exuberantly-capital 正规吗

The men are known as exuberant teachers, and are favorites among computer science and math students, as well as architecture, engineering and biology majors who often take their classes.
Look to castle peak, BeiYi bamboo, green water, pines and bamboo this ordinary farmhouse set off exuberant.
In recent years, only Chinese Internet stocks have seen such exuberant first-day trading on U.S. exchanges.
For you joy may even be more exuberant and celebratory or a deep inner connection.
Perhaps the intention was to vary the literary diet of the young; or perhaps to redirect their impressionable minds from Lu Xun's moody introspection towards a more exuberant self-confidence.
In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally exuberant highs.
"I worked very, very hard and the people were extremely, extremely, extremely exuberant," Tunick said after the shoot.
Wong’s comeback injected exuberant vitality to the tepid pop concert market, even stirring widespread complaints among her fans for the scarcity of concert tickets.
Then again, there is a certain heroic beauty in the exuberant destruction of both capital and hope entailed by the entrepreneurs’ activities.
It was beautifully balanced and delicious, yet I thought it was the older of the two because the ’70 was so exuberant, explosively fruity yet graceful.
The alley was built in 1962 and all its equipment is original, with an exuberant use of steel that you don’t see anymore: long, shiny Brunswick ball racks, dining tables with heavy flared legs.
When I adopted my son, Erik, Jerry was almost as exuberant as I was.
We suspect that these songs, as well as exuberant bubble displays, could be used to attract mates or to defend underwater territories.
It was (and is) a good example of the exuberant, eclectic and downright weird forms taken by early Russian ventures into consumer capitalism.
Gradually they become more relaxed until, finally, they are as exuberant as an amateur sports team that has just defeated a bunch of professional athletes in a championship.
Gradually they become more relaxed until, finally, they are as exuberant as an amateur sports team that has just defeated a bunch of professional athletes in a championship.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!So Mr Kitao wants to buy old-economy companies and inject into them new-economy content.
They cannot capture the full range of nuance and skill that speechwriters inject into their work.
It was this issue that Mr Bradley tried to inject into the campaign.
Only two tweets seemed to recognize the undercurrent of doom-and-gloom I attempted to inject into the apparently bubbly and exuberant piece.
Fat transfers which take fat from one part of the body to inject into another, often the face, increased by 13%.
The controversial anthrax vaccine the US military wants to inject into millions of servicemen does not offer complete protection, it is reported.
Immigrants tend to inject into stale, ageing countries fresh vitality, fresh energy and an uncommon willingness to work hard at unappealing jobs.
But 6 billion euros is a significant sum to inject into a country whose financial crisis has left the eurozone teetering on break-up.
The more uncertainty you inject into the return of an investment, the more it will skid around in value and therefore on its chart.
The good news is, because of the bad news, Beijing can keep this game up for as long as it has the cash to inject into the banks.
Mark Zuckerberg wanted a huge chunk of capital to inject into Facebook in order to ensure it continues to be the most popular destination on the web.
This would be pretty expensive for taxpayers, both because of the capital we would need to inject into the bank, and because breaking it up would involve pretty horrendous IT challenges.
My probable error was to be too sanguine about the capital that regulators at the Financial Services Authority will force Lloyds to inject into Verde prior to the disposal.
This stock will bolster capital more securely than the suspect hybrid stuff that American regulators are keen to inject into banks (see article), since its dividends can be cancelled.
If Nibco would share with Dow more details about its business, Dow would in essence manage the supply of resin pellets Nibco buys to make plastic to inject into pipe fittings.
But perhaps the greater concern is how little additional capital, to absorb the potential losses, the Spanish government expects to have to inject into banks and also its chosen method for doing so.
It is to announce within days how it will remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets and regulatory tests should soon disclose how much more capital the government must inject into the banks.
Indeed, the division with the highest return on investment in the Kinder empire (26% in 2011) provides carbon dioxide for oil companies and itself to inject into old fields to goose out stubborn oil.
By now you will have seen the paradox of this attempt to strengthen banks: the governments of these over-indebted countries don't have a lot - if any - spare cash to inject into their banks.
Penalizing errors at both the employee and management levels will foster the provision of more effective training, motivate claims processors to pay more attention in the classroom, and inject into the claims processing system a greater emphasis on quality.
The BBC's Business Editor, Robert Peston, said the archbishop's suggestion for breaking up a big bank to create smaller, local banks would be pretty expensive for taxpayers, both because of the capital the UK would need to inject into such a bank, and because breaking it up would involve massive IT challenges.
The doubts burst into the open on August 9th when central banks were forced to inject liquidity into the overnight money markets because banks were charging punitive rates to lend to each other.
Although unpredictable, such developments would likely inject volatility into dollar action if they were to unfold.
The ECB has taken very important actions to inject liquidity into the banking system.
He stayed on to advise Japanese businessmen how to inject quality into their manufacturing industry.
Mr. Bloomberg has argued that giving the governors more power would improperly inject politics into the site.
In 2008 the Swiss Central Bank had to inject funds into UBS to rescue it from insolvency.
Six Omega Protein food scientists are trying to find new ways to inject oil into people food.
Earlier this month, Paulson announced that the funds would be used to inject capital into financial institutions.
Painted chairs are a great way to inject color into a kitchen or even a dining room.
- 来自原声例句
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