物流中的cons datecons是什么意思思

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Debt consolidation is a form of debt
that entails taking out one
to pay off many others. This commonly refers to a personal finance process of individuals addressing high
but occasionally refers to a country's
approach to
or . The process can secure a lower overall
to the entire debt load and provide the convenience of servicing only one loan.
Debt generally refers to
owed by one party, the , to a second party, the . It is generally subject to repayments of
is the fee charged by the
to the , generally calculated as a percentage of the principal sum per year known as an
and generally paid periodically at intervals, such as monthly. Debt can be
Although there is variation from country to country and even in regions within country, consumer debt is primarily made up of ,
is the consumer debt of the adults in the household plus the , if applicable. In many countries, especially the United States and the United Kingdom,
can be a significant portion of debt but are usually regulated differently than other debt. The overall debt can reach the point where a
is in danger of , , or other fiscal emergency. Options available to overburdened debtors include
Other consumer options include:
, where an individual's debt is negotiated to a lesser interest rate or principal with the creditors to lesse
, where part or whole of an individ and
debt consolidation, where the individual is able to acquit the current debts by taking out a new .
Sometimes the solution includes some of each of these tactics.
The bulk of the consumer debt, especially that with a high interest, is repaid by a new loan. Most debt consolidation loans are offered from
and secured as a
or . These require the individual to put up a home as
and the loan to be less than the
The overall lower interest rate is an advantage of the debt consolidation loan offers consumers. Lenders have fixed costs to process payments and repayment can spread out over a larger period. However, such consolidation loans have costs: fees, interest, and "points" where one point equals to one percent of the amount borrowed. In some countries, these loans may provide certain tax advantages. Because they are secured, a lender can attempt to seize property if the borrower goes into .
Personal loans comprise another form of debt consolidation loan. Individuals can issue debtors a
that satisfies the outstanding debt and creates a new one on their own terms. These loans, often unsecured, are based on the personal relationship rather than collateral.
In the United States, federal
are consolidated somewhat differently from in the UK, as federal student loans are guaranteed by the U.S. government.
In a , existing loans are purchased by the . Upon consolidation, a fixed interest rate is set based on the then-current interest rate. Reconsolidating does not change that rate. If the student combines loans of different types and rates into one new consolidation loan, a weighted average calculation will establish the appropriate rate based on the then-current interest rates of the different loans being consolidated together.
Federal student loan consolidation is often referred to as refinancing, which is incorrect because the loan rates are not changed, merely locked in. Unlike private sector debt consolidation, student loan consolidation does not incur any f private companies make money on student loan consolidation by reaping subsidies from the federal government.
entitlements are guaranteed, and are recovered using a means-tested system from the students future income. Student Loans in the UK can not be included in , but do not affect a persons credit rating because the repayments are recovered from the students future salary at source by the employer before any income is paid, similar to
contributions. Many students however, are struggling with commercial, non student loan
well after their courses have finished.
Australia’s student loan system once had 35 years to pay back loans, but it’s currently 15. Those seriously delinquent on student loans face arrest at the border.
In Japan, an increasing number of student loans are in arrears. This has caused the Asian nation to take harsher steps when it comes to lending determinations. In an effort to prevent future defaults, Japan has begun associating loan approvals to academic performance.
Fontinelle, Amy (November 26, 2014). . Investopia 2014.
Global risk insights (December 20, 2014). . Seeking Alpha 2014.
Joan Ryan (14 January 2011). . Cengage Learning. pp. 292–.   2011.
. Investopedia 2012.
Rowan, Rachel (June 7, 2013). . Tuition.io - Student Loan 2014.
Lois A. V E. Craig MacB Jürg K. S Institute for Socio-Financial Studies (30 November 2003). . Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 37–.   2011.
Staff writer. . FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION. US Government 2014.
Detweiller, Gerri (December 14, 2014). . Fox Business News 2014.
Deborah Lucas (August 2010). . DIANE Publishing. pp. 1–.   2011.
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consquently是什么意思 consquently在线翻译 consquently什么意思 consquently的意思 consquently的翻译 consquently的解释 consquently的发音
consquentlyconsquently 双语例句1. Zygote cleavages and differentiates into cells with different morphology and function. Various tissues and organs are subsquently formed, consquently develops a embryonic organism.&&&&受精卵通过一系列的分裂和分化形成不同形态和功能的细胞,然后进一步构建各种组织和器官,最后建成一个胚胎有机体。2. A combined reamer has been modified by the author, consquently the working efficiency and repairing quality are improved.&&&&将铰刀改进成组合式,便提高了工作效率和加工质量。3. He went swimming at sea, consquently was drowned.&&&&他到海边去游泳,结果却被淹死了。4. 4. Consquently, one can assume that the result of the match against Arsenal means as much to you as the performance...&&&&记:所以,我们可以说与阿森纳比赛的结果和表现对你一样重要。5. Road ahead which is repairing is not allowed to pass, as the consquently, we have to choose an other one.&&&&前方道路正在维修中,过不去。所以我们只好绕道而行。6. Consquently, revealing the linear relationship between the estimates of Vmax and Km has the value of potential application.&&&&从这种意义上说,本研究揭示了估计值之间的线性关系-Trend Line及其特性,这对于米氏方程的应用具有深远意义。7. The survey was carried out among 580 students by means of SCL-90, which was consquently compared with Chinese normal date.&&&&特别说明:本文献摘要信息,由中国知网提供,小木虫只提供索引,不提供免费的全文下载服务。8. Accordingly we can draw a conclusion: with the constant economic growth and the household registration reform deepening, we can expect Qingdao to continue to maintain the net population migration in which will consquently help to promote economic growth.&&&&据此可以判定:随着青岛市经济的高速持续增长,同时随着户籍制度改革的不断深化,可以预计在今后较长的一个时期内,青岛还会继续保持较高的人口净迁入,并由此对经济发展产生积极的促进作用。consquently是什么意思,consquently在线翻译,consquently什么意思,consquently的意思,consquently的翻译,consquently的解释,consquently的发音,consquently的同义词,consquently的反义词,consquently的例句,consquently的相关词组,consquently意思是什么,consquently怎么翻译,单词consquently是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 Pros & Cons Of Date Stamping Your Content - 推酷
Pros & Cons Of Date Stamping Your Content
As content marketing continually increases in popularity, more and more content is being published each and every day. In fact, more than
are written daily. With all that content being published, date stamping is an easy way for users to gauge the newness and relevancy of a blog post or article.
But lately, I’ve noticed that many blog posts and articles lack a date stamp. In fact, Joe Pulizzi recently
on Facebook, which
among marketers and consumers about date stamping content.
The opinions were divided, with some people stating they won’t even bother with non-dated content, while others mentioned date stamping can result in disregard of otherwise compelling content.
Which way is the right way? Let’s discuss the pros and cons.
Pros Of Date Stamping Content
There are many reasons why you would want to use date stamping. Here are just a few.
Better For The Audience
Though the comments on Pulizzi’s Facebook post were split, many people noted that as a consumer, dated content is preferred. Why is that? Since much content is designed to be useful and helpful to your audience, not including the date can be quite the opposite of what’s intended.
Many times people search for content in order to solve a problem or to research a product, service, event, etc., and in those cases, a date would be beneficial. Without a date stamp, how will people know how recent (or old) your content is? They won’t (at least not right off the bat), which could result in the following:
Higher Bounce Rate:
Some people will leave as soon as they realize the content is missing the date or will quickly recognize it as being outdated information, which could lead to a higher bounce rate.
Make Your Visitor Work For It:
Others will wind up searching for clues elsewhere, either by reading through the content presented or by searching for date stamp of comments — both of which could result in an angry visitor, if the content is indeed outdated.
And though some won’t mind that your content lacks a date, without it, you risk alienating the people who do.
Link Opportunities
I already mentioned that two million blog posts are written daily… And what do people usually do when writing a new post? They research supporting material and link to it in their piece.
Many writers will only want to source the most up-to-date content, making a date stamp essential.&No one wants to reference
, statistics or data if they can help it. Because of this, content lacking a date stamp could be overlooked for link opportunities.
Ensures Fresh Content
By including a date stamp, you are ensuring visitors that the content is fresh, which can also be achieved with an “updated” date stamp. News sites often do this so people know they are receiving the latest information.
If a story has changed, an error has been corrected, or there is just more information, an updated date stamp is present. The date stamp, updated or not, allows people to feel good about sharing breaking news, as everyone wants to be first to share new information.
Date Parameters
Additionally, search engines enable users to restrict search results to content published within a certain time frame, like the past hour, day, week, month, year, etc.
If you date your content, it will most definitely be included in the SERPs if it is within the chosen parameters, while undated content most likely won’t.
Cons Of Date Stamping Content
There are also a few reasons for not date stamping content, which are as follows:
It “Dates” Content
Of course, date stamping does just that&– it “dates” your content. This runs you the risk of your content being perceived as outdated even when it isn’t.
Many businesses create and publish
that is meant to be relevant and useful no matter when a visitor stumbles upon it. However, with a date stamp, some evergreen content may be overlooked, despite the content still being relevant.
Even if the content is compelling and insightful, some may pass it up for similar content with a fresh date stamp.
Potential Loss Of SEO Value&
When producing online content, though it should be created with your audience in mind, many cater to search engines in hopes of higher rankings in the SERPs.
In the case of date stamping content, without a date you may trick the search engines into thinking your content is fresh, even after it has been published for a long period of time. Search engines generally
, so your old content may rank higher without a date.
Date Parameters
Unfortunately, though date parameters can be a date stamping “pro,” they can also be a con. If you date stamp your evergreen content, it will only show up in the SERPs when it fits the date parameters, even if it is still relevant years later.
However, without a date, your content may not be included in date-restricted search engine results at all, which is something you have to seriously contemplate.
Other Things To Consider
There are a number of other things to consider when examining the pros and cons of dated vs. non-dated content. Here are a few:
“Updated” Date Stamps
Though not many publishers do this, adding an “updated” date on your content is a reasonable way to attract visitors to once old content. If you’ve published content about something that has since evolved or is just plain outdated, you can update the original content to reflect new findings and information.
Including the new date may attract some visitors who would have otherwise skipped over it due to the old date. One thing to note is the inclusion of the date in a URL. You might want to consider not including the URL, as the URL won’t change if you update the piece of content later.
Updating Without Date Stamps
Updating content can be as easy as adding a picture or extra text. These simple improvements allow you to increase the thickness, diversity and freshness of content, and as the page is repeatedly cached, small changes will be reflected in a search engine’s index.
Though you can update the date stamp of a piece of content when you make changes or insert new information, it isn’t completely necessary, and you can still reap the benefits of adding fresh material.
Like updating posts, old, date-stamped content can be repurposed into new content with a new date stamp, which is beneficial in a number of ways. As creating content takes resources,
is an excellent way to provide new content without having to start from scratch.
You save yourself resources by utilizing the legwork and research done for the original piece, and you also provide a new piece of content for your audience. This is a particularly great tactic for outdated content that was very popular.
In Summary
It is clear that date stamping content has its pros and cons. Date stamping may be better for your audience in cases where the date is important, could lead to more link opportunities and will ensure your content is included in date-restricted searches.
However, it also poses problems for publishers creating evergreen content, as many people use the date stamp as a guide to whether content is applicable or not. Similarly, search engines also use date stamps when analyzing content relevance, so date stamping could result in lower search engine rankings.
The case could be made for either side, though updating content (with or without a date stamp) and repurposing content are two alternatives to consider.
What are your thoughts on date stamping content?
Images provided by Vertical Measures.
Opinions expressed in the article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Marketing Land.
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