崇拜之心饮牛尿。没错,我们都知道印度人迷恋“神牛”。在网上看到过图片,印度村民直接喝牛刚放出来的尿。有些人甚至将其煮开并贩售。哈哈,一群失败者。★没必要担心。印度有像Mannish Tiwari那样的天才,他创立自己的发音,赋予英语新的意义。可能更重要的是,他、Sibal和其他国会议员,有任何中国人、西方人等难以匹配的天质,就是对在国家高高在上的家族的衷心。正是这种特质对掏空国库的丑闻造成的实际损失,进行假设性的批驳,以某些虚假的行为来假装正直,赤裸地、公然地和无耻地和公务人员和审计人员争论竟敢暴露这些丑闻。同样的行为在BJP的发言人Chandan Mitra上显现,他对腐败尽耍戏弄,毫无严肃性。毕竟两个政党知道这些不成文的规定,假装对腐败严惩不贷,愚弄永远受苦的公众。他们都通过不可外扬的秘密聚合起来。俗话说的好,盗亦有道。
Modi government is naive as Nehru's, war unavoidable if India ignores warnings: China莫迪政府抱有跟尼赫鲁一样的天真想法,无视中国的警告,战争不可避免untitled-2.jpgDays after Modi government showed olive branch to China in the current border row, China has said that India has learnt nothing from the 1962 war.日前,莫迪政府在当前的边界线向中国展示了橄榄枝,中国曾表示,印度从 1962 年的战争中就没有学到任何东西。In an editorial, China's state run Global Times ridiculed a Times of India report where the newspaper said that experts believe minimal chance of a war between the two countries.中国的 " 全球时报 " 在一篇社论中嘲笑印度 " 泰晤士报 " 的报道,报导说专家认为两国战争的机会很小。"Fifty-five years have passed, but the Indian government is as naive as it ever was. The lessons of the 1962 war didn't last for half a centur .." 五十五年过去了,但印度政府和以前尼赫鲁一样天真,1962 年的战争教训结束才半个多世纪。Just few days back External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said that war is not a solution and that India wants to resolve disputes through talks. The same was reiterated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.几天后,外交部长苏沙玛 · 斯瓦拉杰说,战争不是解决办法,印度想通过谈判解决争端。总理纳伦德拉 · 莫迪也重申了这一点。印度网友评论:------------------------------------------Tatavarty V14769 minutes agoI am prepared to stand on the border even though I am not in army. I will not allow any country to alter my country boundaries.即使我不在军队里,我也时刻准备守护边界,我不会允许任何国家越过我们国界。Gopal Soni196417 minutes agoChinese leader r autocratic dictators being communist, Indian leaders r democratic their party and nations go hand in hand,Its all decided by parliamentary and international democratic forum.中国领导人专制独裁,印度领导人民党和国家携手并进,全部由议会和国际民主论坛决定。Ragul Handi127123 minutes agokar lo war, kya le jayega..卡尔洛战争,kya le jayega ..12945 minutes agoThey just trying to pull our legs他们只是抱我们大腿Viswanath P711747 minutes agoWhy indian media is republishing these junk editorials from intellectually bankrupt fascist,dictatorial govt.controlled Chinese medias?为什么印度媒体要转载一个失去理智,独裁,法西斯分子,专制政府控制了媒体的中国垃圾社论。Govindan Thekkay711349 minutes agoChina committed many blunders. Can any country able to digest of losing three GEMS
CPEC, Gwadar port and Artificial Island in the south China sea ) . Chinese Govt has to decide whether they want to recapture Taiwan from American Control or a small piece of land of Bhutan. If they want a piece of land then the war will be like 1973 Arab Israel war. China does not know the power of the three nations. The USA, Israel and India. We call Trimurtis. World war II is nothing as compared to 1973 Arab Israel. war. Those who are publishing this kind of articles do not know the power of Trimurtis. and India''s divine power. But India will not start a war. If China starts a war that will be the end of China. This kind of ambition is not going to work in the world.中国犯了很多错误。任何国家都可以消化失去三个 GEMS(CPEC,Gwadar 港口和南中国海的人造岛)。中国政府必须决定是否要把台湾从美国控制或一小块不丹的土地中夺回来。如果他们想要一块土地,那么这场战争就像 1973 年的阿拉伯以色列战争一样。中国不了解三国的力量。美国,以色列和印度。我们叫 Trimurtis。与 1973 年的阿拉伯以色列相比,第二次世界大战是没有什战争。那些发表这种文章的人不了解 Trimurtis 的力量和印度的神力。但印度不会发动战争。如果中国发动战争,那将是中国自取灭亡。这种野心不会在世界上发挥作用。Ashish Bagade16641 hours agoHAHAHAHAH...we got your game China...we got ur game.....We are now over your scaring tactics..in fact we are MORE THAN EVER ready to face your "Invincible" PLA...HAHAHAHAHAHAHABring it on ....u fuc*in bully...hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAH ... 我们知道你中国的把戏 ... 我们知道你中国的把戏 ..... 我们现在已经超过了你的惊吓的战术 ... 事实上,我们已经准备好面对你的 " 无敌 " 解放军 ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHABOUND 它在 ... u fuc * 在欺负 ... 哈哈哈哈哈哈Prabakar Santanam157Whether China goes to war with India or not - and whether China gets to capture those pieces of land or not - the reality is that China is the loser.The only way China can be a winner in this situation is to voluntarily take active steps to de-fuse the situation.If only the Chinese cease to be naive child like in mind set they will appreciate the above and act accordingly. Can we hope to see a more grown up, mature and wise China? Only time will tell.00ReplyFlag无论中国是否与印度开战 - 中国是否占领这片土地 - 实际上中国是失败者。中国在这种情况下唯一可以成为赢家的唯一途径是自愿采取积极措施解除了这种情况。只有中国人不再是幼稚的孩子,所以他们会欣赏上述,并据此采取行动。我们希望能看到一个更成熟,成熟和聪明的中国吗?只有时间会给出答案。A RadhakrishnanIndia has in several contexts have already indicated to China that 2017 is not 1962 and in case China wages a war with India, it will be paid a fitting reply this time. China should be warned in very clear terms the following: a )
to stop forthwith any road building in the border area of tri-junction, or b )
to face serious consequences which may also lead to all trade links with that country.印度在几个方面已经向中国表示,2017 年不是 1962 年,如果中国与印度发生战争,这次将得到明确的答复。应当非常明确地警告中国:a)立即停止三国边界地区的任何道路建设,或 b)面临严重后果,也可能导致与该国的所有贸易联系。Narendra Kaul178Chinese are shouting rather shrilling very loud to make the statement that they are the wolf and India a lamb (
wolf went on spewing logic to sound genuine in killing the lamb )
expecting India to succumb. Time for India and Indian government to call their bluff. May be time for India to talk incessantly through and in possible forums about Tibet, Aksai Chin, their involvement in J & K occupied by Pakistan etc.中国人非常大声地大声喊叫他们是狼,印度是一只羔羊(狼冒着愚蠢的逻辑来杀死羔羊),期望印度屈服。印度和印度政府称之为虚张声势的时候了。可能是印度通过和可能的西藏 Aksai Chin 论坛参与巴基斯坦占领的 J&K 的时间。Adesh Pednekar635chinese govt is trying to play psychological war and pressure technic on india through its media... idiots .. think their pressure will work on Indian中国政府正试图通过媒体对印度发动心理战争和压力技术 ... 白痴 .. 他们以为压力在印度这边Burzis Muglai4199This is media speak and not the officials of China.Do not believe the Chinese Media.这是媒体而不是中国官员。不要相信中国媒体。Subramaniam Iyer4301Please do not insult PM Modi by comparing with that idiotic imbecile Nehru. Stop that daily rubbish ranting on global news.和愚蠢的尼古鲁比较是对莫迪政府的侮辱。阻止这些垃圾新闻在全球肆虐传播。文章来源:原创翻译:五毛网 木骨桥译 原网页已经由 ZAKER 转码以便在移动设备上查看
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3秒自动关闭窗口中国改革开放以来所发生的巨变令印度网民和印度媒体印象深刻。印度Rediff网图文并茂的发表了一篇题为《中国在这些年是如何改变的》的文章。文章将1980年代的中国图片和现代中国的图片进行直观对比,清晰的表现出中国面貌发生的巨大变化。印度人如何看中国面貌的改变呢?有的印度网友惊呼:印度相当于1980年的中国。原文标题:How CHINA changed through the years原文链接:http://www.rediff.com/business/slide-show/slide-show-1-how-china-changed-through-the-years/.htmChina, the world's second largest economy will continue to see an economic boom.The average saving rate for Chinese urban households has doubled in recent years, rising from 15 percent in the early 1990s to 30 percent in 2009. China and its enterprising people have come a long way to earn an enviable status globally.Here are glimpses from China's incredible success story 中国是世界第二大经济体,将继续呈现出经济繁荣。最近几年,中国城市家庭的平均储蓄率已经翻番,从1990年代的15%上升到2009年的30%。为了获得令人羡慕的全球地位,中国和它的有事业心的人进展很大。这里可以一瞥中国令人难以置信的成功故事。(三泰虎注:原文图片较多,三泰虎仅选择几组图片)以下是印度网民的评论Go China!!by French Cuisine (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
PMAll hail the new supereconomy of the world - China. Jai ho!!所有人都向中国这个新的世界超级经济体欢呼。胜喽!&Excuses of Indiaby deepak kotnis (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AM | Hide repliesIndia will always give an excuse of no democracy as a negative to china and positive to india, but fact remains is , what the politicians do when in office for the people and not how they came to office. We focus too much on how they came to office and they dont care for the people who brought them there.Chinese politicians may not be elected by ppl but they only work in the betterment of people.Fact remains is that only 1 thing india can surpass china, producing babies.印度总是拿皿煮作为借口,把它当做对中国的否定和对印度的肯定。但事实仍然是政客在位时该做什么还是做什么,而不是竞选时为人们所做的那样。我们太过关注政客如何上任,而他们不关心将自己带到那个位置的那些人。中国政客可能不是人们选举出来的。但他们只为造福人民而工作。事实仍然是,印度唯一能超过中国的是生孩子。Re: Excuses of Indiaby Zero h (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMand for a chinese you have to take permission to do that!!! If you think that is good, better you can migrate to that country. Nothing will be equal to your freedom. You can't be happy if you are in a cage.对于一个中国人来说,你必须经过允许才能那样做!如果你认为那是好的,最好移居到那个国家。没有什么可以抵得上自由。你在笼子里是不会开心的。Re: Re: Excuses of Indiaby deepak kotnis (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
PMI dont need permission from a citizen of a 3 rd world county like u to tell me , where i need to migrate. The best shastra of all indian bloggers, migrate if u have a problem, but dont expect change.Typical 3rd world INDIANS我不需要你这样一个第三世界国家公民的允许,不需要你告诉我应该移民哪里。所有印度博客作者的最佳印度教圣典是:如果有问题就移民,否则不要期望改变。典型的第三世界印度人。Re: Re: Excuses of Indiaby deepak kotnis (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
PMFreedom again, u r such a fool. U go and see china, i promise u wont come back to ur slums again.又是自由,你真是个傻瓜。你去中国看看,我保证你不会再回到你的贫民窟。&And India..by Six Sigma (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AM | Hide repliesAfter 50 years- our train still have a hole in the ground that drops human waste onto our railway tracks!!When a foreigner enters our broken, asbestos covered grimy stations - the first thing they see is Human Shi-t and Pi-ss on the tracks!!India Shining !!!50年后,我们的火车仍然有一个地漏。人类的排泄物从那里落在铁轨上!!当外国人进入我们破烂和满地石棉的肮脏火车站时——他们看到的第一件东西就是铁轨上人类的粪和尿!!印度大放光芒!原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com&There is nothing called Indiaby Lastman Standing (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AM | Hide repliesThere is a geographic entity called the disunited states of Indian peninsula with the motto of "Corruption is our birth right".没有一个叫做印度的国家。倒是有一个叫做印度半岛分裂邦的地理实体,格言是“腐败是我们的天生权利”。Re: There is nothing called Indiaby revulagaddasreenu (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMhow do you know China is more united?, India stands 84 in corruption perception Index chinese are some 75 or so (oh the great difference after all is 9 places), mind you there is death penalty in china for severe corruption.Chinese did good things because they didnt have the right to question. In India questions come first before the endeveour and we will be left with the question even after...你怎么知道中国更团结?在清廉指数上,印度排第84名,中国人排第75名左右(哦,伟大的不同只是9个位置而已)。注意,严重腐败在中国是死刑的。中国之所以做得不错,是因为他们没有权利质疑。在印度,提案开始之前就会出现问题,甚至开始后问题也会留下来...Re: Re: There is nothing called Indiaby Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMMr sreenu,China is a dictatorship and no one can beleive figures that a dictatorship projects..The so called death penalty for corruption that you are talking about could as well be a ploy by the government to eliminate good people who do not dance to their tunes.Right to question is a fundamental right, nobody should hold unaccounted and unbridled power.中国是个*专*制*国家。没人会相信它发布的数据...你所说的所谓腐败死刑也可能是政府的阴谋,用于清除不随之起舞的好人。质疑的权利是基本权利。没人可以拥有不受审计和不受约束的权利。Re: Re: Re: There is nothing called Indiaby revulagaddasreenu (View MyPage) on Aug 09,
AMbut if you question everything without the sense of why you are questioning, what you will be left with will be questions only.There is a choke and chees difference between mindless questions and transparency. every right has to be used judiciously, and 'right to question' is also no different. Many of us just question, but barely take the steps to answer the questions, some sort of qestion masters may be!in any case what i was projecting was not the goodness of china, but why they are seemingly better than us. then we have our sort of problems and they have theirs.但是,如果你不知道自己质疑的理由而质疑一切,你所留下的将只是问题。盲目的问题和透明度之间是有致命不同的。每个权利必须审慎使用。“质疑的权利”也一样。我们许多人只是质疑,几乎没有采取措施来解决这些问题,可能就是某类提问专家!无论如何,我所要阐述的不是中国的美好,而是为什么他们似乎比我们更好。我们有自己的问题,他们也有自己的问题。&too many pro China bits on Rediffby John Lennon (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AM | Hide repliesIs Rediff Indian or Chinese? Asking since its the Indians who drive it. Guess China pays better - there've been too many 'good China' articles past few months.Rediff是印度人的还是中国人的?由于是印度人在经营,所以问一下。我猜是中国给的报酬更高——在过去几个月里,Rediff有太多“中国很棒”的文章。Re: too many pro China bits on Rediffby Amit (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMSo whats your problem. If China is doing better than India that's not rediff's problem.所以,你的问题是什么。如果中国比印度做得更好,那不是rediff的问题。Re: Re: too many pro China bits on Rediffby John Lennon (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMBut why focus on a country all the time, the one that is 'secretly' the no.1 military adversary of India. China wants to grab Arunachal and some other parts.One or two articles every 6 months on such a fast growing next superpower is okay. But not when it gets repeated like this.但是为什么一直专注一个国家、一个背地里是印度头号军事对手的国家。中国想要夺取“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”(三泰虎注:即我藏南)和一些其他地区。每六个月发表一两篇有关这个快速发展的下一个超级大国的文章是没问题的。但不是如此重复报道。Re: Re: Re: too many pro China bits on Rediffby Golden (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMi know there are people who love to be blind and remain a fool.....their hatred is so much that they just dont want to see their enemies getting any good, even if it is an open truth like sun...such people are bound to die a fool's death still they will feel that they are in the heaven....we better keep such fools at bay and try to know the world in true colour as much as possible.我知道有人喜欢盲目和继续当傻瓜......他们的仇恨如此重,以致于不想看到敌人得到任何好处,即使就像太阳那样是一个公开的事实...这类人将注定愚蠢的死去,他们却仍然认为自己是在天堂...我们最好控制这样的傻瓜,尽可能努力了解真实的世界。Re: Re: Re: Re: too many pro China bits on Rediffby Zero h (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMand such people think their country is good even if they are living in Taliban era!!!这样的人即使生活在塔利班时代,也认为自己国家是好的。&The chineseby Shareq Rezaur Rahman (View MyPage) on Aug 07,
PM | Hide repliesAh! the chinese. They all look the same! No need for democracy.阿!中国人看起来都一样!不需要民*主。&What is the truth?by Nagarajan Viswanathan (View MyPage) on Aug 07,
PM | Hide repliesNo one at least in India will truly know the realities in China due all sorts of distorted information being floated about it?But it appears that it is rich,powerful,progressive,growing,advancing even faster than all the countries in the world?Its people seem to beintelligent,talented,disciplined and hardworking?In future US may be owned by China?Are they happy?I don't know?Why even we Indians are not happy as per on study?由于各种曲解信息的传播,至少在印度没有人真正知道中国的现实。但中国看起来富裕、强大、进步,甚至比世界上所有国家发展更快。她的人民聪明、有才能、守纪律和勤劳。在未来,美国可能属于中国。他们幸福吗?我不知道。根据研究,为什么我们印度人不幸福?原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comRe: What is the truth?by Amit (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMDude, why do you say the information is "distorted". The international media is well aware about how China is advancing rapidly. India is growing only in some sectors and a very few percentage of the population is getting benefited whereas in China it is growing in every index. Being ignorant does not help India in any way.老兄,为什么你说信息是“曲解”的。国际媒体很清楚中国是如何快速前进的。印度只在某些领域发展,很少一部分人口受惠。而中国在每个领域都发展。无论如何,无知并不会帮助印度。Re: Re: What is the truth?by Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMAmit, he is saying that the information is distorted because a dictatorship always distorts its figures.Amit,他是说由于专*制政府总是歪曲数据,所以信息是曲解的。&Dont follow Chinaby sakthi (View MyPage) on Aug 07,
PM | Hide repliesChinese are slave but they dont know that, because they never experienced the freedom. Can any one in chinese media can rise the voice for Dila lama. But in India our lawyers argue for Kasab. Any one in China have a public presence organized for religion but India we can , there are lots of slavery in China but the govt kept Chinese in dark.We cant eat money or economy. Indian govt is corrupted, No proper functioning Still we are free and Im a proud Indian.中国人是奴隶,但由于没有体验过自由,所以他们不知道。是否有人敢在中国媒体为“光头”发话。但是在印度,我们的律师为卡萨布辩论。在中国,是否所有人都可以拥有公开的宗教身份?我们印度就可以。中国有许多奴隶,但政府将中国人蒙在鼓里。我们不可以蚕食金钱或者经济。印度政府是腐败的,没有起到合理的作用。然而,我们是自由的,我是一个自豪的印度人。Re: Dont follow Chinaby vijay (View MyPage) on Aug 07,
PMWell said friend. No matter what the material wealth brings comfort, if the freedom of action and thinking is curtailed by a select group of persons not elected through popular vote, the result will be only despair generation after generation till democratic liberation sets in..I am too a proud Indian tasting freedomR.Vijay说得好,朋友。不管物质财富能带来什么样的舒适,如果行动和思考自由受到一群不是普选出来的人的剥夺,结果只会是一代又一代人绝望,一直到民*主和自由的到来为止。我也是一个正在品尝自*由的自豪印度人——R.VijayRe: Re: Dont follow Chinaby Amit (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMWhat do you understand by freedom - being able to vote some corrupt politicians year after year and living like a slumdog. Please enlighten!!你理解的自由是怎么样的——可以年复一年地向某些腐败政客投票和像一条贫民窟狗那样生活。请阐明!Re: Re: Re: Dont follow Chinaby Hari Narasimhan (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMLiving an average life is better than living at the mercy of a goonda.过普通生活比在暴徒的怜悯下生活更好。Re: Dont follow Chinaby proundindian (View MyPage) on Aug 07,
PMyou seem to be a frog living in the well.你似乎是井底之蛙。Re: Dont follow Chinaby Amit (View MyPage) on Aug 08,
AMYes, you are free to spit on road, violate traffic at your will, kill someone in the name of religion, bribe the corrupt babus, vote for the most corrupt politicians as you are India.是的,你是印度人,所以你可以自由的在公路上吐痰、任意违反交通规则、以宗教的名义杀害某人、贿赂腐败的先生大人们、为最腐败的政客投票。&Concrete and Steelby shubhro ganguly (View MyPage) on Aug 06,
AM | Hide repliesWe are looking at the advancement of China only in terms of the material possession. Having loads of concrete and steel structures does not mean that at country is advanced. I was in the worli area of mumbai - I could hardly find any trees. Just huge big malls and buildings. There is not a bit of mud to be seen in the roadside. Only Concrete. No cats and dogs on the streets. No birds because there are no trees left. If this is what is known as development - I would rather stay in Bhutan. Being hygienic is good. But sanitizing everything is overdoing it. What sort of concrete jungle are we leaving for our children.我们只在物质财产上看到中国的进步。拥有许多钢筋混泥土建筑并不意味着这个国家先进。我在孟买的维里地区——我几乎找不到树。只是大商场和大楼。公路边看不到一点泥土,只有混泥土。街上没有猫和狗。由于没有树,所以没有鸟儿。如果这就是发展——我宁愿呆在不丹。讲卫生是好的。但净化一切是做过头了。我们将给自己的孩子留下什么样的钢筋混泥土丛林。原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comRe: Concrete and Steelby Vaibhav shah (View MyPage) on Aug 06,
AMvery true..I completely agree with you.非常正确...我完全同意你的看法。&china's population doubled at the same time India's populationby Siru Thurumbu (View MyPage) on Aug 06,
AM | Hide repliestripled. If we breed like rats we have to live like rats. Get over it. We still have girls pushed into marriages in their teen years. Delay marriages by 5 years and child bearing by three. If every woman in India will have only two kids when she is between the ages of 25 and 30, we would be a very different country too.中国人口翻番的同时,印度人口增至三倍。如果像老鼠那样繁殖,我们将不得不像老鼠一样生活。克服这个难关吧。我们仍然迫使女孩在青少年时就结婚。应该推迟5年结婚,推迟3年生小孩。如果印度的每名妇女在25年至30岁之间的时候只有两个小孩,那么我们印度也将成为一个非常不同的国家。&WHEN WILL CHINA OPEN ITS DOORS TO SKILLED WORKERS FROM INDIAby such jano (View MyPage) on Aug 06,
AM | Hide repliesthat way india can befit from China's development.中国什么时候会对印度的熟练工人开放。那样的话,印度可以受惠于中国的发展。&China & Indiaby Obaid Rehmani (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesHolding of successful Olympics games is one of the greatest indicators of urban development & planning. South Korea got freedom from Japan in 1950 and hosted Seoul Olympics in 1988..!! real achievement...China even if you consider from 1978 onwards took 30 years to hold Olympics...can India do the same...we are 64 years and counting since independence....and yes India and Korea had similar situations when they got their independence.成功举办奥运会是城市发展和规划的最伟大指标之一。韩国于1950年从日本手中独立,1988年主办了首尔奥运会...!!这是真正的成就...即使你认为中国从1978年算起,中国花了30年就举办了奥运会...印度能做同样的事情吗...我们独立已经64年了...是的,印度和韩国在独立时的处境类似。&Amazingby BUSH (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesAmazing.... Kudos to them.Freedom of expression would have been an icing on cake.令人吃惊...向他们致敬。言论自由将是锦上添花。&niceby Zero h (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesBut I can burn Lokpal bill publicly and question the Govt...the govt will not use Army tanks to a protest...不错。但我可以公开焚烧《公民监察法案》和质疑政府...政府不会用*坦*克来对付抗议...Re: niceby shubasrikrishna (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMyou are fit only for that. nothing productive.....你也只配那样做。不会有什么结果...&Advent of Color Photography is the MOST breakthrough thingby Argumentative Indian (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesto have happened to China.It is very clear that till the 1980s, China only had black and white photographs. Recently, they have developed Color Photography. This is the real break through change in their lives.彩色相片的出现是发生在中国身上的最大突破。很明显,中国在1980年代以前只有黑白相片。最近,他们开发了彩色相片。这是他们生活中的最大突破。&Why such a big fuss?by proundindian (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesthey reformed their economy since 1978 and 30years is not a short time for development.it's normal they make such achievements.为什么大惊小怪?他们从1978年开始改革经济。对于发展来说,30年并不短暂。他们取得如此成就很正常。Re: Why such a big fuss?by Aditi Nayak (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMBrother...we have had 54 years and still nowhere near China.老兄...我们花了54年,仍然远不及中国。Re: Re: Why such a big fuss?by proundindian (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM54 years?india begin its economy from 1991.if you say 54years,China may be 62 years from 1949.54年?印度从1991年开始经济改革。如果你说54年,那么中国从1949年开始,可能62年了。Re: Re: Re: Why such a big fuss?by Aditi Nayak (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMIn 1947, China was way behind India...and see today....So the fuss about is justified.1947年,中国远远落后印度...看看今天...所以大惊小怪是合理的。Re: Re: Why such a big fuss?by LK Advani (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMwhatever it is we are democratic country, what is use of economic prospects when you are still a controlled freedom-less place. i am quite happy with india. China will have a revolution, but when? that is the biggest question now!不管怎么样,我们是皿煮国家。当你仍然呆在一个受控制、缺乏自由的地方时,经济前景有什么用呢。我对印度非常满意。中国将会出现革命,但什么时候呢?现在那是个最大的问题!&Modern China..Good??by pondekathi (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesGuys what you are seeing is being showcased. Go and stay, travel interiors, then you wlll realise the suffocating rule of China. A country which bans "Google",stashes commuters in trains and buses with force, kills thousands and thousands of pets at one go, due to fear of rabies, skin animals alive, use animal bones, tooth and whiskers for potency, eat cat,dog, monkeys with relish..has a long way to go to become civilised in the proper sense.现代中国...好吗?朋友们,你们所看到的是用于展示的。去那呆一下,走到内陆去。你将认识到中国令人窒息的统治。一个禁止“Google”的国家,一个用武力将通勤者装上火车和大巴的国家,一个由于害怕狂犬病而一口气杀死无数宠物的国家,一个活剥动物的皮、利用动物骨头、牙齿和胡须的药效的国家,一个喜欢吃猫、狗和猴子的国家...这样的国家要成为合理意义的文明国家,还有很长的一段路要走。原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.comRe: Modern China..Good??by Arun Premraj (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMwat abt our interiors? nothing much gong on there either我们的内陆呢?那里也没有多大进展Re: Modern China..Good??by Pat Thakur (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMThey eat only animals/ birds/ reptiles/ amphibians but we eat humans too in addition to this. You mean it's this point that makes us civilised?Wake up mate & stop day-dreaming. Even if you waste ten more geneations, you can never dream of becoming developed/ civilised because the gap between developed worrld & Indians goes widening. In the beginning, the developed world was one pace ahead of India, then they went ten steps ahead. That ratio of 1:10 goes on widening tenfolds, hundredfolds etc.他们只吃动物、鸟类、爬行动物和两栖动物。但我们除了吃这些,还吃人。你意思是正是这点让我们变得文明?醒醒吧,朋友,别做白日梦了。即使再浪费十代人,你永远不要幻想成为发达和文明国家。发达世界和印度人之间的差距在扩大。起初,发达世界领先印度一步。然后他们向前走了十步。10比1的比例继续扩大10倍、100倍等。Re: Re: Modern China..Good??by pondekathi (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMAm not day dreaming man. Given the option to choose a product, I'll not buy chinese, at least 80% knowledgable people won't. Go and visit the sweat shops in industrial cities and towns of China, where workers work like slaves. Am not saying India does not have maladies like child labour, honour killings, dowry killings. At least we have the chance to make ourselves heard. Open your mind matey. What you're seeing is Promotion box of Windows Vista!!朋友,我不是在做白日梦。如果一种产品供挑选,我不会购买中国货,至少80%的知识分子不会买。去参观中国工业城镇的血汗工厂吧。那里的工人像奴隶一样劳动。我不是说印度没有童工、荣誉自杀和嫁妆不足受屈杀等那样的弊病。我们至少有机会听到这些。敞开你的心胸吧,朋友。你所看到的(就像)是Windows Vista的推广专区!(三泰虎注:Windows Vista应该说是微软的败笔,这位印度网民应该是将其类比中国)Re: Modern China..Good??by pradeep m (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMblocking facebook,google or twitter is not the end of the world,,,those Chinese have their own search engine,social network....and more over they have guts to say get out for any billion dollar company which breaks their rules...封锁脸书、谷歌和推特并不是世界末日...那些中国人有自己的搜索引擎和社交网络...更重要的是,他们有勇气叫不遵守规则的任何规模的公司滚出去...&China and Indiaby kishore malhotra (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMChinese are ahead of India simply because their leadership was more pragmatic than India`s.中国之所以领先印度,仅仅是因为他们的领导层比印度的领导层更注重实效。&sdfsdby Arun Premraj (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PM | Hide repliesmuch of india of today seems to be relevant to china's 80s pics今天的印度的大多数地方似乎类似中国80年代的相片。Re: sdfsdby Sunit Kumar (View MyPage) on Aug 05,
PMYou have said it. Infact India is where China was in 1980, imagine we are just 30 years behind China !!!你说得对。事实上,印度相当于1980年的中国。想象一下,我们落后中国30年!原创翻译:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com


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