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凯迪小学 |
位注册用户,目前在线 21065 人 &&
报信人 &|&
10816 次点击
16:42:35 发布在 凯迪社区 & 猫眼看人
&&&&1A woman reaches into her bag, which rests on a fallen
Soviet hammer-and-sickle on a Moscow street in 1991..
&&&&2.Lithuanians carry Lithuanian flags in the center of Vilnius
on January 10, 1990, during demonstration asking for the country""""s independence.
In early 1990, Sajudis-Reform Movement of Lithuania backed candidates won the elections
to the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet. On March 11, 1990, the Supreme Soviet proclaimed
the re-establishment of Lithuanian independence. The Baltic republics were in forefront
of the struggle for independence and Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics
to declare independence.
&&&&3.Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, center, in animated
conversation with residents of Vilnius, Lithuania, on Thursday, January 11, 1990.
Gorbachev was in the Lithuanian capital to press for reversal of the local communist
party""""s decision to split from Moscow and to slow the republic""""s drive for
complete independence.
疯狂的苏维埃!苏联时代的七大超级大项目(组图) [最爱汤姆猫]
[NHK]苏维埃的崩溃 苏联八一九事件 [喜剧之王]
推荐:电影《苏维埃的故事》――《苏联往事》 [寻找家园]
历史上的今天:最高苏维埃宣布苏联正式解体! [网贴鉴定师]
苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,简称苏联 [符德赛]
【人物】 一个真实、清晰的王岐山[情怀依旧]
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&4.A crowd blocks the passage of Soviet tanks on a road
near Ganja, formerly Kirovabad, in Soviet Azerbaijan, on January 22, 1990. Troops
sent into the area last week to quell ethnic violence met both armed and peaceful
&&&&5.People buy teacups in the Vilnius downtown shop on Friday,
April 27, 1990. Despite an economic blockade of Lithuania by Soviet forces, shops
in Vilnius are well supplied with food and other goods as Lithuania entered the
10th day of a blockade.
&&&&6.Residents face a cordon of Soviet Interior Ministry troops
in front of the local Communist Party Headquarters in the Tajikistan capital of
Dushanbe, on February 15, 1990. Soviet authorities declared a state of emergency
in the city, following ethnic rioting.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&&&第 3 楼
16:48:30 编辑过
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&第 4 楼
&&&&4.A crowd blocks the passage of Soviet tanks on a road
near Ganja, formerly Kirovabad, in Soviet Azerbaijan, on January 22, 1990. Troops
sent into the area last week to quell ethnic violence met both armed and peaceful
&&&&5.People buy teacups in the Vilnius downtown shop on Friday,
April 27, 1990. Despite an economic blockade of Lithuania by Soviet forces, shops
in Vilnius are well supplied with food and other goods as Lithuania entered the
10th day of a blockade.
&&&&6.Residents face a cordon of Soviet Interior Ministry troops
in front of the local Communist Party Headquarters in the Tajikistan capital of
Dushanbe, on February 15, 1990. Soviet authorities declared a state of emergency
in the city, following ethnic rioting.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&第 5 楼
&& 跟帖回复:
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&& 跟帖回复:
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&& 跟帖回复:
@贾冀豫 不久前在凯迪发的图片
&&&&索非亚大学生怀念过去 在广场示威已经好几个月了
| 踩 | 回复 | 引用 | 举报
&& 跟帖回复:
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&& 跟帖回复:
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wlwork05 &
&& 引用回复:
转至第8楼第 8 楼 腥臭派掌门
@贾冀豫 不久前在凯迪发的图片
&&&&索非亚大学生怀念过去 在广场示威已经好几个月了怀念过去的可以来中国和朝鲜继续共产主义道路啊,听说越南小兄弟都不准备玩社会主义了,他们是不是傻啊!
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&7.Two Soviet paratroopers inspect weapons confiscated from
a local militia organization in Kaunas, Lithuania on Sunday, March 26, 1990. Soviet
President Gorbachev ordered all Lithuanians to surrender their firearms to Soviet
&&&&8.Soviet mothers who lost their sons in the Red Army are
held back by State militia as they hold photographs of their loved ones in Red
Square, on Monday, December 24, 1990. A group of about 200 Soviet parents who have
all lost sons through ethnic violence and accidents within the Soviet armed services
demonstrated outside the Kremlin. 6,000 Soviet service men were killed during 1990.
&&&&9.About 100,000 demonstrators march on the Kremlin in Moscow
on January 20, 1991. Many called for the resignation of Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev protesting against the Soviet army crackdown against the nationalist
Lithuanian authorities. Lithuania had been the first Baltic Republic to proclaim
its independence in March 1990.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&10.Soviet soldiers patrol an emptied Red Square in Moscow,
on March 27, 1991, after the area had been blocked off in anticipation of a pro-Yeltsin
&&&&11.Anti-Soviet political graffiti filled an entire wall
in Vilnius on January 17, 1991. The wall surrounding the Lithuanian parliament
was erected to defend against a possible raid by Soviet troops. Many Soviet army
deserters pinned their draft cards to a defaced poster of President Mikhail Gorbachev.
&&&&12.In this photo taken on January 13, 1991, a Lithuanian
demonstrator runs in front of a Soviet Red Army tank during an assault on the Lithuanian
Radio and Television station in Vilnius. Soviet troops opened fire on unarmed civilians
in Vilnius, killing 13 people and injuring 100 others.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&13.An armed Lithuanian volunteer guard wakes up as his
fellow compatriot slept in Vilnius, Lithuania, on January 23, 1991. Hundreds of
gunmen held vigil in the heavily fortified Lithuanian parliament while Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev urged all Baltic republics to prevent further violence.
&&&&14.Pall-bearers carry a flag-draped casket during a funeral
procession through Vilnius, on January 16, 1991, for 10 of the 13 people killed
when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian broadcast center the previous weekend.
Hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians jammed the procession route to mourn their
national heroes.
&&&&15.Hundreds of thousands of protesters pack Moscow's Manezh
Square next to the Kremlin, on March 10, 1991, demanding that Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev and his fellow Communists give up power. The crowd, estimated
at 500,000, was the biggest anti-government demonstration in the 73 years of since
the Communists took power, and came a week before the nationwide referendum on
Gorbachev's union treaty.
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凯迪小学 |
位注册用户,目前在线 21065 人 &&
报信人 &|&
10816 次点击
16:42:35 发布在 凯迪社区 & 猫眼看人
&&&&1A woman reaches into her bag, which rests on a fallen
Soviet hammer-and-sickle on a Moscow street in 1991..
&&&&2.Lithuanians carry Lithuanian flags in the center of Vilnius
on January 10, 1990, during demonstration asking for the country""""s independence.
In early 1990, Sajudis-Reform Movement of Lithuania backed candidates won the elections
to the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet. On March 11, 1990, the Supreme Soviet proclaimed
the re-establishment of Lithuanian independence. The Baltic republics were in forefront
of the struggle for independence and Lithuania was the first of the Soviet republics
to declare independence.
&&&&3.Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, center, in animated
conversation with residents of Vilnius, Lithuania, on Thursday, January 11, 1990.
Gorbachev was in the Lithuanian capital to press for reversal of the local communist
party""""s decision to split from Moscow and to slow the republic""""s drive for
complete independence.
疯狂的苏维埃!苏联时代的七大超级大项目(组图) [最爱汤姆猫]
[NHK]苏维埃的崩溃 苏联八一九事件 [喜剧之王]
推荐:电影《苏维埃的故事》――《苏联往事》 [寻找家园]
历史上的今天:最高苏维埃宣布苏联正式解体! [网贴鉴定师]
苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,简称苏联 [符德赛]
【人物】 一个真实、清晰的王岐山[情怀依旧]
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&4.A crowd blocks the passage of Soviet tanks on a road
near Ganja, formerly Kirovabad, in Soviet Azerbaijan, on January 22, 1990. Troops
sent into the area last week to quell ethnic violence met both armed and peaceful
&&&&5.People buy teacups in the Vilnius downtown shop on Friday,
April 27, 1990. Despite an economic blockade of Lithuania by Soviet forces, shops
in Vilnius are well supplied with food and other goods as Lithuania entered the
10th day of a blockade.
&&&&6.Residents face a cordon of Soviet Interior Ministry troops
in front of the local Communist Party Headquarters in the Tajikistan capital of
Dushanbe, on February 15, 1990. Soviet authorities declared a state of emergency
in the city, following ethnic rioting.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&&&第 3 楼
16:48:30 编辑过
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&第 4 楼
&&&&4.A crowd blocks the passage of Soviet tanks on a road
near Ganja, formerly Kirovabad, in Soviet Azerbaijan, on January 22, 1990. Troops
sent into the area last week to quell ethnic violence met both armed and peaceful
&&&&5.People buy teacups in the Vilnius downtown shop on Friday,
April 27, 1990. Despite an economic blockade of Lithuania by Soviet forces, shops
in Vilnius are well supplied with food and other goods as Lithuania entered the
10th day of a blockade.
&&&&6.Residents face a cordon of Soviet Interior Ministry troops
in front of the local Communist Party Headquarters in the Tajikistan capital of
Dushanbe, on February 15, 1990. Soviet authorities declared a state of emergency
in the city, following ethnic rioting.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&第 5 楼
&& 跟帖回复:
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
| 踩 | 回复 | 引用 | 举报
&& 跟帖回复:
@贾冀豫 不久前在凯迪发的图片
&&&&索非亚大学生怀念过去 在广场示威已经好几个月了
| 踩 | 回复 | 引用 | 举报
&& 跟帖回复:
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
| 踩 | 回复 | 引用 | 举报
wlwork05 &
&& 引用回复:
转至第8楼第 8 楼 腥臭派掌门
@贾冀豫 不久前在凯迪发的图片
&&&&索非亚大学生怀念过去 在广场示威已经好几个月了怀念过去的可以来中国和朝鲜继续共产主义道路啊,听说越南小兄弟都不准备玩社会主义了,他们是不是傻啊!
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&7.Two Soviet paratroopers inspect weapons confiscated from
a local militia organization in Kaunas, Lithuania on Sunday, March 26, 1990. Soviet
President Gorbachev ordered all Lithuanians to surrender their firearms to Soviet
&&&&8.Soviet mothers who lost their sons in the Red Army are
held back by State militia as they hold photographs of their loved ones in Red
Square, on Monday, December 24, 1990. A group of about 200 Soviet parents who have
all lost sons through ethnic violence and accidents within the Soviet armed services
demonstrated outside the Kremlin. 6,000 Soviet service men were killed during 1990.
&&&&9.About 100,000 demonstrators march on the Kremlin in Moscow
on January 20, 1991. Many called for the resignation of Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev protesting against the Soviet army crackdown against the nationalist
Lithuanian authorities. Lithuania had been the first Baltic Republic to proclaim
its independence in March 1990.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&10.Soviet soldiers patrol an emptied Red Square in Moscow,
on March 27, 1991, after the area had been blocked off in anticipation of a pro-Yeltsin
&&&&11.Anti-Soviet political graffiti filled an entire wall
in Vilnius on January 17, 1991. The wall surrounding the Lithuanian parliament
was erected to defend against a possible raid by Soviet troops. Many Soviet army
deserters pinned their draft cards to a defaced poster of President Mikhail Gorbachev.
&&&&12.In this photo taken on January 13, 1991, a Lithuanian
demonstrator runs in front of a Soviet Red Army tank during an assault on the Lithuanian
Radio and Television station in Vilnius. Soviet troops opened fire on unarmed civilians
in Vilnius, killing 13 people and injuring 100 others.
| 回复 | 引用 |
&& 跟帖回复:
&&&&13.An armed Lithuanian volunteer guard wakes up as his
fellow compatriot slept in Vilnius, Lithuania, on January 23, 1991. Hundreds of
gunmen held vigil in the heavily fortified Lithuanian parliament while Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev urged all Baltic republics to prevent further violence.
&&&&14.Pall-bearers carry a flag-draped casket during a funeral
procession through Vilnius, on January 16, 1991, for 10 of the 13 people killed
when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian broadcast center the previous weekend.
Hundreds of thousands of Lithuanians jammed the procession route to mourn their
national heroes.
&&&&15.Hundreds of thousands of protesters pack Moscow's Manezh
Square next to the Kremlin, on March 10, 1991, demanding that Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev and his fellow Communists give up power. The crowd, estimated
at 500,000, was the biggest anti-government demonstration in the 73 years of since
the Communists took power, and came a week before the nationwide referendum on
Gorbachev's union treaty.
发表于:14-08-02 04:39
&&&&19.A crowd gathers around a personnel carrier as some people
climb aboard the vehicle and try to block its advance near Red Square in downtown
Moscow, on August 19, 1991. Military vehicles were on the streets of Moscow following
the announcement that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was replaced by Gennady
I. Yanayev in a coup attempt by hard-line Communists.
&&&&20.Supporters of Russian president Yeltsin roll a large
metal pipe to use as a barricade near the Russian federation building in Moscow,
on August 19, 1991, following a military coup attempt by Soviet hardliners.
&&&&21.Russian President Boris Yeltsin (left) stands on top
of an armored vehicle parked in front of the Russian Federation building as supporters
hold a Russian federation flag on August 19, 1991, during a coup attempt. Yeltsin
addressed a crowd of supporters calling for a general strike.
&&&&22.A picture shows Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev speaking
in a video message taped on August 19, 1991, the second day of his captivity. Gorbachev
said there had been an unconstitutional coup and that he was completely well. Photo
taken on August 25, 1991.
&&&&23.A pro-democracy demonstrator fights with a Soviet soldier
on top of a tank parked in front of the Russian Federation building on August 19,
1991, after a coup toppled Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. The same day, thousands
in Moscow, Leningrad, and other cities answered Russian Republic President Boris
Yeltsin's call to raise barricades against tanks and troops.
&&&&24.A defiant Russian President Boris Yeltsin (left) raises
a fist to his supporters from the Russian Federation building in Moscow on August
19, 1991, calling on them to hold a general strike and to resist the pro-communist
coup against Soviet President Gorbachev.
&&&&25.Over 50,000 people ignore a declared state of emergency
and gather in front of the Russian parliament building in order to support Boris
Yeltsin, on August 20, 1991.
&&&&26.A pro-democracy demonstrator argues with a Soviet soldier
late on August 20, 1991, as a tank blocked access to the center of Moscow.
&&&&27.Residents play music and talk to soldiers in front of
the Russian White House in central Moscow early on August 20, 1991.
&&&&28.People stand on a barricade in front the Russian White
House in Moscow on August 21, 1991.
&&&&29.A soldier waves a Russian flag from the top of his tank
as armored units leave their positions in Moscow following the collapse of the
military coup against president Gorbachev on August 21, 1991. Coup leaders fled
the capital and president Gorbachev was rumored to be returning soon.
&&&&30.Part of a large crowd, outside the Russian Parliament
building in Moscow, celebrates the news that the hardline Communist coup has failed,
on August 22, 1991.
&&&&30.1991年8 月22日,在俄罗斯议会大厦前,拥挤的人群中的一部分在庆祝强硬的共产主义政变的失败。
&&&&31.Celebrations in Moscow after the failure of the coup
attempt, and remembrances of those killed in the violence, in August of 1991.
&&&&32.A crowd watches the statue of KGB founder Dzerzhinsky
being toppled in Lubyanskaya Square in Moscow, on August 22, 1991.
&&&&33.President Mikhail Gorbachev, in the Soviet Parliament
right after his return from being under house arrest during the August, 1991 coup.
&&&&34.People follow a funeral procession for the victims of
the coup in front of Russian White House in Moscow on August 24, 1991, after the
coup attempt failed.
&&&&35.A group of Boris Yeltsin supporters rip apart one of
the barricades surrounding the Russian federation building in Moscow, on August
25, 1991, following a coup attempt a few days before that eventually failed.
&&&&36.A Baku resident uses an axe to hack apart a placard
showing a portrait of Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin, on
September 21, 1991. Azerbaijan was proclaimed a Soviet Socialist Republic by Soviet
Union in 1920. The Azeri National Council voted for its declaration of independence
发表于:14-08-02 11:34


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