
有个问题请教各位大侠,小弟拿到一公司的offer,入职手续需要本人户口本复印件,这个有什么用呢 - ITeye问答
因为本人的户口本没带在身上,所以不知道这个对公司入职影响大吗?? 希望知道的大大能够指点一二。。 小弟
问题补充:zhangyou1010 写道你可以和公司的负责招聘的说明一下,应该问题不大.可是入职书上说,户口本复印件是必不可少的,我想知道他要户口本复印件干什么…
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简明英汉词典offer[5CfE]n.出价, 提议, 意图vt.提供, 出价, 贡献, 使出现, 企图, 演出vi.(机会、时机等)出现, 献祭, 提议美国传统词典[双解]offerof.ferAHD:[?“f…r, ?f“…r] D.J.[6%8f*, 6%f*]K.K.[6%f+, 6$f+]v.(动词)of.fered, of.fer.ing, of.fersv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To present for acc proffer:献,提供:呈给,以使对方接受或被对方拒绝;献出:offered me a drink.请我喝一杯(2)To put forwa propose:提出:提出来以供考虑:offer an opinion.提出一种观点(3)To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement:供给:提出以满足需求或使要求得到满足:offered new statistics in order to facilitate the decision-making process.提供了新的数据以加快做决定的过程(4)To present for sale.出售:提供以售出(5)T furnish:提供:提供;装备:a hotel that offers conference facilities.提供会议设置的旅馆(6)T bid.出价:提出付给的价钱(7)To present as an act of worship:供奉:作为一种崇敬的行为来供奉:offer up prayers.祈祷(8)To exhibit readi volunteer:显示愿意:展示准备好的状态或去做的意愿;志愿:offered to carry the packages.志愿提这些行李(9)T mount:施以:进行(抵抗);施以:partisans who offered strong resistance to the invaders.对入侵者施以强烈抵抗的游击队(10)To threaten:威胁:offered to leave without them if they didn't hurry.威胁说如果他们不快点就别和他们一起走(11)To produce or introduce on the stage:表演:在舞台上产生或介绍:The repertory group is offering two new plays this season.常备剧组在这次将表演两个新剧v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To present an offering in worship or devotion.提供:作为供奉或奉献来供给(2)To make an offer or a proposal, especially of marriage.求婚:做请求或提出,尤指婚姻(3)To present itself:呈现:表现自己:“This plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered”(T.E. Lawrence)“这个计划被放弃了,因为它太冒险,也是因为有了一个更好的计划”(T.E.劳伦斯)n.(名词)(1)The act of offering:给:给的行为:an offer of assistance.提供帮助(2)Something, such as a suggestion, proposal, bid, or recommendation, that is offered.提出:东西,如被提出的建议、提案、出价或推荐(3)Law A proposal that if accepted constitutes a legally binding contract.【法律】 提议:定约一个提案,如被接受,含有一个法律上有约束力的协议(4)The condition of being offered, especially for sale:待售:被提供的状况,尤指出售:thousands of bushels of wheat on offer.成千蒲式耳的麦子待售(5)A a try.企图,尝试(6)A show of intention.意图的显露语源(1)Middle English offren 中古英语 offren (2)from Old English offrian [to present in worship] 源自 古英语 offrian [供奉] (3)and from Old French offrir [to propose, present] 并源自 古法语 offrir [提出,提给] (4)both from Latin offerre [to present, offer] 都源自 拉丁语 offerre [提出,给] (5)ob- [to] * see ob- ob- [级] *参见 ob-(6)ferre [to bring] * see bher- 1ferre [来] *参见 bher- 1继承用法of“ferer 或of“ferorn.(名词)参考词汇(1)offer, proffer, tender, present(2)These verbs are compared as they mean to put before another for acceptance or rejection. 对这些动词进行比较是,它们均意为将…置于另一人前以让他接受或拒绝。(3)Offer is the basic general term in this group: Offer 在这组中是一个一般性的词:the hostess offered us a cup of coffee. 女主人给了我们一杯咖啡。Many department stores offer television sets. 许多百货店提供电视机。I offered him some money for his help. 因为他帮了忙,我给了他一些钱。“She offered no response” (Arnold Bennett). “她没有回答” (阿诺德?贝内特)。(4)Proffer implies voluntary action motivated especially by courtesy or generosity: Proffer 暗含有因礼貌或仁慈而引起的志愿行为:“Mr. van der Luyden . . . proffered to Newland low-voiced congratulations” (Edith Wharton). To tender
it may connote polite observance of amenities: “范?德?卢伊顿先生…向新大陆表示了低声的祝贺” (伊迪丝?华顿)。Tender 是正式地给予, 暗含对事物的礼貌的遵从:She tendered her respects. 她正式表达了她的敬意。The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week. 领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书。(5)Present suggests formality and often a measure of ceremony: Present 用于正式场合和仪式上的一种方式:The impresario will present an expanded series of concerts next season. 下个季节将举办一次大型的系列音乐会。The ambassador presented her credentials to the monarch. 外交官将她的证明书呈交国王。“A footman entered, and presented . . . some mail on a silver tray” (Winston Churchill).“一个仆役进来,将银托上的一些信件呈了…上来” (温斯顿?丘吉尔)现代英汉词典offer[5RfE(r); (?@) C:fEr]vt., vi.(1)提供;提出I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering.我没有去出席他们的聚会,必须向他们示歉意。He offered me 300 dollars for that television.他出300美元向我买那部电视机。(2)(与to连用)表示愿意;试图offer to go自愿前往词性变化offern.(1)提议(2)出价;报盘an offer of £100出价100 英镑(3)提供I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here.有人曾向我提供大笔款项让我搬迁,但我决心留在这里。Thank you for your offer of help.感谢你提供的帮助。现代英汉综合大辞典offer[5CfE]vt.(1)提出[供](2)供奉;贡献(3)试图(4)开价;出售(5)呈现;使出现(6)演出offer a few ideas提出几点意见offer sth. up (to God)将某物奉献给(上帝)offer to help sb.表示愿意帮助某人offer 1.000 pounds for the house出价一千镑买这所房子offer one's own characteristics表现出自己的特点offer a new comedy上演一出新的喜剧词性变化offer[5CfE]vi.(1)出现, 发生(2)供奉; 献祭(3)提议; 求婚(4)[古]试图Take the first opportunity that offers.机会一出现, 就要抓住它。offer[5CfE]n.(1)提供(2)意图(3)出价(4)求婚make an offer of help [support、food]提出给以帮助[支持、食品]an offer to catch the ball想要把球接住an offer of$250.000for the house出价25万美元买这所房子She has refused several offers of marriage.她拒绝了好几次求婚。继承用法offerer,offerorn.习惯用语be open to an offer愿意考虑买主的出价make an offer (of)提议; 出价; 提供on offer出卖(货品)under offer已经有人出价了; 有人打算买的特殊用法approval offer试销货报价binding offer实盘; 有约束力的报盘buying offer买方发盘combined offer联合发价; 搭配发盘(指两种商品)conditional offer附条件开价counter offers再报价, 对报价的还价effective offer有效发价exclusive offer单独发盘firm offer实盘non-firm offer虚盘public offer公开报价reinsurance offers分保建议renewed offer更始发盘repeat offer(外贸)重复发价; 再度发盘sampled offer附样品发盘selling offer卖方发盘special offer特殊报价, 特价优待standing offer持续要约tender offers股权收购; 投标出价voluntary offer主动推荐参考词汇offer&&&& proffer&&&& tender&&&&都含“把某物献给某人”的意思。(1)offer 系常用词, 指“给某人某物”, 对方可以接受, 也可以不接受, 如:I offered her a beautiful dress.我给了她一件漂亮的连衣裙。(2)proffer 系文言用语, 指“自愿、礼貌、诚恳地给予”, 如:proffer to help sb.表示愿意帮助某人。(3)tender属正式用语, 一般不用于实物, 如:tender one's thanks表示感谢。reject&&&& withhold&&&&用法词典offer拉丁词根fer拿,带;o-=ob-到…面前参考词汇(1)offer,present这两个动词在一起比较的一般含义为“给”。(2)offer在现代英语中大致有三层意思:(3)把某物拿出来给对方,对方可能接受,也可能拒绝。(4)提出某事让对方考虑。(5)给某人某物,基本上相当于give的含义。在较古一些的英语中,offer表示把贡物摆出来(如宰羊,使之作为贡品)诚心诚意地希望神仙或上帝笑纳She went on her knees and offered her prayers to God.她跪下来向上帝祷告。On arriving at the party, he saw an important person. Then he went up and offered his hand, but the important person was proud and did not take it.他一到交际会便看到一位要人,后来他走上前去主动伸出了手,但那位要人傲慢,未曾接受。He offered a few ideas to improve the plan.他提出了一些改进这个计划的意见。Ah, yes. The one who offered you a job in Australia.啊,是啦。是在澳大利亚给你一个职位的那个人。I have been offered a large sum of money to go away.曾为我提供一大笔搬迁费。Many owners of private cars are going to offer free rides to people on their way to work.许多有小汽车的人都准备给上班的人们以“免费乘车”。(6)present 可以表示正式的呈递,在其他的用法中,与offer下面的第三个含义相似…it (the State of Liberty) was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.由巴萨正式把它送给美国人民。The servant presented sandwiches to each guest.仆人把三明治递给了每一位客人。Our class presented (or offered) a play.我们班演出了一个话剧。Each member should present (or offer) a question to be discussed at the meeting.每一个成员都应该提出一个问题在会上讨论。The new City Hall presents (or offers) a fine appearance.新市政厅呈现出漂亮的外观。英文相关词典offerattempt&&&&present&&&&propose&&&&submit&&&&suggest&&&&try&&&&get&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典offer供给;给予;提供美国传统词典offerof.ferAHD:[?“f…r, ?f“…r] D.J.[6%8f*, 6%f*]K.K.[6%f+, 6$f+]v.of.fered, of.fer.ing, of.fersv.tr.(1)To present for acc proffer:offered me a drink.(2)To put forwa propose:offer an opinion.(3)To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement:offered new statistics in order to facilitate the decision-making process.(4)To present for sale.(5)T furnish:a hotel that offers conference facilities.(6)T bid.(7)To present as an act of worship:offer up prayers.(8)To exhibit readi volunteer:offered to carry the packages.(9)T mount:partisans who offered strong resistance to the invaders.(10)To threaten:offered to leave without them if they didn't hurry.(11)To produce or introduce on the stage:The repertory group is offering two new plays this season.v.intr.(1)To present an offering in worship or devotion.(2)To make an offer or a proposal, especially of marriage.(3)To present itself:“This plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered”(T.E. Lawrence)n.(1)The act of offering:an offer of assistance.(2)Something, such as a suggestion, proposal, bid, or recommendation, that is offered.(3)Law A proposal that if accepted constitutes a legally binding contract.(4)The condition of being offered, especially for sale:thousands of bushels of wheat on offer.(5)A a try.(6)A show of intention.语源(1)Middle English offren (2)from Old English offrian [to present in worship] (3)and from Old French offrir [to propose, present] (4)both from Latin offerre [to present, offer] (5)ob- [to] * see ob- (6)ferre [to bring] * see bher- 1继承用法of“ferer orof“ferorn.参考词汇(1)offer, proffer, tender, present (2)These verbs are compared as they mean to put before another for acceptance or rejection. (3)Offer is the basic general term in this group: the hostess offered us a cup of coffee. Many department stores offer television sets. I offered him some money for his help. “She offered no response” (Arnold Bennett). (4)Proffer implies voluntary action motivated especially by courtesy or generosity: “Mr. van der Luyden . . . proffered to Newland low-voiced congratulations” (Edith Wharton). To tender
it may connote polite observance of amenities: She tendered her respects. The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week. (5)Present suggests formality and often a measure of ceremony: The impresario will present an expanded series of concerts next season. The ambassador presented her credentials to the monarch. “A footman entered, and presented . . . some mail on a silver tray” (Winston Churchill).英汉船舶大词典offer n.出价,卖方出价 朗文英汉综合电脑词典offer 提供 英汉法学大词典offer v.报价 ,发价,发盘,给予 ;v.提供 ;n.提供 英汉航海大词典offer n.报价 英汉航空大词典offer n.提议,提供 英汉化学大词典offer vt.提供,企图,出售,发生,插入;n.呈现,贡献,企图 英汉海运大词典offer 给予,提供提出,呈现报价,出价 基本词义offer 给予提出,提供提议呈现报价,出价 基本词义offer 提供提议呈现报价,出价 基本词义offer 提供报价 英汉经贸大词典offer n.报价 英汉计算机大词典offer vt.提供(企图,出售;n.呈现(贡献,企图) 英汉机械大词典offer n.提供,呈现 英汉建筑大词典offer vt.提出,提供,奉献 英汉农牧林大词典offer n.提供,提出,插入 英汉水利大词典offer n.提供,贡献,企图 英汉冶金大词典offer n.提供,报价
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