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《三体》为何被众多互联网大佬奉为圣经 (附漫画)
亚马逊评论:本贴共有2个书评。(圆括号内是原作者注释)【方括号内是译者注释】&{花括号中的红色部分为本人的自言自语}龙腾网 {本着大刘的原著精神,未来中英文共融,参考艾AA白Ice高Way,所有与《三体》相关的人名照此办理}&{欢迎非商业转载,转载请保留作者名和来源链接,任何涉及商业的转载引用改编等行为请联系本人或龙腾网授权}。9 of 9 people found the following review helpful&9/9人认为书评有用Hugo / Nebula award please&请赐之雨果奖/星云奖吧By P Kimel on August 14, 2015&&留自P Kimel 日评价:5/5星The second book of this series, “The Dark Forest”, has its obvious shortcomings. The most glaring flaw I personally feel is Luo Ji (the leading character of the second book)’s romance with his “dream girl”. But how many engaging love stories have been told by scifi authors anyway? In addition, for American readers who have enjoyed the Chinese cultural/historical aspects of book one, reading The Dark Forest requires no understanding of the Chinese culture. Some of my friends also think that the Wallfacer project does not make much sense, but I disagree.本系列的第二部《黑暗森林》有其明显的缺点,个人认为最扎眼的就是罗Ji(第二部的主要角色)与他“梦中情人”的爱情故事。但退一步讲,有多少迷人的爱情故事是出自科幻作家笔下呢?此外,对喜欢第一部里中国历史文化部分的美国读者来说,阅读《黑暗森林》无需了解中国文化。还有我的一些朋友认为面壁计划不合情理,但我不同意他们的观点。This book deserves a five-star rating thoroughly. Unlike the Three-Body Problem that bears the burden of slowly laying the contextual foundation for the plot of the entire book series, the pace of The Dark Forest moves rather quickly from the beginning. There is no three-body computer game anymore. But a different game is played between four Wallfacers and their respective Wallbreakers. Each Wallfacer tried and failed in searching for a way to counter the looming invasion. Yet it does not seem to matter because, before the first alien fleet arrives, human technology has accelerated and risen to a level that rivals the alien race. Yes, inter-planetary peace is afoot.本书5星评价实至名归。不似《三体》需要承担为本作系列的情节发展徐徐打下铺垫的任务,《黑暗森林》的行文节奏自始至终都相当快。不再有《三体》电脑游戏,但在四个面壁者和其各自的破壁人之间的另一游戏正在上演。每个面壁者都尝试寻找迫在眉睫的外星侵略的应对方案但都失败。然而似乎变得无关紧要,因为在外星舰队到达前,人类科技已经加速并达到能与外星人匹敌的程度。是的,两个世界之间的和平不再遥远。Part III of The Dark Forest is the climax and most dramatic stage of the entire trilogy series. Both Luo Ji and Zhang Beihai – two leading characters of the book – are awaken from century-long hibernation to witness the human race’s first physical contact with the aliens. I am not going to the details because it will spoil the fun of your reading. Suffice it to say there are several brilliant twists of the plot that forces the question: what is humanity after all? In my mind, the best scifi novels are not so much about the light-speed space dashing or spectacular galactic wars, but how we define humanity when facing an alien encounter or invasion. The Dark Forest just did that, in a chilling way. Almost like a social scifi, the socio-psychological elements give the book a provocative depth and resonance.《黑暗森林》的第三部分是整个三部曲的最高潮和最戏剧性部分。罗Ji和章Beihai(书中的两个主要角色)经过长达一个世纪的冬眠后被唤醒,以亲眼见证人类首次与外星实体接触。我不会披露具体细节以免毁了你们阅读的乐趣。只能说剧情里有几处精彩的转折,让人不禁要问:人性究竟何为?在我的印象里,最优秀的科幻小说不是那么关注太空光速旅行或是壮丽的银河战争,而是面对外星接触或外星侵略之时如何定义人性。《黑暗森林》以令人毛骨悚然的方式做到了这点。就像一部社会科幻小说,社会心理元素赋予本书足够的深度和强烈的共鸣。Zhang Beihai comes out almost as a Vulcan from StarTrek. Not only did he go undercover for many centuries, but also he came up with a shockingly unhuman solution to save the human race in the most dire moment. Morality is of no concern. Just another rational but dark choice in the face of desperation, which is quite consistent with the pervading sense of pessimism about humans through the first two books.章Beihai几乎以《星际旅行》里的沃肯人的形象出现,不仅因为他隐藏身份长达数世纪,而且因为他在危难关头用令人震惊地不人道的方式拯救人类。道德不在考虑范畴,只是又一个面对绝望作出的理性但又黑暗的抉择,与贯穿前两部书里的人类充斥着的悲观主义遥相呼应。This book presents an interesting theory about how different civilizations view each other in the vast universe, hence the reason for the book title “The Dark Forest”. It’s similar to the famous prisoner’s dilemma where betrayal or hostility seems to generate the biggest rewards. The overall concept reminds me of the Inhibitors in “Revelation Space” by Alastair Reynolds. Again, the theory does not produce any good prospect for cosmic harmony. If u think the Three-Body Problem is a bit depressing, the Dark Forest gets bleaker. And of course, Liu is not done yet because the final installment of the trilogy is called “The Dead End”.本书提出了一个有趣的论点,关于浩瀚的宇宙中不同的文明如何看待彼此,由此得出了本书的书名《黑暗森林》的推论,其与著名的“囚徒困境”类似,背叛与敌意似乎收益最大。总体理念让我联想到阿拉斯泰·雷诺兹的《天启太空》里的“抑者”[尚无译本引进,一个无机种族,摧毁任何一个达到特定科技水平的文明,类似“质量效应”里收割者]。再次强调,这个理论不产生任何宇宙和谐的良好展望。如果你认为《三体》有点压抑,那么《黑暗森林》更加凄凉。当然,大刘还没就此结束,还有最后一部名字叫做《死神永生》。The Three-Body Problem was the finalist for both Hugo and Nebula awards this year. I will not surprised if the Dark Forest actually win it. That’s how GOOD it is.《三体》入选了今年的雨果奖和星云奖的最终提名。如果《黑暗森林》拿下这两座奖我也毫不吃惊,那就太好了。7 of 7 people found the following review helpful&7/7人认为有用Stop staring at these helpless and spoiling reviews! Just grab one and start reading.别看这些无用又剧透的书评了!买本看起来吧。By CaesarZX on August 14, 2015&&留自CaesarZX&&日评价:5/5星Bought on Day 1 and finished on Day 3. It was a fantastic Sci-fi reading experience from beginning right to end. You just couldn't stop feeling surprised and stunned all the time, by those choices and decisions, regardless they matter or not, made by the characters. The unthinkable scope of the plot and sceneries just repeatedly stroke your imagination and nerves like. Twists and turns in both large and small scale are blended in the whole logical storyline, so it turns out to be more like a mind-bending blockbuster movie.第一天就买了,第三天读完。从头到尾都是奇妙的科幻阅读体验。你会一直被书中角色作出的无论正确与否的选择和决定而震惊到。难以置信范畴的剧情和场景,不断地敲击你的想象和神经。巨巨小小的曲折逆转剧情编排进逻辑缜密的故事线,就像是一部深奥的电影大片。Comparing with the first volume, the new translator localized the writing in a more "English" way, making the reading for English speakers feel like reading a western literature instead of an Eastern-Western translation, which may not be too good for "preserving" the original writing, but... there isn't too many Chinese culture/history related content in this second book anyway.同第一部相比,新的译者用更“英语化”的写作方式,让英语读者阅读是感到是在读一本西方文学而不是东方译作,或许不是太适合保持原作的原汁原味,但第二部里也没什么中国文化历史相关的内容。One more thing to add, the characters Liu sculpted in his books are more like symbols instead of vivid human beings appear in regular full-length fictions, which I fancy is in purpose, being probably the only obstacle for his book in the way of becoming a true saluter to those real Classics back in the Golden Age of Science Fiction.还有一点要补充,大刘塑造的人物角色不算是通常长篇小说里出现的活生生的人类,而更像是象征的符号,我不禁联想到,这或许是他能比肩科幻小说黄金时代的真正经典作品仅有的障碍。Definitely a powerful Hugo/Nebular competitor and a likely winner next year.绝对是来年雨果/星云奖的有力争夺者和可能的获奖者。For your own sakes, read it yourselves.为了你们好,自个儿看去吧。Goodreads评论:Rebecca rated it 3 of 5 stars Rebecca 评分 3/5星 I received an ARC of this soon-to-be released book in a Goodreads giveaway, and I was very excited, because I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the series.&我收到Goodreads赠送的这本即将上市的作品的预览版,很兴奋,因为我从头至尾都很享受本系列第一部。Summary:In the first book of the Three Body trilogy, we learn that a distant alien civilization has learned of our existence here on planet Earth. This civilization - Trisolaris - communicates with targeted individuals in order to learn about humankind, but also in order to win over advocates. You see, Trisolaris needs a new home, because its own planet is terribly unstable in climate and resources. Ultimately, Trisolaris decides humanity is evil. They plan to destroy humankind and take our planet as its own. Their plan is thwarted, but only temporarily. The Trisolarans prevent quantum physics from progressing in order to undermine human technological advancement. On the day the two societies meet, they want to end up on top.前作提要:三体三部曲第一部里,我们知道了有一遥远的外星文明获悉了人类在地球上的存在,该文明“三体人”与特定目标个体联络以了解人类,也为了笼络拥护者。三体人因其母星的气候和资源处于极不稳定状态而急于寻找新的家园。最终三体人认定人性本恶,而打算毁灭人类并鸠占鹊巢。他们的计划虽被挫败,但只限一时。三体人限制了人类量子物理的发展和科技的进步。两个文明交会之日,三体人势将占尽上风。In the second book, The Dark Forest, the Trisolaran fleet is on its way. Humanity has a few centuries to figure out how to either triumph over the Trisolarans or persuade them to negotiate a truce. Only, we can't seem to conquer our own self-destructive tendencies.在第二部《黑暗森林》里,三体舰队踏上征程。人类只有数百年时间去找到战胜敌人或是迫使对手言和的方法。只是我们天性里似乎有着无法克制自我毁灭的倾向。We're introduced to a whole host of characters. Some have been designated by others to save humanity. Others have decided on their own to focus on this goal. Who will succeed and who will fail?&众多人物角色粉墨登场。部分角色受某些人指派以拯救人类,某些人则依凭自我意志专注于最终目标,与三体人一决雌雄。Things I enjoyed about The Dark Forest:-The suspense was enough to keep me at the edge of my seat. When the stakes are this high (powerful aliens threaten to destroy our planet), the possibility of failure is genuinely scary.-Lots of imaginative world-building in Liu's depiction of the future.-The idea that the sophons can see everything on Earth but what's in our heads really fed the suspense level, too. A very clever and paranoia-inducing idea on Liu's part.-The character of Di Shi, so captivating in The Three Body Problem, really shines here.&-The ending. Endings are hard to nail, but Cixin Liu did it here.-Lots of complex moral issues to make the reader think. I didn't always agree with the characters or with Liu, but just making readers think about some of these things in our era of light entertainment is an achievement.《黑暗森林》的优点:-足够的悬念让我始终全神贯注。当人类命运如此攸关(强大的外星人毁灭地球),对失败的恐惧就更加惊心动魄。-刘Cixin对未来的世界构成有着大量充满想象的描绘。-智子能看见地球上所有事物但看不透我们的思想,这个创意极大地满足了悬念程度。非常聪明的制造悬疑的点子。-Da史这个角色,在第一部里就非常有魅力,在第二部里也光芒四射。-结尾。结尾很难一锤定音,但刘Cixin做到了。-大量复杂的伦理事件让读者深思。我并非全部同意书中人物或是作者的观点,但能让我们这些身处低俗娱乐时代的读者深思就是一种成功。Things I didn't like about the book (contains some almost-spoilers):-As in the first book of the series, the dialogue sounds really, really stilted. I can only assume that either the original author's dialogue sounded like that, or that Chinese is so different from English, any translation that maintains both content and tone will not sound right to the American ear, because this volume was translated by a different translator than the first one.&-I did not find some of the characters' behavior to be psychologically consistent, to the extent that believability was compromised. This was particularly true of 1) female characters, and 3) the description of humankind overall. Human beings are a lot more resilient than how they are described here. Too many people panic or get depressed when put under this high-level of stress. I felt like Liu should have read Viktor Frankl. Many people shine under high-stress, tragic situations. Here almost everyone just starts hyperventilating, drinking heavily, or committing suicide in the face of likely disaster,&even when that disaster is many years off.-There are no really likable, believable female characters. Okay, maybe one minor one (the captain of one of the warships). All the others are either too perfect and simpering (Luo Ji's wife) or (more often) brilliant, evil, calculating, and cold. And the only happy marriage we see is too perfect, too cloying. It doesn't seem like a genuine, unselfish attachment. Spouses aren't supposed to get along all the time, being perfectly suited, without working hard at their marriage and on themselves. Which leads me to my next complaint...-The whole imaginary lover bit is just too weird. It intrigued me at first, but when it crosses into reality, it just didn't work for me. -I found the whole Wallfacer/Wallbreaker issue unnecessarily complex. Why make Wallfacers and institution? Wouldn't people - knowing the sophons would know anything expressed verbally - learn to dissemble, cover their tracks, and be less expressive on a much wider, less formal scale?-A major plot point requires readers to believe that human beings are really, really dumb. In short:[Why the hell would any general or government send the entire human fleet to meet up with the probe? Since the time of the Bible, military camps always would be split up so that one part of the army could get away if the rest is engaged in a losing battle. (hide spoiler)] The reader can see how dumb this action is, so we can predict the disaster before it happens. This is one case were Liu undermined his own, generally good, handle on suspense.本作的缺点(略有剧透):-如同本系列第一部,人物对白一样的非常非常僵硬。我只能假设要么是原作者的对白就是这么地,要么是汉语和英语间差异太大,内容和语调翻译过来就不怎么入美国人的耳,因为这次的译者和第一部就不是同一个人。-我没找到几个角色的行为符合心理学上的一致性,到了影响本书可信度的地步。尤其是1)女性角色,[2缺失,应该是书评作者删了],以及3)全人类的描写。人类远比书中描写的那样更坚韧达观。书里太多人在高强度的压力下惊慌或抑郁。我觉得刘Cixin应该去读一下维克多·弗兰克的书,许多人在高压下惨状前依然散发光芒。而本书里的绝大多数人面对可能的灾难就已开始心悸,酗酒或是自杀,即便灾难远在数百年之后。-就没有讨喜的可信的女性角色。好吧,算是有个小角色(某战舰的舰长)。其他的要么太完美单纯(罗辑老婆),要么太聪明,邪气,太算计或是无情。仅有的幸福婚姻也显得太完美太腻味,不像是真实的无私的爱慕。即使是绝配,夫妇间也不应该一直黏在一起而不用努力经营自己的婚姻或提升自身修为。这段引出了我下段抱怨…-想象的恋人整个桥段太古怪了。一开始还挺吸引我,但之后成真了,我就不接受了。-我觉得面壁人/破壁人事件没必要那么复杂。为什么要整出面壁人及其体系?人类业已知道智子能获取所有文字表达的信息,为什么不学着掩饰自我,隐藏记录,在更广但不太正式的制度结构上减少表达出的信息量呢?-一个主要的剧情点要求读者相信人类非常非常之蠢。简言之:什么样的统帅或者政府会让整个舰队对付敌方的探测器?自从圣经时代以来,军队扎营总是分散开,能让部分军队在必输的战斗中可以跑路。读者可以看出这行为如此之蠢,在悲剧发生前就能猜出结局了。这是一点作者自己破了悬念的部分。Regardless of this book's failings. I am looking forward to the third novel of the series. While the book is less than perfect, it's engaging enough to keep me going. I'm especially hoping we get to see more of the Trisolarans, at last.&尽管本书存在不足之处,我仍期待系列第三作。本书虽不完美,但也足够吸引我读完。我特别期待最终能看到更多的三体人。AliceAnn rated it 3 of 5 stars&&AliceAnn 评分3/5星 I won this book through Goodreads-Giveaways. Thank you. This is an uncorrected ARC. There were a few sentence mishaps, but nothing major.我从Goodreads赠书活动中获得本书。感谢!本书是无修订预览版,有些语句问题,但不严重Actual rating: 3.5 stars实际评分3.5星There were parts of this book that I really enjoyed. I loved the prologue because of the ant. We did get to see ant scenes a few more times, which I enjoyed, but just like the ant, they were small. I also loved the last 100 pages of the book. That's where events were happening, and there was action. It was fun and interesting and entertaining, and because of those last 100 pages, I do want to see what happens in the final book of the trilogy.有些部分我很喜欢。我非常喜爱前言部分,因为蚂蚁。蚂蚁场景还会出现几次,我都喜欢,但如同蚂蚁一般,很短小。我也很喜欢本书的最后100页,集中了事件的发生,有动作场景,有趣欢乐。因为最后100页的缘故,我还想看最后一部书会发生什么。However, I had a much harder time with the 400 pages leading up to that point. Even with the list of characters, I still got confused with who was who, especially with the time jump. I also couldn't get invested in the main character. Even after seeing his thoughts and actions throughout most of the book, I still don't feel as if I know him very well.&但是,对前面400页读的比较难。即使是人物表,我都搞不清谁是谁,尤其是时间跳跃后。我也无法深入了解主角,即使看完整本书主角的所思所想所作所为,我还是觉得不太懂他。The other problem I had with this book was the sparsity of female characters. There were some women in high positions, but it seemed as if they were just characters who happened to be women. The love interest is simply the ideal woman, as if she was ordered out of a catalog because she looked like this and had these characteristics, and voila.&还有个问题是女性角色的缺失。有几个女性是高官,但似乎只是这些角色的性别碰巧是女。主角恋人这个角色仅仅是个理想化的女性,就好像是照单定做的,因为她看着像,又符合这些特征。This book/series does have a broad scale. We really do get to experience humanity at its best, and at its worst. I did enjoy the whole space aspects, even though I didn't understand a lot of it.本作架构很广,我们确实得体会人类处于巅峰或是陷于低谷的经历。我非常享受外太空的部分,尽管很多都不太懂。Grey rated it 5 of 5 stars&&Grey 评分5/5星&&About 80% through this book (after the Battle of Darkness), I needed a nap desperately. In the nap, I dreamed extremely troubling dreams, filled with the feeling of despair and the knowledge that humanity would die. Just felt like explaining the mood this book left me in for the most part: an overwhelming tension that every single human will perish, first in spirit, then in body. Thanks for that, Mr. Liu!在本书的80%处(黑暗战役之后),我非常疲惫急需打个盹。睡梦里,我做了个十分烦心的梦,梦里充斥着绝望感以及人类要完的认知,让我只想一吐本书带给我的主要感受:一种压倒一切的焦虑感,每个人类都将凋零,先是灵魂,再是肉体。谢你一家门,刘先森!At that point, I thought I would end up not liking this book. I mean, the darkness of this book might haunt me for a while. This isn't pointlessly grimdark cynicism. I generally consider myself an "up" person. I love stories that are all about people defying the laws of the universe through the power of love. For a day, this book made me doubt that.在那一刻,我以为我到头来会讨厌这本书。我的意思是,本书的黑暗可能会困扰我许久。这可不是毫无意义的阴森的愤世嫉俗,我通常认为我自己是个“向上”的人,我最喜欢爱能胜天的故事。但那天,本书让我怀疑了自己。Definitely a high concept work. I'm not going to walk away loving Luo Ji or Zhang Beihai or Da Shi especially. But the feelings of overwhelming despair seeing inevitable defeat, the weird thrilling methods of watching the Wallfacers work, the pall that the Battle of Darkness cast over everything... The ideas and feelings here are universal.毫无疑问这是部高概念作品,我不准备只聊下如何如何喜爱罗Ji、章Beihai尤其还有Da史就那么结了。目睹必然的失败所带来的压倒一切的绝望感,面壁者施展的古怪但又令人兴奋的手段,黑暗战役给一切蒙上的阴影,这些想法和感受都是普世的。You can tell from the writing that it is a translation. In the cadence and rhythm of the narrative and dialogue, this is not how native English speakers think and talk. But knowing that, perhaps I gave it some slack unconsciously? I didn't notice any particular issues, anyway. It's coherent and I didn't feel lost along the way.你能从字里行间辨别出这是本译作,叙事和对话的韵律节奏不同于英语母语者所想所言的方式。但知道了这点,或许让我不自觉得放低了标准。我没注意到任何特别的问题,作品条理清楚,我能跟上作者的思路。There is one plothole I noticed, and either I missed something or maybe it was just forgotten. (This is the matter of the five missing mental seal devices and what came of the people who were sealed with the belief that humanity could never win.) I hesitate to put this down as a criticism because I haven't read the third book, and also allowing for the possibility that I simply missed its resolution.我注意到有个情节漏洞,要么就是我漏看了或是忘记了(就是那五台用来打上人类必败的思想钢印设备的下落)。我犹豫是否要在评论里写这条,因为我还没读过第三本,还有一种可能就是我碰巧错过了思想钢印设备的处置。As I said before, the characters are not strongly drawn, not particularly memorable - they fill a function. The characters stand in for the ideas that are being presented along the way. I didn't find it a problem, as the concepts are strong enough that I'll be mulling them over for a long while anyway. For other readers, this may count as a failing.&如我之前所言,人物角色刻画得不够强,不算印象深刻,只是各司其职,这些角色代表了作者一路展现的创意。我觉得没什么问题,因为书中的概念很强,能让我反复琢磨很长时间,但对其他读者而言,或许会认为是种不足。The emotional arc of the lead Luo Ji is essentially that of the book's. First Luo Ji is a misantrope, selfishly living life cheerfully because one day we will die, uncaring of humanity's imminent destruction. Then he has a wife and a daughter, and through his love for them (or because of them, perhaps), then cares for the fate of the Earth.罗Ji的情感转变,是书中精华的一笔。一开始,罗Ji是个遁世者,因凡人终须一死而自私地游戏人生,人类死到临头也漠不关心。然后他有了妻女,因对妻女的爱,终而关心起地球的命运。This book made me believe the darkness was real, and that there might not be hope after all. So the moment in the last, god, 5 or 10 pages, when the tone changed. I never thought they were going to go there. The dark forest is presented as something altogether larger, more terrifying and powerful than humanity. Than humanity could ever be.&本书让我相信黑暗是真实存在的,或许那里根本没有希望。所以在读到最后5到10页的时候,整个调子都变了,我从没想到会走到这步。黑暗森林呈现出人性无法企及的庞大、有力、可怕。So at the end... Ah, I'll quote it. Super extra spoilers, this is literally from the last page:结尾处,我要引用本书的最后一页,超级剧透:& && && && && && && && && & I only wish to discuss with you one possibility: Perhaps seeds of love are present in other places in the& && && && && && && && && & universe. We ought to encourage them to sprout and grow.& && && && && && && && && &我只是想和您讨论一种可能:也许爱的萌芽在宇宙的其他地方也存在,我们应该到处鼓励她的萌发和成长。"That's a goal worth taking risks for."& && &&“为此我们可以冒险。”& && && && && && &&&Yes, we can take risks.& && && && && && && && && &&对,可以冒险。"I have a dream that one day brilliant sunlight will illuminate the dark forest."& && &&“我有一个梦,也许有一天,灿烂的阳光能照进黑暗森林。”The sun was setting. Now only its tip was exposed beyond the distant mountains, as if the mountaintop was inset with a&& && & dazzling gemstone. Like the grass, the child running in the distance was bathed in the golden sunset.& && &&&这时,这里的却在落下去,现在只在远山上露出顶端的一点,像山顶上镶嵌着的一块光灿灿的宝石。孩子已经跑远,& && &&&同草地一起沐浴在金色的晚霞之中。& && && && && && && &The sun will set soon. Isn't your child afraid?& && && && && && && && && &&太阳快落下去了,你们的孩子居然不害怕?"Of course she's not afraid. She knows that the sun will rise again tomorrow."& && &“当然不害怕,她知道明天太阳还会升起来的。”Do you ever just cry? Ah, me. In this single exchange at the end, my hope was restored, my mood lifted, and suddenly I began to believe perhaps despair is not more powerful than love. Even such a science fiction book focused so much on showing humanity succumbing to darkness in the end wants to hope in love.你哭了吗?我哭了。结尾处的变化,让我重燃希望,重振士气,然后突然间我开始相信绝望还是战胜不了爱。即使这本科幻小说如此表现人性屈从于黑暗,最终也对爱抱有希望。Extremely happy to see that the English version of Death's End will be arriving in a mere five months!&极其高兴《死神永生》的英文版只要再过5个月就有的看了。Andrea rated it 5 of 5 stars&&Andrea 评分5/5星&&Couldn't put it down. Literally. I neglected other duties for 36 hours. Excellent continuation of the story. Again, fascinating view of drivers of species survival seen through a different cultural lens, somewhat alien to my Western background. I did not expect it to follow the usual paths of English and USA scifi and it did not disappoint. Loved it.&字面意义上的“手不释卷,爱不释手”,我翘班了36个小时。前作故事精彩的延续,再次通过有别于我的西方背景的不同的文化透镜,以引人入胜的视角,展现族群生存的驱动力。我没有期待本作与英美科幻有雷同,本作也没有让我失望。大爱。Unfortunately the translation jarred at times. Luckily infrequently. But not enough for me to deduct a star.翻译不时有些毛糙。还好不算频繁,没到让我减掉一颗星的程度。Santiago Giraldo rated it 5 of 5 stars& &Santiago Giraldo评分:5/5星& & &Liu is most definitely a worthy successorto the Strugatsky brothers and other writers who treat the problem of"aliens" with seriousness, humor, and complexity. The Dark Forest isa great read and worthy sequel to "The Three Body Problem", the charactersare fleshed out, the narrative pushed along at a masterful pace with mountingtension. The conclusion actually satisfactory given the terrible destinyawaiting humanity, again, a must read.大刘成为斯特鲁加茨基兄弟【俄罗斯科幻作家】等一众将外星问题以严肃性、幽默感及复杂性相对待的作家的当之无愧的接班人。《黑暗森林》是一部优秀作品,很好地接续了《三体》,人物有血有肉,叙事内容随着逐步升级的紧张气氛以娴熟的节奏推进。考虑到人类之前面临的可怕命运,结局算是令人欣慰。再次推荐,必读佳作。Daniel rated it 3 of 5 stars& &Daniel评分:3/5星& &&I'm not sure why this second book justseemed average after the first seemed so good. Middle of a trilogy syndrome?The change in translation? I still want to read the last one to see whathappens, but not as much as after the first one.不太清楚为什么第一部那么好而第二部这么普通。三部曲中二症?换人翻译了?仍然想读第三部看看结果,但没有读完第一部时的那种渴望了。&Stuart rated it 3 of 5 stars& & Stuart评分:3/5星& &&The Dark Forest: Only 400 years to preparefor an alien invasion《黑暗森林》:备战外星侵略,唯余四百春秋。The Dark Forest is Cixin Liu’s follow-up toThe Three-Body Problem (first published in English in 2014 and selected as a Hugoand Nebula Award Finalist), and is the second book in his THREE BODYapocalyptic SF trilogy (which was already published in China back in 2010). Ittook a while for the series to gain enough popularity in China to catch theattention of US publishers, but since the first book was released last year,major newspapers like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and WashingtonPost have all published favorable feature articles because Chinese SF is a veryrare and unknown commodity in the Western world.刘Cixin的《黑暗森林》是《三体》(2014年英文版出版,入选雨果奖/星云奖提名)的续作,也是《三体》末世科幻三部曲(2010年已在中国出版)的第二部。本系列花费时日才在中国获得足够影响力,并引起美国出版商的关注。然而去年第一部出版之际,主流报刊如《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《华盛顿邮报》都刊出了好评的特约文章,因中国科幻小说在西方世界极为稀少几无人识。&The Three-Body Problem was an originalblend of mystery, particle physics, global politics, virtual reality games, andalien contact. Its strengths were its ideas and extrapolation about aliencontact, not characterization, and The Dark Forest follows this pattern. Nowthat humanity knows that aliens are coming and they are not friendly (theironly statement to humanity was “You’re bugs”), they have 400 years to preparebefore the alien warfleet arrives. This is an original concept in SF since mostalien-contact stories start with the point of first contact and go from there.How would humanity respond when it has that much time to prepare, with most ofthe early generations knowing they won’t ever live to see the finalconfrontation with the alien Trisolarans? It’s an interesting contrast to NealStephenson’s latest book Seveneves, in which humanity has just 1-2 years toprepare an Ark to preserve human civilization from destruction by meteorites.《三体》是一部原创小说,混合了悬疑、粒子物理学、全球政治、虚拟现实游戏,以及外星接触。其长处是与外星接触的相关想法和推论,人物塑造并非强项,《黑暗森林》继承了这一特点。今时今日,人类知道了外星人怀着恶意到来(它们对人类只说了“你们是虫子”),只有400年的时间在外星战舰兵临城下前备战。这个概念在科幻作品中是个原创,多数外星接触故事始于第一类接触【人类与外星人的直接接触】然后才展开。有那么多时间备战,当前几代人知道不可能活到与三体人最终对决的时候,人类是如何应对的呢?这与尼尔·斯蒂芬森的新作《七チ》{非正式译名,チ和七发音相同,字形与七接近中心对称}有着有趣对照,尼尔的作品里,人类只有1到2年去准备一艘方舟,来保存人类文明免于陨石造成的毁灭。&Liu postulates that humanity will struggleto put forth a united front against the aliens, even faced with annihilation infour centuries. This makes perfect sense from a psychological point of view:how many of us put off tomorrow what could be done today, like my daughterwatching YouTube when she should be studying, or humanity using up fossil fuelsand resources without concern for the next generation? Then imagine that 16generations will go by before the Trisolarans will come to Earth andexterminate us like bugs. Why bother worrying at all? And certainly much ofhumanity does respond this way.大刘假定人类很困难地组成统一战线对抗外星人,即使面临400年后的灭亡。这从心理学角度来看非常合情合理,我们中间有多少人把本可“今日毕”的事拖延至明日,比如我女儿在本该学习的时候看油土鳖,又比如人类根本不考虑后世子孙而把化石燃料和其他资源消耗殆尽。再想象一下还要18代,三体人才会来到地球把我们像虫子一样灭掉,何必操心呢。肯定一大部分人会这样反应。&However, the Planetary Defense Council isnot content to admit defeat. It decides to establish the Wallfacer Project(pretty badly named, which is what you get for putting it to a committee todecide), which vests four individuals
they are tasked tocome up with secret strategies to defeat the alien invasion. Secrecy is neededbecause the Trisolarans have infiltrated the Earth with sophons, subatomicparticles that contain super-powerful AIs capable of eavesdropping on all humancommunications around the world. Because of this, the only way to deceive theTrisolarans is to essentially keep all real plans unspoken, and to misdirecthuman society as well.但是,行星防御理事会不甘心认输,决定创立面壁计划(挺糟的名字,还是由整个委员会决议通过的),授予四位个人极大的权利。他们的任务是制订秘密策略挫败外星入侵。保密是必须的,因为三体人用智子渗透了地球,智子是包含超级人工智能的亚原子粒子,能够偷听全世界人类的通讯。因此欺骗三体人的唯一方法本质上就是不吐露任何真实的方案,连带误导整个人类社会。&The first three Wallfacers selected arewell-known political figures or scientists, but inexplicably the final member selectedis Luo Ji, an unknown Chinese astronomer and sociologist. Thanks to a visitfrom Ye Wenjie (a major character from the previous book), he develops aninterest in “cosmic sociology,” which postulates that there are only two majoraxioms that an intelligent species will follow: 1) the ultimate imperative issurvival of your species, and 2) there is limited mass in the universe but lifegrows exponentially, so life must fight for space. Based on these principles,any species encountering another has only one logical choice: strike first anddestroy the other before it happens to them. The concept of “chains of doubt”essentially ensures that an intelligent species cannot assume another isbenign, so it must attack first to survive. It’s clear that the Trisolaranshave taken this approach, especially since their own solar system is unstableand likely to destroy itself. By that calculus, it doesn't matter if mankind isfriendly or not: we have a habitable planet and they do not. We’re “bugs,” andit’s not our business if they want to wipe us out.挑选出的前三名面壁者都是知名的政治人物和科学家,最后一人出人意料地是罗Ji,一位默默无闻的中国天文学家和社会学家。由于与叶Wenjie(前作的主要人物)的一次会面,罗Ji培养了对“宇宙社会学”的兴趣,“宇宙社会学”假设了两条所有智慧种族都要遵守的公理:1、生存是各自种族的终极要义;2、宇宙中的质量是有限的而生命以指数级增长,因此生命必须为生存空间而战。基于上述原理,任何种族遭遇异族就只有一个符合逻辑的选择:先发制人并在异族能反制之前摧毁他们。“猜疑链”这个概念本质上确定了任何智慧种族都无法认定对方是善良的,只能先发制人以保障生存。很明显三体人就是采取这种手段,尤其当他们的星系极不稳定很有可能自我毁灭。在此算计下,人类是否友善无关紧要,我们占有三体人所没有的宜居星球,我们只是虫子,毁灭我们与我们无干。&Surprisingly, the Trisolarans still havesome human supporters (i.e., those who oppose humanity) on Earth, and they establisha counter-strategy that assigns a Wallbreaker for each Wallfacer. As the storyproceeds, the first two Wallfacers come up with wildly different schemes, onlyto be foiled by their Wallbreakers. With each defeat, humanity becomes increasinglyconvinced it stands no chance against the Trisolarans. However, Luo Ji takes avery unorthodox approach, seeming not to care and indulging in a hedonisticlifestyle. Though this is designed to throw the Trisolarans and their Wallbreakersoff the scent, even his closest friends (and readers of The Dark Forest) areconfused.令人讶异的是,三体人竟然还有地球上的人类支持者,实施了针锋相对的策略,派出破壁人针对每个面壁者。随着故事推进,前两位面壁者想出的奇谋,却被破壁人揭破。每一次失败,人类就更加深信自己毫无胜算。然而,罗Ji的方法极不寻常,看似毫不操心,安于享乐。其实是故意让三体人和他的破壁人失去线索,连他的挚友(还有读者们)都糊涂了。&The story then leaps ahead by 200 years, aswe find that Luo Ji and Da Shi (the gruff cop from the first book) have gone intocryogenic hibernation, hoping to see an age when humanity has made morescientific progress to meet the oncoming alien invasion. Initially, they areimpressed by technological advances such as fusion-powered starships, powerfulspace weaponry, ubiquitous electric power, etc. However, they notice thathumans in the future have gotten a bit too confident in their abilities, andare quite complacent in assuming their superiority to the Trisolaran fleet.They seem to have forgotten that earlier message, “You’re bugs.”故事跳进至200年后,我们会了解罗Ji和Da史(第一部里的粗嗓门警察)进入冬眠,希冀能看到人类科技更加进步的时代,并直面外星入侵。起初,他们被诸如聚变动力的星舰、强力太空武器、无处不在的电力供应等高科技所折服。然而他们注意到未来的人类对其能力太过自信,自鸣得意以为自己已强过三体舰队。他们似乎忘了早前的讯息:“你们是虫子”。Up to this point I found the firsttwo-thirds of The Dark Forest to have interesting ideas but was somewhatslow-going amid a lack of interesting events to forward the plot. This was muchthe same in The Three-Body Problem. But like that book, the third act reallypacks a punch, with so many earlier plot lines finally reaching fruition andmaking the overall storyline much clearer. The most impressive set-piece hereis the encounter between the initial scout ship of the Trisolaran fleet, an unassumingtear-shaped “droplet” that is perfectly smooth and light-reflecting, and thebig and powerful Space Fleet of humanity, all geared-up and spoiling for afight. The ensuing battle is quite spectacular and humbling by turns.到这个节点,我认为《黑暗森林》的前三分之二篇幅有着有趣的想法,但缺少有趣的事件来推动剧情从而显得迟缓,这同《三体》几乎一模一样。与之相仿的是,书的第三节强而有力,之前的情节线索在这里最终开花结果,整体故事变得明朗。最令人折服的桥段是三体舰队泪珠状的侦查舰,有着极其光滑和全反射面的“水滴”同人类枕戈待旦的强大太空舰队的遭遇,随之而来的交战十分悲壮。In the aftermath, several surviving humanships (dubbed “Starship Earth”) seek to leave the Solar System and establish humanityin another part of space, out of range of the Trisolarans. However, severedfrom the ties of Mother Earth, they turn on each other in a savage enactment ofthe “cosmic sociology” axiom of survival at all costs.之后,几艘幸存的人类战舰(称之为“星舰地球”)寻求逃离太阳系并建立人类在太空里的另一体系,以脱离三体人的魔爪。然而,斩断了与地球母亲的联系后,他们互相攻击,以野蛮的方式印证了“宇宙社会学”那条不惜任何代价获得生存的公理。&Finally, reluctant hero Luo Ji again findshimself the only person on Earth able to clearly understand the Trisolaran’s thinkingand come up with a suitable counter-strategy that will keep them from wipingout humanity. His solution is quite intricate and well-conceived, and providesa sinister explanation to Fermi’s Paradox, but this all happens in just a few densely-writtenpages, so you have to pay close attention to understand what happens. Hisactions also set the stage for the series’ final installment, Death’s End, dueout in January 2016 from Tor, and from the publisher’s description, the relationshipof humans and Trisolarans has changed completely from what we were led toexpect previously.最后,不情愿的英雄罗Ji再次发现自己成为了地球上唯一能清楚理解三体人的思维方式并制定合适的反制策略以保护人类免遭消灭的人。他的方案相当复杂,隐藏得很好,也提供了费米悖论的一种阴暗的解释。所有一切都发生在集中描写的寥寥几页,所以得聚精会神才能理解所发生的事情。同时也为该系列最后一部《死神永生》拉开帷幕。TOR出版社将在2016年1月发行《死神永生》,根据出版方的描述,人类和三体人之间的关系将完全出乎我们之前所料。&As with The Three-Body Problem, I thoughtThe Dark Forest was filled with neat ideas and clunky characterization, and thefirst two-thirds of the book were somewhat slow-going but the pyrotechnics ofthe final third made up for it. I listened to the audiobook narrated by P.J.Ochlan, and he did a good job including pronunciation of the Chinese names,though I still have trouble keeping them straight in my head without seeingthem on the page. This book was translated by Joel Martinsen, and I believe hedid a good job, as did Ken Liu for the first book. I don’t think the charactersare wooden because of the translation — that lies with the author, and I thinkhis strength is more in ideas and extrapolation, so I am willing to overlookthat. In fact, what Western readers expect from characters may be differentfrom Chinese readers, so it’s tough to say. In any case, I still am keen to seewhat he can do in the trilogy's finale, Death's End.与《三体》一样,我认为《黑暗森林》充满了很棒的想法和笨拙的人物塑造。本书的前三分之二显得迟缓,但最后三分之一的绚烂作出了弥补。我听了由P.J. Ochlan朗读的有声读物,非常好,连中文名字的发音都很棒,但不看着书的话我很难把中文名字记住。本书由乔Martinsen翻译,我认为他翻的很好,不亚于刘Ken翻的第一部。我不认为人物角色显得很木是译者的原因,应该归罪于作者本人,他的强项在于想法和推论,所以我愿意忽略人物的不足。事实上,西方读者期望的人物角色可能与中国读者期望的不同,很难说。无论如何,我都期待作者在三部曲最后一部《死神永生》的表现。&Brad rated it 5 of 5 stars&&Brad&评分5/5星& & {这个评论作者的遣词造句和想法表达都较随意,让本人很痛苦,翻的不太理想,各位凑合着看}&Will the Dark Forest sprout the seeds of love?《黑暗森林》能否让爱的种子萌芽?It's an excellent question, even if itinduces a deep pessimism and the likelihood of eventual suicide. And yet, thisis exactly what we're asked to consider at the end of this excellent novel.这是个很棒的问题,即便会诱发严重的悲观甚至可能导致自杀。然而这恰恰就是这本优秀小说的结尾所带给我们深省的。&First things first. How does it compare tothe first novel? Well, it's a very different read. I can even say it's sedateand deliberate, despite the axe being held over the Earth and all itsinhabitants for hundreds of years. We've got a sociology experiment going onhere, with lines drawn between optimism and pessimism, faith and despair, andit shows in everything that goes on in the world. In this respect, the novel isvery much a product of the many classics of the SF genre that never need torely on great space battles to tell a good story, and while there IS a spacebattle, and it's very interesting, it is by far and away the least importantmessage that the novel is wanting to get across.言归正传,本作与第一部相比如何呢?嗯,除了战争阴云仍旧高悬在地球和其住民之上数百年,其他巨巨不同,我甚至可以说本作是清醒审慎的。书里进行了社会学实验,划分了乐观与悲观,信念与绝望,展示了所有发生在世界上的事物。从这点上讲,本作的确是一部集科幻经典之大成的作品,无需依赖太空大战就能讲好故事。虽然书里的确有非常有趣的太空大战,但完全不是本书最想让读者关注的部分。Strategy is the real plot motivator here,like playing an extremely long game of Go. Lies and the game of darkness is necessaryand obvious from the start. Whomever plays the game best will manage to savetheir civilization. Humans? Or Tri-Solarans?谋略是本作真正的情节推动因素,就好比下一局超长的围棋。甫一开始就需要用到谎言和其他损招,谁玩的高明谁就能拯救自己的文明。人类?还是三体人?&The secret is there all along, from thefirst few pages to the last few, and yet we have hundreds of years, societal upheavals,blackmail, and the unsatisfied desire to live a simple and good life.从最初几页到最后几页一直都有秘密,然而数百年的跨度、社会剧变、敲诈勒索还有无法满足的欲望让我们过不上安稳的小日子。&I started the novel assuming that I'd havea problem with the characterizations again, as I did with the TBP. For the longesttime, I just assumed that I'd be dealing with cardboard characters that wereonly there to promote and ultimately propel the story forward. (Which wouldhave been fine, in fact, because the TBP was so full of wonderful ideas andscope that it held its own regardless.)刚开始看本书的时候,我以为还要像《三体》一样有人物角色的塑造问题。一直以来,我就认为书中的纸板人物只是用来推动故事前进。(其实还好,因为《三体》充满了奇思妙想和奇妙视野)&I honestly didn't expect The Dark Forest toactually hold up its main character, Lou Ji, to a higher standard and push him throughthe tale as strongly as it did. Perhaps, had I known that he'd be as strong ashe was, I would have paid much closer attention to him from the very start.老实说我还真没期待《黑暗森林》有真正的主角罗Ji能达到如此高度并将其强烈地融入故事里。如果我知道他会变得那么牛,一开始我就会仔细关注他。As it is now, I'll know what I'll need todo upon a second closer reading. What was mostly unsaid was his internaldebate, but that's no matter, because it was always there, mostly hidden in thesame way that the Dark Forest hides all.现在我晓得我还得仔细看第二遍。没有明说的部分就是他的天人交战,但没关系,该在的还在,如同隐藏在“黑暗森林”里。&With some effort, though, his motivationsand plan could easily be mapped and enjoyed as an omniscient reader, enrichingthe tale's excellent ideas with a truly heroic and sacrificed man.&通过努力,他的动机和计划能被全知全能的读者了解和欣赏,这个真正的自我牺牲的英雄充实了本书击节叫好的想法点子。&Will the dark forest sprout the seeds oflove? Who knows. But it's clear that Lou Ji plans to live his life under the assumption,up to and beyond the point of his greatest despair. I loved it. This novel isnot an idea novel, after all.《黑暗森林》能否让爱的种子萌芽?谁知道呢,但很明显罗Ji打算在这个前提下生活,直到克服自己最深的绝望。我很喜欢,毕竟本书不是光来卖弄想法点子的。Sure, it has plenty of interesting ideas,from turning fight vs flight into a moral and then a forced imperative, to assumingthat the best way to fight transparency is with the occult. Speculative sciencetook a serious back seat in this novel, but that's okay. We had plenty of otherthings to keep us busy.当然,还是有很多有趣的想法点子,比如将“非战即逃”反应【心理学术语,指人或动物遭遇意外的危险时,下意识产生的要么战斗要么逃跑的应激反应】转变成伦理道德再变成必行之事,再比如用超自然手段作为与看不见的敌人战斗的最佳方法。幻想科学【现实世界不存在的,但能自圆其说的科学体系。比如《球状闪电》的宏原子说】在本书中成为重要的配角,但还能接受。还有许多别的要素让我们应接不暇。&As for the bad parts of this novel? Well,the translation of certain terms are extremely unfortunate. I can't tell youhow much I absolutely hate the terms used for our heroes and our villains.Wall-Facers and Wall-Breakers? Seriously? Yes, I get it. You face the wall andcontemplate how to scale it, planning move after move until you cannot be beat.Got it. Wall-breakers break the Wall-Facers. Got it.关于本书的不足之处?嗯,某些术语的翻译真是非常不幸。真不知道如何告诉你们我多么讨厌用在主人公和反派身上的术语。面壁者和破壁人?真的假的?是,我明白,你面对墙壁沉思反复衡量如何步步为营直到立于不败之地。明白。破壁人破了面壁者,明白。&But, my god, they sound so stupid inEnglish. I would have been fine with a dumb name like Go-Masters orChess-Masters. At least we'd have a better image in our heads than someone whosits like a dunce in a classroom after being scolded by the teacher. Seriously.但是老天,英语里听上去太傻了。我宁可接受围棋大师象棋大师这类二逼称呼,至少脑海里还有不错的印象,而不是被老师责骂罚立壁角的差生形象。说真的。&Other than that, I really enjoyed thestratagems between these contestants with the weight of the worlds upon their shoulders,even if it did seem a bit contrived that the UN would decide to prop up a fewof their best and brightest to face off with the Tri-Solarans in a battle ofwits. (The Tri-Solarans still have their molecule-probes, and they can placethem wherever they want to watch and plan accordingly, so with this greaterintelligence on their side, the UN planned to force all that intelligencegathering upon these Wall-Facers as either the heroes-that-must-be-beat, or onefantastic diversion to put the enemy off the trail. Not bad reasoning at all,if you can convince the enemy to fall for it. Fortunately, they did.)除此之外,我真的很欣赏那四位肩负世界重担的选手的计谋,即使联合国支持最优秀最聪明的人同三体人斗智斗勇这一点看上去有点做作。(三体人仍然有分子大小的探测器,可以部署在任何想要监视的地方。因三体人有如此之大的情报优势,联合国计划将所有谍报压力都落在面壁者身上,面壁者要么成为三体人必须击败的悲情英雄,要么成为混淆敌人耳目的诱导。如果能让敌人落入圈套,就是挺不错的想法,幸运的是,他们成功了。)&I truly believe that the two novels gonicely with each other, and now, I'm even more excited to read the third, butnow my expectations have been adjusted away from epic space craziness into thetrue beginnings of real communication and discovery. Again, shall we go overthe dichotomies of faith and despair? I thought not. :)我真的认为这两本书交相辉映,让我更加想要读第三部,但现在我的期待从史诗般的太空狂潮转向了真正的交流和探索之始。我们能否跨越信念与绝望的对立吗?我认为不能(笑)。&It's a very thoughtful novel. I recommendit to everyone who loved the Three Body Problem with the caveat that you oughtto expect a grand social and strategic battle of wits that showcases anunderstated and lazy hero who's only claim to fame is a deeper understanding ofthe stakes and the will to keep his mouth very tightly shut. (That part wasvery satisfying.)这是本很有思想的小说,我向每一个喜爱《三体》的人推荐本书。预先声明,你该期待一场盛大的社会与策略的智战,展示了一位低调懒散的主人公,他成名的唯一原因是他充分了解自己守口如瓶的意志品质和利害关系。(这部分很令人满足。)&Was it challenging? Yes. Was I slightlydisappointed at times? Yes. Did I get over it? Absolutely. :)&本书富有挑战性吗?有。我是否不时有点小失望?有?我克服了失望了吗?那是当然(笑)。&转载自龙腾网,附上原帖地址:
引用2楼 @ 发表的:
引用2楼 @ 发表的:
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引用11楼 @ 发表的:
Do you ever just cry? Ah, me. In this single exchange at the end, my hope was restored, my mood lifted, and suddenly I began to believe perhaps despair is not more powerful than love. Even such a science fiction book focused so much on showing humanity succumbing to darkness in the end wants to hope in love.
Extremely happy to see that the English version of Death's End will be arriving in a mere five months!
引用9楼 @ 发表的:


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