
account number 帐目编号
depositor 存户
pay-in slip 存款单
a deposit form 存款单
a banding machine 自动存取机
to deposit 存款
deposit receipt 存款收据
private deposits 私人存款
certificate of deposit 存单
deposit book, passbook 存折
credit card 信用卡
principal 本金
overdraft, overdraw 透支
to counter sign 双签
to endorse 背书
endorser 背书人
to cash 兑现
to honor a cheque 兑付
to dishonor a cheque 拒付
to suspend payment 止付
cheque,check 支票
cheque book 支票本
order cheque 记名支票
bearer cheque 不记名支票
crossed cheque 横线支票
blank cheque 空白支票
rubber cheque 空头支票
cheque stub, counterfoil 票根
cash cheque 现金支票
traveler's cheque 旅行支票
cheque for transfer 转帐支票
outstanding cheque 未付支票
canceled cheque 已付支票
forged cheque 伪支票
Bandar's note 庄票,银票
banker 银行家
president 行长
savings bank 储蓄银行
Chase Bank 大通银行
National City Bank of New York 花旗银行
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行
Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行
central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行
bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行
commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行
member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行
discount bank 贴现银行
exchange bank 汇兑银行
requesting bank 委托开证银行
issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行
advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行
negotiation bank 议付银行
confirming bank 保兑银行
paying bank 付款银行
associate banker of collection 代收银行
consigned banker of collection 委托银行
clearing bank 清算银行
local bank 本地银行
domestic bank 国内银行
overseas bank 国外银行
unincorporated bank 钱庄
branch bank 银行分行
trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行
trust company 信托公司
financial trust 金融信托公司
unit trust 信托投资公司
trust institution 银行的信托部
credit department 银行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)
neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所
credit union 合作银行
credit bureau 商业兴信所
self-service bank 无人银行
land bank 土地银行
construction bank 建设银行
industrial and commercial bank 工商银行
bank of communications 交通银行
mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行
post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行
mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行
industrial bank 实业银行
home loan bank 家宅贷款银行
reserve bank 准备银行
chartered bank 特许银行
corresponding bank 往来银行
merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行
investment bank 投资银行
import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行
joint venture bank 合资银行
money shop, native bank 钱庄
credit cooperatives 信用社
clearing house 票据交换所
public accounting 公共会计
business accounting 商业会计
cost accounting 成本会计
depreciation accounting 折旧会计
computerized accounting 电脑化会计
general ledger 总帐
subsidiary ledger 分户帐
cash book 现金出纳帐
cash account 现金帐
journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐
bad debts 坏帐
investment 投资
surplus 结余
idle capital 游资
economic cycle 经济周期
economic boom 经济繁荣
economic recession 经济衰退
economic depression 经济萧条
economic crisis 经济危机
economic recovery 经济复苏
inflation 通货膨胀
deflation 通货收缩
devaluation 货币贬值
revaluation 货币增值
international balance of payment 国际收支
favourable balance 顺差
adverse balance 逆差
hard currency 硬通货
soft currency 软通货
international monetary system 国际货币制度
the purchasing power of money 货币购买力
money in circulation 货币流通量
note issue 纸币发行量
national budget 国家预算
national gross product 国民生产总值
public bond 公债
stock, share 股票
debenture 债券
treasury bill 国库券
debt chain 债务链
direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇
indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇
cross rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率
foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外汇储备
foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动
foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机
discount 贴现
discount rate, bank rate 贴现率
gold reserve 黄金储备
money (financial) market 金融市场
stock exchange 股票交易所
broker 经纪人
commission 佣金
bookkeeping 簿记
bookkeeper 簿记员
an application form 申请单
bank statement 对帐单
letter of credit 信用证
strong room, vault 保险库
equitable tax system 等价税则
specimen signature 签字式样
banking hours, business hours 营业时间
  acquiring company 收购公司
  bad loan 呆帐  金融 英语 词汇
  chart of cash flow 现金流量表
  clearly-established ownership 产权清晰
  debt to equity 债转股
  diversity of equities 股权多元化
  economy of scale 规模经济 金融英语词汇
  emerging economies 新兴经济
  exchange-rate regime 汇率机制
  fund and financing 筹资融资
  global financial architecture 全球金融体系
  global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化
  go public 上市 金融英语词汇
  growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长
  have one’s "two commas" 百万富翁
  hedge against 套期保值
  housing mortgage 住房按揭
  holdings 控股,所持股份
  holding company 控股公司
  initial offerings 原始股
  initial public offerings 首次公募
  innovative business 创新企业
  intellectual capital 智力资本
  inter-bank lending 拆借
  internet customer 网上客户
  investment payoff period 投资回收期
  joint-stock 参股
  mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人
  means of production 生产要素
  (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases
  mergers and acquisitions 并购
  mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业
  moods 人气
  net potato 网虫
  non-store seling 直销
  offering 新股
  online-banking 网上银行业
  online-finance 在线金融
  online client (银行的)网上客户
  paper profit 帐面收益
  physical assets 有形资产
  project fund system 项目资本金 制度
  pyramid sale 传销
  recapitalize 资产重组
  regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团
  regulate 调控
  sell off 变现
  share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权
  smart card 智能卡
  slash prices 杀价
  spare capacity 闲置的生产能力
  strong growth 强劲的增长势头
  switch trade 转手贸易
  take…public 上市
  tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产
  transaction (银行的) 交易
  transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付
  venture-capital 风险资本
  virtual bank 虚拟银行
  wire transfer 电子转帐
第一部分 中国的银行业
liquid funds&&
channel 引入,注入
impulse 推动力,刺激
macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理
in response to 随……
specialized bank 专业银行
Decision on Financial Reform 关于金融改革的决定
comprehensive package of measures
inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力
signs of overheating 市场过热现象
structural measure 结构上的措施
exchange rate 汇率
current account convertibility
inter-bank money market 银行间货币市场
segregation 拆分
policy bank 政策性银行
infrastructural project 基础设施项目
joint-equity 合资
soft landing 软着陆
retail price index 零售物价指数
subdue 征服
sustainable rate 可持续增长的比率
negative impact 消极影响
capital inflow 资本流入
official foreign exchange reserve
resilience 反弹
aggregate financing 融资总量
full-fledged 成熟的
Law of the People’s Bank of China
issue currency 发行货币
circulation 流通
fiscal agent 财政代理
fiscal deficit 财政赤字
sound financial order 良好的金融秩序
overhaul 大修,取代,裁撤
indirect policy instrument 间接政策手段
credit ceiling 贷款额度
reserve ratio 准备金率
fixed assets 固定资产
commercial bank 商业银行
World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
profit-driven entities 盈利实体
internationally compatible 与国际接轨的
appropriate disclosure standards
listing 股票上市,股票挂牌
intermediary services 中间业务
international settlement 国际结算
cost structure 成本结构
regulatory standards 调节标准,调节规范
economic transition 经济转型
magnitude 规模
risk management 风险管理
prudential management 审慎管理
risk monitoring and warning system
proceeds 收益
capital adequacy ratio 资本充足率
loan approval 贷款核准
loan release 贷款发放
insolvent 无偿付能力,破产
liquidation procedures 清算程序
fit-and-proper test 称职测试
asset management company 资产管理公司
non-performing loans 不良贷款
resource allocation 资源配置
enforceability of bank claims 银行债权的追讨
ownership structure 所有制结构
corporate governance 法人治理
incentive structure 激励机制
open market transactions 公开市场业务
fine-tuning 微调
modes of transaction 交易方式
settlement and clearing system 清算系统
rediscount business (票据的)再贴现业务
required reserve system 法定准备金制度
accounting period 会计年度
intermediate rate 中间利率
interest rate liberalization 利率自由化
bank lending rates 银行贷款利率
deposit rates 存款利率
retail deposit interest rate 小额存款利率
share-holding banks 股份制银行
controlling share 控股股份
capital replenishment system 资本金补充制度
information disclosure 信息披露
credit cooperatives 信用合作社
national treatment 国民待遇
accounting system 会计制度
rating agency 信用评级机构
第二部分 银行监管
misappropriation 盗用
operating procedures 操作程序
discretion 判断力
accounting entry 会计分录
creditor 债权人
mobilize 动员
distribute 分发,分配
public good 公共利益
accord 协议
liquidity drain 流动性丧失
deposit insurance fund 存款保险基金
in a safe and sound manner 安然无恙的
bank runs 银行运行
the fund’s loss 基金损失
prompt intervention 迅速干涉
remedial measure 补救措施
responsive to 对……敏感
thrust 推力
monopoly 垄断
anti-competitive practices 反对竞争的行为
bank capital requirements 银行资本金要求
dividend limitations 股息限制
impair 削弱
regulatory authorities 监管当局
accounting principle 会计准则
independent audit 独立审计
financial position 财务状况
counter-party risk 交易对手风险
orderly exit 有序退出
problem bank 问题银行
systemic protection 系统保护
operational independence 独立运行
solvent institution 有偿付能力的机构
cognation 同族
distortion 变形,曲解,失真
market signal 市场信号
chartering banks 特许银行
pre-filing stage 提出申请阶段
application stage 申请阶段
organizing stage 组织阶段
premise (企业、机构等使用的)房屋;院内的土地;房产
pro forma financial statement 预测财务报表
projection 预测
market-entry ticket 进入市场的凭证
statute 法令,条例
in compliance with 遵守
expertise 专家的意见,专门的技术
the Basle Committee 巴塞尔委员会
endorsement 背书,签注,认可
venture 冒险,投机,风险
integrity 诚信
standing 信誉名望
be consistent with 与……一致
deploy 展开
cross-checking 相互校验,反复核对
dual control of assets 资产的双重控制
double signatures 双重签名
track record 记录
deemed to be detrimental to 被认为对……有害
financial projection 财务预测
start-up costs 启动成本
initial capital amount 启动资本数量
corporate parent 母公司
the Basle Minimum Standards 巴塞尔最低标准
a consolidated basis 统一(合并)的基础
be notified of 通报
indirect investment 间接投资
in respect of 关于
acquisition 兼并
a wide array of 大量的
perspective 观点
potential 潜在的
credit risk 信贷风险
on-and off-balance sheet 表内和表外项目
write off 勾销,注销(债款);报废
suspend 暂停
repricing risk 重定价风险
yield curve 收益率曲线
optionality 可选择性,随意
portfolio 资产组合
deregulate 解除管制
insolvency 无力偿还,破产
unethical 不道德的,缺乏职业道德的
be susceptible to 易受影响的
comply with 符合,遵守
financial distress 财务困难
directorate 董事会,管理局
prudential rules 审慎规则
imprudent 轻率的,鲁莽的
supplant 排挤掉,代替
dynamic 动态的
asset concentration 资产集中
loan classification system 贷款分类系统
adequacy of loan loss reserves 足够的贷款损失储备
risk management 风险管理
internal control 内部控制
equity capital 股本权益
revenue 收入
capital adequacy ratios 资本充足率
risk profile 风险组合
asset quality 资产质量
in a timely fashion 及时地,适时地
core capital 核心资本
tier one capital 一级资本
retain earning 留存收益
surplus 盈余
supplementary capital 补充资金
revaluation reserves 重估储备金
hidden reserves 秘密准备金
subordinated term 从属条款
risk weight 风险权重
undercapitalized 资本金不足
merger 合并
volatility of price 价格不稳定
correlation assumption 相关性假设
non-linear price
characteristics&& 非线性价格特性
plus factor 正因素
independent risk control unit 独立风险控制部门
risk-sensitive 风险敏感的
one-size-fits-all framework 一成不变的框架
ratings based 以评级为基础的
default of the borrower 借贷者不履行还款责任
commensurate with 与……相称的
highly leveraged 高举债经营的
provisions 备用金
bad debt 呆账,坏账
advance 预付款
extension of credits 信贷延期
obligor 债务人
collateral 担保品
capital injection 资本(金)注入
liquidation proceedings 清算诉讼
liens 抵押留置权
refinancing plans 再融资计划
salvage value 残余价值
contingent liabilities 或有债务
have an adverse bearing on 对……有不利影响
overdue loans 过期贷款
doubtful loans 可疑贷款
overdraft 透支
assets portfolio 投资组合资产
liquidity ratio 流动比率
liquidity squeeze 流动资金紧张
cushion 偿债安全余量,缓冲
mismatch 未扎平的,不相配的
audit function 审计职能
on-site surveillance 非现场监管
in the short or medium term 从中短期来看
annual reports 年报
under the auspices of 在……的赞助下
secondary market 二级市场
equity 股本
leverage ratios 杠杆率
volatile markets 剧烈变动的市场
loan loss provisions 贷款损失准备金
loss reserves 损失准备金
examiner-in-charge 检查组组长
internal audit 内部审计
contingency funding 应急开支准备金
compliance 合规性
composite rating 综合评定
lending policies 贷款制度
total loan volume 贷款总额
loan covenants 贷款契约
board of directors 董事会
buy-outs 买断
loan appraisal 贷款评估
outstanding loans 未偿贷款
financial health 财务正常
income statement 损益表
financial position and prospects 财务现状和前景
cash flow 现金流量
benchmark 基准
assets quality rating 资产质量评级
service the loan 偿还贷款
unassisted merger 有偿合并
deposit insurance fund 存款保险基金
indemnifying 保障补偿
put option 出售期权
revamp 改组;补修,翻新;修订,改进
market-oriented financial system 市场导向的金融体制
operational independence 自主经营
corporation affiliation 公司联营机构
第三部分 中国的外汇体制
conditional current account
convertability&& 有条件的经常项目可兑换
managed floating exchange
rate&& 有管理的浮动汇率
International Monetary Fund
non-resident banks&& 外国银行
balance of payments&& 国际支付
payment voucher&& 支付凭证
bank certificate of deposit&&
circulation&& 流通
foreign exchange surrender business 外汇止付业务
debt service accounts 一般结算账户
revoke&& 撤销
reference rate&& 参考利率
ceiling&& 最高限额
advise&& 通知
export proceeds 出口收入
verify&& 查证,核验
receipts&& 收入
call money&& 活期贷款
fraud of foreign
designated foreign exchange
capital account
第四部分 会计
Ⅰ 财务会计
communicate 传达;告知;交流
financial statement 财务报表
monetary 货币的
warrant 为……提供充足的根据
outlet 销售点,销路
sound 健康的,合理的
bookkeeping 记账,簿记
transactions 交易
virtually 实质上
apply to 适用于
day-to-day 日常的
evaluate 评价,评估
corrective action 矫正的行为
merchandise 用于买卖的货物,商品
inventory 库存,存货
creditors 债权人
venture (为盈利而进行冒险的)企业;短期投资,商业冒险
monitor 监控
analyze 分析
keep up with 跟上
Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报
Business Weekly 商业周刊(杂志)
Forbes&& 福布斯(杂志)
Fortune 财富(杂志)
projection 预测,估计;规划项目
disclose 透露,披露
authorities 当局
income tax 所得税
nonprofit organizations 非盈利性组织
profit-oriented 利润导向的
budgets 预算
payrolls 工资单
recession (经济衰退)
standard of living 生活水平
auditing 审计
in accordance with 符合,按照
comply with 遵守,符合
tax returns 纳税申报单
management consulting 管理咨询
cost accounting 成本会计
flow charts 流程图
internal auditing 内部审计
financial accounting 财务会计
stockholders 股东
guidelines 指导方针
stand for 代表
strive to 奋力
the entity concept 会计主体概念
the reliability principle 可靠性原则
the cost principle 成本原则
the going concern concept 持续经营原则
drastically 激烈地,彻底地
come up with 提出,赶上
accounting record 会计记录,会计簿籍
verifiable 能证实的
document 为……提供文件(证明)
actual cost 实际成本
historical cost 历史成本
Pound Sterling 英镑
take…into account 将……考虑在内
inflation-adjusted amount 扣除通货膨胀影响的金额
owner’s equity 股东权益
subtract 减去
accounting equation 会计公式
to buy on credit 赊购
account receivable 应收账款
note receivable 应收票据
account payable 应付账款
note payable 应付票据
residual 残值
current asset 流动资产
time span 时期,时间间隔
operating cycle 经营周期
fixed asset 固定资产
assess 评估
current liabilities 流动负债
in installment 分期
twofold 两倍
proprietorship 所有权;独资企业
designate 指定
ledger 分类账
equilibrium 平衡
set forth 提出
profit and loss statement 损益表
homogeneous&& 同类的,相似的,均一的
balance sheet 资产负债表
cash flow 现金流
succinctly 简洁地
financial status 财务状况
specimen 样本
retained earnings 留存收益
revenues 收入
working capital 营运资本
dividend 股利
acquiring company &&
&&& 收购公司
bad loan &&
chart of cash flow &&
&& 现金流量表
clearly-established ownership &&
debt to equity &&
&&& 债转股
diversity of equities &&
economy of scale &&
&& 规模经济
emerging economies &&
&& 新兴经济
exchange-rate regime &&
&&& 汇率机制
fund and financing &&
&& 筹资融资
global financial architecture &&
&& 全球金融体系
global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化
go public &&
growth spurt &&
&& (经济的)急剧增长
have one’s "two commas"
&&& 百万富翁
hedge against &&
&& 套期保值
housing mortgage &&
&& 住房按揭
holdings &&
holding company &&
&& 控股公司
initial offerings &&
&&& 原始股
initial public offerings 首次公募
innovative business &&
&& 创新企业
intellectual capital &&
&&& 智力资本
inter-bank lending &&
internet customer &&
&&& 网上客户
investment payoff period 投资回收期
joint-stock &&
mall rat &&
means of production &&
&& 生产要素
(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases
mergers and acquisitions 并购
mobile-phone banking &&
net potato &&
non-store seling &&
offering &&
online-banking &&
&&& 网上银行业
online-finance &&
&&& 在线金融
online client &&
&& (银行的)网上客户
paper profit &&
&& 帐面收益
physical assets &&
&& 有形资产
project fund system &&
pyramid sale &&
recapitalize &&
&& 资产重组
regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团
regulate &&
sell off &&
share(stock) option &&
smart card &&
&&& 智能卡
slash prices &&
spare capacity &&
&& 闲置的生产能力
strong growth &&
switch trade &&
&& 转手贸易
take…public &&
tap the idle assets &&
&&& 盘活存量资产
transaction (银行的)
transfer payment from the exchequer
venture-capital &&
&& 风险资本
virtual bank &&
&& 虚拟银行
wire transfer &&
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。当前位置: &
英文翻译retire a billretire documentsretire shipping documents&&&& ransom&&&& destin ...&&&&retire up bill&&&&partial retirement of shipping documen ...&&&&partial retirement of shipping documen ...&&&&redeem sth. pawned
赎当物品 redeem p ...&&&&Ⅰ动词1.(用财物换回抵押品) ransom
赎 ...&&&&sth. out of pledge&&&&a bamboo trunk for books&&&&redeem powned goods&&&&bookworm&&&&redeemer&&&&[书面语] written messages&&&& redemption period&&&&list
例句与用法To honour the draft on presentation : this phrase has the same meaning as “ to retire the shipping documents付款赎单此术语与“为装船单据付清款项”同义。 The value of cargo shall be the gif price of goods . to the buyer , one may claim the loss of profit after payment against documents货物的价值一般为cif价格,但对买方来说,其付款赎单后还可以主张期得利益损失的赔偿。 Some are maybe due to the economic difficu lties that they cannot afford the redemption of b / l and some are real deceivers who never think for redemption at all有的可能因为经济困难,无力到银行赎单导致单证不能转到其手中;有的原本就存在欺诈意图而不去银行赎单。 The most unsatisfactory feature f the d / p form of transaction is the possibility of the buyer or his banker refusing to honour the draft and take up the shipping documents , especially at a time when the market is falling付款交单方式最不令人满意的特点是买方或其银行可能拒绝付款赎单,尤其在行市下跌的时候,其危害性更大。 I / we agree to duly accept upon notice or presentation and pay or pay at maturity of the drafts drawn under this letter of credit if the drafts and / or related documents appear in the discretion of yourselves or your agents to be correct on their face关于本信用状下之汇票及/或有关单据等如经贵行或贵行之代理行认为在表面上尚属无讹,申请人一经贵行通知或提示汇票时,应即赎单及付款或届期照付。 Expressions such as " first " , " prompt " , " immediate " , and the like should not be used in connection with presentation or with reference to any period of time within which documents have to be taken up or for any other action that is to be taken by the drawee诸如“首先迅速立即”和类似的表述,不应用于指提示或付款人赎单或采取任何其他行动的任何期限。如果采用了该类术语,银行将不予理会。 However , if no instruction for the return of the documents is actually received by the time the applicant has accepted and / or paid for the documents , we , at our absolute discretion , may release the documents to the applicant without reference to the presenter无论如何,如果(交单行)对于拒收的单据没有作任何解释,而事实上开证人已接受了或已付款赎单了,在这种情况下,就算没有交单行的指示我们也会将单据交给开证人About l / c * * * xx ( here number of credit ) , because exceed , put , hand in single and negotiable , issuing bank propose this item accord with a bit now , please notify applicant get issuing bank their retire document honoured , the issuing bank can arrange to pay the bill after accepting关于l / c * * * xx (此处为信用证号) ,由于超装交单议付,现开证行提出该项不符点,请通知applicant到其开证行赎单承兑,开证行受理后方可安排付款If our trade services department does not actually receive the presenter ' s instruction to return the douments by the time the applicant has accepted and / or paid for the documents , we , at our sole discretion , may realease the documents to the apllicant without reference to the presenter单据的处置条件-提交存在不符点的单据将被拒绝,我们将保管单据等待交单人的指示,无论如何,如果我们的贸易服务部在未实际收到交单人的返还存在不符点的单据的指示前,开征申请人已经接受单据或者已缴款赎单,我们,凭我们的独有的判断力认为可以放单而不顾及交单人。 &&
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