
A.二月革命胜利的重要因素 B.“四月提纲”的指导意义 C.十月革命道路的突出特点 D.《和平法令》颁布的背景
像大多数二战强权一样,苏联在战时也启动了自己的喷气发动机研究计划,但最后没能拿出任何实用化的产品。首批苏制喷气发动机逆向工程自缴获的德国发动机,其中有荣克斯Jumo 004和BMW 003轴流式涡喷发动机的山寨产品,和原品一样寿命很短。虽然苏联人改进了涡轮叶片的制造材料,但其工作温度和抗蠕变性能仍然相对较差(固体材料在机械应力和高温下缓慢出现的永久性变形)。
1947年12月,第一台RD-500首次试车。这台发动机在测试中出现了不均匀燃烧和燃烧室破裂的问题,不过都属于喷气发动机研制的常见问题,可能是因为燃料和速度控制系统改用苏制零件导致的。RD-500面对的最大问题是找到能媲美铌锰80合金的材料。经大量研究后,KhN 80T镍铬合金问世了,使RD-500通过了100小时的验收测试。事实证明KhN 80T与铌锰80具有相似的热性能,但不具备后者的抗蠕变性能,所以RD-500的实际使用寿命不到100小时。
克里莫夫在1937年12月访问英国前已基本完成VK-1的设计,他在英国仔细检查了“尼恩”后又做了一些细小改进。当第一台罗罗发动机抵达苏联时,VK-1的设计并没有出现什么实质上的变化,只有不到10%的零件能与RD-45(也就是“尼恩”山寨型)互换。早期VK-1的涡轮使用钛镍铬合金制造,在升级成KhN 80T合金涡轮后通过了100小时测试。VK-1A改进型于1952年投产,虽然推力保持不变,但通过使用更先进的合金提高了寿命。带加力的VK-1F在1951年开始台架试验,生产型于1953年投产。
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今日最大声:20万预算, 懂车有品味的年轻人为啥都推荐它?
延伸阅读:美国网评: 中国预算少, 为何还能建那么多基建?
导读 : 新闻阁今日最大声栏目为您提供手机凤凰客户端今日最大声栏目的网页版,让您足不出户就能了解各地热点综合资讯。20万预算, 懂车有品味的年轻...
  中国预算比美国少,为什么还能建那么多基建?  [以下是评论部份]  Joseph Wang ex-VP Big investment bank - Hong Kong  Answered May 31  The numbers are very misleading. Most infrastructure projects in China are not financed directly from the central government budget.  这个数字误导人,大多数中国的基建都不是直接由中央政府的预算投资的。  What happens is that if you want to build a road or a railroad the people building it form a company which is owned by the local government. The local government sells land to fund the company and the company then issues bonds which are to be paid from the revenue of the company. Now at some point the company may have trouble paying the bonds and people expect at that point that the government will do a bail out but it means that most Chinese infrastructure projects are off-budget.  如果你想修一条公路或是铁路,是由当地政府所有的公司修建的,当地政府卖地得来的资金投资给公司,然后公司发行债券,这些债券将从公司的收入中支付。现在在某个时候,该公司可能支付债券会有困难,人们期望那时政府会出手救助,这就意味着大多数中国的基础设施项目都超出了预算。  What this means is that China has truly stunning amounts of debt that’s not on the books.  这意味着中国实际上的债务比报告的数字要大得多。  It’s hard for the US to do this now because the US doesn’t have land that it can sell but large parts of the railroad infrastructure of the US in the 19th century was financed this way.  美国现在很难这样做了,因为美国并没有地可卖,实际上,19世纪时,美国修建的大多数铁路都是以这种方式完成的。  88.3k Views · 419 Upvotes  Walter Xu native Chinese.  中国人,徐  Answered May 26  I would concur with your assumption.  我同意你的假设。  The first reason is of course as a developing country building infrastructure is indeed a government priority compared to the U.S. The government routinely needs to transform city landscapes in order to lift more people out of poverty and increase economic growth to leap towards a developed society.  第一个原因当然是,作为一个发展中国家,基础设施建设是政府的首要任务。美国政府经常需要变换的城市景观,与之相比,中国政府的目标是为了让更多的人摆脱贫困和提高经济增长走向发达的社会。  The other reason is while I’m not an expert in the field but socially China is a one-party state and if some good comes out of this is that the efficiency of the government is incredibly high. Seeing and knowing American politics for some years now (as well as other democratic country’s rationale on social factors) it is clear that people’s will is weighing an important factor when it comes to the government’s decision.  另一个原因是,虽然我不是这个领域的专家,但在中国是一个一党制的国家,从好的方面来说,一党制政府的效率是非常高的。我看到和了解美国政治已经有好几年了(以及其他民主国家对社会因素的理论基础),很明显,在美国政府的决定中,人民的意志是影响政府决策的一个重要因素的因素。  However the Chinese authoritarian standpoint is not to indulge in the mess of hearing from the people and simply carrying out what’s in their best interests. And learning business for two years this lead me to conclude that there comes lesser costs than if there has to be heavy litigation and legal paperwork process. As I think this is the reason why China’s government has such a high support rate — they move the country forward rather quickly by not listening to others. A bit arbitrary I know so lots of consequences follow as I’m sure many are familiar with so it’s a good thing that the leader seems to know what’s in the best interest (elite politics) and deciding on the opportunity costs.  1.7k Views · 16 Upvotes  然而,中国威权主义的立场并不是过多的听取人民的意见,导致造成混乱,而是为了人民的利益去做一些事情。我学着做生意已有两年,这使我得出结论,如果有许多的诉讼和法律文书处理,就会造成成本上升。我认为这就是为什么中国政府如此高的支持率,他们不听别人说三道四,从而让国家向前相当迅速发展。我知道,有点武断,所以许多后果会随之而来,我相信很多人都很熟悉,所以领导者似乎知道什么是最佳利益(精英政治),并决定以最小的代价完成。。  1.7k观点·16个赞  Walter Chow Director Joesdata.com where deal starts  Answered Jun 9  I compared the budget of US and China before. Out of the $3.8 trillion of the 2015 US expenditure there are $1.28 trillion of social social security and $1.05 trillion of medicare(Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go) . Chinese government’s $2.8 trillion expenditure in 2015 does not include the social security spending and medical care spending. China’s medical care and social security money are managed by two separated funds under the Ministry of Human Recourse and Social Security. And the government subsidies around $150 billion from the $2.8 trillion expenditure to the social security and medical funds (2015 China Social Security Spending).  我以前对比过美国和中国的预算,美国2015的开支超过3.8兆美金,其中1.28兆用于社会保障,1.05兆用于医疗保险(参考资料,联邦政府支出:钱去哪了?)。中国政府兆美金开支并不包括社会保障和医疗保险花费,中国的医保和社保资金由人力资源部门和社会保障部门两个分开基金管理,并且从2.8兆美金开支里有1500亿美金政府津贴是流向社保和医保的(参考资料 2015年中国社保支出)  Also after the medical and social security spending US also has around $609 billion military spending this leaves 3.8 - 1.28 - 1.05 - 0.609 = $0.861 trillion. And China’s military spending is much smaller maybe just $150 billion. But I think the Chinese budget of $2.8 trillion includes provincial level spending. So for comparison purpose maybe also need to add 1.9 trillion spending of US state governments to the US annual budget (US Government Spending in $ trillion Total Federal State Local for 2017). so it will be 0.861 + 1.9 = $2.761 trillion for the US and $2.8 - 0.15 - 0.15 = $2.5 trillion for China not including military spending. if including military spending then it will be 2.761 + 0.609 = $3.37 for US and $2.65 for China.  同样,继医保和社保支出之后,美国还有大概6090亿美金的军事开支,最后剩下3.8-1.28-1.05-0.609=0.861兆美金。中国的军事支出要少得多,大概只有1500亿,但我想中国2.8兆美金的预算包括了各省支出,为了同等对比,大概也要在美国联邦政府年度预算基础上再加上1.9兆各州财政支出(参考资料:2017美国政府开销上兆,联邦,州,地方)因此美国的财政预算会是 0.861+1.9=2.761兆美金,中国会是2.8-0.15-0.15=2.5兆美金,不包含军事支出. 如果加上军事支出, 应该是美国2.761 + 0.609 = 3.37兆美金,中国2.65兆美金  Also i think it needs to notice that the social security and medical spending in China is much smaller than that of the US and the 1 dollar can purchase more in China than in the US because of the price difference.  另外,我认为需要提醒注意的是中国社保和医保支出比起美国少很多,而且1美金在中国的购买力要比美国大,因为两国物价水平不同。  1k Views · 2 Upvotes  Tim Worstall former Journalist  Answered Sat  China is poorer than the US significantly so per capita. Poorer places have lower wages - this is definitional being a poorer place means lower wages lower wages means a poorer place.  Finally the cost of anything and everything is in the end income to someone. Again this is definitional GDP is any one of the three of all production all income or all consumption.  So imagine we have a place where the wages are half what they are in some other place. The place with the lower wages can have twice as much infrastructure for the same cost just because of the lower wages.  This isn’t all of it nor is that an exact and wholly accurate descxtion. But it’s good enough. China gets more infrastructure per $ million spent because the people building the infrastructure get lower wages.  1.3k Views · 9 Upvotes  中国比美国更穷,人均水平尤为明显地体现出来。贫困地区有较低的工资--这么解释,是贫穷的地方意味着低工资,低工资意味着这地方很贫困。  最后,任何花费的成本以及每样东西最终都归为个人的收入。再次说明下,GDP是任何形式在三种生产方式中的体现,所有收入或全部消费。  所以,想象一下,我们一个地方的工资是他们其他地方工资的一半。工资较低的地方因为工资比较低可以获得两倍同等成本下的基础设施。  这不是全部,也不是准确和完全准确的描述。但这足够好了。中国花上百万的美元去造基建是因为建设这些基建的人们拿着较低的工资。  1.3k观点· 9个赞  Ray Comeau A decade in China interest in geopolitics  在中国10年,热衷地缘政治(它主要是根据地理要素和政治格局的地域形式,分析和预测世界或地区范围的战略形势和有关国家的政治行为。它把地理因素视为影响甚至决定国家政治行为的一个基本因素。又被称为“地理政治学”。)  Answered Aug 16  A2A  谢邀  To be brief :  In terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) China’s economy has now grown larger then the US’s. The crossover happened in 2013 I think.  A very huge reason China is the worlds factory is they know how to be very effective in reducing product costs. mcKinsey Global cites their innovation in this area of cost efficiency.  Chinese government owns all the land in China and sells long term leases to developers etc.  The Chinese government employs specialized State-Owned Enterprises or partially owned SOE’s to build their infrastructure avoiding excessive private industry profits.  The Chinese government is very effective in finding ways to generate very early on infrastructure projects…………. since the vast majority of Chinese citizens do not pay any income taxes. Nor do they pay sales taxes on purchases with a few exceptions.  2.8k Views · 26 Upvotes · Answer requested by Christian Duarte  简而言之  在购买力平价(PPP)方面,中国的经济体现在增长得比美国大。 我觉得是2013年超越的。  中国是世界工厂的一个很大的原因是他们知道如何有效降低产品成本。 麦肯锡全球研究院还援引他们在这个成本效益领域的革新。  中国政府拥有中国所有的土地,并向开发商长期租赁等等。  中国政府雇用专门的国有企业或国企部分控股企业建设基础设施,避免他们像私营企业盈利过高。  中国政府前期就非常善于用各种方式增加财政收入投入基建项目............ 因为绝大多数中国公民没有缴纳个人所得税,除了少数例外也不缴纳增值税。  2.8k Views · 26 Upvotes · 受Christian Duarte邀请回答  Mandy Lane  Answered May 26  Alright lets see this.  好吧,让我们看看下面数据  Trump proposed spending up to $1 trillion over a decade to make America's infrastructure “second to none.”  特朗普提出要在十年内在基建上花费高达1万亿美元,意使美国的基础设施“首屈一指”。  Except for China that is.  The world's second-largest economy has already topped that this year alone with $1.4 trillion splurged on roads railways bridges telecom networks and other infrastructure in the ten months through October.  那么中国呢?  截止今年10月的十个月里,这个世界第二大经济体已经稳占今年首位,在道路,铁路,桥梁,电信网络及其他方面基础设施,总共花费了1.4万亿美元。  Trump's plan for an “America's Infrastructure First” policy mirrors China's build-it-and-they-will-come model except on a much smaller scale. China has spent about $11 trillion on infrastructure in the last decade – more than 10 times what Trump is proposing.  特朗普的计划“让美国基础设施世界第一”对比中国前瞻模式“建造出它们未来的样子“,除了规模更小,在过去十年中国还花费大约11万亿美元用于基建,是特朗普计划的十多倍。  Now how small is China budget for infrastructures compared to US?  现在说说,中国的基建预算与美国比哪里少了?  Donald Trump's $1tn infrastructure plan is big but not as big as he says it is  唐纳德·特朗普的1万亿美元基建计划很大,但实际并不是他说的那么大  1.2k Views · 10 Upvotes  Tau Chang works at Intel  从事互联网工作  Answered Jun 13  The question must be “Why is the infrastructure cost in US so exorbitant” -Ever wondered why that single lane’s construction carry on for ever? Or why they are expanding the highways that barely have traffic?  问题应该是“为什么美国的基建成本如此高?”或者是疑问为什么总在建设单行道? 或者是为什么他们在扩建几乎没有车流量的高速公路?  Answer: High-end corruption that lingers around in an invisible cloak.  答案是:高层腐败躲在隐形斗篷里四处游荡。  3k Views · 17 Upvotes  Sthitapragnya Deshpande worked at China  在中国工作  Answered May 26  This question has already been answered here -  Why are infrastructure projects in China so much cheaper than in the USA?  Please do go through it  问题别人已经答过了,请搜索查阅。:  -为什么中国的基建项目成本比美国要低那么多?  1k Views · Answer requested by Christian Duarte  受Christian Duarte邀请答复-  Aaron Cai studied Economics  Answered May 26  Man can have many answers but in my opinion it’s the scale that matters the most.  人们可能会有很多答案,但在我看来,最重要的规模。  The scale of the market is so big that has helped China to have a giant group of highly experenced workers engineers material manufacturers and with its scale the unit cost of everything has been successfully cut to a lowest level without lowering its quality.  如此之大规模的市场帮助中国拥有一个由有经验的工人、工程师、材料制造商构成的集团,由于其规模大、所有东西的单位成本已成功削减到最低水平而没有降低其质量。  Another advantage is industrial concentration all manufacturers in a complete supply chain re are usually deployed pretty close with no long-range transportation needed the whole chain could finish the whole process from raw materials to final products.  另一个优势是产业集中度,完整的供应链中的所有制造商通常部署的相当接近,不需要远程运输,整个产业链链可以完成从未加工的原材料到最终产品的整个过程。  Big project in America usually relies on global supply chain not only the time is longer but the cost would be signicantly higher.  美国的大的工程通常依赖于全球供应产业链,不但时间更长,成本也显着地提高。  1.1k Views · 6 Upvotes  Godfree Roberts upvoted this  Mervyn Locke  Mervyn Locke Enlightened laowai/Decade-long China resident/Permanent China bull  Answered May 26  Indeed they spend more on infrastructure. But more importantly budgets are spent locally but the numbers you refer to are in USD. If you adjust for purchasing power parity you get almost twice the bang for the buck in China meaning that they can easily build more infrastructure than the US.  确实 他们花了更多的预算在基建上 . 但更重要的是 这些预算是花在(中国)当地的 但是你提到的数字换算成了美元. 如果你按购买力平价(PPP)核算的话 (1美元在中国的)购买力几乎是在美国的两倍 . 这意味着他们很容易打造出比美国更多的基建 .  4.1k Views · 17 Upvotes  Sc Cornwell Senior Sales Engineer (2016-present)  Answered Jun 8  Some of these answers are very good but one of the largest reasons is that China is not a democracy. Their people are not free. Some of their people have more sense of freedom than before but the Chinese government can swoop in and take away land to build any project. I should note that The US government can also take your land (and has done so many times in the past) but it is much much harder and can be fought in court. There are many recent stories of local politicians/thugs in china who swoop in and take peoples land to build lucrative projects destroying peoples lives. I have seen more than one BBC special in china where the news cameras were broken and news crews are harrased trying to expose the injustice in chinaThere is also a lot of hidden poverty in china that is never shown. This relates to borderline slave labor. Think early 20th century america working conditions. I have visited china many times and while it is not as exposed or publicized as in europe or the unites states you can see it. If china wanted to it could make 50000 people work on a project for very little money. The sad thing is most chinese people would do it without a fight since their concept of freedom is not the same as much of the world.  1.2k Views · 7 Upvotes  Sc Cornwell,高级销售工程师(2016)  Answered Jun 8  回答6月8日  huí回 dá答 6 yuè月 8 rì日  Some of these answers are very good but one of the largest reasons is that China is not a democracy. Their people are not free. Some of their people have more sense of freedom than before but the Chinese government can swoop in and take away land to build any project. I should note that The US government can also take your land (and has done so many times in the past) but it is much much harder and can be fought in court. There are many recent stories of local politicians/thugs in china who swoop in and take peoples land to build lucrative projects destroying peoples lives. I have seen more than one BBC special in china where the news cameras were broken and news crews are harrased trying to expose the injustice in chinaThere is also a lot of hidden poverty in china that is never shown. This relates to borderline slave labor. Think early 20th century america working conditions. I have visited china many times and while it is not as exposed or publicized as in europe or the unites states you can see it. If china wanted to it could make 50000 people work on a project for very little money. The sad thing is most chinese people would do it without a fight since their concept of freedom is not the same as much of the world.  这些答案都很好,但最大的一个原因是,中国不是一个民主国家。他们的人民没有自由。虽然他们中的一些人现在比以前有更多的自由感,但是中国政府仍可以一举占领土地,建造任何项目。我应该注意到,美国政府也可以占用你的土地(在过去已经做过很多次了),但是它要困难得多,会导致诉讼。还有当地的政客和暴徒在中国最近的许多故事,一举把人民的土地建设有利可图的项目,破坏人们的生活。我见过一个以上的英国广播公司在中国拍摄特殊的新闻时相机被损坏了,试图揭露中国不公正的新闻记者被骚挠。中国也隐藏着很多从未被揭露的贫困,这与边境线奴隶劳动有关。想想二十世纪初美国的工作条件,他们就在那样的条件下工作。我曾多次访问中国,知道这些事情没有被暴露或被公布,不是象在欧洲或美国那样你能看到它。如果中国愿意,它可以使50000人在一个项目的工作,只用很少的钱。可悲的是,大多数中国人都会毫不犹豫地去做这件事,因为他们对自由的观念和世界上其他地方有所不同。  1.2k观点·7个赞  Roger Zelin Sales Manager (2015-present)  Answered Jun 8  Chinese infrastructure spending is designed to stimulate economic growth.  中国的基础设施支出旨在刺激经济增长。  US Infrastructure spending is designed to line the pockets of politically influential unxs and the companies who employ them.  美国的基础设施支出旨在为具有政治势力的尤尼克斯财团和雇佣他们的公司赚大钱。  Therefore building a 1 mile stretch of road in China is significantly cheaper. In a recent paper they compared the cost of building subways in different countries. New York City costs 1.7 Billion USD per KM. Recent subway expansions in other countries are significantly cheaper. Singapore for example was $130 million per KM Paris and Berlin both cost about $250 Million per KM.  因此,在中国修建一段1英里长的道路成本要低多了。在最近的一篇论文中,他们比较了不同国家修建地铁的成本。纽约市每公里要花费17亿美元。其他国家最近的地铁掘进成本明显低很多。以新加坡为例,每公里为1.3亿美元,巴黎和柏林两地的每公里成本约为2.5亿美元。  So you can see by these examples the cost of voters failing to hold political parties accountable. Our infrastructure is crumbling because we have systematically allowed government to intentionally drive up costs.  因此,从这些例子中你可以看出选民没有把选票投给负责任的政党(付出)的代价。我们的基础建设正在逐步衰弱,因为政府故意推高了成本,而我们对此已经无可奈何,唯有默认。  1.2k Views · 11 Upvotes  1200个点击 · 11个赞  Mohammed Haq studies at Elk Grove High School (2020)  Answered May 26  China is able to do things because of their exports and imports. They create so many things and ship them. Major companies like Apple and Microsoft assemble their products. This way China is helping itself.  724 Views  Randall Burns BA Economics University of Chicago (1981)  Answered May 26  China has much lower living costs than the US. On top of that wages for many classes of workers are less than those in the US even accounting for cost of living. Regulatory costs for major infrastructure are also much less in China than the US.  The big problem with the US when it comes to infrastructure is not social security and medicaid(though medical care is much more expensive in the US than China in part for legal and regulatory reasons):  The big problem is the US has been wasting trillions on wars in the middle east that serve no essential purpose for the United States. Those wars are favored by major oil companies and and pro-Israeli lobby that are allowed a voice in US politics by campaign finance practices that would be considered bribery in almost every other developed country.  Mohammed Haq,在埃尔克格罗夫高中的研究(2020)  Answered May 26  回答5月26日  China is able to do things because of their exports and imports. They create so many things and ship them. Major companies like Apple and Microsoft assemble their products. This way China is helping itself.  中国能做的事情,因为他们的出口和进口。他们创造了这么多的东西并把它们运送出去。像苹果和微软这样的大公司组装他们的产品。这样,中国是帮助自己。  724读者  Randall Burns BA Economics University of Chicago (1981)  Randall Burns,芝加哥大学经济学学士(1981)  Answered May 26  回答5月26日  China has much lower living costs than the US. On top of that wages for many classes of workers are less than those in the US even accounting for cost of living. Regulatory costs for major infrastructure are also much less in China than the US.  中国具有更低的生活成本比美国。除此之外,许多工人的工资比美国的工人还低,甚至是根据生活费用计算也是这样。重大基础设施监管成本也在中国比美国少得多。  The big problem with the US when it comes to infrastructure is not social security and medicaid(though medical care is much more expensive in the US than China in part for legal and regulatory reasons):  美国在基础设施方面的大问题是没有社会保障和医疗补助(虽然在美国医疗的比中国贵一部份原因是法律和监管的原因):  The big problem is the US has been wasting trillions on wars in the middle east that serve no essential purpose for the United States. Those wars are favored by major oil companies and and pro-Israeli lobby that are allowed a voice in US politics by campaign finance practices that would be considered bribery in almost every other developed country.  外国网民:中国基建发达,却是发展中国家  Why is China - a developing country so ahead of the US - the "greatest" developed country in infrastructure?  为什么中国,作为一个发展中国家,却在基建领域远远领先于有着“最伟大”的发达国家之称的美国?  =================  外国网民评论:  =================  Paul B B.Ec. Economics (2016)  Answered 19h ago  That seems like a loaded question and I’m not sure if you’re entirely correct. But I’ll take it for granted that China is “so ahead in infrastructure”.  这似乎是一个诱导性的问题,我不知道你的观点是否完全正确。但我对于中国“在基础设施上如此领先”这一看法是赞同的。  The reason is probably that the USA built most of its infrastructure a long time ago. Once it’s there there is little incentive to upgrade it. Why spend billions when you can make do with what you’ve got? Also once the capital stock of a country reaches equilibrium a large fraction of savings (pretty much all of it) is used up in maintaining existing capital.  原因可能是美国很久以前就建设了大部分的基础设施。一旦它已经存在,没有什么理由来升级它了。当你能用所拥有的东西来完成想做的事时,为什么还要额外花费数十亿美元呢?此外,一旦一个国家的资本存量达到均衡,大部分储蓄(几乎全部)都被用于维持现有资本。  Rewind to 1990 and China had very little infrastructure. As its economy has boomed it has accumulated capital very rapidly. Now it is at a point where there is too much capital. The government has used investment to employ some of the country’s excess capacity and support an ultimately unsustainable rate of growth. The problem is that the capital will not be able to be maintained. It would require an astronomical savings rate. China wants to transition to a consumption driven economy but how can it do this while simultaneously maintaining a high savings rate to support a huge capital stock?  倒回1990年看,中国当时的基础设施很少。随着经济的蓬勃发展,资金的积累非常迅速。现在则是处于一个资金过剩的阶段了。政府就利用投资来开发该国的一些过剩能力,并支持最终不可持续的增长率。问题是资本不能一直维持下去。这将需要一个天文数字的储蓄率。中国要转型为消费型经济,但如何实现这一目标呢?同时保持高储蓄率来支持巨额资本存量?  Martin Dièdre studied at Aix-Marseille University  Answered 19h ago  You have to understand China is not a typical developing country. This term is a bit antiquated in that it was more appropriate during the 80–90’s to describe the emerging countries that were not fully developed not part of USSR and not Third World Countries.  你要知道,中国并非一个典型的发展中国家。  “发展中国家”这个称谓已经有点不合时宜了,它更适用于形容上世纪八九十年代的一些新兴国家——它们既不是苏联的一部分,同时也不属于第三世界,这些国家当时尚未充分发展起来。  China is what we call a newly indusrialized country. Its economy is still not completely dominated by services and trade because the industry is very strong and predominant. Among the features we can find: export-driven and fast-growing economy developing urban centers large corporates strong political leadership and high human development index.  中国是我们常说的新兴工业国。在中国的经济中,由于强大的工业占据了支配性地位,服务业与贸易尚未完全成为经济的主导。  在这些特点中,我们可以看出,中国拥有由出口驱动的快速增长的经济、建设中的城镇中心、众多的大型企业、强有力的政治领导以及较高的人类发展指数。  Here is a map of newly industrialized countries (red).  这张地图显示了世界上的新兴工业国(图中所示的红色部分)。  Terry Newman Ten years living and doing business in China.  Answered 16h ago  Because US politicians in order to get votes and corporate support have eroded the tax base to the point that basic infrastructure (and also other basic services like education and health) can no longer be effectively funded. Adding to their woes is the fact that Washington has been paralysed for 12 of the last 16 years due to the failure of either party to control simultaneously the Presidency and the legislature.  因为美国的政客们为了获得选票和政治团体的赞助已经侵蚀了税收的基础,以至于基本的基础建设(还有其他基本的服务,如教育和医疗)不能再得到充足的拨款。一个令这种情况雪上加霜的事实是,在过去16年中,华盛顿政府一直因两党不能同时控制总统和立法机关而陷于瘫痪。  Joel Phelan Former USMC NCO and Veteran Programmer Wiggin Libertarian  Answered 17h ago  Joel Phelan 前美国海军陆战队士官,资深程序员,维京的自由主义者  It’s because they started building their infrastructure about 80–100 years AFTER the USA did. Thus the engineering was standardized (mostly by the USA) material costs were down and technology existed that they could reasonably implement that the USA cannot without having to tear out the OLD infrastructure (and as another person answered much of the US’ spending is in maintaining the existing infrastructure roads bridges and train tracks where as China because they (comparatively) have nothing and had almost literally nothing in the way of modern infrastructure 30 years ago did not have these maintenance costs. It’s a problem they will run into going forward.  那是因为他们基建建设的时间比美国晚80-100年。因此,工程已经标准化(大部分由美国制定),材料成本下降,他们可以合理地实施的技术早已存在。而如果美国要使用这些技术的话,就得先把旧建筑完全拆毁。另一个人已经回答了这个问题,美国的大部分消费用在维护中现有的基础设施道路桥梁和火车路线上。因为(相对来说)中国简直一无所有,30年前几乎没有任何现代化的基础设施,就没有这些维护成本。未来中国也会面临美国现在所面临的基建问题的。  It also depends on what you mean by “ahead”. You can speak of their better maintained highway system yes. But you cannot do so honestly without admitting that part of the reason it’s better maintained than the US system is (aside from only having been in existence for less than 30 years) that it is less than 10th the size of the US highway system and exists in about a third of the land area as the US system. China also has a smaller railway system much of which didn’t exist before 1990. China could afford to deploy high speed rail for example because it HAD to lay the tracks for something anyway. nothing existed in that route before. The US railways network is over 100 years old (and over 150 years old in some places). That’s rail to maintain and replace. Switching equipment. Safety equipment. And so on. China has a few nice modern airports in large cities. That’s because again they had NOTHING before. They can afford to do a re-build and upgrade project on the main airport in Beijing because they don’t have five thousand airports to maintain (fifteen thousand if you count all airfields) as the US does. China has 188 airports and less than 600 airfields total. The USA has 5194 airports and 15095 airfields total. How exactly is China ahead in air traffic infrastructure again?  R03;这同样要看你怎么解释‘领先‘这个词了,你可以说说他们更好的已有的高速公路系统,但是你必须得接受部分为什么他们的高速公路系统的养护比美国做的更好的原因,(一方面是因为他们的高速公路系统存在还不到30年)他们的公路系统只有美国的十分之一,存在的地域也只有美国的三分之一;中国同样还拥有一个更小的很大部分在1990年以前还不存在的铁路系统,例如,中国能够负担得起高速铁路是因为中国为了一些事情不得不铺设铁轨,在那条路上本来什么都不存在。美国的铁路网已经存在了超过100年了(有些地方已经超过150年了);那是需要维护和替换的轨道,交换机,安全设备,等等;中国的大城市有少量的一些漂亮的现代化的机场,这再次是因为在那以前那里什么都没有;他们能够负担得起重建或者升级北京的主要机场是因为他们不像美国有5000个机场要维护(如果你把所有的飞机坪也算上,那就是1.5万个);中国总共才有188个机场,不到600个飞机坪;美国总共有5194个飞机场和15095个飞机坪。所以中国的航空交通设施哪里比美国先进了?  China should eventually MOVE ahead as they continue to liberalize their economy and government simply due to demographics (having 5 times the population of the USA the Chinese economy will have to surpass the US economy just to keep the people in jobs and clothes as they move out of being a mostly agrarian society to a more diversified nation - though the current forced relocation of entire villages to metropolitan areas could backfire. Which I suppose is another way the USA is currently ahead of China - we don’t forcibly relocate our citizens off of their property to cities hundreds of miles away (or anywhere at all). Of course a citizen’s property in the USA IS their property. It doesn’t belong to the government which can then take it away with no justification at all required. China’s not there yet.  中国总是向前发展的,因为他们继续开放经济和政府,仅从人口数量看(美国人口的5倍)也能知道,中国经济必定要超越美国经济才能让人们有工作做,有衣服穿,他们也正在从一个农业为主的社会向一个更加多元化的社会转变 - 虽然目前将整个村庄强制搬迁到大都市地区的行为可能会事与愿违。我认为在这件事上美国使用的另一种方式要比中国先进得多 - 我们不会强行让我们的公民搬迁他们的财产到数百英里远的地方(或其他任何地方),当然,在美国,公民的财产是他们的财产,它不属于政府,可以没有任何理由地把它们拿走,中国还没达到这一步。  Kalynn H lived in The United States of America  Answered 19h ago  Because the U.S. and China spend money on different things. Much of the U.S. federal spending goes to our military foreign affairs and NATO. Our spending also focuses on programs like social security housing and healthcare. A new infrastructure plan is expected in the near future. So to sum things up each country spends their money on high priorities. Infrascture I would assume is a high priority for China and hasn't really been for the U.S.  因为美国和中国把经费花在了不同领域上。美联邦的大部分费用花在了军事外交和北约上,同时我们也关注于类似社会住房保障和医疗保健这样的项目。在近未来,预计会出台一个基础设施(建设)计划。所以,总而言之,每个国家都把自己的钱花在高优先级事项上。我猜想基础设施(建设)对于中国而言是个高优先级事项,但对美国而言却真不是这样。  Brandon Hawthorne former Graphic Artist Illustrator Comercia Photog. at Creative Advertising ()  Answered 19h ago(前图形艺术家插画家)  China's government and the people in it are much more involved in what's best for China and not just what's going to benefit themselves. Unlike the United States where the people running the country seem to have little interest beyond what's best for themselves and their constituents.  中国政府和其官员更多地参与到最有益于国家的事物中,而不是那些只有利于他们自身的事物。而美国不是这样,运转国家的人看起来对除有利于他们自己和其选民的事物以外的其他事情都没有任何兴趣。  While they are technically a socialist country they encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.  虽然理论上而言中国是个社会主义国家,但是他们鼓励创业和创新  They also tend to ignore copyrights and international patent laws taking advantage of the Innovation done by other countries without acknowledging the contribution or paying for it.  同时,他们也倾向于忽视版权和国际专利法,(毫无顾忌地)利用其他国家所做的创新还不承认其贡献或为此支付专利费用。  But I think mostly it is just the fact that the people running China really are interest in making China more successful.  但我认为,大多数情况下,那些领导中国的人确确实实是专注于如何使中国更加成功这件事上。  Here politicians will fight anything that might benefit the country if they don't think it's going to be a benefit themselves and their constituents directly.  (而)这里的政客们却会对抗任何有利于国家却不能让他们自己或其成员直接受益的政策。  Healthcare is a perfect example if they would just sit down together and work out all the details they could come up with a healthcare plan that would benefit everybody except maybe the people in the healthcare industry who are ripping off the population with excessive healthcare charges.  医疗保健是一个很好的(直译:完美的)例子,如果他们能够坐在一起制订出每个细节,(那么)他们就可以拿出一个除了那些正从(忍受)超高医疗费的人们身上榨取利益的医疗行业(从业者)外每个人都会从中受益的医疗保健计划。  But each group is afraid that somebody is going to benefit more than they are therefore they'd rather see nothing done at all so that's what happens nothing.  但是,每个团体都害怕别人会比他们受益更多。所以,他们宁愿看到什么都不改变,所以也就什么都没有发生。  Most developed countries have modern high-speed railways but not the United States.  大多数发达国家都拥有高速铁路,但是美国没有。  No we're trying to go back to using coal while the Chinese are trying very hard to get away from using coal and develop clean energy to fight there terrible pollution problems.  哦不!当中国人为了对抗倒了大霉的污染问题,正在玩了命儿地摆脱煤炭并开发清洁能源的时候,我们却企图倒退回去重新使用煤炭!!  We are ignoring the problems and hoping that they will just go away like climate change for instance.  我们无视诸如气候变化这样的问题并希望它们能(自动)消失!  I think that the United States is on a down slope that we may not see the end of for a long time. We lack the one thing that's most important we lack cooperation.  我认为美国走在了一条长长的我们看不到尽头的下坡路上。我们缺乏一样最重要的东西——我们缺乏团结!  Patrick Bindner  Answered 13h ago  The basic premise of the question is incorrect. China has deficient infrastructure in much of its territory whereas the US has solid & pervasive infrastructure throughout its territory. It is in China’s major cities that Chinese infrastructure surpasses some levels of US infrastructure development & that is entirely due to being newly installed in places that were previously bereft of modern infrastructure. US infrastructure is now old but it blankets the nation.  问题的基本前提是不正确的。中国在其大部分领土上的基础设施不足,而美国在全国范围内拥有扎实和普遍的基础设施。在中国的一些大城市,中国的基础设施超过了美国基础设施建设的某些水平,这完全是因为它们是新建设在以前没有现代基础设施的地方。美国的基础设施现在已经很旧了,但它覆盖了整个国家。  中国对印度出口急剧增加,印度网友愤怒!  Indian exports to China rises sharply
Imports rise also  前4个月,印度对华出口急剧增加,进口也增加  BEIJING: After years of decline, Indian exports to China rose sharply in the first four months of this year registering a 20 per cent increase to $5.57 billion, though the trade deficit continued to persist.  经过数年的下滑,印度对华出口今年前4个月急剧增加,创下了20%的增幅,达到55.7亿美元,不过贸易赤字仍然持续。  Indian exports received a major boost mainly due to China increasing the steel consumption by importing big quantity of iron ore as well as gems and diamonds besides cotton materials.  印度出口之所以受到极大推动,主要是因为中国不仅大幅增加了铁矿石的进口,而且增加了宝石和钻石以及棉花原料的进口。  The India-China trade grew by six per cent to $26.02 billion from January to April this year, according to the data of China’s customs accessed by PTI here.  根据中国海关的数据,今年1月-4月,中印贸易增加了6%,达260.2亿美元。  As per the data, the Indian exports have gone up to $5.57 billion, registering a 20 per cent increase. China’s exports to India too amounted to $20.45 billion, a 14 per cent raise.  数据显示,印度对华出口增至55.7亿美元,创下了20%的增幅。  中国对印出口也达到了204.5亿美元,增幅为14%。  Rahul Kumar  Rahul Kumar – 2 days ago  Raw iron ore should never be sold to China. They’ll send that same back to India as finished iron and steel rods at ridiculously low prices and finish off our domestic iron and steel industry  Reply 8 0 Flag  铁矿石千万别卖给中国  中国买过来后,会加工成钢铁,然后以低价倾销印度,从而挤掉印度钢铁工业  PAVAN P  PAVAN P – HINDUSTAN – 2 days ago  CHINA SHOULD ALLOW MORE INDIAN IMPORTS AND LEVEL THE TRADE DEFICIT WHICH IS HUGELY IN FAVOUR OF CHINA! INDIA IS AT A MAJOR DISADVANTAGE BECAUSE OF LOW CHINESE DEMAND FOR INDIAN ITEMS! JAI HIND!  Reply 4 1 Flag  中国应加大从印度进口。  尽量消除中印贸易赤字。  中国对印度商品的需求很低,使得印度在贸易中处于相当不利的地位。  印度必胜!  vermakavi Verma  Kavi Verma – Jodhpur – 2 days ago  Do not sell them raw products just the processed thing only  Reply 2 0 Flag  别把原材料卖给中国,要卖就卖加工过的产品  Sunil E  Sunil E – Hyderabad – 2 days ago  Like to see more finished product exports and not raw material!  Reply 2 0 Flag  希望更多成品出口,而不是一味出口原材料!  Hemant Gupta  Hemant – 2 days ago  India should do the reciprocal. Should ban Chinese product’s.  Reply 2 0 Flag  贸易应是互惠互利的,应该封杀中国货  Vishnu Swaroop Kyanam  Vishnu Swaroop – Bangalore – 2 days ago  Exporting Iron Ore is a Bad Idea. If we hadn’t exported Ore they would have imported more Steel.  Reply 2 0 Flag  出口铁矿石不是好主意  如果我们不出口铁矿石,可能他们就得加大钢铁的进口了  Speak sense  Speak sense – 2 days ago  Stop the foolish cow protection… export beef and exports will rise globally….  Reply 2 1 Flag  别保护牛了  加大牛肉的出口吧  Anonym  Shoeb – New Delhi – 2 days ago  Import all raw materials even if we have and export only finished products.  Reply 1 0 Flag  只进口各种原材料,即便不缺原材料也进口,加工后出口成品  Anonym  Shoeb – New Delhi – 2 days ago  Only beggar countries will export raw materials. Stop this immediately.  Reply 1 0 Flag  只有乞丐国家才会出口原材料。  赶紧叫停  Hudaf Shaikh  Hudaf – 2 days ago  India should impose additional duties on imports from countries where the trade imbalance is more than 50% and deficit is more than $500 million  Reply 1 0 Flag  哪个国家对印度存在的贸易盈余超过5亿美元,印度就该对哪个国家施加额外的进口税收。  Givson kamson  Givson – 2 days ago  Export should be higher than the imports. There is an imbalance in the trade between India and China. China is however benefitting as their export is more than its import.  Reply 1 0 Flag  出口应高于进口  印度和中国之间存在贸易不平衡。  中国是受益者,他们的出口超过进口  Rajib Biswas  Rajib – 2 days ago  What is the benefit of increasing the exports of raw materials and importing end product at higher costs.  Reply 1 0 Flag  增加原材料的出口,然后高价进口成品,这样有什么好处?  Hardev Singh  62  Hardev – 2 days ago  One never knows one day we may have to confront Chinese warlike equipment and armour manufactured by using Our Iron Ore  Reply 0 0 Flag  天晓得,总有一天,我们也许不得不面对用印度铁矿石造出来的武器装备  LAXMAN DESAI  Laxman – 2 days ago  at this rate we will slowly become colony of china.. like in the past british guys used to buy raw cotton from us n send value added fabric back to us. . we are exporting ore n getting steel back.. same kind of set up… our govt should keep watch on this.. exporting raw materials n getting finished goods back is not a good commerce..  Reply 0 0 Flag  照这么下去,我们会慢慢沦为中国殖民地的  就跟过去一样,英国人通常买我们的棉花,然后把高附加值的纺织品卖给我们。  现在我们出口铁矿石,而进口钢铁。  Sameer Pandit  Sameer Pandit – delhi – 2 days ago  Modi modi  Reply 0 0 Flag  莫迪,莫迪  Anonym  Shoeb – New Delhi – 2 days ago  Learn from China. They import iron ore even if they have reserves. They export steel. They import coal from N Korea even if they have the reserves. Are we a backward country like N Korea to drain away our natural resources?  Reply 0 0 Flag  向中国学习。即便仍有库存,他们仍进口铁矿石,并出口钢铁。  类似地,他们也从朝鲜进口煤炭。  作为落后国家,难道我们要消耗掉国内的自然资源?  Anonym  Shoeb – New Delhi – 2 days ago  Don’t export any agricultural products that drain our water resources. Instead import them to save water.  Reply 0 0 Flag  别出口农产品,毕竟种植农产品耗尽了水资源。  swatant shakti  swatant shakti – 2 days ago  Fair trade! Not free trade!!  Reply 0 0 Flag  公平贸易!  Rajesh Vyas  Rajesh – Rajesh Vyas – 2 days ago  THE ADVERSE BALANCE OF TRADE IS INDEED ALARMING.  Reply 0 0 Flag  贸易不平衡确实令人担忧  Speak sense  Speak sense – 2 days ago  What Indian exports to China rises sharply …. import are four time the exports….  Reply 0 0 Flag  印度对华出口急剧增加?  进口是出口的四倍啊  shabir contractor  shabir contractor – 2 days ago  a very healthy trend.  Reply 0 2 Flag  非常健康的走向  RaMa Rajya  RaMa Rajya – 2 days ago  Due to various curb imposed on import of chinese goods it is possible.  Reply 0 0 Flag  考虑到对中国商品的进口施加了各种限制,这是可能的。  THE TIMES 0F INDIA  Priya Bimal – Zozar, Kashmir – 2 days ago  Dragons will eat our all cows.  Reply 0 0 Flag  中国龙会吃掉我们的牛的  Numerologist VIKASZ  印度五代机计划陷困局 比歼10立项还早  印度,作为发展中国家中的大国,拥有着傲人的经济发展速度,其有着自己的骄傲,也有着属于自己的大国雄心。在装备发展领域,印度一直谋求着国产化,为此投入了大量的资金和时间;虽然一路坎坷,但却一直不懈。  在战机领域,4代(俄标)轻型的LCA算是印度的第一次尝试,其立项时间比我国歼-10稍早,验证机首飞时间晚了几年,之后就一直受超重和质量问题困扰。至今,其装备数量比歼-10系列差了一个数量级,而国产化程度也只有60%。LCA不算一个成功的案例,无论是发动机、气动设计,还是飞控系统、航电系统,都是在外国的帮助下完成的,然而最后结果却令人十分的失望。不过LCA却使印度了解了现代化战机的整个研制流程,同时对自身能力也有了一个现实的认识。  基于这种认识,对于第5代战机,印度选择了在俄罗斯T-50战机的基础上,以俄罗斯研发为主,发展自己新一代的FGFA战机。从理论上将,这是一个很现实的选择,也是一个快速成功的捷径。然而,前苏联的解体对俄罗斯的伤害太大,俄罗斯刚要缓过来,叙利亚战争以及其带来的负面结果又将俄罗斯拖入了深渊。严重受损的经济制约了技术的研发,俄罗斯在4.5代战机上还算积累颇丰,然而在5代机技术上,俄罗斯的准备就显得有较多的不足了。  T-50,俄罗斯为自己研发的第5代战机,虽然以前国内有不少人对其性能赞誉有加,甚至是吹捧,然而当潮水脱去,我们就能发现是谁在裸泳。无论是国内还是国外对T-50的仿真测试表明,其隐身能力只比4.5代战机非挂载情况下稍好,比F-22/歼-20等相差一个数量级。而隐身能力,恰恰是5代机区别于4代机的革命性、本质性技术。其目前的发动机依然是用于SU-35上的同类型的117发动机,而新一代的“代号30”的发动机,还处于地面测试阶段。从2010年首飞至今,其原型机已露面9架,但却一直见不到主弹仓打开的图片,格斗弹仓更是连是否存在都是很大问题。从武器配套上看,俄罗斯所谓的新一代的RVV-SD中程空空导弹、RVV-MD格斗导弹,都只是R-77/73的改进产品,比中美新一代的导弹都有不小的差距。  T-50隐身能力仿真测试结果  难以令人满意的性能,经济的困窘,T-50项目进度一拖再拖,近期更是传出了要“冻结”的消息。对于俄罗斯来说,如何处理T-50是自己的选择,然而对于印度来说,一旦T-50项目受困,FGFA项目将被迫跟着延迟。而且,印度对FGFA有着更高的要求,是在各方面都达到“完全体”的T-50。2016年,印度向俄罗斯提交了FGFA项目多达40个的主要需要改进的问题,包括发动机、隐身性能、雷达系统、传感器系统、超音速巡航能力等。原本双方的协议是各提供40亿美元的研发资金,然而至今印度只出资了约3亿美元,原因是俄罗斯拒绝印度更多的参与T-50项目的研发。印度希望这40亿的投资能够换取T-50所有的技术和生产工艺,然而俄罗斯却将价格直接提高到了70亿美元,因为俄罗斯认为印度需要补的基础课太多。也许两者终将互相妥协,然而这之前只能暂时停滞。  对于这种情况,印度提出了自己新一代的中型机计划——AMCA。AMCA项目依然是与其他国家联合研制,计划2030年之前首飞,2035年之后开始生产。从时间上看,这个项目是比较务实的,只是搞笑的是,其联合研制国恐怕还是俄罗斯,这不得不让人无语。  印度目前GDP已接近俄罗斯的2倍,快速增长的经济使其野心勃勃,然而在新一代战机研发上,印度即使想投入大量的资金,却依然直接受困于俄罗斯的进展,这就是装备受制于人的结果。对于印度来说,也许最好的道路是一方面努力发展本国的工业,提升自身的研制实力,一方面降低对装备指标过高的要求,使得新装备能够按时服役。只是,印度的自信显然使其不会这么“老实”。  俄印五代机又泡汤:T50为何命途多舛?  上一期的文章里我们还专门谈到了俄罗斯的国防工业,我在那篇文章里还专门了说印度的资金是俄罗斯国防工业的支柱。结果,刚刚过了一天,印度好像突然回过味来了,那个印度往里砸钱俄罗斯提供技术的五代机合作计划泡汤了……  据美国《防务新闻》24日报道,俄印五代机合作谈判已经失败,因为俄罗斯方面提出的价格让印度“无法接受”。报道中说,俄罗斯要求印度支付70亿美金,而且坚决不能还价。但是这回俄罗斯的计划失败了,70亿美金不还价的态度,彻底把印度给弄的肉疼了。薅羊毛偏找准一只薅,搁谁谁也扛不住啊。  俄罗斯与印度联合研发的这款五代机叫做FGFA,FGFA将具有隐身特性、更大推力的发动机、更强的目标截获能力,并可携带新型机载武器。该机的一种双座改型将装备印度空军。据悉,这款战机有可能是俄罗斯T50战机的改进型。  但是说实话,T50从日首飞直到现在,依然处于试飞状态,现在的进度都不一定能赶得上咱们国产的FC31。这几年中,不断有俄罗斯媒体曝出T50早期量产型即将交付部队或者俄罗斯空军即将接收首批T50的新闻,但到目前为止结局依然惨淡。  这其中也不乏技术的问题,比如T-50还缺少第五代机所要求的高度智能化综合信息系统、自动抗干扰装置和自动控制系统等。然而这些问题对于俄罗斯来说都还是小事,雄厚的原始技术积累使外界相信T50在技术方面的障碍绝对不是影响其成败的关键因素。对于俄罗斯来说,最大的问题就是没钱!  早在2010年,印度斯坦航空公司就和俄罗斯签订了联合研发战机的合同。也正是这个时候,俄罗斯的矛盾心理开始表现的越来越明显。俄罗斯觉得在技术转让方面的生意做得太亏了,于是在面对印度时开始表现的推三阻四。  印度则表示我们花钱就是为了技术,你不给技术,我就不给钱,于是终止了拨款。然而印度也并不想轻易放弃,毕竟在这个世界上只有从俄罗斯才能买到五代机技术了,于是又找俄罗斯合作,如此周而复始好不热闹。  但是实际上,我们有理由相信俄罗斯才是最不甘心的国家。作为苏联分家之后的老大,每一个俄罗斯人心里都怀揣着一个军事帝国的梦想。然而俄罗斯的经济实在是太不景气了,即使普京在国防工业上投入了巨大的精力,在面对动辄上百亿美元的研发经费时还是得发怵啊。GDP都没有,哪来的军费支出呢?  俄印研发T50坎坷多,一旦暂停损失惨重  T-50战斗机是一款由俄罗斯联邦联合航空制造公司旗下苏霍伊航空集团主导,在“未来战术空军战斗复合体”(PAK-FA)计划下开发、生产的高性能多用途战机。作为第五代战斗机,其原型机于日进行了首次试飞,于日和2月12日,进行了第二次和第三次飞行。截至日,试飞17次,到11月中旬,共进行了40次试飞。第二架原型机由2010年年底开始飞行试验,但被推迟直到2011年3月。2012年后,俄罗斯国防部购买首批10架评估试验机,然后在2016年后装备60架标准型号。首批战机将配备现有技术引擎。T-50型号战斗机预期服役寿命为30–35年。  直到近年的第五代战机T-50出现才让人们发现,它确实航空大国之底气.可谓它的样子太怪,以至于有人评价为苏-27的扁平版。作为第五代战斗机,其原型机于日进行了首次试飞。截至日,试飞17次,到11月中旬,共进行了40次试飞。  T50样机  20世纪末期,美国率先进入隐身时代,推出F-22战斗机,再次拉开了航空技术的差距。F-22所代表的隐身、超音速巡航、超机动和网络战能力代表了空战的新境界,俄罗斯空军再次面临来自西方的沉重压力进入21世纪,俄罗斯空军委托苏霍伊设计局开始设计第五代战机,命名为T50。T是三角翼的意思,前掠翼或者后掠翼的内部代号则为S。在T50设计之初,俄罗斯国防部给苏霍伊设计局的要求是T50必须能够对付F-22,压制F-35和中国未来的五代机。  T50样机  其实但在T50的研发过程中也是坎坷颇多:  T-50试飞时间原定为2008年,但由于T-50当时尚处于设计阶段而无法实现,试飞时间延期为2009年8月,但是在2009年5月时,负责发动机的土星公司暂停研发,试飞再次延期。  日,T-50进行了首次试飞,比美军的F-22晚了整整二十年。  2011年8月,在第10届莫斯科航展中,俄罗斯首次现场展示了第五代战斗机——T-50。  日,为庆祝俄罗斯空军成立100周年,俄第五代战机T-50继2011年莫斯科国际航展首度亮相后,再度出现在公众面前。、  T50样机  俄罗斯一位高级官员表示,俄罗斯或将暂停T-50计划,等到2030年再重新开发一款5.75代战机。对此,俄罗斯的不少设计师解释称,出于费效比考虑,俄罗斯目前并不需要T-50这类的战机。  对印度来说真是一亏到底,一旦终止整个计划,就意味着印度前期所有的投入都打了水漂。不过也有网友表示,这是俄罗斯故意放风吓唬印度拿钱的,T-50计划终止与否现在下定论还为时过早。实际上,印度斯坦航空公司(HAL)早在2010年就与俄罗斯苏霍伊公司签署了联合开发战斗机合同,由印度出钱,俄罗斯出技术,两家共同研制。但由于俄罗斯方面在技术转移问题上的消极态度和T-50原型机研制试飞中遭受的挫折,印度方面终止了拨款。  歼20试飞  印度虽然终止了拨款,但实际上并不想放弃,因为这是印度唯一能获得第五代战斗机研制技术的机会。因为印度即便与美国近年来在军事合作方面非常密切,美国先后批准向印度出口C-17战略运输机和P-81反潜巡逻机等先进装备,印度如果要购买F-35隐身战斗机,估计也也不会成问题。但美国卖给你飞机可以,引进五代技术是想都别想,所以印度继续找俄罗斯合作也是预料之中的事。  俄罗斯T50一拖再拖,印度会买F35?  作为地区大国的印度,一直有雄心成为世界性的强国,但理想很丰满,现实很骨感,长期以来,印度一直因为其孱弱的国防工业所拖累,无法更进一步,发展出自己系统完整的国防工业体系,虽然历史和传统上沿革了英印的国防工业,之后以此为基础也发展了一套印度式的国防体系,但长期以来,印度一直陷入,外购——国产——再外购的怪圈,而其所谓国产装备,譬如阿琼坦克,LCA敏捷战斗机,一直为世人所诟病,也被印度军队投了否定票了,前不久,印度刚订购了一批法国的阵风战斗机,而与俄罗斯合作的T50的印度版第五代战斗机也在俄罗斯如火如荼的进行中,但限于资金的有限,平时在外购上一向大手大脚的印度,却在T50上哑火了,T50的进程始终无法提速,而多年来,想美国采购F35第五代隐身战斗机也一直是印度军队的梦想,那印度能如愿以偿买到F35隐身战斗机吗??今天时雨就来分析一二!  作为美国的三军通用战斗机,F35其前身成为JSF,也被称为联合攻击战斗机,其中A型为空军版,B型为短距垂直起降的海军陆战队版,而C型为海军的舰载机版。  F35由美国洛克希德马丁公司主研制,研制之初为了分摊成本,与8个国家共同研制:分别为英国、意大利、荷兰、加拿大、土耳其、澳大利亚、挪威、丹麦、以色列、.新加坡。初始成员国享受F35的采购优惠,而采用三军联合通用的模式也是出于降低成本的考虑,但计划赶不上变化,冷战的结束和金融危机的接踵而来,使之不再成为国际军备竞赛的香饽饽,有参与国相继取消了采购计划,但随着东亚局势的趋紧以及中俄相继开始测试定型新一代战斗机,东北亚的日本和韩国相继开始采购列装该机,但由于日本和韩国不是共同研制国之一,所以他们的采购费也便宜不了多少!而一亿四千万美元的高价也使这个与F22组成高低搭配的低配版成为了目前国际军火销售市场上最昂贵的战斗机。  而印度就是该款战斗机的又一个潜在采购国,印度希望获得第五代战斗机的梦想由来已久,特别是俄罗斯第五代战斗机T50试飞之初,印度就打算请俄罗斯帮其打造印度版的T50,并且基于印度使用俄罗斯SU30MKI双座战斗机的经验,打算把T50改造成双座版,可T50的进度却一波三折,飞机多次起火出现事故,虽然没人员损失,但也报废了一架原型机,而首飞的原型机,由于使用强度过大,并且材料方面也有一些缺陷,也处于退休阶段。虽然,近日有消息传来,T50第九架原型机已经首飞,但限于标配发动机129的研制滞后,T50转为量产型的道路始}


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