住房抵押贷款 英文的英文,住房抵押贷款 英文的翻译,怎么用英语翻译抵押

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英文翻译secured credit&&&& hy ...&&&& go bail ...&&&& make an adva ...&&&&secured loan&&&&loan against collateral&&&&collateral security for loans&&&&secured loan&&&&collateral loan&&&&security guarantees&&&&collateral security&&&& secured loan&&&&l unsecured loans&&&& mortgage-backed securities&&&&stock collateral loan&&&&demand loan secured&&&&bond collateral loan&&&& security collateral loan&&&&asset protection lending&&&& unsecured loan&&&&cmo&&&&collateralised mortgage obligation com&&&&cmbs&&&&signature loan&&&&collateral loan for private housing&&&&solidarity groulending programme
例句与用法The chapter 1 of this text make brief introduction of medium and small sized enterprises developping condition in our country , combining to analysis financing predicament of medium and small sized enterprises , point expatiate the problem of medium and small sized enterprises in our country , main proceeds with two aspects of direct financing and indirect financing elucidation : the mortgage guarantee loan to medium and small sized enterprises procedure complicacy , limit numerous , financing institution business operating of mechanism system restrict the credit input to the medium and smal the medium and small sized enterprises lack the channel and place to
proceeding ownership of a share in direct financing , lack bond financing credit , did not become the diverse capital market and so forth of a series of problem本文第一章对我国中小企业发展状况作了简单介绍,并对我国中小企业融资困境进行了分析,重点阐述了我国中小企业融资中存在的问题,主要从间接融资和直接融资两个方面进行说明:中小企业抵押担保贷款程序复杂,限制繁多,金融机构商业化的经营机制制约了对中小企业的信贷投入;中小企业在直接融资中缺乏进行股权融资的渠道和场所,债券融资资信不足,未形成多样化的资本市场等一系列问题。 本文第二章说明我国中小企业可以吸取国外的先进经验,采取融资租赁的方式缓解中小企业融资难的问题。 Legal affairs on real estate : participate in the design and selection on the real estate
participate in the establishment of
act as the legal adviser of the
assist conducting the transfer out , assignment and mortgage of the ri participate in the assignment of
participate in the pre - sell , marketing of the real estate , mortgage loan , supply the legal services on real property management房地产法律业务:参与房地产投资方案的设计和选择,参与房地产项目公司的设立,担任房地产公司的法律顾问,协助办理土地使用权的出让、转让和抵押,参与房地产项目的转让,参与房地产预售、销售、抵押担保贷款、楼宇租赁,提供物业管理法律服务。 &&
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All rights reservedVOA慢速英语附字幕[翻译]:词汇典故:抵押贷款_2015年VOA慢速英语_VOA英语网
Mortgage and Other 'Death' Words
program Words and Their Stories.
Part of the &American Dream& is to own a home. Many Americans borrow money when they buy a home. They use a mortgage loan, known simply as a mortgage, to help pay for the property. To get the money, the buyer signs an agreement with a bank or loan company. The borrower promises to pay back the money, plus interest, over a period of years.
The word &mortgage& comes from two Old French words. Mort means dead and gage means to promise or pledge. Combine the two terms and you get &death pledge.& Perhaps this deadly sounding name is why many people are afraid to buy a house, and choose to rent one instead. Because of the word&s French roots, we do not pronounce the letter &t& in mortgage.
The second half of the word, gage, is part of another useful word - engage. Engage has many meanings.
You can enter into battle with, or engage, your enemy. You can engage, or ask, someone to work for you. If you are engaged in a business, you&ve been taking part in it or doing it.
To engage also means to hold someone&s attention. If you have an engaging speaking style, you can hold the attention of others -- or engage them -- for a long time.
An engagement can be a single promise to be some place at a given time. For example, &He has an engagement this evening and won&t be able to make it.& Or an engagement can be a serious promise to marry someone. You can say, &The couple got engaged two years ago, which makes it a really long engagement!&
But let&s leave the happy thoughts of marriage and get back to death. The French term &mort& gives a deathly meaning to other English words & words like mortal, mortality, mortician and mortuary.
As a noun, mortal means a human being. But as an adjective, mortal means something or someone is subject to death. All mortal creatures will die. Mortal can also describe something or someone belonging to this world.
Many religious people believe that when we die, we simply leave our mortal life -- or life on this world -- for an afterlife. Something that does not die is immortal. Clergymen or other religious leaders often pray for a person&s &immortal soul.&
Mortal can also be used for something or someone with the ability to cause death. For example, someone who is your mortal enemy may want to kill you or they just may never give up in the fight against you. In battle, if you suffer a mortal wound, you are likely to die from it. Mortal combat means a fight to the death. These three are all common word combinations using the word &mortal.&
On the lighter side is the word &mortified.& When you are mortified, you feel so embarrassed or foolish that you want to die -- but not really. We often use mortified in situations that are not very serious.
Being a mortician, however, can be serious business. A mortician prepares dead people for burial. They also can help plan and organize funerals. The word mortician is a combination of mortuary, a place in which dead bodies are kept, and the suffix &ician, as in physician.
And that&s Words and Their Stories from
I&m Anna Matteo.
Do you have a mortgage on your home? Have you even felt mortified? Do you think about your mortality? Do share in the Comments Section.
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For the purposes of determining real estate mortgage amount based on information provided by real estate collateral value assessment.
In order to determine the real estate mortgage loan specified amount provides the reference to appraise the real estate mortgage value.
To determine the real estate mortgage provides reference for assessing the value of real estate mortgage.
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