西联转账是选cash pick up 还是fast bank transferr

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Features of Service / Send charge(Cash pick-up at an agent location)(WESTERN UNION)(*3,*5)
Have you ever had any of these problems when
you send money overseas?
●You had to take a leave of absence from work and travel quite a distance to send money at the bank
●It cost you additional charges apart from sending charges
●It took too much time
from sending to receiving money
●It was a hassle to fill out forms
each time you send money
You can send money anytime and anywhere you want!
Simple send charges
There are many payout locations to choose from! Money can be received in minutes!
Sending money is paperless!
Transfer money anytime and anywhere you want!(*1,*11)
You can send money overseas anytime, using the Seven Bank International Money Transfer Service*2.
Using the Internet/mobile banking of Seven Bank, you can send money anytime from any place you like. Seven Bank has more than 23,000 ATMs installed nationwide, including Seven-Eleven convenience stores, commercial facilities, stations, and airports. Seven Bank ATMs are convenient if there are no banks nearby.
Simple send charges(*10)
Send charges for the Seven Bank international money transfer service are reasonable and clear.*1
In principle, there will be no additional charges for withdrawal.*3
Different send charges will be charged for different amounts to be transferred. Please refer to the table below. Send charges with the funds transferred will be taken from your Seven Bank account when the money transfer is accepted.
(Cash pick-up at an agent location)
Transfer charge
Transfer Funds
Send Charge
1 Yen – 10,000 Yen
10,001 Yen – 50,000 Yen
50,001 Yen – 100,000 Yen
100,001 Yen – 250,000 Yen
250,001 Yen – 500,000 Yen
500,001 Yen – 1,000,000 Yen
*Countries like Philippines and China have a threshold amount on money transfers. More information can be found .
*For money transfer through a Seven Bank ATM, the ATM Service (Withdrawal) Fee will also be charged in addition to the Send Charge, depending on the time of day (such ATM Service (Withdrawal) Fee will be described as "ATM fee for off-hours use"on the ATM screen and on the transaction statement (receipt) issued at the time when money is sent in the International Money Transfer Service).
*The exchange rates that Seven Bank uses for currency conversion for the International Money Transfer Service include Seven Bank margins.
Deposit into a bank account (Remittances to China and the Philippines) is
There are many payout locations to choose from! Money can be received in minutes!(*4,*23)
With "Cash Pick-up" of Seven Bank International Money Tranfer Service, money can be received in a few minutes after remittance.
With "Cash Pick-up" of Seven Bank International Money Transfer Service, there are a lot of receiving locations to choose from.
Money can be received at more than 510,000 receiving locations worldwide affiliated with Western Union, the world's largest money transfer business, in about 200 countries. In principle, the receiver willl not need to have a bank account to receive money.
For the list of major countries and receiving locations, please refer .
Sending money is paperless!
There is no need to fill out
forms whenever you transfer funds.
* Preregistration is required when sending to a new receiver.关于学费的支付方式——西联汇款~ 急【滑铁卢大学吧】_百度贴吧
关于学费的支付方式——西联汇款~ 急收藏
我想使用西联汇款进行支付,waterloo上有写不能 cheque , cash, debit or credit card. 我进入西联汇款以后,在支付选项里面选择了debit card支付CAD.那这到底能不能付呢,我这算是用了西联还是用了debit card呢?大家是如何支付的呢?
这个应该只是用你debit账户里面的钱来转账 个人感觉不接受的debit是直接刷卡或者用interact的 当然我不是这么付的也不清楚 保险起见要是网上没找到相关信息你可以email学校
你就去银行说我要汇款到国外 看要提供什么你去和学校要就好了
楼主可以直接去银行电汇啊 也非常快的 个人感觉比西联好操作
原来是你啊 没注意看是你发的贴
登录百度帐号推荐应用您所在位置: &
西联汇款常见问题(国外英文资料).doc 19页
次 ,您可全文免费在线阅读后下载本文档。
需要金币:200 &&
No unit or individual may open an account in the name of an individual to deposit the funds of a unit therein.
Open an account in the child's name. Let him have his own passbook and be responsible for it.
Article 172 Except for the statutory account books, a company shall not set up other account books. No company asset may be deposited into any individual's account.
No company asset may be deposited into any individual's account.
I open an account at my bank in your name.
If your money is in cash, you'll have to wait 19 years for the nominal value of your account to double, assuming the cash earns the historical 3.7 percent annual return.
There are many to choose from and depending on their requirements you may need to open the account in the name of one or more members or the registered name of the club.
But that didn't stop the thief from opening more accounts in Karen's name.
THL prohibit a third party under any circumstances accept the money, nor can your funds to any third party under the name of the bank account.
Any capital contribution in the form of cash shall be deemed to have been made on the date on which the relevant amount of cash has been deposited into a bank account in the name of the JV Company.
A bank account generally held in the name of the depositor and an escrow agent which is returnable to the depositor or paid to a third person on the fulfillment of a condition.
That allowed the gang to cherry-pick consumers with good credit and apply for all kinds of accounts in their names.
using feeds of third-party content to update and maintain accounts under the names of those third parties
There was a number to call to reach me at my hotel – presumably chargeable – and a Western Union account had been set up in my name to wire a transfer.
The cash income in the name of a person in the bank, with the prepayment name from the unit bank account transfer to your bank account.
Overall and bilateral current<s&#35199;&#32852;&#20844;&#21496;&#21644;&#20840;&#29699;&#31227;&#21160;&#36890;&#20449;&#31995;&#32479;&#21327;&#20250;&#65288;GSMA&#65289;&#23558;&#32852;&#21512;&#21019;&#24314;&#26032;&#22411;&#20840;&#29699;&#25163;&#26426;&#27719;&#27454;&#26381;&#21153; | Business Wire
全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)是一个代表700多家GSM手机运营商的全球性同业公会。西联公司(纽约证券交易所:WU)是汇款服务领域的全球领导者。这两家单位今天公布了一份协议,将推动跨境手机汇款服务的发展。 西联公司和全球移动通信系统协会正在开发一个可使手机运营商用来开展某些服务的商业和技术框架,这些服务可使消费者使用自己的手机经常性的汇递和接受小额汇款。基于该框架下的首批商业服务预计将在2008年第二季度开始推出。 该框架是西联公司手机战略和全球移动通信系统协会手机汇款项目的关键。全球移动通信系统协会的这个项目旨在利用手机汇款服务的方便和易用性,拓展手机金融服务市场并促进社会经济发展。对于通过传统的受管制的系统汇递小额汇款的人们来说,手机汇款服务将会使汇款变得简单、快捷而且费用低廉。西联公司和全球移动通信系统协会相信会打造并培育出一个小额汇款的大型新兴市场。 全球移动通信系统协会首席执行官Rob Conway说:“如今手机网络覆盖了80%以上的世界人口,30亿人(1)拥有自己的手机,为我们创造了一个前所未有的新机遇,我们将可以首次把金融服务拓展到世界上的大多数家庭。在开发通过手机传送金融服务这一巨大的潜在市场方面,手机汇款是关键的推动力。” 西联公司总裁兼首席执行官Christina Gold说:“西联公司拥有悠久的创新传统。我们对手机汇款的关注是我们向新型客户拓展西联公司各种全球服务的重要一步。我们的品牌、庞大的网络和适应能力,再加上全球移动通信系统协会成员的的市场覆盖范围,奠定了西联公司在手机汇款市场中的龙头地位。” 西联公司手机汇款服务将把运营商与西联公司现有的全球汇款系统相连接。西联公司汇款系统2006年的的汇款量约占全球汇款总量的17%。一旦与西联公司的服务连接起来,运营商便可使用自己的“移动钱包”软件通过西联公司的跨境汇款网络实现个人对个人之间的手机汇款。手机汇款服务将能够使消费者可以将汇款汇人或汇出移动钱包,该项服务还将通过西联公司的全球代理网络提供现金到手机(cash-to-mobile)和手机到现金(mobile-to-cash)的转换服务。 三十五家全球移动通信系统协会的运营商与100多个国家的8亿多客户参与了全球移动通信系统协会手机汇款项目。由Bharti Airtel公司主席兼总经理Sunil Mittal领导的手机汇款项目受筹划指导委员会管理,该委员会由来自Bharti, MTN, Orange, Orascom, Smart, Telenor and VimpelCom、MTN、Orange、Orascom、Smart、Telenor 和VimpelCom的代表组成。 Mittal先生说:“汇款在印度和许多其它发展中国家起着非常重要的作用。手机汇款将会大大降低小额、经常性汇款的费用,同时还可使小额汇款变得快捷、安全,因此发展中国家的数百万人将会从中受益。” 西联公司及其关联公司通过200个国家中的312000多个代理网点提供汇款服务。 编者注: (1)来源:全球移动通信系统协会 全球移动通信系统协会和西联公司将在即将举行的移动通信亚洲大会(Mobile Asia Congress)上提供更多详细资料。此次移动通信亚洲大会将于11月12日至15日在澳门召开。 关于全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA) 全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)是一家全球性的同业公会,代表着全球218个国家与地区中的700多家GSM移动电话运营商。此外,200多家生产商和供应商作为重要的合作伙伴支持该协会的首创行动。 全球移动通信系统协会的主要目标是保证移动电话和无线服务在全球范围内的使用和方便接入,增强它们对个人用户和国家经济的价值,同时为运营商和他们的供应商创造新的商业机会。协会成员向全球二十多亿用户提供服务,占到全世界移动电话用户的82%。 关于西联公司 西联公司Western Union)及其关联公司Orlandi Valuta和Vigo是全球汇款服务的领先提供商,通过在200多个国家和地区的超过312000个代理网点,为人们提供快捷、可靠、方便的全球汇款服务、帐单支付服务以及汇票购买服务。欲了解详细信息请访问该公司网站:
。 西联公司对前瞻性陈述的免责合规声明 本新闻稿包含了有关预计未来结果的前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述包括所有并非仅仅是历史或目前事实的陈述,大体上可通过使用“可以”、“相信”、“将”、“预计”、“准备”、“估计”、“预期”、“计划”、“可能”、“将会”、“可能”、“打算”或“继续”这些词语来进行识别。由于前瞻性陈述是以对未来事件的各种预期和假设为基础的,因此其具有不确定性。这些预期和假设受大量已知和未知风险和不确定因素的影响。这些风险和不确定因素可能导致实际事件或结果与预期的事件和结果存在重大差异。这些因素包括但不限于:总体经济形势的变化以及我们业务运行的地区和行业经济形势的变化;我们从美国第一资讯公司(“First Data”)剥离出来造成的影响;移民法律的变化,与移民相关的模式和其它因素的变化;技术变化,尤其是电子商务方面的技术变化;我们吸引、留住重要的合格雇员的能力;外国汇率变化,包括外国汇率对汇款交易的影响;债券和股权资本市场不利走势和波动;政局变动以及与之相关的可能总体对公司行业和经济形势产生负面影响的美国国内外应对措施的变化;汇款市场以及我们所参与的其他市场以近似当前水平的速度持续上扬;按照进程表对代理合同的实施;我们维持代理网络的能力;美国与我们公司有或正在执行代理合同的国家的关系的中断;消费者对我们的业务或汇款提供商的信心整体下降;成功管理来自代理商和消费者的信贷和欺诈风险;由于诉讼和合规调查以及类似事件,包括成本、费用、和解和判决而导致的债务和不可预期的发展;国内或外国法律、法规和规则以及美国国内税局或其他政府部门对这些法律、法规和规则的解释的变化;会计标准、规则和解释的变化;在汇款行业中,全球性、专业或区域汇款服务提供商、银行和其他非银行汇款服务提供商,包括电信提供商、卡联合会 和卡支付 提供商的有效竞争;我们发展自己核心业务的能力;我们开发、推出新产品、服务和增值服务的能力以及获得这些产品的市场认同的能力;我们保护自己的品牌和知识产权,以及防止自己潜在的专利侵权和导致其他知识产权索赔的能力;我们任何系统的严重安全破坏或中断;合并、收购以及公司对收购业务的整合,以及收购后预期协作的实现;削减、出售或关闭某些单位,亦或变更业务组合的决定;灾难性事件;管理层处置这些风险以及其他风险的能力。 WU-G WU-F 多媒体资讯:
免责声明:本公告之原文版本乃官方授权版本。译文仅供方便了解之用,烦请参照原文,原文版本乃唯一具法律效力之版本。 -0- *T --30--SL/dx*
联系方式: The Western Union Company Daniel Diaz, +1-720-332-5564
or GSM Association David Pringle, +44-795-755-6069
联系方式: The Western Union Company Daniel Diaz, +1-720-332-5564
or GSM Association David Pringle, +44-795-755-6069
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